Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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STATION FEATURE OPERATION infinite DVX ’ and DVX ’ DigWal Key Telephone Systems TO review the next l&t entry: c. Dial the station where the call is to be a. Press the HOLD button. transferred. To review the prwious list en- a. Press the TRANS button. d. When the 2nd station answers, you are in a supervised transfer mode [lst station is staged for transfer]. 400.41 RVTERCOM CALTJNG Placing an Intercom Call a. Press the DSS button of the party to be called (if prograrnm ed at your phone). & the three-digit extension number (100 to 155). e. Hang up (station 1 and 2 are connected]. Intercom transfer using DSS buttons: a. Receive or make an intercom calI using a DSS button. b.Press the TRANS button. Intercom dial tone is heard. c. Press the DSS button where call is to be transferred. d. Hang up (station 1 and 2 are connected). b.You witi hear ringing if called station is in the TN” answering mode; or two bursts of tone ff called statfan is in the “HF” or “PV” position. c. Uft the handset or use the speakerphone, after the i3vo tone bursts stop. d. Iiang up to end the call. Answering an Intercom Call With your intercom signal switch in the TN (right) mode, you will hear repeated bursts of intercom tone ringing and the HOLD button wU1 slow flash. a. Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF but- ton to answer. or Move the intercom signal switch to the ‘HJ? mode to reply. b. Replace the handset to end the call. In the “W mode, you will hear two bursts of tone and one-way announcement. The HOLD button will slow flash and the calling party cannot hear conversations in progress. a. Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF but- ton to answer, Or Move the intercom signal switch to the “HF mode to reply. 400.43 KEY?SET SELF Tl@T The infinite Digital Key System contains a test mode feature that Supports the off line testing of digital keysets and ‘DSS units. The term off line means that the unit under test is discoa- netted from the switch during the test opera- tion. Keysets not under test continue to operate in the normal manner. Tests are provided to verify the keyset and DSS LED, LCD, and key- board button operations. a.The test mode is entered by taking a keyset’s handset off hook. b. Press the SPEED button and dial I7#] on the dial pad. This keystroke sequence dis- connects the keyset from the system and brings up the Test Mode Menu on the keyset’s LCD. The test mode is exited by putting the handset back on hook. This reconnects the keyset to the system. ;j Test Mode Menu: The menu allows the operator to select a test mode by pressing the mode number at the dial pad. The operator can always return to the main test menu by pressing I##]. In the WI?” mode. you wi.Il hear two bursts of tone and an announcement. Replyhandsfree or lift the handset for privacy, MO.42 INTERCOM TRANSFER Intercom transfer without DSS buttons: a. Receive or make an intercom call, b.Press the TRAM button, Intercom dial tone is heard. A Eeyset LCD/LED Tc& This test outputs a series of continuously repeated LCD string messages to LCD lines I and 2. The set of strings consists of the letters ‘A’ through X and ‘a’ through ‘x’. The next set of sirkrgs are: l The strings are alternately displayed on lines 1 and 2 of the LCD display. 400-22 r8slle 1. JaIluEry 1993

iqfinite DVX’andDVKn ~jgital Key Telephone Systems STATION FEM’URK OPERATION l In addition, all the LEDs are flashed at the rate of 15 IPM. B. Keyset Button Test 1. Pressing a keyset button turns on the LED and displays an LCD message identifying the button number. 1 Pm m mTm.s I +**+t** ******* I In addition swWhing the I-TIP switch from one position to another will cause the letter ‘HJOS”, T-POS”, or “PPOS” to be ciis- played. 2.Pressing dial pad keys dispIays an LCD message that indicates which digit was pressed. 