Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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frlfinite DVX1aadDV2Lu [email protected] Rcy Telephone Svatems KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTION unanswered call will be placed in this table at the time the system has determined that the caIl has been abandoned. This table may be administered from ap- propriately privileged phones so that the unanswered calls may be reviewed and handled by the customer. 300.79 xDLE8PEmERMODE This feature allows the system to determine whether the first digit dialed is heard over the digital termIna.l speaker. This feature is allowed or denied on a system-wide basis in program- ming. 300.80 XNCOMXNG CO LINES OFF-NET FORWARD m SPEED DIAL) Allows the first attendant to forward incoming CO calls to an off-net location. The attendant can forward a group of CO lines or all CO lk4es to a off-net location. The attendant must have a direct appearance of the CO line[s) to be forwarded. Off-net fonvarding is accomplished via use of a speed dial bin- 300.81 XNTERCOMCAURUG The system’s architecture allows non-blocking of intercom calls. A station is reached on inter- com by dialing the associated three-digit num- ber. 300.82 INTERCOM SIGNATJIVG SEW Users can control the method by which they receive intercom calls and signals. Aconvenient intercom signal switch is located on each Digi- talTcrminal for easy selection. The choims am: l Handsfree (HF)(leftposition). 7he station user, upon hearing a tone burst and voice announcement over the speaker, can reply hand&me. l Rivacy (Wl(center position). The station user receives a burst of tone and a voice announcement over his/her speaker. The microphone is deactivated for pri- vacy. The called party must lift the hand- set or press the MUTEI button to answer the call. l Tone Ringing [TN)(right position). A standard tone rmg notifies the party of an incoming intercom call. The called party answers by lifting the handset or moving the switch to the handsfree (HF) position orpressingtheON/OFFbutton. 300.83 KEYSET SEL3E TEST The infinite Digital Key Telephone System con- tains a test mode feature that supports the ornine testing of digital terminals and DSS con- soles. The term offline means that the unit under test is disconnected from the system during the test operation. Digital terminals not under test continue to operate in the normal manner. Tests are provided to verify the keyset and DSS LED, LCD. and keypad button opera- iiOnS* SOCkEM LAST NulldBER REDIAL [LNR) Pen-nits the automatic redialing of the last tele- phone number dialed on an outside line. Up to 32 digits can be stored. Outside line selection of the same tie used is aujomatic. 300.85 LCD XNTERACTXVE DXSPLAY The 33-button Executive Digital Terminal pro- vides the user with visual indication of call status, Calls to and f?om other extensions, number dialed. line used and camp-on are some of the features &splayed. SOO.S6 LEAST COST ROUTLNG &CR) Allows the system to automaticahy select the least costly route available according to the number dialed, the time of day/day ofweek, the class of service (COS) assigned to the sta- tion/trunk group priori@ level assigned. k smgit Table This table is divided into 2 sections: “Lead- ing 1” (” 1” fs dialed before the number) and “Non Leading 3” (no “1” is dialed before the number). This g&s the system the ability to handle c&l routing in areas that require a ” 1” before a long distauce number as well as in areas that do not require the “1”. B. 6-Digit Table (053~~ Codu3) The 6-Digit Table can include 20 office code maps. Each map can be programmed to route up to 800 of&e codes to one of the 16 possible route lists. Each map must be associated with a specific area code in the 3-Digit Table. Several dif5zrent office code maps can be used with the same area code to provide additional routing flexibility. C. Route L&t Tables Up to 16 djfferent routes can be pro- grammed. J3aeh route can contain up to four route lists - one for each of the 4 time periods. Up to seven CO line groups (rout- ing choices] and their corresponding In- x5sue 1, January 1993 300-21

in@xite DVX ’ and DVX I1 BEG STATION F&%TURE DE!XRKPMON Digital Key Telephone systems sex-t/Delete Tables may be programmed 300.87 IsXUXU, NIlMBER/NAblE TRANSLA- within each route list. TION TABLE: D. Insert/Delete Tables There are 20 Insert/Delete Tables. Up to 20-digits, inchrding pauses. can he in- serted and up to 1Sdigits deleted. Digits can be inserted before or after the number dialed, but can be deleted only from the beginning of a number diaied. E. Weekly Time Tables The least costlyroute for a particular dialed number may be different at d&rent times ofthedayandondif%erentdaysoftheweek. To accommodate this situation, there are two Trme-of-Day tables: a Daily Start Time Table and a Weekly Schedule Table. The Week@ Time table determines which one of the four Routes L.CR should use based on the