Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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infinite DVX I and DVX ’ Di@talKeyTdephoneSystems 400.17 CAJL PARK To place an outside call in park and consult with, page, or call an internal party While connected to an outside line: a. Press TRANS button. The caller is put on Exclusive hold. b. Dial parking location (220 to 227). Co&u- mation tone is heard. c. If you hear busy tone. press TRANS and dial another parking location. Relieving a Parked Call a. Lift handset or press ON/OFF button. b. Press the pound I#] button. c. Dial parking location (220 to 227) where the call was parked. 400.18 CAtLPICIc-up: GROUP When intercom tone rMging, transferred out- side line ringjng, redl ringing or iniUaIIy ring- ing call is heard at an unattended telephone: a. Lift the handset or press the ON/OFF but- ton. b. Dial I#O] on the dial pad, Ol- press the pre-programmed* PICK UP but- ton to be connected to the calling party. -- _ Yolrnuutbeinthc 4-00.19 CALI.+ TRANSFER Outside lines can be transferred from one phone to another within the system. The trans- fer can be either srxeened (announced) or un- screened to either an idle or busy station. ACT.3 or UCD Group. or I-hurt Group. ScreenedTransfer While connected to an outside line: Prks station button where call is to be Wurs- fen-cd (if prog rammed on your telephone), or press TRANS button and dial three-digit station number (100 to 155). a.The called extension signals according to the intercom signal switch position. b. When that extension answers, announce the transfer. c. Hang up to complete transfer. Unscreened Transfer When the called extension begins to sign& hang up to transfer the call (Recall timer starts]. Transfer Search When attempting to locate a party: a. Press a station button to signal the desired station. b.If the party is not located. press another station button to continue the search. If the party is not located: c. Press another station button to continue the search. d.When the called party answers, hang up to complete the transfer. Answering a Screened tiler a. Your intercom will be signaling according to the intercom signal swjtch position. b. Answer the intercom and receive the trans- fer notice. c. Press the outside line button orloop button flashing on hold. 400.20 TRANSFERRING CO CALLS TO A STATION FORWARDEXB TO VM While connected to a CO line: a.Press the TRANS button and dial the ex- tension number of the station forwarded to voice mail. b. The transferring station hangs up. The CO calI will be directed to the mailbox of the forwarded station. 400.21 CAM&ON Ifyou cdl a station that is busy and wish to alert them to your call: a. Press the pre-programmed* CAMP ON but- ton. Called station will receive one-burst of ringing. Wait for their response b.When calted party answers, consult with them or hang up to transfer the call. Ifa8WtIm~s.kDND,unIgtheatiendant ccmi7amponauingtheattendtmt- feature. 400-12 Issue 1, January 1993

iqfmite DVX ’ and DVX II D&ital Key Telephone Systems STATION FEMURE OPERATION Answering a Camp On If you are on a connected call, hear one burst of muted ringing, and your CAMP ON button is flashing, you have a call waiting for you. To answer: a. Press the CAMP ON button. Any outside Iine you are connected to wiU be placed on hold. You may converse with the station placing the call. b. Press flashing outside line button. ff a call is being transferred. If you do not have a pre-programmed* Camp- On button either: a. Go on-hook with present eaIL Camp-On will ring through, Or place present call on hold. Then go on- hook. Camp-On will ring through. *Refer to Sec. 400.37, Flexible Button A5?qnment. 400.22 CO LINE ACCESS To access outside Iine: a. Press idle CO line button, Pool button, & CO line group access code or LCR access code. b. Dial number desired for outside call. c. Lift handset to converse or use speaker- phone. 400.23 CO LINE QUEUlNG A station can queue only one he at a time. If you see that a particular outside line is busy and you wish to be placed on a list waiting for that line to become available: To Place a Queue . a. Press desired busy outside line button, Twl button. (Busy tone is heard) b. Press pre-programmed* IJNE QUEUE but- ton. c. Hang up. To Answer a Queue If you hear ringing and an outside line of the line group {or a Loop or Group Key), you queued onto is rapidly flashing: a. Lift handset or press ON/OFF button, b. Press flashing outside line button to an- swer. *A flex button must be programmed for this feature to operate. Refer to Sec. 400.37, Flexible Button Assignment. 