3.LEDs can be tested independent@ of the KEYS by pressing the flex LEJD number at thedialpad.Fore.xample,LED lOisturned on by pressing dial Pad digits “1” “0”. As each set of new numbers Is entered the previously lit LED is turned off and tbenew LED is turned on. Invalid flex values [ex 00.99) turn off currently lit LED. C. DSS ISD/Button Test When the DSS test is selected and a DSS test is invoked ALL DSSs associated with the keyset running the test are placed in test mode. Ifno DSS unit is associated tit the keyset, the keyset display wilI indicate “NO DES. The DSS LED test will cause all the LEDs to flash at a 15 IPM rate. Once started the DSS LED test will continue until a DSS flex button is depressed. Pressing a DSS flex * button turns on the flex key LED and dis- plays an LCD message on the associated keyset fdenfi@ng the flex button number (01 to 48). In addition. it turns off the previously selected flex LED. Conditions l Test mode interrupts the normal opera- tion of a keyset or DSS. 400.44 LAST NUMSER REDIAL a. Press the SPEED button. b-Press the pound I#] key. T’he last number dialed over an outside line will be automat- ic&y re-dialed. - The system will automatically select the original line used to place the calI and redial the number. - If that line is busy, the system will auto- matically select another Line from the same group and redial the number. - If no lines are available in the same group, station will receive busy tone and can queue for a line. - If the station user preselects a line before activating LNR the preselection will override the line which was used origi- nauv- 400.45 LEAST COST ROUTING To place an outside call when LCR has been enabJed in the system: a. Dial [9] on the dial pa;. b. Dial the desired seven-digit telephone number (Le.: 1+ area code+7-&git num- ber). c. Wait for an answer. Uft the handset or use the speakerphone to converse. If all hnes available to you are busy, remain off-hook for four seconds to automatically be queued onto LCR for an available line. If an LCR Queue Callback has been activated: a When telephone is signaled, answer the Call. b-Desired telephone number will automat- idly be re-dialed. If an LCR Queue Callback has been a-ted and you wish to cancel that callback request: a. Dial the LCR Queue Cancel code, 16261 on the dial pad. b. Replace the handset or press the ON/OFF button. 400.46 MEET ME PAGE To request another party to meet you on a page: a.Dial the desired two-c&it or three-digit pa.gQ code, y- pre-programmed* PAGING but&n. b. Request that party meet you on the page. c. Do not hang up: wait for the requested parSto ansWer.Assoonasthepagedparty answers and is connected to you, the page circuit is released. ~asue 1, January 1993 400-23

infinite DVX ’ and DVX ’ Digital Key Telephone Systems hswering a Meet Me Page a. Go to the nearest telephone and dial 1771 on the dial pad, Eess the pm-programmed* MEET ME PAGE ANSWER button. You will be con- nected to the party that paged you. *Refer to Sec. 400.37. Flexible Button Assignment. 400.47 IlEES%GE WAlTING Leaving a Message Waiting Indication: If you dial a station that is busy, unattended, or in DND, you can leave a message waiting indication. a. Dial the Message Waiting Code I6231 on the dial pad, Eea.s the MSG button. Called party’s MSG button wiIl siow flash. b. Replace the handset to end the call, Answering a Message Waiting Indication If your MSG button is flashing at a slow rate, you have a message waiting for you. The i%rst message left will be the tit one c&ed. a. Press flashing MSG button. Station that Ieftmessagewill be signaled with tone ring- ing* b. If called station does not answer, press MSG button once to leave message. 400.48 MUTEKEY The MUTE button provides privacy during speakerphone or handset operation by dis- abling the microphone. a. Press the MUTE button while off-hook on - speakerphone or handset to activate, b. Press the MUTE button again to deactivate, The mute feature automatically deacttvates upon call tertmnation. 