Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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GElQERAL DESCRIPTIOl?I iqfinite DVX’amiDVX” Digital Key Telephone Systems 4 Backup of customer database RAh4 memory via a ‘Super Cap” (super capaci- tar) . System software is provided in EPROM memory and is installed on the main key service board. The system contains 512K of EPROM storage and is equipped with 128K of ‘battery--backed static RAM. Pro- visions have been made on the card to address up to two megabytes of EPROM memory and up to two megabytes of static RAM. LEDS & Indicators: Four green LEDs are located on the main key service board along the top of the PCB, Two of the LEDs (DS2 & DS3) indicate the presence of +5V h -5V dc. LEDs DSI and DS5 indicate the present of +12V dc used to supply power to the key stations (one LED per four stations). An extinguished JLED indicates the absence of the associ- ated voltage. A red LED (DS4) located in the lower right portion of the main key service board pro- vides a system “heart beat” indication. co Line/station lntcrhces: The Basic Key Service Unit (BKSUJ con- tabs the necessary circuitry to connect four CO/Centrex/P3X loop start lines and eight digital key telephones to the system. This card also contains one additional voice ~transmit) path for external paging. The main key service board contains four Central Of&e, Centrex or PBX loop start, line interfaces. The protection circuitry to allow the system to be classified as a fully protected system are located on the card for each CO clrcuit. The CO circuits are a equipped with current sensing circuitry that fdentifkzs distant end disconnect Qoop supervision). Each CO line interface design also provides properfusing or protection to comply with the rc@rements of UL 1459 Second F&ion and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. CO lines are connected to the system via RI- 11 modular jacks mounted on the bottom of the main key semce board. The main key service board also provides the interface for eight Digital Key Tel+ phones using two 64K channel me- me&s. Stations connect to the board via the MDF thrcmgh a 50-pan connector lo- cated inside the Basic KSU. Each station connection requires four wires to connect to the board. A Digital DSS Console. Single Line Tele- phone Adapter (OPX) or other specifically designed adapter with a digital interface can be assigned to any one of the interface circuits. ‘Ihe key station interface circuits are protected from mis-wiring and over- current. The main key service board also contains an on-board modem that is capable of transmitting data at a rate of 300 Baud. The modem supports and is compatible with the Hayes command protocol. The Bell System (Western Electric] standards 103 and 212A for modem design is incor- porated into the design af this modem. The modem operates on-line in both Full and Half duplex modes. An optional 1200 Baud module may be added to the main key service unit to allow transmission at the rate of 1200 Baud. B. DVX’ Erpansion ESUwith Power SUPflY m=Jl The Expansion Key Service Unit (EKSU) is a unit which comes equipped with a pawer supply and circuitry providing four addi- tional loop start CO/PBX/Centrex line ports and eight digital key telephone ports to the Expansion KSU. All prccessing and control functions as well as voice connec- tions and switching are controlled by cir- cuitry on the Basic KSU and transmitted to the Expansion KSU through the ribbon cables. The ma.iu key service board on the Expan- sion KSU allows connection of one optional application module (i.e. DTMF Receiver) to the system and connector(s] for installing an additional 2x4 Expander Module, 2x4 SLT Expander Module or a 4x8 Expander Module. Refer to F’igurc 200-2 Main Key Service Board of the Expansion KSU Power Supply The power supply, installed in the Expan- sion KSU at the time of manufacture, has an input voltage of 117V ac *I@?&. The power supply provides power, a ffltered/ unregulated +12V dc, to the Expansion Key Service Board WKSB). A slo-blow 1.5 amp fuse on the AC side of the transformer provides the necessary fire and overload protection. Power is regulated and distrib- uted to staffons/circui~ in the system on the main key service board on the Expan- 200-4 tEIsue 1. Janaary 1095

iqjinfte DVX’ and DVX * ~&&al Xcy Telephone Systems GENERAL DESCRIPTION om’ : o- : i 8,m, ODB 0 Issue 1, January 1993 200-S

