Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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iq#inife DVX’tmdDVXn D&$&d Key Telephone Systems STATXON A-U== PROGRAMMWG PAGE “B” STATION ATTRIBUTES (Cont’d) B. StEtion class of Service (Cm) Pro#+?mxmg steps 1. Press the CLASS OF SERVICE fkible but- ton (Page B. Button #Z). 2. Enter a two-digit Class of Service entq as follows: l 1st digit is day COS + 2nd digit is night COS The six classes of service are: - 1= unrestricted - 2= governed by Table A - 3= governed by Table B - 4= governed by Tables A and B - 5= no O,I,‘,# as first digit, 7 digits - 6= intercom only [no CO Line access} 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confkmatton tone is heard and the display will now update. Description CLASS OF SERVICE. Each stations must be assigned a certain COS for day mode operation, and also be assigned a COS for night mode operation. The night COS goes into affect when the system is placed into the night mode. manually or automatically. This prevents the misuse of phones after hours. Class of service (COS] determines the stations dialing privileges. Refer to Table 720- 1 Class of Service (COS). Dcfaulk By default. ail stations are assigned a COS 1 for day mode and COS 1 for night mode. Related w: Rifer to Sec. 720.1, CO Line Progr~J, Class of Service [COS) Programming: and Sec. 760.1, Exception Tables Programmtng. Table 730-l Clam3 of &mice (COS) CO LlN5 CLASS OF SERVICE 1 2 3 4 5 S T 1 Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Rzg;tn* Unrestricted A T 2 Table A Table A , Unrestricted R$u$$& Unreskicted 1 0 3 Table B Unrestricted Table B Canned Restriction* Unrestricted N .4 Tables A&B Table A Table B Canned Restriction* Unrestricted c 0 5 Canned Canned Canned Canned S ResMction* ResVlction* Restriction* Restriction* Unrestricted 6 Intercom Intercom Intercom Jntercom * h&x-corn 0* OlllV onlv OnSy only * Canned Restriction= No ‘0’. 1. #, ‘*’ as a iht dialed digit, and 7 digits maximum phs l-800. 1911. 161 f are allowed and 411,976, and 555 numbers are denied. Isauc 1. January 1993 730-13

STATlON ATTRIBUTES PROGRNlMlNG PAGE “B” STATION ATTRJBUTES (Cont’d) C. Speakerphont/fXeadact FVog Progxamming Steps ’ g 1. Press the SPEAKERPHONE flexible button [Page B, Button #31. 2. Enter a one-digit number on the dial pad between 0 and 3 to identify the speaker- phone operation. - 0 = works as normal speakerphone. FUI spezkrphone capabilities on both CO lines and Intercom. - I = Speakerphone enabled for inter- com calls only. Speakerphone capa- bilities disabled for outgoing CO line calls (monitoring and on-hook dial- ing are still auowtd. - 2 = Speakerphone is disabled com- plete@. Allows for headset operation. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confiiation tone is heard and the display wilI now update. Descrintion SPEAKERPHONE. Each telephone’s speaker- phone ability is programm able in one of three Ways. A speakerphone ID of 2 will aUow the station user to enable headset mode by dialing a code. The station user may then return to fuIl speak- erphone operation by di&ng the same code ag-- Dcf&nlk By default. aU stations are assigned an ID of 0. . D. Pick-Up Group[s) programmipg 1. Press the GROUP PICKUP flexible button (Page B. Button #4J. 2. Enter a one-to-four digit number to pro- gram Pickup &Foups. b - o=nogroup - l=Groupl - 2=Group2 - 3= Group3 - 4= Group 4 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confhmation tone is heard and the display will now update. [ Description GROUP PIC3UP. Each station is assigned into pick up groups. Stations can be in any combi- nation of the four group& or in no group at alL D+fault: By default, all stations are in group 1. 730-14 Issue 1. Jalluaxy 1sss

i@ite DVX’ and DVX’ Di@l Key Telephone Systems STATION ATTRIBUTES PROGIMBlMRVG PAGE “B” STA’MON ATTRIBUTES (0mt’d) E. P@ng ant(s) pr0g-g Prof$Tmmbg steps l.Press the PAGING ZONES flexible button (Page B. Button #5). 2.Enter a one-to-four digit number to pro- gram paging zone(s). - 0= no zone (no pages received) - l=Zonel - 2=Zone2 - 3=Zone3 - 4=Zone4 3.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confbmation tone is heard and the display wIIl now update. Description PAGING ZONES. Each station is assigned to internal paging zones. A station can be in any or all zones or in no zone at alI. All Call is all page zones combined. If a station is not in any internal zone. itwill not receive any all call pages. Stations not assigned to a page group can still make page announcements ifallowed in station prog ‘?g. Stations can be assigned to a page group in order to receive pages but not akwed to make pages. Defaultz By default, alI $&ions are in Page Zone 1. Ifume 1, January 1993 73&16

