Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
Vodavi Infinite Dvx I, Dvx Ii Hybrid Key Telephone Systems Installation Manual
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r i@&te DVX’andDVX’ Dj#d Key Telephone Systems CUSTO- DATA EASE PROGRAMMING Table 700-l Default Values [Cont‘d) 1 FEATURE ! Select Page B New Station Range (#&I DIG-DATE IN~~~RFA~~EuNIT~DDIU) BaudFtate Character Length Stop Bit Flexible Port Assignment Feature - Stations Local Number/Name Translation Table I ICLID FEATURES: Enable/Disable Name in Display Baud Rate Pot-t # *ACD GRCXI-P PROGRAMMING: ACD Groups (l-8) Alternate ACD Group ovemowAssignment Announcement Table(s) Entries ; ACD Supervisor Pro-g : Select Page A : Select Page B ACD Groups (l-8) Select Page A Select Page B l ACD ‘TIMERS: RingTlmer MIT Timer Over Flow Timer Wrap-Up Tier No-Answer Recall Timer No-Answer Retry ‘kner UCD GROUP PROGRAMMING: UCD Groups (l-8) Alternate UCD Group owmow Assignment Announcement Table(s) Entries Select Page A Select Page B UCD Groups (l-8) Select Page A PROGRAM CODE Flash 51 Flash 52 Flash 55 Flash 56 Flash 60 Page A Page B Flash61 Flash 60 Page A Page B When the LCD Soi33vare package is purchased separately, tne LJ sted ACD features. FIXXBU-ITON Button 19 Button 20 Button 1 Button 2 Button 3 Buttons l-7 3uttJms 1-4 Button 1 ’ Button 2 Button 3 Button 4 Buttons l-8 Button 11 Button 12 Button 13 Button 14 Button 18 Button 19 Buttons l-8 Button 18 Button 19 Button 1 Button 2 Button 3 Button 4 Button 5 Button 6 Buttons l-8 Button 11 Button 12 Button 13 Button 18 Button 19 Buttons l-8 Button 18 9600 8 characters 1 stop bit Cards l-7 Disabled 2400 Port #l None None None None None CD features are replaced with the 60 sec. 60 sec. 60 sec. 04 sec. 000 sec. 30 sec. None None None None None

CUSTOMER DATA BASE PROC+RAhWIINCi [email protected] DVX’ and DVX” Mgital Key Telephone SJrstems Table 700-l Default Values (Cont’d) FEATURE Select Page B UCD TIMERS: Ring Timer MITmmer Over Flow Timer wrap-up Tirne.r , No-Answer Recall Timer No-Answer Retry Timer UCD RAN Am-rouncement Tables ‘PC/ACD Event Trace Event Record Port # . VM GROUPPROGRAMMING: t VA4 Groups (l-8) AItcmate VM Group Leave Mail Table entry E i Retrieve Mail Table enny Station Assignments VM Leave/Retrieve Disconnect Tables VM ln-Band Digits VM ID on Incoming CO CalIs Allow Call Fomd to Voice Mail ALLOW/DENY & SPECIALTABLES: Allow Table A Deny Table A Allow Table B Deny Table B Special Table 1 Special Table 2 Special Table 3 Special Table 4 Area Code for Special Table 1 Area Code for Special Table 2 Area Code for Special Table 3 Display Tables LCR PROGRAMMING: 3-Digit Routing Table s-Digit Routing Table Exception Code Table Route List Table Buttons l-8 Buttons 9 Button 10 Button 11 Button 12 Buttons l-8 None None None None None FIash 66 Flash 67 Button 1 Enabled Button 2 Disabled Flash 70 Button 1 Button 2 Button 3 Button 4 ’ Button 5 Button 6 Button 7 Button 8 Button 9 Button 10 Button 11 Button 12 None None None None 1 ill Codes Allowed 1 ill Codes Allowed 1 ill Codes Avowed 1 ill Codes Allowed Flash 75 Button 1 Default Button 2 None Button 3 Button 4 When the ACD Sofhvare package is purchased separately. the UCD features are replaced with tile sted ACD fmtura. PROGRAM CODE FLEXBUTTON Flash61 Flash 62 Flash 63 Flash 65 Button 19 Button 1 Button 2 I Button 3 Button 4 Button 5 Button 6 Button 1 Button 2 60 sec. 60 sec. 60 sec. 04 sec. 000 sec. 300 sec. None L Disabled Port#l 700-8 Imme 1. Januarp 1993

