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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-13 LED Indicators 4 Figure 4-1. Circuit Pack LEDs DS1 Converter Circuit Pack LEDs Eleven LEDs p rovide an indic ation of the state of the TN1654 DS1 Converter c irc uit p ac k and the T1/E1 fac ilities. The top g roup has the standard red, g reen and yellow LEDs. The red LED ind ic ates an alarm c ond ition and the g reen LED indic ates testing in p rog ress. The 4 SPAN LEDs ind ic ate the status of the T1/E1 fac ilities. The four STATUS LEDs are c urrently unused and remain off. Figure Notes 1. Alarm LED (Red ) 2. Test LED (Green) 3. Busy LED (Yellow)4. Latc h Pin 5. Loc king Lever

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-14 LED Indicators 4 The yellow LED is used to ind ic ate the state of the fib er interfac e, the fib er c hannel, the c ontrol c hannel, and the c ommunic ations link to the SPE in the following manner and order of priority. See Ta b l e 4 - 2 . SPAN LEDs The 4 SPAN LEDs ind ic ate the status of the 4 T1/E1 fac ilities. A SPAN LED is in one of the following states: 1. Solid on yellow: Fac ility is op erational and alarm free. 2. Blinking yellow for 2 sec ond s, off 0.1 sec ond s: Fac ility is op erational and alarm free AND is c arrying the c ontrol c hannel (fac ility A or B only). 3. Solid on red : Fac ility is alarmed . 4. Solid off: Fac ility is not ad ministered or has b een b usied out. Table 4-2. DS1 Converter Yellow LED Flashing States LED on LED off Condition 0.1 sec ond0.1 sec ondFiber out-of-frame or fib er loss of sig nal 0.5 sec ond0.5 sec ondIn frame, fib er c hannel d own. The fib er c hannel c ommunic ating b etween the DS1 Converter and the other fib er end p oint (EI or SNI) is d own. 1 sec ond1 sec ondIn frame, c ontrol c hannel d own. The c ontrol c hannel b etween the 2 DS1 Converters in the DS1 Converter c omp lex is d own. 2 sec ond s0.2 sec ondN o r e s p o n se f r o m SPE. Th e SPE i s n o t a c k n o w l e d g i n g messag es from the DS1 Converter or the c ommunic ations link to t h e SPE i s d o w n . solid on DS1 Converter ac tive. This is the normal state for an ac tive DS1 Converter. solid off DS1 Converter stand b y. This is the normal state for a stand b y DS1 Converter in c ritic al reliab ility systems (d uplic ated PNC).

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-15 LED Indicators 4 Figure 4-2. TN1654 DS1 Converter Circuit Pack LEDs LEDs on Standby Components In hig h and c ritic al reliab ility systems, dup lic ated c omp onents on stand b y usually have the yellow LEDs off, with the following exc ep tions: nTh e m a jo r , m in o r a n d w a r n i n g a la r m L ED s o n t h e SYSAM c i rc u i t p a c k o n the stand b y SPE do not g ive reliab le ind ic ations. Note only LEDs on the a c t iv e SYSAM c i rc u it p a c k . nThe yellow LED b links on and off when the stand b y p roc essor c irc uit p ac k is up and standb y maintenanc e is running. nI n h ig h re l ia b i li t y sy s t e m s w i t h a C e n t e r St a g e Sw it c h , ( d u p l ic a t e d SPE, simp lex PNC), the stand b y Switc h Nod e c loc k’s yellow LED is off. In c ritic al reliab ility systems, the stand b y SNC is loc ated on a sep arate carrier and normally remains lit. nYellow LEDs on p ower units on standb y carriers normally remain lit. Figure Notes 1. Alarm LED (Red ) 2. Test LED (Green) 3. Busy LED (Yellow)4. STATUS LEDs 5. SPAN LEDs

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-16 LED Indicators 4

Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-1 5 DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 5 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment The wiring procedures are the same for most telephones and other equipment. This chapter provides wiring examples of these similar installation procedures. These are examples only and actual wiring procedures may differ at each site. Wiring pinouts for circuit packs mentioned in this chapter are in the tables at the end of this chapter. Refer to Figure 5-1 for punch-down information for common circuit packs. The figure shows the colors of the punch-downs and is best viewed from CD-ROM or on-line. After installing the hardware, the data for the system and telephone features is administered. These procedures are provided in DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8 Administrator’s Guide .

