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Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual

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    of 624
    !3PEClFICATlONSIssue 1, November 1994B. GMX-256KEYSETS
    4.29A maximum of 128 keysets can be connected to
    the GMX-256 System. Refer 
    to page 3-81 for GMX-256
    keyset installation instructions. The following analog
    models are available:
    0Inter-Tel/DVK 24-Line Keysets (standard and dis-play)
    0 Inter-Tel/DVK 12-Line Keysets (standard and dis-
    0 Inter-Tel/DVX 8-Line Keysets (standard and dis-
    GMX 24-Line Keysets (standard and display)
    0GMX 12-Line Keysets (non-display only)
    0GX 24Line Keysets (standard and display)
    NOTE For more information on the GX and 
    Gh4X key-sets, refer to appendixes A and B in the back of this
    4.30For illustrations of the 
    Inter-Tel/DVK keysets,
    refer to the drawings beginning on page 2-33. The fea-
    ture keys, speed-dial keys, call keys, and station pro-grammable keys shown in the drawings are as they
    appear when the system is in the default configuration.4.31 The 
    Inter-Tel/DVX 24-line keyset dimensions
    are:Height 3.8 in. (9.7 cm.)
    Width9.2 in. (16.5 cm.)
    95in. (24.1cm.)Weight 2.8 lb. (1.3 kg.)
    4.32 The 
    Inter-Tel/DVK 12-line keyset and 8-line
    keyset dimensions are:Height 3.8 in. (9.7 cm.)
    Width7.0 in. (17.8 cm.)
    Length 9.5 in. (24.1 cm.)
    Weight 2.5 lb. (1.1 kg.)
    Inter-Tel/DVK keysets have the following
    design features in their default con@uration:
    12-key pushbutton keypad
    Avariety of feature keys (some of whichmay be des-
    ignated as user programmable)
    IC/CO speed-dial (SD) keys with light-emitting
    diode (LED) indicators
    Four call keys with LED indicators for incoming call
    access and indication437All newer 
    keysets and handsets have been de-
    signed using “electret” microphone circuitry, rather
    than the “dynamic” microphone circuitry used on many
    previous Inter-Tel 
    keyset models. Electret keysets and
    handsets are not electrically compatible with dynamic
    keysets and handsets.
    4.38If a dynamic handset is attached to an 
    keyset, the handset transmit levels will be noticeably
    lower. If an electret handset is attached to a dynamic
    keyset, the handset will not transmit. (In both cases, nei-
    ther the 
    keyset nor the handset will be damaged.)
    Integrated speakerphone
    Page 2-25439
    Electret keysets can be identified by the man-
    ufacturer’s label on the bottom of the keyset. Electret
    handsets can 
    be identified by the “El” embossed in the
    recess for the wall-mount hook (near the receiver).l
    Ring and voice volume controls (using the VOL Up
    and VOL DN keys)
    l Slide-out directory cardl
    Self-test feature (for testing keyset functions)l
    Hearing aid-compatible @AC) handsetl
    Reversible baseplate for wall mountingIntegrated Speakerphone
    4.34Abuilt-in, integrated speakerphone is standard in
    keysets. The integrated speakerphone allows users to
    place and receive outside calls and intercom calls with-
    out lifting the handset. Once a call is connected, the 
    set user may speak 
    handsfiee over the speakerphone or
    lift the handset to speak privately. When using the hand-
    set, the user may switch to the speakerphone by pressingthe 
    SPKR key and replacing the handset. If enabled,
    pages and/or background music may be broadcast over
    the speaker when the phone is not being used.Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
    4.35Each “display” keyset has a liquid crystal display
    (LCD) with two 
    16-character lines. The display helps
    the user to process calls more 
    e5ciently and profession-
    ally. There are display messages for date and time, num-
    bers dialed, call cost data, reminders, do-not-disturb,
    forwarding, voice mail processing, incoming calls, sta-
    tion and system status, system alarms, and 
    miug. These displays are indicated throughout the
    FEMURES section of the manual.
    4.36All standard 
    Inter-Tel/DVX keysets can be con-verted to display sets by installing an LCD Unit. The
    24&e keysets use the Zarge LCD Kit (part no.