r irlfinite DVX’ and DVX’ D@ital Key Telephone Systems CUSTOMER DATA BASE F’ROGRAlHMlNG Takrle 700-l Default Values (Cont’d) FEATURE Insert/Delete TabIe Daily Start Time Table Week@ Schedule Table Route for 555-1212 ; INBMLJZE DATA BASE PARAMETERS: hit system Parameters hit CO Line Attributes Inft Station Atkibutes Init CO/Station Port Parameters Itit Exception Tables Init System Speed Inft I.ZR Tables hit Entire System and Reset Init ICIID Parameters Inft Directory Dfaling Tabfe h-it Hunt Group Parameters InitACD or UCD Group Parameters Init VM Group Parameters System Reset PRINT DATA BASE PARAMETERS: print System Parameters Print CO Line Attributes Fkint Station Athibutes Print CO/Station Port Parameters Prkrt Exception TabI- Print System Speed F%int U=R Tables print Entire Data Base Print ICLID Parametets Print Directory D&hug Table print Hunt Group Parameters Print ACD or UCD Group Parameters Print VIM Group Parameters AhcrtI%rlting DATME 7JPLOAD/DGWNLGAD Database Upload Routine Database Download Routine Nfien the ACD Software package is purchased I PROGRAM CODE Flash 80 Button 1 Button 2 Button 3 Button 4 Button 5 Button 6 Button 7 Button 8 Button 9 Button 10 Button I1 Button 12 Button 13 Button 20 FIash 85 Button 1 Bution 2 Button 3 Button 4 Button 5 Button 6 Button 7 Button 8 Button 9 Button 10 Button 11 Button 12 Button 13 Button 20 Flash 86 Button 1 Button 2 parateiy, the [CD features are FLEXBUTTON Button 5 Button 6 Button 7 Button 8 1 f DEF*uLrTVALuE ( zplaced with the sted ACD features.

irtfinite DVX I and DV’X I1 CUSTOMER DATA BASE PROGRhMlKING D&Sal Key Telephone systems TO enter the program mode: a. Press ON/OFF button. (optional) LED lights and intercom dial tone is heard. b. On the dial pad, press the asterisk (*I twice. C. On the dial pad. enter the digits I3lI21[2lISI (DBAMJ’. Confh-rnation tone is heard. l ‘This is a default setting, however may be changed after entering programming. d. The ON/OFF button LED is lit. The system is ready to program. Other telephones connected to the system con- tinue to function normally. 700.3 PROGRAM MODE ENTRY (Data Terminal or PC) A data terminal connected to the RS-232C port on the CPB or remotely through the on-board modem can be used for databaseprogrammiq. When using a data terminal (ASCU or PC capa- ble of emulating an ASCII ted) on-site or locally, to program the System: aPress them keyonthe terminal. b.Enter the password (VODAVI], and press return again. Proper entry of the password will result in the ADM> prompt. Proceed with programming referring to Figure 700- 1 for terminal characters that represent the keyset buttons. By entering a [?I from the terminal, a HELP screen wili appear. When entermg the system remotely via a data terminal. access to the on-board modem is ac- complished by accessing Port [ 1991 either through a dfrect ringing assignment or through DISA or by being transferred to Port [ 1991 by anyintemdstation. Proper entry of the password will result in the AD& prompt. Proceed with programmin re ferring to Figure 700-l for terminal cha$& that represent the keyset buttons. By entering a I?) from the terminal, a HELP screen will appear, similar to that shown in Figure 700- 1. Using the Remote Admix-~ Key DeCniffons follow the same steps and procedures to program the rnjinite Digital Key Telephone System when us- ing a terminal (as outlined in the following sections). 700.4 BEGINNING TO FROGti Ck~ce tie program mode has been entered via a dQW knnina~ or via an ASCII terminal, you =Y proceed with programming by: hdtialte hen? # -Qlmr.R&rtothei foliomtng ucction for inittalitatidn ; a. Press the FLASH button. b.Dial the two-digit program code for the desired data field. c. Enter customer data. d.To permanently store the entered data, press the HOLD button. A burst of one second confirmation tone should he heard. If an interrupted (error] tone is heard. re- enter the data starting with step a. e. Repeat from step a. until all data has been entered into memory. 700.5 VmON The system has been pre-$rogrammed with certain features which are called default data (Refer to Table 7OP1). These features are loaded into memory when the system is initial- ized. ill6tuiledorataitcrnytime.#l6datalmu6hus bell &xmuped. 1 Use the procedures below to return the system database to default values: a. Enter the pq$amming made. b. Press FLASH button and dial ISO]. c. Press the System Reset flexible button (Button #8). d. Press HOLD button to initiahze the system database to default values. Con&nation tone will be heard upon completion of the initializat.ion process. e. Repeat from step c. to return only parts of the database to default values using the following fJe.xiile buttons: m ‘r-7 mrul El mmulu ” 8 E unTamE5 El -. T ” 700-10

