Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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f@&e IWX’andDVXn D&im IKey Telephone Systems AUTOMATIC CALL DISTRIBUTION (ACD] AuTohfA~c CALL DISTRIB~~N (Cont’d) 740.3 ACD RAN ANNOUNCEMENT TA- BLES If Recorded Announcement devices are in- stalled to operate with ACD. these tables must be programmed: a. Press FLASH and dial (621. The following message is shown on the display phone: b-The top left button in the fkible button field will be lit for programming ACD RAN Announcement Table 1. To change to ACD RAN Announcement Table 2, press fltible button #2. Repeat above for Tables 3 through 8. c. Enter a string of six or seven digits on the dial pad. The order of data entry will be: Type Number: - 1= CO Port interface - 2= SLT Port interface Index (port) Number: - Ol-28= CO Line Port - 1 OO- 155= SLT Station Port Message Time: - CKIO-300 seconds d. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confimafion tone is heard and the display wilS mm update. WhenaWporti8ddgnatdosuRANpprt, a relay and/or sensor shorrld be programmed as a RAN start ftw drurou- Table 1 &hnmgh 8. To clear entries in a Table: a. Press the pound key once I#] followed by the HOLD button. Description Determines the type. index (port) number and message length for the eight available Recorded Announcements @UN). There are eight RAN tables that can be programmed. Table 1 can be the answer port for unanswered incoming calls to a ACD group. Table 8 can provide the secon- dary message or vice versa. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the ACD RAN Announcement Tables progmmming area: m&qqmF] RWiWF/ The lype can be either a CO line port, or a SLT port. The index number specifies which circuit for the type of interface. The message length is used to match the maxi- mum leq$h of the message to the device that is used. Example: To program a table for CO line port: a. Press the TABLEX flexible button (Buttons l-8). b. Dial [I ] for CO port inter&we. c. Dial [Ol to 281 for CO line used. d. Enter message duration {OOO-300 sec.) Example: : To program a table for an SLT port: a. Press the TABLEX flexible button (Buttons l-81. b. Dial 121 for SLT port interface. c. Dial [lo0 to 155) for SLT station used. d. Enter Message duration (000-300 sec.) Related Rognunming: Refer to Sec. 740.1, ACD Group Progr - g; 740.2. ACD Timem; Also refer to Sec. 500.9. Installing Recorded Announcement Device (FUN). 168ue 1. January lBB3 740-B
imite DVX’ aad DVX” Digital Key Telephone Systems A~o&%i@f’Ic CALL DISTRIBUTION (Cont’d) 740.4 PC/ACD INTERFACE TRACE Programming Steps To enable PWACD Interface Trace options: 1. Press FL4SH and dial 163). The following message will be shown on the display phone: - X= Port for PC/ACD lnterfaqz ?kace - YYYY= Baud Rate of desired port. A. Event Trace En2hlt/Dis2ble Prop * L-J steps 1. Press the PC/ACD EVENT TRACE flexible button (l3utton # 1). It will toggle on and off with each depression. l LED on = Event trace is enabled l LED off = Gvent trace is disabled 2.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confxmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description The fature is ONLY available when the Basic ACD software package is purchased separately. The PC!/ACD Interface Trace feature provides an event trace output which is compatible with the PC/ACD Reporting package The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the PC/ACD Event Trace feature programnkg area: Description This feature is only available when the Basic ACD Software package is purchased sepa- rately. The PC/ACD Interface mace provides a series of events trace output which is compat- ible with the in@-& PC/ACD Reporting pack- age. Dthult: By default, the PC/ACD Event ‘Ikace is disabled. 740-10 Xssnc 1. Jannarg 1993
