Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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STATION ATTRIBUTES PROGRMKMiNG Digital Data Interface Unit DDIU) [Cont’d) B. cbaracttr Length option J?rogrammir@ Steps 1. Press the CHARACTER LENGTH flextble button lsutton #2). 2. Enter a one-digit number for the character length of the digit string. - 8= 8 character kngtb - 9= 9 characterlengtb 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confiiation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description CHARACTER =NGTFk Eght bit characters are typically used. without the need for parity. The important point is that the character length settings match those of the attached computer or terminal. If the computer is set up for 8-bit data characters with parity, set the printer the same way. Otherwise, the data may be garbled due to incompatible formats. Default: By default, 8-character length is se- lected. C, Stop Bit(s) Option Prow steps l.Press the STOP BD’S flexible button fBut- ton #3). 2. Enter a one-digit number for the number of stop bits desired. - 1= 1 StopBit - 2= 2 Stop Bits Description STOP BIT@): The stop bit indicates that alI the data bits have been sent and the transmission of the character is complete. Dctiultz By default. 1 stop bit is selected. 3.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Con&nation tone is heard and the display will now update. Issue 1, January 1993 730-23
sgXf’ION ATi-RifBm PRGGRAMMIIW iqfinike DVX’ and DVX’ Dtgttal lgty T&phone Systems PAGE “B” STATION ATTRIBUTES [Cont’dI 730.4 FLExfBLE PORT ASSIGNAUENT FEATURE Pl-ogm steps If the Station numbers need to be relocated to different ports: a. Press FLASH and dial [52). The following message is shown on the display phone: --::::-,,,.,.,,,j b.The buttons 1 through 7 indfcate cards 1 through 7. When the relocation program is initially entered, Button # 1 will be lit indi- cating that the user is programming the Station numbers on tie first card (Station Ports 1 through 8). The LCD will display the Station numbers presently assigned to the fmt eight ports. To change the Station number assigned to any port: a. Dial the position number on the display (01 &rough OS), follawcd by the Station num- ber desired. For example: if 01105 were dialed. the station number of the first entry on the display would be changed to 105. In addition, since 105 was shown as the sixth entry on the display. that entry would be blank (###I. To select another card in the system: a. Press the button assocfated with that card. For example. ff Button #3 were pressed (Station ports 17 through 24). the station numbers assigned to the third catd would - be displayed. Station numbers on the third card are changed in the same manner by entering the position number (01 through 081, followed by the station number de- sired. Description The Flexible Port Assignment feature WLll pro- vide a means to assign Station numbers to any Station port in the system. This provides com- plete fiexibility in determining station numbers wftbin the system as long as they stay within the system numbcrfng plan. A Station can be assigned any number between 100 and 127 on the infinite DVX ’ system and any number be- tween 100 and 155 on tbe infintte DVX ’ sys- tern. This restriction is required to minimize memory requirements on th: smaller systems. The buttons on the key telephone are defined as shown below when entering the Flexible Port Assignment feature prm area: p%qy#gq~~ ~pic@qh-;-;-l All Station numbers entered are stored in a temporary database area whtch is uploaded to the main database when the system is reset.
