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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual

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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Option Switch Settings 
    B-7 Call Detail Recording Option Settings 
    Call Detail Recording Option Settings
    The interfac e between the system and  CDR eq uip ment may b e 1 of the following :
    nData Module — rec ommend ed  op tion setting s are shown in Ta b l e  B - 3.
    nMod em — rec ommend ed op tion setting s are in mod em vend or d oc ument
    nTN726 Data Line c irc uit p ac k and  an Async hronous Data Unit — data 
    mod ules or mod ems are not req uired . 
    nConnec ted  d irec tly to the DCE
     c onnec tor (EIA Port) loc ated  on the rear of 
    the Control Carrier 
    — d ata mod ules or modems are not req uired .
    A 572 Printer c an b e used  as an outp ut rec eiving  d evic e for CDR. The 
    rec ommend ed op tion setting s for this p rinter is shown in Ta b l e  B - 4
    . Also, a 
    TEL ESEER,  C D R,  9 4 A  L o c a l  St o r a g e  U n i t  ( L SU ) ,  o r  C u st o m e r Pre m i se s 
    Eq uip ment (CPE) c an b e used  as the outp ut rec eiving  d evic e. 33 CHAR.SET (G1, GR) 01 UK
    34 CHAR SET (G2) 03 GE
    35 CHAR SET (G3) 07 LINE 
    82 DSR 02 OFF
    8 3 REQ U EST TO  SEN D  ( RTS)  
    TI M I N G01 RTS
    84 CD 02 OFF
    8 5 C L EA R TO  SEN D  (C TS) 0 2 O FF
    91 OVER RUN 02 256
    92 DATA BIT 02 8
    94 STOP BIT 01 1
    95 PARITY 01 NONE
    96 PBS 04 1200
    Table B-3. 572 Printer used as System Printer  — Continued
    572 Printer Option Settings
    Function Function Name Menu Menu Status
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Option Switch Settings 
    B-8 Call Detail Recording Option Settings 
    Ad ministration p roc ed ures for CDR eq uip ment are p rovid ed  in DEFINITY 
    Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e.
    Table B-4. 572 Printer Used with Management Terminal, CDR,
    or Journal Printer
    Function Function Name Menu  Menu Status
    01 FORM LENGTH 09 11
    02 LPI 01 6
    03 CPI 01 10
    04 LQ or NLQ 01 LQ
    05 BUZZER 01 ON
    07 RESOLUTION 01 144
    11 B UFFER 02 N- LI NE
    13 PW ON MODE 01 ON-LINE
    14 DIRECTION 01 B1-DIR.1
    15 BUFF FULL 02 LF +  CR
    16 P. E. 01 A C TI VE
    17 A U TO C A RRI A GE RETU RN  ( C R) 01 C R +  LF
    18 ZERO 01 0
    22 A UTO L IN E FEED 01 CR ONL Y
    311’’ SKIP 01 OFF
    32 C H A R. SET ( GO , GL ) 02 U SA
    33 CHAR.SET (G1, GR) 01 UK
    34 CHAR SET (G2) 03 GE
    82 DSR 02 OFF
    83 REQU EST TO SEN D  ( RTS)  TI MI N G 01 RTS
    84 CD 02 OFF
    91 OVER RU N 02 25 6
    92 DATA BIT 02 8
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Option Switch Settings 
    B-9 TN760D Tie Trunk Option Settings 
    TN760D Tie Trunk Option Settings
    The TN760D Tie Trunk c irc uit p ac k interfac es b etween four tie trunks and  the 
    TDM b us. Two tip  and  ring p airs form a 4-wire analog transmission line. An E and  
    M p air are DC sig naling  lead s used  for c all setup . The E-lead  rec eives signals 
    from the tie trunk and  the M-lead  transmits sig nals to the tie trunk. 
    To c hoose the preferred  sig naling  format (Ta b l e  B - 5
     and Ta b l e  B - 6), set the 
    switc hes on the TN760D and  ad minister the p ort using  Fi g u re  B - 2
     and Ta b l e  B - 7. 
    94 STOP BIT 01 1
    95 PARITY 01 NONE
    96 PBS 01 9600
    Table B-5. Signaling Formats for TN760D
    Mode Type
    E & M Typ e I Stand ard  (unp rotec ted )
    E & M Typ e I Comp atib le (unp rotec ted )
    Protec ted Type I Comp atib le, Typ e I Stand ard
    Sim p l e x Typ e  V
    E & M Typ e  V
    E & M Typ e V Revised Table B-4. 572 Printer Used with Management Terminal, CDR,
    or Journal Printer — Continued
    Function Function Name Menu  Menu Status
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Option Switch Settings 
    B-10 TN760D Tie Trunk Option Settings 
    Figure B-2. TN760D Tie Trunk Circuit Pack (Component Side)
    Table B-6. Signaling Type Summary
    Signaling Type Transmit (M-Lead) Receive (E-Lead)
