Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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SYSTEM PARAMETERS PROGRAMhUNG Di&al Key Telephone Systems SYSTEM FEATURES [Cont’dl C. Erternnl Nfght Rixq Programming Steps If this feature is to be changed: 1. Press the FXFNIGHTRING flexible button (Button #3). This feature will toggle on and off with each depression, and the display will update with each depression. + LED off = Ext. Night F&g is disabled l LEDon= Ext. Night Ring is enabled 2. Press the HOLD button to save the entq. Confi.iation tone is heard. D. Executive Override Wmdmg Tone Prog - qq steps If this feature is to be changed: 1, Press the EXE32 OVER WARN TONE flex- ible button (Button #4). This feature wiII toggle on and off with each depression, and the display w-lb update with each depres- sion. l LED off = Executive Override Tone dis- abIed l LED on = Executive Override Tone en- abled 2. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard. Description When this feature is set to yes, it activates external night ring which produces a tone that is sent over aII external page groups. When outside lines are marked UNA, ringing will ac- ttvate a tone over external paging when an incoming cd occurs on those lines during night service. Default: By defauk. External Night Ring is dis- abled. R&&d Programmiq: Refer to Sec. 710.7, Relay/Sensor Programming; Refer to Sec. 720.1, CO Line Pro gmmmingfor assigning UNA status to a CO Line(s). Description A Station progmmmabIe option allows stations to be designated as “Executive” stations with the ability to override and “barge-in” on other keysets engaged in conversation on a CO line. Prior to actual cut through of the third party, a warning tone is presrmted to all parties notify- ing them of the “barge-in”. ‘Ibis warning tone however is a programmable option. on a system wide basis. that either enables or disables the tone. When the tone is disabled no audible signal is presented to the parties to signal the “barge-in”. Dctatrlt: By default. Executive Override Warn- ing Tone ia enabled. -tCd b@IIUlB@J: Refer to Sec. 730.1, Station Attributes Programming, Executive/Secretary Pairs for assigning sta- tions as Executive stations. USE OF THIS FEATURE WHEN THE EXEC’I;ITNE OVERRIDE WARNING TONE IS DISABLED MAY BE INTER- PRETED AS A VIOLATION OF FED- ERAL OR STATE LAWS, AND AN INVASION OF PRIVACY. CONSULT- COUNSEL WITH RESPECT l-0 APPLI- CABLE LAWBEFORE INTRUDlNG ON CALLS USING THIS FEATURE. 710-14 Issue 1, January 1993

r iqfini.teDVX1andDVXn Digital Xey Telephone Sys&n.s Sl’STEM PARULETERS PROGRAMMING SYSTEMFEATURES(Contd) E. Page Warning Tone Progrsmming Steps If this feature is to be changed: 1, Press the PAGE WARN rONE ilexible but- ton (Button #51. This feature will toggle on and off with each depression, and the dis- play will update with each depression. . LED on = Page Warning Tone is enabled l LED off = Page Warning Tone is disabled P.Press the HOLD button to save the entry, Confkmation tone is heard. DWXipU0Il Determines whether a page warning tone will be sounded over the Key Telephone speakers or external paging speakers, prior to a page an- nouncement. Default: By default. Page Warning Tone is M- abled. lRelaicd Fvogramminsl Refer to Sec. 730.1, Station AttrIbutes Prog * 4 for Paging Ac- cess and Page Group Assignments. F. Background Music Channel Prg; - lg steps IfBackground Music is to be enabled/disabled: 1. Press the BACKGROUND MUSIC flexible button (Button #6). This feature will toggle on and off with each depression. and the display will update with each depression. l LED on = Background Music is enabled l LED off = Background Music is disabled - 2,Ress the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard. Description The system can be programmed to allow sta- tions to activate Background Music at their stations, fn addition to Music-On-Hold. A mu- sic source must be connected to theBGM/MGH connector on the CPU. Detault: By default. .&he Background Music channel is enabled. lcclatcd Rogrannninn: Refer to Sec. 710.2, SystemFeatures~~. Music On Hold for the Music-On-Hold assignment. Lseuc l,&umary1993 710-1s