i@ite DVX’ and DVX” D&&al Key Telephone Systems AuTOM&TIC CALL DISTFUMJTION (ACD) SECTION 740 AUTOMATIC CALL DISTRIBUTION (ACD) 740.1 ACD GROUP ??ROGmG Pro@axnming steps If the system is in the programming mode, continue using the program codes. If starting to program here, enter the programming mode. Refer to Sec. 700.2, Program Mode Entxy (Key Station). lf ACD Groups are to be assigned: 1. Press FLASH and dial [SO]. The fokwlng message is shown on the display phone: .~! WhfflT: - X= ACD Group Number [O-71 - A= Page A Parameters - A&k Alternate ACD Group Assign- ment - Bl3B= ACD OverflowAssignment - CC= ACD Announcement Tables - DDD= ACD Supervisor F’rogramrnmg 2.The top left button in the fl&ble button field wih be lit for programmk# ACD group 0 (5501. To change ACD groups or er&r fu.rtherACD groups (550 to 557). press the appropriate flexible button and perform the following procedures. Descriptton This feature f.s ONLY available when the ACD Software Package is purchased separately. There can be eight ACD groups of no more than eight stations each. The ACD groups use a pilot hunting technique. Ifthe pilot numberis dialed, the assigned stations in that ACD group are searched for the station which has been fn an idle condition for the longest period of time. Each ACD Group may have an assigned Alter- nate ACD Group, an Overflow station and up to eight stations as ACD members. The two sys- tem RAN ports (tables) may also be referenced on a per ACD group basis. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the ACD Group(s) progmmming area: pzq~.~Lfzj ~~pz&ggcr;-l Dcfanlt: By default,< ACD Group Tables are empiy. Related Rogrsmmiq: Refer to Sec. 740.2. ACD Timers for setting the ACD Ring Timer, ACD Message Interval Timer. ACD Overflow ‘Inner. ACD No-Answer Recall Timer, and ACD No-Answer Retry ‘Dmer: Also refer to Sec. 740.3. ACD RAN Announcement Tables for as- signing FUN device ports and message times. Issue 1, January 1993 740-l
AmOBdAmc CALL DISTRIBUTION (ACD) i#nite DVX’andDVXn Digital Key Telephone Systems AUTOM&I?C CALL. DISTRIBUTION [Cont’d) A Alternate ACD Group &siggament Prog-rq steps To program an alternate group: 1. Press the ALTEXNA~ ACD GROUP flex- ible button putton #Q). 2. Enter the three-digit pilot number (550 to 557) of the desired alternate ACD group. 3.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display witl now update. Description ALTERNATE ACD GROUP. An alternate ACD group can be programrued so that if no station in one group is availabie. the alternate group will he checked for an available station. This provides a means to chain or link ACD groups togetbcr. To delete an Alternate ACD Group, press the pound key three times [###I and press the HOLD button. B. ACD Overflow Station Assignment Programmirq! steps To program ACD Overflow station: 1. Rcss the OVERFLQWASSlGN fltzdblebut- ton IButton # 10). 2. Enter the three-digit station nuznber (100 to 155) to designate the ACD Groups over- flow station. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Cor&rmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description ACD OVERFLOW ASSIGN. When an overflow station is assigned, callers that have remained in queue for a specffied amount of time will be routed to the assigned overflow station. The overflow statfon may not be one of the ACD group stations. Only CO calls transferred to a ACD group will overflow to tie overflow station when RAN tables have not been assigned. To delete an Overflow Station, press the pound key three times [###I and press the HOLD but- ton. 740-2 Jssue 1, Jmuary 1933
@#i&e DVX’~dDl%Xn Di@al Fky Telephone Systems AUTOMATXC CALL DISTRIBUTION (ACD) AUTOMATfc CALL DISTRIBUTION (Cmt’d) C. ACD Recorded Announcement Assig--tb) IRAN] Proprammirlg steps To program a Recorded Announcement: 1. Press the ANNOUNCEMENT TEKS flexible button (Button # I 1. 2. Enter one of the following digit sequences: - 1# = RAN port speciiied in Table I wiIl be used. - through - 8# = RAN port specified in Table 8 will be used. Example: - 1.2=Port1wiIIanswert.hecall:port 2 will provide a subsequent message. - 8.1 =Port8wiIIanswertheeaII:port 1 will provide a subsequent message. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display wiIl now update. D. ACD Supe~r Pro@am~~@ Pr- steps To program an ACD Supervisor: 1. Press the ACD SUPV flexible button (But- ton # 12. 2. Enter the three-dfgit station number of the * desired ACD Supervisor station. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description ACD ANNOlJNCEMENT TABLES. An optional Recorded Announcement device(s) may be con- nected to the system to provide an an- nouncement if alI stations in a ACD group are busy. Up to eight ports in the system may be assigned to provide a path to Recorded An- nouncement devices. Incoming CO Callers will only be answered and routed to the Overflow assignment if a RAN Table is assigned. To erase Recorded Announcement(s). press the pound key two times [##)‘and press HOLD. Related m: Refer to Sec. 740.3. ACD RAN Announcement Tables programming for further information regarding each RAN Ta- ble. IkscrliptioIl ACD SUPERVISOR ‘l%e ACD Supervisor Sta- tion assignment feature provides a means to assign each ACD group a supervisor. This Su- pervisor Station can ‘ixxeive the calls in queue display in real time, receives No Answer/Out of Service conditions. ‘HELP” displays from the groups that the supervisor is assigned to and can barge-in on active caIls in his ACD Group or groups. A supervisor can be assigned in ADMIIU to a group or groups to receive the help request and out of service (00s) messages. If a supervisor station is assigned in ADMIN, it is considered logged in. In addition. a supervisor can dial a supervisor login code followed by the ACD group that the supervisor is low into and his four-digit ID number. For maximum compati- bility with the inj?szi& PC-ACD Reporting pack- age, the supervisor assignment should be left blank and the supervisor login-logout feature used. Issue 1. January 1QQ3 740-s
Atomic CALL DISTRIBUTION (ACD) iqfinite? DVX’andDV2C” Digital Key Telephone Spetems Atomic CALL DISTRIBUTION [Cont’d) E. ACD Station l&d@Imcnt(e] Prog * g steps ’ To program stations into a ACD group: I.Press the Page “B” fl&ble button [Button # 191. The folIowing message is shown on the display phone. i EO5533 ### ### ### ### ### ##I## #### ### Where: - X= ACD Group Number (l-8) - B= Page -B” parameters - ###= ACD Station assignments 2.The top left button in the flexMe button field will be lit for progmmming ACD group 0 (5501. To change ACD groups or enter further ACD groups (550 to 557). press the appropriate flexible button and perform the following procedures. 3. Enter the three-digit station numbers of the stations in the ACD group in the order in which they will be checked, A maximum of eight stations may be entered, 4.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description ACD STATION ASSIGNBUENTS. Any type of station (exclucbng DSS/DLS Consoles) may be entered as valid ACD stations. Calls wiIl be routed to station in the order they are entered for the first round of calls only. After that the calls are routed to stations based on On-Hook time. The station with the longest On-Hook time will receive the next call. If a specific station number is dialed, only that station is rung; no distribution will be done if that station is busy. The buttons on the digital twminal are de&red as shown below when enter&g the ACD Station Assi#lments programming area: To erase all stations, press the pound key three times [###I and press HOLD. ~~-J&----s$xJJ$~= toentmundadtmtAwgmupother.thun his own awigncd group. the dutubuae prrrgruming foi AW 8Mtian~~zuill be automaticully changed to rqflcct the dW”:gmrr~. 7404 Iaaue 1, January 1993 .
imite DVX I and DVX u D@tal FSey Telephone Sy8tems AUTOMATXC CAU DISTRIBUTION [ACD) AUTOMATIC WL DXSTRIBUTION (Cont’d] 740.2 ACD TIMERS Programming Steps Description I~ACD thmrs are to be changed: a. Press FLASH and dial [6l]. The folkwing message is shown on the display phone: Six timers for ACD operation are programmable on a system-wide basis. The ACD timers in- clude: A RingTimer, Message Interval Tier, an Overflow Timer, a Auto Wrap-Up Timer, a No/Answer Recall Tiier. and a No/bwer Re- tty Timer. Each timer is descrfbed helm R&ted Rognunming: Refer to Sec. 740.1, ACD Group Programukg; and ACD Recorded Announcement Assignment(s): Also refer to SlX. 500.1~ Installation, Backgrouny Music/Music-On-Hold Connecttons for DVX and DVX ’ systems, andJnsfxdling Recorded Announcement Device (RAN). The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the ACD ‘Ikmrs programming area. k ACDRingThner Prof$Yamag steps To make a change to the ACD Ring Timer: 1. Press the RINGTlMERflwcible button [But- ton # 1). The following message is shown on the display phone: IME awaw . II I 2. Enter the three-digit timervalue on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-300 sec- onds. 3.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confkmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description ACD RING TIMER The ACD Ring Timer deter- mines how long a calI will ring into a busy ACD group before being presented to the first re- corded announcement 13tfsult: By default, the ACD Ring Timer is set for SO seconds, and is variable from 000 to 300 seconds. I68ue 1. Janutuy 1993 740-b
