Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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,: GENERU DESC~BN? iq.j%nite DVX’amiDVXn DQital IEey Telephone Systems D. 4x8 SLT Jr&t&&e Board (CSB) The 4x8 SLTInterface Board ICSB) is a four CO Line by eight single line telephone in- terface board. The card is a combination card that contains the necessary circuiny to connect four CO/Centrex/PBX loop start lines and eight standard on-premise single line telephone (2500 fype) to the system. This card also contains one addi- tional voice [trammitl path for external paging and a connector for adding one application module (ie. D’l’XlF Receiver or DuaI IYIMF/TaIk-3ack Page Module] to the system. The 4x8 SLT Interface Board can be removed or inserted with power on the KSU. Refer to Figure 200-9 4xB SLT Interface Board (CSB) for location of con- nectors. A molex connector is located on the 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) to provide ring germator capabikties. It is recommended that the Tell&s 8101.30 Hz, SOVAC Ring Generator be used with this board. . . . ..’ Pvgure ZOO-9 4x8 SLT InterEace Board @Ml Message Waiting capability comes in- stalled onto the 4x8 SLT Interface Board. This circuitry provides message waiting lamps to single line telephones equipped with message waiting lamps and supports up to eight Single Line Telephone Message Waiting lamps at BOV dc typical across tip and ring. LBDS & Indicators: Five red LEDs are located along the front edge of the 4x8 SLT Interface Board. one for each CO Line to indicate when it is in use and one LED that monitors the contact operation of the muhi use relay located on the board. Two green LEDs also located along the front edge of the 4x8 SLT Inter- face Board (CSB) indime the presence of +5V & -5V dc. co Line/station hesfaces: The 4x8 SLT Interface Board [CSB] pro- vides the interface for four Central Of&e, Centrex or PBX loop start, lines. The pro- tectioncircuilxynecessarytoallowthesys- tem to be classified as a fully protected system are located on the card for each CO circuit. The CO circuits are equipped with current sensing circuitry that identifies distant end disconnect (loop supervision), The card also provides proper fusing or protection to comply with the requirements of UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. The 4x8 SLT Interface Board does not support data devices for data switchfng. The 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) pro- vides the control and interface for eight standard single line telephones (2500 type). Eight 36V dc single line circuits are provided on the printed circuit board. These single line telephones can be equipped with a standard Message Waiting Lamp (90VT & RI that operate on the -tip” and “ring’” leads. Additionally each circuit provides a loop interrupt (7OOms duration) to the connected SLT or device. The card will support single line telephones up to 2000 feet from the Basic KSU cabinet. Re- fer to Table 200-4 - Loop Limits for addi- tional wiring information. On-premise single line telephones should present a load to the port totaling a maximum ringer eqllfvalence of 2.5. 200-14 tme 1, Januarg 1-3

