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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual

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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Test Telephones and Other Equipment 
    6-3 Test External Ringing 
    Test External Ringing
    Make a test c all to the attend ant c onsole to verify ring ing  d evic e sound s when the 
    Nig ht lamp  on c onsole is lig hted . If ring ing d evic e has not b een installed  b y 
    c ustomer, c onnec t sp are telep hone to information outlet reserved  for ring ing  
    d evice and  make test call.
    Test Queue Warning Indicator
    Make a test c all to an extension assoc iated  with a Uniform Call Distrib ution (UCD) 
    or Direc t Dep artment Calling  (DDC) g roup , and  verify the q ueue warning  
    indic ator lamp  lig hts. If the q ueue warning  ind ic ator has not b een installed  b y 
    c ustomer, c onnec t a spare telep hone to the information outlet reserved  for q ueue 
    warning ind ic ator and  make a test c all.
    Test Integrated Announcement
    The TN750/B/C Announc ement c irc uit p ac k p rovid es the ab ility to store 
    messag es. The messages c an b e rec ord ed  from telep hones on- or off-p remises 
    and  have flexib le messag e leng ths. The telep hone selec ted  as the test telep hone 
    must have a c lass of servic e (COS) with c onsole p ermission enab led .
    Record Announcement
    1. Selec t test telep hone with c onsole p ermission enab led .
    2. Dial the ac c ess c od e followed b y the integ rated  announc ement extension 
    numb er. Dial tone is heard .
    3.Dial “ 1.”  A short b urst of tone is heard and  rec ord ing  b egins. Sp eak the 
    announc ement into the telep hone.
    4. Dial “ #”  or hang  up . Rec ord ing  stop s and  d ial tone is heard .
    Playback Announcement
    1. Dial ac c ess c od e followed  b y the integ rated announc ement extension 
    numb er. Dial tone is heard .
    2. Dial “ 2.”  The announc ement is heard  and  d ial tone is heard  at c ompletion 
    of announc ement.
    Delete Announcement
    1. Dial ac c ess c od e followed  b y the integ rated announc ement extension 
    numb er. Dial tone is heard .
    2. Dial “ 3.”  A c onfirmation tone is heard  and  announc ement is d eleted . 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Test Telephones and Other Equipment 
    6-4 Test Music-on-Hold 
    Test Music-on-Hold
    Verify music  is p rovid ed  to a held  p arty during  any hold  interval.
    Test Emergency Transfer
    Put system in emerg enc y transfer mod e and  make c all using  emerg enc y transfer 
    telep hone. There may b e up  to 4 Emerg enc y Transfer switc hes d ep end ing  on the 
    system c onfig uration. The switc h is loc ated on the Proc essor c irc uit p ac k(s) in 
    t h e  Pro c e ss o r  Po r t  N e t w o r k (PPN )  C o n t ro l C a rr i e r .
    Test Remote Access Interface
    Test the c ommunic ation link b etween the system and  the remote interfac e 
    (formerly INADS) and  verify the alarm notific ation p roc ess. Make a remote test 
    from the remote interfac e to the DEFINITY System and  a loc al test from the 
    DEFINITY System to the remote interfac e.
    In some c ountries, this remote ac c ess interfac e is not allowed . Contac t your 
    Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative.
    Remote Test
    1. Call outsid e p ersonnel who will b e ac c essing  the system remotely to 
    p erform ad ministration, maintenanc e, and  testing .
    2. Ask remote p ersonnel to c all system and  log in and  d isp lay System 
    Parameters Maintenanc e sc reen. The log in must b e suc c essful.
    Produc t Id entific ation on the System Parameters sc reen must matc h 
    the Prod uc t Id entific ation ad ministered  b y the loc al tec hnic ian.
    3. Have the remote p ersonnel typ e test inads-link
     and  p ress 
    En t e r, terminate 
    the login, and  d isc onnec t.
    4. Have the remote p ersonnel c hec k the ap p rop riate troub le tic ket. The 
    troub le tic ket should  show “ INADS,n,MINOR”  in the d esc rip tion field  to 
    indic ate a minor off-b oard  alarm was rep orted  to the remote p ersonnel. 
