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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual

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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-25 Cable Installation 
    Install Connector Cables Between Auxiliary 
    Cabinet and MDF
    Auxiliary eq uip ment that c onnec ts to the MDF c an b e mounted  insid e the 
    Auxiliary c ab inet. The equip ment c onnec ts to an ED-1E1443-10 (Group  1) 
    intrac onnec tion p anel mounted  in the c ab inet. This intrac onnec tion p anel 
    c onsists of a 110-typ e 100-p air wiring  b loc k. Auxiliary eq uip ment is c onnec ted  to 
    the 110-typ e wiring  b loc k. The wiring  b loc k is p re-wired  to four 25-p air female 
    c onnec tors mounted  on the outsid e rear of the c ab inet.
    1.Install “ D”  ring s on the wall b etween the c ab le slac k manag er and  the 
    terminal/c onnec ting  b loc ks mounted  on the MDF.
    2. Install a self-stic king  p ort lab el on the rear of eac h c onnec tor on the B25A 
    c onnec tor c ab le. See Fig ure 2-9 on p ag e 2-17
    Lab els should  b e p ositioned so they will not b e ob sc ured  b y the 
    c ab inet c onnec tor retainers.
    3. At the rear of the Auxiliary c ab inet, c onnec t 1 end of the c onnec tor c ab le 
    to the assig ned  c onnec tor.
    4. Route the c ab le d own the rear of the c ab inet and throug h the c ab le slac k 
    manag er to the MDF.
    5. At the MDF, c onnec t the other end  of the c ab le to the assig ned  
    terminal/c onnec ting  b loc k c onnec tor.
    6. Store the exc ess c ab le in the c ab le slac k manag er.
    7. Rep eat Step s 2 throug h 6 until all c ab les are installed . 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-26 Install Coupled Bonding Conductor 
    Install Coupled Bonding Conductor 
    The Coupled  Bonding  Cond uc tor (CBC) c onnec ts to the sing le-point g round  
    b loc k and  runs ad jac ent to p airs in an assoc iated  telec ommunic ations c ab le. 
    See Fig ure 2-15
    . The mutual c oup ling  b etween the CBC and the wire p airs 
    red uc es p otential differenc es in terminating  eq uip ment.
    The c ond uc tor c onsists of a 10 AWG (#25) (6 mm
    2) wire tie-wrapped to the inside 
    wiring  c able and  terminated  at the CBC terminal b ar at the MDF. Maintain a 
    minimum of 12 in. (30.5 c m) sp ac ing  b etween the CBC and  other p ower and  
    g round  lead s.
    The 10 AWG (#25) (6 mm
    2) wire must be long  enoug h to reac h the 
    telec ommunic ations c ab les at the rear of the system c ab inets, follow these 
    c ab les to the MDF, and  to terminate at the CBC. 
    1. Cut a 10 AWG (#25) (6 mm
    2) wire long enoug h to reac h from the system’s 
    sing le-p oint g round  b loc k or DC p ower c ab inet g round  d isc harg e b ar to 
    the MDF CBC b loc k.
    2. Connec t 1 end  of the 10 AWG (#25) (6 mm
    2) wire to the sing le-p oint 
    ground block (or ground discharge bar).
    3. Route the wire next to the 25-p air c ables c onnec ting  to the trunk/auxiliary 
    (purp le) field .
    4. Tie wrap  the 10 AWG (#25) (6 mm
    2) wire to the 25-p air c ab les.
    5. Connec t the 10 AWG (#25) (6 mm
    2) wire to the MDF CBC g round  b loc k.
    6. Rep eat the ab ove step s for eac h CBC ground wire. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-27 Install Coupled Bonding Conductor 
    Figure 2-15. Coupled Bonding Conductor Figure Notes:
    1. 25-Pair Tip & Ring Cables to 
    Cab inets
    2. Coupled Bonding Conductor (CBC) 
    Terminal Bloc k
    3. Tie Wraps
    4 . C a b l e  Sh i e l d  o r  Six  Sp a re  Pa ir s
    5. Ground  on Carb on Bloc k Protec tor 
    or Eq uivalent
    6. Trunk Cab le to Network Interfac e
    7. 10 AWG (#25) (6 mm
    2) Wire8. To Network Cabinets
    9. Battery Plant Ground  Disc harg e Bar 
    or Sing le-Point Ground
    10. Cross-Connec t Ground  Bloc k
    11. Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF)
    12. To Other Cross-Connec t Ground  
    Bloc ks
    13. App roved  Ground
    14. Coup led  Bond ing  Cond uc tor (CBC)
    cbc_gnd_1 PDH 062696 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-28 Station Wiring Design 
    Station Wiring Design
    The following hardware and cabling is used:
    nInformation outlets (mod ular wall jac ks)
    nStation Cab les
    — Site loc ations
    — Satellite loc ations
    nAd ap ters
    nLab els
    A b rief d esc rip tion of eac h of the ab ove listed  items follows. Ord ering  information 
    is not p rovided  for station c ab les and  information outlets.