i@ite DVX I and DVX” Di@ti ISty Telephone Systems GENERAL DESXIPTION 200.4 API’LICXrION MODULES A. Erpansion I/O Module (IO&I) for the DVX r System The DVX r contains one BS-232C. I/O port (female. DB-25 type co~ector] located on the main key sentice board (J5). This op- tional l/O module may be added to the main key sewice board (on connector J 15) adding one additional RS232C port (fe- male, DB-25 type connector) and one RS- 422 port (6 pin modular jack connector). Each I/O port on this module is capable of transmitting and receiving data at 300, 12#.2400,4800 and 9600 Baud rates. c 0 . I u B. Expansion I/O Module QOM) for the Dvx E sy6ttm This module provides one RS232C I/O port (8 pin modular jack) and one RS-422 I/O port (6 pin modular jack). This moduie is installed on the Central Processor Board printed circuit board and adds two I/O ports to the one FS232C I/O port already on the Central Processor Board for a total of three I/O ports allowed in the system. Each port is independently programmed for its use and the rate of speed at which it transmits and receives data (baud rate). The options are 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600 Baud rates all at 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, with No parity. n 0 0 E P 4 lx422 Jl -- Fvs.232 52 I 0 C. 1200 Baud Modem ModuIe (MMJ This optional 1200 baud modem C&-I be installed on either the DVX ’ or the DVX o systems to add the capability of communi- cating with the system from a remote site or location at the rate of 1200 baud. Both systems provide as standard an on-board modem capable of transmitting data at 300 baud. With this module Installed, a trans- mission baud rate of 1200 baud can be selected. A programmable optton aIlows for auto baud detection between 300 and 1200 baud. Connection to the modem is accomplished by simply calling into the system and con- necting to the modem. This can be done by: ringing directly to the modem, by going through DISA. or after being answered by a station user and u-ansferred to the mo- dem port. Connection to the modem port is under soti control. The 1200 baud modem module maintains the compatibilitywlth the Hayes command protocol and uses theBell System (Western Electric) standards 103 and 212A for mo- dem design. The modem operates on-line in both Full and Half duplex modes. i 0 D. DTMF Receiver ModtiIe m This module is used to provide DTMF m- ceivers in the system to support singIe line telephone and DISA applications. 1 Currently this module can be added to the DVX I System Expansion KSU, 2x4 Ex- pander Module. 2x4 SLTExpander Module and the 4x8 Expander Module. This mod- ule can also be added to the DVX IT System on each 4x8 Key Interface Board. and each 4x8 SLT Interface Board. Mach MMF Re- Issue 1. January 1993 200-16

.1 /: i I /,; ceiver Module contains 1 DTMF receiver. A maz&rnrm of three DTMF Receiver Modules can be installed in the DVX ’ system for a total of four receivers for the system(one IYTMF Receiver is located on the main key service board on the Basic KSU. A maxi- mum of 13 IYIMF Receivers can be in- stalled in the DVX ’ system, depending on whether the Dl?vlF Receiver Module or the Dual DTMF/Talk-Back Page Module is in- stalled. Generally, one receiver will support DISA and/or eight SLT stations under light to moderate traffic. If SLT and or DISA trafi%z is heavy, additional -receivers should be added. It is also recommended to add additional DTMF Receivers when a Voice M&I or Auto Attendant is connected to the system- The DTMF Receiver Module plugs onto a ZO-pin connector on the following printed circuit boards (one DTMF Receiver Module may be installed on each card): . 2x4 Expander Module . 2x4 SLT Expander Module l Main Key Service Board of the Expan- sion Key Service Unit (EKSU) l 4x8 Expander Module l 4x8 Key Interface board (CKB) l 4x8 SLT Interface board (CSB) E. Dlraf DTIUF/Talk-Back Page Module -1 This module is used to provide additional lYIMF receivers Ln the system to support - sin&e line telephone and DISA apphca- tions along with two-way external paging capability. Currently this module can only be added to the DVX ’ 4x3 SLT Interface Board (CSB). Each Dual lYl’MF/Talk-Back Page Module contains two DTMF Receiv- ers. A maximum of six Dual lX’MF/Talk- Back Page Modules can be installed in the DVX ‘I system, (A CKB must be installed in Slot 1 for programmin g i?om an Executive Digital Terminal (only a single DTMF Re- ceiver modu.Ie can be instaIled on the CKB board), CSB boards can be installed in Slots 2 thou 7. Each CSB board havnxg a Dual DTMF/TaIk-Back Page Module in- stalled. resulting in 13 DTMF Receivers in the system. Genera@. one receiver will support DISA and/or eight SLT stations under light‘to moderate tra%c. If SLT and or DISA traffic is heavy. additional DTMF Receivers should be added. It is also recommended to add additional DTMF Receivers when a Voice Mail or Auto Attendant is connected to the system. Optional Dual DTMF/ Talk-Back Page Module Pl (FUTURE) 200-16 Iw5uel,Jan~lsss

