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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual

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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Cable Ductwork 
    Table C-2. Installation Sequence 
    Step Group Remarks
    1 41 Install basic  d uc twork on eac h c ab inet
    2 51 Install c ross-aisle shielded  d uc twork
    3 10 or 26 Install I/O c ross-aisle or c ab inet to wall c able troug h
    22-25 Install I/O c ross-aisle to wall troug h d uc t
    9Install I/O c ab le rac k c oup ling to rear of c ab inet
    install I/O c ab le rac k riser to end  of c ab inet
    5 12-19,
    21, 32,
    34, & 35Install AC power ducts
    6 27 Install shield ed  c ab le d uc ts b etween DEFINITY and  
    DIMENSION c ab inets
    7 28 Install I/O c ab le d uc ts b etween DEFINITY and  
    DIMENSION c ab inets
    8 29 & 31 Install shield ed  d uc t assemb ly from front of system 
    c ab inet to rear of a DEFINITY c ab inet (g roup  29) or 
    front of a DEFINITY c ab inet to rear of system c ab inet 
    (group  31)
    9 30 I/O transition assemb ly for c ross-aisle (DEFINITY)
    10 33 Lad d er rac k supp orted  86 or 88.5 inc hes (218.4 c m 
    or 224.8 c m) from floor
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Cable Ductwork 
    Figure C-2. Overhead View of a Typical Ductwork LayoutFigure Notes
    1. Wall
    2. Space for Future Cabinet
    3. Plywood Wall and Cross-Connect Field
    4. I/O Cable Rack Coupling to Rear of 
    5. AC Power Cable Duct6. Shielded Intercabinet Fiber Optic 
    7. I/O Duct to Cross-Connect Field
    8. I/O Cross-Isle Trough
    9. Front of Cabinets 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Cable Ductwork 
    Install Intercabinet Shielded Ducts
    1. Loosen (d o not remove) the four b olts holding  the d ust c over to the c ab le 
    ac c ess hole in the top  of the c abinet.
    Figure C-3. Dust Cover Removal
    2. Remove the dust cover by sliding it in the direction shown by the arrow in 
    Fi g u re  C -3
    . Move the d ust c over until it c lears the b olts.
    3. Set the c ab inet riser (Fi g u re  C - 4
    ) with its b ase in p lac e of the d ust c over 
    just removed . The four slots in its b ase should  b e just b ehind  the b olts and  
    the head s of the two mid d le bolts should  have c leared  the holes provid ed  
    for them. Push the riser forward  to seat the b olts in the four slots in the 
    b ase of the riser. Then tig hten the b olts.
    plate KLC 071696 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Cable Ductwork 
    Figure C-4. Assembly of Intercabinet Shielded Ducts
    4. Install risers on any other c ab inets that req uire shield ed -d uc t c onnec tions.
    5. Set a shield ed  troug h b etween two c abinet risers. Push d own on the 
    troug h so the slots in the end s of the troug h eng age the ears at the 
    c orners of the risers. The walls of the troug h g o insid e the walls of the 
    risers and  outsid e of the ears of the risers.
    6. Seat the bottom of the shield ed  troug h on the sup p ort walls of the two 
    c ab inet risers that it c onnec ts. Attac h the troug h to eac h riser with a 
    self-tap p ing  sc rew.
    7. Install shield ed  troug hs on any other p airs of c ab inets that req uire 
    shield ed -d uc t c onnec tions.
    8. Route the ap p rop riate c ab les b etween the c ab inets just c onnec ted . Figure Notes
    1. Cabinet Riser
    2. Shielded  Troug h
    3. Cross-Aisle Riser4. Shield ed  Coup ling
    5. Shield ed  End  Cap
    ductcip KLC 071796 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Cable Ductwork 
    9. If a g iven c ab inet is to sup p ort a c ross-aisle shield ed  d uc t, set a 
    c ross-aisle riser on the c ab inet riser. Otherwise set a shield ed  c oup ling  on 
    the c ab inet riser. In either c ase, p osition the d evic e so the two holes on the 
    b ac k wall line up  with the holes on the b ac k wall of the c ab inet riser. Bolt 
    the two p iec es tog ether at the holes just d esc rib ed .