    Information Outlets
    Information outlets are 8-p in mod ular wall jac ks. Most of the outlets are wired  with 
    p ush-on c onnec tions. Information outlets are also availab le that c onnec t to a 
    d oub le mod ular p lug -end ed  4-p air station c ab le routed  from the MDF, a 
    site/satellite loc ation, or an ad apter.
    Station Cables
    For c larity, a station c ab le is either a 25-p air c ab le, multip le 25-p air c able, or 
    4-p air D-insid e wire (DIW) run from the equip ment room, site/satellite loc ation, or 
    ad ap ter to the information outlets. The following  station c ab les are availab le. See 
    Fi g u re  2 - 1 6
    25-p air station c ab le 
    — Use b etween the eq uip ment room and site/ satellite 
    loc ations or ad ap ters. Use an A25D c ab le (male to male) b etween the eq uip ment 
    room and  satellite c loset. Use a B25A c ab le b etween the eq uip ment room and  
    site closet or adapter.
    Multiple 25-p air station cable 
    — Use between the eq uip ment room and  
    site/satellite loc ations or ad ap ters. This c ab le c onsists of ind ivid ually sheathed  
    25-p air c ab les with a fac tory-installed 25-p air c onnec tor on eac h end. Use a 
    male to female c ab le to c onnec t b etween the eq uip ment room and  site loc ation 
    or ad ap ter. Use a male to male c ab le to c onnec t b etween the equip ment room 
    and  satellite loc ation. Stag g ered -finger c ab les are rec ommend ed  for all multip le 
    25-p air station c ab les and  are availab le in b oth d oub le-end ed  and sing le-end ed  
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-29 Station Wiring Design 
    Sing le mod ular p lug-end ed  4-p air station c ab le — Use this c ab le b etween 
    ad ap ters and  information outlets that req uire p ush-on c onnec tions. It c an also b e 
    used  when 4-p air station c ab les are field - terminated  on the 110-typ e terminal 
    b loc ks in the eq uip ment room or satellite c loset and  mod ularly c onnec ted  to 
    information outlets. The station c ab les are availab le in the following  leng ths:
    —  10 ft (3.05 m)
    —  25 ft (7.62 m)
    —  50 ft (15.24 m)
    —  75 ft (22.86 m)
    — 100 ft (30.5 m)
    — 150 ft (45.72 m)
    — 200 ft (61 m)
    If more than 200 ft (61 m) of 4-p air station c ab le is req uired , a 451A 
    in-line ad ap ter (d oub le-end ed  mod ular female c onnec tor) is 
    attac hed  to the c ab le and  a sec ond  4-p air c ab le of the req uired 
    leng th is p lug g ed  into the adap ter. See Fi g u re  2 - 1 6
    Double mod ular p lug -end ed  4-p air station c ab le 
    — Use this c ab le to p rovid e 
    nonstand ard leng th runs b etween adap ters and  information outlets with p ush-on 
    c onnec tions. It c an also b e used  b etween ad ap ters and mod ularly c onnec ted  
    information outlets. It is availab le in the same leng ths as the sing le mod ular 
    p lug -end ed  c able.
    Bulk Cab le 
    — Same as the 25-p air c ab le or multip le 25-p air c ab le; however, the 
    b ulk c ab le is not eq uip p ed  with c onnec tors. Use this c ab le b etween the 
    eq uip ment room and  satellite c losets when b oth are eq uip ped  with p unc h-d own 
    type terminal/c onnec ting b loc ks.
    4-p air station cable 
    — Use this c ab le when 4-p air station c ab les are to b e 
    field -terminated  on the 110-typ e terminal b loc ks in the equip ment room or 
    satellite c loset and  the information outlets req uire p ush-on c onnec tions.
    451A Adapter Ordering Information
    Color Comcode
    Gray 103942272
    Ivory 103786240 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-30 Station Wiring Design 
    Figure 2-16. Example of Extending 4-Pair Station Cables
    Site Locations
    Site loc ations are c losets that p rovid e a p oint in the station wiring  for the 
    ad ministration of remote p owering. Ad apters are used  at site loc ations to 
    terminate the 25-p air station c ables and  p rovid e c onnec tion p oints (mod ular 
    jac ks) for p ower ad ap ters and  4-p air station c ab les.
    The 258A and BR2580A adapters plug into a 25-pair female c able connec tor. 
    These ad ap ters d ivid e the 25-p air c able into six 4-p air (mod ular jac k) c irc uits. 
    See Fig ure 2-17
    . Figure Notes:
    1. Station Cab le 
    2. Information Outlet
    3. 451A In-Line Ad ap ter4. 258A Ad ap ter
    5. 4-Pair Station Cab le
    5crdfad1 CJL 101596 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-31 Station Wiring Design 
    Figure 2-17. 258A and BR2580A Adapters
    The 356A ad apter plug s into a 25-pair female c ab le c onnec tor. See Fig ure 2-18
    The 356A ad ap ter d ivid es the 25-p air c ab le into eig ht 3-p air c irc uits. Althoug h 
    the c irc uits are 3-p air, the ad ap ters mod ular jac ks will ac c ep t the 8-wid e mod ular 
    p lug  used  on the 4-pair station c ab le.