STATION ATTRXBUTES FROGIUWMING iqfinite DVXEUI~DVX~ D&&al Key Telephone Systems PAGE “B” STATION AmU’IE3 (Cont’d) F. Preset Call Forward Rogrammfn& Progr~ Steps 1. Press the PRESET FORWARD flexible but- ton (Page B, Button #6). 2.Enter a three-digit number to determine the destination where calis are to be routed when the preset forward timer expires. . 3 dim - OZO-099= System Speed Bins 20-99 for off-net forwz&fng - loo-155= station Numbers - 330-337= Hunt Groups l-8 - MO-447= Voice Mail Groups 1-8 - 550-5572 ACD or UCD Groups 1-8 3,Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Descriution PlEESET FORWARD. This feature allows the system database to be configured so that in- coming CO Lines, which are programmed to ring at a parttcular station, can be forwarded elsewhere in the system predetermined by pro- $2 * g. This feature is actfve if the station ringing is not answered in a specified time. This is particularly useful in “overflow” applications where a Voice Mafl or Auto Attendant may be in use. A station may have one designated preset for- ward location defmed in the database. Reset Call Forward is ch&able only to other predetermined preset forward stations speci- fied in the database up to a chain of 5 stations. If a CO Line foxwarded by Preset Call Forward encounters a manually forwarded station (Call Forward - Station]. or a station in DND. then the incoming CO Line will bypass that station and forward to the next in the chain. If that station is the last in the chain, then the call will not forward any further and will continue to ring at that station until answered or termi- nated. Chainable Preset Call Forwarding will force the incoming CO Line to ring at each station preas- signed in the database for the Preset Forward Ring Timer. specified in the database, before fol-Wa&ng. CO Lines can be preset forwarded to ring into an ACD, UCD, Voice Mail, Hunt Group or Off- Net via speed dial from any station. A CO line will not preset forward to a busy hunt, voice mail, ACD, or UCD group, however each time tfie preset forward timer expires [for a toti of five attempts1 the group will be checked for an idle station. If a member of the group Is idle the call will then be presented to that member. Default: By default, no preset fomd destina- tions are programmed. Related PI-O-: Refer to Sec. 710.1, System Timers, Preset Forward Timer. 730-16 Iseue 1. Jaauarg 1993

i@ite DVX’aadDVX’ ~j#al Xt?y Telephone Systcme PAGE “B” STATION ATTRIBUTES (Cont’d) G. CO Lbe -Up hm?ss RoJqmmiTg steps LPress the CO LIFtI3 GROUP ACCESS flex- ible button (Page B. Button #7}. 2. Enter up to seven digits (0, or 1-3 for the outside line groups the station wiIl have access to, - O=noaceess - 1 =accesstoGroup 1, Code9or81 - 2 = access to Group 2. Code 82 - 3 = access to Group 3. Code 83 - 4 = access to Group 4, Code 84 - 5 = access to Group 5. Code 85 - 6 = access to Group 6. Code 86 - 7 = access to Group 7. Code 87 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entty. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description CO UNE GROUP ACCESS. A station is allowed access to any combination of outside hne groups. Or a station may not be allowed any access to outside lines. The following are the line group numbers and their access codes. CO line groups are used primarily by single line telephones or for flexible buttons assigned as pooled group buttons on a Key Telephone. Deiidtz By default, all stations are allowed access to Group 1. RdmtcdRo~: Refer to Sec. 720.1, CO Line Programming, TO Line Group --* H. LCR clans of scmicc [Cos) v steps 1. Press the LCR COS flexible button (Page B, Button #8). b 2. Enter a one-digit number between 0 and 6 to correspond to the LCR Class of Service desired. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. Description LCR COS. Stations can be given a class of service assignment for Least Cost Routing. The rangeisbetweemOand6withObeingunre- stricted and 6 being the most restricted. A station will be allowed use of LCR routes with a priority rmmbes equal to or higher than the stations LCR cos assignment. Default: By default, all stations are given unre- stricted access (0). Related programming: Refer to See. 760.2, U=RTables Programming . Issue 1. January 1993 730-17