    There may b e more text in the d esc rip tion field  if other resolved  alarms 
    were rep orted .
    5. Have the remote p ersonnel make sec ond  c all and  log in to the system and  
    c hec k the error log  to verify no prob lems. See DEFINITY Enterp rise 
    Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8r, for error log  and  
    error c od e information.
    6. Have the remote ac c ess p ersonnel terminate log off and  d isc onnec t. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Test Telephones and Other Equipment 
    6-5 Test Basic Rate Interface 
    Local Test
    1. Log  in. 
    2. Type test inads-link
     and press 
    En te r.
    3. Req uest remote ac c ess p ersonnel to verify a troub le tic ket was c reated .
    4. Chec k error log  to verify no prob lems.
    5. Log  off the system.
    Test Basic Rate Interface
    Chec k for normal voic e telephone func tion (d ial tone, ab ility to make and  rec eive 
    c alls). Chec k for the c orrec t Servic e Profile Id entifier (SPID) on a d isp lay 
    telep hone and  the manag ement terminal.
    Test Duplication Option Processing
    Element Interchange
    The p roc ess of the stand b y Proc essing  Element (PE) taking  over for the ac tive PE 
    is referred  to as a PE Interc hang e. This interc hang e should not b e p erformed  
    immed iately after p owering  up  the system. Wait a few minutes to allow the system 
    to c omp lete its internal tests. The system d efault is PE_B
     after p owering  up  the 
    system, so the ac tive PE should  b e the B p roc essor for this test, and  the 
    interc hange should  make PE_A
     the ac tive PE. Verify the system c an suc c essfully 
    perform a PE interc hange.
    1. At the management terminal, verify the sc reen d isp lays PE_B
     in the up p er 
    rig ht corner.
    2. Type check status
     and  p ress 
    En te r. Verify PE_B
     is in the stand b y mod e. If it 
    is, p roc eed to Step  4. If it is not, p roc eed  to Step  3.
    3. Type refresh-spr-standby
     and press 
    En t e r.
    4. Type reset system interchange
     and  p ress 
    En t e r. The management 
    terminal will b e logg ed  off and a b eep will b e heard .
    5. Log in and  verify that the sc reen d isp lays PE_A
     in the upper right corner.
    Proc essor A’s yellow lig ht is on and  its green LED is off. Proc essor 
    B’s yellow and  g reen LEDs are off. The system is alarm free.
    6. Make system test c all. The c all must c omp lete and  the c onversation must 
    b e satisfac tory. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Test Telephones and Other Equipment 
    6-6 Test Terminating Trunk Transmission 
    Test Terminating Trunk Transmission 
    The Terminating  Trunk Transmission Test p rovid es for extension numb er ac c ess 
    to 3 tone seq uenc es that c an b e used  for trunk transmission testing  from the 
    d istant end  of the trunks.
    The 3 test types must have extension numbers assig ned  on the 
    system-parameters maintenance
    Tes t Typ e 100 :_______  Tes t Typ e  102 :_______ Tes t Typ e  105 :_______
    Test typ e 100 p rovid es:
    n5.5 Sec ond s of 1004 Hz tone at 0 d B
    nQuiet until d isc onnec t; d isc onnec t is forc ed  after 1 minute
    Test Typ e 102 p rovid es:
    n9 Sec ond s of 1004 Hz tone at 0 d B
    n1 Sec ond  of silenc e
    nCyc le is rep eated  until disc onnec t, whic h is forc ed  after 24 hours
    Test Typ e 105 p rovid es:
    n9 Sec ond s of 1004 Hz tone at -16 d B
    n1 Sec ond  of silenc e
    n9 Sec ond s of 404 Hz tone at -16 d B
    n1 Sec ond  of silenc e
    n9 Sec ond s of 2804 Hz tone at -16 d B
    n30 Sec ond s of silenc e
    n0.5 Sec ond s of test prog ress tone (2225 Hz)
    nAp p roximately 5 seconds of silence
    nForc ed  d isc onnec t
    Test Stratum 3 Clock
    This sec tions tests the ab ility of the Stratum 3 c loc k to c orrec tly p rovid e timing  
    and  alarms to the system.