400.24 CONFERENCE COMBINATIONS Only stations that have conference enabled will be able to institute a conference. l Add-on Conference: Four internal and one external or f3ve party internal l Multi-Line Conference: One titemal and two external. Establishing a Conference a. Lift handset. b. Select intercom station or dial desired out- side party. c. When called party answers. press the pre- programmed* COW button. d.Add next conference party by selecting an- other outside line or intercom station. e.When party answers, press the pre-pro- grammed* CONF button twice. f. All parties are connected. Exiting a Conference (Controller only) There are three methods of exiting a conference: 1. Press the ON/OFF button to ON, press the MUTE button, and replace the handset (to monitor a conference). Use the following method only if multi-line con- ference is in progress: 2. Press HOLD button to place outside parties on hold. Hold timer starts. If one of the two parties is internal. that party will be drvped. 3.Press the pre-programmed* COW and hang up or press the ON/OFF button to leave the other conference parties still con- nected In an unsupervised conference. CONF button will flash and ttmerwill start. There wiU be a warning tone before the other parties are dropped. Re-entering a Conference When the controller re-enters the conference, the disconnect timer is reset. a. I&2 handset to re-enter a monitored con- ference. b.To re-enter a conference placed on hold, repeat steps for establishing a conference. hue 1, January lS93 4Qo-13

r sTATiON P’i!Si’l”URE OPEZWMON C. To re-enter an unsupervised conference. lift handset and press flashing pre-pro- grarmned* CONFbutton. The CONEbutton lights steady and confkmation tone will be heard. Termktating a Conference To terminate a conference the conference initia- tor who is actively in the conference repfaces handset or push ON/OFF button to OFF. To terminate an unsupervised conference, press the flashing pre-programmed* CONF button while on hook, all parties wilI be dropped. *Refer to Sec. 400.37, PlexibJe Button Assignment. 400.2s DATA FEATURE The Data Feature is a time division switched, point to point data transmission capability which permits simultaneous voice and data communications (within the same system but not the same port). The Data Feature offers the ability to transmit data information between personal computers, printers, plotters, mo- dems. CRT tennids. and main frame com- puter ports. To establish a Data call a Digital Data Interface Unit (DDIUj is required to be connected to each data communications device. Data information can be switched through the system at speeds of 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9606, 19.2K and 38.4K baud asynchronous, To establish a connection to any idle data port: a.A user with an associated DDIU dials the station number of the DDIU or the group accessnumberofthegroupsthattheDDIU has been inserted into or depresses a DSS button representing the DDIU. The key system will then determine the baud rate setting for the called DDIU and convert the - user’s associated DDIU to the same baud rate. The system will then complete the connection. A second method to establish a connection between two DDIU is done by the Srst atten- dant. a.The first attendant dfals the extension number of one data unit. Dial tone is re- ceived and the display will show the BAUD RATE. b.The first attendant then dials the station number of the second data unit. Confirma- tion tone is heard. This connection will be maintained until the first attendant dials the station number of one DDIU followed by pressing the FLASH button. To break down an established connection: a.The user dials his associated DDIU num- ber or depress the DSS button for the as- sociated DDITJ. b. Press the “FLASH” button. A station user can configure his associated DDIU by: a. Dialing the DDIU access code [637] on the dial pad. b. Enter the three-digit extension number of the DDTU. The display will show the Baud Rate setting. the character length (8 or 9). and the