Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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imite DVX’ and DVX’ Ecy Telephone Systems KNSTALUCI’ION I ‘2 c’l Pin #1 (orange) Pin #2 (blue) Pin #3 (black) 1 Pin #4 (red) I I 1 Pin #5 (green) Pin #6 (yellow) 1 Pin #7 (white) Pin #8 (brown) - CPB l/O 8 Pin Modular Jack Pinout 8 PI Mod Jack 6 (yellow) Transmit Data 5 (w=n) Receive Data RTS (Request to Send) I CTS (Clear to Send1 I 7 (white) DSR (Data Set Ready) 3 (black) DTR (Data Terminal Ready) DTR must be held high or data from the KSU will stop RS-232C PI NOUT Data Communication Requirements are: A) Serial Port Compatible B) ASCIJ Code Compatible C) 8 Data Bits and 1 Stop Bit . D) No Parity E) Flow Control Method: Xon/Xoff NOTE: Arrows show fiow control direction. l If required by the printer or terminal PAINTER TERMINAL W-W Pin # Pin# D&25 DB-9 2’ 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 5 Fi@re 590-12 Basic KSU CPB R5-232C Connectiona -Ue 1. January 199s 500-27
another slot. One Central Processing Board is required per system, ids & Indicators: ?kro green LEDs located along the iiont edge of the Centrat Processing Board (CPB) provide an indication of the presence of +5V dc & -5V dc to the PCB. A third red LED located just below the two greem LEDs provides a system ‘heart beat” indication. Modem Intcsfkce: The Central Processor Board (CPB) con- tains au on-board modem that is capable of transmitting data at a rate of 300 baud. The modem supports and is compatiile with the Hayes command protocol. The Bell System (Western Electric) standards 103 and 212A for modem design is incor- porated into the design of this modem. The modem operates on-line in both Full and Half duplex modes. An optional 1200 baud module may be added to the CPB to allow transmission at the rate of 1200 baud. x/o Port(a) comlections: The CentraI Processor Board (CPB) con- tains one RS-232C. I/O port (8 pin modu- Iar jack type connector) located near the tiont edge of the board. This I/O port is capable of transmMin.g and receiving data at 300.1200,2400.4800. and 9600 baud rates. The pinouts and communication re- quirements are shown in Figure 500-12 Basic KSU CPB RS-232C Connections. RS-232C Connector or I/O Module Connector(s) To MDF or Device An optional I/O module may be added to the Central Processor Board (CPB) adding one ad- ditional RS-232C port (8 pin modularjack type connector) and one RS-422 port (6 pin modular jack connector). Refer to Section 500.6, Application Module[s) Installation for the pi- nouts and communication requirements for the DVX ’ RS-232C/RS-422 I/O Module. Modem Cxuu.tcctionrx The optional 1200 baud modem module may be installed on the Central Pxxessor Board (CPB) to connector 55 located di- rectly above the battery. The modem port itself is accessed via software control. No hardware connections are required to con- nect to the modem. BackgrouIld Music canucctions: Background Music/Music-On-Hold is connected to the system via an RCA type connector, 52 is located on the front edge of the Central Processor Board (CPB). A potentiometer labeled R5, accessible from the front of the CPB. allows for volume adjustment for Music-Oh-Hold. D. 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB] The 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKBI is a four CO line by eight digital key station inter- face board. The 4x8 Key Interface Board is a combination card that contains the nec- essary circuiby to connect four CO/&m- trex/PBX loop start lines and eight digital key telephones to the system. This card also contains one additional voice (trans- mft) path for external paging, a multi pur- pose relay and a connector for adding one appliication moduIe to the system. The 4x8 Key Interface Board may be installed into Basic KSU cabinet backplane using slots J7 through Jl and may be removed or inserted whLle power is applied to the Basic KSU (power