Time-of-Day and Day-of-the- Week. An administer-able table provid& a local trans- lation from a received calling number to a name. This table can be administered by the customer from the attendant consoIe location. This table is also shared by the ICLJD features. In eases of confkt between the name delivered from the CO and that in the local translation table. the local translation table shall rule. 100 entries are provided in this table for the ti@ni& DVX ’ system, and 200 entries are provided for the in&&e DVX ’ system. F. DaiIy Start ‘Nme Tables The Daily Start Time tables allow the user to match the Time Periods discount struc- ture to the carriers rate schedule. Gw Exception Tables This table is used to route operator as- sisted calls and any other calls which would use a one- or two-digit number rather than a three-digit area code. & Default LCR Data Base In an efYort to de crease installation and set up time usually assodated with LCR a default LCR database. has been incorpo- rated. The default LCR database will pro- vide basic routing for all local and hmg distance dialing. 1. - LCR Routing for Toll Information This feature adds provisions to the LCRcall processing which wilI allow common call routing for a.U toll tiormaffon c&Is. l-(XXX)555-1212, (XXXJ555-1212, l-555- 1212 and 5551212 calls will all be inter- cepted and sent to a selected route in the Route List Table. Numbers dfaled will be integrated and ifit is determined to bea toll information ca.Il. either preceded with an area code or without or with a leading digit 1 or not. the CdlI will be sent to the route designated in prom. 300.88 LOOP BUTTON CO LINB ACCESS A station not having a direct appearance for a CO line will receive inconling CO calls and transferred CO calls under the loop button. Only one call at a time can be connected to a keyset on the loop button. If more than one loop button is on a key set, the loop buttons may be conferem& together. If all programmed Loop buttons on a keyset are busy or have a CO call on hold, the party attempting to iransfer a CO line to that station will receive busy tone and cannot txansfer the call to that station. If a transfer is attempted, the CO line will recall the in.iiIator immediately. CO lines are also presented to a Loop when dialing out using LCR orwhen using speed dial to dial out and the line chosen does not appear on the key station. 300.89 MEET ME PAGE Users may answer a page call from any phone in the system by dialing a special code. The party who initiated the page must remain off- hook. 300.90 MESSAGE WARING Stations that are busy, unattended, or in DND can be Eft a message indication by other sta- tions in the system. Up to five messages can be left at one keyset. Upon return to the station. the user can press the fIasbing MSG WAIT b.utton to ring each psrty in sequential order. 300.81 -GE WAtTXNG REMINDER TONE A key station with a message waiting can be reminded at a programmed timed intend with a tone. 300.92 -GES - PERSONALIZED Each station (Key and SLq can select a pre-as- signed message to be displayed on the LCD of the digital key tmmfnd calling that station. 300-22 Lsue 1, JaIUmly 1993

i@ite DVX’andDVXn D&iti Kev Telephone Systems KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTION There are ten possible messages which can be displayed: - OO= Clears Messages - 01= ON VACATION - 02=REruFzNAM -03=-PM - 04= RETURN TOMORROW - 05=RFXURNNEXTWEEK - 06=ONTRIP - O?= M MEETING - O8=AT HOME - 09=ON BREAK - lO=ATLUNCH k Date and Time Entry to Ptrs-d MC&S&g~[6) As an enhancement to the original person- alized message(s), staffon users can acti- vate certain messages that will allow the user to enter a spedtic ttme or a date of return.ThesemessageswUappearoneaU- ing stations display to alert tfiem of the desired party’s return lime or date. - 11= ON VACATION W MM/DD - 12= RETURN: Hfl:MM xm or MM/DD - 13= ON TRIP UNTIL: MM/DD - 34= MEE’I’lNG UNTIL: HH:MM xm - 15=ATHOMEuNTIL:HK:MMxtn - 16=ONBREAKLJWIL:HHMMxm - 17=ATLUNCHUN?ILzHH:MMxm B. Messages - Custom This feature allows the system adminislra- tor to enter up to ten custom messages for use by station users of the system. These messages maybe specified and customized by the customer on a system-wide basis. - c. PctaoMIized Message code on a Flex =Y This feature allows a key station user to progmm the personalized message code [633#] onto a flex button. This speeds ac- cess of the preselected messages. 300.93 MUSIC ON HOLD A music source, when connected to the system, provides music to all lines on Hold, parked calls, transferred calls and calls waiting to be answered by Automatic Call Distribution (ACID) or Uniform Call Distribution [UCD). This fea- ture can be allowed or denied on a system-wide basis in programming. 390.94 MUTE= Pressing the MUTE button while in the speak- erphone mode or using the handset will disable the microphone but not affect the speech com- mg over the speaker or handset. Pressing the ilhuninated MUTE button again will reactivate the microphone. 