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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-27 TN1654 DS1 Converter (R8r Only) 5 Figure 5-13. DS1 Converter Connections for T1 Service — Part 2 1. Connec t the H600-348 Quad Cab le to the DTE jac ks on eac h of the 4 CSUs. NOTE: You may need an ad ap ter c ab le to c onnec t the H600-348 c ab le to the CSU (see Tab le 5-12 ) Figure Notes 1. H600-348 Quad Cable 2. 15-Pin Male D Connec tors (to DTE Jac ks on CSU) 3. Channel Servic e Unit (CSU) 4. H600-383 Cable (RJ-48C to RJ-48C)5. Network Interfac e 6. Smart Jac k 7. Cab les h1dfcsu3 KLC 0917992 2 2 2 56 4 56 4 56 4 56 4 1A POWERAUX PORT COM PORT MODEM DTENETWORK POWERAUX PORT COM PORT MODEM DTENETWORK POWERAUX PORT COM PORT MODEM DTENETWORK POWERAUX PORT COM PORT MODEM DTENETWORK 3 3 3 3 7

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-28 TN1654 DS1 Converter (R8r Only) 5 2. Connec t one end of the H600-383 c able to the network jac k on the CSU and the other end to the smart jac k. Connection to the remote-located system is the same as that shown in Figure 5-12 and Figure 5-13. Table 5-13 shows the Y cable lengths and associated comcode numbers. NOTE: The d istinc tion b etween fac ility typ es is imp ortant when using TN1654 c irc uit p ac ks. The fac ility used to c arry c ontrol c hannel messages b etween the p air of DS1 c onverter c irc uit p ac ks and all p ac ket traffic is known as the p rimary fac ility. The fac ility used to b ac kup and takeover for the p rimary fac ility in the event of p rimary fac ility failure is known as the sec ond ary fac ility. The TN1654 allows either fac ility, A or B, to b e a p rimary c hannel. The c ontrol c hannel is restric ted to only the A or B fac ilities. This p ermits full 24-c hannel ac c ess (T1) or 31-c hannel ac c ess (E1) for fac ilities C and D to sup p ort user traffic . Table 5-12. Adapter Descriptions Type Color Description Comcode St r a ig h t through Blac k Cab le with a DB15 c onnec tor on one end and an RJ48 c onnec tor on the other848402830 Rollover Gray Cab le with a DB15 c onnec tor on one end and an RJ48 c onnec tor on the other848402848 Null Blac k A DB15M to DB15F rollover/null ad ap ter.407790500 Table 5-13. Y Cable Lengths Length Description Comcode 14 in. (35.6 c m) TN1654 c irc uit p ac k to adjac ent EI c irc uit p ac k or TN573B SNI c irc uit p ac k in same carrier847245750 70 in. (178 c m) TN1654 c irc uit p ac k to EI c irc uit p ac k or SNI c irc uit p ac k in another c arrier847245768 14 in. (35.6 c m) TN1654 c irc uit p ac k to fib er op tic transc eiver (DC-p owered c ab inets only). This c ab le is for interc ab inet c ab ling only.847245776

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-29 TN1654 DS1 Converter (R8r Only) 5 Customer-provided CSU Cabling For certain markets with 120-ohm E1 service, the service provider provides a unit comparable to the CSU. Figure 5-14 shows a typical connection from the H600-348 Quad Cable customer-provided network-interface equipment. 1. Connec t the H600-348 Quad Cab le to the DTE jac ks on the network-interfac e eq uip ment. NOTE: You may need an ad ap ter c ab le to c onnec t the H600-348 c ab le to the c ustomer-p rovided network-interfac e eq uip ment (see Ta b l e 5-12). Figure 5-14. DS1 Converter Connections for 120-ohm E1 Service — Part 2 Figure Notes 1. H600-348 Quad Cable 2. 15-p in male D c onnec tors (to DTE jac ks on customer-provided network-interface eq uip ment)3. Customer-provided network-interfac e equip ment 4. Network interfac e h1dfcsu2 LJK 020300 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 3 1A

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-30 TN1654 DS1 Converter (R8r Only) 5 75-ohm E1 Interface Cabling For certain markets with 75-ohm E1 service, the DS1 converter requires an adapter to convert the 120 ohms to 75 ohms. Figure 5-15 shows the 127A BALUN coaxial adapter. NOTE: Althoug h the TN1654 DS1 c onverter sup p orts 75 ohms, use the 127A BALUN to c onvert the 120 ohms to 75 ohms rather than the switch setting s. Figure 5-15. 127A BALUN Coaxial Adapter Figure Notes 1. 127A BALUN c oaxial adap ter 2. Connec t to q uad c able (H600-348 or similar) 3. BCN Connections to E1 network eq uip ment4. Sing le-p oint g round c onnec tion 5. > = 0.75 mm 2 (18 AWG) g round wire to g round terminal at MDF h1df127b KLC 021500 127A1 08 0 3 2 3 0 1 A 120T R B 120T R C 120T R D 120T R 75 75 75 75E1 120/75 BALUN 1 2 3 44 5