400.48 NIGHT SERVICE FEATURE The Night Service feature will provide a means to put the system in night mode ffrom any keyset or remove the system from night mode from any keyset as long as the system was put in night mode by the Night Service feature flex button. If the system was placed in night mode by the attendant using her Night Sentice (DND) button or ifthe systemwas placed in night mode bythe automatic schedule, the Night Service flex but- ton can not remove the system from night mode. From an idle station: a Dial the Night Service feature code [604] on the dial pad. or Press the pre-programmed* Night Service flex button. The system is now in the Night Service Mode. To remove the Night Sewice Mode: b. Dial the Night Service feature code 16041 on the did pad again, or Press the pre-programmed’ Night Service flex button again. The system is now re- moved fkom the Night Service Mode. 400.50 OFF-EXKIK PREF&ENCE If your phone has been programmed for 0ff- Hook Preference, you will access an outside line, or a feature by going off-hook or pressing the ON/OFF button. While OfHIook Preference is enabled. you may access LnternaI intercom dial tone by: a. Pressing your pre-programmed* ICM but- ton, or dial your own three-digit intercom num- ber. (Do not lift handset or press ON/OFF button before diaXng intercom number.) LED lights steady and intercom dial tone wiIl be heard. b.You may now dial an internal station or Feature Access code. *Refer to Sec. 400.37, Flexible Button Assignment. 400.61 OFF HOOK V&E OVER (OHVO) This feature allows users, off-hook on a call [CO or Intercom). to receive a voice announcement through the handset receiver without inter- rupting the exisiing call. The V&e Over is muted so as not to ‘override” or ‘drown” out the &sting conversation. The overridden party may then respond to the calling party using CAMP-ON procedures to talk to the calling party or may use Silent Text Mess- to IX- spend to the calling partyvia U3D Displays. Placing an Off-Hook Voice Over [OHVO) call: When an OHVO station calls a busy OHVO station, and busy tone is received. a. The calling OHVO station dials the OHVO code (6283 on the dial pad, or presses a pre-progrred* OHVO button 400-24 Issue 1. January 1993

*tie DVX’andDvX’ D&ftal Key Telephone Systems STATION FEATURE OPERATION I-. to initiate an OHVO announcement. The HOLD button LED will flash at the called l The calling (originating] station and re- CR-IV0 station. ceiving station (STA B) must be OHVO digital terminals. b . Both OHVO stations will receive a one-beep warning tone. The station receiving the OHVO call must be off-hook and in the “HF” mode, and then the calling OHVO party may begin the voice announcement to the called OHVO party. The called OHVO station’s existing conversation will not be interrupted and the voice over an- nourxement will not “drowned” out the existing conversation. The calling OHVO station will not be connected to or other- wise be able to hear the called station’s conversation (the connection will only al- low the calling station to transmit to the called station). ti When the dialed station responds via Camp-On all conditions and options available to Camp-Gn apply (refer to the feature description for Camp-On). l OHVO may be used to notify the called party of a transferred call (CO Line or Lntercom) by announcing the call. then releasing to complete the transfer. When t+is occurs, the receiving station does not need to respond to the OHVO. 11 Responding to an Off-HookVoice Over (OHVO): After receiving an OHVO announcement, two options are available to respond to the calling Partu; l When a call is transferred via OHVO. the receiving station will not receive muted ringing after the transfer is complete. l Any messages including ‘CANNED”, ‘CUSTGM”, or ‘SIL?ZNTRESPONSE” text messaging may be used to respond to an OHVO call. The message will appear on the calling station and called station LCD displays. l.The called OHVO station may respond to the calling OHVO station by using the Camp-On feature. The called OHVO sta- tion presses the flashing HOLD button to consult with the calling station. The exist- ing call (CO line) goes on Exclusive Hold automatically. This method, then follows Carnp-On procedures and operation. 2. The called station may respond to the call- ing station by using the Silent Text MIX+ sagtng [this feature is only available to digital key terminals, and the calling sta- tion mustbe a dfgftal display terminal.) The - c&xi OHVO station may press pre-pro- grammed Message button to respond to the voice over announcement without being released from the current call, (i.e. by pressing a flex button pre-programmed for the message “IN MEETING”), the calling station will receive this message on the calling station’s LCD display. l If the calling station is a non-LCD term& nal, the called station will receive error tone when responding via