Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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@finite DVXrandDVXn Digital Key Telephone Systems ATTENDANT FEATURE OPERATION MethodTwo: This method may be used to enter names that will be associated to the Local Number/Name Translation Table only. To Select a diiierent entry in the Directory List: a. Press the HOLD button, b.Enter the three-digit enlry number (OOO- 099 for DVX I System, 000-199 for DVX ’ System) on the dial pad and press the SPEED button, %il [*ii to scroll up (next entq) through the list, zial I#) to scroll down (previous entry) through the list. To enter a name along with a local n~m- her/name translation table number: 1. Press the TRANS button. Z.Dial the three-digit local number/name translation table number (300-499) that represents the desired telephone number. To Enter or Change the current name shown on the display: 1, Press the MUTJ3 button. Z.Then enter the name (up to 24-characters may be entered) by using keys on the dial pad as follows: The displav will update as thename is entered. - - A=21 B=22 C=23 D=31 E =32 F=33 G =41 H =42 I=43 3 =51 K =52 L&33 M=61 N =62 0 =63 P=71 Q =74 R=72 s =73 T=81 u =82 v =83 w=91 X =92 Y =93 Z=94 1 =l# 2 =2# 3=3# 4=4#/ 5=5# 6=6# 7 =7# 8=8# 9 =9# O=O# Space =I1 : =12 - =13 ’ =14 J * =01 , =02 7 =03 /=04 1 =‘l $ =*2 Oh =*3 & =*4 * =‘# (=#l ) =#2 f =#3 = =#4 # =## 3.Press the SPEED button when finished. Confirmation tone wiU be heard. This method may be used to enter names that will be associated to a system speed dial bin 04Y* To enter a name along with a system speed diaI number: 1. Press the SPEED button once. 2. Press a desired outside line key or Press the SPEED button a second time to have an outside line selected automat- ically. 3. Dial the system speed dial bin location (20 to 99). 4. Dial the telephone number (including spe- clal ch;lracte~~TRANS, HOLD and FLASH). 5. Press the SPEED button to store the teIe- phone number. To enter a name: 1. Press the MUTE bution. 2. Enter the name (up to 24 characters may be entered) by using keys on the dial pad as foIlows: A=21 B =22 c=23 D=31 E =32 F -33 G-41 H =42 I=43 J =51 K =52 L=53 M =61 N =62 0=63 P=71 Q =?4 R =72 s =73 T=81 u =82 v -83 w=9x x =92 Y =93 Z=94 1 =I# 2 =2# 3 =3# 4=4# 5 =5# 6 =6# 7 =7# 8 =8# 9 =9# 0 =O# space =11 : =12 - =13 ’ =14 = =Ol * =02 ?=03 /=04 ;z:; 96 =*3 & =‘4 l =‘# (=#l ) =#2 + =#3 = =#4 # =## 3.Press the SPEED button when fInished. Con&-m&ion tone wiU be heard and the display wflI update. ~uc1,Jan~1993 420-13
iqftnite DVX ’ and DVX ’ DWtal Key Telephone Systems 4. Either hang up to end programming or begin at step ‘2” to program another Sys- tem Speed Dial bin/Name combination. 420.18 NIGHT SERVICE a-Any designated attendant can place the system into Night Service by pressing the pre-programmed Night Service button {DND) or by dialing IS041. b. Pressing the pre-programmed Night Serv- ice button again removes the system from Night Service. 420.20 OFF HOOK VOICE OVER [OHVO) This feature allows users, o&hook on a call (CO or Intercom). to receive a voice annaunccment through the handset receiver without inter- rupting the existjng call. The Voice Over is muted so as not to “override” or “drown” out the existing conversation. The overridden party may then respond to the calling party using CAMP-ON procedures to talk to the calling par& or may use Silent Text Messaging to re- spond to the calling party via LCD Displays. Placing an Off-Hook Voice Over (OHVO) caU: a. When an OHVO station calls. a busy OHVO station. and busy tone is received, the call- ing OHVO station can dial tbe OHVO code [SZS] on the dial pad. &ss a pre-programmed* OHVO button to initiate an OHVO announcement. The HOD button LED will flash at the called oHvo station. b. Both OI-WO stations w-ill receive a one-beep B tone. The station receiving the OHIO call must be off-hook and in the ?