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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-5 Installation Requirements 2 Installation Requirements Sneak Fuse Panels and Emergency Transfer Units Ap p roximately 8 in. (20 c m) of horizontal wall sp ac e is req uired for eac h c olumn of sneak fuse p anels. Up to 25 c onnec tor p airs c an b e p rotec ted b y eac h p anel. Horizontal wall sp ac e must also be p rovided for emerg enc y transfer units. 110-Type Hardware The trunk/auxiliary field and the d istrib ution field are mounted on the same wall. Eac h 110P-typ e terminal b loc k is 8.5 in. (21.6 c m) wide. Vertic al p atc h c ord troug hs are 5.31 in. (13.4 c m) wid e and horizontal patc h c ord troughs are 23 in. (58.4 c m) wid e. Eac h 110A-typ e terminal b loc k is 10.81 in. (27.4 c m) wid e; however, no horizontal p atc h c ord troug hs are used and the b loc ks are shorter than 110P-typ e terminal b loc ks. This allows the 110A-typ e terminal bloc ks to be stac ked . Therefore, the 110A-typ e hard ware req uires less sp ac e than the 110P-typ e hard ware on a p er-station b asis. Cable Slack Manager A Cable Slac k Manager is 32 in. (81.3 cm) wide. The quantity of which is d etermined b y d ivid ing the total leng th of the MDF in in. (c m) b y 32 (81.3). A p artial numb er of 0.4 or less should b e rounded d own, and a p artial numb er of 0.5 or more should b e round ed up (for examp le: 2.4 = 2 c ab le slac k manag ers and 2.5 = 3 c able slac k manag ers). NOTE: Cable c lamp s are req uired in installations with c able slac k manag ers. At the rear of the c ab inets, on eac h rear g round p late, install 2 c ab le c lamp s using the sc rews p rovid ed . These c lamp s hold the 25-p air inp ut/output or MDF c ab les in p lac e.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-6 Install Equipment and Cables 2 Install Equipment and Cables Hardware Installation The following proc ed ures assume 1 system tec hnic ian is p erforming the installation. Proc edures are p rovid ed for installing the following : nMain Distrib ution Frame (MDF) nCab le Slac k Manag ers nSneak Fuse Panels nLab els for the Main Distrib ution Frame Install the Main Distribution Frame The p referred MDF loc ation is d irec tly b ehind the system c ab inets. Wall Mounting 110A-Type Terminal Blocks The 110A-typ e hard ware c an b e stac ked in almost any arrang ement at any heig ht or loc ation on the wall. One arrang ement is shown in Fig ure 2-3 . The d istanc e b etween the mounting sc rew holes on the terminal b loc ks is 10.81 in. (27.4 c m). If a vertic al patc h c ord trough is used , the distanc e b etween the mounting sc rew holes is 5.31 in. (13.3 c m).

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-7 Install Equipment and Cables 2 Figure 2-3. 110A-Type Terminal Blocks (300-Pair) Figure Notes 1. 4 ft (1.22 m) 2. 6.6 ft (2 m) 3. 7.68 in. (19.5 c m) 4. 7/8-in. (2.22 c m) 5. 5.31 in. (13.5 c m)6. 47.5 in. (120.6 c m) 7. Horizontal Line 8 . AC Po w e r St r ip 9. Floor Line r758420b MMR 031496

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-8 Install Equipment and Cables 2 Wall Mounting 110P-Type Terminal Blocks The first terminal b loc k of the trunk/auxiliary field is alig ned with the left sid e of the system c ab inet. See Fig ure 2-4 . This arrang ement allows for g rowth on the rig ht sid e of the MDF. Figure 2-4. 110P-Type Terminal Blocks (900-Pair) Figure Notes 1. 4 ft (1.22 m) 2. Horizontal Line 3. 7.68 in. (19.5 c m) 4. 47.5 in. (120.6 c m) 5. 5.31 in. (13.5 c m)6. 7/8-in. (2.22 c m) 7. 23 in. (58.4 c m) 8. 8 ft (2.43 m) 9 . AC Po w e r St r ip 10. Floor Line r758421bMMR031496