text messag- ing. l The called station may press a flex but- ton programmed as a Text Message but- ton, (633#+XXl. This flex button may then be pressed to respond to the calling station. MMF digits will not be heard by eftber party. i ‘k... _ Conditions l The station receiving the OHVO call MUST be off-hook and in the ‘HF mode. l The receiving station must be pro- grammed to allow OHVO MRS. l When silent messaging is used to rez- spond to an OHVO call, the r&sting call on the called station will not be discon- nected. while the messages are being sent to the caUng station. l The calling station of an OHVO caIl must remain off-hook to receive silent mea- sages. The calling station’s voice trans- mitwill remain connected to the called station and may respond verbally to the text messages. The OHVO call ends when the calling station goes on-hmk. l lf the receiving station is on-hook in speakerphone mode and a calling party initiates OHVO. the receiving station will receive a Camp-On warning tone and normal Camp-On procedures are fol- lowed. Issue I. &muary 1993 400-25

STATION FEA’WRE OPERATION . iqfinite DVX’andDVX* DigItal Key Telephone Systems l The calfed station may send (multiple messages) and even after sending a mes- sage, may press the Camp-On button to talk to the calling station, Each time a message is sent, the spksh tone will be heard and both displays will be updated. l LED’s will follow Camp-On iJ3D lamping sequences. Each station can be programmed to allow re- ceiving OHVO cds as part of Station Program- ming. Each station may be programmed for OHVO in one of two ways, as follows: - OHVO disaIlowed (may not receive OH-v0 calls). - May receive OHVO calls. 400.52 PAGIWG If you have been given the ability to make page armouncements: a. Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF but- ton. b.lI)ze “,’ two-digit or three-digit paging p& pre-programmed5 PAGE button. 7O=AlI Call - Internal & l3xterna.I 7 l= Internal Zone 1 72= 1ntema.I Zone 2 73= Internal Zone 3 74= Internal Zone 4 75= Internal AU CaU 76[0]= External All CaIl (AU Ext tines] ?SIZ]= External Zone (DVX I 1-4. DVX ’ l-7) c. Speak in normal tone of voice to deliver message. k reweave .ringback tone until the zone 400.53 PBX/CENTREX TRANSFER While connected to an outside line IpBX/Cen- trex): a. Press the FUSH button. Receive transfer dial tone. b. Dial a PBX/Centrex station number. C. Hang up to complete transfer. 400.54 PERSONAL PARK Each station in the system (digital terminals and SLTs can piace a call into a personal park looation and then later retrieve that call from the originating station. While connected to an outside line: a. Press the TRANS button. The caller is put on Exclusive Hold. b. Dial the Personal Parklocation (2281 on the dial pad. Confirmation tone will be heard. Retrieving a Parked Call: a. From the station that parked the call, dial the Personal CalI Park Iocation code 12281 on the dial pad. Both the station and the call wiIl receive a warning tone and then a talk path is established between the two parties. Conditions: . . l Only one call can be parked in a Personal Call Park location at cme time. When dialing the personal park location and that location is already occupied, the initiating party receives a busy tone. The user may then press the TRANsfer but- ton to return to intercom dial tone to try a system park location l Intercom calls and CO line calls can be placed into the station’s personal park location. l Calls parked in a personal park location are subject to the “system” call park recall timer. * A call parked in a personal call park locatfon will recall to the station that parked the caIl when the call park recall timer expires. The call win ring fnto this station until the system hold timer ex- pires. The call will then reoaIl to the attendant(s) (at this point, the attendant station and the initiating station arc rh@r@. and the attendant recall timer is initiated. When the attendant recall timer expires. the eaU will be discon- nected. * A digital terminal user can program a flexible button as a Personal CaIl Park feature button which when pressed WIU park the call. Call Park retrieval can be performed by going off-hook, dialing the pound [#I key. then press the pro- grammed Personal Call Park button.