-IF mode, and then the calling OHVO party may begin the voice announcement - to the called OHVO par&. Thecalled OHVO station’s exisfing conversation will not be interrupted and the voice over an- nouncement will not ‘drowned” out the existing conversation. The calling OHVO station will not be connected to or other- wise be able to hear the called station’s conversation (the connection will only al- low the calling station to transmit to the called stationl. Responding to an OK-Hook Voice Over (OHVO): After receiving an OHVO announcement, two options are available to respond to the calling party: l.Tbe called OHVO station may respond to the calling OHVO station by using the Camp-On feature. The called OHVO sta- tion presses the flashing HOLD button to consult with the calling station. The exist- ing call (CO line) goes on Exclusive Hold automat&&y. This method. then follows Camp-On procedures and operation. 2. The called station may respond to the call- ing station by using the Silent Text Mes- saging (this feature is only available to digital key terminals, and the called station must be a digital display terminal.) The called OHVO station may press pre-pro- grammed Message button to respond to the voice over announcement without being released from the current call. (i.e. by pressing a flex button pre-programmed for. the message “IN MEETING”), the calling station TKul receive this message on the calling station’s U3D display. Ifmecaui8anln- ca.l&th.ein~ calrwill be dripped and an+llruwm~d wiLibeestnbli.sh&ktwenthta4Z&gamd ca&d8tationc ‘. Conditions l The station receiving the OHVO call MUST be off-hook and in the “FfF mode. l The calhg (originating) station and re- ceiving station must be OHVO digital terminals. l when the dialed station responds vh Camp-On all conditions and options available to Camp-On apply [refer to the feature description for Camp-On). l OHIO may be used to nof@ the called party of a transf&-red call (CO Line or Intercoms by announcing the call. then releasing to complete the t3xnsfer. When this occurs, the receiving station does not need to respond to the OHVO. l WbcnacallislransferredvfaOHVO,the recetving station will not receive muted ringtig after the transfer is complete. 9 Any messages including “CANNED”. ‘CUSTOM”. or ‘SILENTRESPONSE” text messaging may be used to respond to an OHVO call. The message will appear on the calling station and called station LCD displays. 420-14 bsue 1, Jamxary 1993
imite DVX ’ and DVX II D&itni Key Telephone Systems ATTENDANT FEAT’ORE OPERATION l If the calling station is a non-LCD term& nal, the called station will receive en-or tone when responding via text messag- ing. l The called station may press a flex but- ton programmed as a TIM: Message but- ton, [633#+XXI. This flex button may then be pressed to respond to the caUng station. MMF’ digits wiIl not be heard by either party. l The receiving station must be pro- grammed to anow OHVO calls. l When silent messaging is used to te- spond to an OHVO call, the existing call on the called station will not be discon- nected, while the messages are being sent to the calling station. 0 The calhgstation of an OHVO call must re.rnain off-hook to receive silent mes- sages. The calling station’s voice tram+ mit wilI remain connected to the called station and may respond verbally to the text messages. The OHVO caIl ends when the calling station goes on-hook. l If the receiving station is on-hook in speakerphone mode and a calling party initiates OHVO. the receiving station- receive a Camp-On warning tone and normal Camp-On procedures are fol- lowed. l The c&led station may send (multiple messages) and even after sending a mes- sage, may press the Camp-On button to talk to the calling station. Each time a message is sent., the splash tone will be heard and both displays will be updated. ’ LED’s will follow Camp-On LED lampfng sequences. Each station can be Programmed to allow re- ceiving OHVO calls as part of Station Program- ming. Each station may be programmed for OHVO in one of two ways. as follows: - OHVO disallowed (may not receive OH-v0 cans}. - May receive OHVO calls. 