infinite DVX ’ and DVX ’ digital Ety Telephone Systems CUSTOMER DATA EkASE PROG-G 700.6 CUSTOMER DATA WORKSBEETS Before any attempt at progmmming is made. it is strongly recommended that customer data worksheets be prepared (Refer to Appendix A). These worksheets should become part of the permanent record of customer progmmming. Refer to the following sections when preparing the worksheets. 700.7 DATA BASE FIELDS The data fields are used to set system timers, determine central office line features and Key Telephone features. When entering CO line data and station data. be sure to enter the exact number of digits spe&ed. The data fields and features are further described in the folk&q sections. 700.8 DATABASE UFLUAD/DOWNLCMD ROUTINE The Database Upload/Download database fez+ ture provides a maintenance facility which per- mits the user to download the database to a PC, when a software change is made or when the system needs to be Mtialized and re-pro- grammed. In addition, the routine w-ill facilitate the prog :,rg of a database on au in-house system which can be downloaded to a PC and then uploaded to a system in the field. After the system maintenance is completed. the Ble saved in the PC can then be uploaded to the system. mmi A Using the PC to ‘trpload/Download thru Rtmote Adlhli6trdi0n A Personal Computer must be connected totheRS-232CportontheDVX’MainKey * Sewice Board or on the DVX ’ System Centi Processor Board (CPB) can be used for database pragrammkg. When entering the system remotely via a Personal Computer. access to the on-board modem is accomplished by accessing Port I1991 either through a direct ringing as- signment or through DISA or by being transferred to Port 11991 by any internal station. 1. Connect one end of an RS-232C Serial dAe from the RS-232C connector on the DVX I Main Key Service Board to the de- sk-d Comm Port on the PC. ~n.nect one end of an RS-232C Serial cable from the RS-232C connector on the Central Processor Board of the DVX’” Sys- tem to the desired Comm Port on the Per- sonal Computer. 2.Load a communication software package (i.e. Procomm) into the Personal Computer. Make the necessary changes to the follow- ing artas of the communications package. Save these permanent settings. lTFMSTOCHANCE 1 CHANGE i Parameters: /iJ * Item D: Character Pa&r@ 0 Item E: Line Pa&g ! 0 lsaue 1, Jzuluary 1993 700-11

r CUSTOMER DATA BASE l’R0GRAMXING iqfinite DVX’andDVx” Wital Key Telephone Systems 3. Press the iEmwl key on the PC. The followhxg display will be seen on the Personal Com- puter monitor. / PMW PUSReady , 1428 Digftnl Key-System Eng. Ucr. 2.8alS MTE: BBAJAZ IIIIE: 89:11:43 Mmi pr3ssuonD: 4. Enter the password [VODAVIJ, and press the m key again. Proper entry of the password wiIl result in the ADM> prompt. Proceedwitbprogmmmingzf&ingtoF@- ure 7061 for terminal characters that represent the keyset buttons. By entering a (?I from the terminal, a HELP screen will appear. Refer to the previous screen cap- ture and enter the information shown. S-Enter the information on the foIlowing StlreenCapture. / PRDam PLUS rkndy? . iuB DigItal Key-Sgsta Erg. Ikr. z.eaf5 DME: e8/14/92 TIME: 1*:17:12 MtER FSSJORD: 6. Press the&J key after entering the above information. Press the a + m keys. This wiII bring up the log screen on the PC monitor. Enter a path for the database fl.le * to be sent to or press m and the database file wiIl be sent to the destination shown in the communications package default set- 7. On the PC, press the m key to begin the downloading routine. Con&nation tone will be heard when the database is com- pletely downloaded. B.OnthePC,pressthe~+~keysagainto turn the log fde off. The download ftie will contain a series of ASCII strings which will contain a checksum at the end of the string. The checksum will be verified when the system receives the string back. An error in the checksum will result in rejection of the string. In addition an error message will be sent to the PC when a sMng fs received with an error. When transmission of the download file is complete, a confumation tone will be heard. The following is a list of strings and the order that they wilI received in: 700-12 hue 1. January 1893