    Ad apters wired  similarly to the 356A should  not b e used . Their jac ks d o not 
    accept 4-pair plugs. Figure Notes:
    1. BR2580A Ad apter 
    2. 258A Ad ap ter3. 25-Pair Male Rib bon Connec tor
    4. 4-Pair Mod ular Jac ks (8 Pins)
    crdfadp CJL 101596 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-32 Station Wiring Design 
    Figure 2-18. 356A Adapter
    Use the ZD8AJ ad ap ter to c onnec t a Multi-b utton Elec tronic  Telep hone (MET) 
    line c ord  to an information outlet. The ad ap ter interc hang es p airs 3 and  4 to 
    c orresp ond  with the p air assig nments for the telep hone. The line c ord plug s into 
    the ad ap ter, and  then the ad ap ter p lug s into an information outlet.Figure Notes:
    1. 356A Ad ap ter  2. 4-Pair Mod ular Jac ks (6 p ins eac h, 
    c onnec ted  to 25-pair rib b on c onnec tor)
    Adapter Ordering Information
    Description Comcode
    258A Ad ap ter 102605136
    BR2580A Ad apter 403384720
    356A Ad ap ter 104158829
    400B Ad ap ter 103848859
    400B2 Ad ap ter 104152558
    ZD8AJ Ad ap ter 103881421
    crdf356 CJL 101296
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-33 Station Circuit Distribution from Equipment Room 
    Satellite Locations
    Satellite loc ations are c losets that p rovid e an ad ministration p oint (using  
    c ross-c onnec t eq uip ment) for station c ab les and  where ad junc t p ower may b e 
    ap p lied . The station c able c irc uits from the eq uip ment room MDF are 3-p air. At 
    the satellite loc ation, 4-p air c irc uits run to the information outlets. The hard ware 
    used  is 110-typ e terminal b loc ks.
    Satellite Locations Using 110-Type Hardware
    Eac h terminal bloc k has a 3-p air (white field ) and  a 4-pair (b lue field) loc ated  on 
    the same terminal block. 
    The 110A-typ e terminal b loc k that c an b e used  is the 110AE1-75FT. It must b e 
    field -terminated  to b oth the white and  b lue field s.
    The 300-pair 110P-typ e terminal b loc ks that c an b e used  are:
    n110PE1-300CT/FT — 25-p air c onnec tor on the white field  and  
    field -terminated on the b lue field
    n110PE1-300FT — Field -terminated on b oth the white and  b lue field s
    The 900-pair 110P-typ e terminal b loc ks that c an b e used  are:
    n110PE1-900CT/FT — 25-p air c onnec tor on the white field  and  
    field -terminated on the b lue field
    n110PE1-900FT — Field -terminated on b oth the white and  b lue field s
    Station Circuit Distribution from 
    Equipment Room
    This sec tion exp lains the station c irc uit distrib ution from the eq uip ment room to 
    the information outlets for new wiring  installations. Examp le c onnec tion d iag rams 
    are p rovid ed to show the op tions for running  and  c onnec ting  the station c ab les.
    If most of the telep hones/voic e terminals that req uire remote p owering  are within 
    250 ft (76.2 m) of the eq uip ment room, 4-p air station c irc uits are run from the 
    eq uip ment room to the information outlets. If this is not the c ase, or if the 
    c ustomer req uires 2-p oint ad ministration, 3-p air station c irc uits are run from the 
    eq uip ment room to satellite loc ations. Then, the 4-p air station c irc uits are run 
    from the satellite loc ations to the information outlets.
    A list of voic e and  d ata terminals that c an b e c onnec ted  to the system is 
    provided in Tab le 2-4 on p ag e 2-41
    . A list of ad ministration terminals that c an b e 
    c onnec ted  to the system is p rovid ed  in Tab le 2-5 on p ag e 2-44
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-34 Station Circuit Distribution from Equipment Room 
    4-Pair Station Circuits
    Four-p air c irc uits c an b e run d irec tly from an eq uip ment room MDF to a 258A or 
    BR2580A ad ap ter as shown in Fig ure 2-19
    . The 4-p air station c ab les c onnec t the 
    ad ap ter to the information outlets.
    Figure 2-19. 4-Pair Circuit Distribution and Connectivity Figure Notes:
    1. Part of Main Distrib ution Frame (MDF)
    2. 3-Pair Connec ting  Bloc ks
    3. 4-Pair Connec ting  Bloc ks
    4. Purple Field
    5. Blue Field
    6. Patc h Cord or Cross-Connec t Jump ers
    7. To System Cabinet (Three-Pair 
    Mod ularity)8. B25A Cable
    9. Connec torized (Stag gered  
    Fing er) Multip le 25-Pair Cab le
    10. 258A or BR2580A Ad ap ter
    11. Information Outlet
    12. 4-Pair Circ uit
    13. DIW Station Cab le (D-Insid e 
    Wi re )
    r764797a CJL 031396 
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