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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual

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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-137 Add IP Interface 
    If administered locally on a monitor, keyboard, and mouse:
    1. Press 
    CTRL, ALT, and  DEL simultaneously.
    2. Type administrator
     in the User Name
     field .
    3. Type iptrunk
     in the Password
     field  and  c lic k OK
    4. After log g ing  on for the first time, c hang e the ad ministrator p assword and , 
    if d esired , the user name, to ensure sec urity. See your Wind ows NT server 
    d oc umentation for d etails.
    Assign Server and Domain Names
    The Windows NT server identifies servers using a server name plus a domain 
    name that locates the named server in a particular part of the network. The 
    TN802B IP Interface is shipped with generic server and domain names. Assign 
    replacement names that are meaningful within your network. 
    1. Click on My Computer > Control Panel > Network
    2. Selec t the Identification
     tab , then c lic k Change
    3. Typ e the new server name in the Computer Name 
    field .
    4. Typ e the new d omain name in the Domain
     field and  c lic k OK > OK > 
    5. When p romp ted  to reb oot the c omp uter, selec t one of the following  
    op tions:
     if you have not assigned  IP ad d resses then g o to ‘‘Assig n an IP 
    nYe s
     if you have assigned  IP ad dresses. 
    6. Restart Wind ows NT to effec t the c hang es.
    When c onnec ted  remotely via p c ANYWHERE, only use the p c ANYWHERE 
    Restart Host Computer button on the toolbar to restart Windows NT.
    Assign an IP Address
    1. Click on My Computer > Control Panel > Network
    2. Click the Protocols
     tab .
    3. Select TCP/IP Protocol 
    from the list. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-138 Add IP Interface 
    4. Click the Properties
     op tion in the Network wind ow. 
    5. Verify that the Adapter
     drop  d own menu lists 2 DEC Ethernet ad ap ters.
    Do not c hange any setting s on the ad ap ter lab eled  [ 1] . 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-139 Add IP Interface 
    6. Selec t the DEC Ethernet ad ap ter lab eled  [ 2] .
    7. Typ e a valid  IP ad d ress for the IP Interfac e server in the IP Address:
    field .
    8. Typ e the ap p rop riate sub net mask in the Subnet Mask:
    Not all networks req uire step s 9 throug h 18. Chec k with the loc al 
    network ad ministrator to determine whic h are req uired .
    9. If you use g ateways, type the IP ad d ress of the d efault g ateway for the IP 
    Interfac e server in the Default Gateway:
    10. Clic k on the DNS tab  and  verify that the d omain DNS server is c orrec t. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-140 Add IP Interface 
    11. Typ e d omain name in the Domain
     field .
    12. If using  DNS, c lic k 
    Add  under the DNS Service Search Order
     field  and 
    type its IP ad d ress.
    13. Clic k on the WINS Ad dress tab . 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-141 Add IP Interface 
    14. Make sure the [ 2]  DEC shows in the Adapter
    15. If WINS server is availab le, typ e its IP ad d ress in the Primary WINS 
     field .
    16. If DNS is availab le, selec t Enable DNS for Windows Resolution
    17. If the network uses an imp orted LMHOSTS file, selec t Enable LMHOSTS 
    and Import LMHOSTS
     and c lic k OK
    18. If the following  d ialog  b ox op ens, c lic k Ye s
    At least one of the adapter cards has an empty primary 
    WINS address. Do you want to continue?
    19. Clic k the Bindings
     tab  to effec t the c hang es.
    NetBIOS Interface, Server, and Workstation should now be enabled. If any 
    are d isab led  (a red  c irc le with a line throug h it), review the p revious 
    network-c onfig uration step s for omissions or errors.
    20. Clic k Close
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-142 Add IP Interface 
    If administered remotely through pcANYWHERE:
    21. Clic k on the p c ANYWHERE Restart Host Comp uter b utton on the toolb ar 
    to restart the c omputer.
    If administered locally on a monitor, keyboard, and mouse:
    21. Clic k Ye s
     in the d ialog  b ox to restart the c omp uter. 
    When c onnec ted  remotely via p c ANYWHERE, only use the p c ANYWHERE 
    Restart Host Computer button on the toolbar to restart Windows NT.
    Check Network Services
    When the server restarts, make sure that the required network services have 
    started correctly. If you see an error dialog box, then the network services did not 
    start correctly. Also, check the NT Event Log.
    1. Click on My Computer > Control Panel > Network > Services. 
    sure that the following  servic es are listed:
    nComp uter Browser
    nMic rosoft Internet Information Server 2.0
    nNetBIOS Interfac e
    nRPC Config uration
    nSe r ve r
    2. Click the Protocols 
    tab , and examine the Network Protoc ols. TCP/IP 
    p rotoc ol should  b e the only one listed .
    3. Click OK
    Test the External Connection to the LAN
    To test the external IP connections, ping the IP Interface server and ping a known 
    computer connected to your network.
