Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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- irlfinite Dd and DVX” Di&it&I key Tclephonc Systems ~xlkI CALL DISTRIBUTION (Cont’d) UCD TIMERS (Cotit’d) F. UCD No-mer Retry Timer Pro- Steps To make a change to the UCD No-Answer Retry Timer: 1. Press the NO-ANSWERRElR’Y~~Rflcx- ible button (FJutton #6). The followlngmes- sage is shown on the display phone: 71 2. Enter the three-digit value on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-999 seconds. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confhxnation tone is heard and the dispIay wIll now update. Description UCD NO-ANSWER RETRY TIMER. When the No-Answer Recall timer expires. a station that failed to amwer tie ringing ACD call is placed into an out-of-setice (00s) state. The station that was taken out-of-service (00s) will be placed back in service if the agent hits his available flex button or dials the available flex code. In addition. the agent will be placed back in service if the No-Answer Retry timer expires. If the agent does not answer his next ACD call, he will again be taken out-of&mice. Th% cycle will eor&inue until the station answers calls, logs out, or goes unavailable. Default: By default, the UCD No-Answer Retry tier is set for 300 seconds and is v&able fi-om 000 to 999 seconds. 745-8 Issue 1. Januruy 1983 : ; :1 I : .-: !Z [I: :; I

i+ite DVX’ md DVX” D&i&l Key Telephone Systcme UNJJFORM CALL DISTRIBUTION (UCD) I~NI~$GN~I CALL DISTRIBUTION (Cont’d) 745.3 UCD RAN ANNOUNCEMENT TA- BLES Rograrmning Steps lf Recorded Announcement devices are in- stalied to operate with UCD. these tables must be programmed: a. Press FTASH and dial [62]. The following message is shown on the display phone: -nj b-The top left button in the flexible button field will be tit for programmmg UCD RAN Announcement Table 1. To change to UCD RAN Announcement Table 2. press flexible button #2. Repeat above for Tables 3 through Tables 8. c. Enter a string of six, or seven digits on the dial pad. ‘Ihe order of data entry will be: ppe Number! - l= CO Port interface - 2s SLT Port interface Index (port) Number: - Ol-28= CO Line Port - 100- 155= SLT Station Port Message Time: - 000-300 seconds d. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confimation tone is heard and the display will now update. emmi To clear entries in a Table: a. Press the pound key once [#I followed by the HOLD button. Description Determines the type. index (port) number and message length for the eight available Recorded Announcements Irwu]. There are eight RAN tables that can be programmed. A table can be the atlswer port for unanswered incoming calls to a UCD group, while anotlxer table can provide the secondary message. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the UCD RAN Announcement Tables program.mW area. ~~gygygq~~ p$qgf+q~{p+q The type can be either a CO line port, or a SLT port. The index number specifies which circuit for the type of interface. Tbe message length is used to match the maxi- mum length of the message to the device that is used. Example: To program a table for a CO line port: a. Press the TABL;E “X’ flexible button (But- tons l-8). b. Dial (I] for CO port interface. c. Dial 101 to 281 for CO line used. d. Enter message duration (000-300 sec.) Example: To program a table fd; an SLT port: a. Press the TABLE “X’ flexible button (But- tons 1-B). b. Dial [2] for SLT port interface. c. Dial [ 100 to 1551 for SLT station used. d. Enter Message duration (000-300 sec.) R&tcd Pro l3--yG Refer to sec. 745.1, UCD Group Programmmg; 745.2, UCD Timers; Also refer to Sec. 500.9, Installing Recorded Announcement Device (RAN).