    On-Hook Off-Hook On-Hook Off-Hook
    Type I Standard ground battery open
    1. An op en c irc uit is p referred  instead  of b attery voltag e.
    Type I Compatible open
    1/b attery g round g round op en1/battery
    Type V open
    1/b attery g round op en ground
    Type V Reversed ground open ground open
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Option Switch Settings 
    B-11 TN464E/F Option Settings 
    TN464E/F Option Settings 
    The TN464E/F DS1/E1 Interfac e - T1/E1 c irc uit p ac k interfac es b etween a 24 or 
    32 c hannel Central Offic e/ISDN or tie trunk and  the TDM b us. 
    Set the switc hes on the c irc uit p ac k to selec t b it rate and imp edanc e matc h. See 
    Ta b l e  B - 8
     and  Fig ure B -3.
    Table B-7. TN760D Option Switch Settings and Administration
    Installation Situation Preferred Signaling FormatE&M/SMPLX 
    Circumstance To System Far-End
    Co-Loc ated DEFINITY E&M Typ e 1 E&M Typ e 1 E&M Unp rotec ted Typ e 1
    Comp atib le Stand ard Compatible
    Inter-Build ing DEFINITY Protec ted 
    Typ e 1Protec ted 
    Typ e 1E&M Pro te c t e d Typ e  1
    Comp atib le Stand ard 
    Pl u sCompatible
    Protec tion
    Co-Loc ated Net 
    IntegratedE&M Typ e 1 Any PBX E&M Unp rotec ted Typ e 1
    Stand ard
    Table B-8. Option Switch Settings on TN464E/F
    120 Ohms Twisted pair
    75 Ohms Coaxial req uiring 888A adap ter
    32 Channel 2.048 meg ab its p er sec ond
    24 Channel 1.544 meg ab its p er sec ond 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Option Switch Settings 
    B-12 TN464E/F Option Settings 
    Figure B-3. TN464E/F Option Settings Figure Notes
    1. Bac kp lane Connec tors
    2. 24/32 Channel Selec tor
    3. 75/120 Ohm Selec tor
    4. Fac ep late
    5. 32 Channel6. 120 Ohm (shown selec ted )
    7. 24 Channel (shown selec ted )
    8. 75 Ohm
    9. Connec tor
    10. TN464E/F DS1/E1 Interfac e Circ uit Pac k
    							Cable Ductwork 
    DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Cable Ductwork
    The c ab le d uc twork is assembled  from various g roup  numb ers from ED-1E465 
    (fac ia p aneling  to c over the I/O d uc ts is assemb led  from ED-1E464). The 
    assemb ly, installed  after the c ab inets have b een installed , p rovid es d uc ts for 
    three typ es of c ab les: interc ab inet c ab les, I/O c ables (tip  and  ring ), and  AC 
    power cables. DC power cables are installed in ductwork per local codes. 
    Typical assembled ductwork is shown in Fi g u re  C - 1
    . The 3 p rimary types of 
    ductwork are detailed below:
    nShield ed  interc ab inet c able d uc t — Provid es the p ath for c ab les 
    c onnec ted  b etween c ab inets. This duc t is the first installed . Covers for this 
    duct should be stored until the intercabinet cabling is completed.
    nI/O c ab le duc t — Provid es the p ath for I/O c ab les to the Main Distrib ution 
    Frame (MDF). The I/O c ables originate at c onnec tors on the rear of the 
    c ab inets and  terminate on c onnec tors at the MDF.
    nAC p ower d uc t — Provid es the p ath for the AC wiring  that p owers the 
    system. This d uc t mounts to the rear of the shield ed  d uc t that runs ac ross 
    eac h c ab inet. 
    Five g roup  numb ers p rovid e various arrang ements of rec ep tac les nec essary for 
    d ifferent typ es of c ab inets. Knoc kouts are p rovid ed  for 1-inc h (2.54 c m), 1.5-inc h 
    (3.81 c m), or 2-inc h (5 c m) c ond uits that p rovid e AC power c onnec tion at one 
    end  of eac h c ab inet lineup . Covers for the p ower d uc t should  b e stored  until the 
    AC wiring  is c omp leted .
    Three method s are availab le for running  I/O c ab les from the I/O d uc ts to the 
    1. Using  an overhead  c ab le rac k
    2. Using  c ab le d uc t g roup s 22 throug h 26, and  39
    3. Using  multip les of either g roup as req uired 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Cable Ductwork 
    Eq uip ment room layout and  exp ec ted  g rowth d etermines whic h method to use. 
    Installation of an overhead  rac k is c overed  b y Cab le Rac ks (800-614-157).
