Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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sys~‘~M PARAMETERS PROGRAMMING @finite DVX’andDVX” Digital Key Telepbonc Systems MISC. SY?xFcM P ARAMmERs (Cont’d) DIRECTORY DIALING (tint ‘d) To enter the Intercom number or system speed dial bin to be associated to the name: Projpmming Steps 1. Press the BIN/ICM fl&ble button (Button #ll. 2. Enter a three-digit station intercom num- ber (100-155) or Enter a three-digItSystem speed dial num- ber (020-099). Enter a three-dgit Local Number/Name Translation Table number (300-499). 3.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Car&m&ion tone is heard and the display will now update. Fro)qammbg steps ToEnter or Change the eurren t name shown on the display: 1 .Press the NAME flexible button (Button #2). 2.Enter the name (up to 24-characters may be entered) by using keys on the dial pad as follows: A=21 B =22 Cd!3 D=31 E-32 F=33 ,G =41 H =42 I =43 J=51 K =52 L =53 M ~61 N =62 0 =63 P =71 Q =74 R =72 s =73 T=81 u =82 V =83 w=91 x =92 Y 293 Z&4 1 =l# 2 =2# 3 =3# 4=4# 5 =5# 6=6# 7 =?# 8=8# 9 =9# 0 =O# Space =ll :=12 . - =13 ’ =14 ‘=ol * =02 ?=03 /=04 ! =*1 $ =*2 016 93 & =*4 * ( =#l ] =#2 + =#3 = =#4 # =## 3. Ifan error is made while entering the name, press the BACK SPACE flexible button (Button #4). This button may be pressed to backspace one character at a time. 4.Pre.s~ the HOLD button to save the entry. Confrrrnation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description BIN/XC&I - Each entry in the directory dialing list must be associated to either a system speed dial bin (for calling a destination outside of the system) or to an intercom station (for calling idxnal station including CO line transfers). Description NAME - A name of up to 24-characters may be entered into each directory dial list entry. The names will appear alphabetically when ac- cessed by a station user. It is possible t have multiple entries that are associated to the same station number or system speed dial bin. This allows the same name to be entered into the list several times. for exxnple by last name and by first name, pointed to a station number and a speed dial bin [home. or mobil phone number) or to have several different names all associated to the same speed dial bin, 710-34 ISa& 1. January 199s

iqjhitt? DVX’andDVXn DQm Key Telephone Systems smnu PAIWMETERS PROGRABUMNQ MISC. SYSTEM Pm (Cont’d) DIRECTORY DIALING (Co&d) To ckar an entry: Prog -lgsteps 1 -Press the CW flexible button (Button #3). 2. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Conffrmation tone is heard and the display wiU now update. The em-y will be erased (both the BIN/ICM assignment and the programmed name). Description CLEAR - Entries in the table may be erased and cleared from the table allowing another entry to be placed into the list. When a system speed dial bin has been deleted or changed the name associated tc the bin must also be erased. As multiple table listing may be assodated to one system speed dial bin it may be necessary to clear more than one entry. .

.; SYSTEM PARAM.EE= PROGRAMMING &finite DVX’ and DVX’ D&&al Key Telephone Systems MISC. SYSTEM PARAMETE RS (Cont’d) 710.13 EruNT GROUPS 1f Hunt Groups are to be assigned: f . Press FLASH and dial f30J. The following message wiIl be shown on the display: 2.The top left button in the fle&ble button field will be lit for programming Hunt Group I @30). To change Hunt Groups or enter a &f&rent Hunt Group. press the appropriate flexible button 1-S (330-337) and perform the following procedures. 3. Enter the three-digit station numbers up to a maximum of !24-digits (8 stations). Hunt groups are joined together by enter- ing another Hunt Group pilot Number as the last entry of the group. 4. Press the HOLD button to save the entq. Confxmation tone is heard and the display will now update. To remove stations from a hunt group: 1. Enter three I###] ~pounds] on the dial pad. 2. Press the HOLD button. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. This will remove all stations previously programmed in that group, B-- tW~titxx/~ot Hunting Assignment Prom Steps 1. Press the STATION/PILMI‘ flexible button [Button #9) to indicate Station Hunting or PIlot Hunting. l L.ED on= Station Hunting enabled l LED off= Pilot Hunting enabled Description The system can be arranged for up to eight hunt groups. Each hunt group can contain up to eight stations each. Each hunt groups can be independently arranged to utilize either a pilot hunting technique or station hunting tech- nique. Hunt groups may also be chained to- gether when larger Hunt groups are desired. Hunt groups can be joined together by pro- grammjng another hunt group number as the last member of a hunt grout. If a station is in DND or is forwarded to another station. it is conside+ busy. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the Hunt Group prog - garea. Description PILOT HUNTING: Incoming CO, transferred CO. and intercom calls can be directed to a ptiot number of a hunt group. ‘llxe system will search sequenWy (in the order the extensions were entered in the database programming) for an idle station in the group and will ring that station. Calls directed direct@ to stations (by calling the extension number) witi the hunt group will not hunt but receive call progress tones from the extension. STATION m 0: Incoming co, transferred CO, and intercom calls that are presented to a busy, or DND station, that is a member of a Station Hunt group, will search sequentially (in the order the extensions were entered in data- base programming] for an idle station in the group and wiU ring that station. calls will st.iSl be allowed to be directed to the groups pilot number for hunting. 710-36 Issue 1, January 1993