iqfirzite DVX’and DVX” SYtSTEBB P-RS PROG-G D@itaI Key ‘relcphone systems SYSTEM FEATURES (ConVd) G. LCR Enable Prop- Steps If this feature is to be assigned: 1. Press the LCR ENABLE flexible button (Button #7). This feature will toggle on and off with each depression, and the display wrll update with each depression. l LED on = LCR is enabled l LED off = LCR is disabled 2. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Conhnation tone is heard. Description If Least Cost Routing is to be used, it must be enabled here. Before enabling LCR refer to the Least Cost Routing section and programming tables [Appendix Al. when the tables have alI been programmed. you may then enable LCR for the system. After system iuitialization, a default LA3R database is loaded into the LCR section of memory. Refer to Figure 775-8 DB Printout of LCR Default Default: By default, UZR is disabled. Related Programmhng: Refer to Sec. 765.1, LCR Tables programming. , H. Account Codes - Forced l4lamwg steps l.Press ACCOUNT CODES flekble button mutton #8) to determine whether the use ofAccount Codeswill be forced or optional. This feature will toggle on and off with each depression. and the display will update with each depression. l LED ON = Account Codes are forced l LED OFF = Account Codes are optional 2. Press tbe HOLD button to save the entry Confk-matlon tone is heard. Description The system can force the use of account codes on ail restricted caIls. If forced account code option is enabled, then a stations Class of Sewice is upgraded to day COSl, night COSl, when the account code is entered. If forced account code option is disabled, then a stations Class of Semice is not upgraded but the account code amtiues to be part of the SMDR record. Debault: By default, the use of account codes is not forced but optional. 710-m lfmue 1, klmuy 1993

r irlfintte DVX’ and DVX’ Di@d Eey Telephone Systems SYSTEM PARAMETERS PROG-G I. Group Listening Programmhg Steps If Group Listening is to be assigned: 1. Press the GROUP IB’IENING flexible but- ton (Button #9]. This feature win toggle on and off with each depression, and the dis- play will update with each depression. 6 LED on = Group List&g is enabled l LED off = Group Listening is disabled 2.Prer.s the HOLD button to save the entry. Conknation tone is heard. Desctiption All digital key terminals have built-in speaker- phones. Station users may use the speaker to monitor a call while using the handset to con- verse with the outside party. This enables other people in the room to listen to both parks in the conversation. Group listening is not avail- able when the station is in the headset mode. DcfanIt: By default, Group Listening is dis- abled. J. Idle Speaker Mode profframmin Steps Description If the speaker mode needs to be assigned. 1. Press the IDLE SPFAKER MODE flexible button (Button # 10). This feature w-iU tog- gle on and off with each depression, and the display wQl update with each depres- sion. v L?ZDon= Istdigitdialedisheard. * LED off = 1st digit dialed is muted. 2. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard. This feature atlows the system to determine whether the first digit dialed is heard over the digital key terminal speaker. This feature can be allowed or denied on a system-wide basis In programming. Dcfkult: By default, idle speaker mode is dis- abled. but 1, January 1993 71@17