900.96 NAME IN DISPLAY This feature allows every extension my or SLTI the capability to program tie users name, for that station. so that people using display tele- phones will see the name instead of the station number on their display. The name is pro- grammed at each station by the user and may be up to seven letters In length. 300.96 NIGHT SERVICE FEATURE The Night Service feature will provide a means toputthesysteminnightmodefromanykeyset orremovethe system~omnightmodefromany keyset as long as the system was put in night mode by the night service feature flex button. If the system was placed in night mode by the attendant using her DND button or if the sys- tem was placed in night mode by the automatic schedule, the nQht setice flex button can not remove the system from night mode. 300.97 NIGHT SERVICE MODE A. B. 42, D. Antometic Night Mode Operation The inftzife Digital Key Telephone System can be programmed so that the system is automatically placed mto night mode. The Attendant(s) can ovenide the Auto- matic Night mode schedule simply by pressing the NIGHT, (DND) button. Ertcmal Night kIq$ng The system can be programmed so that CO lines marked for UNA will ring on the ex- ternal page speakers. Manllal operation The Attendant(s) can control the use of Night Mode manually by pressing the NIGHT (DND) button. An LED wiil indicate when the system is in Night Mode opera- tion. Night CIaas of SeAce (COS) The system allows ea& station to be as- signed a different COS for mght operation. The night COS goes into effect when the system is put into night mode manually or via the automatic schedule. Prevents the misuse of phones after hours. Issue 1. January lSQ3 300-23

iq#inite DVX * rind DVX’ m STATION FEATURE DESCRIPTION bigital Key Telephone Gystcms F,. Night Ringipg A88i@xrntnts EELCII CO line may be individually pro- grammed for Night ringing to other sta- tions, to Hunt groups, ACD groups. UCD groups. Voice Mail groups, or off-net via speed dial. When the system is placed into night mode. manually or automatically, ringing will follow the night ringing assign- ments for each CO line. F. Universal Night Answer [muA) incoming CO lines can be programmed for Universal Night Answer (UN& Stations which do not have access to a line during the day can answer that line while the System is in the Night Mode by dishrig a UNA code. G. Weekly Ntght Mode Schedule A programmableweekly nightmode sched- ule provides for 24 hour, 7 day a week automatic night mode operation. The sys- tern can be put into and out of night mode automatically on a daily basis. 300.98 OFF EOOK VOICE OVER This feature allows users, off-hook on a call [CO or Intercom), to receive a voice atmouncernent through the handset receiver without jnter- rupting the &sling caU. Ihe Voice Over is muted so as not to ‘override” or “drown” out the existing conversation. The overridden party may then respond to the calhng party using CAMP-ON procedures to talk to the calling party or use Silent Text Messaging to reapond to the dling partyvia LCD displays. The calling loriginatin@ station and receiviug station MUST be a digital texmii&. The receiving sta- tion MUST also be programmed to receive OHVO calls. 300.99 OFF-HOOK PREFERENCE k Auto Feature Access In addition to auto line access DigitalTer- rnhals have the ability to have their off- hook preference select a DSS or feature button upon going ofi-book or pressing the ON/OFF button. 3. Auto Line Access Each station, key or SLT. may have their phone programmed to access a particular CO Line such as a private line or ahnefrom a Group of CO lines upon going off-hook. This is useful in Centrex or PBX apphca- tions when station users have dedicated lines. Outside line dial tone is received just by going off-hook, without the need to dial an access code. C. Hot I&e/Ring Down Electronic Dgitd Terminals may be pro- grammed to mediately call or ring down a particular station or outside number upon going off hook This is done by pro- gramming the stations Off-Hook prefer- ence to activate a DSS or Speed dial feature key. This feature can be overridden if the station user selects a CO line f?rst when going off-hook. D. Intercom&cuss ’ When off-hook preference is enabled. at a key station. that statton may still obtain intercom dial tone for accessing internal stations or other system features. Tlzis is done either by pressing an intercom button or diahng their own intercom station num- ber prior to going off-hook. E. User Programmable Preference Based on a station programmable option Digital Tern&&s may be given the ability to enable, disable or change their off-hook preference by diahng a code. This option can be denied in station prog * g on a per key station basis. 300.100 OFF-HOOK SIGNALING If a station has been programmed to receive direct outside line ringing and is busy on an- other call, that station will receive muted ring to indicate another call is ringing in. Addition- al& CO calls may be “camped-on” to a busy station and receive muted ringing. 300.101 OFF-PREMISE EXTENSIONS (OPX) The Off-Premise Extension Box (OPXJ provides one FCC registered 25OOQpe single line inter- face port. ‘Ibis enables the use of one Off-Prem- ise 2500 telephone set. A precise tone plan is provided to OPX stations. A 48v power supply is required when installing an OPX box. 300.102 ON-HOOK DIMZNG The Digital TerminaI user can place calls with- out Iiftlng the handset. If the speakerphone is disabled, the handset must be lifted to con- verse. 300-24 Issue 1, Januury 1993