number of stop bits (I or 2). ’ To change the Baud Rate: a. Press the HOLD button Then enter the desired one-digit Baud Rate. - 1=300 - 2= I200 - 3=2400 - 4=4800 - 5=9600 - 6= 19.2K - 7=38.4K b.Press the SPEED button to save any changes made. To change the character length: a-Press the TRAN button. Then enter the desired one-digit character length, either 8 or 9. b.Press the SPEED button to save any changes made. To change the number of stop bits: a. Press the MUTE button. Then enter the desired one-digit stop bit, 1 or 2. b.Press the SPEED button to save any changes made. Refer to Station Attributes Programming, 730.2. Station Identfffcation for programming the Station ID of the Digital Data Interface Unit Interface Unit fDDlUl for programmmg (DDIU). AlSo refer to Sec. 730.3, D!gititik$ rameters of the Digital Data Interface Unit (DDIU). Conditions: 0 The system is transparent to the devices being connected. Therefore each DDIU must be configured with a specific baud

r i@ite DVX ’ and DVX ’ Dfffital Key Telephone Systems STATION BWU’URE OPERATION rate, number of data bits and number of stop bits. This configuration will be done by the first attendant or in the caSe of an associated data unit can be confiied by the user. l Data ports can be arranged in ACD/UCD Groups or Hunt Groups. l Data ports do not have to be associated with a keyset. however to connect two DDIU devices one of them must be asso- ciated with a key& unless the connec- tion is made by the first attendant. l When the data connection has been completed, the baud rate used in the connection will be displayed on the keyset. . Non associated DDIU connections can be broken down by the Rrst attendant. l A DDfU has a IK!E interface. Therefore a straight through RS-232C cable can be used connect to a IYIE device (printer, PC, etc.). l Each DDIU requires a digital terminsl Port- 400.26 DIAL By NAME The system will allow station users to dial ex- tension numbers by entering a name of a per- son that has been programmed for that station. ‘Ihe system database will allow entry of a name (alphanumeric) up to 24-characters in length for each station. This progxammed name can be used for dialtng-by-name station users and in some cases LCD displays. To dial a station user by name: a. Dial the Dial-By-Name code (6’1 on the dial pad, I zess the pre-programmed* DIAL-BY- NAME flex button. b.Dial the desired person’s name using the keys on the key pad. For example: if you wanted to calI Linda Murphy, and last names were entering into the directory di- aling list. you would press the digit 6 &I). then the digit 8 Wl. then the digit 7 (RI, the digit 7 again PI. the digit 4 (Hj and finally the digit 9 (Y). JKL I 5 i MN.0 I 6 -: i P,QL.RS / 7 T.U.V 1 8 1 W.X.YZ I 9 I *does not appear on dial pad. I l When the system finds a unique numeric match (MURPHE687749) to the name being dialed, the caIl will be placed to the station matching the name. The intercom call will signal the station according to the HF-TN-W switch setting. if fewer than 8 digits are di- aled. the numeric mat& will be dialed after a 10 sec. interdigittime-out occurs, orifa’#” (pound], is pressed. ‘Refer to Sec. 400.37. Flexible Button ASS@lIIlUlt. . Conditions: . The system will dial the station that matches the dialed name when a unique match is found. If multiple names are located (found) after 8 digits, the first one is dialed. . Thenameswillbeenteredasapartof the system attributes database. Num- bers may be entered as part of a name. To avoid conflicts, all names must have a unique numerical sequence. MO.27 D IRECTED GAIL PICK-UP When incoming. transferred. or rec&ing out- side line ringing, intercom ringing, or Camp On ringing is heard at an unattended telephone: a. Dial the station number of the known ring- ing telephone. Receive ringback tone, or call announce tone. b. Press the pre-programmed* PICK UP but- ton to answer the call. *A flex button must be programmed for this feature to operate. Refer to Sec. 400.37. Flexible Button AssigmnenL Conditions: l User must have access to the specific outside line or a Loop button to do a directed call pickup. 400.28 DIREcTG Kp DIALING - Statfons Directory dialing allows station users to obtain a directory of station users and have the system dial the extension that is currently on the dis- play. The @.@-r0?e DVX ’ System provides loea- tions for up to 100 names. while the i.r$dk I.szmc 1, January 1993 400-W

