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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-3 Test TDM Bus in PPN 4 Screen 4-2. Example System Configuration Screen NOTE: Under Assigned Ports , a “ u” ind ic ates unassig ned p orts and a numb er ind ic ates the p ort has b een translated . Test TDM Bus in PPN 1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays: Command: 2. Type test tdm port-network 1 and p ress En te r. 3. Verify the sc reen d isp lays the results similar to Sc reen 4-3 .
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-4 Test Tone-Clock Circuit Packs 4 Screen 4-3. Example Test Results for TDM Port Network 1 4. If the result is FAIL for any test, c hec k the c onnec tors of the TDM bus c ab les in PPN 1. Test Tone-Clock Circuit Packs This test also d etec ts p rob lems with the TDM b us c ab les. 1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays: Command: 2. Type test tone-clock 1a and p ress En te r. 3. Verify the sc reen d isp lays test results similar to Sc re e n 4 - 4 .
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-5 Test SPE Duplication Memory Shadowing Link 4 Screen 4-4. Example Test Results for Tone-Clock 1A Test SPE Duplication Memory Shadowing Link For hig h and critic al reliab ility systems only. 1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays: Command: 2. Type test shadow-link and p ress En te r. 3. Verify the sc reen d isp lays test results similar to Sc re e n 4 - 5 . Screen 4-5. Example Test Results for SPE Duplication Memory Shadowing Link 4. If result is FAIL for any test, c hec k the inter-c abinet c ab les in the PPN. TEST RESULTS Port Maintenance Name Alt. Name Test No. Result Error Code SHDW-LNK 318 PASS Command successfully completed
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-6 Test Duplicated Switch Processing Element Interchange 4 Test Duplicated Switch Processing Element Interchange For hig h and critic al reliab ility systems only. 1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays: Command: 2. Type status cabinet and press En t e r. 3. Verify the sc reen d isp lays test results similar to Sc re e n 4 - 6 . Screen 4-6. Example System Status Report for All Cabinets 4. Note the MODE of SPE 1A and 1B . 5. Type refresh spe and press En t e r. Command successfully completed should be displayed. 6. Type reset system interchange and press En t e r. This c auses the terminal to log off. 7. Log in as craft ag ain. Rememb er to use the new p assword estab lished for c raft. 8. Note the MODE for SPE 1A and 1B should have c hang ed from that noted in Step 4.
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-7 Test Expansion Interface Circuit Packs 4 Test Expansion Interface Circuit Packs 1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays: Command: 2. Type test board (where UUCCss is the c ab inet, c arrier, and slot for an exp ansion interfac e c irc uit p ac k in the system) and p ress En t e r. Lab els on the port network and c arrier c ontaining the board and the lab el on the strip und er the b oard c ontain this information. NOTE: Circ uit p ac k p ositions are usually g iven b y c abinet, c arrier (within c ab inet), and slot (within c arrier). They may also b e g iven b y p ort (within slot). The term “ c ab inet” refers to one Multic arrier Cab inet making up one port network. A p ort network is d efined as a g roup of c ab inets c onnec ted together with one TDM b us. 3. Verify the sc reen d isp lays test results similar to Sc re e n 4 - 7 . This examp le is for c irc uit p ac k 1C03. Screen 4-7. Example Test Board 1C03 4. If any result is FAIL, c hec k the c onnec tions for the assoc iated fib er op tic link. 5. Rep eat Step s 2 and 3 for eac h c irc uit p ac k in the system.
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-8 Test TDM for each EPN 4 Test TDM for each EPN 1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays: Command: 2. Type test tdm port-network 2 and p ress En te r . 3. Verify a test results sc reen similar to Sc reen 4-8 is d isp layed . Screen 4-8. Example Test Results for TDM Port Network 2 4. If result is FAIL for any test, c hec k the c onnec tors of the TDM b us c ab les in PPN 2 . 5. Rep eat these step s for eac h EPN to c hec k the TDM bus c ab les. Test Tone-Clock for each EPN 1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays: Command: 2. Type test tone-clock 2A (where 2A is the c ab inet and c arrier numb er for one of the Tone-Cloc ks installed ) and p ress En t e r. NOTE: Circuit pack positions are usually given by cabinet, carrier, and slot. They may also b e given b y p ort. The term “ c ab inet” refers to 1 Multic arrier Cab inet making up one p ort network. A p ort network is d efined as a g roup of c ab inets c onnec ted tog ether with 1 TDM bus.