iqfinite DVX’andDVX” DIgital Eey Telephone Sy~tCrn~ CUSTOIHD~ DATA BASE PROG-G 29. I SYSTEM SPEED BIN 1 ; 30. 1 STA-SPEED-BIN (station 100 thru ’ I I 155) 1 31. 1 SPEED-DIR (directory entrv) i 32. 1 ICLID_TRANS_TABLE (trans table 1 1 r entrv) I 33. i ICLID 7JAC TABLE (uac table entrY) 134. i SPECIAL TABLE I 35. i PORT TO STATION i 36. t POKF l-0 co LINE i 37. 1 STATUS FUZQUEST 38. 1 END~OFJ’ILE Forward and backward compatibility will be maintamed, If the fiIe being uploaded from the PC contains less information in a string then is required by the system database, the system will maintah default information in the area not covered by the string If the file being uploaded from the PC contains more informa- tion in a sW.ng than Is required by the system database, the system will ignore the additional information. To upload a database file: 1. On the PC, enter the fallowing information after the fbst ADM> rxompt. Then press f PtEmnll PLllS Ready? I I 14zB Digital lky-*ta Eng. ucr. 2.ealS mm: 88/14&z IIil!c 16:if:Bt MIEA PRssyofID: 1 i 1 2. On the PC. press the m + [C 1 keys to clear the screen, Press the &iiJ key to bring up the upload screen. Enter an “A” to set the upload as an ASCII upload Ale. 3.This will bring up the ASCII upload file screen on the PC monitor. + Upload Pmtaols )- 4. Enter the path for the Ale to be uploaded to the system and press the m key. The file will now be uploaded to the system. Con- firmation tone will be beard at the comple- tion of the upload routine. If the g key was pressed during the download routine without a fIlename entered, the default file- name wiIl be: PCPLWX,OG. / , \. MmlPRDGAfY(tlD admhl exiting rdmin. *. t DfIlZ: oB/1%CtZ TIRE: 16:24:53 ! uttiag WiintcMn uttlr~. . . I I . I S-After the Ale is uploaded to the system, the ADIbb prompt wiIl be returned to the PC monitor. Enter an ‘W at the prompt and press the m key. 6-k the PC, press the q + [Xj keys. Press the s key to exit Procomm and return to the DOS prompt Issue 1. January 1983 700-13

r &jWfe DVX’andDVXn [email protected] Key Telephone Systems SYSTEM PARABEXERS PRCIGRABBMING SECTION 710 SYSTEM PARAME TERS PROGRAMMING Profgamdng steps Description If the system is in the programming mode, continue using the program codes. Ifstarting to program here, enter the programming mode. Refer to Sec. 700.2 , Fk-ogram Mode Entry (Key Station). If any System Tpmers are to be changed: l.I?t-ess FLASH and dial [Ol]. The following message is shown on tie display phone: This section describes the procedures and steps necessary to program system timers. The buttons on the digital terminal are defined as shown below when entering the System Tim- ers progmmmirq. DEFAULT VALUE .UIYY.& “VYY BUN 1 r-1 “Jsn (after ix-lltializinp) I SYSTEM TlMERS: ! FLASH 01 1 I System Hold Recall 060 seconds 2 Exclusive Hold Recall 180 seconds 16 I SMDR Call Qualification Timer 30 seconds 17 1 Auto CaIl Back Timer 00 seconds [disabled) Issue 1. January 1993 710-l