iqjlnite DVX I and DVX Digital Key Telephone Sy&c.ms DW II System provides loCatiOnS for up to 2OCl names. Directory dialing also allows users to program a ‘name” along with a speed dial bin for use in later locating a speed dial number. When prompted to do so. the system will display the name associated with a speed dial number on the LCD display so that when the desired name is shown, the user may then have the system dial the number. Directory dialing also aIlows users to associate a Ynamec with an entry in the local num- ber/name translation table. When prompted to do so, the system wiII display the name associ- ated with the table on the LCD display so that when the desired name is shown, the user may then have the system dial the number. The [email protected] DVX I System provkks locations for up to 100 names. while the inftzrte DVX ’ System provides locations for up to 200 names. The Directory DiaIing list may be programmed and maintained at the f&t assigned attendant station in one of two ways, however this admin routine provides a means for the directory list to be maintained by the system programmer either locally (at Station 300) or remotely via modem access. Directory dialing may also be used to transfer a caIl from one station to another. To view the directory list: a. Dial the Directory List dial code [680) on the dial pad, Ol- press the pre-progrxmmed* flex button programmed as a directory dialing button. b. Press a button on the key pad, once, twice or three times, to represent the letter of the alphabet, to begin viewing the list of names. (i.e. the f%st depression of the digit + “2” produces the names beginning with an “A”. The second depression of the digit “2” produces the names beginning with a -B”, while the third depression of the digit ‘2” produces the names beginning wkh a “C”.) The letters of the alphabet are represented on the key pad as follows: ALPHANUMERIC! CHARACI’ER DIGIT ABX 2 D&F 3 G.H.1 4 J.KL 5 M,N,O 6 P,Q)*.RS 7 T.U.V I 8 i W.x.YZ ! 9 : I *does not appear on dial pad. i c. Names beginning with the letter chosen will appear on the LCD display. Jfthmtarerw zaam?siltthe~ I 7 beginning with th.e desired letter. a name with~RetthigherkttcrwinbesJwnm~ t&LCD dlplq d. Dial an [*I on the dial pad to scroll up ~next entry) through the list, or Dial a [#I on the dial pad to scroll down (previous entry) through the list, or press another button to view the list for a different letter of the s&&abet. e.When the desired name is shown on the LCD dispIay, pressing the SPEED button will automatically dial the destination sta- tion or outside phone number (via speed dial). Conditions: l If the desired party is an intercom sta- tion. that station will be signaled acmrd- ing to that station’s intercom selector switch (SLT stations WilI tone ring). l If the desired party is associated to a speed dial bin, the system will select a CO line and dial the number pro- grammed into the speed dial bin. Call progress tones will then be heard. To Transfer a Call using Directory IXalfng: Whileonacalk a. Press the TRAN button. b.Dial the Directory &I Code (6801 on the dial pad, or press a pre-programmed+ flex button pro- grammed for directory dialing. c. Press the SPEED button to automaticaky dial the destination station. d. Hang up to complete the transfer. -J~moyonty~ tlvz+mdtoinLernal stattrnso9aIy.Andiwpttvtnrn@brawU QJyML ti6aaglx2td cud.-MnJ am reouu in thealullxai~~goingoltheok. *Refer to Sec. 400.37, Flexible Button Assignment. 400-16 &ume 1, Jaymary 1883

&finite DVX’undDVX’ ~i@tal Key Telephone Systems STATION FEATURE OPERATION 400.29 DIRECT XNWARD SYSTxcM AC- CESS [DISAI a. Call the phone number the system admk- istrator specifkd as the DISA line. The system answers and returns intercom dial tone. b. Enter the DISA access code also specified by the system administrator, if applimble. Dial tone is returned. To place an outgoing call: a. Dial a group access code: 9. 82 - 87, CO Diat tone is returned. b. Dial the desired telephone number. JxucanRDthe -fram=uL[=R hnablaLDIZWwe~mnydiaiSlto- linBininmkg?vupl. To reach an internal statfon: a. Dial the three-digit station number. Ring- back tone will be heard. b. Converse when party answers. 