Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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jnfinite DVX’andDVX’ Di@atEeyTelephoneSystems INSTALIATION CO Line/St&on Interfaces: The 2x4 SLT Expander Module provides the interface for two Central Office, Cen- trex or PBXloop start, lines. The protection circuitry necessary to allow the system to be classified as a fully protected system are located on the card for each CO circuit. The CO circuits are equipped with current sensing circuitry that identifies distant end disconnect (loop supervision). The module design also provides proper fusing or pro- tection to comply with the requirements of UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. CO lines are connected to the system via W-1 1 modular connec- tors mounted on the bottom edge of the board. The 2x4 SLT Expander module also pro- vides the interface for four standard on- premise single line telephones (2500 type). Four 3W dc single line circuits am pro- vided on the printed circuit board. These singleline telephones canbe equipped with a standard message waiting lamp (9OV T&R) that operate on the -tip” and ‘ring” leads. Additionally, each circuit provides a loop intenupt (7OOms duration) to the con- nected SLT or device. ‘Ihe card will support single line telephones up to 2000 feet from the Basic KSU. On-premise single line tele- phones should present a load to the port totaling a maximum ringer equivalence of 2.5. A mdex connector. 54 is located in the upper left comer of the 2x4 SLT Expander Module to provide ring generator capabfli- ties. It is recommended that the TelIabs 8101. 30 Hz. SOVAC Ring Generator be used with this board. co Lines conneetione: CO Lines are conuscted to the system via modular R&l1 connectors mounted on the 2x4 SLT Expander Module and ac- cessed on the bottom of the Basic KSU. The 2x4 SLT Expander Module connects CO Line ports 5 and 6 (when fnstalled on the Basic KSU) or ports 13 and 14 (when in- stalled in the Expansion KSU) to the sys- tem tbm~gb modular connectors 521 and J22 respectively. The pinouts of the modu- lar connector are as follows- .- - - - - - - 1:z - co1 TIP tot RING -- The station ports of the 2x4 SLT Expander Module are wired to the main distribution frame via a 25pair, (50-pin) male amphe- nol-type connector located on the main key service board or expansion key service hoard, connector J 11. A 25-p& cable with a 50-pin female amphenol-type connector is required to extend the station ports to the main distribution frame. The pinouts for the stations on the 2x4 SLT Expander Module activate ports 009 through 012 on connector Jll as shown in Table 500-5 2x4 SLT Expander Module Jl 1 BKSU Connections when installed on the main key service board in the Basic KSLJ. Also refer to Table 500- 1 Basic KSU J 11 Station COMCCtiOnS. Table 500-S 2x4 SLT Expander Module Jf 1 BKSU Connections pALR 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ml 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 fi 49 24 50 25 I COLOR YL/OR OR/n, > ?ZL/GN GN/n. YL/BN BNrYL YL/SL SLrn VI/BL BL/VI VI/OR OR/VI VI/GN GN/VI VI/BN BN/vI vI/SL SLrvl DESIG Port 09 SLT Tip SLT Ring Port 10 SLTTip SLT Ring Port 11 SLTTip . SLTRing Port 12 SLT Tip SLT Ring External Page Tip External Pwe Ring Issa~l,January19Q3 500-17

~STALMTION itlfinite DvX’andDVX’ D&ital Key Telephone Systems The pinouts for the stations on the 2x4 SLT Expander Module activate ports 025 through 028 on connector Jl 1 are shown in Table 500-6 2x4 SLT Expander Module Jl I EKSU Connections when installed on the main key service board in the Expan- sion KSU. Also refer to Table 500-Z Expansion KSU J Z 1 Station Connections. On& the Xmit Tip (SLTTip] and Xnit Ring [SLT Ring) leads are used when connecting SLT stations to the 2x4 SLT Expansion Module. Tabie 500-6 2x4 SLT Expander Module Jll EKSU mnne&ons i PAIR 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 124 25 PIN 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 50 25 i j I 1 I COLOR YL/OR OR/YL YL/GN CN/YL YL/BN BN/YL YL/SL sL/n. VI/BL BLM VI/OR OR/VI WGN GNM VI/BN BNM vI/SL sL/vl DESIG Port 21 SLT Tip SLT Ring Port 22 SLTTlp SLT Ring Port 23 SLTTIp SLT Ring Port 24 SLTTip SLT Ring External Page Tip ExtfmdPa.geRinP Application Module(s) Connection: The J 1 connector on the !Zx4 SLT Expander Module allows the insta.Hation of one appli- cation module (i.e. DTMF receiver) to the system. Refer to Section 500.6. Application * Module(s) hW.allation for a description of the available application modules.