[email protected]&e DVX’andDVX’ lM,gitsl Key Tclcphone Sywtems GENF,RALDESCRFT’XcIN 200.5 DKXTAL TERMINKLS A. 33-Button Extcllt.ive (Display] TCrmtnal The 33button Digital Terminal is one in a line of Digital electronic telephone terrni- nals. The line consists of an Executive @is- play] telephone. an Executive/PC Interface telephone, an Enhanced (nan-display) telt- phone and an 8-hutton Basic telephone. These telephones arc designed to operate with the new line of h-@-de Digital Key Systems and PBX Systems. The 33-button and &button DigitaITermi- I-E& are connected to the KSU via a four wire (two twisted pair] connections from an appropriate electronic terminal interface board. LCD Display: The 33-button Dfgital Display Terminal has a 48 character IAquid Crystal DispIay. The display pnwides information such as station extensions caIling, Line ringing in- formation, camp-on information, Message waiting tionnation and so on. The LCD Display is a 48- character display divided into 3 fields: - Field 1 - Current Status (top hne, 24- characters) - Field 2 = Date &eft half of bottom line, 12-characters) - Field 3 = Time of day @Z&t half of bot- tom line, 12-characters) These fields are separately maintained by the. KSU processing to shaw current and pending statton activfty. Each field is rec- reated upon any display change except additional digits which are added to the end of the existing display. - The terminal communicate5 to the K3.I tbrougl-~ two 64K digital channel arrange- ments. One channel is used as the p&xx-y voice channel, a second is used for termi- nal to KSU command transmission. Power is also provided to the tenninattia the four wire connection. Buttons and I.BDa: The 33-button Digital terminal key boamt PCB provides long ltfe “sup& bright” I+ht Emitting Diodes WDs) and button asset- blies that profrude through the top hous- ing. The buttons are small rectangular- In shape with a Clear end for proper LED visibility and diffusion, the 33-button DWd Ternhal has 33-buttons all con- taining LEDs except the pickup and Flash buttons plus a 12-key dial pad. The 33-button DigitaJ Terminal scans the key board for dial pad and button de- bounces and depressions for command transmission to the KSU. The keyset has the following buttons defined as follows: Display and Non-Display - 12 DialKeyPad* - 24 Flexible Buttons - I ON/OFF button [fixed] - I MLrE button (fKecI) - 1 SPEED button [fixed) - 1 FLASH button (fjxedl - I TRANSfer buttondfixed) - 1 HOLD button (fured) - 1 CAMP-ON button (fmed) - 1 MSG button (f&d) - 1 PICKUP button (fixed) l Au buttons except the 12-key dial pad, Pickup and Flash button have an LED assocfated with it. Refer to Figure 200-10 33-ButianE2am.1tfve~gigitai Terminal. Spmkerphont: Each 33-button Digital Terminal is equipped with a unit that enables the tele- phone to be used handsfree in two-way conversations. The user activates the speakerphone by pressfng the ON[OFF button &ED hghts steady). To tWt.e a speakerphone call, the ON/OFF button is toggled OFF (LED extinguished). The MUTE feature is used in conjunction with the speakerphone option. To mute the speakerphone microphone, the MUTE but- ton is pressed &ED lights steady). To reac- tivate the mimphone, the MUTE button is pushed again (LED extinguished), Several pro-able options control the speakerphone operation. Each digital ter- minal can be programmed for full speaker- phone operation. or monitor/On-Hook dialing capabilities with no full speaker phone operation. When Automatic R-e-selection is enabled at the station when any button is pressed (i.e. CO, DSS, Page etc...) the station and speakerphone is automatically activated. v01tmle controlr3: Separate ‘slide” switches are provided on the tiont of the G-@-&e Digital Terminal to Issue I, January 1993 2cm17

iqfinite DVX’ andDVXn GENE= DEMX.IFTION Di@aI I& Telephone Systema :. ‘:: m 200-10 3S-Button E;xtCUtiQC Digital Termimd ZOO-18