i-&e DVX’andDVX’ Digftal Key Telephone Systems AUTOMATIC CALL DISTRIBUTION (ACDI Amoh’IAmc CALL DIWFUBUTION (Cont’d] Pc/ACD INTERFACE TRACE Hhnt’d) B. T-race Port Assignment. Prop- Steps I. Press the PC/ACD PRINT POW flexible button [Button #2) to determine which port is to be used for the PC/ACD interface Trace. 2. Enter a one-digit number for the PC/ACD Event Trace Port number: - 1= Port # 1 (“On-Board” RS-232C) - 2= Port #2 (“On-Board” Modem) - 3= Port #3 0/O Expander Module RS-232C) - 4= Port #4 (If0 Expander Module RS-422) The LCD displays the current baud rate based on which Port number is assigned to the ACD SMDR Port number. 3.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display W-U now update. Desctiption Port #I refers to the standard RS-232C “On- 3oard” connector on the DVX ‘Basic KSU or the CPB board on the DVX Ii System. Port #2 refers to the ‘On-Board” 300 Baud modem provided with the system. Port #3 refers to the RS-232C connector on the I/O Expander Module. Port #4 refers to the FtS-422 connector on the same I/O Expander Module installed in either infiniteDigital system. ’ &far& By default, Port #1 is used for Basic ACD SMDR purposes. C. Baud Rate Display v Steps The PC/ACD Port’ Baud Rate is pro- grammed using Flash 15 Baud Rate As- signments. The LCD displays the current baud rate based on which Port number is assigned to the ACD SMDR Port number. ThefoIIawingmessagewiIlbeshownonthe display phone: .: Description Ihe infinite Digital Key Telephone Systems can provide PC/ACD Reporting output to either the standard RS-232C ‘On-Board” connector on the DVX I Basic KSU or DVX’ CPB board or to the optional RS232C/422 i/O Expander Mod- ule connector(s). The Baud Rate wiU be dis- played as either 300 baud, 1200 baud, 2400 baud, 4600 baud, or 9600 baud. Related Pro@unmiq- . Refer to Sec. 710.8. Baud Rate Assignments. Issue 1, January 1893 740-11
iqfutite DVX I and DVX Ii Dma Key Telephone sy8tCIIiS UNIFORM CAU DIST2ZlBUTIoN (UCD) SECTION ‘745 UNIFORM CALL DISTRIBUTION (UCD) 745.1 UCD GROUP PROGRAMMING FYogrixmdng Steps lf the system is in the programmhg mode, continue using the program codes. If starting to program here, enter the programming mode. Refer to Sec. 700.2, Program Mode Entry (Key Station). If UCD Groups are to be assigned: 1. Press FLASH and dial [601. The following message is shown on the display phone: Where: - X= UCD Group Number ll-8) - A&%= Afternate UCD Group Assign- ment - EMS= UCD Overflow Assignment - CC= UCD Announcement Tables 2.The top kft button in the flexible button field wizz be Ilt for progranm&g UCD group 0 (550). To change UCD groups or enter further UCD groups (550 to 557), press the appropriate fkxfble button and perform the fokwing procedures. . Description There can be eight UCD groups of no more than eight stations each. The UCD groups use a pilot hunting technique. Iftbe pilot numberis dialed. the assigned stations in that UCD group are searched for the station which has been in an idle condition for the longest period of time. Each UCD Group may have an assigned Aiter- nate UCD Group, an Overflow station and up to eight stations as UCD members. The two system RAN ports (tables) may also be refer- emed on a per UCD group basis. The buttons 011 the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the UCD Group(s) programming area: DefkuW EIy default., UCD Group Tables are empty. RdattdRo @&W&g: Refer to Sec. 745.2, UCD Timers for setting the UCD Ring Timer, UCD Message Interval Timer, WCD Overflow Timer, UCD Answer Recall Tkner, and UCD No-Answer Retry Timer; Also refer to Sec. 745.3. UCD RAN Announcement Tables for as- signing RAN device ports and message times. Issue 1, January 1993 745-l
~C3~bl CALL DISTRIBUTION rVCD) &finite DVX I and DVX II DigitaI &v Telephone Sy&ems UNIFORM CALL DISTl3IBU’l’ION (Cmt’d) A Alttrnnte UCD Group Assignment Programming Steps To program an alternate group: 1. press the ALTERNATE UCD GP flexible button (Ektton #9). 2. Enter the three-digit pilot number (550 to 557) of the desired alternate UCD group. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description ALTERNATE UCD GROUP. An alternate UCD group can be programmed so that if no station in one group is available. the alternate group will be checked for an available station. This provides a means to chain or link UCD groups togetkr. To delete an Alternate UCD Group, press the pound key three times [###I and press the HOLD button. B. UCD Overflow Station Assignment Pro)Y$zmag steps To program UCD Over&w station: 1. Press the OVERFLQWASSIGN flexible but- ton (Button # 101. 2. Enter the three-digit station number (100 to 155) to designate the UCD Groups over- flow station. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the en@. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. uulm .A m lm E!5 LWJ EBB @i Description UCD OVERFLOW ASSIGN. When an oveflow station is assigned, callers that have remained in queue for a specified amount of time will be routed to the assigned overflow station. The overflow station may not be one of the UCD group stations. Only CO calls transferred to a UCD group will overflow to the overflow station when RAN tables have not been assigned. To delete an Overflow Station, press the pound key three times [###I and press the HOLD but- ton. 745-2 fsstle 1. Januarg lass