irtfirtite DVX * and DVX’ p&$N Key Telephone SysWxui E. 4x8 Expandu Module The 4x8 Expander Module is a four CO by eight digital key station Interface module that may plug onto the main key service board of the Expansion KSU only. This module is a combination board that con- tains the necessary Circuitry to connect four CO/Centrfx/F’EIX loop start lines and eight digital key telephones to the system. This card also contains one additional voice (transmit) path for external paging, and a connector for adding one applicatton z E !@.. module (i.e. DTMF Receiver] to the system. LEDB & Indicators: Four green LEDs are located on the 4x8 Expander Module. Two of the LEDs [DS4 & DS3) indicate the presence of +5V % -5Vdc. LEDs DSl and DS2 indicate the presence of c 12V dc used to supply power to the key stations (one LED for every four stations). An dinguishecl LED indicates the ab- sence of the associated vokage. 4x8 Erpandtr Yoduk InstalIation: l.Removepxwzrfromthe ExpansionKSU. 2. Locate the J9 connector on the main key service board of the Expansion KSU and the J9 connector on the 4x3 Expsnder Module. Refer to Fiiure 500- 18 3asic KSU Application Card Locations. 3. Gently push the cable from the J9 connec- tor on the 4x5 Expander Module onto the J9 connector on the main key service board of the Expansion KSTJ. 4.Secure the seven screws attached to the 4x8 Expander module to the main key service board of the Expansion KSU. 5.Eiemn-e the ground wire from the 4x8 EX- pander Module to the two position terminal h strip (P3) located along the bottom edge of the main key service board of the Expan- sion KSU. , I / I 0 .: Figure SW-8 4x8 Erpanaion Modttk 6. Restore power to the Expansion KSU. Issue 1, January 199s 50@19

INSTAUATION Module Grounding: A No. 12 AWG stranded wire is used to connect a ground between the 4x8 Expan- sion Module. and the main key service board of the Expansion KSU. A two posi- tion terminal strip (p3) is located along the bottom edge of the main key service board and is accessible through the bottom of the Basic KSU. One terminal position on the P3 connector is used to connect the ground wire from tbe Basic KSU to the Expansion KSU. The other terminal position is used to con- nect the ground wire from the 4x8 Ex- pander Module to the Expansion KSU. CO Line/Station lntcrhces: The 4x8 Expander Module provides the interface for four Central Office. Centrex or PBX loop start. lines. The protection cir- cuitry necessary to allow the system to be classtfied as a fully protected system are located on the card for each CO circuit The CO circuits are equipped with current sensing circuilrythat identifies distant end disconnect Poop supewision). The module design also provides proper fusing or pro- tection to comply with the requirements of UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. CO lines are connected to the system via I?& I 1 modular connec- tors mounted on the bottom edge of the board. The 4x8 Expander module also provides the hterface for eight digiital key tele- phones using two 64K channel arrange- ments. Stations connect to the board via the MDF through a 50-pin connector lo- cated on the board. Each station connect- tion requires four w&s to connect to t,he _ board. A Digital DSS Console, a Single Liie Tele- phone Adapter (OPXj or other specifically designed adapter with a digital interface can be assigned to any one of the interface circuits. The key station interface circuits are protected hm mis-wiring and over- current. co Liucs conne!ctiope: CO Lines are connected to the system via modular RJ-11 connectors accessed through the bottom of the Expansion KSU. The 4x8 Expander Module connects CO J.&x pods 13,14. 15, and 16 to the system through modular connectors Jl. J2, 53. amI 34 respectively. The pinouts of the modular connector are as follows: I-. -j ,... I wsriug / Piuouts / coxlntctlon8 - station8 The station ports of the 4xSExpanderMod- ule are wired to the main distribution frame via a 25-pair. (50-pin) male arnphe- no1 type connector located on the 4x8 Ex- pander module, connector Jl 1. A 25-p& cable with a 50-pin female amphenol-type connector is required to extend the station ports to the m~@~distribution frame. The pinouts are shown in Table 500-7 4x8 Expander Module Station Connection. The 4x8 Expander Module is equipped with an external (one-way transmit voice path) page port. This port is wired to the J 11 connector (50-pin male amphenol-type connector) using the Violet/Slate. Slate/Violet pair of wires (pin’s 50 and 25). Refer toTable 500-7 4x8 Expander Module Station Connection for wiring information, Application Module(s) Conntctiope: The J 1 connector on the main. key service board allows the installation of one appli- cation module (i.e. IYIMF receiver) to the system. Refer to Section 500.6. Application Module(s) installation for a description of the available application modules. 5OQ-20 b8ut 1, hnuary 1993