iqfinite DV2C’andDVX” Di@td Key Telephone Spstems SYSTEM P-RS PRUGIlAMMING MISC. SYSTEM PARAMETE RS (Cont’d) 7 10.14 LUCAL NlJMBER/NAME TRANSIA- TIUN TABLE Proffrarnrning Steps lf changes need to be made to Local Num- ber/Name Translation Table: 1. F’ress FLASH and dial 1551. The following message is shown on the display phone: ]I mere: - XXX= Table Number 300-499 - ##= Route Number 00-19 2.The ROUTE NUMBER LED is lit. Enter the two-digit Route Numbu (00- 191 frm what was entered in program code, FUSH 43. - 00-09= DVX I System - O&19= DVXn System To erase a current phone number and name entry: l.F’ress the CLEAR ENTRY flexible button (Button #4) to clear an entire phone num- ber and name from the current index. 2.Press the NEXT TABLE flexible button (Button # 16) to advance to the next index and continue entering information into the translation table, or 3.F’ress the PREV TmLE flexible button [Button # 19) to go back to a previous index that is already programmed. - To locate an existing index for editing: 1. FYess the TABLE NUMBER flexible button (Button #20). The following message is shown on the display phone: ,,,.,, %-Enter a two-digit number which corn- spnds to the index numbers 00-99. 3.~ss the HOLD button to complete the entry. Description An administerable table in the KSU provides a local translation from a received c&ng number to a name. This is administerable by the cus- tomer from the attendant console position. This table is also shared by the ICLlD features. In cases of conflict between the name delivered from the CO and that in the locat translation table. the local translation table shall rule. 100 entries are provided in this table for the infinite DVX ’ system, 200 entries are provided in this table for the inj?nUe DVX f ’ system. Tbe buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below.w+n entering the 1CLlD l.ccal Name Translation programming area: Related Pm Braqmriae: Refer to Sec. 750.1. ICLID Programmmg for additional information about ICLID features. Issue 1, January 1995 710-57

. @finite DVX’ and DV2X” 8YsTEM PARAMETERS PROGRAMMlNG [email protected] Ecy Telephone Systems MISC. SYSTEM PARAMETE FtS (Cont’d) LOCAL NAME TRANSLATION [Cont’d) Pm@ * .,steps To progmm a phone number into the Local Number/Name Translation table: 1. Press the PHONE NUMBER flexible button (E&.&ton #2) to enter the desired phone number into the translation table. Maxi- mum length of phone number is I$-digits, including hyphens. D =31 E=32 F=33 G =41 H =42 I -43 J =51 K =S2 L =53 M =61 N =62 OS3 P=71 Q =74 R =72 s =73 T=Bl U =82 v=83 w=91 x =92 Y =93 Z=94 7 1 =I# 2 =2# 3 =3# 4=4# 5 =5# 6 =6# 7 =7# 8 =8# 9 =9# 0 =O# $.xxe=ll : =l2 - =13 ’ -14 “=ol ,=02 ?=Q3 /=04 1=*1 $ =*2 o/s =*3 & =‘4 + d# (=#l ] =#2 + =#3 = =#4 # =## . 2. Press the HOLD button to update the da- tabase. The BACK SPACE flexible button (Button #5) can be used to erase the current number to correct for errors. Description 710-38 Issue 1. January 1993

