Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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inJini.te DV2I ’ and DVX ’ -NANWAND TRtXl’i3LESHOOTllVG DQitd Key Telephone Systems E, Event Tmce Mode me T command enables and disables the 1n.1. Digital Key Telephone Syskm Trace mode. Whfle the trace mode is enabled events for the trace desired will be dispiayed on the monitor, printer or PC connected to the k@nite Digital Key Telephone System in an event re- cord. Totiewthec m-rent status of the trace mode type T-t-at the MOW prompt then the following screen will be displayed: mon>t ?lessages Y/N 3OABD EUT -> N IISC States -> N DWJ -> N PCH -> N COL States -> N Stn States -> N Error tlsg -> N Que Eut -> N mm> a-To cnable an event trace type Y* bpam bad b-Then type of trace desired Id], where d is determined as foIlows: - B= Board event mce (traces events associated with PCE3’.s] - M= Miscellamous State event trace - P= Pulse Coded Modulation (PCM) traces eve.nts associated with voice COl7llllUIlf~tiOIlS. - C= CO Line (CKB) States (kaces events associated with CO Line activ- W w - S= Station (FXAJ States (traces events associated with Station activ- Ql - E= Error Messages {traces enor mes- =gf3 - Q= Queue (QUE) Events (&aces queu- ing events, i.e. DTMF receiver, UCD. LLR etc...) - D= Device Command &races com- mands to peripheral devices), c. Then enter the spe&c board, CO line or Station numher of the trace desired or type “all” ff ail hoard’s, CO lfne’s or Station’s events are desired. - l-7 = Board KSU card slot position [CPB= I) - 01-28 = CO Line port - 100-155 = Station location - All= All Eioards, CO lines or Stations d. Then press Enter to enable the trace. A screen similar to the folkming will appear: mon>t b kssages Y/N BUfW EUT -> Y HSC States -> N Deu -> ri PCZI -> N COI. States -> N Stm States -> N Error tlsg -> N Que Eut -> N Ron> e. To disable or turn 05 a particular trace mode do not enter a specifuz board, CO line or Station number (i.e. kspacwse- turn>” to disable station event trace). To have event trace’s displayed on the screen you must f&t exit the MONftor mode b-y @ping “X” at the MON> prompt. A&r you exit the event(s), the tice will bep as shown in Fgure 800-4 Event lkace as it appears on Display, -. thless instructed by personnel at a Technical Assistice Center (T.AC) do not leave the trace mode enabled for extended periods of time. ‘Ihe system W-III udump” the requested event(s) trace which may use up paper or filI memoq buffers on the collecw de- vfce. It fs recommended that the trace events be disabIed (turned ofI) for all event(s) traces before leming the sys- tem sm.

