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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-25 Administer System Configurations (Release 8r) 3 Screen 3-5. Typical System-Parameters Maintenance Screen !CAUTION: To prevent unnec essary troub le tic kets, d o not enab le the system alarms (Alarm Orig ination feature) until all installation and ad ministration p roc ed ures are c omp leted . 3. Move the c ursor b y p ressing Ta b to move d own the sc reen from field to field and enter y in the Packet Bus Activated? field to ind ic ate a TN778 c irc uit p ac k is installed. This is the only field need ing c hang e on this sc reen to turn the red LEDs off. 4. Press En t e r when the information is c orrec t. Administer System Configurations (Release 8r) If a Release 8si is installed , skip to ‘‘Ad minister Attend ant Console’’ on p ag e 3-48. Change Customer Options The following features are p art of the b asic software p ac kag e and d o not need to b e ac tivated . They d efault to y (yes) on the Op tional Features Form. nAutomatic Route Selec tion/Automatic Alternate Routing Partitioning nEmerg enc y Ac c ess to the Attend ant change system-parameters maintenance Page 1 of 4 MAINTENANCE-RELATED SYSTEM PARAMETERS OPERATIONS SUPPORT PARAMETERS Product Identification: 1000000000 First OSS Telephone Number: Abbrev Alarm Report? y Second OSS Telephone Number: Abbrev Alarm Report? n Alarm Origination to OSS Numbers: neither Cleared Alarm Notification? n Suspension Threshold: 5 Restart Notification? n Test Remote Access Port? n CPE Alarm Activation Level: none Customer Access to INADS Port? y Repeat Dial Interval (mins): 7 SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Start Time: 01 : 00 Stop Time: 06 : 00 Daily Maintenance: daily Save Translation: daily Command Time-out (hours): 2 Control Channel Interchange: no System Clocks Interchange: no SPE Interchange: no EXP-LINK Interchange: no

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-26 Administer System Configurations (Release 8r) 3 nHosp itality nService Ob serving An “ init” p assword is req uired to modify c ustomer op tions. Contac t your reg ional CSA for the p assword . Use the following p roc ed ure to c hang e the c ustomer’s optional features. 1. At the Command: prompt, type change system-parameters customer-options and press En te r. A d isp lay similar to Sc reen 3-6 ap p ears. Screen 3-6. Typical Customer-Options Form 2. Enab le the op tional features p urc hased b y the c ustomer (as shown b y PEC c od es on the Customer Ord er). In Release 8 systems, a sep arate sc reen offers ASAI c ap ab ility g roup s for selec tion in c ases where the ASAI interfac e has b een enab led . Chang e this sc reen in the same manner as Pag e 1 of the c ustomer-op tions form. display system-parameters customer-options Page 2 of 6 OPTIONAL FEATURES Abbreviated Dialing Enhanced List? n CAS Branch? n Access Security Gateway (ASG)? n CAS Main? n Analog Trunk Incoming Call ID? n Cvg Of Calls Redirected Off-net? n A/D Grp/Sys List Dialing Start at 01? n DCS (Basic)? y Answer Supervision by Call Classifier? n DCS Call Coverage? y ARS? y DCS with Rerouting? y ARS/AAR Partitioning? y DEFINITY Network Admin? y ARS/AAR Shortcut Dialing? n Digital Loss Plan Modification? n ASAI Interface? n DS1 MSP? n ASAI Proprietary Adjunct Links? n Emergency Access to Attendant? y Extended Cvg/Fwd Admin? n Async. Transfer Mode (ATM) Trunking? n External Device Alarm Admin? n ATMS? n Flexible Billing? n Attendant Vectoring? n Forced Entry of Account Codes? n Audible Message Waiting? n Global Call Classification? n Authorization Codes? n (NOTE: You must logoff & login to effect the permission changes.)

