Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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WG SYWEM DATAWBE PAWWEl?EW &finite IW2Crand DVX” D&&al Xey Telephone !Qmtcmt6 System DataBase Printouts ltint’dl N. Abort Printing Pqqmnmbg Steps If you need to abort a printouk I. Press tie=mPRImNG flexible button [Button #20). 2. Press the HOLD button. The message cur- rently on the display phone ti remain unchanged, however tie prMQ wiU be aborted. Descriptiori 77%36 Issnc 1, Jantuuy 1983

i@a DVX IandDVX’ ~&v&d Ecy Telephone System6 MAlNTENANCEAND TROmmHOO’MNG SECTION 800 MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING Boo. 1 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD (PCB) Table 80&l DVX ’ BXSU Di#Wl System CONTROL FUNmON 1 .Centi Processor board {CPB) to control system operation. Z.Read Only Memow {ROM) with factory set hS&UCtiOIlS. 3.Random Access Memom (RAM) pro- tected by a nicad bat- tery. 4.HaIt switch for man- ual system restcart. 5Irovides RS-235X port for SMDR and Terminal/Remote Pro- OPnONS I/O Module 1200 Baud Modem Switch setM.ngs for EPROM Memoq Size (See Table below) J26 Jumper for setting RAM Memoq Sfze (See Table below) FAULT OFIIONS 1 .Complete system failure. 2.E1~oneous call processing. 3.Inoperative features in system operation. 4.Partial ftiures ti system operation. 5Lkbim.d syz5tem restarts. 6.Failure of SMDR 7Loss of unique customer data- base PrW * lz- . 6. Contains on-board 300 baud modem for remote system access- 7. Provides all system tones such as ICM dial j tone and busy tone, L etc. Table BOG2 DVX ’ Digital System EPROM Memoxy Size OFF= OPEN ON=CLOSED Tabie 8CJfJ-3 DVX ’ Static RAM Menmy Size SEE OF CHIPS (in Bits) 256 Kbit chips (256K chips) 1 Megabit chip (2048 chips) 4 Megabit chips (4096 chips) J26 -R RAM MEMOFCY SEX POSlTiON &II by-w 2-3 2 - 256K chips = 64K bes 4 - 256K chips = 128K bytes 2-3 2 - I Meg chips= 256K bytes 4 - 1 Meg chips= 512K bytes 2 - 4 Meg chips= 1024 bytes l-2 4 - 4 Meg chips= 2048K bytes hwuc 1, January lBB3 800-l

iq@ite DVX ‘=dDVX ’ D&Jd Key Tclephonc Systems -NANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING Table 800-S DVX ’ CPB EPROM Memory Size I- SIZEOFCHIF’S SW1 SWITCH POSITIONS ’ EP~OM~MORY So i (in Megabits] [in bytes) I I 1 Megabit chips [ 1024 chips) 2 Megabit chips (2048 chips) 4 Megabit chips (4096 chips) Tuble MO-6 4x6 Key Interface Board (Cm) 8 Di@tal Terminals, monitors circuits for DSS/DLS Consoles or busy condition. FUNCTlON i CONTROL OPTiONS Provides interface for 1 Busy state LED that None A.kzo provides for SLTs Table BOO-7 4x8 SLT Inter&e Board (CSB) T FAUXT OFI’IONS 1 .LJnable to receive intercom dial tone. 2.Poor transmission tAElEKteI-iStiCS. 3.Key telephone set inaperative. 4.Key telephone unable to invoke features 5.No LED indications. CONTROL i OPTIONS FAUL.T OF’TIONS Busy state LED that None 1 .SLT can’t meive monitors circuits for dial tone. busy condition. 2.Poor transmission characteristics.

D&tJM Eey Telephone Systems -mCBAND TROT.J5LESHOOTING 800.2 REMOTE MAINTENMCE A GeneraI ovemh?w The Remote Maintenance feature allows authorized persome to survey system and slot configuration information. This can be done through a modem or data terminal connected to the I/O Expansion Module via the FG- 232C/RS-422 port. The commands are entered f?om a keyboard and are limited to those listed. B. Oven&w~Mahtexu~~~~Coznn~~A~ There are four basic commands available in the Remote Maintenance feature. All commands begin with a single character, foIlowed by a space. another character and an optional digit or digits. All commands are terzninated with a carriage return. Basic format of the comman ds are shown in C, Mahtaance Passwo~ The Remote Mainknance feature, like Remote Pro-, is entered via a six-character alphanumeric string. The password prompt is given by entering a carriage return at the device connected to the I/O Module F?S-232C/422 port. Afker the prompt is printed out, the pass- word shouId be entered folIowed by a carriage return. Proper entry of the password wiU resuk in the maintenance prompt, The Remote Main- tenance password is: {CONFIG) D. EAt B&htc=e The Exit comman d wiIl terminate the current Remote Maintenance feature session. The Etit command format is: MNmX PRftCOtlH PLUS Ready! 1428 Digital Hey-System Eng. Uer. 2.0al5 RfiTE: 6H3AW9Z TIIIE: 10:41:06 ENTEN PfBUlJRII: maint)? command I ist : d shnl - dunp system or siot configuration data h-ml specifies an optional siot number parameter no parameter indicates that the entire system will be dumped examples : maint>d s (dumps entire system configuration) maint>d s2 (dumps slot 2 conf igurat ion, etc. 1 ? - help menu x - exit maint ma int> ; Fi@re 800-l Remote Maintenance Hdp Menu