STATION ATTRIBUTES PROGRAMMING iqfinite DVX and IWX D&it& Key T&phone Syatam~ PAGE “B” STATION ATTRIBUTES [Co&d) 1. Off-Hook Preference Prog * g Programming steps TO program a station for OR-Hook Pre.ference; 1. Press the OFF-HOOK PREF flexible button (Page B. Button #9). The following message is shown on the display phone: 2. Enter the two-digit button number (0 l-28) or (00) to indicate no specific button is preferred. SLTs use 01 to enable or 00 to disable. 3.Then. enter either 0 or 1 where: - 0 = Disable user programmable pref- erence so that users may not change the off-hook preference as set in pro- grammirg. Also use for SLT stations. - 1 = Enable user programmable pref- erence to key station users so that they may change the off-hook prefer- ence through a user dial code. 4. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Con&mation tone is heard and the &splay will now update. Description OFF IIOOK PREF. This allows a key station user to automatically have a flex button se- lected when going off-hook or when pressing the ON/OFF button. SLT user may have a par- ticular CO line or a CO line group selected automatically when going off-hook. This may be established in programming so that key station users may select and/or change their off-hook preference through the use of a dial code. This user programmable preference may be allowed or denied in pro- g-g. When establishing an off-h&k preference for SLT stations. it is necessary to program the SLTs CO Une. or line group, to be accessed when going off-hook first using a flex button pq$2mmQj procedure. Default: 3y default, all digital terminals are allowed to change their preference but no but- ton is assigned (00). SLT stations are not al- lowed this feature. Related Progllg: Refer to Sec. 730.1, Station Attributes Programming, Flexible Button Programming later in this section.

i@ite DVX’andDVX’ ~@ta,I gey T&phone Systems STATION A-m PROGRAMHING PAGE “B” STATION ATTRIBUTES (Cont’d) Pro@imming Step5 1. Press the BUTION ASSIGN flexible buttnn (Page B. Button #lo). The following mes- sage is shown on the display phone: ! MIlwlNMPlin~ c / IllimmnoAl~ 2. Enter the two-drgit button number IBB] to be programmed followed by the desired button function as follows: where: BB= Button number (0 l-24) MULTk To assign a button a5 amulti-firnctfon button tuner programmable) enter: BB [O] HOLD CO KJNEz To assign a button as a CO Line button, enter: BB (11 IIL HOLD (I& CO Line 01-28) LOOP: To assign a button as a Loop button, enter: BB (21 HOLD POOL: To assign a button as a pooled group button, enter: BB (31 G HOLD (G= Line Group # 1-7) Description BUTTON ASSIGN. Each 33-button Digital ter- minal ha5 24fltible buttons which can be individually programmed. Each 8-button Mgi- tal terminal has 4llexible button5 which can be individually programmed. One of the following five operations can be selected in programming for each button. . BKKZI. When a button is assigned a5 a multi- function button IO]. the user then has the a&l- ity to program any features or function5 on the buttons that the user has access to. For a complete list of user programmable code (f&c- tions and features), refer toTable 730-2 Flexible Button Display Designations. CO. Buttons assigned a5 spectic CO lines wiI1 provide direct access and appearance of the CO line at the station. The station wfll receive all call status indications such as LED flash rates for incoming ringing, when the line has been placed on HOLD, etc... CO Line ringing is pro- grammed in CO line Attribute Progmmming. LOOP. Used for a station without a direct CO Line appearance to answer the line ringing in or transferred to the station. It is recommended that alI stations be given a loop button so they can receive a transferred call on a line for which they have no button access. POOL. Some or all outside CO Line5 may be grouped together and accessed via a POOL but- ton for the purpose of placing an outgoing CO call. Pressing this button accesses the highest nuxnbered unused CO line in that CO Line group. When programmii a button as a pooled group button. refer to CO Line group program- ming. Pooled group numbers mat& CO Line group numbers.

STATION AmUTES PROGEUMMING infinite DVX’ and DVX” Digital Key Telephone Systems PAGE 93” STATION ATTRIBUTES [Cont’d) pro- Steps 7JNASSIGN: To unassign a button, enter: BB [#I HOLD If SLT stations are to be programmed for Off- Hook Refmence, it is necessary to program the desired CO line. or CO line group, the SLT is to acce.ss when going off-hook. To assign a CO Line for a SLT with Off-Hook Preference. enter: 00 111 LLHOLD (LI= CO Line 01-28) To assign a CO Line group for an SLT wtth Off-Hook Preference, enter: 00 (31 G HOLD [G= Line Group # l-7) Description UNASSIGN (looked out). Specific buttons may be designated as unused or locked out. When a button is programmed as unused, the button may not be programmed by the station user using flex button programming procedures. D&a&; By default, Station 100 will ring on a line. However, if Station 100 is not given button access to a tie. another station must be pro- grammed to ring on that line. Rclstted pro&ramming: When programming a buttonasaCOLinebutton, refertoScc. 720.1, CO Line Programming. CO Line Ringing Assignments: and Sec. 730.1, Station AtMbutes programming ,Off-Hook Preference programming.