infinite DVX’ and DVX’ D@tal Key Telephone Systems UNIFORM CZ.AIL DISTREKJTION @ED) ARM CALL DXSTRIBUTION [Cont’dI c. UCD Recorded Announcement ~~cntbl mm Pxgrammir* steps To program a Recorded Announcement: 1. Press the ANNOUNCEMENTTBLS flexible button (Button # 11. 2. Enter one of the following digit sequences: - l# = RAN port specified in Table 1 will be used. - through - 8# = RAN port specified in Table 8 will be used. Example: - 1,2=Port1wiIlanswe.rthecall;port 2 will provide a subsequent message. - 8.1 =Port8wihanswertheca&port 1 will provfde a subsequent message. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry, Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description UCD ANNOUNCEBUENT TABIZS. An optional Recorded Announcement device may be con- nected to the system to provide an an- nouncement if all stations in a UCD group are busy. Up to eight ports in the system may be assigned to provide a path to Recorded An- nouncement devices. incoming CO Callers will only be answered and routed to the Overflow assignment if a RAN Table is assigned. To erase Recorded Announcement(s). press the pound key two Wnes [##I &nd press HOLD. Related Pm~mmm3.q: R&r to sec. 745.3, UCD RAN Announcement Tables programming for f&her information regarding each RAN Ta- ble. . ‘.. fsauc 1, &mum-y 1983 745-S
iqjinite DVX ’ and DVX’ WORM CALL DISTRIBUTION (Cont’d) D. UCD Station Assignment(s) Pro@ * g Steps To program stations into a UCD group: 1. Press the Page “B” flexible button (Page A Button # 19). The following message is show-n on the display phone. ul3l3913 #### #Hi@ #I## #I## H# ### ### ### Where: - X= IJCD Group Number (l-8) - B= Page -B” parameters - ###= UCD Station ass~ents 2.The top l& button in the flsdble button fieldwillbelitforpro&rammlng UCD group 0 (550). To change UCD group5 or enter further UCD groups (550 to 557). press the appropriate ffexible button and perform the following procedures. 3.Enter the three-digit station numbers of the stations in the LJCD group in the order inwhicktheywill be checked. Amaximum of eight stations may be entered, 4.Fress the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Desctip tion UCD STATION AssIGNBUEm. Any type of station (xcluding DSS/DLS Consoles) may be entered as valid LJCD stations. Calls will be routed to station in the order they are entered for the first round of calls only, After that the calls are routed to stations based on On-Hook time. The station with the longest On-Hook time will receive the next call. If’ a specific station number is dialed, only that station Is rung: no distribution will be done if that statin is busy. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when ente&g the UCD Station Assignmentfs) programming area. To erase all stations. press the pound key three times [###I and press HOLD. 7484 fssue 1, January 1993
UNJFoRM CALL DISTRIBUTION (Cont’d) 745.2 UCD TTBBEKS Programming steps If UCD timers are to be changed: a. Press F-H and dial [61]. The follawing message is shown on the display phone: A. UCDRiqTimer B steps To make a change to the UCD Ring ‘Inner: 1. Press the FUNG TIMER flexible button (But- ton # 1). The following message is shown on the display phone: 2. Enterthe three-digit tfmervalue on the dial pad which corresponds to 060-300 see- onds. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Con&nation tone is heard and the display will now update. Desc ription Six timers for UCD operation are programmable on a system-wide basis. The UCD timers in- clude: ARingTimer, Message IntervalTimer, an Overflow Timer, a Auto Wrap-Up Timer, a No/Answer RecallTimer. and a No/Answer Re- try Timer. Each timer is described below: Related Pro@ammix@ Refer to Sec. 745.3. UCD Group Progmmming; and UCD Recorded Announcement Assignment(s); Also refer to Sec. 500.1, Installation, Backgrauncj Music/Music-On-Hold Connections for DVX and DVX ’ systems. andrInstaIhng Recorded Announcement Device @AN). The buttons on the digital tenntnal are defined as shown below when entering the UCD ‘Doers pmE$i w, Fi Description UCD RING TIMER The UCD Ring Timer deter- mines how long a call will ring into a busy UCD group before being presented to the first re- corded annoullcemmt Dtfault: By default, the UCD Ring Timer is set for 60 seconds, and is variable from 000 to 300 seconds. hue 1, January 1993 746-5
FORM CALL DISTRIBUTION (UCD) iqfinite DvX’andDVX” a&&al Key Telephone Systems -RM CALL DISTFEIIXJTION (Cont’d) UCD TIMERS (Cont’dl B. UCD Message httd Timer FYogEmming steps To make a change to the UCD Message Interval Timer: 1. F’ress the MITTIMER flexible button (But- ton #2). The following message is shown on the display phone: 2. Enter the three-digit timer value on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-600 sec- onds. 3.Press tie HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display wilI now update. Description UCD MIT TIMER The UCD Message Interval Timer (MIT) determines the length of time a caller remains ti queue (listening to MOH. if provided] between recorded announcements. Default: By default, the UCD Message Interval Timer is set for 60 seconds and is variable from 000 to 600 seconds. C. UCD Chmflow Timer Prom steps To make a change to the UCD Overfiow Timer: 1. Press the OVEFFL0W TIMER flexible but- ton Button #3). The following message is * shown on the display phone: 2. Enter the three-digit value on the dial pad which corresponds to 000-600 seconds. 3. Press the HOLJJ button to save the entry. Coufh-rnation tone is heard and the display w-ill now update. Description UCD OVERFLOW TIMER The UCD Overflow Timer determines the total length of time a callerwillremain in queue for aparticular UCD group. When the timer expires, the caller will be routed to the designated overflow station. The timer starts when an incoming call is an- swered and presented to the first recorded aa nouncement. Transferred CO callers WiIl overflow at the expiration of the Overflowtier. I)tfarift: By defauk the UCD Over&w Timer is set for 60 seconds and is variable from 000 to 600 seconds. 745-6 fe8Ut 1, th.mu&ry 1993 1’ :. L
imite DVX’ and DVX” Dj&d Key Telephone Systems UNJPORM CAL% DISTRIBUTXON (UCD] UNTF-ORM CALL DISTRIBUTION (Cm&d) UCD TIBXERS (Cont’d) D. UCD Auto Wrap-Up Timer I?4-ogramdng steps To make a change to the UCD Auto Wrap-up Timer: 1. Press the AUTO-WRAP TIMER fiexible but- ton (EMton #4). The following message is shown on the display phone: 2. Enter the three-digit value on the dial pad which corresponds to OCG6OO seconds. 3Jres-s the HOLD button to save the enhy. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. E. UCD No-Answer Recall Timer Progra * 2 Steps To make a change to the UCD No-Answer Recall Tier: l.Press the NO-ANSWER RECAP TlMER flexible button [Button #5). The following message is shown on the display phone: 2. Enter the three-digit value on the dial pad which corresponds to 00&300 seconds. 3,Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description UCD AUTO-WRAP TIME& After completion of a UCD call (on-hook) the agent will not be subjected to another UCD call for the duration of the Auto Wrap-Up timer allowing the agent to fir&h call related work or access other facili- ties. This will allow agents to remwe them- selves fimn the group (i.e. DND. Call Forward) or originate another call. Default: By default, the UCD Auto Wrap-up Timer is set for CM seconds and is variable from 000 to 600 seconds. ’ Description UCD NO-ANSWER Rl%ZiLL TQdERIfacall routed to a station via ACD is not answered by the ACD Agent/Station before the NW&rower Recall timer wqires, the call will be returned to ACD Queue with the highest priority. In addi- tion, the station that failed to answer the ring- ing ACD ca.U will be placed into an out of sewice (00s) state. Default: By default. the LJCD No-Answer Timer is set at 000 [disabled) and is variable from 000 to 300 seconds. Issue 1, January 1883 748-7