iqjinite Dm ‘andDVX II ~i@fi,l Key Telephone Sy8tema MAKNTENANW~ TROUB~HOOTING Sta l&l: State= COL CilfUiEUED, Eut= Dial Pad G!51, Data=1 Sta 100: State= COLICWNE&TED, Eut= Dial Pad G!5)~ Data=2 Sta 16Q: State= COLJWECTED, Eut= Dial Pad (251, Data=3 Sta 16$: State= COLJOlUIECTED, Eut= Dial Pad (251, Data=4 Sta 100: State= COL-mECTED, Eut= Dial Pad GBI, Data=5 Sta 100: State= COLJXNiHECTED, Eut= Dial Pad (251, Data=6 Sta le0: State= COLJXIMIECTED, Eut= Dial Pad C7.51, Data=7 Sta 100: State= COLJZQMECTED, Eut= Dial Pad C?SI, Data=8 Sta 1W: State= COLJ3NNEC’IED, Eut= Dial Pad (251, Datu=9 Sta 180: State= COIJWECXD, Eut= Dial Pad GZ51, Datu=l0 Sta 100: St&e= COlJBHNECTED, Eut= Dial Pad (251, Data=11 Sta 180: State= COLJBNFiEC~ED, Eut= Dial Pad CZ51, Data=fZ Sta 180: State= COLJXlHHECTED, Eut= Dtnf Rcur VO W’!jl, Data=9 St.a Ml: State= ID& Eut= Dial Pad (251, D&.&=1 Sta 101: State= DWLIffi, Eut= Dial Pad (251, Data=113 Sta 191: State= DWLWG, Eut= Dial Pad G?!3, Data=2 Sta 101: State= HISCJOKE, Evt= Hay Data (261, Data=34 Sta 181: State= lW3CJlIHE, Eut= Hun Hey (149, Data=-1 Sta 101: State= I!RCJO& Eut= &I Kook (171, Dab=0 Sta lQ6: State= IDLE, Eut= I@ Data (261, Data=11 Sb lQ6: State= IDLE, Eut= Rdm C~I Rey WI, Data=8 vu- .M. r.a-A.“- nb.r* m c-3 Dcen x.-A- “-‘-- A-a. ,.A. TB-L-A Figure 800-4 Event Trace as it aqpcar8 on Display F. Modify Memory command E Exit the Monitor rnodc The MO&@ Memory Cornmztnd is for Engi- neering Use only. Use of this command can alter or dam- age the In&&e Digital Key Telephone Systems operating data base which can x-esult in system rrldfunction. If this occurs it will be necessary to prxverthe system down and re-iniW- ize the data base, then completely re- progmm the customer pro@ * ti data. - G. Baud Rate Command This command provides a convenient mesns for changing the baud rate, for the RS-232-C port hated on the WB, while ln the Monitor mode, To change the baud rate Qpe -B” plus the desti baud rate, then the enter kq. The Exit co mmand wiI1 terminate the cur- rent F&mote Monitor enabLe/dlsable se- sion. IfE%nt(s) Tracx have been or are still enabled the event records will be displayed only after ez&ing the MONitor mode. The Exit command fomt is; MON X Unless instructed by personnel at a Technical Assistance Center (TAC) do not kave the trace mode enabled for extended periods of time. ‘Ihe system will “dump” the requested event(s] trace which may use up paper or fW memory buffers on the collecting de- vice. It is recommended that the event traces be disabled (turned o@ for all event(s) before leaving the system site. 800-11

iqfinite DVX ’ aud DVX’ Digital Key Telephone Sy8tenm CUSTO&ER DATABASE PROGW3MMIlVG APPENDIX A CUSTOMER DATABASE PROGRAMMING Appendix A-1 Syvstem Parameters

~USTOlNl3R DATABASE FRffiRM56xN~ D&it4 FCcy Telephone Systenxi Appendix A-l Systexn Parameters (Ccmt’d) 1 PROG CODE FLEX] m j FUNCTION FORMAT 1 1 DEFAULT 1 CUSTOMER ’ DATA iFLASH I Baud Rate Adgnments ! 1 Port # 1 rOn-Board” RS-232C) 2400 i 2 Port #2 (“On-Board” Modem) 300 1 3 I/O Exp Module RS-232C 1 2400 i i 4 I/O Exp Module RS-422 2400 i F’LASH20 1 DIM Access Code I 100-999 i loo 2 Admin. Passwmd I Ope4-Digit I 3226 FLASH21 1 SMDR Enable/Disable 2 CallType 3 I Print Columns I 80/29 80 fiNM Schedule - Wednesd ANM !?&edule - Saturd i :FLASH 42 l-7 1 Flexibk Port Assignment Cards l-7 c FLASH 43 Appen& A-2 Isme 1, January 1993