IIUSTAUATION infinite DWZ’ and DVX’ Digi@l Key Telephone Sy8tcms way near the back of the KSU cabinet. Refer to Figure 500-9 Basic KSU Equipment Cabinet for circuit board layout and location of connectors. Power supply: The power supply is installed in the KSU cabinet at the time of manufacture and ships with the KSU. The power supply in- put voltage is 117V ac. i-10?!. The power supply provides power distribution of fiI- tered/unregu.lated 12Vdc and aregulated -EN dc to the backplane bus. An ON/OFF switch is located on the front of the power supply along with a slo-blow 5 amp fuse on the AC side of the transformer. The power supply provides an input for a 48V dc source for future use. Power is regulated and distributed to stations/circuitry inthe system on each printed circuit board. Three fuses located inside the power sup- ply protect the system fi-om over-current situations. The power supply and cabinet meet all safe@ requirements to cornply with UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. The power supply is installed inside the system cabinet, on the right side, in the first card slot (J9). The power supply is designed to be an integral, structural part of the system. Do not attempt to install the system. or interface car&unless the power supply is installed with 3l.l four spews securely in place. The cabinet. includes the power supply already installed. The power supply is recognized underthe Component Program of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. The power supply is unique in that the transformer is not present on the power supply card and its enclosure. The trans- former is mounted inside the cabinet next to the bottom right of the backplane. When the power supply card is installed. the transformer is totally enclosed by the power supply card’s “L” shaped enclosure, and the right side of the cabinet. l’his cre- ates a totally enclosed. operational, power supply. Since the transformer is installed in the cabinet. and the power suppIy card is removable from the cabinet, the AC coh- nections are made directly to the system backplane. [WARNING! Since hazardous voltages are always present on the backplane while the system AC power cord is plugged in. AT NO TIME SHOULD ‘I3IE POWER SUPPLY CARD BE REMOVED WHILE THE SYSTEM AC POWER CORD IS PLUGGED IN. THE POWER SUPPLY BOARD AND iTS ‘L” SHAPED METAL ENCLOSURE PROVIDE THE ONLY PROTECTION mane SHOCK mu- ARDWHILETHEACPOWERCORDIS PLUGGED IN. There are very few in- stances when the power supply card should be removed. If an instance arises where it must be removed, AL WAYS unplug the system AC power cord FIRST. The power supply cord plugs into an iso- lated, dedicated, (with dedicated ground) 1 I7V ac outlet for power. This is necessary to prevent possiblevoltage spikes and tran- sients that may be caused by equipment sharing the same AC circuit. The AC connection to the power supply requires a parallel blade with a ground receptacle. A three wire to two wire isola- tion adapter should not be used. The use of a surge suppressor is required. G1ollmuxlg: A No. 12 AWG copper wire should be used to connect a ground between the ground source and the KSU (25 feet m-urn). A two position terminal strip (J10) is located on the lower left comer of the motherboard and is accessible through the left side of the KSU. One tennina position can be used to connect the ground wire &om a ground source. B. Cabinet Iu&aUation Once the area for the telephone equipment has been selected. mount a plywood back board to the wall. ‘Ihe back board size will vary depending upon the size of the MDF. The entire system and frame can be mounted on a 4’ x 6’ x 3/4” plywood. If mounting the cabinet alone, the minimum back board size is 25” x 17” x 3/4”. A fully

iqfinite DVX’ and DVX ’ DIgital Eey Telephone Systems ! i GND Figure soo-sBa!31c KSIJ Eqtdpment cabinet bmc 1, Januq 1093 500-23