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-31 TN1654 DS1 Converter (R8r Only) 5 Figure 5-16 shows a typical connection. Figure 5-16. DS1 Converter Connections for E1 75-ohm Service — Part 2 Mounting Procedure 1. Mount the 127A vertic ally near the main distrib ution frame (MDF). The 127A c ase has tab s for sc rew-mounting and c utouts for snap -mounting the unit in a 89-typ e mounting b rac ket. 2. Attac h a g round wire (req uired ) b etween the 127A and the MDF g round terminal bar. The wire must b e g reen/yellow and no smaller than 0.75 mm 2 (18 AWG). 3. Strip b oth ends of an ap p rop riate leng th of wire. 4. Insert one end of the wire into the MDF g round b ar and sec ure. Figure Notes 1. H600-348 q uad c ab le 2. 15-p in male D c onnec tors 3. 127A BALUN c oaxial adap ter 4. BNC c onnec tors (transmit/rec eive) c orresp ond ing to eac h fac ility5. E1 network c onnec tion 6. Network interfac e 7. > = 0.75 mm 2 (18 AWG) g round wire to g round terminal at MDF h1dfcsu1 KLC 021400 1 2 2 2 2 35 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6127A108032301 A 120T R B 120T R C 120T R D 120T R 75 75 75 75 E1 120/75 BALUN 4 4 4 4 A 7

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-32 Off-Premises Station Wiring 5 5. Insert the other end into the sc rew-c onnec tion in the end of the 127A and sec ure. See Fig ure 5-15 . NOTE: In Norway, Swed en, Denmark, and Finland , the 127A c an b e used only with MCCs or DC-p owered SCCs. 6. Connec t the H600-348 Quad Cab le to the 4 DB-15 c onnec tors p rovid ed on the 127A ad ap ter. 7. Connec t the transmit c onnec tors to the c onnec tors marked T and the rec eiver c onnec tors to the c onnec tors marked R. 8. Connec t the other end of the c ables to whatever c onnec ts to the network. Off-Premises Station Wiring The cabling outside the building for off-premises stations is provided by the local telephone company. The off-premises stations can appear on any of the RJ21X network interfaces provided for the Central Office (CO) trunks. !CAUTION: Only an FCC-ap p roved (or eq uivalent) analog type telep hone, for examp le, a 2500-typ e, c an b e used as an off-p remises station. The TN746B and TN2183 Analog Line c irc uit p ac ks c an b e used for off-premises stations. 1. Connec t an A25D c ab le b etween the RJ21X network interfac e and a sneak fuse p anel. See ‘‘ Install Sneak Fuse Panels’’ in Chap ter 2, ‘‘Install Telec ommunic ations Cabling’’. 2. At the MDF, c onnec t jump er wires b etween 1 row/c onnec ting b loc k in the g reen field and up to 3 rows/c onnec ting b loc ks in the p urp le field to c onc entrate the analog line p airs. 3. Connec t an A25D c ab le b etween the sneak fuse p anel and the 110-typ e terminal b loc k c onnec tor assoc iated with the g reen row in Step 2. 4. Install a g reen lab el on the 110-typ e terminal b loc k to id entify the remote loc ation. 5. Ad minister p er DEFINITY Enterprise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e. Off-Premises or Out-of-Building Stations Out-of-building campus stations are those telephones/voice terminals not physically located in the same building as the equipment room but are located on the same proper ty.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-33 Off-Premises or Out-of-Building Stations 5 Analog Off-Premises Stations Figure 5-17 shows the connections for 1 to 8 off-premises analog telephones. Only analog telephones connected to TN742, TN746B, TN2183, or TN769 Analog Line circuit packs can be installed out-of-building. The maximum distance from the system cabinet to the out-of-building voice terminal is 6000 feet (1828.8 meters) using 24 AWG (#5) (0.26 mm 2)wire. Figure 5-17. Connections for Up to 8 Out-of-Building Analog Telephones Figure Notes 1. Loc ally Eng ineered Cab les and Eq uip ment 2. Out-of-Building Wiring 3. 25-Pair Connec tor 4. Multi-Pair Protec tor Units (Primary Protec tors with Heat Coils or Eq uivalent with Sneak Current Protec tion) 5. 356A Ad ap ter 6. B25A Cable 7. Out-Of-Build ing Analog Telep hones8. Part of MDF 9. Station Side 10. System Sid e 11. White Field 12. Purp le Field 13. Cross-Connec t Jump ers 14. Tip and Ring Wires 15. To Analog Line Circ uit Pac k 8 7 1 910 11 1314 15 12 0043_0 RBP 062796 2 446 6 533