4430.30 DISTJNCTiVE RINGING The tone ring signal used to not@ stations of an incoming call can be changed by each sta- tion user to provide dM.incttve ringing among a group of stations. Each station user may select a distinctive ringing tone that will be used to ring their station. The system provides 81 dif- ferent ring patkms that each station user may select from. To select a distinctive ring tone for a station: h a. Dial the Tone Ring program code. [695] on the dial pad. b. Enter the two-digit tone number. The tele- phone speaker will sound a steady tone that correlates to the two digit entry. c. When the desired tone is selected, press the SPEED button to save this as the tone to be presented when the station is tone rung. Confirmation tone wiU be heard. This tone will be presented as a result of an incoming CO or intercom call, recalling CO line or Transferred CO line or at any other time the station is tone rung (refer to con- ditions below). The 81 ringtng choices are as follows: I TONE# : FRJ3Q i DURATION I 00 i 120!3/1477 i 5Orns/50ms 01 I 697/770 ! 50rns/5oms Ifislle 1, &l.nuary 1993 4oGl7

r STATION FEA’XPRE OPER4TION infinite DVX ’ and DVX ’ Digit4 Kq Telephone Systems Conditions: l Station users may listen to alI tones by dialing the two-digft codes one after an- other. The tone that is sounding when the SPEED button is pressed will be saved as that station’s tone ringing se- lection. l A station’s tone rhxging selection will be maintained in a battery protected area of memory. Therefore if a system experi- ences a power fa&xe, or a soft or hard restart, a station’s tone ringing selection will be restored. l The tone selected will be used to provide TONE” ringfng normal or muted to the station whenever the staffon is com- manded to tone ring. (i.e. this does not apply to camp-on tone programming conf&mation tone or other specific tones that are not considered YKXVE” ringirig.] l The selected tone will be used to notify the station in the following cases: - Incoming CO Call - Incoming Intercom Call - Transferred CO Line - Re&GngCOLine - Call Back Notification - Message Wait Call Back - All types of forwarded calls - Executive/Secretary calls - Message Wait Reminder Tone - Ala.tm/Reminder Signaling - Line Queue Call Back - LCR Queue Call Back 400.31 DO NOT DkJRB If you have been given the ability to place your phone in Do Not Disturb: a. Press the pm.-programmed* DND button. DND button lights steady. The DND button can be pressed while the phone is ringing to stop the ringing. (Refer to One-Time Do Not Disturb below.) Removing Do Not Disturb a. F?ress the pre-promed* DND button. The button LED extinguishes and DND is canceled. *A flex button must be progkxnmed for this feature to operate. Refer to Sec. 400.37, Flexible Button Assignment A. One-Time Do Not Disturb Allows you to prevkt calls from ringing at your station while you’re on a call. The One-Time DND condition will automat- ically cancel when you end your call. aPress the pre-promed* DND button while you’re off-hook and connected to a CO line or intercom call. The DND button LED lights and off-hook tones at your sta- tion are canceled. To cancel: a. Replace the handset The DND button LED exkinguishes and DND is canceled. *A flex button must be programmed for this feature to operate. Refer to Sec. 400.37, Flexible Button Assignment

irlfSnite DVX’andDVXn ~j.@taI Key Telephone Systema STATION FEATURE OPERATION 466.32 EXCLUSIVE HOLD When a line is placed on Exclusive Hold. no otherstationfnthesystemmnretrievethiscall. Exclusive Hold may be programmed to be acti- vated on the fist or second depression of the Hold button. CO Lines while in a transfer hold are always placed in an Exclusive Hold condi- tion. 400.33 EXECUTIVE OVERRIDE Allows stations designated as “Executive” the ability to override and ‘barge in” on other keysets engaged in conversation. lfyoucallabusy station: a.Pres.5 the pre-progrzunmed’ EXECUTIVE OVERRIDE button. Executive station will be bridged onto the CO line conversation in progress at the calted station. Optional wamjng tone is heard and presented to all parties prior to cut-thru. b.Replace handset at Executfve station to terminatethe override. Condftions: 0 An error tone will occurs - if the called party is in a conference. - if the called party is already on an OHVO call. - tithe called party has a