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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation And Test For Multi-Carrier Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-127 Add IP Interface 5 5. Chec k the Cod e c olumn to see if it says DSMAPD or Med Pro. 6. To c orrec t it, g o to the entry just above the TN802B that says DSMAPD. 7. Type MEDPRO, and press En t e r. Changing the one entry automatic ally c hang es the entry ab ove it. If it is in IP Trunk mode, you g et the following error message: MedPro type requires TN802 with application. Type MEDPRO on circuit-packs form. 8. Type change ip-interfaces and press En te r. 9. Typ e in the information for the TN802B IP Interfac e, 10. Set the Enabled field to y , and press En te r. NOTE: The c ustomer provid es the sub net mask and gateway information. At this time the TN802B LCD read s PC BOOT * , and ab out 3 to 4 minutes later read s MEDPRO * with the asterisk flashing change circuit-packs Page 1 of 5 CIRCUIT PACKS Cabinet: 1 Carrier: A Carrier Type: processor Slot Code Sf Mode Name Slot Code Sf Mode Name 11: MEDPRO RESERVED-IP 01: TN754 DIGITAL LINE 12: MEDPRO RESERVED-IP 02: TN758 POOLED MODEM 13: TN802 B MAPD BOARD 03: TN2144 ANALOG LINE 14: 04: TN746 B ANALOG LINE 15: 05 16: 06: TN771 C MAINTENANCE/TEST 07: TN464 F DS1 INTERFACE 08: TN2140 E&M TIE TRUNK 09: TN767 E DS1 INTERFACE 10: TN799 B CONTROL-LAN # indicates circuit pack conflict.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-128 Add IP Interface 5 Test the External Connection to the LAN To test the external IP connections, ping the IP Interface server, and ping a known computer connected to your network. If everything is configured correctly, the Result column on the Ping Results screen reads pass. If it reads abort, verify the IP-address information and check the connectivity, including the cabling. 1. Type ping ip-address nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn board ccCss and p ress En t e r. Th e v a r i a b l e nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the IP ad d ress of the TN802B IP Interfac e and ccCss is the c ab inet, c arrier, and slot of the TN802B IP Interfac e. change ip-interfaces Page 1 of 2 Network regions are interconnected? n En- Net abled Type Slot Code Sfx Node Name Subnet Mask Bcast/Gway Addr Rgn n C-LAN 01A09 TN799 clan-a1 192.168.1 .100 1 y MEDPRO 01A13 TN802 B med-a1 192.168.1 .21 1 n . . . n . . . n . . . n . . . n . . . n . . . n . . . n . . . n . . . n . . . n . . . n . . . n . . . ping ip-address PING RESULTS End-pt IP Port Port Type Result Time(ms) Error Code 01A13 MEDPRO PASS 10 1124

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-129 Add IP Interface 5 2. Type ping ip-address nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn board ccCss and p ress En t e r. Th e v a r i a b l e nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the IP ad d ress of the c ustomer’s g ateway and ccCss is the c ab inet, c arrier, and slot of the TN802B IP Interfac e. 3. Type ping ip-address nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn board ccCss and p ress En t e r. Th e v a r i a b l e nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the IP ad d ress of another c omp uter b eyond the g ateway and ccCss is the c ab inet, c arrier, and slot of the TN802B IP Interfac e. The TN802B IP Interface is now installed in the DEFINITY carrier and connected to the IP network. IP Trunk Mode NOTE: IP Trunk mod e should only b e used to maintain c omp atib ility with existing Release 7 IP Trunk or ITS-E installations. We strong ly rec ommend that Med Pro mod e b e used whenever p ossib le. Prepare for Installation Have the following equipment on site before your shipment arrives: nA mouse, keyboard, and VGA monitor for use during the installation of the server. You also need AC power outlets for the modem and monitor. nThree adjoining, unoccupied port slots in the DEFINITY ECS The TN802B IP Interfac e slid es into only 1 slot, b ut its fac ep late oc c up ies 3 slots. nA 10 BaseT or 10/100 BaseT Ethernet connection into the customer’s local area network (LAN) nA valid, unused IP address on the customer’s LAN that can be assigned to the IP Interface server. You also need the subnet mask, default gateway, domain name, and so forth from the customer’s network administrator. nAn analog telephone line reserved for the IP Interface diagnostic modem nA valid telephone number reserved for the IP Interface diagnostic modem If non-U.S. customer: nModem comparable to a U.S. Robotics, Inc. Sportster Model USR 33.6 EXT. nA cable from the modem to the TN802B external cable assembly. We recommend that you protect the cabinet where the IP Interface is installed with an uninterruptible power system (UPS).

