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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual

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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-15 Install Sneak Fuse Panels 
    Tab le 2-2 is a p inout of the c ab le wiring  and  assoc iated  fuse numb ers.
    6. Sec ure the top  of eac h B25A c ab le with the c ap tive sc rew on the 
    c onnec tor.
    7. Sec ure the b ottom of eac h c ab le with a sup p lied  c ab le tie wrap.
    Table 2-2. Sneak Fuse Connector Pinout
    26/1 1
    27/2 2
    28/3 3
    29/4 4
    30/5 5
    31/6 6
    32/7 7
    33/8 8
    34/9 9
    35/10 10
    36/11 11
    37/12 12
    38/13 13
    39/14 14
    40/15 15
    41/16 16
    42/17 17
    43/18 18
    44/19 19
    45/20 20
    46/21 21
    47/22 22
    48/23 23
    49/34 24
    50/25 25 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-16 Cable Installation 
    Cable Installation
    The purple p ort lab el shown in Fig ure 2-8 is installed  on both end s of the 25-pair 
    c ab les c onnec ting  to the trunk/auxiliary field  and /or d istrib ution field.
    The top  b lue/yellow b uild ing  and floor labels are for c ab les c onnec ting  from the 
    eq uip ment room to a site/satellite loc ation on another floor or in another b uild ing . 
    The yellow lab el is for auxiliary c irc uits c onnec ting  to the trunk/auxiliary field. The 
    b ottom b lue/yellow lab el is for 25-p air c ab les c onnec ting  to site/satellite c losets.
    Figure 2-8. Equipment Room Cabling Labels Figure Notes:
    1. Purp le Lab el (Port Cab le)
    2. Blue/Yellow Lab el (Build ing  and  
    Floor)3. Yellow Lab el (Auxiliary)
    4. Blue/Yellow Label (Site or Satellite)
    labels LJK 060396
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-17 Cable Installation 
    Tab le 2-3 d etails the lab el name and rang e of eac h lab el. 
    Fi g u re  2 - 9 shows the p roper way to install a lab el on a 25-p air c ab le c onnec tor. 
    Install the lab el near the rear of the c onnec tor so it is not ob sc ured  b y the c ab inet 
    c onnec tor retainers. It c an also b e installed  on the skin of the c ab le near the 
    c onnec tor.
    Figure 2-9. Self-Stick Label on 25-Pair Cable Connector
    Table 2-3. Equipment Room Labels
    Label Name Range
    Port Cab le 1A1-1A20, 1B1-1B20, 1C1-1C20, 
    1D1-1D20, 1E1-1E20
    Build ing Field  Id entified
    Floor Field  Id entified
    Auxiliary Cab le Field  Id entified
    Site or Satellite A-F and /or Field  Id entified
    Cable/Connector/Building Label Ordering Information
    Description Quantity Comcode
    201A Lab els 34 Sheets 103969994 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-18 Cable Installation 
    Cable Routing Guidelines
    The following guid elines should  b e used  when installing the eq uipment room 
    c ab ling. Following  these guid elines will maximize use of the c ab le slac k 
    manag ers and  make future c abling  ad d itions and  c hang es easier.
    Fi g u re  2 - 1 0
     and Fig ure 2-11 show typ ic al c ab le routing  from the c abinet to the 
    top  and  b ottom of the MDF, resp ec tively.
    Figure 2-10. Cable Routing to Top Terminal Blocks Figure Notes:
    1. Main Distrib ution Frame
    2. AC Power Cord  (AC-Powered  
    Cab inets Only)
    3. Cab le Slac k Manag er Numb er 1
    4. Trunk/Auxiliary Field
    5. Station Distrib ution Field6. Cab le Slac k Manag er Numb er 2
    7. Cab le Slac k Manag er Numb er 3
    8. System Cab inet(s)
    9. To Build ing  Cables
    10. 10 AWG (#25) (6 mm
    2) Wire to 
    Coup led  Bond ing  Cond uc tor
    r758424b MMR 052996 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-19 Cable Installation 
    Figure 2-11. Cable Routing to Bottom Terminal Blocks
    Route Cables to Main Distribution Frame
    The following guid elines should  b e followed when routing  c ab les from the 
    c ab inet to the MDF.
    nEac h p ort c ab le is c onnec ted at the c ab inet and  then routed  along  the 
    front troug h of the c ab le slac k manag er to the c onnec ting /terminal b loc k 
    where the c ab le is to be terminated.