Camp-On at his station l If the Executive joins a call and one of the members does a hook-flash or de- presses his transfer button, the Execu- tive wiU be dropped. l If the Executtve does a hook-flash or depresses his &ansfer button, it will be ignored. l When the Executfve jumps in on an in- - tercom call or CO call and the Executive is not in amute condition, and anymem- berofthepa.rtyhangsup,tbecallwillbe converted to a two-party conversation. l When the Executive jumps in on an in- tercom call or CO call and the Executive is in the mute condition and either of the two parties in the intercom call hang up, the call will be dropped. Ifthe Executive hangsup,tbeeallwillremainasatwo- party conversation. ‘A Flex button must be progmmmed for this feature to operate. Refer to Sec. 400.37. Flexible Button Assignment. piGiG- .. USE OF THIS FEATURE WHEh’ THE EXECllTIVE OVERRIDE WARNING TONE IS DISABLED MAY BE INTER- PRETED AS A VIOLATION OF FED- Em OR STATE LAWS, AND AN INVASION OF PFUVACY. CONSULT COUNSELWllX RESPECTTO APPLI- CABLE MWS BEFORE INTRUDING ON CALLS USING THIS FEATURE. 400.34 ExE-/ymY TRANS- FER l If you are designated the Executive station and your phone is busy or in DND. all calls will be routed to the Secre&y station. l If you are the designated Secretary station. you can signal the Executive that is busy or in DND by using the Camp On feature. 400.35 FUSH When connected to an outside he: a. Press FLASH button to disconnect outside line and re-seize outside line dial tone. 400.96 FLASH ON INTERCOM When connected to a page zone or another internal party. press FLASH button to discon- nect page or intercom call. Intercom dial tone will be heard. 406.37 FUXBLE BUTTON ASSIGNMENT If you have buttons on your telephone which have NOT been assigned as CO lines, Pooled group, or Loop buttons, you may program them to suit your own individual needs. There are fwe possible functions you may +ssign to these buttons; l DSS/BLF: ‘Ibis button. when pressed, Ml automatically signal the assigned fntercom station. DSS/BLF buttons a~ programmed by the station user. l FBWURES: This button can be programmed so that when pressed it Ww activate a par- ticular feature, thus elimimi- the need for dialing the feature code. Some features re- cpire a flexbutton to be programmed for that feature to be accessible to the station user. Where this is the case it is so designated in this Feature Operation Section and user guide. Feature buttons arc programmed by km@ 1, dammy lBB3 400-19

iqfinite DVX I and DVX ’ the station user. Refer to Table 400-2 Flex Button Prog ramming Codes for a complete Ming of code/features that may be pro- grammed onto a flexible button. l SPEED DIAL: This button can be pro- grammed to automaticaS@ access a speed number location for one-step operation. PBX and Centrex codes can be programs ed into a speed dial bin and accessed by one button depression. l POOLED GROUP ACCESS: A group of out- side lines can be placed under one button. When this button is pressed, the system will select an available line from this group for the user to piace a calI on. Pool buttons are assigned in database administration. l LOOP: This button will act as the direct ap- pearing button for outside lines that do not appear on the user’s individual telephone. Any phone that doesn’t have all lines appear on it must have a loop button. There is NO limit to the number of LOOP buttons a sb- tion may have. Loop buttons are assigned in database administration. To program flexible buttons: a. Press the SPEED button twice. b.Press the assigned button to be pro- grammed (it must be programmed in data- base as a multi-function button). c. Dial the desired code. Refer to Table 400-2 Flex Button Programming Codes. To erase a flexible button: a. Press the SPEED button twice. b. F’ress the button to be erase c. Press the FLASH button! d, Replace the handset or press the ON/OFF button. Table 400-2 Flex B&on Rogrammipg Cod- loo- I27 100-155 22 ICI 228 33 IHI MM 55 WI 566 567 571 572 55 IV] 573 574 575 576 55 [UJ 577 55 [u] 691 602 603 604 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 Station hterwm Numbers (DVX’) Station Intercom Numbers (DWtq Call Park Location 1-7 (systcmj PersonalPark Hunt Group Pilot Numbers O-7 Voice Mafl Group Pilot Numbtrs O-7 ACD/UCD Group Pilot Nlunbers O-7 ACDfUCD