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-9 Install Equipment and Cables 2 1. If you are installing 300-p air terminal bloc ks, d raw a level horizontal line on the wall 47.5 in. (1.2 m) ab ove the floor. See Fi g u re 2 - 3 . If you are installing 900-p air terminal bloc ks, d raw a level horizontal line on the wall 23 in. (58.4 c m) ab ove the floor. See Fig ure 2-4 . 2. To mount the first trunk/auxiliary field terminal b loc k, p artially install 2 3/4-in. #12 wood sc rews, 7-11/16 in. (19.5 c m) ap art on the left sid e of the horizontal line on the wall. 3. Slid e the b ottom terminal b loc k ft onto the mounting sc rews and mark the upper mounting screw locations. 4. Remove the terminal b loc k and p artially install the up p er mounting sc rews. 5. Plac e the terminal b loc k on the mounting sc rews and tighten the sc rews. 6. If installing a vertic al patc h c ord trough, p artially install the first sc rew for the p atc h c ord troug h, on the line, 7/8-in. (2.2 c m) to the right of the p revious sc rew. Partially install the sec ond mounting sc rew 5.31 in. (13.5 c m) to the rig ht of the sc rew just installed . Rep eat Step s 3, 4, and 5. 7. If another trunk/auxiliary field terminal bloc k is to b e installed , p artially install the first sc rew for the terminal b loc k, on the line, 7/8-in. (2.2 c m) to the rig ht of the p revious sc rew. Partially install the sec ond mounting sc rew 7-11/16 in. (19.5 c m) to the rig ht of the sc rew just installed . Rep eat Step s 3, 4, and 5. 8. If a horizontal p atc h c ord troug h is to b e installed , install it, on the line, b etween the trunk/auxiliary field and the d istrib ution field . 9. To install the first d istrib ution field terminal b loc k, p artially install 2 3/4-in., #12 wood sc rews, 7-11/16 in. (19.5 c m) ap art on the line, to the rig ht of the vertic al p atc h c ord troug h. Rep eat Step s 3, 4, and 5. 10. If installing another d istrib ution field terminal b loc k, partially install the first sc rew for the terminal b loc k, on the line, 7/8-in. (2.2 c m) to the rig ht of the p revious sc rew. Partially install the sec ond mounting sc rew 7-11/16 in. (19.5 c m) to rig ht of the sc rew just installed . Rep eat Step s 3, 4, and 5. 11. If installing a vertic al p atc h c ord troug h in the d istrib ution field , rep eat Step 6. 12. Rep eat Step s 10 and 11 until all the terminal b loc ks and vertic al p atc h c ord troug hs in the distrib ution field are installed .

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-10 Install Equipment and Cables 2 Frame Mounting 110P-Type Terminal Blocks The 900-pair 110P-typ e terminal b loc ks and the assoc iated p atc h c ord troug hs c an also b e mounted on a free-stand ing , floor-mounted 1110A2 App aratus Mounting Frame. See Fi g u re 2 - 5 . Figure 2-5. 1110A2 and 1110C1 Apparatus Mountings Figure Notes: 1. 1110C1 Ap p aratus Mounting 2. 1110A2 App aratus Mounting 3. 76 in. (193 c m)4. 88.5 in. (225 c m) 5. 43.5 in. (110.5 c m) r781401 LJK 040896

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-11 Install Cable Slack Managers 2 Eac h 1110A2 p rovid es the sp ac e to mount 5 terminal b loc ks/p atc h c ord troug hs on eac h sid e of the frame. A c able sup p ort struc ture, ap p aratus mounting 1110C1, mounts d irec tly on top of the 1110A2 and p rovid es sup p ort for all c ab les routed to and from the frame. Install Cable Slack Managers 1. Plac e the Z113A Cab le Slac k Manag er against the wall under the MDF. See Fi g u re 2 - 6 . Alig n the left sid e of the c ab le slac k manag er with the first terminal b loc k of the trunk/auxiliary field . 2. Plac e the next c ab le slac k manag er b eside the p reviously installed unit. Alig n the tab s and interloc ks and snap the units tog ether. 3. Repeat Step 2 until all cable slack managers are installed. NOTE: Nine 1/4-in. holes (0.63 c m) are p rovided in a c ab le slac k manager b ase if earthq uake mounting is req uired . If a b ase is mounted on an uneven floor, shims may b e req uired for leveling and to assure p roper fit of the c overs. Holes are p rovid ed in the sid es of the base for b olting c able slac k manag er tog ether. Bolts and shims must b e ob tained loc ally. 4. The system cables will route through the cable slack manager as shown. Complete cable routing is covered later in this chap ter. Apparatus Mounting Frame Ordering Information Code Number Description Comcode 1110A2 Ap p aratus Mounting Frame 104032495 1110C1 Cab le Sup p ort Assemb ly 104175120 1110A1 End Dress Panel 104176268 2110A1 Top Dress Panel 104176276 2110B1 Bottom Dress Panel 104176284