    nEnough slac k must b e left at the c ab inet end  of the c ab le to allow for 
    p rop er d ressing  of the c ab les. Figure Notes:
    1. Main Distrib ution Frame
    2. AC Power Cord  (AC-Powered  
    Cab inets Only)
    3. Cab le Slac k Manag er Numb er 1
    4. Trunk/Auxiliary Field
    5. Station Distrib ution Field6. Cab le Slac k Manag er Numb er 2
    7. Cab le Slac k Manag er Numb er 3
    8. System Cab inet(s)
    9. Build ing Cab les (Throug h Cable 
    Tr o u g h )
    10. 10 AWG (#25) (6 mm
    2) Wire to 
    Coup led  Bond ing  Cond uc tor
    r758432b MMR 052996 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-20 Cable Installation 
    nRoute the c ab le from the c ab inet to the wall. Plac e the c ab le b eside 1 of 
    the rows of columns in the cable slack manager.
    Retainers mounted  on the c olumns keep  the c ab le from p rotrud ing  
    above the top of the base of the cable slack manager.
    nDetermine the leng th of the c ab le req uired  to reac h from the c ab le slac k 
    manag er to the assig ned  c onnec ting /terminal b loc k.
    nThe cable must be supported on the wall using “D” rings.
    nCab le slac k is stored  b y c oiling  the c ab le around  the c olumns in the c ab le 
    slac k manag er. The first run should  always g o ac ross the full leng th of the 
    5 c olumns in the c ab le slac k manag er.
    nConnec t the c ab le to the assig ned  c onnec ting /terminal b loc k.
    nAvoid placing copper cables where they may bend or strain fiber optic 
    Install Control Carrier Outputs Cable
    A c onnec tor on the rear of the Control Carrier is lab eled  AUX
    . A 25-pair c able 
    c onnec ts the AUX
     c onnec tor to a 110-typ e terminal b loc k in the yellow field  of 
    the trunk/auxiliary field. The AUX
     c onnec tor outp uts inc lud e the following :
    nAlarm monitoring  for the p roc essor interfac e
    n7 DC p ower (-48 VDC) sourc es for emergenc y transfer units
    n3 DC p ower (-48 VDC) sourc es for remotely p owering  a total of 3 attend ant 
    c onsoles or exec utive voic e terminal ad junc ts
    nThe remote maintenanc e internal mod em c onnec tion loc ation
    nAc c ess to a relay c ontac t is availab le to ac tuate a lig ht, b ell, or similar typ e 
    c ustomer-sup plied  d evic e. The relay c an b e ad ministered to make c ontac t 
    when a major, minor, or warning alarm c ond ition oc c urs in the system
    Label Control Carrier Cable 
    Plac e the ap p rop riate AUX
     c onnec tor lab el on the assig ned  110-type terminal 
    b loc k row. On the c ontrol c arrier c ab le, p lac e a yellow auxiliary lab el on the 
    c onnec tors at eac h end  of the c ab le. Write “ AUX”  on eac h lab el. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-21 Cable Installation 
    Connect Control Carrier Outputs Cable
    Plug  the c onnec tor c ab le in the AUX
     c onnec tor on the rear of the Control Carrier. 
    Route the c onnec tor c ab le throug h the c ab le slac k manag er to the assig ned  
    110-typ e terminal b loc k in the yellow field  of the trunk/auxiliary field.
    Install Trunk Cables Among Network Interface,
    Sneak Fuse Panel, and Cabinet
    The 1-p air of Central Offic e (CO) trunks are installed  b y the network p rovid er in 
    the g reen field . Up  to 24 p airs may b e terminated  on eac h row of the 110-typ e 
    terminal bloc k. Tie trunks also ap p ear in the g reen field  with up  to eig ht 3-p air 
    trunks terminated  on eac h row of the 110-typ e terminal b loc k.
    Select Concentrator Cables
    WP-90929, List 1 and  3 c onc entrator c ab les c an be used  to c onnec t the c ab inet 
    to the 110-typ e terminal b loc ks in the p urp le field . The 1-pair p atc h c ord s/jumper 
    wires are then run from the p urp le terminal b loc k rows to the g reen terminal b loc k 
    rows in ord er to estab lish the c orrec t 3-p air mod ularity. 
    Connect Trunk Pairs Using Concentrator Cables
    Figure 2-12 shows trunk p airs c onnec ted  to the c ab inet with c onc entrator c ables. 