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-9 Test Tone-Clock Interchange for each EPN 4 If any result is FAIL , c hec k the assoc iated TDM b us c ables and interc ab inet c ab les in the EPN. 3. Rep eat Step 2 for eac h installed Tone-Cloc k c irc uit pac k. Test Tone-Clock Interchange for each EPN Critic al reliab ility only. 1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays: Command: 2. Type status system all-cabinets and p ress En t e r. This d isp lays the loc ation of the Stand b y Tone-Cloc k. 3. Type set tone-clock xxx (where xxx is the p ort network/c arrier for the stand b y tone-c loc k). Press En t e r . 4. Type status system all-cabinets and press En t e r. 5. Verify the dup lic ated Tone-Cloc k is ac tive using the information d isplayed on the sc reen. If any p rob lems are ind ic ated , c hec k the TDM c ab les in the assoc iated EPN . Test Expansion Interface Exchange for Each EPN Critic al reliab ility only. 1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays: Command: 2. Type status cabinet and press En t e r. This displays the standby exp ansion link (b efore c hanges are mad e). See Sc reen 4-9 . Screen 4-9. Example of System Status Before Expansion Link is Set status system all-cabinets SYSTEM STATUS CABINET 1 EMERGENCY SELECT SERVICE CABINET TRANSFER SWITCH EXP-LINK STATE MODE TYPE 1A unavail 01A01-02A01 in standby MCC 1B auto-on 01B01-02B02 in active - - Command successfully completed Command:
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-10 Check Circuit Pack Configuration Again 4 3. Type set expansion-link xxxx (where xxxx is the either 1 of the c ab inet, c arrier, and p ort loc ations of the standb y exp ansion link). Press En t e r. 4. Verify the sc reen d isp lays: Command successfully completed Command: 5. Type status cabinet and press En t e r. See Sc reen 4-10. Screen 4-10. Example of System Status after Expansion Link is Set 6. Verify the MODE s of the exp ansion links have c hang ed . 7. If any p rob lems are ind ic ated , c hec k the TDM c ab les and the inter- c ab inet c ab les in the assoc iated EPN. Check Circuit Pack Configuration Again 1. Verify the sc reen d isp lays: Command: 2. Type list configuration all and p ress En t e r. 3. Verify all c irc uit p ac ks installed in the system are listed in the reports. Refer to DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8r, to resolve any d isc rep anc ies. System Test Completion Save Translations If any ad ministration c hang es have b een mad e, save and make a b ac k up c op y of the translations. status system all-cabinets SYSTEM STATUS CABINET 1 EMERGENCY SELECT SERVICE CABINET TRANSFER SWITCH EXP-LINK STATE MODE TYPE 1A auto-on 01A01-02A01 in active MCC 1B auto-on 01B01-02B02 in standby
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-11 LED Indicators 4 Next Steps After the b asic hard ware is installed and tested , 3 more step s must b e completed: 1. Install the telep hones and other equip ment. See Chap ter 5, ‘‘ Install and Wire Telep hones and Other Eq uip ment’’. 2. Ad minister the features, telep hones, and other eq uipment ac c ord ing to c ustomer d ata on the p rovisioning p lan. The d ata for system and telep hone features c an b e ad ministered using DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e. 3. After the system is administered , test the telep hones and other eq uip ment using the proc edures in Chap ter 6, ‘‘ Test Telep hones and Other Eq uip ment’’. NOTE: It may b e more effic ient to install eac h hard ware c omp onent, ad minister it, and test it b efore g oing on to install another c omp onent. LED Indicators Refer to DEFINITY Enterprise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8 r for d etailed alarm and LED d esc rip tions. If a maintenanc e ob jec t b eg ins to fail some p eriod ic tests, the system g enerates an alarm. The system id entifies 3 levels of alarms: nMajor Alarms — Failures that c ause c ritic al d eg rad ation of servic e and req uire immed iate attention. nMinor Alarms — Failures that c ause some d eg rad ation of servic e, b ut d o not c ause a c ritic al p ortion of the system to b e inop erab le. This c ond ition req uires ac tion, but its c onseq uenc es are not immed iate. Prob lems mig ht b e imp aired servic e to a few trunks or stations or interfering with one feature ac ross the entire system. nWa r n i n g A l a r m s — Failures that cause no significant degradation of servic e or failures in eq uip ment external to the system. Warning alarms are not rep orted to the attend ant c onsole or INADS. Alarms are c ommunic ated to the system users and tec hnic ians b y entries in the alarm log and the lig hting of LEDs loc ated on the attendant c onsole, on all c irc uit p ac ks, and , op tionally, on c ustomer-d esig nated voic e terminals.
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Test the System 4-12 LED Indicators 4 Attendant Console LEDs The console has 2 red LEDs, lab eled “ ALM” and “ ACK” . The ALM LED lig hts stead ily when there is a major or minor alarm at the system c ab inet. The ACK LED lig hts stead ily if the alarm has been suc c essfully rep orted to INADS. If the system is unab le to rep ort the alarm to INADS, the LED flashes; this sig nals the attend ant to c all INADS and rep ort the alarm. Terminal Alarm Notification Terminal Alarm Notific ation is an op tional feature that d isp lays several typ es of alarms on voic e terminals with ad ministered feature buttons or the attend ant c onsole. A maximum of 10 d ig ital and /or hyb rid voic e terminals may b e used. When an alarm oc c urs, the g reen status LED assoc iated with the assig ned b utton is in a stead y state. The LED may b e turned off b y pressing the b utton assoc iated with the LED. If the LED is off and the alarm has not b een resolved b y the time maintenanc e resc hed ules testing , the g reen status LED resumes its stead y state. Circuit Pack LEDs Typ ic ally, eac h c irc uit p ac k has 3 LEDs on the front p anel. Tab le 4-1 describes the red , g reen, and yellow LEDs and their meaning . Also see Fi g u re 4 - 1 . Table 4-1. Circuit Pack LEDs LED Color Status Description Red Alarm The system has d etec ted a fault in this c irc uit p ac k. The alarm log should c ontain an on-b oard alarm. The red LED is also lit b riefly when a c irc uit pac k is inserted or reset. If the c irc uit p ac k p asses its initialization tests, the LED g oes out. Green Testing The system is c urrently running tests on this c irc uit p ac k as p art of b ac kg round maintenanc e or d emand testing . This LED is also lit d uring initialization tests when a c irc uit p ac k is inserted or reset. Yellow Busy The c irc uit p ac k is c urrently in use b y the system.