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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Connecting Fiber Optic Cables A-15 Optical Cross-Connect Hardware A Rule 1 Cross-c onnec t the fib er op tic c ab le b etween 2 lig htwave transc eivers. That is, run the c ab le from the TX c onnec tor on 1 transc eiver to the RX c onnec tor on the other transc eiver, and in reverse for the other c ab le. See the top half of Fi g u re A-7. Multi-mod e c onnec tions using an LIU for fiber c ross-c onnec ts to remote EPNs are shown in the b ottom half of Fi g u re A - 7 . For sing le-mod e c onnec tions, refer to Fig ure A -2 . Cross-c onnec t the fib er op tic c ab le b etween 2 lig htwave transc eivers for eac h c onnec tion (row) on the fib er op tic c ab le running list as shown in the Customer Se r vi c e D o c u m e n t . Rule 2 For multi-mode fiber, use the 9823A (shortwave) transc eiver for d istanc es of up to 4900 feet (1494 m). Use the 9823B (long wave) transc eiver for d istanc es of up to 25,000 feet (7620 m). Ensure all 9823As c onnec t to 9823As and all 9823Bs c onnec t to 9823Bs. For sing le-mod e fib er, use the 300A single-mod e fib er op tic transc eivers. Sing le-mode fib er is g enerally used to c onnec t remote EPNs at d istanc es of up to 115,000 feet (22 miles or 35 km). Sing le-mod e fib er may req uire attenuators. It is usually more c ost effec tive to use multi-mod e fib er b etween c ab inets when possible. Rule 3 !CAUTION: Do not route fib er op tic c ab les and the B25A c ables tog ether. Route fib er optic c ab les away from group s of other c ab les where they may b e stretc hed b y the weig ht of metal c ab le b und les. It may b e nec essary to run fib er op tic c ab les with the I/O c ab les, suc h as in the c ab le slac k manag er or und er a raised floor. In these c ases, p rotec t the c ab le by running it in a d ed ic ated area if possible. When the cable must be run with other cabling, protect it by running it throug h flexible c ond uit. Use the following step s to route the c ab le: 1. Route the fib er optic c ab le up toward the top of the c ab inet. The exc ess c ab le should b e loop ed and d rap ed from the B25A c able c lamp . 2. Dress the c ab le running up the b ac k of the c abinets by loosely tie wrap p ing the c ab le to the outsid e of the B25A c ab le c lamp (d o not p ut the c ab le insid e the c lamp hold ing the B25A c ab les). Rule 4 Avoid b end ing fib er op tic c ab les to a rad ius smaller than 1.5 inc hes (3.8 c m), to p revent mec hanic al stress on the c ables. Plan the use of c ab le ties to avoid c rimp ing the c ab le or c reating a fixed stress p oint where, at a later time, movement of the c ab le c auses it to exc eed the minimum bend rad ius.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Connecting Fiber Optic Cables A-16 Cleaning Fiber Optic Cables A Rule 5 Ensure fib er op tic c ab les are not p ressed ag ainst any sheet metal ed g es b y subsequently installed cables. Rule 6 If the fib er link is d up lic ated , route the fib er via a sep arate g eog rap hic al p ath, if p ossib le. This way, if the standard fib er link is c ut or d amag ed , the dup lic ated fib er remains in servic e. Cleaning Fiber Optic Cables The use of isop rop yl alc ohol is rec ommend ed to p rop erly c lean fiber op tic c ab les. Contac t your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative for more information. 1. Moisten a lint-free c loth with isop rop yl alc ohol. 2. Gently wip e the c eramic ferrule with the c loth. Be sure to wip e the entire leng th of the ferrule and the ferrule tip. 3. Dry the ferrule with air. 4. If the c onnec tor is not being used immediately, c over the c onnec tor with the dust cap. Labels for Fiber Optic Cables Cable Labels Cab le lab els, with ad hesive b ac king , are installed on eac h end of a fib er op tic c ab le. Eac h lab el d isp lays the following information: nThe numb ers of the c ab inets, c arriers, and slots c onnec ted b y the c ab le nInformation on the c ab le itself, suc h as c ab le c omc od e numb er, and how it is used Cross-Connect Labels The lab el used with c ross-c onnec t fib er op tic c ab les shows the c ab inet, c arrier and slot numb ers of the sourc e of the c ab le. It also ind ic ates that the c ab le g oes to the LIU. The typ e of c ab le is ind ic ated b y its c omc od e numb er.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Connecting Fiber Optic Cables A-17 Making Changes at an LIU or Shelf A Making Changes at an LIU or Shelf Circ uit c hang es are mad e b y moving the fib er op tic p atc h c ord s to other couplings. To Remove a Fiber Optic Patch Cord 1. At the LIU or shelf, loc ate the c orrec t p atc h c ord and unplug it from the coupling. 