420.21 SETTING SYSTEM TIME AND DATE Must be set by the first programmed attendant, a. Dial (6921 on the dial pad. Con&nation tone is heard. b. Enter date and time as follows: YYMWIDDHHMM YY=year 00-99 MM = month 01-12 DD = day 01-31 HH = hour 00-23 MM=minute 00-59 When the correct number of digits are entered, co&&nation tone wilI be heard and the display will update. 420.22 STORING SYSTEM SPEED NUM- BERS System Speed numbers must be entered by the first programmed attendant. lf no attendant is speciikl. enter at Station 100. a. Press SPEED once, then press a desired outside line key or sqect an outside line automatically by pressing the SPEED but- ton a second time. b. Dial the System speed bin location (20 to 99). c. Dial telephone number. d. Press the SPEED button. e. Hang up. - PressingtheTRANSbuttonduringnum- ber entry initiates a Pulse-To-Tone switchover. Pressing the HOLD button during number entxy inserts a Pause. Pressing the FLASH key inserts a Flash into the speed number. - Pressing the TRANS button as the first enby in the speed bin inserts a no-dis- play character causing the numbers stored in the bin not to appear on the Di@tlTerm~& display when the bin is accessed. Speed Bin numbers 60-99 are NOT monitored by Toll Restriction. 420.23 TEXT ~~EBSAGIIUG (Siitnt Rt- sP=el This a feature allows a station user to use text messages to respond to a caller that has either Camped-On or has used the Off-Hook Voice Over feature to alert a busy station user of a waiting call or message. The “camped-on” sta- tion may respond to the caller via the canned, custom. and silent response text &CD) mes- sages. The text messages appear on the calling par& LCD Display. While receiving a Camp-On. or OHVO call: a. The called partymaypress a flexible button programmed for message access, then dial the two digit message code (or press a pre-programmed flex button for a particu- bmlt 1, January 1993 420-15
i#@J&e Dm’andDVX” D&iti Key Telephone Systems lar message). Example : I6331 + 1381 means that a telephone calling the station will receive the message WHO IS IT?“. me additional messages [with their codes) listed below can also be sent as a text response: j 31 1 IWILLTAKECALL : i 32 1 TAKE MESSAGE 33 TRANSFER l-0 SECRETARY 1 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 t PUTCALL ON HOLD CALL, BACK ONE MOMENTPLEASE I WILL CALL BACK wHOISlT7 IS IT LONG DISTANCE? IS IT PEXSOIWL? IS ITAN EMERGENCY? IS IT Ih@ORTANT? fS IT URGENT? SEND CALL ‘I’0 VOICE MAIL PARK CALL OUT OF OFFICE PUT CALL THROUGH I AM BUSY O.K. NO L Conciitions: l If the station receiving the text message response was doing a camp-on he will first receive a short burst of tone on the speaker. then the display wilI show the message that has been activated by the called station. l If the station receiving the text message response is on an OHVO calL no tone wiIl be received. l AIlcannedand custommessagesmaybe used to respond to a calling party. l Text response messages will automat- ically clearwhen the eaIIing station (sta- tion receiving the messages) goes on-hook. l A station can receive only one message at a time. l Text messages may be chained (i.e. mul- tiple messages sent to one caller). l ‘kxt message responses may only be activated by key stations and the receiv- bg station must lx a Digital Display telephone. 