    1. Click Start > Programs > Command Prompt
    2. Type ping 
    nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (whic h is your IP ad d ress).
    nIf everything  is c onfigured  c orrec tly, the system respond s with the 
    following message:
    Reply from nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn: bytes=32 time
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-143 Add IP Interface 
    3. At the c ommand p romp t, type ping nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (whic h is the IP 
    ad d ress of your g ateway). 
    nIf everything  is c onfigured  c orrec tly, the system respond s with the 
    following message:
    Reply from nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn: bytes=32 time Settings > Control Panel > 
    . Selec t the Adapters
     tab  and  hig hlight the [ 2]  DEC 
    ad ap ter.
    nClic k Properties > Change
    nFrom the Duplex Mod e d ropd own menu, selec t a setting  that 
    matc hes the switc h/hub  that the TN802B c onnec ts to. For examp le, 
    10BaseT Full Dup lex or 10BaseT No Link Test
    4. At the c ommand p romp t, type ping 
    nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (whic h is the IP 
    ad d ress of another external c omp uter beyond  the g ateway). 
    nIf you have c onnec tivity, the system respond s with the following  
    messag e:
    Reply from nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn: bytes=32 time Programs > Command Prompt
    2. Type ping (whic h is the IP ad d ress of the internal IP Interfac e 
    nIf everything  is c onfigured  c orrec tly, the system respond s with the 
    following message:
    Reply from bytes=32 time
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-144 Add IP Interface 
    3. At the c ommand  p romp t, typ e ping (whic h is the IP ad d ress of 
    the internal p roc essor). 
    nIf you have c onnec tivity, the system respond s with the following  
    messag e:
    Reply from bytes=32 time
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-145 Add IP Interface 
    Upgrade the IP Interface
    1. Insert the flash disk into the rig ht most slot on the TN802B IP Interfac e. On 
    the terminal, a d ialog  b ox assig ns a d rive letter; the d efault is (D:). 
    2. Rig ht click on Start > Explore
     to op en the Wind ows NT Exp lore p ane and 
    selec t the d rive letter ind ic ated  in step  1
    3. Double-clic k on Medpro 
    and  selec t the Setup  ic on.
    4. Follow the Install Shield  p roc ed ure to transfer all the nec essary files to the 
    TN802 IP Interfac e. In the Finish d ialog  b ox, selec t I will restart 
    5. Click on Start > Settings > Control Panel > Services
    6. Select IP Trunk 
    and click on Startup
    7. Under Startup Type, select Disabled
     and  c lic k OK
     to d isab le IP Trunk 
    mod e.
    8. Select MedPro 
    and c lic k on Startup
    9. Under Startup Type, select Automatic
     and  c lic k OK
     to enab le Med Pro 
    mod e.
    10. Clic k Start > Shut Down
     and  selec t Restart the computer?
    Press the rec essed  reset b utton on the fac ep late (see Fi g u re  5 - 5 0
    ) of the 
    TN802B IP Interfac e until the LCD shows a flashing  MSHUT *
    . When the 
    flashing  stop s and  the asterisk d isap p ears (ab out 2 min), it is safe to 
    remove the c irc uit pac k.
    11. After the TN802B is shut d own, unlatc h and  p ull it out ab out 2 in. (5 c m) 
    then re-insert it to restart the system. Or typ e reset board
     and  press 
    En t e r 
    on the SAT. Onc e the system is c omp letely initialized, the LCD read s 
    MEDPRO *
    12. Affix the new TN802B lab el to the c irc uit p ac k.
    13. Disc onnec t the monitor, keyb oard , and  mouse. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    5-146 Installing an Integrated Channel Service Unit (ICSU) Module 
    Circuit Pack Verification
    1. Type change circuit-pack
     and  p ress En te r.
    2. Chec k the Cod e c olumn to see if it says DSMAPD or Med Pro.
    3. To c orrec t it, g o to the entry just above the TN802B that says DSMAPD.
    4. Type MEDPRO, and press 
    En t e r. Changing  the one entry automatic ally 
    c hang es the entry ab ove it. If it is in IP Trunk mode, you g et the following 
    error message:
    MedPro type requires TN802 with application. Type 
    MEDPRO on circuit-packs form.
    Installing an Integrated Channel
    Service Unit (ICSU) Module
    The integrated channel service unit (ICSU) is a combination of a 120A CSU 
    module integrated with a DS1 circuit pack. Use this device with the 700A DS1 
    loopback jack when testing the DS1 span. 
    Checking for required components
    The integrated channel service unit (ICSU) package contains:
    n120A CSU module
    nCable H600-383
    4-pair modular cord
    Group  2, 50-ft (15.2 m) c ab le (stand ard )
    change circuit-packs                                            Page   1 of   5 
                                  CIRCUIT PACKS                                     
            Cabinet: 1                            Carrier: A
                                             Carrier Type: processor        
     Slot Code  Sf Mode   Name               Slot Code  Sf Mode   Name
    02: TN758  POOLED MODEM  13: TN802  B  MAPD BOARD
    03: TN2144  ANALOG LINE  14: 
    04: TN746  B  ANALOG LINE  15: 
    05 16:         
    06: TN771  C  MAINTENANCE/TEST  
    07: TN464  F  DS1 INTERFACE     
    08: TN2140  E&M TIE TRUNK     
    09: TN767  E  DS1 INTERFACE     
    10: TN799  B  CONTROL-LAN       
      # indicates circuit pack conflict. 
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