on). Refer to Figure 500-9 Basic KSU Equipment Cabinet for compo- nent layout and location of connectors. LEDS 8clJldicators: .: Five red LEDs are located along the front edge of the 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKE!), one for each CO Line to indicate when it is in use and one LED that monitors the contact operation of the multi use contact located on the board. Two green LEDs also located along the tint edge of the CKB indicate the presence. of +5V & -5V dc. CO Line/Station Intcrfkc#r: The 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB) pro- vides the interface for four Central Of&x. Cedrex or PBX loop start. lines. The pro- tection circuitry necessary to allow the sys- tern to be classified as a fully protected system are located on the card for each CO circuit. me CO circuits are equipped with current sensing circuitry that identifies distant end disconnect (loop supervision). 500-28 Psuc 1, January 1993
i@nite DVX’ and DVX’ Digital Key Telephone Systems INSTAILATION F -co1 -e .- CM --- a .:.. . . - co3 -.-. a. :. ‘:. ---a - F-MAY -- a. StEllV5 :: .: I. i : *... .‘.. ., ‘. : ,.: .:, : *- :. 1 I c Pin #l (blue) - N/C Pin #2 (black) - Ring 2 I 1 Pin #3 (red) - Ring 1 1 Pin #4 (green) - Tip 1 c I Pin #5 (yellow) - Tip 2 I I Pin #6 (brown) - N/C RJ-14 Modular Jack Pinouts for 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB) Figure 600-13 4x8 Rcy Intufacc Board K?EBl Issue 1. January 1993 500-29
The card also provides proper fusing or protection to comply with the requirements of UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. The 4x8 Key Interface Board also provides the interface for eight digital key teie- phones using two 64K channel arrange- ments. Stations connect to the board via the MDF through a 50-pin connector lo- cated on the front edge of the board. Each station connection requires four wires to connect to the board. A Digital DSS Console, a Single Line Tele- phone Adapter (OPX), or other spe&cally designed adapter with a digital interface can be assigned to any one of the interface circuits. The Key Station interface circuits are protected from mis-wMng and over- current. co Lines conuectioncr: CO Lines are connected to the system via modular RI- 14 connectors mounted to the front edge of the 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKBI and accessed through the bottom of the KSU. Each card connects four CO Line ports to the system through modular con- nectors 52 and 53 found on each 4x8 Key Interface Board. The pinouts of the modu- lar connector anz as follows: Pin #1 (blue) - N/C Pin #2 (black) - Ring 2 Pin #3 (red) - Ring 1 i Pin #4 (green) - lip 1 Pin #5 (yellow) - Tip 2 Pin #6 (brown) - N/C CKB RJ-14 Modular Jack Pinwt Stations colmections: The station ports of the 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB) are wired to the main distri- bution frame via a 25-pair. (56pin) male arnphenol type connector located on the front edge of the board. connector JI. A 25-pair cable with a 50-pin female amphe- nol-type connector is required to extend the station ports to the main distribution frame. Refer to Table 500-8 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB) for pin-out informa- tion. w Fmnl 01 cabinet szkkmd Paging connectiollE: The 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB) is ecfuipped with an external page port (a one-way, iransmit voice path) that is wired to the Jl connector (50-pin male amphe- nol-type connector) on the Violet/Slate. Slate/Violet pair of wires (pin’s 50 and 25). Refer to Table 500-8 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKBI for wMng information. lku5ccxlaueous Relay connections: Each 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB) also contains a miscellaneous relay (KI) that can be used as for External Paging, Loud Bell. CO Line control. Power Fail, RAN, other functions as software will allow. The relay provides both an Open and a Closed loop upon activation. Therefore. each relay may be used for various applications. The relay provides a dry output and is rated for lAMPat24Vdc.Therelayfswiredtothe MDF via the Jl connector (50-pin male amphenol-type connector) on the Vio- let/Orange, Violet/Green and BrownfVio- let wires (pin’s 47, 48 and 24). Refer to Table 500-8 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKI3) Connect to modular jack on 4x8 interface card Gh
