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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-45 Administer Fiber Links (Release 8r Only) 3 NOTE: When you ad minister DS1 Converter TN1654 c irc uit p ac ks, d ifferent field s display. For field d efinitions of the field s d isp layed on p ag e 3 of the Fib er Link Ad ministration form, refer b ac k to the p revious sec tion. DS1 Converter Complex Administration for T1 TN1654 Circuit Packs. Screen 3-14. Fiber Link Administration form for T1 TN1654 Circuit Pack (DS1 Converter Complex Administration) (page 2 of 3) The following uniq ue field s display when administering a T1 TN1654 DS1 Converter. nBit Rate — Disp lays when the DS1 Converter c irc uit pac k is TN1654. Enter either 1.544 for d omestic T1 op eration or 2.048 for international E1 op eration. NOTE: Sinc e one b it rate ap p lies for all fac ilities within the same DS1 Converter c omp lex, the Bit Rate field d isp lays only und er Fa c i l i t y A . nFacility Startup Idle Code— Disp lays when the DS1 Converter c irc uit p ac k is TN1654. Enter 8 dig its, eac h d ig it must b e 0 or 1 . The sec ond d ig it must b e 1 . Default is 11101000 . You c an ad minister this field on a p er c irc uit p ac k basis. This is the id le c od e used when a TN1654 first add fiber-link next Page 2 of 3 FIBER LINK ADMINISTRATION A-PNC DS1 CONVERTER (DS1CONV) ATTRIBUTES DS1CONV Board Location: 01B01 DS1CONV Board Location: 02B01 DS1CONV Board Type: TN1654 DS1CONV Board Type: TN1654 DS1 CONVERTER FACILITIES ABC D Facility Installed? yes yes no no Bit Rate: 1.544 Facility Startup Idle Code: 11101000 Line Coding: ami-zcs ami-zcs ami-zcs ami-zcs Framing Mode: DS1CONV-1 Line Compensation: 1 1 1 1 DS1CONV-2 Line Compensation: 1 1 1 1 Facility A Circuit ID: 09876543 Facility B Circuit ID: 234567889

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-46 Administer Fiber Links (Release 8r Only) 3 estab lishes a link on a T1/E1 fac ility. The initial id le c od e used b y the TN1654 is overwritten b y the c enter stag e switc h to an “ all ones” p attern onc e framing is estab lished on that T1/E1 fac ility. nFraming Mode — For TN1654 with 1.544 Mb p s Bit Rate, this is a d isp lay-only field . Duplicated DS1 Converter Complex Administration for T1 TN1654 Circuit Packs. Screen 3-15. Fiber Link Administration form for E1 TN1654 Circuit Pack (DS1 Converter Complex Administration) (page 2 of 3) The following uniq ue field s d isplay when administering a TN1654 DS1 Converter. nBit Rate — A d isp lay-only field for TN1654 entered on p ag e 3 of the form. See p revious sec tion. 1.544 ind ic ates d omestic T1 op eration and 2.048 indic ates international E1 op eration. DS1 Converter Complex Administration for E1 TN1654 Circuit Packs . The following uniq ue field s display when administering a E1 TN1654 DS1 Converter. add fiber-link next Page 2 of 3 FIBER LINK ADMINISTRATION A-PNC DS1 CONVERTER (DS1CONV) ATTRIBUTES DS1CONV Board Location: 01B01 DS1CONV Board Location: 02B01 DS1CONV Board Type: TN1654 DS1CONV Board Type: TN1654 DS1 CONVERTER FACILITIES ABC D Facility Installed? yes yes yes no Bit Rate: 2.048 Facility Startup Idle Code: 11101000 Line Coding: hdb3 hdb3 hdb3 hdb3 CRC? yes Line Termination: Facility A Circuit ID: 09876543 Facility B Circuit ID: 234567889 Facility C Circuit ID: 434566335

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-47 Administer Fiber Links (Release 8r Only) 3 nBit Rate — Disp lays when the DS1 Converter c irc uit pac k is TN1654. Enter either 1.544 for d omestic T1 op eration or 2.048 for international E1 op eration. NOTE: Sinc e one b it rate ap p lies for all fac ilities within the same DS1 Converter c omp lex, Bit Rate d isp lays only und er Fac ility A. To ac tivate the d esired Bit Rate, the tog g le switc h on the c irc uit p ac k must b e set and it must c orresp ond to the Bit Rate. nIdle Code MSB(1) ... LSB(8) — Disp lays when the DS1 Converter c irc uit p ac k is TN1654. Enter 8 dig its, eac h d ig it must b e 0 or 1 . The sec ond d ig it must b e 1 . Default is 11101000 . You c an ad minister this field on a p er circuit pack basis. nCRC — Disp lays when the DS1 Converter c irc uit p ac k is TN1654 and the Bit Rate is 2.048 Mb p s. Enter yes to rec eive a “ yellow 2” alarm for E1 op eration. Default is no . You c an ad minister this field on a p er c irc uit p ac k b asis. nLine Termination — A d isp lay-only field for DS1 Converter c irc uit p acks that are TN1654 and have a Bit Rate of 2.048 Mb p s. It id entifies fac ility c onnec