    Install all sc rews in all ap p rop riate p lac es to c omply with elec tromag netic  
    interferenc e (EMI) req uirements for shield ing .
    Figure C-1. Typical Layout of Assembled Ductwork
    This d uc twork c onsists of ED-1E465 g roup  numb ers (fac ia p aneling  to c over the 
    I/O d uc ts is assemb led  from ED-1E464). The g roup  numb ers matc h those in the 
    Customer Servic e Doc ument (CSD) and floor p lan layout.Figure Notes
    1. I/O Cross-Isle Troug h
    2. Shielded Intercabinet Duc t
    3. AC Power Cab le Duc t 4. Front of Cab inets
    5. I/O Duc ts to Cross-Connec t Field
    duct1 KLC 071796 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Cable Ductwork 
    Inventory the materials rec eived and  mark a c opy of the floor p lan with the 
    loc ation of eac h g roup  numb er to b e installed . Hard ware used  to assemb le eac h 
    item is pac kag ed  with the ind ivid ual g roup s.
    Ta b l e  C - 1
     shows the availab le g roup numb ers and  a brief d esc rip tion of eac h 
    g roup. Some d uc ts are equip p ed  with c overs whic h should be stored until all 
    c ab ling is c omp leted . When storing , tag  the c overs with their assoc iated  g roup  
    numb ers for ease in id entific ation.
    Table C-1. ED-1E465 Group Numbers and Descriptions 
    Group Description
    6 Rear or front end p late for I/O d uctwork
    8 I/O cab le rack c oup ling  to rear of c abinet
    9 I/O cab le rack riser to sid e of cab inet
    10 I/O cross-aisle duc twork
    12 AC power duct
    13 AC p ower d uc t with one 3-wire twist-loc k recep tac le (rig ht sid e)
    14 AC p ower d uc t with one 3-wire twist-loc k recep tac le (left side)
    15 AC power duct with two 3-wire twist-lock receptacles (right side)
    16 AC p ower d uc t with four 3-wire twist-loc k recep tac les (left sid e)
    17 Rac eway c over
    18 Raceway c over with utility outlet
    19 AC p ower d uc t comb ination end
    21 AC p ower d uc t with one 4-wire twist-loc k recep tac le (rig ht sid e)
    22 I/O d uc t-sid e of c abinet to wall (43 inc h (109.2 cm ) aisle)
    23 I/O d uc t-sid e of c abinet to wall over one c ab inet
    24 I/O d uc t-sid e of c abinet to wall over two cab inets
    25 I/O d uc t-sid e of c abinets to wall over three c abinets
    26 I/O d uc t-rear of c ab inet to wall (43 inc h (109.2 c m ) aisle)
    27 Transition between old er DIMENSION system-typ e cab inet and new DEFINITY 
    system c ab inets for shield ed  c able duc ts
    28 Transition between old er DIMENSION system-typ e cab inet and new DEFINITY 
    system c ab inets for I/O c ab les
    29 Shield ed  d uct assembly transition from the front of a System 85-R1 c ab inet to 
    the rear of a DEFINITY c abinet
    30 I/O d uc t transition assemb ly for cross-aisle (System 85-R1 lineup to brid ge a 
    DEFIN ITY li ne u p )
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Cable Ductwork 
    Install the various c able d uc ts in the order shown in Ta b l e  C - 2. Fi g u re  C - 2 shows 
    an overhead  view of a typ ic al d uc twork installation. 
    !WA R N I N G :
    To prevent d amag e to the c ab inet c irc uitry or c ab les, plac e c ard b oard or 
    eq uivalent in the c ab le d uc ts to c atc h any metal filing s that may fall from the 
    self-threading sc rews.
    31 Shield ed  d uct assembly transition from rear of a System 85-R1 to front of a 
    DEFIN ITY c a b in e t
    32 AC p ower with a 4-wire twist-loc k recep tac le (left side viewed  from rear)
    33 Lad d er rac k sup ported 86 or 88.5 inc hes (218.4 cm or 224.7 c m) from floor
    34 AC p ower d uc t with two 3-wire rec ep tacles (250 VAC) (right sid e)
    35 AC p ower d uc t with one 3-wire recep tac le (250 VAC) (right side)
    37 AC p ower d uc t with one 3-wire recep tac le (30 A, 208 VAC) for CC
    39 I/O cross-aisle duc twork (48 inc h (109.2 c m ) aisle)
    41 Basic hard ware for one c abinet
    42 Right or left end  p late for shield ed d uctwork
    44 Front and  rear end  p late for shield ed  d uc twork
    51 Shield ed  c ross-aisle d uctwork
    78 Shield ed  c ross-aisle d uctwork (48 inc h (122 c m) aisle)
    Table C-1. ED-1E465 Group Numbers and Descriptions  — Continued
    Group Description
    Continued on next page 
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