INSTALLATION iqf?nfte DVX’andDVXn Dig&al Key Telephone Systems for wiring information. Application Module(s) Connections: Table 500-S 4x8 Key Interface Board (CEB) The J 14 connector on the 4x8 Key Interface Board (CKB) board allows the installation of one application module {i.e. DT’MF re- ceiver) to the system. Refer to Section 500.6, Application Module(s) InstaJhtion for a description of the available applica- tion modules. 1 PAIR 1 PIN j COLOR ’ DESIG : 1 26 WH/BL Port 01 Xmt Tip i 1 =/wH 2 27 1 j W/OR 2 i OR/WH 1 !i 3 28 WH/GN I I 3 GN/W-H 4 29 WH/BN 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 14 25 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 34 395 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 50 25 wH/SL SLrwH RD/BL BL/RD RD/OR OR/RD RD/GN GN/RD RD/BN BN/RD RD/SL SL/RD BK/BL BL/BK BK/OR OR/BK BK/GN GN/BK BK/BN BN/BK BK/SL SL/BK YL/BL BL/YL YL/OR OR/n, YL/GN GN/yL YL/BN BN/YL YL/SL SL/yL VI/BL BLM W/OR OR/VI VI,‘GN GNM V?/BN BNM vI/SL SLM X-ntRiig Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port 02 Xmt Tip xmt Ring Rcve Tip Rcve Ring Port 03 xl-& -lip XnltRing Rcve Tip RCVFRiIlg Port04 XntTIp -tRLng Ftcve lYp -Ring Port 05 xnlt Tip XrntRing Rcve Tip -Ring Port06 XlntTip XrntRing Rcve Tip mew Port 07 xrnt Tip XmtFang Rcve Tip RcveRing Port 08 XrIltTip XnltRing Rcve Tip RcveRing Misc. Relay N.C. Misc. Relay N.O. h&c. Relay Common External Page Tip External Page Ring 600-32 Isslle 1. January 1883
i@nite DVX’ and DVX” D&WI Key Telephone Systems E. 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB] The 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) is a four CO Line by eight single line telephone in- terface board. The card is a combination card that contains the necessary circtitry to connect four CO/Centrex/PBX loop start Ihes and eight standard on-premise single line telephones (2500 type) to the system. This card also contains one addi- tionaI voice (transmit) path for external paging and a connector for adding one application module (ix. DTMF Receiver or Dual DTMF/Talk-Back Page Module] to the system. The 4x8 SLT Interface Board can be removed or inserted with power on the KSLJ. Refer to Figure 500-9 Basic KSU Equipment Cabinet for component layout and location of connectors. A molex connector is located on the 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) to provide ring generator capabilities. It is recommended that the Tellabs 8101.30 Hz, SOVAC Ring Generator be used with this board. Message Waiting capability is installed onto the 4x8 SLT Interface Board. This circuitry provides message waiting lamps to single line telephones equipped with message waiting lamps. and supports up to eight single line telephone Message Waitjng lamps at 9OV ac typical across tip and ring. LEDS & Indicatorr3: Five red LEDs are located along the front - edge of the 4x8 SLT Interface Board, one for each CO Line to indicate when it is in use and one LED that monitors the contact operation of the multi use relay located on the board. Two green LEDs also located along the front edge of the 4x8 SLT Inter- face Board (CSB) indicate the presence of &‘V & -5V dc. co uIle/Station I.ntelfhces: The 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB] pro- vides the interface for four Central Offke. Centrex or PBX loop start. lines. The pro- tection circuitry necessary to allow the sys- tern to be classified as a fully protected system are located on the card for each CO circtit. The CO