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-12 Off-Premises Circuit Protection 2 Figure 2-6. Cable Routing Through Cable Slack Manager Cab le c lamp s are req uired in installations with c ab le slac k managers. At the rear of the c ab inets, install 2 c ab le c lamp s using the sc rews p rovided . These c lamp s hold the 25-p air input/outp ut or MDF c ab les in p lac e. Fig ure 2-6 shows cab le c lamp p lac ement and c ab le routing . Off-Premises Circuit Protection Protec tion from hazard ous voltag es and c urrents is req uired for all off-p remises (out of b uild ing ) trunks, lines, and terminal installations. Both over-voltag e p rotec tion (lig htning, p ower ind uc tion, and so forth), and sneak c urrent p rotec tion are req uired . Sneak c urrent protec tors must b e either UL listed /CSA c ertified , or must c omp ly with loc al safety standard s. Sneak c urrent p rotec tors must have a maximum rating of 350 mA, and a minimum voltag e rating of 600V, or as req uired b y loc al reg ulations. The following d evic es protec t the system from over-voltag es: nAnalog trunks use the 507B sneak p rotec tor or eq uivalent. Over-voltage p rotec tion is normally p rovided b y the loc al telep hone c omp any. Figure Notes: 1. System Cab inet 2. Cab le Slac k Manager 3. Cab le Clamp4. Sp are Center Troug hs 5. Cabinet Trough for Port Cab les cbdfflr CJL 102396

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-13 Install Sneak Fuse Panels 2 nAnalog voic e terminals use one of the following typ es of c omb ined over-voltag e and sneak c urrent p rotec tion, or eq uivalent: — Carb on b loc k with heat c oil for UL c od e 4B1C — Gas tub e with heat c oil for UL c od e 4B1E-W — Solid state with heat c oil for UL c ode 4C1S nDCP and ISDN-BRI terminals use the solid state 4C3S-75 with heat c oil p rotec tor, or eq uivalent nDS1/E1/T1 c irc uits req uire isolation from exp osed fac ilities. This isolation may b e p rovid ed b y a CSU (T1), LIU (E1), or other equip ment that p rovid es eq uivalent p rotec tion Install Sneak Fuse Panels Sneak c urrent p rotec tion is req uired b etween the inc oming RJ21X or RJ2GX network interfac e and the system for b oth trunk and off-p remise c irc uit p ac ks. The Model 507B sneak c urrent fuse panel, or eq uivalent, is rec ommend ed for sneak c urrent p rotec tion. See Fi g u re 2 - 7 . The panel c ontains two 25-p air c onnec tors, fuse removal tool, and fifty 220029 Sneak Fuses (and 2 sp ares). B25A c onnec tor c ab les c onnec t the network interfac e to the sneak fuse p anel. Also, 157B c onnec ting bloc ks eq uip p ed with SCP-110 p rotec tors c an b e used for sneak c urrent p rotec tion. NOTE: Sneak c urrent p rotec tors with a rating of 350 mA at 600 Volts must b e UL listed for domestic installation and CSA c ertified for Canad ian installation. The 507B inc lud es 52 sneak fuses and 2 c ab les and c an b e ord ered using PEC c od e 63210. The SCP-110 p rotec tors are used with 110-typ e hard ware and on the 507B Sneak Fuse Panel. The SCP-110 Protec tors c an be ord ered sep arately and installed on the 157B c onnec ting bloc k. Fifty p rotec tors are req uired p er block. Table 2-1. Sneak Fuse Panel Ordering Information Description Comcode 157B Connec ting Bloc k 403613003 SCP-110 Protec tor 406948976 507B Sneak Current Fuse Panel 107435091 220029 Sneak Current Fuse 407216316

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install Telecommunications Cabling 2-14 Install Sneak Fuse Panels 2 Figure 2-7. Model 507B Sneak Fuse Panel 1. Loc ate the 507B near the network interfac e or the MDF. 2. Hold the p anel ag ainst the mounting surfac e and mark the mounting sc rew loc ations. Drill p ilot holes at the marked loc ations and partially install a loc ally ob tained #12 x 3/4-in. sc rew into the 2 b ottom mounting slots. 3. Slid e the sneak fuse p anel onto the mounting sc rews and tighten the sc rews sec urely. 4. Install a loc ally ob tained #12 x 3/4-in. sc rew into the top 2 mounting slots and tig hten sec urely. 5. Rep eat the p roc ed ure for eac h sneak fuse p anel. Figure Notes: 1. Sneak Fuse Panel 2. 25-Pair Male Connec tor (In)3. 25-Pair Female Connec tor (Out) 4. 220029 Fuses (Insid e Panel). Use Sm a ll Sc re w d ri v e r t o Pr y To p C o v e r O ff Sneak Current Protector 507B sneak CJL 032096