i@nLte DVX ’ and DVX J-I D&it,aI Ecy Telephone Spsteme STATION FEATURE OPERATION 400.55 PERSONALIZED -GES Each station can select a preassigned message to be displayed on the LCD of any key telephone calhg that station. There are ten possible messages which can be left. a. Dial 16331 on the dial pad, Or press a pre-programmed* MSG button. b.Dial the two-digit code for the meSSage which will appear. 00 01 t 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 1 clears message ON VACATION RETURNAM RETURNPM RETURNTOMORROW REruRNNExTwEER ON TRIP IN MElEnNG AT HOME ON BREAK AT LUNCH I As an enhancement to the original canned messages, station users can actiwte cer- tain messages that xxill allow the user to enter a spedfc time or a date of return. These messages will appear on calling sta- tion’s display to alert them of the de&red par&% return time or date. Users may activate the following messages and be prompted to enter a time or date of return: I 11 VACATION UNTIL: h4M/DD 12 RETURNz I3WMM xrn or MM/DD 13 ON TRIP UNTUz MM/DD 14 MEEnNG UNTIL HHrMMxm 15 AT HOME UIVlE HH:MMxm 16 ONBREAKUNTIL: HZ%IiWxm 17 AT LUNCH LINT& HFI:M?vf xm To activate a message with a custom return time or date, the station user: a. Dials the Message Access code {6X3] on the dial pad. b.Then dial the desired message number Ill - 171. c. Enter the date/time by using buttons on the dial pad a~ follows: A-21 ’ M =61 I 1 =l# ( “qO1 i B=22 IV=62 i 2=2# 1 .=02 : c =23 D =31 E =32 F =33 G =41 H =42 I =43 J -51 K =52 L=!53 0~63 ] 3=3# ] ?=03 P =71 Q =74 : 4=4# j /=04 5=5# I I=*1 Rs72 ; 6=6# ’ $=*2 1 s =73 i 7 =7# j o/b =*3 T=Bl U ~82 V =83 w=91 X ~92 Y =93 Z=94 8 =8# 9 =9# o=MI Space =ll : 212 - =13 ’ =14 I 1 & =*4 l G# I=#1 ] =#2 + =#3 = =#4 # =## d.Press HOLD to enter message. Confi- tion tone is received. ’ To cancel the message: a. The station user dials the Message Access Code (6331+ IO01 and hangs up. B. Pe.rsonaziz;ed Mtzrsages - Custom Each station can select fi-om ten possible custom messages to be displayed on the LCD of any key telephone calling that sta- tion. These messages are programmed from the first attendant station, 1. Dial 1633) on the dial pad, or press a pre-programmed* MSG button. 2. Digl the desired two-digit code (2 l-30) for the custom message desired. ‘Ihe first at- tendant should provide a list of messages to each station user. C. Ftrsonalizcd M-e Codt On AFkx Button You c2in pqrani the code [633) onto a flexible button to speed access of pre-se- lected messages. 1. Press the SPEED button twice. 2. Press the desired flex button. L3ZD flashes. 3. Dial I6331 + I#] on the dial pad. ConfIrma- tion tone is heard. The user can now press that flex button and dial the two-digit canned message number @O-10), or the two-digit custom message number (21-30) to activate or deactivate the message. Con- fInnation tone will be heard. Conditions: * The telephone receiving the message must be a display telephone.