JNSTALLATION i@,niteDVX1andDVXu DQit8.l Key Telephone Systems ,,v! j Jl 52 J3 J4 J5 J6 57 i j 1 iJ i FUSE J8 ’ Make certain a l/2 in& diameter ferrite core is installed on 117 VAC l/2 inch diameter Split ferrite cores Qzurc 500-10 Basic ESU Cabinet Mounting D.imensions 500-24 h8Ue I, Jantmry 1993

iq#idte DVX1 and DVX D&&al Key Telephone Spetexm INSTALLATION loaded cabinet can weigh approzdmately 64 lbs. Make certain proper mounting proce- dures are followed. CJuck local bdding and &CM codes bqfore mounhg the sgstem. For example, ccrtafn ureas mag require a flame rata&ant &wood back board. : 1 -Mount the cabinet to the plywood using 3/4” #12 pan-head sheet metal screws such that the top of the cabinet is approxi- mately three feet (1 meter) from the ceiling, and bottom is four feet (1.2 meters) from the fl oar. Make certain before mounting the cabinet that circuit cards slide easily in and out of their respective card slots. Z.Use the mounting template supplied with the cabinet to locate the mounting holes. Also refer to Figure 500-10 Basic KSU Cabinet Mounting Dimensfons. 3.Drill the holes and mount the cabinet. c. central Prooessor Board (CPB) This plug-in card is the only common equipment card required to make the sys- tem operational and controls all system activity. The CPB contains the rnatn micro- processor a 16-bit (68000) and a real time clock which controls all system functions including the PCM/TDM voice switching under direction of ROM and F&M software coding. The CP3 is responsible for aJl con- trol functions. execution of ail logic opera- tions and control of system modules including control over circuitry necessary forvoice swftching and confkence connec- tions. The CPB is also responsible for all system tones, system timing, and station status control. ln addition the CPB also provides software andhardware support to ensure the following: L l Watch dog timer and recovery. l PCB status as to presence/absence of cards for automatic software confiiura- tion setup. . Interpret an ID code from each PCB so that card type can be determined auto- matically. l State/event so- design. l Battery backup of customer database RAM memory. The CPB contains the circuitry and con- nection (RCA type) for background mu- sic/music on hold, and the standard 300 Baud Modem. An optional 1200 Baud Mo- dem can be iastalled on the CPB to allow the on-board modem to transmit at ti 1200 baud rate. In addition there is one RS- 232C modular connector input/output port on the CPB and a connector to support the use of an optional I/O expansion mod- ule. The I/O expansion module adds RS- 23X!. I/O port and one RS-422 l/O portto the system for a system total of three I/O ports. A reset (halt) push button switch and a BGMjMOH volume control potenti- ometer is located on the front of the printed circuit board. Refer to Figure 500-9 Basic KSU Equipment Cabinet for CPB layout and location of connectors. System software is provided in EPROM memory and is installed on the CPB. The CPB contains 512K of%PROM storage and is equipped with 256K of battery-backed static RAM. Rovisions have been made on the card to address up to four megabytes of EPROM memory and up to two mega- bytes of static RAM. An option -dip” switch located on the CPB allows the system EPROM memory to be configured utiliziq difh-ernt size EPROM chips. 1 Megabit, 2 Megabit, 4 Megabit and 8 Megabit chips may be used to provide the generic software. Refer to Section 800, Maintenance and Troubleshooting for ‘dip” switch settings for various allowable confiiffoRs. The CPB allows tie use of either 1 Megabit or 4 megabit static RAM chips to be used for F?AM memory. The size and type of memory used is automatically determined and set by the system. The battery backup strap must be placed in the “ON” position to activate memory battery backup (J3}. Do this prior to inserting the CPB into the KSU. Refer to Figure 500-9 Basic KSU Equipment Cabinet. If the optional 1200 baud modem module or expan- slon I/O module are to he installed. do this now prior to inse*g the CPB. The CPB board is inserted into the 58 slot with components on the card fac- ing the wt. This board must NOT be installed with the power on. The edge connector on the CPB is offset to pre- vent it corn being installed in an incor- rect slot. Do not force the card into Iasuc 1, Jammy lfH33 500-26

INSTALLATION illrfinite IWx’ and wXLI DfgitalKey TelephoneSystems 1200 Baud Modem Module {MM} l/O Module (IOM)