r SYSTEM PmRS PROGRAMMING D&itaI Key Telephone Systems E, call Cost Display Feature Prog~ steps If Call Cost Display Feature is to be enabled: 1 .Press the CALL COST DISPLAY flexible button (Button # 11). This feature will tog- gle on and off with each depression, and the display will update with each depres- sion. . LEDon= Call Cost Display is enabled l LED off = Call Cost Display is disabled 2. Press the HOLD button to save the e&y. Confirmation tone is heard. L. Music On Hold If Music On Hold is to be disabled: 1, Press the h4USIC ON HOLD flexible button ‘(Button #12). This feature will toggle on and off with each depression. and the dis- play will update with each depression. l LED on = Music On Hold fs enabled l LED off = Music On Hold is disabled 2. Press tile HOLD button to save the entry. Confk-matton tone is heard. Description The Call Cost Display Feature provides a means for a user to view the approxknate cost of each caLI made. This approximate cost wizl also be printed as part of the SMDR record. The Cdl Cost Display will replace the call du- ration display when a call is made using LCR. This display is enabled in programming. The cost information is programmable by se- lecting one of the 16 route list tables and one of the four time periods. This allows the user to program four separate costs based on the time of day for each of 16 routes. The costs entered in the tables wiIl be a cost for one minute. however. costs are calculated using a 1 /lOth of a minute value. These’costs are rounded down and are based on the start time of the call. even if the call extends into a dzerent time period. The SMDR printout w-ill contaM a cost calcu- lated using a l/ 10th of a minute irxrement and the display will update approxhnateiy every 30 seconds. The user must use LCR enabled to get the call cost display. Jkfanlt: By default, the Call Cost Display Fea- ture is disabled. Related Pro@xmming: Refer to Sec. 710.2. System Features Programming, L.CR Enable. De&&ion A music source. when connected to the system, provides music to ail lines on Hold. parked calls. transferred calis and calls waiting to be answered by Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) or Uniform CaU Distribution (LJCD). This fea- ture can be allowed or denied on a system-wide basis in prom. Default: By default. Music On Hold is enabled.

r f@&e Dvlt’andDVX” Digital Key Telephone Systems SYSTEM PJ%RAmmERS PROG~G 710.3 A’ITENDAIUT STATION ASSIGN- BUENT Prog~ Steps If Attendant Station(s) are to be changed: a.Press FLASH and dial [lo]. The following message is shown on the display phone: b. Enter up to three three-digit station num- ber(s) on the dial pad. c. Press the HOJD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. 710.4 SYSTEM TTUHEAND DATE To set the time and date which appears on display Digiti Ten&r&: a. Press FLASH and dial Ill]. The following message is shown on the display phone. b. Choose display format by pressing the ap- propriate button in the fI&ble button field. c. Press the HOLD button or dial in the time and date as follows (twehre digits]: YYMMDDHHMMSS d. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Cordrmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Dt?scription The system will identlfy an attendant station for the purpose of receiving recalls and activating night service. The system can have up to three attendant(s) programmed. Entering three pounds I###] wii remove that attendant a&gnment or different station num- bers can be programmed. Default: By default, Station 100 fs assigned as the first attendant. Related Pro-: Refer to Sec. 710.1, System Tfmers for the hystem Hold Rem11 Timer, Exclusfve Hold Recall ‘Drner. Call Park RecalI Timer. and Attendant Recall Timer; Sec. 7 10.2, System Features Programming, Attendant Override: Sec. 710.1 I. Weekly Night Mode Schedule programming. Description The date can be displayed in either the US (month/day) format or the European (day/month) format on Exec&ive Display sta- tions. In addition. the time can be displayed in either the standard 12 hour format or the 24 hour format. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined asshownbelowwhenenteringt.heSystemTime and Date programming area: When entexin~ the time Ad date, use the fol- lowing data: - W(year)=0000099 - MM (month) = 01 to 12 - DD(dayI=Ol to31 - HH(hour)=OOto23 - MM(minute)=OOto59 - SS (second) = 00 to 59 (optional) Default: By default. the date Is set for month/day format and the time is in the 12 hour format. Related Progrmg: Sec. 420.18. Setting System Time and Date from the tist pro- grammed attendant; Sec. 710.3, Attendant Station Assignment.