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-34 Off-Premises or Out-of-Building Stations 5 Figure 5-18 shows the connections for up to 24 off-premises analog telephones. Concentrations of analog line pairs are used at both buildings to minimize the off-premises wiring required. At the MDF, connect jumpers between 1 row/connecting block in the white field and up to 3 rows/connecting blocks in the purple field. At the station location, a WP-90929, List 1 Concentrator Cable is used. There are 8 station appearances on each of the 3 fingers of the concentrator cable. Figure 5-18. Connections to 24 Out-of-Building Telephones Figure Notes 1. Locally Engineered Cables and Equipment 2. 25-Pair Connector 3. Multi-Pair Protector Units (Primary Protectors with Heat Coils or Equivalent with Sneak Current Protection) 4. B25A Cable 5. Concentrator Cable (WP90929 List 1) 6. 356A Adapter 7. Out-of-Building Wiring8. Out-Of-Building Analog Telephones 9. Part of Main Distribution Frame (MDF) 10. Station Side 11. System Side 12. White Field 13. Purple Field 14. Cross-Connect Jumpers 15. Tip and Ring Wires 16. To Analog Line Circuit Pack 8 7 1 9 1011 1213 141516 0044_0 RBP 062796 22 4 4 4 4 6 6533

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-35 Off-Premises or Out-of-Building Stations 5 Carbon block, or equivalent protection is required at both building entrances. Also sneak current protection is required. Protection can be provided by a 4-type protector or a 3-type protector plus a separate sneak current protector. The 4-type protector is equipped with a heat coil. The 4-type protector is the preferred device. For installations not using primary protection, 4-type protectors should always be used. When the 3-type protector is already installed, a separate sneak current protector is required. The multi-pair protector units and the off-premises cabling must be locally engineered. Connectorized multi-pair protector units (female 25-pair connector) are recommended. Table 5-14 shows the recommended protectors. The maximum range of out-of-building analog telephones (500-, 2500-, or 7100-types) connected to an analog line circuit pack should be such that the maximum loop resistance does not exceed 1300 ohms. The following voice terminals/telephones cannot be installed in an exposed environment: n7300-type voice terminals connected to TN762 Hybrid Line circuit packs nMulti-button Electronic Telephone (MET) sets connected to TN735 MET Line circuit packs nAnalog telephones connected TN746 Analog Line circuit packs Table 5-14. Analog Line Circuit Protectors Protectors Primary 1 1. The 3-type p rotectors should only b e used if they are already part of the existing p rotec tion system. A sneak c urrent p rotec tor is always req uired when a 3-typ e primary p rotec tor is used. Primary (with heat coil)Sneak Current Protectors2 2. A sneak c urrent p rotector is always req uired when a 3-typ e primary protector is used . 3B1A (c arb on) 4B1C (c arb on) 220029 Fuse 3B1E-W (wide gap gas tube)4B1E-W (wide gap gas tube)SC P- 1 3C1S (solid state)4C1S (solid state)

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-36 Off-Premises or Out-of-Building Stations 5 Digital Out-of-Building Voice Terminals Protection is required at both building entrances for digital out-of-building voice terminals. There are 2 different types of protectors that can be used to protect digital voice terminals and digital line circuit packs in an out-of-building environment. The 2 enhanced protectors to use are the 4C3S-75 and the ITW Linx. These units provide primary and sneak current protection. For sneak current protection, the 4C3S-75 is equipped with a heat coil and the ITW Linx is equipped with replaceable fuses. The 4C3S-75 may only be used with Vintage 14 or newer TN754 circuit packs. The 4C3S-75 can be used on all vintages of the TN754B circuit packs. The ITW Linx may be used on all vintages of the TN754 and TN754B circuit packs. Ta b l e 5-15 lists the approved protectors. Protector Ordering Information Description Comcode 3B1A (Carbon Bloc k) 102381779 3B1E-W (Wid e Gap Gas Tub e) 104410147 3C1S (Solid State) 105514756 4B1C (Carb on Bloc k with Heat Coil) 102904893 4B1E-W (Wid e Gap Gas Tub e w/Heat Coil) 104401856 4C1S (Solid State with Heat Coil) 104386545 SCP-110 Sneak Current Protec tor 406948976 220029 Fuse (sneak c urrent p rotec tor) 407216316 Table 5-15. Digital Voice Circuit Protectors Circuit PackEnhanced Primary Protector (With Sneak Current Protection) TN754 V13 or earlier ITW Linx Only TN754 V14 or later 4C3S-75 or ITW Linx TN754B all vintag es 4C3S-75 or ITW Linx TN2181 all vintag es 4C3S-75 or ITW Linx TN2224 all vintag es 4C3S-75 or ITW Linx