AUTOMATIC CALL DISTRIBUTION (ACD) iqjinite DVX’andDVX” Mgital Key Telephone Systems ACD TIMERS (Cont’d) B. ACD Mefaage Interval T+zr FrogI - gsteps To make a change to the ACD Message Interval Timer: 1. Press the MIT TIMER flexible button (But- ton #2). The following message is shown on the display phone: 2. Enter the three-digit timervahxe on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-600 sec- onds. 3.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description ACD MXT TIMER The ACD Message interval Timer (MllJ determines the length of time a caller remains in queue (‘listening to MOH, if provided) between recorded announcements. Dcfhk By default, the ACD Message Interval Timer is set for 60 seconds and is v&able from 000 to 600 seconds. . C. AW tierflow Timer gramminfS steps Tomake a change to the ACD Ov&low Timer: 1. Press the OVERFLOW lU4ER fl&bE but- ton [Button #3]. The followfng message is shown on the display phone: pij-Tiy 2. Enter the three-digit value on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-600 seconds. 3.FRss the HOLD button to save the en-. Confxmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Dfzscr@tion AW OVERFZOW TIMER The ACD overflow Tfmer determines the tot& kngth of time a caller will remain in queue for a particular AC0 group. When the timer expires, the dier will be routed to the designated overflow station. The timer starts when an incomjng call is an- swered and presented to the first recorded an- nouncement. Transferred CO callers will overflow at the expiration of the Overflow Timer. Default: By default, the ACD Ove&wTlmer is set for 60 seconds and is variable fmm 000 to 600 seconds. 740-6 Issue 1, January 1983
iqfidte DVX’andDVXn Dj@d Key Telephone System8 A~oI~~~A~I-IC CAu DISTRIBUTION (ACD) AUTOIktb%-l’IC CALL DISTRIBUTION (Cmt’d) ACD TIMERS (Cont’d) D. ACD Auto Wrap-Up Timer Progl ’ n Steps To make a change to the ACD Auto Wrap-up Timer: Description 1. Press the AUTO-WRAP TIMER flexible but- ton (Button #4}. The follcMng message is shown on the display phone: ACD AUTO-WRAP TIME& After completion of a ACD call (on-hook) the agent will not be subjected to another ACD call for the duration of the Auto Wrap-Up timer allowing the agent to finish call related work or access other facile- ties. This will allow agents to remove them- selves from the group (i.e.. DND. Call Forwatd) or originate another call. Default: By default, the ACD Auto Wrap-up Timer is set for 04 seconds,and is variable from 000 to 600 seconds. 2. Enter the three-digit value on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-600 scads. 3.F’ress the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. E. ACD No-Ar.wwcr Recall Timer Pro- steps TomakeachangetotbeACDNo-AnswerRecall Timer: l.Press the NO-ANSWER RECALL TIM33R flexible button Wutton #5). The following message is shown on the display phone: 2. Enter the three-digit value on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-300 seconds. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entq. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description ACD NO-ANSWER RECALL TIMER. lfacall routed to a station via ACD is not answered by the ACD Agent/Station before the No-Answer Recall timer expires, the call will be returned to ACD Queue with the highest priority. In addi- tion, the station that failed to answer the ring- ing ACD call will be placed into an out of service @OS) state. Defautt: By default, the ACD No-Answer Timer is at 000 (disabled) and is variable from 000 to 300 seconds. Issue 1. January 1993 7443-7
AlJTOMATIC CALL DISTRIBUTION (ACD) itlfnite DVX’andDvx” Digital 3ey Telephone Systems AUTOB&WIC CALL DISTRIBUTION (Cant’d) ACD TIMERS @~nt*d] F. ACD No-Answer Retq Timer F?rogramdng Steps To make a change to the ACD No-Answer Retry Timer: l.PresstheNO-ANSWERREXRYTMERfiex- ible button mutton #61. The followmg mes- sage is shown on the display phone: 2. Enter the three-digit value on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-999 seconds. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the enn-y. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description ACD NO-ANSWER RETRY TIMER. When the No-Answer Recall timer expires. a station that faUed to answer the ringing ACD call is placed fnto an out-of-service (00s) state. The station that was taken out-of-service (00s) wilI be placed back in service if the agent hits his available flex button or dials the availatlle flex code. In addition, the agent wiIl be placed back in semice if the No-Answer Reby timer expires. If the agent does not answer his next ACD calI, he will again be taken out-of%ervice. This cycle will continue until the station answers calls, logs out, or goes unavailable. Defiaulk Ry default. the ACD No-Answer Retry Timer Is set for 300 seconds and is variable from 000 to 999 seconds. 740-8 Issue 1, Janaarg 1993