iqfmite DVX * and DVX” Dig&d Ecy Telephone Systems KEY STATION FEATURE DESCBB’TION 300.103 ON LINE PROGRAMMING Changes to the system database can be made without. interrupting normal system operation. Frm may be performed using a key station terminal connected to tbe system (Sta- tion 100) or via a external terminal either on- site or remotely. 300.104 PAGE/REL&Y CONTROL The ttfinite Digital Key Telephone Systems offer relays that may be individuaIly programmed for: External Page, Loud Bell Control, CO Line ControI, Power Failure IYansfer, and Recorded Announcement uses. Up to four Relay/Sensor intdace modules may be installed on either system. Each relay/sensor interface module contains three independent relays and three sensing input circuits. In addition, each 4x8 CO/Station Interface card of the DVX *I system contains a Relay Contact [for up to seven *on- board” relays) that may also be assigned to any of the functions mentioned above. 300.105 PAGING A. ExtcnlalPaging There are four external paging zones avaiI- able in the DVX I and seven available in the DVX I1 systems. External Paging requires a three-digit dialing code. External paging requires an externally provided amplifier and paging system. One make and one break contact are provided with the page zone on the 4x8 Key Interface Board (Cm). Since no ‘on-board” relay contacts are available on the DVX ’ for external paging, the Relay/Sensor Interface module is used for this purpose. If the 4x8 SLT Iuterhce Board (CSB) in- stalled in the DVX ’ System, the r&y b contact used to provide external paging is provided using the Dual m/Talk-Page Module. B. Internal Paging There are four internal paging zones avail- able in the in&!nire Digital Key Telephone Systems. A station can be in any or all zones or in no zone at all. Stations not assigned to a page group can still make page announcements. if allowed in station Pmgramming. Stations can be assigned to a page group in order to receive pages but not allowed to make page announcements. c. PagLngAcccss Restriction Programming on a per-station basis. can deny any station the ability to make any type of page. 300.106 PAUSE TIBKBR When dialing a speed number. a timed pause between digit sending can be placed in the number. The length of this pause can be pro- grammed in the system database. 300.107 PERSONAL PARII Each digital terminal in the system can place a call into a personal park location and then later retrieve that call from the originating station. intercom calls and CO line calls can be placed into the stations’ personaI park location. Calls parked in a personal pa& location are subject to the ‘system” catI park recall timer. A station retrieving a personal parked CO call must have either a direct CO line appearan ce or an avail- able loop button to retieve the parked call. 300.108 PBX DI&ING CODBS The System will allow five one or two-digit ac- cess codes to be entered into memory. When one of these codes is dialed, this signals the KSU that toll restxiction is to be applied at the next dialed digits after the code. If one of these codes is not dialed. toll restriction does not apply. This allows the dialing of P3X extensions 100, 110, 111, etc. This functions on lines marked as PBX type lines in progra 3s 300.109 POOL BUTTON OPBBATION The Pool Group Key is used primarily to access CO lines that do not appear on a station so that outgoing calls may be made. Pooled group keys are associated to CO line groups and may be programmed for use on any of the flexible line buttons. CO lines are accessed in descending order of priority starting with the highest num- bered available (not busy) CO line in a CO hne group- Stations may have as many POOL buttons as their are CO line groups. Multiple POOL but- tons for the same group are also allowed. Issue 1, Jan- lQ93 303-25

KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIP’IXGN iqfinite DVX’ and DVX” D&&al Key Telephone SysWns 300.110 PREF’EFtRED LINE ANSWER A st,ation with Preferred Line Answer can an- swer any assigned outside, transferred, or re- calling line. or queue callbacks by lifting the handset or pressing the ON/OFF button. The station MUST be physically ringing, to function properly. 300.111 PRIVACYRELEASE Privacy is insured on all communkations in the system. If desired, the customer may elect to disable the Automatic Privacy feature. Thus aIlowing another station to join in on existing CO Line conversations. A Per CO Une Option This feature allows each CO line to be individually programmed for privacy. This feature is useful for maintaining security on such lines as Data lines, Private lines, or special circuits requiring privacy. Ifpri- vacy is disabled on a CO line then. while in use, another station may enter the conver- sation simply by pressing the CO line but- ton. A warning tone is presented to all parties prior to actual cut-thru. The station attempting to enter the conversation must also have privacy disabled. 33. Per Station Option Each station may be programmed to give the station the capability to jofn an exkting conversation simply by pressing the CO line button that is in use. A warning tone is presented to all parties when the statfon enters the conversation. The CO line must also have privacy disabled to allow the cut-thru. 300.112 PRIVAm UNE Private line programming allows certain lines to ring at a specific station only. When placed on Hold. these lines are active at the programmed station only. A private line can be transferred to other stations, provided the station receivfn.g the call has a loop button or direct appearance of that CO lfne. 300.113 PULSE-TO-TONE SWITCHOVER When commanded, the system ti change the signaIing on an outside line from dial pulse to DTMF (tone). allowing the use of common car- rim-s behind a dial pulse outside line. This can be done manually when dialing, or can be stored within a speed dial number, 300.114 RANGE PROGRAMMING The in$.ni.te Digital Key Telephone System al- lows for range programming when program- ming CO lines and Stations. Range programming allows you to program all pa- rameters alike for the entire range or you can change or modify a few items that wiK be copied to all members in the range. 500.115 REMOTE ADIKINISTRATION ‘I’he Remote Administration feature allows authorized personnel to access the administra- tion programming via a terminal device (port- able terminal device or personal computer with communkations software package). The feature permits the review and entry of the customer database in the same manner as via the digital terminal at *ADMIW Station 100. The terminal device can be connected directly to the Rs-232C connector on the CPE3 board, or can be accessed by a telephone modem linking the CPB’s R!S-232C connector (via a CO line) to a remote location. When entering the system remotely via a termmal device. access to the on-board modem is accomplished by accessing Port 199 either through a direct ringiig assign- ment or through DISA or by being transferred to Port 199 by any internal station. A. Database Upload/Download Data&se Upload/Download provides a maintenance facility which ti be added to the Remote A ’ *, ’ k-ation routfne. This routine permits the database to be down- loaded to a PC. when a software changes is made or when the system needs to be in- itialized and re-programmed. In addition, the routine facilitates the pro@ ’ rg of a database on an in-house system which can be downloaded to a PC and then uploaded to a system in the field. After the system maintenance is completed. the Ble saved in the PC can then be uploaded to the system. 300. I16 FiEMOTE SYSTEM MONITOR AND MAINTENANCE A Remote System Maintenance The Remote Maidenaxe feature allows the interconnects’ technical staff to review the systems configuration data and indi- vidual card slot configuration data. This can be done “on site” using a data terminal or remotely using modem to modem access to a remote data terminal. When entering the system remotely via a terminal device, access to the on-board modem is accom- 300-26 Issue 1, Januaq 1893

infirrite DVX I and DVX” ~&&al Key Telephone Systems KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIPI’IUN plished by accessing Port 199 either through a direct ringing assignment or through DISA or by being transferred to Port 199 by any internal station. B. Remote System Monitor The Remote Monitor feature provides re- mote access to the installed system far diagnostic purposes. These capabilities benefit Service personnel enabling them to support the end user remotely~ Dgerent levels of access, via password, allows authorized personnel to trace, monitor and ‘up-load” crftical informatton directly from the in..& Dfgftal Key Telephone System. This provides a more accurate means of acquiring system information that leads to a quick resolution of problems that may occur. Thfs is all done without interfering withongoing~processtngornormalsys- tern operation, and in many cases may be performed without a site visit Capabilities allowed and resvved for tbfs &High level troubleshooting” in addition aIf?: l Monitor Mode l Enable & Disable Event YlIace” l Dump “Trace Bu3er” (up-load) 300.117 SAVE NUMBER RRDIAL (SNR) Any number dialed on an outside line can be saved permanently to be used at any time. This number is saved until a new number is stored. 