    The following procedures are destructive to DS1 data and should not be 
    attemp ted  while there are DS1 fac ilities in ac tive use. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Test Telephones and Other Equipment 
    6-7 Test Stratum 3 Clock 
    Check for Red LEDs 
    1. Turn on the Stratum 3 c loc k and  wait 40-50 sec ond s to allow the system to 
    c omp lete the on-b oard  d iag nostic s b efore c hec king  LEDs.
    2. If there are any red  LEDs, follow the p roc ed ures in Ta b l e  6 - 1
    Verify Timing to the System 
    1. To administer the Stratum 3 clock, type change synchronization
    p ress 
    En t e r  .
    2. Type 3
     in the stratum
    3. Typ e the p ort network number where the TN780 Tone-Cloc k c irc uit p ac ks 
    resid e in the port network
     field .
    Wait 1 minute for the software to rec onfig ure the system 
    sync hronization.
    Table 6-1. Stratum 3 Clock LED Indicators
    Card LED Label Procedure
    PAI REF A Chec k that the CI c irc uit p ac k on the left is inserted  p rop erly. 
    Chec k wiring  for DS1 in c arrier “ A”  whic h c onnec ts the system to 
    the CSU and  the External Sync hronization Cloc k at the MDF 
    throug h a Y-c ab le assemb ly. If all else fails to c lear the LED then 
    replac e the c irc uit p ac k.
    PAI REF B Chec k that the CI c irc uit p ac k on the rig ht is inserted  p rop erly. 
    Chec k wiring  for DS1 in c arrier B whic h c onnec ts the system to 
    the CSU and  the External Sync hronization Cloc k at the MDF 
    throug h a Y-c ab le assemb ly. If all else fails to c lear the LED then 
    replac e the c irc uit p ac k.
    PA I ST A Re p l a c e  t h e  ST3  c a r d
    PA I ST B Re p l a c e  t h e  ST3  c a r d
    CI FAIL Chec k wiring  for its assoc iated  DS1 referenc e and  rep lac e the 
    c ircuit pack if necessary
    ST3 FAIL Replace the circuit pack
    ST3 LOCK Ig nore this LED
    ST3 HOLDOVER Ig nore this LED
    ST3 FREE RUN Ig nore this LED
    TO C A FA I L Re p l a c e  t h e  c i rc u i t  p a c k
    TOCA PORT ALM Rep lac e the c irc uit p ac k if nec essary 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Test Telephones and Other Equipment 
    6-8 Perform Complete System Test 
    4. Verify the results of test 649. If test 649 fails with a c od e of 2101, then 
    c hec k the wiring  for EXTSYN0
     and  EXTSYN1
    . Refer to DEFINITY 
    Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8r.
    5. If test 649 is suc c essful, then the system is g etting  c orrec t timing  from the 
    Stratum 3 c loc k.
    Perform Complete System Test
    Run the c omp lete system test with the “ Allp orts”  op tion in the “ SPE Interc hang e”  
    and “Long Test” modes. The hardware group tests are described in DEFINITY 
    Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8r or DEFINITY 
    Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8si.
    This test takes several hours. It may b e b est to run the test in the 
    b ac kg round , or at nig ht, or b oth.
    Resolve Alarms
    After the test has c ompleted , insp ec t the alarms log . Typ e d isp lay alarms and  
    resolve the alarms in the usual manner.
    Chec k the error log  for evid enc e of failure. The only failure results log g ed  should  
    b e the outc ome of tests requiring  a c onnec ted station, where a station is not 
    c onnec ted  to the p ort und er test. Repair all other failures or refer them to a 
    maintenanc e tec hnic ian for rep air.
    Resolve any alarms that may exist using  D EFI N I TY En t e rp r i se  C o m m u n ic a t io n s  
    Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8r. 
    Activate and Test Alarm Origination 
    1. Ac tivate the Alarm Orig ination feature from the c hang e system-parameter 
    maintenanc e form.
    2. Type test inads link
     and  p ress 
    En t e r to verify the system c an reac h the 
    INADS Datab ase Administrator at the Tec hnic al Servic e Center (TSC).
    3. Be sure the system is p art of the existing  INADS d atab ase b y c alling  the 
    INADS Datab ase Ad ministrator to verify the system c an b e d ialed into and  
    that the system c an d ial out to INADS. 