Available/Unavailable ACD/UCD Calls in Queue Display ACD A#nt Logout ACD Agent Lu@n ACD Group Member Status ACD Agent Hi+ ACD Supervisor lagout ACD Supehrisor Login ACD Supervisor Queue Status Attendant Override Disable Outgoing CO line Access CO Llne Off-Net Forward Night Service camp-on Line Queue CauEack Message Wait collfkrcncc Executive Override/Monitor Barge-In LCR Queue Cancel Account Code Enter OHVO on MUIEfeatum 631 Do-Not Disturb 632 Background Music 633 WI Personalized Messages 63300 CIear Pa-sonalked Messages 634 Headset Mode 635 ICI-ID Display (unanswered calls) 640 Au Cdl Forward 695 Distinctive Ringing 70 All cdl page fIntcn.ld ei Extema.l) 71 Internal Page Zone 1 72 fntcmal Page Zone 2 73 Internal Page Zane 3 74 fntcmal Page Zone 4 75 Intclnal All cd Page 76 IO1 Ektcmal All Call Fag&Ml Fkt Zones) 76 IR Exkmal Page l-7 77 Meet-Me-Page Answer 9 Last cost RDutingAccess #O Group call pick Up #3 Universal Night hswcr (UN& [SPEED] YY Speed Dial Access (00-19 Statton) (20-99 Systczn) ISPEED]+[+%lSave Number Redial WEED]+I#Iht Number I?edial W=Sp!?edLml3inn, 22 = Personaiized Messiqes. U=UWGraupNumberO-7, c=cdPtlrkLocatfon~? H = Hunt Gmup Number O-7, V = Voice Mafl Gnntp NLmLber 07 P=Eitem&&gezOneNwr&r1-7 4M)-20 lmue 1. Jalllxfq? 1993 1

i@nite DVX I and DVB: ’ ~M@al IKey Telephone Systems STATfON FEATUW% OPEBA~ON 400.38 GROUP LISTENING All digital key stations have built in speaker- phones. Station users may use the speaker to monitor a calI while using the handset to con- verse with the outside party. This enables other people in the room to listen to both parties in the conversation. a.While conversing. on the handset. press the ON/OFF button. Both parties of the conversation can then be heard on the digital station’s speaker. The spealcer- phone microphone wiII be muted while the handset is off-hook. To deactivate Group Listening while off-hook, the ON/OFF button must be depressed. Conditions: l While talking using the speaker phone, then Iifting the handset will turn off of the speakerphone. To activate group Iis- tening, the ON/OFF button must be pressed (to ON) while the handset is off- hook. l WhiIe in group listening mode, pressing the MUTE button will cause the transmit from the handset to bemuted [the speak- erphone microphone is already muted). However the distant end can stiII be heard over both the handsetreceiver and the station speaker. . Iffull speakerphone operation is desired while in group listening mode, simply set the handset on-hook l Group listening is not available when the station is in headset mode. l when placing the handset on-hook to go to full speakerphone operation. it is nor- mal for a %queal” caused by audio feed- back to be heard. -400.39 HEADSET MODE Ifyouwishtouseaheadsetand havebeengiven the abflity to do so in progmmming. To activate Headset Mode: a. Da [6341 on the dkl pad, >ss pre-programmed+ HEADSET MODE button. LED WLzl Ii&t steady. To de-activate Headset Mode: a. Dial 16341 on the dial pad, $ss the pre-programmed* HEADSET MODE button. LED will extinguish. *Refer to Sec. 400.37, Flexible Button Assignment. 400.40 ICLID uNAlvswERED CALLMAN- AGEMENT TABLE The ICIJD Software Package is an optional soft- ware package available for the infin2e Digital Systems which must be purchased separately for this feature to be available. Au Unanswered Calf Management Table with 50 eniry capacity for the in&.&e DVX I system, and 100 entry capacfty for the in#.r& DVX ’ system is main- tained in the system.Tbe caIlingnumber/name information pertaining to any unanswered caII wilI be pkced in this table at the time the system has determined that the call has been abandoned. This table may be interrogated from any station user so that the unanswered calls may be re- viewed and handled by the end user. Upon entry into the review process, the functions available to a phone are: Function Function Button 1. Gotobeginningoflist To interrogate the ICIJD Unanswered Call Man- agement ‘Fable from any station in the system: a. Dial the access code [635) bn the dial pad. b. When the desired list entry is displayed on the LCD, press the SPEED button to auto- matidly dial the hst entxy. To review the next item in this entry: a. Press the MUTE button to toggle to the next item. b. Press the ON/OFF button to &t the review function. Iaaue 1, January 1983 400-21