30Q.llSSlNGUCIJNETELEPHONE (SLT) COBEPATIi3ILWY The @%I& Digital Key Telephone System sup- ports industry standard 2500 Type (IYl’MF] sin- gle line instruments. When the 2x4 SLT Expander Module is installed in the DVX * sys- Jem, a maximum of eight single line telephones may be supported. When the 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) is installed in the DVX ’ system, a maximum of 48 single line telephones may be supported. 300.119 sPRAREF@EIoNE Both Enhanced and Executtve Digital Termi- nals are equipped with a speakerphone. How- ever, the speakerphone can be programmed to work in one of three ways: l Normal speakerphone operation. l Disabled for outgoing and incoming co calls but handsfree on intercom allowed. l Headset operation avowed. 300.120 STATION CUSS OF SERVICE (C=4 Each station is assigned a Class of Service which governs that stations dialing privileges. Day Class of Service and Night Class of !%xvice assignments to stations provide the system ad- ministrator additional control over station dial- ing, preventing misuse of phones after hours. Six uniquely defined Classes of Service are available for assigm-nent to stations on a per station basis and all six are available for day and night assignment. Station Class of Service works in conjunction with CO line Class of Service to provide the most flexible means for offering custom toil restriction. As a part of the Dfahg privilege assjgnment through Class of Service the system offers two programmable Aliow and Deny tables foq additional customi- zation of a toll restriction plan for a particular customer. In addition, each station can refer- ence up to four special area code tables. 300.121 STATION ME!WAGE DETAIL RE- CORDING (SMDR) The &@I& Digital Key Telephone System pro- vides one industry standard RS-232C port for duaI purpose use and a second port is optionaI for SMDR output, each allowing connection to an external printer or call accounting device. The system provides details on both incoming and outgoing calls. This feature is programma- ble to allow all calls or just outgoing long dis- tance calls to be recorded. The system tracks calls by outside line, number dialed, time of day, date, station that placed the call and du- ration of call. Account codes may also be en- tered and recorded. 300.122 STATION REWCA’MON FBATURR The Station Relocation feature provides a means to allow a user to unplug their station and plug it in at another location. Then by dialing a code followed by the old statton num- ber, all station attributes, including extension number, button mapping. speed dial. and class of servfce are transferred to the new location. mui 300.123 STATION SPEED DIAL Each station user can program up to 20 fre- quently dialed numbers of up to 24-digits in length. Pauses, flash commands, pulse-to-tone switchover, and NO-DISPLAY characters take up digit spaces. Ln the in@-& DVX I System, Issue 1. January 1993 300-27

KEY STATION FEATURE DESCRIFTION iqfutite DVX’ and DVX’ Digital Xey Telephone Systems there are a total of 600 speed locations, and there are a total of 1280 speed locations in the [email protected]~ti DVX ’ System to be divided among ah telephones. Numbers are dialed by use of the SPEED button and a two-digit code. This feature can addition- ally be assigned to any of the buttons in the flexible button field on each keyset for one-but- ton activation. 300.124 SY6TEM CAPACITY A. up to 14x26 Comtion The DVX’ system WilI support amaximum of 14 outside CO circuits and 28 station circufts. B. Up to 26~56 Configuration The DVX ’ system will support a mar&nun of 28 outside CO circuits and 56 statfon Cil-CtlitS. 300.125 SYSTEM HOLD When a line is placed on System Hold, any station in the system with an appearance of that line can retieve the call. 300.126 SYSTEM SPEED DIAL Up to 80 commonly dialed numbers can be programmed into System Speed Dial for use by stations allowed this feature. These numbers can be up to 24-digits including pauses, flash commands, pulse-to-tone switchover, and no- display characters. T&he last 40 numbers will not be monitored by toli restriction. 300.127 TEXT blESSAGING [Silent Rc- This fature allows a station user to use text messages to respond to a caller that has either Camped-On or has used the Off-Hook Voice Over lOHVO1 feature to alert a busy station of a whiiting call or message. The “camped-on” sta- tion may respond to the caller via the personal- ized. custom, and response text (LCD) messages. The text message appear on the calling party LCD display. The calling (originat- ing) station and receiving station MUST be a digital terminal. The receiving station MUST also be programmed to allow OHVO cak 300.128 TOLL RESTRICTION (TARIE DDRIVENI The system provides a flexible means of provid- ing toll restriction to internal stations of the infinite Digital Key Telephone System. Each station is assigned a Class of Service for day mode operation and one for night mode opera- tion these station COB work in conjunction with a CO line Class of service to allow for customized toll restriction. Two Allow and Deny tables along with four special tables afford the system administrator to devise a variety of com- plex toll restriction or dialing privilege schemes. 