    As p art of the system reg istration proc ess, the INADS Datab ase 
    Ad ministrator enab les Alarm Orig ination.
    Have the serial numb er of the system and the software version number 
    availab le at the time of the c all. 
    							Connecting Fiber Optic Cables 
    DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Connecting Fiber Optic Cables
    Sig nals b etween c ab inets are c arried  b y fib er op tic  c ab les. The elec tronic  
    sig nals at 1 c ab inet must b e c onverted  into op tic al sig nals. These op tic al sig nals 
    are c onverted  b ac k into elec tronic  sig nals at another c ab inet. 
    The fib er op tic  c ables from the DEFINITY System route to a Lig htg uid e 
    Interc onnec t Unit (LIU), c onnec t to the outsid e fib er p lant, and then c onnec t to 
    the remote DEFINITY System via an LIU. 
    Two typ es of fib er op tic  c ab les are used on DEFINITY Systems: multi-mod e and  
    sing le-mod e. See Ta b l e  A - 1
    nMulti-mod e fib er uses LEDs as its lig ht sourc e and  is less exp ensive than 
    sing le-mod e fib er. There are 2 c ommon typ es of multi-mode fiber: 
    — 62.5 µm c ore
    — 50.0 µm c ore
    nSing le-mode fiber is more exp ensive than multi-mode b ec ause it uses 
    LASER lig ht as its lig ht sourc e. Sing le-mod e fib er typ ic ally uses the 8-10 
    micron core fiber.
    Table A-1. Fiber Optic Reference
    Fiber Core 
    (Nanometers) Fiber Type
    50 or 62.5 9823A 850 nm Multimod e
    50 or 62.5 9823B 1300 nm Multimod e
    8.3 -9.0 300A 1300 nm Sing le mod e 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Connecting Fiber Optic Cables 
    A-2 LASER Product 
    LASER Product
    The DEFINITY ECS may c ontain a Class 1 LASER devic e if sing le-mod e fib er 
    op tic  c ab le is c onnec ted  to a remote Exp ansion Port Network (EPN). The LASER 
    d evic e op erates within the following  p arameters:
    nMaximum Power Outp ut: -5 dBm
    nWaveleng th: 1310 nm
    nMod e Field  Diameter: 8.8 µm
    IEC 825 1993
    Use of c ontrols or adjustments or p erformanc e of p roc ed ures other than 
    those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
    Contac t your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative for more information.
    Fiber Optic Requirements
    If estimated  fib er losses are susp ec ted  of exc eed ing  loss limits d ue to exc essive 
    leng th, sp lic es, and  so forth, p erform OTDR (Op tic al Time Domain 
    Reflec tometer) or Op tic al Power Meter tests to ensure a suc c essful installation of 
    a remote EPN fib er link.
    The req uirements that d etermine the maximum fib er op tic  c ab ling  d istanc es are:
    nThe mean loss and  the leng th of the outsid e plant fiber c ab le
    nThe mean loss and  the leng th of fib er c ab le ship p ed  with the c ab inet 
    (inc lud ing  any fib er riser c ab le)
    nThe mean loss of an ST c onnec tor and  the numb er of ST c onnec tions
    nThe mean loss due to the total numb er of sp lic es
    nHig her-ord er mod e loss 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Connecting Fiber Optic Cables 
    A-3 Fiber Optic Requirements 
    Fiber Optic Cable Connections
    The Customer Servic e Doc ument (CSD) p rovides an “ Inter-Carrier Cab le 
    Running  List.”  Eac h row on the list rep resents a c ab le c onnec tion. Use the 
    running  list to d etermine where to c onnec t eac h fib er op tic  c ab le.
    Multimode Fiber Optic Connections
    Multi-mod e fib er c ab les are g enerally c olored  g ray or orang e. The following  
    c omp onents are used  in multi-mod e fib er op tic  c onnec tions:
    nExp ansion Interfac e (EI) c irc uit p ac ks in p ort slots in c ab inet c arriers
    nSwitc h Nod e Interfac e (SNI) c irc uit p ac ks in the Switc h Nod e Carrier
    nThe 9823A lig htwave transc eiver transmits up  to 4,900 feet (1500 m). The 
    9823B lig htwave transc eiver transmits up  to 25,000 feet (7600 m).
    nMultimod e fib er op tic  c ab le c onsisting  of 2 sep arate 62.5 mic ron or 50 
    mic ron c ore fib er op tic  c ab les.