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-27 Administer System Configurations (Release 8r) 3 Change and Logoff Critical Reliability System If a c ritic al reliab ility system is installed (1 with b oth p roc essor and PNC d up lic ated ), follow these step s. Otherwise, p roc eed to ‘‘ Change Site-Data’’ on page 3-27. NOTE: Be sure PNC Duplication was set to y in the c ustomer-options form. 1. Log off and log b ac k in as craft . Change Site-Data This form initializes the b uild ing , floor, and c olor d ata to make them availab le later in help messag es that refer to site information. 1. At the Command: prompt, type change site-data and press En te r. The first of 3 p ag es of site d ata ap p ears: 2. Enter op tional names for the b uild ing s or offic es served b y the system. 3. Ac c ess the remaining site-d ata p ag es and fill them in ap p rop riately. Change Cabinet 1 1. Type change cabinet 1 and press En t e r. A screen similar to Sc reen 3-7 ap p ears. 2. Fill in the blanks as req uired b y the loc ation and nature of the c ab inet. If the system is c ritic al reliab ility, verify the B field is set to the p roc essor op tion, the D field is set to the d up -sw-nod e op tion, and the E field is set to the switch-node option.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-28 Administer System Configurations (Release 8r) 3 Screen 3-7. Cabinet Administration form Cabinet Description nCabinet — Disp lay-only field . This field shows the c abinet numb er as entered in the c ommand line. nCabinet Layout — Enter the typ e of p hysic al c arrier layout. Valid entries are five-carrier and single-carrier-stack . Default is b lank. nCabinet Type — Disp lay-only field. This field shows the typ e of c ab inet b eing ad ministered . If c ab inet 01 is b eing ad ministered , this field is p roc essor. If c ab inets 02 throug h 44 are b eing ad ministered , this field is exp ansion-p ortnetwork. nNumber of Port Networks — Enter the numb er of PNs in the c ab inet. Valid entries are 1 (d efault), and 2 . nSurvivable Remote EPN — Displays only if the Cabinet Type field is “ exp ansion-p ortnetwork.” If set to y , the c ab inet has a remote si p roc essor that p rovid es a b ac kup if the links to this c ab inet are inop erative. nSurvivable Remote Processor ID — Disp lays only if the Survivable Remote EPN field is y . Enter the prod uc t ID assig ned to the remote si. This allows DEFINITY Fault Manag ement to know whic h mac hine is the b ac kup for this c abinet. The entry in this field c annot b e the same as the entry in the Production Identification field in the Maintenanc e-Related System Parameters form. nRoom — Enter up to ten c harac ters id entifying the room where the c ab inet is loc ated . Default is b lank. nFloor — Enter up to ten c harac ters identifying the floor in the b uild ing where the c ab inet is loc ated . Default is b lank. Page 1 of 1 CABINET CABINET DESCRIPTION Cabinet: 1 Cabinet Layout: five-carrier_________ Cabinet Type: processor_____________ Number of Portnetworks: 1 Survivable Remote EPN: _ Survivable Remote Processor ID: _____ Room: __________ Floor: __________ Building: __________ CARRIER DESCRIPTION Carrier Carrier Type Number Duplicate C port_____________ PN 01 ___ B processor________ PN 01 ___ A processor PN 01 ___ X Fan D dup-sw-node______ SN 01 01E E switch-node______ SN 01 01D

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-29 Administer System Configurations (Release 8r) 3 nBuilding — Enter up to ten c harac ters id entifying the b uild ing where the c ab inet is loc ated . Default is b lank. Carrier Description nCarrier Type — Enter the typ e of c arrier in the c ab inet b eing ad ministered . Valid entries are dup-switch-node , expansion-control , not-used , port , processor , and switch-node . nNumber — Disp lay-only field . Consists of two field s: the Designator and Number fields. The Designator field c ontains one of the following entries: —PN — If the c arrier is a p ort c arrier, p roc essor c arrier, or unused carrier. —SN — If the c arrier is a switc h nod e c arrier, or d uplic ate switc h nod e c arrier. Th e Number field c ontains either the switc h node numb er or p ort network numb er. nDuplicate — The loc ation for the d up lic ate of a switc h nod e. Only d isp lays when ad ministration of PNC Dup lic ation is enab led. If the Carrier Type is dup-switch-node , the field d isp lays the three-c harac ter c arrier add ress of the d up lic ate. The first two c harac ters rep resent the c ab inet numb er; the third c harac ter rep resents the c arrier (A throug h E). This is a d isp lay-only field if the Carrier Type field is switch-node . Add Cabinet 2 through N (Release 8r) 1. Type add cabinet and press En t e r. See Sc reen 3-8. 2. Fill in the blanks as req uired b y the loc ation and nature of the c ab inet.