~)-#‘j.nite DVX ’ and DVX ’ D&itaI Key Telephone Systans CUSTOMER DATABASE PROGRAMMING Appendix A-2 Hunt Gmup, ACD and TJCD Gmup Parameters PRO0 CODE i= 1 FUNCl-ION PIILXOR 1 ZZATlONS ~ STATION ! (up to 8 Stations) ! FLASH30 : 1 ; Hunt Group 0 (330) i I i 2 i Hunt Group 1 (3311 I i 3 1 Hunt Group 2 (3321 I , 4 Hunt Group 3 (333) # 5 Hunt Group 4 (334) I 6 Hunt Group 5 (335) 7 Hunt Group 6 (336) I I t3 Hunt Group 7 (337) I I 1 FLASH 62 TEX FUNCI’ION F0IUWXT DEFAULT CUST0MER DATA I RAN Announcement Table 1 Nom 2 FZAN Announc=ent Table 2 None 3 MN ihnquncement Table 3 1 V None 4 RAN Announcement Table 4 1 YXXXMhW None 5 RAN Announcement Table 5 1 YXXXMMM None 6 RANAnnouncexnent TabIe 6 1 KWXMMM None ? RAN Announcenxnt Table 7 1 YXXMMM None 15slIe 1, &ranuary lBBz3 Appendix A-S

iqfinite DVX1~DVXn Digital Key Telephone 3y~tem.s I L Appendix A-3 Voice Mail Group Parameter8 PROG CODE E FIJNCTION ALT~OVRhN 1 FLASH 65 1 1 Voice Mail Group 0 PI401 1 1 ! 2 Voice Mail Group 1 H-4 11 I ! i 3 Voice Mail Group 2 (4421 , 4 Voice M&I Group 3 W-431 I i i 1 i 5 1 Voice hdaiI Group 4 WA) 1 I , I I 6 1 Voice Mail Group 5 (445) i ! 1 7 Voice Mail Group 6 (446) 1 1 a Voice Mad Group 7 1447) , PROG CORE E FTJNfXlON OUTPmTNG DIGlTS LorR FIASH66 1 VM Outpulsing Table 0 p-h I %%lB-ix 2 P&i25 V?d Outpulsing Table 1 SU%k I 3 VM Outpulsing Table 2 Prefix ! SUfijE 1 ! 4 I I VM Outpulsing Table 3 SdiiX 5 VM OutpuIsing Table 4 hzfix Stii 6 VX!? ~tpulsing Table 5 SU!& 7 V-M Ouqmls~Table 6 Prefix S& 8 VM Outpulsing Table 7 SUfI-ii 1 9 1 V?vl DiscoMect TabIe 8 / Disconnect I ~pt%dIx A4 l8fme 1, &.uluaIy 1993

DQ$m Key Telephone systenu CUSTOMER DATABASE PROG-G -a * 11 co 12 I 1 1 I co 13 co 14 iDl3F ‘lT3TVlSq CO YES YES YES NO NO 10 1 ! 1 * Refe.r to CO Line Rnging Assignments knu 1, January 1993 Appendh A-5

CUSTOMER DATABASE PROGRAlUMUE - co LINEZ co 1 :co2 1 : co3 co4 co5 CO6 ‘CO7 CO8 co9 co 10 co11 co 12 ‘co13 co 14 Appendix A-4 CO Line Prom (Flash 40) Eunt’dl CO LINE NAME FOR IDlWl7FICATION

iqfinike DVX1 and DVX” c~STO?dER DATYWASE PROGRAMMING Digital Key Telephone Sydexns Appendix A-6 Station Pro@ammixq~ @Iash 50) PAGING ZONES (l-4) FRESETF’ORWARD B/6 I None ! CO LINE GROUP (O-7) W7 1 .. i LCRCLASSOF .: i SERVICE (O-6) w3 0 OFF-HOOK PREFER ! IV9 1 1 00 BUTTON AS!3IGN 1 B/l0 1 Refer to Button Assignment Chart l%ge -B” is selected by pressing Button #19 of the fitible buttons * This feature is ONLY avahble when the Basic ACD software package has been purchased sepa- rately.