circuits are equipped with current sensing circuitry that identifies distant end disconnect (loop supeniision]. The card also provides proper fusing or protection to complywith the requirements of UL 1459 Second Edition and CSA C22.2 No. 225 standards. The 4x8 SLT Interface Board does not support data devices for data switching. The 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) pro- vides the control and interface for eight standard single line telephones (2500 type). Eight 36V dc single line circuits are provided on the printed circuit board. These single line telephones can be equipped with a standard Message Waiting Lamp (9OV T & R) that operate on the ‘tip” and ‘%ng” leads. Addationally each circuit provides a loop interrupt (7OOms duration) to the connected SLT or device. The card will support single line telephones up to 2000 feet from the Basic KSU cabinet. On- premise single line telephones should pre- sent a load to the port totaling a maximum ringer equivalence of 2.5. co Line5 calnections: CO Lines are connected to the system via moduIar RJ-14 connectors mounted to the front edge of the 4x8 SLT Interface Board and accessed through the bottom of the Basic KSU cabinet. Each 4x8 SLT Interface Board connects four CO Line ports to the system through modular connectors 52 and 53 found on each card. The pinouts of the modular connector are as follows: ~~~~~ 4x6 SLT Interface Board (CSB) RC14 Modular Jack Pinout BEi t2ttZi2ZW ._-.-. i.‘.. --- ~. kn*cuo EELFPJI - - Issue 2, January 1883 500-33
XNSTAwcATfON in.ite Dd and DVX I1 Digital Key Telephone Systems 0 I Station 0 connect0 Message Wait Circuitry ,. . . . : ..::.. : :.. ,. . . . .: ‘. :.. . ..:, ,. I . *‘. : ‘, : _. : ., . . . :.:.. (FUTURE) Opfionaf Dual DTMFI Talk-Sack Page Module ---JqE!F&---- Optional Single DTMF Receiver Module Pin #l {blue) - N/C Pin #2 (black) - Ring 2 1 Pin #3 (red} - Ring 1 1 Pin #4 (green) - Tip 1 c, Pin #5 (yellow) - tip 2 1 I Pin #6 (brown] - N/C 4x8 SLT Interface Board RJ-14 Modular Jack Pinouts Pvgure 500-15 4x8 SLT Interface Bard (CSB) 500-34 Issue 1, Jamnary 1993
iq,@ite DV2Cx& DVX’ DQ#al Xcy Telephone Systems INST2U.LAmON stations coIulection6: The station ports of the 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) are wired to the main distri- bution iiame via a 25-pair. (50-pin) female amphenol type connector located on the tkont edge of the board, connector 53. A 25-p& cabie with a 5O-pin male smphe- nol-type connector is required to extend the station ports to the maLn distribution frame. The pinouts are shown in Figure 500-9 Basic KSU Equipment Cabinet. czmnltbffic2E~a7bk(impp~~ the4xe5&TlllttzfootBoctfru~to- . lBt&KmsbbUtCmmkahicw fi%wte~.andqfthc~ldc&wt totheBasicJn3rioabinet.Thfscablemust be rued to EompIy with FCC Port 16 n?fpwk-xnaddftioni?u~ircubk must paas through a fmtoc cmv btfm oddingthe~Ksr.rcubiRet~to cmnp~nrzt)rpccRvtlsnsgu~~ff to pigu+c 500-14 ShScldad CubIt 9-a * _.- Ertd hgilg coxlnection6: The 4x8 SLT Interface Board will provide an external two-way page port when the Dual DTMF/Talk-Back Page Module (fu- ture) is installed. When t&i module is in- stalled onto the 4x8 SLT Interface Board. it is wired to the JI connector (50-pin male amphenol-type connector) on the Vio- let/Slate. Slate/Violet pair of wires (pin’s 50 and 25). Refer to Table 500-Q 4x8 SLT Interface E&u-d (CSB) for wiring informa- tion. %i6cellsncoue Relay Connections: Each 4x8 SLT Interface Board contains a miscellaneous relay (Kl) that can be used for Loud Bell. CO Line control, Power Fail, RAN, and other functions as software will allow. The relay pmvldes bothan Open and a Closed loop upon activation. Therefore. each relay may be used for various appli- cations. The relay provides a dry output and is rated for 1 AMP at 24V dc. The relay is wired to the MDF via the Jl connector (50-pin male amphenol-type connector) on the Violet/Orange, Violet/Green and Brown/Violet whs(pin’s 