~mYI”ION =- OPERA’i’TON infinite DV22’ and DVX ’ Digital Key Telephone Systems l Both key telephones and SLTs may ac- tivate the message. SLTs are notified that they have an active message with a warning tone when going off-hook, l Incoming and outgoing calls are not in- hibited in any way with a message dis- PlaYed. l When a message is displayed by a key telephone. the DND button LED flashes at 15ipm. l When DND is invoked on the telephone the message is canceled. l Message Access (with a desired message) may be assigned to a flex button. . Messages may be entered while off-hook 0nacallffanintercomcalIisringingin or has camped-on to the station. This will cause the station calling to see the message. . Messages are retained in battery pro- tected area of memory In the event of power failure or system reset. 400.66 PRIME FLEX BUTTON PROGRAM- MING If your phone is programmed for Of&Hook Pref- erence and have been given the ability to enable or change the prime flex button. a. Dial 16911 on the dial Pad b. Dial the two-digit button number. Refer to following chart” ~~~Jq-y---] To disable Off-Hook Preference: a. Dial [691] on the dial pad. b. Dial IO01 on the dial pad. 400.57 PROG RAMMING YOUR NAME INTO THE LCD DISPLAY Every extension [key and SLT) has the capabil- ity to program the users name so that people using display telephones wiIl see the name in- stead of the station number. a. Dial ISSO] on the dial pad. b. Enter the name [up to 7 characters may be entered) by using keys on the dial pad as follows: A=21 B=22 C=23 D =31 E =32 F=33 G =41 H =42 I =43 J =51 K =52 L=53 M =61 N =62 0 =63 P =?I Q =74 R =?2 s=73 T&1 ,. U =82 v =83 w=91 X =92 Y =93 z =94 l=l# 1 “-01 Z=2# i ,=02 1 3 =3# 4 =4# 5 =5# 6r6# 7 =7# 8 =8# 9 =9# Q=O## space = 11 : =12 - =13 ’ =14 3 =03 /=04 I =*1 $ =*2 % =‘3 & =*4 ;==#‘; ) =#2 + =#3 = 3#4 # =## 1 c. Press the SPEED button to complete the programmbg process. To erase your name: a. Dial [690] on the dial pad. b. Press the SPEED button. 400.5S PULSE-TO-TONE SWM’CHOVER The signabng on an outside lfne can be changed Corn dial pulse to tone (DTMF) manually while dialing out To perform the change-over a. Dial an I*] on the dial pad. The remaining digit(s) will be sent using DTMF. The Pulse to Tone Switchover command may also be included into a speed dial bin. Refer to Sec. 400.63, Storing Speed Numbers for Speed Dial programming. 400.88 SAVE NUMBER REDIAL’ If you wish to save the last number you dfalecl for use later: a. After placing an outside call, keep,handset off-hook b. Press the SPEED button twice. To Dial a number that was saved using the steps above: a. Press the SPEED button. 400-213 hsue 1. JamaIy 1993

i@nite DVX’~dDVX’ ~i@taI Key Telephone Systems STATION FEATURE OPERA’ITO~V b. Dial the asterisk [*I button. - System will automatically select the original line used to place the call and r&al the number. - If that line is busy. the system will auto- matically select another line from the same group and redial the number. - If no lines are avaiiable in the same group. station wfll receive busy tone and c3.n queue for a line. - If the station user preselects a line before activating SNR. the preselection will override the line which was used origi- n*- 400.60 PRoGRAMhaN G ~/CENTREX CODES ONTO F= BUTTON For easy one-button access to Centrex or PBX features, perform the following steps: a.Program the Centrex or PBX code into a station or system speed dial bin, including hook-flash (flash key], I*], and [#I com- mands. Refer to station or system speed dial prom. b.Program that speed bin onto a flexible* button. *Refer to Sec. 400.37, Flexible 3utton Assignment. 400,61 SPEAKER.EIONE a.Press ON/OFF button to “ON”. Intercom dial tone w-ill be heard. b.F’ress the DSS button of the desired party, or press an available outside line button and dial number. Speakerphone is acti- c. Press ON/OFF button to “OFF” to end the ii 400.62 STATION RELOCATION lVi2iTURE The Station Relocation Feature will provide a means to allow a user to unplug their station and plug it in at another location. Then by dialing a simple code followed by his old station number, bring all the station attributes includ- ing extension number, button mapping, speed dfal, and class of service to the new location. a. A station can be relocated by unplugging it and then ph@ng it in at a new location. b.Dial 16361 on the dial pad. Then dial the extension number of the station beingre- located. Once this is done, ah station at- tributes are copied to the current station. mm Conditions: l The station number that is dialed as the relocated station must be currently out of service. l The relocated station will be given the station attrIbutes of the station doing the relocating. The two stations have traded station numbers aqd station attributes. . If a keyset is piugged into the relocated position it will have all the station attrib utes of the relocating station. l This feature onIyis appkcable to keysets. l If a call is on hold at the relocating sta- tion or the relocated station is in service, error tone will be received. 