_ _ . . i@zite DVX’ and DV2C” D&itd Key Telephone Systema SYSTEM PARAMETERS PROGIUUKMING MISC. SYsrnM PA,IuMEm RS (Cmt’d) LOCAL NAME TRANSLATION (Cont’d) Rogrammiry! Steps To progam a name into the translation table: 1. Press the PJAME flexible button mutton #3) to enter the desired name into the transla- tion table. Maximum Iergth is 2-+charac- ters. A=21 M561 B -22 N -62 C=23 0=63 D=31 f =?l E =32 Q =?4 F =33 G =41 H =42 I=43 J =51 K =52 L=53 R =72 s =73 T =81 u =82 v=a3 w=91 x=92 Y=93 Z=94 4=# /=04 5 =5# I I=*1 6 =6# $ =*2 7 =?# % =*3 a =8# & =*4 9 =9# l G# cl =O# (=#l Space = 11 i ) =#2 : =12 + =#3 - =13 = =#4 ‘=14 # =## Description 2. Press the HOLD button to update the da- tabase. The BACK SPACE flexible button (R.&ton #5) can be used to erase the current letter to correct for errors. . Isme 1, January 1993 710.39

r in_finite DVXandDVX D~~KeyTclepho~eS~telIlB CO LINE ATITUBUTES PROGRAMMING SECTION 720 CO LINE ATTlUBUTES PROG-NG 720.1 ~ODUGTION l?rogramming steps If the system is in the progr * ’ g mode, continue using the program codes. IfstarLing to program here, enter the programming mode. Refer to See. 700.2, Program Mode Entry (Key Station). If any CO line features are to be changed: a. Press FLASH and dial 1401. The following message is shown on thgt display phone: 51 b. Enter a four-digit number for the range of lines being programmed. If only one line is being programmed, enter that number twice (0101). c. Fress the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Flexible button #20 [New Range) will be lit. The following message is shown on the display phone to indicate current progmmming of that line or group of lines. - XX-XX= The CO Line Range being programmed. (01-281 Description This section describes the procedures and steps necessary to progmm CO Line attributes. When entfxing the CO Line attributes portion of the database, the programmer may decide to enter information for either a range of CO lines or one spedfic CO Line. Range pro- allows the programmer to change a specific parameter or a few parame- ters for an entire range of CO Lines leaving intact the remaining data fields that do not require change. ThFe data fields will continue to operate with the previously programmed data. For example ifC0 lines are programmed into several CO line groups with different Class of service etc... but it is desired to enable Loop Supervision (SUPV) on all CO Lines the pro- grammer may enter as the range BLb, CO lines (01-28) and enable loop supervision, then wdt programming. This will enable loop supervision for all CO lines leaving intact the various CO line group programming and COS data for the range* The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the CO L,ine Attribute progmmming area. pfq pig &j Fi p+q~~~ - Button #17 [Ring Display] will display the ringing assignments for the CO line. - Button # 18 lrJext Entry] will take you to the next higher CO line, - Button #I9 Previous Entry] will take you to the next lower CO line. - Button #20 [Select Range] will prompt for a new CO Line range. lsa~l,JanuarylQQS 720-l

r CO LINE ATTRIBUTES PROG-G [email protected] DVX’ and DVX” [email protected] Key Telephone Systems co LINE A’ITRTBUTES [C-onYd) A DTMF/Dial P&e Progmz Profprmming Steps 1. Press the DTMF/DIAL PULSE flexible but- ton fButton #l]. This feature will toggle on and off with each depression. and the dis- play will update with each depression. l LED on = DTMF enabled l IlED off= l&I Pulse enabled 2.Ress the HOLD button to save the entry. B. CO/PBX programming ROgI ’ lg steps 1. Press the CO/PBX flexible button (Button #2). This feature will toggle on and off with each depression, and the display will up- date with each depression. l LBDon= co type is enabled l LED off= PBX is enabled 2.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard. Description m/DIAL PULSE. Each individual outside line can be programmed to bc either DTMF (tone) or dial pulse. When a line is assigned as dial pulse, you can program the break/ make ratio and dial speed. Default: By default, all lines are set for UKMF. Related Rogzam&mg: Refer to Sec. 720.2, Dial Pulse Parameters; and Sec. 710.1. System Timers. CO Ring Detect Timer. Descriptron CO/PBX. Each in&iduaI outside line con- nected to the system may be programmed as either a CO or PBX line. Also use the PBX mark when identifying Centrex lines. Default: By default, alllines are assigned as CO lines. Related Progmnming Refer to Sec. 710.5, PEX Dialing codes; sec. 710.1. systeIIlTimers. CO Ring Detect l%nec &so refer to Sec. 720.1, CO Line Programming, Flash Timer Prog-nmdng later fn this section. 720-2 Ismut 1, Januarg 19Bs

