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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Connecting Fiber Optic Cables A-5 Fiber Optic Requirements A Ta b l e A - 3 p rovid es multi-mod e c ab le leng ths and assoc iated c omc ode numb ers. Multi-mod e fib er c ab les are g ray or orang e in c olor. Ta b l e A - 4 p rovid es sing le-mod e c ab le leng ths and assoc iated c omc od e numb ers. Sing le-mod e fib er c ab les are yellow. Table A-3. Multi-mode Fiber Cable Ordering Information Description Length Comcode Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 20 Feet (6.1 m) 407439975 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 25 Feet (7.62 m) 407441427 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 30 Feet (9.14 m) 407441435 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 35 Feet (10.67 m) 407441443 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 40 Feet (12.2 m) 407441450 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 50 Feet (15.2 m) 407441468 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 75 Feet (22.8 m) 407441476 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 100 Feet (30.48 m) 407441484 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 125 Feet (38.1 m) 407441492 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 150 Feet (45.7 m) 407441500 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 175 Feet (53.3 m) 407441518 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 200 Feet (61 m) 407441666 Table A-4. Single-mode Fiber Cable Ordering Information Description Length Comcode Fiber Op tic Patc h Cord 2 Feet (0.6 m) 105357727 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 20 Feet (6.1 m) 407598325 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 30 Feet (9.14 m) 407598333 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 40 Feet (12.2 m) 407598341 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 50 Feet (15.2 m) 407598358 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 75 Feet (22.8 m) 407598366 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 100 Feet (30.48 m) 407598374 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 125 Feet (38.1 m) 407598390 Fiber Interc onnec tion Cab le 150 Feet (45.7 m) 407598408
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Connecting Fiber Optic Cables A-6 Optical Cross-Connect Hardware A Optical Cross-Connect Hardware Optic al c ross-c onnec ts c onsist of a p reterminated lig htg uid e shelf or Lig htg uid e Interc onnec t Unit (LIU) with lig htg uid e troug hs. A multi-mod e or sing le-mod e fib er op tic c ab le c onnec ts the lig htwave transc eivers on the DEFINITY System to c onnec tor p anels insid e the shelf or LIU. Circ uits c an b e c hang ed b y moving the p atc h c ord from 1 point on the c onnec tor p anel to another. Measuring Single-Mode Power in the Field The d ata pattern on the link influenc es the optic al p ower measurement. The d uty c yc le that the transc eiver is send ing when the DEFINITY System is id le is a 30% on (“ 1” ) and 70% off (“ 0” ) d ata pattern. This imp lies that the op tic al read ing will b e ab out 2.3d B less than the typ ic al outp ut p ower sp ec ific ation (-8d Bm). Calc ulate all p ower b ud get analysis at 50% d uty c yc le for both transmitter outp ut p ower and receiver sensitivity. The following information is p rovid ed for field troub leshooting use only and is not intend ed for fiber b ud g et analysis. The p ower measurement is taken from the TX c onnec tor, through the entire fib er link, and to the RX c onnec tor on the op p osite end of the link (remote EPN). Refer to Fig ure A -2 for a typ ic al fib er route. 1. Remove the fib er c ab le from the RX c onnec tor at the loc al 300A. 2. Attac h the p ower meter to the fib er c ab le. Note the read ing . 3. Reconnec t the RX c able. 4. Rep eat the test at the RX c onnec tor at the remote 300A. Note the read ing . 5. Reconnec t the RX c able. 6. Using Fig ure A -1 , d etermine the type of in-line attenuator req uired for eac h d irec tion in the tested fiber link. NOTE: Using the maximum power budget of 17dB in any fiber link may c ause p roblems if the fib er p lant is damag ed and ad ditional c onnec tors or sp lic es are ad d ed. Maintain a margin of at least 1d B; 2d B is the ind ustry standard .