i@dte DVX I and BITE” Digital Key Ttlephone Systems sion KSU. The power supply and cabinet meet all safety requirements to comply with UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. LEDS a IndicatoI8: Four green LEDs are located on the main key service board on the Expansion KSU. Two of the LEDs (DS2 & DS31 indicate the present of +5V & -5V. LEDs DSZ and DS5 indicate the present of +12V dc used to supply power to the key stations (one LED for every four stations). An extinguished LED indicates the absences of the associ- ated voltage. co Line/station Intcrfkcts The Expansion KSU contains the neces- sary circuitry to connect an additional four CO/Centrex/PBX loop start lines and eight dgital key telephones to the system. ‘ibis card also contains one additionaf voice (lransmit) path for ex.temal paging. The main key service board on the Expan- sion KSU contains four Central Office, Centrex or PBX loop start, line interfaces The protection circuttry to allow the system to be classtied as a fully protected system are located on the card for each CO circuit. The CO circuits are equipped with current sensing circuitry that identJfies distant end disconnect (loop supervision). Each CO line interface design also provides proper fusing or protection to comply with the requirements of UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. CO lines are connected to the system vfa RJ- 11 modular jacks mounted on the bottom of the main key service board of the &pan- sion KSU. The main key service board also provides - the interface for eight digital key tele- phones using two 64K channel arrange- ments. Stations connect to the board via the MDF through a ?jO-pin connector lo- cated inside the Expansion KSU. Each sta- tion connection requires four wires to connect to the board, A Digital DSS Console, a Single Line Tele- phone Adapter (OPXI or other spec%eally designed adapter with a digital titerface can be assigned to any one of the interface circuits. ‘Ihe key station interface circuits are protected from mis-wlrlng and over- current. . Zoo-6 Iaue1,JanumylB93

i&mite DVX’andDVX’ Digital Kty Telephone Systems GENERAL DESCRIETION C. 2x4 Expander Module LED8 & Illdicators: The 2x4 Expander Module is a two CO by four key station interface module that plugs onto the main key service board of the Basic KSU or the main key service board of the Expansion KSU through the use of two ribbon cables. This module is a combination board that contains the nec- essary circuitry to connect two CO/Cen- trex/PBK loop start lines and four digital key telephones to the system. ‘Ibis card also contains one additional voice [trans- raft) path for external paging. and a con- nector for adding one apphcation module (i.e. IYIMF Receiver] to the system. Three green LEDs are located on the 2x4 Expander Module. ?‘wo of the LEDs (DS3 & DS2) indicate the presence of +5v & -5v dc. LED DS1 monitors the +12V dc used to supply power to the key stations. An extin- guished L.ED indicates the absence of the associated voltage. co UJle~station IIItclfaces: ‘Ibe 2x4 Expander Module provides the interface for two Centi Of&e, Centrex or PBX loop start Ifnes. The protection cir- cuitry necessary to atfow the system to be classified as a fury protected system are located on the card for each CO circtit. The CO circuits are equipped with current sensing circuitry that identifies distant end disconnect floop supervfsion). The module design also provides proper fusing or pro- tection to comply with the requirements of UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22,2 No. 225 standards. CO lines are connected to the system via RI-1 1 modular connec- tors mounted on the bottom edge of the board. The 2x4 Expander module also pro- vides the interface for four digital key tele- phones using two 64K channel arrangements. Stations connect to the board via the MDF through a 5%pin con- nector located on the main key service board inside the Basic KSU or a similar connector on the main key service board when installed in the Expansion KSU. Each station connection requires four wires to connect to the board. 0 0 Dsl 0 Y- 053Ds 0 0 .Bv dy 0 Figure 200-S -4 Expander Module A Dig&l DSS Console. a Single Line Tele- phone Adapter (OFT), or other spec&ally designed adapter with a digital interface CZUI be assigned to any one of the interface ciradts. The key station interface circuits are protected fi-om m&wiring and over- currtrlt.

hifinite DVX’ axid DVX” D&itaI Key Telephone Spsttme D. 2x4 SLT Expander Module The 2x4 SLT Expander Module is a two CO by four single line telephone Interface mod- ule that plugs onto the main key service board of the Basic KSU or the main key service board of the Expansion KSU through the use of two ribbon cables, This module is a combination board that con- tains the necessary circuiby to connect two CO/Centrex/PBX loop start lines and four single line telephones to the system. This card also contains a connector for adding one application module (i.e. D?MF Receiver) to the system. Message Waiting capability comes in- stalled on the 2x4 SLT Expander Module. This circuitry provides message waiting voltage to single line telephones equipped with m-waiting lamps, and supports up to four single line telephones message waiting lamps at 9W dc typical across tip 0 F%Wc 200-Q 2x4 SLT Expaadcr Module LEIM & Indicators: Two green LET% indicate the presence of +5v & -5v dc. An extinguished LED indi- cates the absence of the associated voltage. CO Line/Station Iritcdaces: The 2x4 SLT Expander Module provides the interface for two Central Of3ice. Cen- trex or PEX loop sbrt, lines. The protection circuitry necessary to allow the system to be classified as a fully protected system are located on the card for each CO circuit. The CO circuits are equipped with current sensing circuitry that identifies distant end disconnect (loop supervisionI. ‘Ihe module design also provides proper fusing or pro- tection to comply with the requirements of UL 1459 Second Edit&r and CSA (X2.2 No. 225 standards. CO lines are connected to the system via RJ-11 modular connec- tors mounted on the bottom edge of the board. The 2x4 SLT Expander module also pro- vides the interface for four standard on- premise single line telephones (2500 type). Four 36v dc single line circuits are pro- vided on the printed circuit board. These single line telephones canbe equippedwith a standard message waiting lamp (9OV T&R) that operate on the Yip” and ‘ring” leads. Additionally, each circuft provides a loop interrupt (7OOms duration) to the con- nected SLT or device. The card will support single line telephones up to 2000 feet fkom the Basic KSU. Refer toTable 200-4 - Loop IArMs for additional wiring information. On-premise singie line telephones shoutd present a load to the port totaling a maxi- mum ringer equivalence of 2.5. A molex connector. 54 is located in the upper left comer of the 2x4 SLT Expander Module to provide ring generator capabili- ties. It is recommended that the Tellabs 8101, 30 Hz. SOVAC Ring Generator be used with th% board. 200-S Issue 1, Jannary 1-3