mite DVX’andDVX’ wtfd Key Telephone Systems ICIJD PROGRAMMING SECTION 750 ICLID PROGRAM-G 750.1 INTRODUCTION The ICLID @ncoming Calling Line IDentica- iion) feature has been added to the infinite DigkaI Key Telephone System. The operation of this feature is dependent on the feature first being activated kom the central office so that the numbers of the calling party will be deliv- ered over the individuat tip and ring of the CO Itnes during the first siknt interval between ringing. The features implemented are: A. Calling Numhtr/Harne Msplap This feature is intended as the basic off& ing of the ICLID service when associated with the infinite DigitaI Key Telephone system. Essentially. whenever an incom- ing call is received at the system, the num- ber received along with the ringing signal wiI1 be stored in the line control tables and used at various points in the processing of the call. The primary function will be that the call- ing number is displayed (if available) at any point at which the “LINE RINGING” mes- sage is displayed in the system. In addition, with the avaikbility of the cu.& ing name feature. if the calIing name is provided, the system will deliver that to the display instead of the calling number. 000000000111111111122222 I23456789012345678901234 II bbbbbNbbbb II II II I’ lj Note that although the Central Oiiice deliv- eryofthecallingnameis15characters,the internal table used to store the name for translation of a received number is 24- characters in length. If the Central Office delivers a name , it will be positioned left justified in the 24-character field on the display. If a number is received which matches a number/name tianslation, the translated name will be used and the name delivered fi-om the Central Offke will be effectively discarded. E no name is available. either supplied from the Central Office or internally from the translation table, the delivered number will be positioned centered in the display as shown above for the 14 N’s. B. Incoming Number/Name SMDR When this feature is implemented, the sys- tem will operate normaI@ in the absence of 1CLID information of the failure of the ICLID equipment. If the information is pre- sent at the time that an SMDR record is generated for a call, it will alter the content and format of the SMDR output record. l If the caIIing number is available, the number will be output in the SMDR re- cord in the same location as the dialed number is located in the outgoing calls. l If the calling name is present, an addi- tionaI line will be output in the SMDR identi@ng the name. This record w-Ill immcdiateIy follow the normal SMDR re- cord. The normal SMDR record will in- clude an indicator which identities that a foIlowing record with name identifim- tion is present. Unanswered caUs will be recorded on the SMDR for incoming as a system option to allow the identification of cakrs for statis- tical and call-back purposes. These calls will be identified’ with an indicator in the SMDRrecord. c. unanswered cdl Management An Unanswered Call Management Table with 50 entry capacity for the infinite DVX I System, and 100 entry capacity for the tn. DVX ’ system is maintained in the system. The calling number/name In- formation pertaining to any unanswered call wiU be placed in this table at the time the system has determined that the call has been abandoned. This table may be administered from ap- propriately privileged phones so that the unanswered calls may be reviewed and handled by the customer. Upon entering into the review process, the functions available to a phone are: Issue 1. Januarg 1993 7su-1

ICLJDPROG-G iqjinite DVX’andDVXn D&&al Key Telephone Systems FUlCtiOIl Function 3utton 1. GO to be&min~ of list ) DialCode 635 2. Review next item in this 3. Step to next list en-. HOLD 4. Delete this list entry. FLASH 5. Delete entire list. 1 Note’ . 6. Exit list review function. ON/OFF 7. Step to previous list entry, TRANS : 18. Call Back. 1 SPEED 1 ’ This feature is only available to the Attendant(s) st.aUcm[s) to clear the list one entry at a time. . 760-2 Issue 1. January 1993

[email protected] DVX’andDVXn D&&al kzcy Telephone Systems ICLID PROG~G ICLID PRoG I~AMMING (Cunt’d) 750.2 ICIJD RINGING ASSIGNMENT If ICIJD Ringing Assignments need to be as- signed or changed: 1, press FLASH and dial [43]. The following message is shown on the display phone: where: - OO= ICUD Route Number 00-09 for DVX I System, 00-20 for DYX ’ System - XxXY= ICLID De&nation @OR) and Rixghg Assignment Kl 2. Press the RING ASSiGNMEWT flexible but- ton (Button # 1). LED #l is lit indicating Route 00 is ready for programming. 3. Enter the three-digit destination clear] and the one-digit ring Q-pe (YJ. - O= Unassigned (to delete a station) - I=DayRinging - 2= Night Ringing - 3= BothDay&NightRh@ng Deleting a station [entering a 0 for ring type) only removes that station from the ring assign- ment. 4.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confiiation tone is heard and the display will now update. 5. Press Button # 17 to display ring assign- ments. Assignments wiIl be displayed in sets of 8 up to the number programmed. Press Button # 17 additional times to cycle to the next group of 8 ring assignments. The foIIowing format is used to display the assignments: where: - DDD= Destination - R= D for Day N = Night B=BothDay&Night. Description 1CLID Ringing Assignments will provide a means to change the ring assignment based on the incoming number received. This feature permits the user to select one of 20 ringing routes for each entry in the name to number transIation table. For example, this feature could be used to re-route selected customers to a specffk ACD or UCD group and bypass the general attendant. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entening the ICWD Ring- ing Assignment pro@amming area: Rh;;-lhr;-lh;-;-l jGGsl~~{~j H Fr;;;i &El GiGI Keysets designated to ring on an incoming CO line but not designated to ring on the fCWD ring, may receive a ring cycle before the call is moved. The same ringing restrictions applied to CO line ringing will be applied to ICLJD rIngin& The same ringing types applied to CO line ring- ing will also be applied to ICLID ringing. DcfimItz By default. no destinations or ringing assignmeRts exist. Issue 1. JanuaIy 199s 760-S