tions as CEPT 75 ohm c oaxial or 120 ohm CEPT twisted p air. Duplicated DS1 Converter Complex Administration for E1 TN1654 Circuit Packs. See the p revious sec tions for sc reen layout and field d efinitions. Screen 3-16. Fiber Line Administration form for B-PNC DS1 Converter (DS1CONV) Attributes add fiber-link next Page 3 of 3 FIBER LINK ADMINISTRATION B-PNC DS1 CONVERTER (DS1CONV) ATTRIBUTES DS1CONV Board Location: 01C01 DS1CONV Board Location: 02C01 DS1CONV Board Type: TN1654 DS1CONV Board Type: TN1654 DS1 CONVERTER FACILITIES ABC D Facility Installed? yes yes yes no Bit Rate: 2.048 Facility Startup Idle Code: 11101000 Line Coding: hdb3 hdb3 hdb3 hdb3 CRC? yes Line Termination: Facility A Circuit ID: 0AABB01 Facility B Circuit ID: 0CCDD02 Facility C Circuit ID: 0EEFF03

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-48 Reboot High Reliability System 3 Reboot High Reliability System 1. Type reset system 4 and p ress En t e r. 2. When the login: prompt appears, login as craft. 3. Ab out eig ht minutes after b ooting and at the Command: p rompt, typ e status spe and press En t e r. 4. Verify that handshake, shadowing, and refreshed are all shown to b e either yes or on . Enable Duplication and Boot Critical Reliability System (Release 8r) 1. Type change system-parameters duplication and press En t e r. 2. Make sure d up lic ation of b oth SPE and PNC are enabled on the sc reen that follows the c ommand . Confirm that a y is c ontained in b oth fields. 3. Type save translation and press En te r. 4. Type reset system 4 and p ress En t e r to reb oot the system. 5. When login: appears on the screen, login as craft. 6. Ab out eig ht minutes after b ooting the system and at the Command: p rompt, typ e status spe and press En t e r. 7. Verify that handshake, shadowing, and refreshed are all shown to b e either yes or on . Administer Attendant Console 1. Type display system-parameters country-options and press En t e r to verify the system’s c omp and ing mod e for its loc al stations is set to the d esired value (usually, A-Law for Europ e and mu-Law for North Americ a and Jap an). 2. If nec essary, typ e change terminal-parameters 603/302B1 and press En t e r to c hang e the default system-level p arameters and audio levels for these terminals. NOTE: For information about c hang ing the d efault p arameters and aud io levels, refer to DEFINITY App lic ation Notes available throug h the International Tec hnic al Assistanc e Center (ITAC). 3. Ad minister other forms listed under Attend ant Console in DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-49 Save Translations 3 Save Translations Save Translations (Release 8si) For stand ard reliab ility systems, 1 translation c ard p lus 1 b ac kup is required . For high or c ritic al reliab ility systems, 2 translation c ard s p lus 2 b ac kup s are req uired . !CAUTION: Do not attemp t to save translations on the orang e-lab eled , 10 MB memory c ard . Use the white translation c ard . 1. At the Command: prompt, type save translation and press En t e r . 2. After several minutes, the Save Translation sc reen ap p ears. 3.Ve r i f y a “0 ” ( ze ro ) d is p l a ys i n t h e Er ro r C o d e c o lu m n f o r e a c h SPE. A “0 ” indic ates that the save translation c ompleted suc c essfully. If not, the save translation d id not c omplete. Rec ord the “ error c od e number” and the “ error messag e” and notify your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative. 4. Remove the orig inal c ard from the TN794 and rep lac e with b ac kup c ard . 5. Rep eat Step s 1 throug h 4 for the b ac kup c ard (s). 6. Remove the b ac kup c ard and rep lac e it with the orig inal c ard . 7. Lab el the bac kup c ard with the d ate and time of the b ac kup and store it in a sec ure plac e. Save Translations (Release 8r) To c op y the c urrent system translations onto b oth d isks: 1. Type save translation and press En te r. 2. Verify the save c ompletes to b oth d isks and returns a result c od e of “0 ” (zero). Add Translations 1. Refer to DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e, to ad d new terminals. 2. Type save translation and p ress En t e r to merg e these translations with the c ontents of d isk or flash memory. 3. If a stand ard reliab ility Release 8r system is installed , typ e backup disk incremental . If a hig h or c ritic al reliab ility Release 8r system is installed , type backup disk incremental both . Press En t e r.