    10. If there is no troug h to install in one end  of the c ab inet riser, p ress a 
    shield ed  end c ap  on the unused  end  of the riser. The side walls of the end  
    c ap  g o inside the walls of the riser and outsid e of the ears of the riser. The 
    top  of the end  c ap  should  rest on top  of the shield ed  c oup ling  or 
    c ross-aisle riser p reviously installed . Bolt the b ottom of the end  c ap to the 
    c ab inet riser with a self-tap p ing  sc rew.
    11. Set the shield ed  c over on the shield ed  troug h and  p ress it d own so the 
    d imples on the c over eng ag e the holes in the troug h.
    Install Cross-Aisle Shielded Ducts
    The inter-cab inet ducts and cross-aisle risers must b e installed  b efore any 
    c ross-aisle d uc twork is installed .
    1. Set the tong ue on the b ottom of a c ross-aisle troug h (Fi g u re  C - 5
    ) into the 
    p latform of the c ross-aisle riser. From ab ove the troug h, run a self-tapp ing  
    sc rew throug h the slot in the troug h and  into the hole in the riser. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Cable Ductwork 
    Figure C-5. Assembly of Cross-Aisle Shielded Ducts
    2. Install c ross-aisle troug hs on any other c abinets req uiring  suc h 
    c onnec tions.
    3. If there is no troug h to install in one end  of the c ross-aisle riser, press a 
    c ross-aisle shield ed  end  c ap  on the unused  end  of the riser. Unlike earlier 
    d uc twork, the end c ap  fits either end  of the c ross-aisle riser. The sid e walls 
    of the end  c ap  g o outsid e the walls of the riser. The ears on the b ottom of 
    the end cap go outside of the riser’s bottom plate, and the bottom plate of 
    the end  c ap  g oes insid e of the riser’s b ottom p late. Figure Notes
    1. Cabinet Riser
    2. Shielded  Troug h
    3. Cross-Aisle Riser
    4. Cross-Aisle Troug h5. Shield ed  End  Cap
    6. Cross-Aisle Shield ed  End  Cap
    7. Cross-Aisle Troug h Cover
    xductcip KLC 071796 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Cable Ductwork 
    4. Route the ap p rop riate c ab les b etween the c ab inets just c onnec ted .
    5. Set the shield ed  c ross-aisle troug h c over on top  of the trough with its sid e 
    walls outsid e of the walls of the trough, and  p ress it d own until it 
    c omp letely c overs the troug h.
    Mating Cross-Aisle Risers to Old Cabinet Risers
    The new shield ed  d uc twork is c onstruc ted  so c ross-aisle risers c an b e attac hed  
    to c ab inet risers of the former d esig n.
    1. Remove the shield ed  c oupling  from the old c ab inet riser. This assemb ly is 
    illustrated  in the older system’s installation d oc ument.
    2. Rep lac e the shield ed  c oup ling  with a c ross-aisle riser. Set the c ross-aisle 
    riser (Fi g u re  C - 6
    ) on the c ab inet riser. Position the c ross-aisle riser so the 
    two holes on the b ac k wall line up  with the holes on the bac k wall of the 
    c ab inet riser. Bolt the two p iec es tog ether at the holes just d esc rib ed .
    Figure C-6. Mating Cross-Aisle Risers to System 85-R2 Cabinet Risers
    3. Assemb le c ross-aisle d uc twork as alread y desc rib ed . Figure Notes
    1. Cabinet Riser
    2. Cross-Aisle Riser3. Cross-Aisle Shield ed  End  Cap
    4. Cross-Aisle Troug h
    oldduct KLC 071796 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Cable Ductwork 
    Mating Shielded Ducts to Risers
    The new shield ed  d uc twork is c onstruc ted  so new c ross-aisle troug hs c an b e 
    attac hed  to risers of the former d esig n. They fit outsid e of the old er risers.