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Connecting Fiber Optic Cables A-7 Optical Cross-Connect Hardware A When to Use Single-Mode Fiber Attenuators For 300A operation, single-mod e fib er loss must b e b etween 10d B and 17dB (at 1300 to 1310 nm). Sinc e saturation may oc c ur if d istanc es are short, attenuators may b e req uired if the total loss on the fib er link is less than 10d B. Perform an OTDR or Op tic al Power Meter test to d etermine sp ec ific req uirements. Typ ic ally, fib er distanc es of 9 miles (14 km) or less req uire an in-line attenuator. Using Fig ure A -1 , find the line that most c losely matc hes the c ustomer’s fib er p lant, or overlay your own load line. Using the measured loss of 0.33d B/km as an examp le, install a 10d B attenuator if the d istanc e is ab out 9 miles (14 km) or less. Use a 5d B attenuator if the d istanc e is from 9 to 18 miles (14.4 to 30 km). Figure A-1. Single-Mode Attenuator Requirements
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Connecting Fiber Optic Cables A-8 Optical Cross-Connect Hardware A Single-Mode Fiber Link (with Attenuators) Figure A-2. Typical Single-Mode Connection with Attenuator 1. Connec t a 2-foot (0.6 m) patc hc ord to the TX c onnec tor on the loc al 300A transc eiver. See Fi g u re A - 2 . 2. Connec t the p atc hc ord to the required attenuator. The attenuator must b e installed in series with the strand of fib er c onnec ting to the TX c onnec tor. 3. Rep eat for the TX c onnec tor at the op p osite end of the fib er link (remote EPN). A d ifferent value attenuator may b e req uired , d epend ing on the amount of fib er loss b ac k to the loc al system. NOTE: If the fib er link is d up lic ated , route the fib er via a sep arate g eog raphic al path, if p ossib le. This way, if the stand ard fib er link is damaged, the duplicated fiber remains in service. Figure Notes 1. 300A Lightwave Transc eiver 2. 2-Foot (0.6 m) Patc hc ord 3. In-Line Attenuator 4. Fib er Plant5. TX Connec tor 6. RX Connec tor 7. Lig htg uid e Interc onnec t Unit 8. Fiber Optic Cable
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Connecting Fiber Optic Cables A-9 Optical Cross-Connect Hardware A Lightguide Distribution Shelf The p reterminated lig htg uid e d istrib ution shelf c an mount to LGX® fib er op tic d istrib ution frames or c an mount d irec tly to a wall. The shelf c an also mount in 23-inc h (58.4 c m) or 19-inc h (48.2 c m) eq uip ment c ab inets or rac ks. The shelf ac c ommod ates sing le-mod e and /or multi-mode fiber c onnec tions. See Fig ure A-3. Figure A-3. Typical Preterminated Lightguide Distribution Shelf NOTE: If you are not viewing this b ook on CD-ROM, Fi g u re A - 3 shows orange fiber c onnec tions, d enoting multi-mod e fib er. Figure Notes: 1. To PPN or Remote EPN Cabinet 2. Retai ne r Rin g s3. Circuit Labels 4. From Outsid e Cab le Plant
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Connecting Fiber Optic Cables A-10 Optical Cross-Connect Hardware A 100A and 200A Lightguide Equipment Optic al interc onnec ts c onsist of LIUs without a troug h between them. Inc oming and outg oing c ab les c onnec t direc tly to eac h other. This arrang ement makes c irc uit c hang es more d iffic ult, b ut red uc es op tic al losses. Optic al c ross-c onnec t and interc onnec t field s are made up of the following: n100A or 200A LIU n10A Lig htg uid e Coup ling Panel nC2000A-2 Connec tor Coup ling (Multi-Mod e) or C3000A-2 Connec tor Coupling (Single-Mode) n1A4 Lig htg uid e Troug h n1A6 Lig htg uid e Troug h nFiber Interc onnec t Cab le (Multi-Mod e or Single-Mod e) Lightguide Interconnect Units The 100A LIU c onsists of a c ab inet with retainer ring s to hold slac k fib er c ab les, mounting c utouts for two 10A lightguide connector panels, and a door with c irc uit labels on eac h sid e. See Fi g u re A - 4 . The 100A p rovid es up to 12 terminations. The 200A Lig htg uid e Interc onnec t Unit (LIU) c an terminate up to 24 fib er c onnec tions. These fiber c onnec tions c an b e either sing le-mod e or multi-mod e.