SYSTEM P ARAzldETERS PROGRAMlvIlNG iqfirzite DVX’ and DVX” DigItal Xey Telephone Spatems MISC. SYSTEM PARAnuEm Rs (cont’d) 710.5 PBX DIALING CODES Programming Steps If PBX Dialing Codes are to be assigned: a. Press FLASH and dial 112). The following message is shown on the display phone: I PBK DW cm i #I#, ##, ##, ##, ## b.Enter five twodigit code numbers, one right after the other, on the dial pad up to a maximum of ten digits. c. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. 710.6 EXECUTlVE/SECREMRY PAIRS If Executive/Secretsry pairs are to be assigned: a. Press F.TASW and dial [ 131. The following message is shown on the display phone- b-The top left button in the fkxiile button field will be lit indicating the fvstpairmay be programmed. c. Enter the three-digit Executive station number. d.Enter the three-digit Secretary station number. e. Press the HOLD button to save the data. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. f. To program a second pair, press the second fkible button in the flexible button field and enter station numbers as in steps c., d., and e. g-To program a third pa&. press the third button in the flexible button field and enter station numbers as in steps c., d., and e. h-To pmgmn a fourth patr, press the fourth button in the flexible button field and enter swan numbers as in steps c., d.. and e. Description Five one or two-djgit PBX access codes can be programmed into memory. When dialed. these codes signal the system so that toll restriction is applied at the next dialed digit. When a single digit code 191 is entered, it must be foflowed by the pound [#] as the second digit. To delete an entry. enter two pounds [##J and press the HOLD button. Lines must be programmed as PEIX lines before these codes will apply. Default: By default, no PBX dialing codes are assigned. EEt T Fef”r to Sec. 720, CO grammug for assigning a CO Line(s) as PBX Linels). Description There are four Executive/Secretary pairs avail- able. When an Executive station is busy or in DND, intercom calls and transfers will be auto- matically routed to the designated Secretary. The buttons on the key telephone are defmed as shown below when entering the Execu- tive/Secretary programming area: FiRWpgq The assigned secretzuy may, h owever, Camp- On to the Executive Stapon when the station is busy or in Do-Not-Disturb. There- can be only one pairing of stations, with no duplifcates. You cannot pair Executive 100 toSecretary101andthenpairSenetary101to Executive 100. You can have the same Secre- taq station formore than one Executive station (101 to 105 and 102 to 105). An entry of six pounds [#I#####] will remove the assignments. Individual pairs may be changed by pressing the associated flexible button. Default: By default. no Exec/See’y pairs are assigned, 716-20 Issne 1, January 10BS

r irtfinite DVX’tiDVX’ Dig&al Xey Telephone Systems SYSTEM PARAMETERS PRGGRLWMING MISC. SYSTEM PARAMETE RS (Co&d] 710.7 REUW/SENSOR PROGRAMMING Programrniqq Steps If Relays are to be assigned: a-Press FLASH and dial 1141. Relay #l (Flex Button # I) and On-Board Relays (FlexBut- ton #ll] LEDs ti be lit indicating the system Is in the pro&ramming mode for “On-Board” relay prom The fol- lowhg message is shown on tde display phone: To program “On-Board” relays: a. Press the “On-Board” Relays (Fkx Button #111 to indicate the system is in the ‘On- Board” relay programming mode. b.Press the desired flex button that corre- sponds to the relay to be pwed and follow the steps outlined in the following section. To program relays on the Relay/Sensor Module: a. Press the appropriate flex button 12 thru 15 to indicate which Relay/Sensor Inter- face Module is to be programmed. b. Press flexbuttons (l-3) to indicate the relay to bc programmed. To program Sensing circuits on a Relay/Sensor Module: a. Press the appropriate flex button 12 thru 15 to indicate which~Relay/Sensor Inter- * face Mudule is to be programmed. b. Press flex buttons (4-6) to select the sens- ing circuit to be prcgmnmed. Description The DVX I and DVX ’ systems offer relays that may be individually programm ed for: External Page, Loud BeIl Control, CO Line Control. Power Failure Transfer. and Recorded An- nouncement uses. Up to four Relay/Sensor interface modules may be installed on either system. Each Relay/Sensor Interface module contains three independent relays and three sensing input circuits. In addition. the DVX ’ 4& Key Interface boards (CKB) each contain a Relay Contact (for up to seven “on-board” re- lays) that may also be assigned to any of the functions mentioned above. The buttons on the digifal termfnal are deEned as shown below wlxn entering the Relay/&n- sor programming area: MlAY#! la RL*YY Ea **1AR :c * , E&l . _.. , 0 UYR M ... 1 E Whtl-t?: - Button #1 I = On-Board Relay program- ming (Relays on the 4x8 Key Interface Board E-1 - Button # 12 = Relay/Sensor Interface Module # I prqramdng - Button #13 = Relay/Sensor Interface Module #2 programming - Button #14 = Relay/Sensor Interface Module #3 programming. - Button #15 = Relay/Sensor Interface Module #4 pro@ -62 Default: By default, there is no relay program- mine- R&ted Roflammkg: Refer to Sec. 740.1. Automatic Call Distribution (ACD). ACD Recorded Announcement Assignment(s); or Sec. 745.1, Urdfonn Call Distribution (UCD), UCD Recorded Announcement Assignment(s) for RAN Table programmhg. Issue 1, January 1993 71&21