2. Carefully remove the c ab le from the LIU and from the trough. NOTE: Take c are to ensure the p atc h c ord is not b ent b eyond the minimum b end rad ius of 1.5 inc hes (3.8 c m). 3. Trac e the other end of the p atc h c ord to its termination p oint and unp lug it. 4. Remove the lab el assoc iated with the removed p atc h c ord . 5. Plac e p lastic c overs over the c onnec tors to p revent d ust or d amag e. To Make a New Cross-Connection 1. At the LIU or shelf, loc ate the c onnec tor c oup ling s assoc iated with the c irc uit to b e add ed . 2. Selec t a p atc h c ord of the ap p rop riate leng th for the c ross-c onnec tion to b e mad e. Exc ess c ord leng th c auses c ong estion in the troug h and may cause the cable to be damaged. 3. Plug 1 end of the c ord into the ap p rop riate c onnec tor c oup ling . 4. Route the patc h c ord throug h the LIU or shelf and into the vertic al and horizontal troug hs. 5. Plug the other end of the p atc h c ord into the ap p rop riate c onnec tor c oup ling on the fib er op tic transc eiver on the DEFINITY System. 6. Label the cable for the circuit added. 7. Test the c irc uit using the test fiber link c ommands in DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8r. To Make a New Interconnection 1. At the LIU, loc ate the c ab le to be moved and unp lug it from the c oupling . 2. Carefully unwind the c ab le from around the retainer ring s, rememb ering the minimum bend rad ius. 3. If it is nec essary to remove the c ab le from the LIU, c arefully g uid e it throug h the sp lit ring s in the LIU.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Connecting Fiber Optic Cables A-18 Routing Fiber Optic Cables A 4. Loc ate the ap p rop riate c onnec tion on the other sid e of the interc onnec t field and carefully route the cable through the split rings of the LIU. 5. Carefully unwind the c ab le from the retainer ring s, rememb ering the minimum b end rad ius. 6. Plug the c ab le into the app rop riate c onnec tor c oup ling . 7. Lab el the c ab le for the c hang ed c irc uit. 8. Test the c irc uit using the test fiber link c ommands in DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8r. Routing Fiber Optic Cables Cable Slack Managers or Raised Floors When using either c ab le slac k manag ers or raised floors, route the fib er c ab le to the outsid e of the c arriers b ehind the rear c onnec tor panel and c ab le troug hs. Do not route fib er in the sid e c ab le troug hs used for the B25A c ab les. However, sinc e the B25A c ab les route out of the b ottom of the troug h, loop slac k fib er at the top of the troug h. Protec t c ab les routed b etween c ab inets with a fib er p rotec tor c over. When routing fib er to a c ab inet that is not ad jac ent, route the fib er b ac k into and und er the top of the intermed iate c ab inet. Fiber op tic c able req uires c onnec tion to an LIU or shelf for c onnec tion to remote c ab inets or for c onnec tion to the outsid e fib er p lant. In some systems, it may b e nec essary to run fib er with the I/O c ables suc h as in the c ab le slac k manag er or und er a raised floor. In these c ases p rotec t the fib er b y running it in a d ed ic ated area if p ossib le. In any situation where the fib er op tic c ab le must b e run with other c ab ling, p rotec t it b y first running it throug h flexib le c ond uit. Overhead Ductwork With overhead d uc twork, route the fiber c ab le to the outsid e of the c arriers, along the c ab le troug hs, and into the shielded d uc twork. Do not route fib er in the side c able troug hs that are used for the B25A c ables. Use the shield ed d uc twork to manag e slac k fiber at the top of the c ab inet.

Option Switch Settings B-1 External Modem Option Settings B DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 B Option Switch Settings Some of the interfac e units used b etween the Multi-Carrier Cabinets and other types of eq uip ment req uire sp ec ific op tion switc h setting s. This sec tion lists the setting s req uired for the Comsp here external mod ems, 572 p rinters, and TN760 and TN464 Tie Trunk c irc uit p ac ks. Refer to the user’s g uide for eac h typ e of eq uip ment for information on how to loc ate and set the op tion switc hes. External Modem Option Settings The COMSPHERE 3700, 3800, and 3900 series (rec ommend ed) external mod ems may req uire option switc h setting s. Refer to the d oc umentation that ac c omp anies eac h modem to set the op tions. NOTE: A loc ally ob tained , typ e-ap p roved external mod em may b e used . Contac t your Luc ent Tec hnologies representative for more information. The Release 8 systems op erate with the COMSPHERE mod ems set to the fac tory d efault settings. The mod em setting s and d esc rip tions are listed in Ta b l e B - 1 .