i&de DVX’ and DVX’ Digftal Key Telephone Systems GENBIZAL DBSCBJPTION adjust the volume of the voice and tones presented to the terminal speaker. - The speaker volume (center switch] will contro’l all voice signals sent to the speaker i.e. Speaker Phone conversa- tions, BGM, and Page announcements. - The ringing volume (right switch] wiU control all tone signals presented to the speaker i.e. Ringing. splash tones. Camp-On etc... Muted ringing will also be conkoIled by the ringing volume slide switch. ‘l%e muted ringing volume will be proportionately quieter than normal ringing based on the current switch set- ting- HF-W-TN Switch: A three position slide switch is located on the front of the Digital Display Termhal that controls the method of receiving inter- com cans. - The “HF” position allows intercom call am~ounce with hands free reply. - The “W position allows Call Announce intercom calls only. - The TN” position provides Tone only intercom ringing. This switch allows users to set and corm-o1 the method in which they receive the& intercom calls. However. af%aIcodethat users can dial before placing an intercom call can override a ealleci station’s switch setting of HF or PV to force the station to Tone ring. Directory Ray: Each 33-button Digital Terminal is equipped with a slide-out Directory Tray accessed from the front of the digital termi- nal. e wall Mounting: The 33-button Wall Mount Bracket is de- signed to allow the 33-button digital termi- nal to be waII mounted on industry standard 630 @pe wall jacks. A 4-inch line cord is also provided as a standard item with each wall bracket. EIandset/une cords: The 33-button Digital Terminal uses a color coordinated K-Style handset with a makb.ing la-foot handset cord. A g-foot four conductor base line cord is included with ewryTermi&. The 33-button Digital Terminal. uses an .e.&tret type transmitter. Comp&tible headsets can be plugged into the Tern% nals handset jack for headset operation. B. 33-Button Bxecutfve/PC Intuface Terminal QCLID) The 33-button Executive/PC InterfaceTer- minal is similar to the 33-button Executive Display model and all of the information listed above applies to the Executive/PC Interface model except this terminal is used to deliver specffic data messages identifying call states to a device attached to the phone via a serial channel following the data transmission requirements of BS- 232C. The interface parameters to be used arc 2400bps. no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. This featurew%l deliver ICLID data to a Personal Computer attached to the phone for look-up of customer records and subsequent processing by the individuaI answering the telephone call. Calls can also originate from the Personal Computer through the digital tenntnat. The 33-button Executive/PC Interface ter- minal provides transmit, receive, and ground data lines from the phone micro- processor which are used on command i%om the KSU to output information. The use of this capability would be to output the ICLlD information to a PC attached to the phone. The VODAVI CalI ‘Tracker soft- ware program is available to support these Caller ID applications. fiture use couId be made of this capability for low speed data provided to equipment attached to the phone. C. 33-Buttoa Di@hd Terminal IEnhapccd) The 33-button Enhanced Digital Terminal is similar to the 33button Executive Digi- tal TerminaI and all of the information listed above applies except there is no IX3D display. IBsue I. Jaauarg 1993 209-19

GENERAL DEKXIPTION infinite DVX I and DVX’ D&bit Key Telephone Systemis F’Qurc 206113343utton Enhanced Digital TcrminaI 200-20 Lssut 1, January l-3