@jWte DVX’ and DVX” Dw&l Key Telephone Spstcms STATION ATTRJBm PFtOGRMkMIiUG PAGE ‘B” STATION ATTRIE)UTBS (Ckmt’d] K. Display Flexible Buttons Programming Steps If the flexible buttons are to be viewed: 1. Press the DISPLAY BUTTONS flexible but- ton (Page B, Button # 17). The program- xning assignment on four buttons will be displayed starting with the lowest button number. With each sub-sequent deprcs- sion of the DISPLAY BUTTONS button, the next four buttons will be displayed. The following message is shown on the display: ; ,%BWY BBTYI RBYYY Where: - XXX= Station number - BB= Button Number 1 Description DISPLfLY BUTTONS. Any time a display of but- ton programming (default or changed) is needed, press the DISPLAY BmNS button (button 17) on Page B and it will display four buttons’ programming assignments (starting with the lowest button number). With each subsequent depression of the DISPLAY BUT- TONS button, the next four buttons will be displayed. When a button is assigned as a multi-function button [O]. the user then has the ability to program any features or functions on the but- tons that the user has access to. When the buttons are programmed with user pro- grammed functions. the display WLll show the function that has been assigned to the button. For a complete list of user programmable code ~functions and features). refer to Sec. 400.37, - WY= Button function (see table be- Iowl klexible Button Assignment. Table 730-2 Flexible Button Diqlay Desl@atiops t MUIU Fmctlon butmn. = CO Ltnt button Ifor CO line ILL11 = LOOP Button = POOL Button with CO MC group number = station DSS/ELF button = Hum Group With p&It number =CdlRUkWItbptkloEatIOn = ACD Group titb pilot numbers = UCD Group with pllot number = VM Group with pllot number = Pworralhxd Mcasagc with mcsaagc wmbcr - speed W button with btn number = ~~~tNumber~&H buttnn ~savcNumbcrRcdMbut%m = tntemal Page With zanc = Internal M call Page button = Edcrnal Ragcwkb Zone = aernalW Cd button =AUCallPagebutton = Meet Me paBe button f &r~~~dant Ovcrrlde button (ati] = Camp-On button = Line Queue button = LCR Queue Cancel = Call Back Button = pick Up button p ~cssage Wtit button = call Forward button = Do Not Disturb button = Conhence button = Untverssl N&lx Answer ACC Mu8 = Account Code cntcr button = BackGround Music button = Headset mcx5c button = Pasonal Park button = ACD or UCD Available/Una-ztillablc button =ACDorUCDCaU~tnqueucbuttan = Ekccutlve Ova-tide button = UIRAccess =Agent Logout =Agent wm =Agcnt Member Display dgattnelp TSupervisor Logout dhqavbor Logh =.SupavIsm Status Display =-lay”- credcdls -D&t.incttve RLnglng c0fiJiook Volcc - &5UlEbutton z.FLASH button =Rcleasc bum

f$lXTION ATTRIBUTES PROGRAMMING Digital Hey Telephone Systems PAGE ‘8” STATION ATIWBUTES (Cont’d) 750.3 DIlsftal Data Interface Unit (DDIU) Prog * 2 steps To program a DigitaI Data Interface (DDIU) unit: a. Press FLASH and dial 1511. The foUowing message is shown on the display phone: where: - ?VWW = Station Number (100-155) - XXXXX= Baud Rate - Y=DataPariiy - 2% Data Stop Bits b. Enter the three-digit station number of the DDIU unit. c. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. The display w-ill now update. A E%audRatcoptiolu4 Programming steps 1. Press the BAUD RATE ff exible button (But- ton # 1). 2. Enter a one-digit number for the desired baud rate: - 1= 300 Baud - 2= 1200 Baud - 3= 2400 Baud - 4= 4800 Baud - 5= 9600 Baud - 6= 19.2KBaud - 7= 38.4K Baud 3.Fress the HOLD button to save the entry. Confkmation tone is heard and the d.lspIay will now update. Description The Data Feature offers the ability to transmit data information between personal computers, printers. plotters. modems. CRT terminals, and main frame computer ports. To estabtish a data cdl. a Digital Data Interface Unit (DDIUI is required to be connected to each data cornmu- nications device. The DDIU allows any seriaJ data communications device (which conforms to RS-232C) to be connected to the Infinite Digital system. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when enterihg the Digital Data Interface Unit (DDIU) programming area: Description BAUD RATE: Datainfonnation canbe switched through the system at speeds of 300, 1200, 2490.4800,9600,19.2K and 38.4K baud asyn- chronous. D&ultiBy default, the DDIU Baud Rate is 9600 Baud. R&ted Prognlmmhg: Refer to See. 730.2, Page “El” Programming, Station Identification for associating a DDlU to a station. ’ 730-22 Issue 1, January 1-3