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Option Switch Settings B-2 External Modem Option Settings B Table B-1. Modem Fields Modem Connection Description Mod em Name This field is 20 c harac ters long and p ermits alp hanumeric c harac ters to p rovide a uniq ue q ualifier for a g iven mod em (suc h as INTEL). RTS/ C TS Enab ledInforms the mod em that c ommunic ation with the d ata sourc e UART is d riven with RTS/CTS flow c ontrol. The field name has a d efault of \Q3 in a field 6 c harac ters long . This field is not c ase sensitive. Default is up p er case. Asynchronous Data ModeConfig ures mod em as an async hronous c ommunic ations d evic e. The field name has a d efault value of &M0&Q0 in a field 8 c harac ters long . This field is not c ase sensitive. Default is up p er c ase. DTE Auto-Data Sp eedAd justs the sp eed of the d ata sourc e (DTE) UART to the outgoing (mod em-to-mod em) d ata rate. At maximum, this sp eed is 9600 b aud . It is not d esirab le to have the serial d ata fill the mod em b uffer faster than the outg oing d ata rate, sinc e d ata c omp ression is d isab led . The field name has a b lank d efault value in a field of 6 c harac ters. The Luc ent prod uc ts use the command S90=1 to enab le this func tionality while the Intel p rod uc t uses the c ommand \J1 to enab le similar func tionality. This field is not c ase sensitive. Default is up p er c ase. Disab le Data CompressionTurns off the d efault d ata c omp ression algorithms in use b y most mod ems. The field has a b lank field of 6 c harac ters as d efault. The AT c ommand s that c ontrol this are sup p orted by similar c ommand s; however, these c ommand s d o not op erate in the same manner. The Intel modems require “H0%C0” to disable V.42bis & MNP Class 5 data c omp ression alg orithms. The Parad yne p rod uc ts only use %C0 to d isab le b oth alg orithms. This field is not c ase sensitive. Default is upp er c ase. Enab le Error ControlTurns on the V.42 LAPM and MNP error c ontrol protoc ols, if availab le. The field has a b lank field of 6 c harac ters as d efault. The Parad yne p rod uc ts use the command \N5 to enab le V.42/MNP/Buffer error c ontrol while the Intel p rod uc t uses \N3 to p rovid e similar func tionality. This V.42/MNP/Buffer mod e attemp ts to negotiate V.42 error c ontrol with the remote mod em. If this fails, the modem c hanges to MNP, if this fails, no error c ontrol is used. This field is not c ase sensitive. Default is up p er case. Misc . Init. Pa r a mThis field has a b lank as a d efault and a field leng th of 20 c harac ters. This field sup p orts any initialization p arameters not alread y sp ec ified . The AT c ommand s sp ec ified in this free-form field is always the last initialization p arameters to b e sent to the external mod em. This field is not c ase sensitive. Default is up p er c ase. Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Option Switch Settings B-3 External Modem Option Settings B Auto-Answer Ring Numb erThis field c ontrols the numb er of ring s req uired b efore the mod em answers an inc oming c all. This field has a b lank d efault value in a field 6 c harac ters long . Typic ally, the maximum p ermissib le value for this reg ister is 255. The values 1-255 d enote the numb er of inc oming ring c yc les. This field is not c ase sensitive. Default is up p er c ase. Dial Typ e This field c ontrols the typ e of interreg ister signaling to b e used b etween the mod em and the Central Offic e. The field has a d efault of ” T“ for tone dialing. Pulse dialing is indicated by “P”. The field length should be 3 c harac ters long . This field is c onc atenated with the d ial string . This field is not c ase sensitive. Default is up p er c ase. Ad justab le Make/Break Ra t i oThis field c ontrols the make/b reak ratios of p ulses and DTMF d ialing . The Intel p rod uc t information has sup p ort for d ifferent make/ b reak op tions for p ulse d ialing only. Intel uses &P0 to selec t a ratio of 39% make and 61% b reak for c ommunic ation within the United States and Canada. The op tion &P1 sets a ratio of 33% make and 67% b reak for the United Kingd om and Hong Kong . This field has a b lank d efault and a 5 c harac ter long entry. This field is not c ase sensitive. Default is up p er c ase. Dial CommandThis field has a d efault of “ D” in a field 3 c harac ters long . This field d enotes the d ialing c ommand of the mod em. This is a stand ard c ommand . This field is not c ase sensitive. Default is up p er c ase. No Answer Ti m e - O u