r irLfini.k DVX I and DVX I1 SYSTEM PARAMETERS PROGRAMMING D&it.& Kcy Tckphone Syi~tems RELAY/SENSOR PRoGRAMMIlV G (Cont’d) A Pr&dl relay for External : Prog * ASteps 1. Press the flex button that corresponds to the desired relay to be programmed. Z&Dial 111 on the dial pad, 3. Enter a one-digit page zone number (l-4) 4. Ress the HOLD button to save the entry. Confkmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Wbm: - X= Page Zones lthnl4 B. Pl-o*amming relay for RAN sm: Rog~ Steps l.Press the fkx button that corresponds to the desired relay to be programmed. 2.Dia.l[21 on the dial pad. 3. Enter a one-digit RATV Table number (I thru 8j the relay should be associated to. 4. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Ccmfkmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Where: - X= F&IN Table number Description EXTERNAL PAGE RELAY: When assigning a relay as an External Page relay, the relay will activate when the extemaI page zone the relay is assigned to is accessed. The relay will rem&n activated during the page announcement until the station hangs up or the page f&ner expires and releases the page zone. To disable a relay or sensor cfrcuit: a. Press the desired flex button that corre- sponds to the relay or sensor circuit to be disabled. . b,. DiaI 101 on the dial pad. c. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description RAN START RELAY: When a CO line port is used for a ground stark application. a 24V dc power source must be connected to the CO line port for talk battery. A Loud Bell Control con- tact assigned to that CO line port in program- ming would provide contact closure to start the Recorded Announcanent device. When an SLT port is used, the RAN device must be configured for xing trip operation {loop star& The 9OV ac voltage sent to the SLT port will be recognized by the RAN device which will then answer the call. To disable a relay or sensor circuit: a.Press the desired flex button that coxre- spends to the relay or sensor circuit to be disabled. b.DIalIOIontbedialpad. . c. Press the HOLD button to save the e&y. Conflation tone is heard and the display will now update. Rcfated Pragramming Refer to Sec. 740.1. Automatic Call Di&bution (ACD). ACD Recorded Announcement Assignment(s); or Sec. 745.1, Uniform Call Distribution (UCD), UCD Recorded Announcement Ass#xnent(s) for RAN Table programmiq.

r Prog * g steps 1. Press the flex button that corresponds to the desired relay to be programmed. 2. Dial 131 on the dial pad. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. ! D&kid Hey Telephone Systems SYSTEM PARAMETERS PROGRAMMING RELAY/SENSOR PROGWWJkltN G (Cont’d) c- LY relay for Power Failure : Description POWER FAILURE TRANSFER: When the in@ nite Power Failure Transfer Unit is used for Power Failure, It provides the relay transfer circrrits for up to 12 CO Iines in the event of a power or processo r faGure. Activation of the PFT relays is controkd by a multi-use relay on any 4x8 Key In&face Board @3SF%] or Relay/Sensor Module. A customer provided 12 volt DC power supply is required to operate the unit. With loss of power to the system or a failure of system processing, the PFRJ will automaticaJly connect up to twelve (12) ?33 lines to pre-wired 500/2500 type telephones. When power is re- stored, the PFFU will automaticayl restore the CO trunks and stations to normal operation. These SLT stations do not have to be used for intercom. but can be if so desired. To disable a relay or sensor circuit: a. Press the desired fkx button that corre- spends to the relay or sensor circuit to be disabled. b. Dial 101 on the dial pad. c. Press the HOLD button to save the entq. Codirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Ismxc 1, January lSs3 710-23