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-130 Add IP Interface 5 Check your Shipment When your DEFINITY Media Processor order arrives at the customer’s site, check the contents. 1. Insp ec t the ship p ing c arton for d amag e b efore op ening it. If the b ox is d amag ed , d o not op en it. Inform the ship p ing c omp any, and ask for instruc tions on filing a c laim. 2. If the b ox is und amag ed , c hec k the c ontents ag ainst the p ac king slip . Chec k the c ondition of eac h c omp onent, and note any d amag e or shortag es on the p ac king slip . The c arton should c ontain the following for eac h IP Interfac e ord ered : The TN802B external cable assembly is a bundle of cables with an amphenol connector at the end of the bundle and various PC-type connectors (VGA, Universal Serial Bus [USB], mouse, keyboard, Ethernet, modem, and COM2) at the ends of the individual cables. See Figure 5-48 . Look for the label where the bundle enters the amphenol connector. Table 5-27. Required Hardware Comcode Description Quantity J58890MA-1 L30 TN802B IP Interfac e Assemb ly 1 H600-475 TN802B external c able assembly 1 407633999 U.S. Robotic s Sp ortster external mod em, mod el numb er USR 33.6 EXT (U.S. c ustomers only) 1 1. For non-U.S. c ustomers, you need a mod em comparab le to the U.S. Rob otics Sportster and a serial c ab le. 1 601087091 20-ft DB-25 serial c ab le from mod em to TN802B external c ab le assembly (U.S. c ustomers only) 2 1

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-131 Add IP Interface 5 Figure 5-48. TN802B IP Interface External Cable Assembly 3. Read and follow any d irec tions inserted into the p ac kag e b y the fac tory. Connect the Cables 1. Determine into whic h p ort slot you are p utting the TN802B IP Interfac e. NOTE: Make sure that at least 3 ad joining slots are free. 2. From the rear of the c ab inet, c onnec t the amp henol c onnec tor on the external c ab le assemb ly to the b ac kp lane c onnec tor c orrespond ing to that slot (the hig hest numbered c onnec tor of the 3 slots required ). Figure Notes 1. Amp henol c onnec tor to c onnec tor c orresp ond ing to TN802B slot 2. To VGA monitor 3. To USB (not used ) 4. To keyb oard5. To mouse 6. To ethernet 7. 25-p in male c onnec tor to mod em 8. 25-p in male c onnec tor to COM2 cbdfocto AWF 122398 2 1 345678

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-132 Add IP Interface 5 Connect the Modem NOTE: These instruc tions are for c onnec ting the U.S. Rob otic s modem sup p lied to U.S. c ustomers only. If using a d ifferent mod em, follow the manufac turer’s instruc tions on c onnec ting the mod em. 1. Connec t the RS232 p ort of the mod em to the MODEM c onnec tor of the TN802B external c ab le assembly. NOTE: Chec k the lab els near the c onnec tors; the MODEM and COM2 c onnec tors look the same. 2. Connec t an analog telephone line to the leftmost analog -line p ort on the mod em as shown in Fig ure 5-49 . 3. Make sure that the mod em’s DIP switc hes are set as shown in Fi g u re 5 - 4 9 . 4. Plug the mod em into an AC p ower outlet. 5. Turn on the mod em using the switc h on the front of the mod em. Figure 5-49. External Modem Connections for U.S. Robotics Sportster Figure Notes 1. Connec t analog line here. 2. DIP switch 5 must b e up .3. Connec t MODEM c onnec tor here. 4. Connec t p ower c onnec tor here. 12345678 modfrobo KLC 030499 234 1