iqfhtite DVX’andDVXn Digital Key Telephone Systems Propnnning Steps ping assfgnments witl be continuous and w-ill be displayed in order of the destination number f?om 001 to 557. &Repeat Step 3 to program additional sta- tions and rIngi.ng ass@ments. A maxi- mum of eight stations wilS &splay on the LCD display. Additionat stations and ring- ing assignments can be displayed using Button # 17. To advance to the next Route: 1. Press the NEXT flexible button (Button #l$) to advance to the next ICLID Route number, To go to a previous Route: 1. Press the PREVIOUS flexible button (But- ton #19] to go to the previous ICLID Route number. To select a different Route: 1. Press the SELECT ROUTE NUMBER to select the desired route number. 2. Enter the two-digit ICLJD route numba. - 00-09 for DVX ’ System, - 00-19 for DVX’ System. 3.Press the HOLD button to change to the difXerent route entered. Conflrmatlon tone willbe heard. Description 750-4 rssuc 1. January 1993

XCLID PRoG RilNMXNG [Cont’d) 7so.3 ICLID FEkmmEs Programming Steps If ICLID is to be used: 1. Press FLASH and dial [SS]. The following message is shown on the display phone: 2. To program ICLJD features, use the flexibie button(s) as defined in the following proce- dures. The ICLID. NAME buttons toggle on and off. 3.After all entries are made, press the HOLD button to accept the data. Prow steps 1. Press the ICLID ENABLE flexible button (Button # 1). This feature will toggle on and off with each depression, and the display wiU update with each depression. l LED ON = ICWD is enabled l LED OFF = ICLID is disabled 2.Press the H0I.D button to save the entry. Confkmation tone is heard. B. Name in Display Pro@ - g Steps 1. Press the NAME flexible button [Button #2) to determine whether the name will appear In the LCD display instead of the incoming telephone number. This feature will toggle on and off with each depression and the display will update with each depression. l LED ON = Name will appear in display l LED OFF = Telephone number will ap- pear in display 2.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confkrnation tone is heard. Description The in-@&e Digital Key Telephone Systems can provide ICLID output to either the standard Ezs-23% connector on the DVX I Basic KSU motherboard or DVX II CPB board or to the optional -2326/422 l/O Module cunnec- tar(s). When ICIJD is desired. the following system-wide parameters w-ill determine how the ICLID inform&ton will be distibuted. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the ICLID Fea- tures programming area: Related Pro gWlIY&lg: Refer to Sec. 710.14, local Number/Name Translation Table. Description The ICLID (Incoming Calling Line IDentifka- tion) feature has been added to the infinite DigitalKeyTelepbone Systems. However. these features are not available unless the Basic ICIJD Software package has been purchased separately. In order for this feature to operate properly, it must be activated kom the central office so that the numbers of the calling party will be delivered over the indMdual tip and ring of the CO lines during the ik-st silent intenrdl betweenringing. D&uIt: By default, ICLID is disabled. Description The 5ystem can be set to display either the ticomlng telephone number or the person’s name on the LCD display, Default: By default, the system will show the telephone number on the LCD display. Issue 1, January 1893 750-K

iqfiniie DvX’andDVX” DQfiM Key Telephone Systems ICIJD PROG RABUMING (Ccmt’d) ICUD Features {Ckmt’dI prog - g steps C. Baud Rate Display The ICLJD Baud Rate is programmed using Flash 15 Baud Rate Assignments. Button #3 will return error tone when pressed. The LCD displays the current baud rate based on which Port number is assigned to the iCLID Port number. D. Port Atmi@mcnt prO@3Imliq~ steps 1. Press the PORT flexible button (Button #4) to determine which port is to be used for ICLID information. 2. Enter a one-digit number for theICIJD Port number: - I= Port #l (“On-Board” RS-232C) - 2= Port #2 (“On-Board” 300 Baud Modem) - 3= Port #3 (I/O Expander Module RS-232C) - 4= Port #4 (I/O Ekpander Module RS-422) The LCD displays the current baud rate based on which Port number is assigned to the ICLID Port number. 3. Press the HOLD button to accept the data. The display will now update. Description The infintte Digital Key Telephone Systems can provide. ICLID input to either the standard RS- 232C ‘On-Board” connector on the DVX’ 3KSLl or DVX I1 CPB board or to the optional RS- 232C/422 I/O Expander Module connector(s). The Baud Bate wU.l be displayed as either 300 baud, 1280 baud. 2400 baud, 4800 baud,, or 9600 baud. Related Progmx: Refer to Sec. 710.8, Baud Bate Assignments. Description Port #1 refers to the standard RS-232C “On- Board- connector on the DVX’ Basic KSU or the CPB board on the DVX n. Port #2 refers to the “On-Board” 300 Baud modem provided with the system. Port #S refers to the FS232C connector on the I/O Expander Module. Port #4 refers to the RS-422 connector on the same I/O Expander Module fnstalled in either infznite Digital system. Dcfimlt: By default, Port #l is used for ICLlD operation. 750-B Ismle I, January 1993