r in@nite DVX’ and DVX u D@itaI Key Telephone Systems SYSTEM TIMERS (Cont’d) A System Hold Recall Timer RotTanning Steps If this timer is to be changed: 1. Press the SYSI’EM HOLD RECALL TIMER flexible button (Button #I). The following message is shown on the display phone: 2. Enter a three-digit timer value on tile dial pad which corresponds to 001-300 sec- onds. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. B. Erclusive Hold Recall Timer ProgI ’ g steps If this timer is to be changed: 1. Press the EXCLUSIVE HOLD RECALL TIMER flexible button (Button #Z). The fol- lowing message is shown on the display phone: 2. Enter a three-digit timer value on the dial pad which corresponds to 001-300 sec- onds. 3.Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display W now update. Description This timtzr determines the amount of time be- fore a call placed on System Hold wilJ recall the station placrng the hold. If unanswered by that station. the calI will recall the attendant.. Dcfaulk By default, the System Hold Recall T’imer is set for 60 seconds and is variable from 001 to 300 seconds. An entq of000 will disable the timer and there willbenorecall. Related Pro-: Refer to Sec. 710.2, Hold Preference for selecting System Hold Pref- erence; Refer to Sec. 710.3. Attendant Station Assignment for assigning the Attendant(s) to receive recalls. Description This timer d&e-es the amount of tfme be- fore a catf placed on Ekclustve Hold retells the station piacing the Hold:lfunanswered by that station, the cd recalls the attendant. DeEault: E3y default. the Exclusive Hold Recall Time& setfor 180 seconds and is variable from 00 1 to 300 seconds. An entry of 000 will disable the timer and there Willben0X-C!C~. Related Progrnlnuniu~: Refer to Sec. 710.2, Hold Preference for selecting Exclusive Hold Preference: Refer to Sec. 710.3, Attendant Station Assignment for assigning the Atten- dant(s) to receive recalls. 710-Z Lmlt 1. Jan- 1993

irifinrte VVX’andDVXn mtal I.&y Telephone Systems SYSTEM PARAMEXERS PROGRAMMING SYSTEM TIMERS [Cont’d) C. Attendant Recall Timer Progr-g steps Description If tMs timer is to be changed: I. Press the ATTENDANT RECALL TIMER flexible button (But-ton #3). The following message is shown on the display phone: This timer determines the amount of time a recalling calJ will ring at the attendant station(s) before the system will release the hne. When a CO Line recalls to the Attendant station andisstillu mnswered. the system will release the line at the expfration of this timer and automatically place the ltne back to an idle CondSon. i AlWB BEW IllrlEB inaB Ill 2.Enter a two-digit timer value on the dial pad which corresponds to 00-60 minutes. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Confirmation tone is heard and the display will now update. D. lkansfcrRccaUTiu~cr Prow steps If this timer is to be changed: 1.FresstbeTFUNSFERRECALL’ITMERflex- ibfe button (Button #4). The following mes- sage is shown on the display phone: 2. Enter a three-dgit tfmer value on the dial pad which corresponds to 001500 sec- onds. 3. Press the HOLD button to save the entry. Conf.&mation tone is heard and the d&play wiII now update. Defiault: By default, the Attendant RecallTimer is set for 1 minute and is variable from 00 to 60 minutes. An entry of 00 will cause qe AttendantIs) to ring unti answered. R&ted Prow Refer to Sec. 710.3. Attendant Station’A&gn.ment: Refer to Sec. 710.1. System ‘Ihers for the System Hold Re- call Timer, Exclusfve Hold Recall Timer. Call Park Recall Timer. and Transfer Recall Timer. Refer to Sec. 720 , CO I&e Programming for Loop Supervision progmmming. Description This thner determines the amount of time a transferred call rings, at the station reteWing the transfer before it recalls the station making the transfer. If unanswered by that station, the call recalls the attendant. Default: By default, the Transfer Recall Timer is set for 45 seconds and is v-a&Me f?om 001 to 300 seconds. A 000 entry dfsables the timer and there will be no recall. Related Pmgnunmhg: Refer to Sec. 710.3, Attendant Station Assfgnmcnt forassignmgthe Attendant(s) to receive recalls. Issue 1. January 1993 710-3