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-133 Add IP Interface 5 Connect the Monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse NOTE: Only make these c onnec tions if ad ministered loc ally. Not nec essary if ad ministered remotely. You must c onnec t these b efore inserting the TN802B IP Interfac e. 1. Attac h a VGA monitor to the VGA c onnec tor of the TN802B IP Interfac e external c ab le assemb ly. 2. Attac h the keyb oard to the KEYBOARD c onnec tor of the external c ab le assemb ly. 3. Attach the mouse to the MOUSE connector of the external c able assemb ly. 4. Plug the monitor into an AC p ower rec ep tac le and turn it on. Connect the Ethernet 1. Connec t the network c ab le to the ETHERNET c onnec tor on the TN802B external c ab le assemb ly. Install the Assembly NOTE: The TN802B IP Interfac e is hot-swap p ab le, so you d o not need to p ower d own the c arrier to install it. If you need to remove the TN802B IP Interfac e from the c arrier at a later time, shut d own Wind ows NT first b y p ressing the rec essed reset b utton on the fac ep late (see Fig ure 5-5 0 ) of the TN802B IP Interfac e until the LCD shows a flashing MSHUT * . When the flashing stop s and the asterisk d isap p ears (ab out 2 min), it is safe to remove the c irc uit pac k.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-134 Add IP Interface 5 Figure 5-50. TN802B IP Interface faceplate 1. Insert the TN802B IP Interfac e into the rig ht most of the three slots you reserved for it (see Fig ure 5-51 ). NOTE: To p rop erly seat the c irc uit p ac k, p ush firmly on the front of the fac ep late until the latc h reac hes the bottom rail of the c arrier. Then c lose the latc h until it is fully eng ag ed . When you p lug in the TN802B IP Interfac e, the c irc uit p ac k starts to b oot and the LCD read s PC Boot then after ab out 3 to 4 minutes it c hang es to IP TRK * , the default mod e. Figure Notes 1. LCD display 2. Reset b utton (rec essed ) 3. Red b oard status LED4. PCMCIA c ard slot 5. Yellow PCMCIA disk-in-use LED 1 2 3 4 5 fpdfmapd KLC 030899

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-135 Add IP Interface 5 Figure 5-51. J58890MA-1 L30 IP Interface Assembly Test the Modem 1. Check for dial tone. 2. Contac t Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Customer Sup p ort and ask a rep resentative to d ial into your IP Interfac e server. Administer the IP Interface Administration is done either locally or remotely. If administered locally, proceed with the following administration steps on the attached keyboard, mouse, and monitor. If administered remotely, call your service representative to start the process. 456 789 1 0 1 11 21 3 1 41 51 6 indfmapd KLC 031299

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets 555-233-114 Issue 1 April 2000 Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 5-136 Add IP Interface 5 Administration 1. Type change circuit-pack and p ress En te r. 2. Chec k the Cod e c olumn to see if it says DSMAPD or Med Pro. 3. To c orrec t it, g o to the entry just above the TN802B that says DSMAPD. 4. Type MEDPRO, and press En t e r. Changing the one entry automatic ally c hang es the entry ab ove it. If it is in IP Trunk mode, you g et the following error message: MedPro type requires TN802 with application. Type MEDPRO on circuit-packs form. Log onto the TN802B Interface Server If administered remotely through pcANYWHERE: 1. Dial in to the server through pcANYWHERE using the dialup number supplied. 2. Clic k on the p c ANYWHERE Remote Host Computer b utton on the toolb ar to send CTRL ALT DEL to the host. 3. Type administrator in the User Name field . 4. Type iptrunk in the Password field and c lic k OK . 5. After log g ing on for the first time, c hang e the ad ministrator p assword and , if d esired , the user name, to ensure sec urity. See your Wind ows NT server d oc umentation for d etails. change circuit-packs Page 1 of 5 CIRCUIT PACKS Cabinet: 1 Carrier: A Carrier Type: processor Slot Code Sf Mode Name Slot Code Sf Mode Name 11: MEDPRO RESERVED-IP 01: TN754 DIGITAL LINE 12: MEDPRO RESERVED-IP 02: TN758 POOLED MODEM 13: TN802 B MAPD BOARD 03: TN2144 ANALOG LINE 14: 04: TN746 B ANALOG LINE 15: 05 16: 06: TN771 C MAINTENANCE/TEST 07: TN464 F DS1 INTERFACE 08: TN2140 E&M TIE TRUNK 09: TN767 E DS1 INTERFACE 10: TN799 B CONTROL-LAN # indicates circuit pack conflict.