300.129 TRANSFER RECAU Screened and unscreened transfers will recall the initiating party ff unanswered for a pro- grammable length of time, and then if unan- swered. win recall the attendant. 300.130 UNIFORM CALL DISTRIBUT’ION [UC~I Eight Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) groups can be programmed, each containjng up to eight three-digit station numbers. Each group is assigned a pilot number. When this number is dialed. the fmt available agent in that group is rung. Calls are routed to the station that has been on-hook for the longest: period of time. A Atttnratc UCD Group Ass@unents Au alternate UCD group can be pro- grammed so that if stations in one group are busy, the alternate group will be checked for an available station. B. Auto Wrap-Up w/Timer After completion of a UCD call (on-book) the agent will not be subjected to another UCD ca.Il for the duratfon of the Auto Wrap- Up timer (regardless of the number of calls in queue). allowing the agent to finish call related work or access other facilities. This will allow agents to remove themsehres from the group (i.e.. DND. Unavailable, Call Forward or originate another &I). The auto wrapup timer-is programmed as part of the UCD database. (System-wide) C. Avaihhle/Unavallable Mode Stations programmed mto a UCD group may log off and on to their assigned UCD group by dialing an Auailable/Unavailable code. When an agent is in the Aeble mode that agent will receive UCD calls in the normal manner. When an agent is in the Unavailable mode that agent will no longer receive UCD type calls, however may receive non-UCD cdlls. Agents that have logged off by going Unavailable will receive a visual reminder that they arc logged off with a flashing LED and or a LCD display message. 300-28 Isaue 1, Jsnuarg 1993

i@&e DVX’ and DVX’ Dfgttal Key Telephone Syetems KEY STAmON FEATURE DESCRIPTION D. E. F. G. EL I* ~ncomhgj CO Direct Ringing CO E-ES can be programmed to ring di- rectly into a UCD group. When all agents are busy and RAN is enabled, the system will answer the caller and present the Ist RAN announcement automatically. No-Answer Recall Timer If a call routed to a station via UCD is not answered by the UCD Agent/Station be- fore the No-Answer Recall timer expires, the call will be returned to UCD Queue with the highest priority. In addition, the station that failed to answer the ringing UCD call will be placed into an Out-Of-Service (OOS] state.. No-Answer Retry Timer When the No-Answer Recall timer expm, a station that failed to answer the ringing UCD call is placed into an out of service (00s) state. The station thatwas taken out of service (00s) will be placed back in servfce if the agent hits his avalIable flex button or diaIs the avaikble flex code. In addition, the agent will be placed back in service if the No-Answer Retry timer ex- pires. Iftbe agent does not answer his next UCD cab, he win again be taken out of service. This cycle will continue until the station answers calls, logs out, or goes unavailable. overflow station AsfJignments An overflow station may be assigned to route callers in queue to a designated sta- tion after a specifkd time. The overflow station may not be one of the UCD group stations. Recorded Announcements IRAN) Recorded announcement devices can be assigned to provide up to eight d&rent messages, ifaII stations in a UCD group are busy. The eight messages are available to all eight UCD groups in different coniigu- rations. A RAN table can be the answer port for unanswered incoming calls to a UCD group, while another table can provide the secondary message. Each RAN device can provide an announcement to one caller at a time. Subsequent callers will be queued onto the message on a first-in basis. Agtnt Queue St&us Display The Agent Queue Status feature provides a means for an agent and UCD supervisor to view the status of their LJCD group. This display is an idle state display and will prompt a supervisor that Agents in a group are having problems answering all their calls. The display will tell the agent and his supervisor how many cabs are in queue, how many agents are available or logged into the group. and the length of time in minutes that the oldest caIl has been in queue. The agent will receive the calls in queue display whenever there is a caII in queue. There are two methods of viewing UCD Group call queue status. 1. In-service UCD agents and the assigned cwerflow station wiiI see the quantity of calls in queue on the LCD of their station for the UCD group of which they are a member. If every member of a UCD group is busy and calIs are.* queue, the Super- visor/Agent Queue Status display will be seen at all UCD members of that group. 