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-50 Installation Completion 3 Installation Completion 1. The system must now b e tested for p rop er op eration. See Chap ter 4, ‘‘Te s t the System’’. 2. After c omp letion of the system tests, install the telep hones and other eq uip ment. See Chapter 5, ‘‘ Install and Wire Telep hones and Other Eq uip ment’’. 3. Ad minister the system b y ad d ing the c ustomer d ata to matc h the wiring , telep hones, and other eq uip ment. See DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e. 4. After the system is ad ministered , the telep hones and other eq uip ment are tested . See Chap ter 6, ‘‘ Test Telep hones and Other Eq uip ment’’. The Alarm Orig ination feature is then ac tivated and tested . Logoff the System Log off the system to p revent unauthorized c hang es to d ata. To log off: 1. Type logoff at the Command: prompt and press En t e r. 2. The login: prompt appears on the screen. DEFINITY AUDIX Power Procedures Power Down the AUDIX System A yellow c aution stic ker on the system’s power unit notifies tec hnic ians to shut d own the DEFINITY AUDIX System p rior to p owering d own the system. 1. Log into the AUDIX System as craft . 2. Type reset system shutdown . Press En te r onc e. NOTE: Do not p ress En t e r again. This will forc e the AUDIX to shutd own immed iately, d rop p ing all ac tive c alls on the AUDIX. 3. The “ SHUTDOWN Comp leted ” messag e ap p ears when the AUDIX is suc c essfully shutd own. This takes ab out 2 minutes. 4. The AUDIX System can now b e removed for service. Power Up the AUDIX System nIf the AUDIX was removed from the c ab inet: 1. Re-install the AUDIX and allow it to b oot up automatic ally. 2. Check for AUDIX System errors.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-51 DEFINITY AUDIX Power Procedures 3 nIf the AUDIX remained in the c ab inet b ut p ower was removed from the c ab inet: 1. Power up the c ab inet. The AUDIX reb oots automatic ally. 2. Check for AUDIX System errors. nIf the AUDIX remained in the c ab inet and the c ab inet was not p owered down: 1. At the AUDIX c onsole, hold the crtl key and enter cc . 2. Type 5 at the prompt and press En t e r. In about 2 minutes, the AUDIX b oots up. 3. When the system initialization is c omp lete, log in as craft . 4. Check for AUDIX System errors.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-52 DEFINITY AUDIX Power Procedures 3

Test the System 4-1 4 DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 4 Test the System The following tests p rovid e verific ation of the TDM b us c ables and terminators, and fib er op tic inter-c ab inet c ab les. If a FAIL result c od e is seen or other p rob lems are ind ic ated , c hec k these c ab les. If p rob lems c ontinue, refer to DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8r or DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8si. NOTE: Refer to ‘‘LED Indicators’’ on page 4-11 for information regard ing the LED status ind ic ators for the different c irc uit p ac ks. 1. The status of the system should b e reviewed first. 2. Test the tone-c loc k, TDM b us, and d up lic ation link in the PPN. 3. Test the Switc h Nod e c arrier (Release 8r only). 4. Test Exp ansion Interfac e c irc uit p ac ks, tone-c loc k c irc uit pac ks, TDM b uses, and dup lic ation in the EPNs. Circ uit p ac k p ositions are usually g iven b y c ab inet, c arrier, and slot. They may also be given by port. The term “ c ab inet” refers to 1 Multic arrier Cabinet making up 1 p ort network. A p ort network is d efined as a g roup of c ab inets c onnec ted tog ether with one TDM bus.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-2 Check System Status for Each Cabinet 4 Check System Status for Each Cabinet 1. Verify the terminal sc reen d isp lays: Command: 2. Type status cabinet and press En t e r. 3. Verify the sc reen d isp lays system status sc reens similar to Sc re e n 4 - 1 : Screen 4-1. Example System Status Screen for Cabinet 1 Check Circuit Pack Configuration 1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays: Command: 2. Type list configuration all and press En te r. 3. Verify the sc reen d isp lays list c onfig uration sc reens similar to the examp le shown b elow. Chec k the rep ort on the sc reen with the eq uip ment installed and make sure the software is c ommunic ating with eac h c irc uit p ac k (exc ep t p ower sup p ly c irc uit p ac ks). Wait until after the d iagnostic tests later in this c hapter b efore attemp ting to c orrec t any p rob lems. 4. Note any c irc uit p ac ks in the VINTAGE column stating : BOARD NOT PRESENT or CONFLICT .