irtfirrite DVX’ and DVX’ DQ$tal Key Telephone Systems VOICE I&AIL GROUPS (VMj SECTION 755 VOICE MAIL GROUPS m) 755.1 VOICE MAIL. PROGRAM?HING Pro@ammin~ Steps If the system is in the programming mode, continue using the program codes. If starting to program here, enter the programming mode. Refer to Sec. 700.2, Program Mode Entry (Key Station). If Voice Mail Groups are to be programmed: 1. Press FLASH and dial (651. The following message is shown on the display phone. ‘31 W-ha: - G = Voice Mail group number (O-7) - AAA = Alternate group W404-47) - L = ‘Leave” mafl index from out- pulsing table for leaving messages (O- 71 - R = ‘Retrieve” maLl index from out- pulsing table for retrieving messages (O-7) - XXX = Voice Mail station numbers (po*).(up to 8 maI 2.The top lefk button in the flexiile button field will be lit for programming voice mail group 440. To change Voice Mail groups or enter fW-&er Voice Mail groups, press the appropriate fltrdble button 1-8 (440447) and perform the following procedures. t.xeain~tnsrlx~inm VoictMUil~ ctnzmedtotheirlfinite ~cItp-~mprqpa Description Up to eight Voice Mail groups can be confgured in the in$r&k Digital Key Telephone System. Each group can contain up to eight Voice Mail designated ports, each ofwhich interfaces with a port on an SLT or OPX card. An externally provided Voice Mail system or Auto Attendant must be connected to the in& r&a Digital Key Telephone System forvoice Mail or Auto Attendant opera&n. Voice Mail auto- matirdy handles unanswered calls. Station user can then retrieve messages left at their stations. Auto Attendants can handle incoming calls and route callers to station users without intervention from the systxxns attendant. Direct incoming ring to Voice Mail/Auto Atten- dant groups can be done directly through CO Line Ringfng AssigTlments. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the Voice Mail progmmming area: Izclatcd Plugi l .~g: Refer to Sec. 755.2, Voice Mail Outpulsing Table, Voice Mail In- Band Signaling for incoming CO calls: 720.1, CO Line Programming, CO Line Ringing AsSignmelltS. Issue 1, January 1SBS 755- 1

VOICE MAIL GROUPS W infinite DVX’ and DVX” D&~&II Key Telephone Systems A ANnnate Voice Mail Group Profpmming Steps To program an alternate group: 1. Press the ALTERNATE VM GP flexible but- ton (Button #9). 2. Enter the three-digit pilot number (440 to 447) of the desired group. 3. Aess the HOLD button to save the entry. Con&mat&m tone is heard and the display will now update. B. ‘leave” Mail Index Entry l?rof$ * g steps To specitjr the “Leave” mail index (outpulsing table) to be accessed by a Voice Mail group: 1. Press the LEAVE flexible button (Button #IQ). 2. Enter the one-digit outpulsing table num- her [O-7) on the dial pad. 3.Press the HOLD button to save the en-. Confmnation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description ALTERNATE VM GP. An Alternate Voice Mail Group may be programmed so that if all Voice Mail ports are in use. the call can be routed to an alternate group. This is useful whin more than eight ports are required for Voice Mail tXl.EiC. To delete an Alternate Voice Mail Group assign- ment, enter three pounds [###I on the keypad and press the HOLD button. Description LEAVE, The “Leave” mail index specifies the outpulsing Table where the “in-band” digits required to connect a caller, forwarded fnto Voice Mail, to the called stations mail box are stored. Refer to Sec. 755.2 for programming enties into an outpulsing table. To delete a “Leave” mail index entry, enter one pound I#] on the keypad and press the HOLD button. ;