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-2 5 Figure 5-1. Punch-downs for Common Circuit Packs widfccf2 EWS 102798 4 1101941322 21120 51423 3122161524918 71625817 Port Tie Trunk Port MET Line 4 4 Port Tie Trunk w/ E&M Signaling Port Data Line 8 Port Digital 8 Port BRI 12Port Hybrid 8Port DID 8 Port Analog Port CO 8 8 110 19 413 22 21120 5 1423 3 12 21 615 24 918 716 25 8 17 Port Digital 2416 DS1Port Analog Port Analog 16 24Port Digital

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-3 5 Telephone Connection Example The 302C Attendant Console is used as an example telephone connection. This is typical of the 603E, 84xx (4-wire), and 94xx telephones. The maximum cabling distance for a console powered from the cabinet is 350 feet (100 meters) using 24 AWG (#5) (0.26 mm 2) wire. The general steps to connect a telephone are: 1. Choose a d evic e to c onnec t suc h as a 302C Attend ant Console. 2. Choose the p ort c irc uit p ac k, its c arrier, slot numb er, and port; suc h as TN754B, c ab inet 1, c arrier C, slot 02, p ort 05. 3. Install c ross-c onnec t jump ers to wire the p ins on the terminal to the p ins on the p ort c irc uit p ac k. See Fi g u re 5 - 2 . This examp le is for the TN754B Dig ital Line c irc uit p ac k. Figure 5-2. 302C to TN754B Wiring !CAUTION: Do not use the 329A p ower unit for the attend ant c onsole. Use an 1151A1, 1151A2, 1145A, or MSP-1 p ower unit. Figure Notes 1. 302C Attend ant Console 2. TN754B Dig ital Line Circ uit Pac k 3. -48 VDC (From Adjunc t Power) 4. Ground (From Ad junc t Power) 302cwire RBP 040596 139 14 40 15 2 3 6 7 8 TXT TXR PXT PXRTXT5 TXR5 PXT5 PXR5

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-4 5 Connect Adjunct Power The attendant console requires -48 VDC adjunct power from pins 7 and 8 of the information outlet. Only 3 consoles can be powered by the cabinet from the AUX connector. Power the primary console from the cabinet so it has the same power failure backup as the system. 1. For terminals need ing ad junc t p ower, wire -48 VDC and g round to ap p rop riate p ins on the terminal. See Fig ure 5-3 . Use the 400B2 ad ap ter when c onnec ting loc al -48 VDC p ower to a mod ular p lug . Figure 5-3. 400B2 Adapter Connecting to a Modular Plug !CAUTION: Do not use the 329A p ower unit for the attend ant c onsole. Use an 1151A1, 1151A2, 1145A, or MSP-1 p ower unit. Figure Notes 1. Flush-Mounted Information Outlet 2. Surface-Mounted Information Outlet 3. To Individual Power Unit4. 400B2 Adap ter 5. To Telep hone 6. Destination Servic e Ac c ess Point ( D SAP) Po w e r C o rd r749428 KLC 060396

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-5 Analog Station or 2-Wire Digital Station Example 5 Adjunct power can be provided from the equipment room or equipment closet with an 1145B power unit. See ‘‘ 1145B Power Supply’’ on page 5-46. Adjunct power can also be provided locally at the telephone or console with a 1151A1 or 1151A2 power unit. See ‘‘ 1151A1 Power Supply’’ on page 5-55. Analog Station or 2-Wire Digital Station Example This example is typical of the 2-wire digital stations (603E, 84xx, 94xx, 302C), 2-wire analog stations (500, 2500, 71xx), analog CO trunks, DID trunks, and external alarms. The wiring designations for this example are shown in Figure 5-4 . Figure 5-4. 2500-Type Analog Telephone Wiring 1. Choose a p erip heral to c onnec t (suc h as an analog station or 2-wire d ig ital station). 2. Choose the p ort c irc uit p ac k, its c arrier, slot numb er, and port. For examp le TN2183 Analog Line, c ab inet 1, c arrier C, slot 1, p ort 03. 3. Install c ross-c onnec t jump ers to c onnec t the p ins from the analog station or 2-wire d ig ital station to the ap prop riate p ins on the p ort c irc uit p ac k. This p inout information is for the TN2183 Analog Line c irc uit p ac k. 4. Ad minister on the manag ement terminal. See DEFINITY Enterp rise Communications Server Release 8 Administrator’s Guide, for more d etails. Figure Notes 1. 2500-Typ e Analog Station 2. TN2183 Analog Line Circ uit Pac k (Position 1C01) 2500wire RBP 071996 328 03 2T RT. 3 R.3

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-6 Analog Tie Trunk Example 5 Analog Tie Trunk Example This example shows how to connect analog tie trunk wiring from one DEFINITY System to another DEFINITY System. Figure 5-5. Analog Tie Trunk Wiring 1. Set the option switc hes on the p ort c irc uit p ac k (TN760) as d esc rib ed in Appendix B, ‘‘ Op tion Switc h Setting s’’. 2. Install c ross-c onnec t jump ers to c onnec t the named p ins from the tie trunk c irc uit p ac k to the ap p rop riate lead s on the external tie trunk. Names of the tie trunk lead s must be d etermined from the manufac turer or sup plier of the external trunk c irc uit. The examp le in Fi g u re 5 -5 shows a DEFINITY System tie trunk c onnec ted to a DEFINITY System tie trunk. 3. Ad minister on the Trunk Group sc reen of the manag ement terminal. See DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e for more d etails. Figure Notes 1. External Trunk or Ad ap ter 2. TN760 Tie Trunk Circ uit Pac k (Position 1C05) tie_wire RBP 071796 1 27 26 29 4 30 5 2 28 3 31 6 T. 1 R.1 T1.1 R1.1 E.1 M.1T. 2 R.2 T1.2 R1.2 E.2 M.2