iqfhfte DVX I aPd DVXn Dj#td Eey Telephone Systems GENERAL DESCRIPTION D. &Button Digital Terminal The 8-button Digital Terminal is new to the line of digital electronic telephone termi- nals. This new telephone is designed to operate with the line of in$nrte Digital Key Systems and PBX Systems. Buttons and LEDs: The g-button Digital terminal key board PCB provides long life ‘super bright” Light Emitting Diodes (LED-s) and button assem- blies that protrude through the top hous- ing. The buttons are small rectang&r tn shape with a clear end for proper LED visibility and diflixion. The &button Digi- tal Tcnninal has eight buttons all contain- ing LEDs plus a 12-key dial pad. me S-button Digital T erminal scans the key board for dial pad and button de- bounces and depressions for command transmission to the KSU. The keyset has the following buttons defined as follows: - 12DiaIKeyPad* - 8 buttons, 4 of which are flexible - 1 DSS STA 100 button (flexible) - 1 DSS STA 101 button (flexible) - 1 Ix)OP button @zxible) - 1 POOL button (fle~&le) - 1 SPEED button [fnted) - 1 ON/OFF button (tied) - 1 TRANSfer button (fixed) - 1 HOLD button (fjxecl) l All buttons except the 12 key dial pad, have an LED associated with it Refer to Figure200-1033Button DigitalTerminal. speakerphoItc: Each 8-button Digital Terminal is * equipped with a unit that enables the tele- phone to be used handsfree fn two-way conversations. The user activates the speakerphone by pressing the ON/OFF button (LED lights steady). To termmate a speakerphone call, the ON/OFF button is toggled OFF (LED extinguished). The MUTE feature is used in conjunction with the speakerphone option. To mute the speakerphone microphone, the pre-pro- grammed MUTE flex button is pressed &ED Qhts steady). To reactivate the mi- crophone. the MUTE button is pushed qain (LED extinguished]. Several prog rammabie options control the speakerphone operation. Each digital ter- minal can he programmed for full speaker- phone operation, or monitor/On-Book dialing capabilities with no full speaker phone operation. When Automatic Pre-selection is enabled at the station when any button is pressed (i.e. CO, DSS, Page etc...) the station and speakerphone is automatically activated. v01ume controh A “slide” switch is provided on the front of the w 8-button Digital Terminal to adjust the volume of the voice and tones presented to the terminal speaker. - The -slide” switch sontrols the speaker v&me which controls all voice signals sent to the speaker i.e. Speaker Phone conversations. BGM. and Page an- nouncements. - The same ‘slide” switch also controls the ringing volume which controls a.tl tone signals presented to the speaker i.e. Ringing, splash tones, Camp-On etc... Muted ringing is also controJled by the slide switch. The muted ringing volume wUl be proportionately quieter than nor- mal ringing based on the current switch setting. DirectorgTxar Each 8-button Digital Terminal is equipped with a shde-out Directory lYay accessed from the front of the digital termi- nal. wall Motmthg: The Bbutton WAl Mount Bracket is de- sfgned to allow the &button Digital Tern& nal to be wall mounted on industry standard 630 type walljacks. A 4-inch he cord is also provided as a standard item with each bracket. HaIldsct/line c!ords: The &button Digital Terminal uses a color coordinated K-Style handsetwith a match- ing 12-foot handset cord. A Q-foot four conductor base line cord is included with every Terminal. The 8-button Digital Terminal uses an &&XL type transmitter. Compatible headsets can be plugged into the Termi- nals handset jack for headset operation. lsfmc 1. January 1993 20&21

i@nite DVX’ taxad DVX” DQitaI Key Telephone Systems Ipigurc 2-12 8-Button 3asic D&Ml TerminaI

@finite DVX’ and DVX’ ~)@t.aI K.ey Telephone S~ttrns GENERAL DESCRIPTION E. Mgit.al DSS/DLS Consok The Digital Direct Station Selector /Direct Line Selector (D.SS/DLS) Consoles can be installed in place of any digital terminal circuit. The DSS/DLS Digital Console was designed in a housing similar in looks to the 33-button digital terminal. The Direct Station Selector/Direct Line Se- lector (DSS/DLS) Console to be used witi the family of infinite digital systems is modular in nature. The DSS/BLF console provides 48 buttons (4 columns of 12 but- tons) and requires a separatefour-conduc- tor line cord each connected to a digital terminal station port. The DSS/DLS Console unit can access Stations, Direct Appe&ng CO Lines, or features that may be assigned to any of the fladble buttons. A DSS/DLS unit may be assigned to one of the different MAP configurations available. Any one of the three MAP configurations may be assigned to a DSS/DLS and up to three maps may be assigned to one station. However. ‘duplicate” MAPS or appearances of Stations and/or CO lines between the MAPS are not allowed. D8S/DLS Console Buttan Mappiq$ The buttons on the DSS/DLS console can be mapped with either a combination of fixed and flexible or completely flexible but- tons where tbe station user may change the button programming to suit their needs. There are three pre-deIined MAPS for the DSS Console with default Button Aogram- ming. Refer to Figure 200- 14 DSS Console Map 1, Figure 200- 15 DSS Console Map 2. and Figure 200-l 6 DSS Console Map 3 for a button layout of each DSS Console But- ton Map. Issue 1, January 1993 20@23