i@inite DVX’andDI& Dfffital Key T&phone Systems GENERAL DESCRIPTION E. 4x8 Expander Modalt LLEDS L Indioators: The 4x8 Expander Module is a four CO by eight digital key station Interface module that may plug onto the main key service board of the Expansion KSU only. This module is a combination board that con- tains the necessary eircuit3-y to connect four CO/Centrex/PEX loop start lines and eight digital key telephones to the system. This card also contains one additional voice b-ansmit) path for external pagjng. and a connector for adding one application module {i.e. DTMF Receiver) to the system. Four green LF,Ds are located on the 4x8 Expander Module. Two of the LEDs (IIS4 & DS3) indicate the presence of +5v & -5v dc. LEDs DSl and DS2 indicate the presence of + 12V dc used to supply power to the key stations (one LED for every four stations). An extinguished LED indicates the ab- sence of the associated voltage. CO tie/Station Interfaces The 4x8 Expander Module provides the interface for four Central Office. Centrex or PBX loop start, lines. The protection cir- cuitry necesszy to aLlow the system to be classified as a fully protected system are located on the card for each CO circuit. The CO circuits are eqflpped with current sensing tzircuiw that identifies distant end disconnect (loop supervision). The module design also provides proper rUsing or pro- tection to comply with the requirements of LIL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. CO lines are connected totbesyst~vfaRJl1mod~arronnectors mounted on the bottom edge of the board. The 4x8 Expander module also provides the interface for eight digital key tele- phones using two 64K channel arrange- ments. Stations connect to the hoard via the MDF through a 50-pin connector lo- cakd on the board. Each station connec- tion requires four wires to connect to the board. i.9 : FQurc ZOO-8 4x8 bpandcr Module A Digital DSS Console. a Single Line Tele- phone Adapter [OPX) or other specifkally dessigned adapter with a digital interface can be assigned to any one of the interface circuits. The key ‘station interface circuits are protected f&m mis-wirinp and over- current. 16sue 1, January l9B3 200-B

GENERAL DEXXUPTION irLfinite DVX’ and DVX” Digftal Rev Telephone Sy&cms 200.3 COMMON EQUIPMENT FOR TEE DVX = SYSTEM The following components are necessary to op- erate the in..ite Digital Key Telephone System. Refer to Appendix B for a complete infinite Digi- tal Key Telephone System component list with Part ws. l Equipment Cabinet w/Power Supply IK=Jl l Central Processing Board (CPB) l 4xS Key Interface Board (CKB) . 4 SLT Interface Board [CSB) A Equipment Cabinet With Power SUPplY u=uI The DVX ’ system main cabinet contains the power supply and mother board to support a fully configured system of 28 CO Lines and 56 Stations. The mot&r board has eight card slots. Card Slot 58 (the right most card slot) is used for the CenkaI Processor Soard (CPB) PCB. Card slots J1 through 57 each support a four CO line by eight station PCB’s. Cable exits through the bottom of the KSU through a cable exit raceway near the back of the KSU. Refer to Figure ZOO-6 Basic KSU Equipment Cabinet Power Supply B. The power supply is installed in the KSU cabinet at the time of manufacture and ships with the KSLJ. The power supply in- put voltage is 117V ac +10?/6. The power supply provides power distribution of fil- tered f unregulated 12V dc and a regulated -5V de to the back plane bus. An ON/OFF switch is located on the front of the power supply along with a &-blow 5 amp fuse on the AC side of the transformer. The power supply provides an input for a 4SV dc source for future use. Power is regulated and distributed to stations/circuitry in the system on each printed circuit board. Three fuses located inside the power sup- ply protect the system from over-current situations. The Power supply and cabinet meet aU safety requirements to comply with UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. central Roccssor Board [CFB) This plug-in card is the only common equipment card required to make the sys- tem operational and controls all system activity. The CPB contains the main micro- Processor a 16-bit [&3000) and a real tLme clock which controls all system functions including the PCM/IDM voice switching under direction of ROM and RAM software coding. The CPB is responsible for alI con- trol functions, execution of all logic opera- tions and control of system modules including control over circuiky necessary for voice switching and conference connec- tions. The CPB is also responsible for all system tones. system timing, and station status control. In addition the CPB also provides software and hardware support to ensure the following: l Watch dog timer and recovery. l PCB status as to presence/absence of cards for automatic spftwarc configura- tion setup. l Interpret an ID code from each PCB so that card type can be determined auto- matically. l State/event software design. l Battery backup of customer database RAM memory. The CPB contains the circuiuy and con- nection @K!A type] for background mu- sic/music on hold, and the standard 300 baud modem. An optionaI 1200 baud mo- dem can be installed on the CPB to allow the on-board modem to transmit at a 1200 baud rate. In addition there is one RS- 232C (modular connector) input/output port on the CP3 and a connector to support the use of an optional I/O expansion mod- ule. The I/O expansion module adds RS- 232C I/O port and RS-422 I/O port to the system for a system total of three I/O ports. A reset 0 push button switch and a BGM/MOH volume control pot is located on the front of tie PCB. Refer to Figure 200-7 Central Processing Board (CPB) for the location of the Central. Processing Board connectors. System software is provided in EPROM memory and is fnstalled on the CPB. The CPB contains 512k of EPROM storage and is equipped with 256K of battery-backed static RAM. Provisions have been made on the card to address up to four megabytes of EPROM memory and up to two mega- bytes of static RAM. dcm Interface The Central Processor Board (CPB) con- tains an on-board modem that is capable of transmitting data at a rate of 300 baud. 200-10 Issue 1. Januarp 1993