400.63 STATION WEED DIAL Ifno outside line has been speclfied in program- ming, one w-ill be chosen automatically or you can choose one now. a. Press the SPEED button and dial bin loca- tion. Eess the pre-programmed* speed bin but- ton. Station Speed numbers are 00 to 19. b. when the called party answers. pickup the handset or use the speakerphone to con- verse. J *Refer to Sec. 400.37, Flexible Dutton Assignment. 400.64 STORING SPEED NUMBERS Station Speed numbers can be entered by keyset users. System Speed numbers must be entered by the first programmed attendant. If no attendant is specified, enter at Station 199. a. Press the SPEED button once. b. Press a desired outside tie button or pool button or select an outside line automat.icaIly by pressing the SPEED button a second time. c. Dial the speed bin location. - 00 to 19 for Station Speed numbers:

iqfmite DVX * and DVX I1 Digrti Key Telephone Sy&ems - 20 to 99 for System Speed numbers. d.Dj& the desired telephone number. (in- cluding special codes described below) - TRANS - Pressing the TRANS button during number entry initiates a Pulse- To-Tone switchover. - HOLD - Pressing the HOLD button dw- ing number entry inserts a Pause. - FLASH - Pressing the FLASH button in- serts a Flash into the speed number. - TRANS - Pressing the TRANS button as the first entry in the speed bin inserts a no-display character causing the num- bers stored in the bin not to appear on the Digital Terminals display when the bin is accessed. e. Press the SPEED button. f. Replace the handset to end the speed bin p=)gramming* To program several speed numbers In a row, press the SPEED button twice to conclude pro- gramming a number and then just enter the next speed number bin to be programmed. zf the station has no line appearance for the line programmed into the speed bin. that line will come up under the Loop button or Pool button when accessed. 400.65 SYSTEM SPEED DIAL If no outside line has been spec3fied in program- ming, one will be chosen automatically or you can choose one now. a. Press the SPEED button. b. Did the speed bin location, or press pre- programmed8 speed bin button. - System Speed numbers are 20 to 99. c. When the called party answers, pickup tbe - handset or use the speakerphone to con- verse. *Refer to Sec. 400.37, Flexible Button Assignment. 400.66 TEXT MESSAGING (Went Rc- BP-4 This a feature allows a staUon user to use text messages to respond to a caller that has either Camped-On or has used the m-Hook Voice Over feature to alert a busy station user of a waiting call or message. The ‘camped-on” sta- tian may respond to the caller via the canned, custom, and silent response text WD) me+ sacSes. The text messages appear on the calling PW LCD Display. While receiving a Camp-On, or OHVO call: a.The called party may press a pre-pro- granxned* Text Message button with a spe- cific message (633+xx]. Example : (6331 + [3S] means that a telephone calling the station wiIl receive the message WHO IS ITT. The additional messages (with their codes) listed below can also be sent as a text response: 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 !IWILLTAKECALL T-MESSAGE TRANSFER TO SECRETARY PUT CALL ON HOLD CALL BACK ONE MOMENTPLZASE I WILL CALL BACK wH01sm IS ITLONG DISTANCE? IS lT PERSONAL? IS ITAN EMERGENCY? IS IT IMPORTANT? IS IT URGENT? SEND CALL TO VOICE MAIL PARKCALL OUT OF OFFICE PUT CALL THROUGH I AM BUSY O.K. NO Conditions: l If the station receiving the text message response was doing a camp-on, he will first receive a short burst of tone on the speaker, then the display will show the message that has been activated by the called station. l If the station reee.iving the text message response is on an OHVO call, no tone will be received. l All canned and custom messages may be used to respond to a calling party. l Text response messages will automat- ically clear when the calling station (sta- tion receiving the messages] goes on-hook. l A station can receive only one message at a time. l T&messages may be chained (i.e. mul- tiple messages sent to one caller).