    To attac h the new shield ed  troug h to a riser, first set it und er the troug h on the 
    riser and  install the other side of the trough as alread y d esc rib ed . Lift the troug h 
    as shown in Fi g u re  C -7
    , with the walls of the troug h outsid e of the walls of the 
    riser. Hold  a nut und er the troug h, and  b olt the p arts tog ether as shown.
    Figure C-7. Shielded Duct Connected to Old Style Riser
    Install Cross Aisle I/O Ductwork
    1. If req uired , attac h I/O end p late (g roup 6) to the c ross-aisle brac kets 
    (group  10). See Fi g u re  C - 8
    2. Install a c ross-aisle b rac ket on both sid es of the I/O troug h where 
    c ross-aisle or wall troug h is to b e used . Plac e the b rac ket insid e the I/O 
    troug h with its ang le end  outsid e. Sec ure the b rac ket using  three 
    thread -forming sc rews in eac h troug h (use the holes in the b rac ket c losest 
    to the angle).
    3. If c ross-aisle, install b rac kets on I/O troug h of c ross-aisle c ab inet.
    4. Plac e I/O c ross-aisle troug h (g roup  10) or I/O wall troug h (g roup  26) on 
    b rac kets and sec ure with thread -forming  sc rews.
    newduct KLC 071696 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Cable Ductwork 
    Figure C-8. Install Cross-Aisle I/O Ductwork or I/O Cross-Aisle to Wall 
    If wall troug h is b eing  installed, loc ally p rovid ed  hard ware is req uired  at wall 
    end  of d uc t.
    Install Cross-Aisle to Wall Trough
    Refer to Fi g u re  C - 9 to assemble the d uc twork:
    1. Install wall mounting  b rac ket to desig nated  loc ation. Hardware to mount 
    b rac ket should  b e d etermined  ac c ord ing  to wall typ e and  should  be 
    locally p rovided . Figure Notes
    1. I/O Troug h
    2. Use Only When Req uired
    3. Cross-Aisle Brac kets4. I/O End p late
    5. Cross-Aisle I/O Troug h or I/O Wall Troug h
    6. Front of Cab inet
    duct3 KLC 071796 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test
    for Multi-Carrier Cabinets  555-233-114  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Cable Ductwork 
    2. Use thread -forming  sc rews to attac h the 3-hole fac e of the ang le b rac ket 
    to the I/O trough.
    3. Attac h the ang le b rac ket to the 6-hole fac e of the c ross-aisle b rac ket using  
    three 10-24 X 3/4 inc h sc rews, c onnec ted to nuts and  washers throug h the 
    b ottom holes.
    4. Attac h the I/O c able d uc t to the c ross-aisle b rac ket using  the 
    thread -forming sc rews. Attac h the other end  of the I/O duc t to the wall 
    mounting  using  10-24 X 3/4 inc h sc rews, nuts and  washers.
    Figure C-9. Installation of I/O Cross-Aisle to Wall Trough
    Install I/O Cable Rack Coupling
    1. Attac h I/O troug h to top  of c ab inet using  thread -forming  sc rews. See 
    Fi g u re  C -1 0
    2. Attac h c ross-aisle b rac ket to I/O troug h using thread -forming  sc rews 
    throug h the top  three holes on the b rac ket’s 6-hole fac e.
    3. Attac h I/O c oup ling  troug h to c ross-aisle b rac ket using  thread -forming 
    sc rews.
    4. Attac h c ab le rac k to c oup ling  troug h using  loc ally-p rovid ed  c oup ling  
    p lates and  3/8-18 x 1/2 inc h hex head  b olts with nuts.
    5. Attac h other end  of c able rac k to wall using loc ally-p rovid ed  hard ware. Figure Notes
    1. Ang le Brac ket
    2. I/O Troug h
    3. Cross-Aisle Brac ket4. I/O Cab le Duc t
    5. Wall Mounting  Brac ket
    6. Front of Cab inet
    duct5 KLC 071796 
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