i@rzite DVX’ and DVXT’ Dtgital Key Telephone Spetenzs The modem supports and is compatible with the Hayes command protocol. The Bell System Western Electric) standards 103 and 2l2A for modem design is incor- porated into the design of this modem. The modem operates on-he in both Full and Htiduplexmodes. An optional 1200 batid module may be added to the CPB to allow transmission at the rate of 1200 baud. (_ i r-J& i ---- -1 1200 bud ZiQ Modem Modute (MM) cz=i L ---- -__-_____ ---- _-_______-___--_ -_- a& J3 t3 Ll l/O Module (KIM) Fl@rc 200-7 Central F’roceasfng Board (Cm) 200-12 It3eae 1, January 1993

iqfinite DVX’ and DVXn Di@tal Key Telephone Systems GENERAL DE!ERIPTlON C. 4 x 8 Key titerface Board (CKB) The 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB) is a four CO by eight digital key station interface board. The 4x8 Key Interface Board is a combination card that contains the neces- sary clrcultry to connect four CO/Cen- trex/PBX loop start lines and eight digital key telephones to the system. ‘This card also contains one additional voice (trans- mit) path for external paging. a multi pur- pose relay and a connector for adding one application module to the system. The 4x8 Key Interface Board may be installed into Basic iGU cabinet back plane using slots 57 through Jl and may be removed or inserted while power is apphed to the Basic KSU (power on). Refer to Refer to Figure 200-8 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB) for location of connectors. LEDS L Indicators: Five red LEDs are located along the front edge of the 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB). one for each CO Line to indtcate when it is in use and one I&D that monitors the contact operation of the multi use contact located on the board. l%o green LEDs also located along the front edge of the CKl3 indicate the presence of +5V & -5V dc. co Line/station hltedacts: The 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB) pro- vides the interface for four CentraI Ofhce. Centiex or PBX loop start. lines. The pm- tection circuitry necessary to allow the sys- tem to be classified as a fUny protected system are located on tbe card for each CO circuit. The CO circuits are equipped with current sensing circuitry that identifies distant end disconnect (loop supervision). The card also provides proper fusing or protection to comply with the requirements of UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. The 4x8 Key Interface Board also provides the interface for eight digital key tele- phones usa two f34K channel arrange- ments. Stations connect to the board via the MDF through a 50-pin connector lo- cated on the fmnt edge of the board. Each station connection requires four wires to connect to the board. A Digital DSS Console, a Single Line Tele- phone Adapter (Opx), or other specifically designed adapter with a digital interface can be assigned to any one of the interface circuits. The Key Station interface circuits are protected from m&wiring and over- current. ---a#---~ -a-.= “:. ‘.. .. w . . :. :. ..‘. m . . . - : ‘.. . . z .: .: A ..’ .’ : ,... ., ...:R :‘: :: . -a. -aa--cII’ ..-:, ‘. : ,,, : ‘. ---a= .., -.., y, ‘., ---.a s-a ‘: . . . . . .: : ,’ ~ : PQurc 200-S 4x8 Key Interface Board (Cm) Issue 1, January 1993 2u0-13