iqjinite DVX ‘andI3VX ’ -NANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING DigItal Eey Telephone System8 E. Sy5tem CoAgnration Figure 800-2 is a conf@ration of the Inj%?&? Digital key Telephone System with LCR and shows what is printed out when: a. The installer enters DuspaccsS at the maint>d s SLOT TYPE Ia UER. IBID TYPE BBD OPTS SERU STAT i - --- - --- 1 2 i 5 maint> CPB CKB 2x4 U?lK UiW CPU COIAfSI UNPOPWXED UNPOFUMTED UM’lWULfi~ED 1428 F Ih HIS INS i 00s 0 00s 0 00s Figure 800-2 System ConfQunstion w/LCR where: Column 1: lists the card slot. Colnmn 2: lists card me of that card slot. COlwmn 3: k&s the firmware version of the card. Cohmm 5: lists card options: Column 4: lists card type and if that card is instaBed. Cohxtn 8: Iists card stabs: OOS status can indicate the enWe card is out of service or a specific station is not installed or irMalIed but not operatfonal INS status can indicate a spe&c station is installed and operating correctly. mo-6 Issue 1, Jannary 1993

in$iaite DVX *and DVX ’ G. Event ‘h-ace Bdfer me Eve& Trace Buffer fs used to store and dump evat traces (up to 30) that OCCLU just prior to a 1r11 KXgM Key Telephone System soft or hard restarL These can then be reviewed by authorized personnel to aid fn qstem troubleshootIx+ The basic format for the commands are: l T - display the current status of the Event trace buffer l Tlcretw - turns the Trace buffer ON to record events ptior to a soft system reset. l TGpace>2aetm - turns the Trace btier ON to record events prk to a hard system restart. l TEcreturn> - dumps Trace Events stored kom last system reset. (soft or hard) 800-8 Issue 1, Jamuuy 18533

i@dte DVX * andDVX ’ D&$al 3ey Telephone Sycstexns MAINTEluANcBm TR0tJEaEsHoolmG mo3 IlJmmm SYSTEM MONITOR A. Gexleml ovemiew The Remote Monitor feature provides re- mote access to the in&died system for diagnostic pqoses. These capabilities benefit Sen&e persomxl enabling them to support the end user remotely. Dtierent levels of access, via password, allows authorized personnel to trace, monitor and -up-load” critical information directly f-ram the h-@&k Digital Key Telephone System. This provides a more accurate means of acquiring system infomatfon that leads to a quick resolution of problems that may occur. ‘lWs IS all done without interfering with ongoing call processing or normal sys- tem operation, and in many cases may be performed without a site visit. The built-in 300 baud modem is used for remote ac- CWS. Capabilities allowed and resewed for this Vigh level troublesbooting” in addition SIC?: l Monitor Mode l Enable & Disable Event 7’race” . Dump Yl’race Buffer” (up-load] B. Monitor Password The Remote Monitor feature, like Remote h&ntenance, is entered via a six-character alphanumeric string. The password prompt is given by entermg a caniage re- turn at the devfce connected to the I/O Module RS-232-C/R&$22 port. After the prompt is printed out, the password shouId be entered foIlowed by a we return- F’roper entzy of the password wiII result in the MOW prompt. The Remote Maintenance password is: {ETR!XE) umt anlg amdur the g&dance and C. Help Menu (?I A convenient on screen Help Menu is pro- vided by Qping a 7” then pressing Enter. The foIlom will appear on the screen: , 14Zfl Digital &XJ-S@JXI Eug. lkr. Z.&l5 Wfl: 08/Z&32 TIW: 10:59:Z3~ mm FFISNORD: man>? 1 0 comand 1 i st : c LA - dunp ca data s ISI - dump sta data t Ldl - set trau! key 13 Ialra3 - dunp muwwy Ra - uodify nmoky b rate - set baud rate ? -~lpluznu X - exit monitor mn> D. Dump Mexncuy Dais Three options allow the memov structure to be -dumped” for Ykwhg. The three op- tions are entered as fokws: c [cl - Dump CO Line memoq structure s [sl- Dump Station memov Structure d [a1[al - Dump a memory address Struc- The data obtained from these commands is in hexadecimal format and is used primar- ily for mantiacture level support. Issue 1, Jmmuy 1993 SOiF9