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Connecting Fiber Optic Cables A-11 Optical Cross-Connect Hardware A Lightguide Troughs Two typ es of troug hs are used with op tic al c ross-c onnec t hard ware. The vertic al troug h sec ures single fib er op tic jumpers routed b etween LIU c olumns, and the horizontal troug h is used at the bottom of an LIU c olumn to store c ab le slac k. Figure A-4. 100A Lightguide Interconnection Unit Figure Notes: 1. 100A Lightg uide Interc onnec t Unit (LIU) 2. Retai ne r Rin g s3. Circuit Labels
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Connecting Fiber Optic Cables A-12 Optical Cross-Connect Hardware A 10A and 1000ST Lightguide Coupling Panel The 10A Lig htg uid e Coup ling Panel mounts in the c utouts of a 100A LIU and a 200A LIU. A 100A LIU req uires 2 c oup ling p anels. A 200A req uires 4 c oup ling p anels. Eac h p anel c an hold 6 c onnec tor c oup lings. A c onnec tion to an ST c oup ler is shown in Fig ure A -5 . NOTE: If you are not viewing this b ook on CD-ROM, the fib er c ab le shown in Fi g u re A-5 is yellow, d enoting single-mod e fib er. The 1000ST Lig htguid e Coup ling Panel mounts in the c utouts of a 400A LIU. A 400A LIU req uires 8 c oup ling p anels. Eac h c oup ling p anel c an hold 6 c onnec tor couplings. Figure A-5. 10A and 1000ST Lightguide Connector Coupling The C2000A-2 Connec tor Coup ling joins multi-mod e fib er op tic c ab les eq uip p ed with ST c onnec tors. It has a thread ed mid sec tion that allows it to b e sec ured to the 10A or 1000ST Lig htg uid e Coup ling Panel. The C3000A-2 Connec tor Coup ling joins sing le-mod e fib er op tic c ab les eq uip p ed with ST c onnec tors. It has a thread ed mid sec tion that allows it to b e sec ured to the 10A or 100ST Lig htg uid e Coup ling Panel.
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Connecting Fiber Optic Cables A-13 Optical Cross-Connect Hardware A 400A Lightguide Equipment The 400A Lig htg uid e Interc onnec t Unit (LIU) c an terminate up to 48 fib er c onnec tions. These fiber c onnec tions c an b e either sing le-mod e or multi-mod e (not b oth). NOTE: If you are not viewing this b ook on CD-ROM, the fib er c ab le shown in Fi g u re A-6 is yellow, d enoting single-mod e fib er. Figure A-6. 400A LIU Equipment 1. Label each fiber c able as it is installed. 2. Route the fib er c ab les from the fib er optic transc eivers and c onnec t as shown in Fi g u re A - 6 . Figure Notes: 1. 400A Lig htg uid e Interc onnec t Unit (LIU) 2. Circuit Label 3. Fib er Op tic Cab le Connec tors4. Demarc ation Point (b etween network and DEFINITY) 5. Fib er Plant (Network Sid e) 6. To 300A Fib er Op tic Transc eivers
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Connecting Fiber Optic Cables A-14 Optical Cross-Connect Hardware A General Rules and Recommendations Fiber op tic c able req uires c areful hand ling and routing . Follow these rules and rec ommend ations when installing fib er optic c ab les: Figure A-7. Fiber Optic Cable Connections Between Transceivers Figure Notes 1. Lightwave Transc eiver 2. To I/O Connec tor Panel 3. Fiber Optic Cable 4. Fib er Plant5. TX Connec tor 6. RX Connec tor 7. Lig htg uid e Interc onnec t Unit