r iJZFn@e DVX’ and DVX If digital Key Telephone Systems CO l.JNE ATTRIBUTES PROGIUBKMING CO LINE ATTRIBUTES (Cont’d) Pro@krmning Steps Description 1. Press the UNA flexible button Button #3). This feature will toggle on and off with each depression, and the display will update with each depression. l LJSD on = UNA is enabled . LED off= UNA is disabled 2. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard. UNA. If a line is marked UNA, and if the system is in night setice mode and if UNA is enabled in system parameters, then when a CO line rings into the system, a ring tone is generated over all external page zones. Defarrlt: By default, UNA is enabled R&ted Pro-: Refer to Sec. 710.L. System Timers. External Night Ring; and Sec. 710.7. Relay/Sensor Programming. . D. DIM Trunk-to-Tnmk (Per CO Ibnt) R-c, ’ gsteps If the CO line DISA Trunk-to-Trunk (Confer- ence) attributes is to be cfianged: 1. Press the DISA TRIGTO-TRK fltible but- ton (Button #4). ‘Ihis feature will tog&e on and off with each depression, and the dis- play will update with each depression. l LEDon = DlsA Trunk-to-rrunk is en- abled (a ‘C” is displayed) l LED off = DISA Trunk-to-Trunk is dis- abled 2.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confiition tone is heard. Description DXSA TRK-TO-TRK The DiSAlYunk-to-Ttunb (or Conference) mark on the CO line governs a DISA callers ability to access other outside lines. CO lines must have D&AR-u&-to-M enabled to allow a DISA caller to establish an outgoing bunk-to-trunk connection. This al- lows for spedik CO line access restriction on DIM calls. A station with conference enable will be allowed to initiate a Conference on CO lines regardless of the CO iine DISA Trunk-to-‘Punk marking. Dcfixnik By default, DISA Tkunk-to-Trunk is enabled for aJ.I CO lintk Related Progrrq: Refer to Sec. 730.1, Station Attributes Programming, Conference Enable/Disable (Per Station). The CO line DISA Trunk-to-Trunk flag affects a DISA callers ability to access butgo- it-g CO lines as shown in the following table: Incoming DISATrunk . T-t-T Enabled T-t-T Disabled Trunk DLSA caller attempts to access T-t-T Enabled T-t-T Disabled Cdl Allowed Call Denied call Denied Call Denied hue 1. Janq 1993 720-a

iqj%ite DVX ’ and DVX I1 co z;LNE AWUTE!j PROGRAMMING Dig&al Key Telephone Systems co LINE ATTRE3UTES @unt’dI E. privacy Pro@ ~‘gsteps If CO L.ine privacy is to be changed: 1. Press the PRIVACY flexible button. (Button #5, This feature will toggle on and off with each depression. and the display will up- date with each depression. * IED on = Privacy is enabled * LED 0s = Privacy is disabled 2. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard. Description RRIVACY. If desired. the system can be pro- gramrned to eliminate CO Line privacy, allowing another station to join in on existLng outside line conversations. l Stations must have a direct CO Hne appear- ance to join CO line conversations in pro- gRSS. l A station must also have Privacy disabled before the system wilI allow that station to enter into an existing conversation. L/ l Both parties will hear an alert tone just prior to a station joining the cal& l When privacy is disabled, only one other station may join tn on an existing conversa- tion. D&ulk By default, Privacy is enabled for all co Lines. RcIated Rogmmming: Refer to Sec. 730.1, Statian Attributes Programming, F’rivaq (Per Station) option and Sec. 730.2, Page ‘B” Programming, Flexible But-ton Programming for button assignments. The CO line. Privacy f.f ag affects a station users ability b access CO lines already en- gaged in conversation by another station in the system as shown m the following ta- ble: Station Attempting to Access CO Line CO Line In use by another Station Privacy Enabled Privacy Msabled 1 privacy Enabled 1 Private Private No Cut-through (No cLlt-through) 1 Privacy Disabkd Private (No Cut-through I Privacy Released Cut-through Allowed 7204 Issue 1, Ja3lualy I.093