47, 48 and 24). Refer to Table 500-9 4x8 SLT Interface Board (CSB) for wiring information. Table 500-9 4x8 SLT Intcrfme Board (CSB) 3 I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PIN 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 4 30 5 31 6 32 7 33 8 34 9 35 10 36 11 37 12 38 13 39 14 40 15 41 16 42 17 43 18 44 19 45 20 46 21 47 22 48 23 49 24 50 25 y- COLOR WH/BL BL/WH WH/OR 0RM.H WH/GN GNP= WH/BN BN/Wf-I WWSL SL/wH RD/BL BL/RD RD/OR OR/RD RD/GN GN/RD RD/BN 33N/RD RD/SL SL/RD BK/BL BL/BK BK/OR OR/BK BK/GN GN/BK BK/BN BN/BK BK/SL SL/BK YL/BL BLfYL YL/OR OR/n. YL/GN GNryL YL/BN BN/YL YL/SL SL/n, VI/BL BL/VI VI/OR OR/VI VI/GN (=/VI VI/BN BN/VI Vl/SL i !’ DESIG t 1 SLT Tip SLT Ring I ?ort 01 ?ol-t 02 Fort 03 ?ortcM ?ort 05 ?ort 06 Port 07 Fort 08 SLT Tip SLT RiTlg SLT Tip SLT Ring SLTTip SLT Ring SLT Tip SLT Ring SLT Tip SLT Ring 1 SLT Tip SLT Ring 1 SLT Tip SLT Ring Misc. Rfzlay N.C. Misc. Relay N.O. hbc. Relay Common ~LxternalPageRin~ External Page Trip* - the Dual JYiMF/Talk-l3ac SLrvI ._ _ when is installed. Issue 1. January I9BS 500-s5
r ZNSTALLYITON iq#.nite DVX’ and DVX’ D&ital Key Telephone Systems Application Module(s) Connections: The 514 connector on the 4x8 SLT Inter- face Board allows for the installation of one application module (i.e. Single D’i’MF re- cefver or the Dual DTMF/Talk-Back Page Module) to the system. Refer to Section 500.6. Application Module(s) Installation for a description of the available applica- tion modules. 500.6 APPLICATION MODULX(S) IN- STAUATION: k ~md/& Module QOM) for the The DVX ’ contains one RS-232C. I/O port (female. DB-25 type connector} located on the main key service board (55). This op- tional I/O module may be added to the main key service board (on connector J 15) adding one additional RS-232C port (fe- male. DB-25 type connector) and one RS- 422 port (6 pin modular jack connector). Each I/O port on this module is capable of transmitting and receiving data at 300. 1200.2400.4800 and 9600 baud rates. 0 I oi c In&akg the I/O Module onto the main key service board of the DVX ’ Basic KSU: 1. Remove power from the Basic KSU. 2. Locate the J15 connector on the main key service board of the Basic KSU and the P4 connector on the I/O Module. Refer to Figure 500- 18 Basic KSUApplication Card Locations. 3. Gently push the P4 connector on the l/O Module onto the J15 connector on the main key service board of the Basic KSU. 4.Secure with the screws provided on the module. 5. Restore power to the Basic KSU. coIlnections: The pinouts and communication req&e- ments for the @%-G& DVX I Expansion I/O module are shown in Figure 500-16. B. Eqmydbn& Module (IOM) for the This module provides one FS232C I/O port (8 pin modular jack) and one RS422 I/O port (6 pin modular jack). This module is installed on the CentraI Processor Board printed circuit board and adds two I/O ports to the one RS-232C I/O port already on the Central Processor Board for a total of three I/O ports allowed in the system. Each port is independently programmed for its use and the rate of speed at which it transmits and receives’ data (baud I-ate). The options are 300. 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600 baud rates atl at 8 data MS, 1 stop bit, with No parity. n to 0 Rs232 52 0 To instd the I/O Module onto the Central Processor Board of the DVX ’ System: I. Remove power tiom the Basic KSU. 2. Remove the Central Processor Board (CPB) from the Basic ESU &met. 3. Locate the 54 corm&or on the CPB board and the P4 connector on the I/O Module. Refer to Figure 500-l 1 Central Processor Board (CPB) . 4. Gently push the P4 connector on the I/O Module onto the 54 connector on the CPB board. -5. Secure with the screws provided on the module. 6. Re-insert the CPB board in the Basic KSU. 7. Restore power to the Basic KSU. Connectlomi: The plnouts and communications require- ments for the in&&e DVX’ Expansion J/O Module are shove in Figure 500-17.