    To install the c ab les:
    1. Connec t B25A c ab les b etween the network interfac e and  sneak fuse 
    p anels.
    2. Connec t A25D c ab les from the sneak fuse p anels to the 110-type terminal 
    b loc k c onnec tors in the g reen field .
    3. Connec t p atc h c ord s/jump er wires from the terminal b loc k in the g reen 
    field  to the assoc iated  terminal b loc k in the p urp le field .
    4. Connec t the sing le-fingered  end  of the c onc entrator c ables to the 
    110-typ e terminal b loc k c onnec tors in the p urp le field  in Step 3.
    5. Connec t the other end  (2/3-fing ered  end ) of the c onc entrator c ab les to the 
    ap p rop riate c arrier slots. Eq uip p ed  c arrier slots are id entified  on the CSD. 
    Mark the nomenc lature strip s ab ove the c arriers to id entify the slots.
    6. Lab el c onnec tors on eac h end  of the c ab les that c onnec t to the c ab inet.
    7. Route the c ab les d own the sid es of the c ab inet and store the exc ess 
    cable slack in the cable slack manager as previously described. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-22 Cable Installation 
    Figure 2-12. Connect Trunk Pairs Using Concentrator Cables Figure Notes:
    1. Trunk/Auxiliary Field
    2. To Control Carrier AUX Connec tor
    3. Conc entrator Cable (WP90929, List 1)
    4. Conc entrator Cable (WP90929, List 3)
    5. A25D (Male-to-Male) Cab le
    6. Alternate Bloc k/Rows7. RJ21X/RJ2GX Network Interface
    8. Sneak Fuse Panel
    9. B25A Cable
    10. Central Offic e Trunks
    11. System Cab inet
    NEW796 THC 031296 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-23 Cable Installation 
    Connect Trunk Pairs to Cabinet Using Jumper
    Wires To Establish 3-Pair Modularity
    Figure 2-13 on p ag e 2-23 and Fig ure 2-14 on p age 2-24 show trunk p airs 
    c onnec ted  to the c ab inet with jump er wires to estab lish 3-p air mod ularity.
    Figure 2-13. 3-Pair Modularity for Trunk Pairs for 1-Pair Trunks
    To c onnec t the trunk p airs to the p urp le field :
    1. Connec t B25A c ab les b etween the network interfac e and  the sneak fuse 
    p anels. See Figure 2-13
    2. Connec t A25D/B25A c ab les from the sneak fuse p anels to the 110-typ e 
    terminal b loc k-typ e c onnec ting  b loc k c onnec tors in the green field .
    3. Connec t 1-p air p atc h c ord s/jump er wires from eac h 110-typ e terminal 
    b loc k row in the g reen field  to the 110-typ e terminal b loc k rows in the 
    p urp le field  for 1-p air Central Offic e (CO) trunks or in Fig ure 2-14 on p ag e 
    2-24 for 3-p air tie trunks. Figure Notes:
    1. Green Field  
    2. 1-Pair Jump ers3. Pairs
    4. Purp le Field
    1 4 7 10 13 16 19 221 4 7 10 13 16 19 22
    1 4 7 1013161922 9 10111213141516 1718192021222324
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install Telecommunications Cabling 
    2-24 Cable Installation 
    Figure 2-14. 3-Pair Modularity for Trunk Pairs for 3-Pair Tie Trunks
    Install Cables Between Cabinet and MDF
    1.Install “ D”  ring s on the wall b etween the c ab le slac k manag er and  the 
    terminal/c onnec ting  b loc ks mounted  on the MDF.
    2. Install a self-adhesive p ort lab el on the b ac k of eac h c onnec tor on the 
    c onnec tor c ab le. Lab els should  b e p ositioned  so they are not c overed  b y 
    the c ab inet c onnec tor retainers.
    3. At the rear of the c ab inet, c onnec t 1 end  of the c onnec tor c ab le to the 
    assig ned  c onnec tor.
    4. Route the c ab le d own the rear of the c ab inet, throug h the c ab le slac k 
    manager, and to the MDF.
    5. At the MDF, c onnec t the other end  of the c ab le to the assig ned  terminal/ 
    c onnec ting b loc k c onnec tor.
    6. Store the cable slack in the cable slack manager.
    7. Rep eat Step s 2 throug h 6 until all c ab les are installed . Figure Notes:
    1. Green Field  
    2. 1-Pair Jump ers3. Pairs
    4. Purp le Field
    12345678910111212345678910111217 16 15 14 13 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
    r758537b MMR 031496 
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