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-30 Administer Fiber Links (Release 8r Only) 3 Screen 3-8. Typical Add Cabinet Form Administer Fiber Links (Release 8r Only) Ad minister system fib er link c onfig urations to matc h the hardware installed and ac c ord ing to the Fib er Op tic Cab le Running List. NOTE: Fib er link ad ministration interac ts with or d ep end s up on other system features that must b e ad ministered b efore it. Fiber link ad ministration c reates translation d ata by id entifying the end p oint p airs for eac h link. End p oints c an b e: nAn Exp ansion Interfac e (EI) c irc uit p ac k nA Switc h Nod e Interfac e (SNI) c irc uit p ac k Circuit Pack Form After installing the eq uip ment (inc lud ing c irc uit p ac ks), the c irc uit p ac ks must b e ad ministered b efore the fib er link is administered . Refer to DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e for more information. Page 1 of 1 CABINET CABINET DESCRIPTION Cabinet: 5 Cabinet Layout: _____________________ Cabinet Type: expansion-port network Number of Portnetworks: 1 Survivable Remote EPN: _ Survivable Remote Processor ID: _____ Room: __________ Floor: __________ Building: __________ CARRIER DESCRIPTION Carrier Carrier Type Number Duplicate

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-31 Administer Fiber Links (Release 8r Only) 3 The following information d esc ribes general c irc uit pac k ad ministration information: a. Use the Circ uit Pac ks form to ad minister c irc uit p ac ks to c arrier slots. Install or ad minister the c irc uit p ac ks (or assig ned using the Circ uit Pac ks form) b efore ad ministering voic e terminals, attend ant c onsoles, or trunks. b . Eac h p ag e of the form rep resents 1 c arrier in the c ab inet shown on the c ommand line. c . Refer to DEFINITY Communic ations System Generic 3 Planning and Config uration, 555-230-601, for more information ab out c irc uit pac k ad ministration and port assig nment rec ord s. d . For initial installation, assig n c irc uit p ac ks to slots using the hard ware configuration layout record from the fac tory or Customer Services Org anization. Do not arb itrarily assig n c irc uit p ac ks to slots. e. If the c arrier typ e ad ministered on the Cab inet Ad ministration form d oes not matc h the p hysic al hard ware, question marks (??) may d isp lay in the Code fields. f. When a c irc uit p ac k in a slot d iffers from what has b een ad ministered on the form, a “ #” d isp lays b etween the “ Sfx” and “ Name” field s to ind ic ate a conflict. g . For Release 8r, the numb er of slot fields d isp layed represents ad ministrab le slots for the g iven c arrier typ e. Administer Fiber Links on Simplex Systems 1. Ad minister the TN570 Exp ansion Interfac e and the TN574 or TN1654 DS1 Converter circuit packs. Type change circuit packs and press En t e r. See Sc reen 3-9 .

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-32 Administer Fiber Links (Release 8r Only) 3 Screen 3-9. Circuit Packs Screen 2. Sc roll throug h the p ag es on the form until the c arrier c ontaining the new c irc uit p ac ks d isp lays. Enter the c irc uit p ac ks into the ap p rop riate slot loc ations on the form. Press En t e r when finished . 3. Type list fiber and press En te r. All ad ministered fiber c onnec tions display. 4. If a previously used fiber link is to be reused, type add fiber . If this is a new fib er link, typ e add fiber next . Press En t e r. The Fiber Link Ad ministration sc reen ap p ears. Use this form to ad minister fib er links, eac h of whic h is id entified b y a fib er numb er. 5. Type y or n in the field Is one endpoint remoted via DS1 Converter complex? and press En te r. 6. Typ e the loc ation of the TN570 and the TN574 or TN1654 c irc uit pac k for b oth ENDPOINT-1 and ENDPOINT-2. 7. Sc roll to p ag e 2 of the form. Typ e y as ap p lic ab le, in eac h Facility Installed? field (A, B, C, and D). 8. In the Bit Rate: field , typ e either 1.544 (T1) or 2.048 (E1). 9. Typ e the idle c od e in the Idle Code MSB (1) . . . . LSB (8): field . The default value is 11101000 . It is rec ommend ed that the d efault value b e used unless it b ec omes ab solutely nec essary to c hang e it. The “ MSB” means Most Sig nific ant Bit, the “ LSB” means Least Sig nific ant Bit. 10. In the Line Coding: field , enter the line c od ing information. This information should matc h the line c od ing of the fac ility. For T1, examp le line c od ing is b8zs . For E1, examp le line c oding is hdb3 . change circuit-packs Page 1 of 5 CIRCUIT PACKS Cabinet: 1 Carrier: A Carrier Type: processor Slot Code Sf Mode Name Slot Code Sf Mode Name 11: 01: TN754 DIGITAL LINE 12: 02: TN758 POOLED MODEM 13: 03: TN2144 ANALOG LINE 14: 04: TN746 B ANALOG LINE 15: 05: 16: 06: TN771 C MAINTENANCE/TEST 07: TN464 F DS1 INTERFACE 08: TN2140 E&M TIE TRUNK 09: TN767 E DS1 INTERFACE 10: TN799 CONTROL-LAN # indicates circuit pack conflict.