0 The text message responses wiII appear on both the caIling station and the called station (station activating) text re- sponses) LCD displays. l If the calliug station is a non-LCD termi- nal, the called station will receive error tone when responding via text messag- ing. l The called station may press a flex but- ton programmed as a Text Message but- ton, (633#+XXj, This flex button may then be pressed to respond to the caIling station. DTMF digits will not be heard by either Party. l When silent messaging is used to re- spond to a call., the gxisting call of the called station wiIl not be disconnected while the messages are being sent to the calling station. l The calling station must remain off-hook to receive silent messages. l If the &led station responds with a text message, the textmessage will appear on the ED. 0 LED’s will follow that of the CAMP-ON or OHVO. l Each Inditidud message may be pro- grammed onto a fIexibIe button includ- ing a flex button on a DSS/BLF console. The -calling sCation nuut be a dig&al dit@~W@toneandthewUed- mistb8aksgseL ATTENDANT with DSS/DIs FEATURES The attendant console may be programmed in one of five different ways. Therefore. you may not have all of the features listed below on your console. Refer to See 320.13 for a description of each map. 420.24 ATTENDANT TRANSFER SEARCH When attempting to locate a party: a. Press a station button to signal that sta- tion. If the party is not located. press an- other station button to continue the SS3dl. 420.25 fLMXNGAN OTJTSIDE GAIL &Itolllatic Line selectioxl) a. Press outside line button. ON/OFF button LED will light and dial tone will be heard. b. Dial desired party. 420-16 Issue 1. January 1983
@@d&e DVX’andDVXn Dwa 3ey Telephone 8y8textIs ATTENDANT FEATURE OI’ER&‘MON c. When called party answers, lift handset to converse or use speakerphone 420.26 CALLI’= While connected to an outside line: a. Press programmed CALL PARK button. The caller is put on Exclusive hold. b.At this time, you can page or call another internal station. c. When the party you calIed responds, an- nounce the call park location and replace handset. 420.27 DO NOT DISTURB INDICATION The associated station button wiIl flash at a medium rate to indicate that station is In Do Not Disturb. 420.28 RETREWNG A PARgeD CALL a. Lift handset or press ON/OFF button. b.Dial I#] on the dial pad. c. Dial the parking location (220 to 227) where the call was parked. 420.20 CALL TRANSFER Outside lines can be transferred from one phone to another within the system. The &ITJS- fer can be either screened (announced) or un- screened to either an idle or busy station. Bcrccned Transfer: While connected to an outside line: a.Press station button where call is to be transferred lif programmed on your tele- phone). or pressTRANS button and dial station num- ber (loo to 155). b.The c&led extension signals according to the intercom signal switch position. c. When that extension answers. announce the tifer. d. Hang up to complete transfer. Unscreened Transfer: When the called extension begfns to signal, hanguptotransferthe&l(Recalltimerstarts)). Transfer Search: When attempting to locate a pa& a. Press a station key to signal a station. b.If the party is not located, press another station key to continue the search. If the party is not located: c. Press another station button to co&me the search. d. When the caLled party answers, hang up to complete the transfer. 420.30 CAMP-ON While connected to an outside line: a. Press desired station button. b. When busy tone is heard, press CAMP-ON button. c. Replace handset, access another CO Line or press RELEASE button (ifyou have one). 420.51 FIJCXIBIE BUTTON FROGRAM- MING a. Press SPEED button &ice. b.Press FLEX button to be programmed (it must be programmed In database as a flexible button). c. Dii desired code (Refer to Table 4-00-2 Flex Button Programming Codes). 420.32 MEET ME PAGE To request another party meet you on a page: a. Dfal the desired two-digit paging code or press pre-progxammed* flex button. b. Request that party meet you on the page. c. Do not hang up: wait for the requested party to answer. Answering a Meet Me Page a. Go to the nearest telephone and dial 177) onthedialpad. b.You will be connected to the party that paged you. *Refer to Sec. 400.37. Flexible Button Assignment. 420.33 PAGING A. Extemalpagiag 1. Dial the two-or three-digit External paging code. Wait for page warning tone. 76 [Ol= Ekternal All Call (Zones l-7) 76 [I)=ExternalZone 1 76 I21 = External Zone 2 76 !31= External Zone 3 76 (41= External Zone 4 76 15]= External Zone 5 76 IS] = Extermd Zone 6 76 [7] = External Zone 7 Issue 1, January 1989 42CL17 L