..: ‘\,. \. . .-. cc : f -. . :’ iqfinib DV2Z’andDVX’ ~i#z.al Key Telephone Systems STATION FEATURE OPERA’IYON 4 Text message responses may only be activated by digital terminals and the receiving station must be a Digital Dis- play telephone. 4 The text message responses will appear on both the calling station and the called station (station activating) text re- sponses] LCD displays. l If the cdlfng station is a non-LCD tetmi- ml. the called station will receive error tone when responding via text messag- ing. l The &led station may press a flex but- ton programmed as a Text Message but- ton, j633#+xx). This flex button may then be pressed to respond to the calling station. DIM? digits will not be heard by either party. 4 When silent messaging is used to re- spond to a ca.U. the existbg call of the called station will not be disconnected while the messages are being sent to the calling station. 4 The calling station must remain off-hook to receive silent messages. l If the called station responds with a text message, the text message will appear on the LCD. l LED’s will follow that of the CAMP-ON or OH-W. l Each individual message may be pro- grammed onto a fIexIble button Lnchd- ing a flex button on a DSS/BLF console. 400.67 UNIFOEM CfU, DISTRIBUTION * [UCD) Eight Uniform CalI Distribution WCD) groups can be programmed, each containing up to eight three-digit station numbers. Each group is assigned a pilot number. When this number is dialed, the first available agent in that group is rung. Calls are routed to the station that has been on-hook for the longest period of time. A TJCDCdsIn@ucueDieplay From an idle display key telephone: 1. Dial 15671 on the dial pad, followed by the three-digit UCD group number (SW. or press preprogrammed* flex button. ON/OFF button LED lights steady. This display is an idle state display and will prompt a Supervisor that a group is having problems answering all their calls. The dis- play will tell the agent and his supervisor how many calls are in queue, how many agent are available or logged into the group, and the Iengtb of time in minutes that the oldest caIl has been in queue. The agent will automatically receive the calls in queue display whenever their is a call in queue. 2. Hang up the handset or press the ON/OFF button to terminate the display. Thisfeab-cuuwtotbcaedrrtWtaarllin~ pfvgnssaltdtfro-tpittbcw busy for incoming calls during this *Refer to Sec. 400.3?. Flexible Button Assignment. B. UCD Availa?de/Unavdable Mode If you are a UCD agent, you may place your station in the Available mode to receive UCD type of calls or you may place your station in the UnaWIable mode to block UCD type calls from ringing your station. To go Available: 1. Dial 15661 on the dial pad, or press the pre-programmed* AvailabIe/Un- available button. You may now receive UCD calls. To go Unavailable: 1. Dial [566] on the dial pad, or press the pre-programmed* Available/Un- available button. You are now blocked from receivfng UCD calls. *Refer to Sec. 400.37, Flexible Button Assignment. 400.68 UNIVEiRSAL NIGB’T ANSWER If you hear out&de line WI&~ at another sta- tion and wish to answer it, dial [#3] on the dial pad. The connected outside line can be trans- ferred or disconnected. Each telephone utillz- fng Universal Night Answer must have a loop button appearance if the ringing out&de hne does not appear at their phone, 400.69 VOICE MAIL ~PERA’MON [vaa) Forward Callers to your Mall box Intercom and T’kansferred CO callers may be routed dfrectiy to your maiI box by fomding your phone to a voice mail group. Callers will Issue 1, January lQB3 400-31