2.Any station not assigned in a UCD group can view the number of calIs in queue for any given UCD Group. To view the number of caIls in queue the station user dials the Calls In Queue code (or presses a pro- grammed FLEX button with this code) then enters the UCD group desired. The LCD will display, on a real time basis, the num- ber of c&s in queue for that group. 300.131 UNNERML NIGHT ANSWER Incoming CO lines can be programmed for Uni- vewal Night Answer (UNAJ. Stations which do not have access to a line during the day can answer that hne while the System in the Night Mode by dialog a LJNA code. In order to utilize this feature. a loop button or an appearance of the trunk must be present on-the station. 300.132 VOICE MAIL GROUPS (V&I) The Voice Mail feature automatIcally handles unanswered calls. Stations may forward ca.lls to a voice mail &oup (for leaving mail) or may CalI the voice mail group directly (to rehieve mail) with no assistance hm the attendant. Up to eight voice mail groups can be configured in the system. Each group can conta.in up to eight voice mafl stations. each of which interfaces with a port on either the 2x4 SLT Expander Module on the DVX I System, or on the 4x8 SLT Expander Module on the DVX ’ System. Each voice mail %&ion” can be shared by a number Issue 1, Janwy 1993 300-29

infinite DVX I and DVX ’ m STATION FEA’IXIRE DEWXD’TION Digital Key T&phone Systcxm of actual users. An 2x4 SLT Expander Module or 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) are required when utilizing the k$nti Digital Key Telephone System Voice Mail ‘In-Band” integration. A VM CO Disconnect Sfgaal - Pass Thru To avoid Voice Mail ports from being tied up, as a result of CO line callers abandon- ing the caII or not exiting the VM system properly, a disconnect signal has been pro- vided to notify the VM system that a CO caIler has hung up or abandon the call. ‘Silence” is provided to the VM port fol- lowed by “busy tone” to aid the VM system to recognize tbat an intercom caller has abandoned the call. Disconnect digits may also be programmed for outside line callers. B. VM In-Band Srernating lnteg&ion The in@We Digital Key Telephone System allows the system to be programmed so that if a station programmed to receive incoming CO line ringing is forwarded to Voice Mail they may have direct incoming callers routed directly into their stations voice mail boxthrough the use of X-Band” signaling. Alternately, when disabled, call- ers wiU be answered by the Voice Mail or Auto Attendant Main greeting. Incoming CO calIers can be Station CalI Forwarded into voice maiI on& when the ringing CO line is programmed to ring at one station. AdditionaUy CO lines pro- grammed to ring at an attendant station will station call forward into the Voice Mall system [if p rogrammed to ring only at one attendant station) and be presented to the main greeting (not the attendant stations mail box) even when ID digits are enabled. c. VlM Message waiting Indication * When Voice Mail has received a voice mes- sage for a user who has a station on the infinite Digital Key Telephone System. the VM connected to the system will leave a message waiting indication at the VM us- ers station. When the station user retrieves their mail, the VM system will cancel the message waiting indication left at a station viaaVMport. The message waiting indication wilI appear on the programmed Voice Mail (group) but- ton. If such a button has not been pro- grammed, a voice mail message waiting indication will appear on the MSC WI&T buttonasanormalmessagewai~sq+. D. VM Tone Mode CaWqj option Voice mail systems and/or Automated At- tendants can utilize the Calling Station Tone Mode option. This is useful when using supervised transfer or call screening options on voice mail or auto attendant(s) requiring ringback tone for proper call handling. E. VM TrrInsfer/Folward This future allows Voice MaiI calls, upon reaching a forwarded to VM station, to fort%ard back into the Voice Mail unit. This is useful when VM ports are being used as both Auto Attendant and VM ports. This feature can be enabled/disabled for all VM groups. F. VM ean!4fcr with ID Digit5 This feature provides an attendant or sta- tion user a way to transfer a caIIer directly into a voice mail box This allows the sta- tion identification digits to be entered by the txansfening par&. Using this feature, acalIercanbetransferredtoavoicemaiI box when I) a station user on the system is not forwarded to VM or 2) the destination voice maiI box owner is not a station user. CO trunks and internal calls may be frans- ferred into voice mail using this feature. If no voice ma.iI ID digits are dialed by the transferring station, then the idezltication digitsofthetransferrtngstationwillbesent to the voice mail. 300.13s voI#ullm cmlTRoLs Both speaker and tone ringing volumes can be separateIy adjusted by utilizing the two slide switches on the front of the digitaI keyset. . . 300-30 Issue 1, January 1993