2. Speak in normal tone of voice to deliver message. stations off-hook or in DND will not hear the internal page announcement. 3. Deliver page ~II normal tone of voice. 4. Replace handset to terminate page an- nouncement. B. InternalPaging Stations off-hook or in DND will not reeefve the page announcement. 1. Press the pre-progrred’ PAGE button, or dial one of the following codes: 7O=AllCall-lntemal&Extemal 71= Internal Zone 1 72= Internal Zone 2 73= Internal Zone 3 74= Internal Zone 4 75= Internal AU Call 76[0]= Exkmal All Call [All Ext Zones) 76(zJ= External Zone (2=1-7) 2.Speak in normal tone of voice to deliver message. 3.Replace handset to terminate page an- nouncement, c. All CallPaging lrnternal/Extcmal) 1. Dial I701 on the dial pad, or press the pre-programmed* PAGE button. 2. Speak in normal tone of voice to deliver message. S.Replace handset to terminate page an- nouncement. *Refer to Sec. 400.37. Flexible Button Assignment. 420.34 RELEASE BW’TON All DSS/DLS maps contain a Release button that may be pressed to disconnect or terminate an intercom call, transfer sequence, page an- nouncement or CO call. . 420-18 Ifmu 1. Jannary 19%
iqjintieDVXTandDVX’ Digital Eey Telephone Systems LCD D1SPIa.K~ 490.1 LCD DISPLAYS The display is arranged into an upper and lower field. ‘Zhe upper field displays the current activ- ity of tie telephone. The lower field is divided into two sections. The left section of the lower field displays the date.speed bin number, con- netted intercom station or outside line number. The right section of the lower field dispkys the current time or elapsed time on an outside call. The following Table shows what will appear on the LCD displays based on the function per- formed. Table 430-1 Liquid Cqwtal Displays [LCD] FUNCTION CALLING STA3OWS DISPLAY CALLED STATION’S DISPLAY I I Idle Station qyii?TJ! ! ManuaIIy Dialing outgoing CaIIs piiiezq Recalling Line from Hold ,a1 Recalling Line piii=q from Another Station 31 Connected to an Incoming CO Line p=iq
LCD DISPLAYS Station Call Forward (originating Station) (Name in Display) Station No-Answer Call Forward (or@nating Station) X&ion Busy/No-Answe CaIl Forward (originating Station) Station Busy CalI Forward Or@inating Station) Forwarded Call Phne in Display) Table 43&l LCD Display8 (Co&d) CALLING STATIONS DISPLAY FURWARDEDfO 8-I-A XXX MJk#DD/YY HH:MM am I NOANSFWDTOSTAXXX MMlDD/YY HH:MM am 1 NO ANS FWDfo .&tame).. 1 I MMlDD/YY HH:MMam 1 BUSY FWD To ..(name).. MM/DD/YY .HH:MM am VIA STA Xxx CALLED STA’IIONS DISPLAY 1 . I CALL FROM STA XXX I I VIASTAXXX HH:MMarn 1 CALL FROM .&tame).. VIASTAXXX HH:MM am 188lxc 1, January 1993 430-3
LCD DISPLAYS iqfMtenVX’an.dDVxn Digital Key Telephone Sgstcm~ Table 430-l LCD I3isplays &ont-d) FUNCTION Forwarded Intercom Call ’ Station Forwarding to a Voice Mail Group i (Station Idle) * Station Forwarding to an ACD or TJCD Group(Station Idle) I Preset Forward Station calling a Station Forwarded to a Voice Mail Group II 1’ I - 1 [ 1 [ - [ [ [ CAU TO STA XXX PICKED UP BY STA XXX HH:MM am Exch~~ive Hold LINE Xx FORWARDED TO STA Xxx VIASTAXXX HH:MM am FORWARDED TO VOICE MAIL MM/DD/yy HH:MM am FORWARDED TO ACD 55X Mhd/DDlYY HH:MM am FORWARDED TO VOlCE MAIL 1 VIASTAXXX HH:hlM am 1 LfNE HOLDING HH:hIMam 1 CALLED STATIONS DISPLAY I /I ( I FORWARD RfNG LINE XX HH:MM ttm I I FORWARDED TO VOtCE MAIL MM/DDMv -HH:MM am CALL TO STA XXX I.-FFIOMSTAXXX HH:MMam TRANSFER FROM STA XXX .UNE XX HH:MM am I 4304 Issue 1, Januarp 1993