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-33 Administer Fiber Links (Release 8r Only) 3 NOTE: If this d ata is not c orrec t, wid eb and errors (multimed ia c all hand ling ) may occ ur. 11. For T1 sites, refer to ‘‘ T1 Installations Only’’. For E1 sites, refer to ‘‘E1 Installations Only’’. T1 Installations Only a. The Framing Mode: field is d isp lay only and shows the hard ware setting . b. The DS1CONV-1 Line Compensation: and the DS1CONV-2 Line Compensation: field s are d isp lay only and show the hard ware setting . c . In the Facility A Circuit ID: field , enter an op tional fac ility name that is uniq ue to eac h fac ility (up to 40 alp hanumeric c harac ters). Press En t e r. d . A d isp lay similar to the following ap p ears after the fib er link ad ministration is c omp leted : RESET PORT-NETWORK 2 LEVEL 2 (COLD) PERFORMED . E1 Installations Only a. Type y or n in the CRC? field . The “ CRC” means Cyc lic Red und anc y Chec k. This is an error d etec tion alg orithm. b. The Line Termination: field is d isp lay only. A 75 (75 Ohms) or 120 (120 Ohms) typ ic ally d isp lays. c . In the Facility A Circuit ID: field , enter an op tional fac ility name that is uniq ue to eac h fac ility (up to 40 alp hanumeric c harac ters). Press En t e r. d . A d isp lay similar to the following ap p ears after the fib er link ad ministration is c omp leted : RESET PORT-NETWORK 2 LEVEL 2 (COLD) PERFORMED . All Installations 1. When the system reset is finished, enter the status port-network 2 c ommand . The Port Network Status sc reen app ears. Verify that PNC Ac tive is “ up ” and that the Servic e State is “ in.” 2. A Sp an LED, on the front of the DS1 Converter c irc uit p ac k, must b e on for eac h ac tive fac ility ad ministered . For examp le, if Fac ility A and Fac ility B are ad ministered , then the top 2 Sp an LEDs on the c irc uit p ac k must be on (yellow). The yellow LEDs are on only if no p rob lems were enc ountered d uring the ad ministration of hard ware. Sp an LEDs assoc iated with non-ad ministered fac ilities (C and D, in this example) should b e off. 3. Perform a test c all, if d esired .

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Accessing and Activating the System 3-34 Administer Fiber Links (Release 8r Only) 3 Administer Fiber Links on Duplex Systems The PNC Dup lic ation feature is enab led on the System-Parameters Customer- Options form and Op eration of Dup lic ation is enab led on the Dup lic ation-Related System-Parameters form. All non-d up lic ated SNIs to SNI fib er links are automatic ally dup lic ated . When PNC Dup lic ation is enab led on the System-Parameters Customer-Op tions form, the following ad ministration forms c hang e: nCab inet Form — Ad d itional field s ap pear to allow ad ministration of switc h nod es to A-PNC and B-PNC sid es of the CSS. The B-PNC is the d up lic ated hard ware for the A-PNC. Either the A-PNC or the B-PNC c an p rovid e full c ustomized servic e. B-PNC c annot b e used in a simp lex PNC configuration. Pairing of switc h nodes is also defined here. nFiber Link Ad ministration Form — Ad d itional field s ap p ear to allow ad ministration of fib er links on the B-PNC sid e of the CSS. If an end p oint on the A-PNC sid e is ad ministered as an SNI, its c orresp ond ing end point on the B-PNC sid e is d etermined (if switc h nod es are p aired in the c ab inet form p rior to this ad ministration) and d isp layed . However, ad ministration of the d uplic ate B-PNC link is not enforc ed until d up lic ation is in full op eration. nDup lic ation-Related System-Parameters Form — An ad d itional field ap p ears to enable op eration of PNC d uplic ation. 1. Type change system-parameters customer-options and press En te r. On Pag e 2 of the form, set the PNC Duplication? field to y . Press En t e r. 2. Type change system-parameters duplication and press En t e r. Chang e the Enable operation of PNC duplication? field to y . Press En te r. 3. Type status pnc and p ress En t e r. Verify the Duplicated ? field is yes . 4. Type list fiber and press En te r. All ad ministered fiber c onnec tions display. 5. If a previously used fiber link is to be reused, type add fiber . If this is a new fib er link, typ e add fiber next . Press En t e r. 6. The Fib er Link Ad ministration form app ears. On Pag e 1, enter the Board Location: for ENDPOINT-1 and ENDPOINT-2. This is the c ab inet, c arrier, and slot that id entifies the physic al loc ation of an SNI or EI c irc uit p ac k that is the first end p oint of the fib er link. Rep eat for the remaining endpoints. 7. The Board Type field is display only and shows the type of circuit pack in Endpoint-1. 8. In the DS1CONV Board Location : field, enter the c ab inet, c arrier, and slot that id entifies the p hysic al loc ation of DS1 Converter c irc uit p ac k in the first end point of the d up lic ate fib er link. End p oint-1’s d up lic ate along with End p oint-2’s dup lic ate make up the d up lic ate fib er link c alled the B-PNC link.