tMost external mod ems p rovid e a timer that ab and ons any outb ound d ata c all after a pred etermined interval. Some mod ems d isable this timer, allowing an outbound c all to ring ind efinitely. Parad yne d oes not provid e this c ap ability b ec ause it is und esirab le to have an outb ound c all attemp t to ring ind efinitely. Therefore, the initialization string must c ontain the following ASCII string to set the “ No-Answer Timer” to the maximum value: S7= 255. The internal mod em must have this p arameter d isab led or set to at least 255 sec ond s. This is a non-ad ministrab le p arameter. For the modem c onnec tion, this p arameter is the first initialization string to b e transmitted to the mod em. This field is visib le on the ad ministration form in d isp lay mod e only. The new field is set to S7= 255. This hard c od ed c onstant c an b e overrid d en for type ap p roval ap p lic ations, sp ec ific ally in the United King d om and other Western Europ ean nations, b y the use of the “ Misc . Init. Param:” field . (S7= 255) Table B-1. Modem Fields — Continued Modem Connection Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Option Switch Settings B-4 Printer Option Settings B Printer Option Settings Printers c an b e used with a manag ement terminal as journal p rinters for the hosp itality feature and also as an outp ut devic e for Call Detail Rec ord ing (CDR). A 572 printer c an func tion as a CDR d evic e, system p rinter, or journal p rinter. The op tions are set with func tion keys rather than DIP switc hes. Fig ure B -1 shows the arrang ement of the func tion keys on the p rinter c ontrol p anel. Figure B-1. Control Panel for 572 Printer 1. Load the p rinter with p ap er and turn the p ower off (Callout 1). 2. Simultaneously p ress and hold the Print Quality and On Line b uttons. Press the Power On b utton. Release all three b uttons. The p rinter is now in set-up mod e and it p rints its c urrent setting s. If the p rinter is used with a management terminal, CDR, or as a Journal p rinter, set the op tions as shown in Ta b l e B - 2 . If the p rinter is used as the system p rinter, set the op tions as shown in Ta b l e B - 3 . 3. Use Line Feed or Form Feed to step throug h the op tions for the func tion. 4. Press On Line . This ac tivates the menu for the func tion. Use Line Feed and Form Feed to step throug h the op tions for the func tion. 5. When a d esired op tion is loc ated , p ress Print Quality . Eac h time an op tion is set, the setting is p rinted . Rep eat for eac h op tion to be set. 6. When finished , p ress Print Quality . The p rinter c hang es to normal mod e. Figure Notes 1. Power On Button 2. Alarm Button 3. Print Quality Button4. On Line Button 5. Line Feed Button 6. Form Feed Button Power OnAlar mPrint QualityOn LineLine FeedFor m Feed r781610 RBP 071096

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Option Switch Settings B-5 Printer Option Settings B Table B-2. 572 Printer Used with Management Terminal Function Function Name Menu Menu Status 01 FORM LENGTH 09 11 02 LPI 01 6 03 CPI 01 10 04 LQ or NLQ 01 LQ 05 BUZZER 01 ON 06 FONT 02 FONTCART 07 RESOLUTION 01 144 1 1 B U FFER 0 2 N -L I N E 13 PW ON MODE 01 ON-LINE 14 DIRECTION 01 B1-DIR.1 15 BUFF FULL 02 LF + CR 1 6 P. E. 0 1 AC TI VE 17 AUTO CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)01 CR + LF 18 ZERO 01 0 22 AUTO LINE FEED 01 CR ONLY 311’’ SKIP 01 OFF 3 2 C H A R. SET ( GO , GL ) 0 2 U SA 33 CHAR.SET (G1, GR) 01 UK 34 CHAR SET (G2) 03 GE 35 CHAR SET (G3) 07 LINE DRAWING 81 OFF-LINE STATE 01 ALL RECEIVE 82 DSR 02 OFF 8 3 REQU EST TO SEN D ( RTS) TI M I N G01 RTS 84 CD 02 OFF 85 CLEAR TO SEND (CTS) 02 OFF 91 OVER RUN 02 256 92 DATA BIT 02 8 Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Option Switch Settings B-6 Printer Option Settings B 93 PROTOCOL 03 XON/XOFF 94 STOP BIT 01 1 95 PARITY 01 NONE 96 PBS (matc hes c onnec ted device)01 9600 Table B-3. 572 Printer used as System Printer 572 Printer Option Settings Function Function Name Menu Menu Status 01 FORM LENGTH 09 11 02 LPI 01 6 03 CPI 01 10 04 LQ or NLQ 01 LQ 05 BUZZER 01 ON 06 FONT 02 FONTCART 07 RESOLUTION 01 144 11 BUFFER 02 N-LINE 13 PW ON MODE 01 ON-LINE 14 DIRECTION 01 B1-DIR.1 15 BUFF FULL 02 LF + CR 1 6 P. E. 0 1 AC TI VE 17 AUTO CARRIAG E RETURN (CR)01 CR + LF 18 ZERO 01 0 22 AUTO LINE FEED 01 CR ONLY 311’’ SKIP 01 OFF 32 CHAR.SET (GO, GL) 02 USA Continued on next page Table B-2. 572 Printer Used with Management Terminal — Continued Function Function Name Menu Menu Status Continued on next page