    Single-Mode Fiber Optic Connections
    Do not use Disp ersion Shifted  or Wave Diversion Multip lexing  fib er. Use 
    only d isp ersion unshifted fib er suc h as Dep ressed  Clad  and  Matc hed Clad  
    fib er (EIA/TIA Class IVa).
    Sing le-mode fib er c ab les are g enerally c olored  yellow. The following  c omp onents 
    are used  in sing le-mod e fib er op tic  c onnec tions:
    nExp ansion Interfac e (EI) c irc uit p ac ks in p ort slots in c ab inet c arriers
    nSwitc h Nod e Interfac e (SNI) c irc uit p ac ks in the Switc h Nod e Carrier
    nThe 300A lig htwave transc eivers. Eac h 300A transmits lig ht up  to 115,000 
    feet or 22 miles (35 km). Fib er loss must b e less than 17d B. Saturation 
    may oc c ur if d istanc es are short; attenuators may b e req uired  if the total 
    loss on the fib er link is less than 10d Bm. An OTDR or Op tic al Power Meter 
    test is rec ommend ed  to d etermine sp ec ific  fib er op tic  hard ware 
    req uirements.
    Using  the 300A may req uire 5, 10, or 15 d B attenuators. See ‘‘Wh e n  
    to Use Sing le-Mod e Fib er Attenuators’’ on p age A-7. Also, c ontac t 
    your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative for attenuator req uirements 
    on sing le-mod e links.
    nSingle-mode fiber optic  c able consisting of 2 separate 8 to 10 mic ron core 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Connecting Fiber Optic Cables 
    A-4 Fiber Optic Requirements 
    Fiber Optic Component Comcodes
    Ta b l e  A - 2 p rovid es fib er op tic  c omp onents and  assoc iated c omc od es. These 
    c omc od es are from the Luc ent Fib er Op tic s Prod uc t Catalog . For BCS 
    c omc od es, c ontac t your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative.
    For multi-mode fiber op tic  c ables and  c omc od es, refer to Ta b l e  A - 3
    For sing le-mod e fib er op tic  c ab les and  c omc od es, refer to Ta b l e  A - 4
    Table A-2. Fiber Optic Component Comcodes (ST and STII)
    Description Comcode
    100A Lig htguid e Interc onnec t Unit (LIU) 12 Terminations 
    (Preterminated with Mini Fanouts)104325600
    200A Lig htguid e Interc onnec t Unit (LIU) 24 Terminations 
    (Preterminated with Mini Fanouts)106658545
    400A Lig htguid e Interc onnec t Unit (LIU) 48 Terminations 
    (Preterminated with Mini Fanouts)106266901
     Lig htg uid e Distrib ution Shelf (Preterminated with Mini Fanouts) Contac t Luc ent 
    10A Lig htg uid e Coup ling  Panel for 100A and  200A (6 Coup ling s) 104141858
    1000ST Lig htguid e Coup ling  Panel for 400A (6 Coup ling s) 105392005
    1A4 Vertic al Trough for 100A 104141866
    1A6 Horizontal Troug h for 100A 104141874
    2A4 Vertic al Trough for 200A 106497753
    2A6 Horizontal Troug h for 200A 106497761
    C2000A-2 Multimod e Connec tor 104148028
    C3000A-2 Single-mod e Connec tor 105271142
    5d B Attenuator (Single-mod e) (Yellow) 106060718
    10d B Attenuator (Sing le-mod e) (Yellow) 106060734
    15d B Attenuator (Sing le-mod e) (Yellow)  106061021
    Fiber Protec tor Cover  846929883
    300A Fib er Op tic  Transc eiver (Sing le-mod e) 107731853
    9823A Fiber Op tic  Transc eiver (Multimod e) 106455348
    9823B Fiber Op tic  Transc eiver (Multimod e) 106455363 
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