    828.1166). The 12-line and 8-line keysets use the small
    LCD Kit (part no. 828.1165).
    Electret Circuitry 
    Optional Headsets
    4.40A headset may be attached to any keyset by un-
    plugging the handset 
    from the handset jack on the base
    of the 
    keyset, plugging the headset into the handset jack,
    and entering a feature code to enable the headset. The
    SPKR key, which is used to turn the headset on and off,
    is lit when placing and receiving calls and unlit when the
    headset is not in 
    use. The keysets are compatible with
    industry-standard, four-conductor, modular headsets
    that have dynamic microphones, or carbon-microphone
    headsets that are 
    connected to the keyset through an ex-
    ternally powered 
    jackset (which makes the headset dy-
    namic-compatible). Refer to page 
    3-86 for installation
    illStNCtiOUS.Optional Data Port Module
    4.41All Inter-TeUDVKkeysets maybe equipped with
    optional Data Port Modules (refer to 
    PA#rs for the part number). The module contains a
    four-conductor, RJll modular jack that can be used to
    either a data device (such as a personal comput-er equipped with a modem) or a loud ringing adapter
    (LRA) and an external signaling device (such as a loud
    bell, horn, flashing light, etc.) to the 
    keyset. The Data
    Port Module is a source for 
    2O-26mA of loop current(constant current source). Refer to page 
    3-87 for in-
    structions on installing the optional Data Port Module.
    4.42Specifications for modem-equipped data de-
    vice: The data device must have a 
    modem. The modem must be externally powered (or ca-
    pable of operating on 
    2omA of loop current) and have an
    RJll CO interface. The data device can be used with the
    keyset to communicate with remote data. equipment
    over voice channels being used for CO or intercom calls.
    Refer to pages 
    3-87 and 4-101 for installation and oper-
    ation instructions.4.43 
    Specitications for loud ringing adapter
    (: An external LRAmay be connected to the Data
    Port Module to provide a relay for controlling externalsignaling devices. The LRA is connected to the Data
    Port Module, and the external signaling device is con-
    nected to the LRA. Refer to page 
    3-89 for installation
    instructions. Each time the 
    keyset rings, the Data Port
    Module provides 
    2O-26ti of loop current to the LRA
    This causes the LRA contacts to close and activates the
    signaling device. The LRA is not affected by the ring
    tone or the ringer volume of the 
    keyset. The LRA must
    be capable of operating on 
    2OmAcurrent (approximate-ly 2ovDC).
    Page 2-26 
    Issue 1. November 1994
    C.IMX 256 
    4.44The lMX 256 System can have as many as 50
    keyset circuits equipped with DSS/HLF Units. For ex-
    ample, there could be a maximum of 50 digital 
    (i.e., DKSC circuits) equipped with up to four digital
    DSS/BLF Units each. Or, there could be a maximum of
    50 KSC or KSC-D circuits equipped with one analog
    DSS/BLF Unit each. Or, there could be any combination
    of the two using up to 50 
    keyset circuits.
    4.45Each unit provides one-key access to 60 num-
    bers. The 
    numbm can be station extension numbers,
    hunt group pilot numbers, system feature codes, or sys-
    tem speed-dial numbers.
    DSS/HLF Units are physically attached
    to and programmed to be used with specific digital key-
    sets. The units are connected in series to the PC Data
    Port Module 
    (PCDPM) on the back of the corresponding
    keyset. Unlike analog units, digital DSS/BLF Units do
    not require station cabling separate from the keyset’scabling; instead, they are powered by their own AC
    transformer. If desired, all units can be connected to
    keysets installed on the same Digital Keyset Cards. (Re-fer to page 3-90 for digital 
    DSS/BLF Unit installation
    instructions.)NOTE: Digital 
    DSSBLF Units always require their
    own separate AC transformers. For a diagram of AC
    transformer requirements, refer to Figure 2-2 on page2-24.
    4.47Analog DSS/HLF Units are programmed to be
    used with specific analog keysets, but are not physicallyattached to the 
    keysets. The units can be distributed
    among several 
    keysets or, if desired, they can be
    assigned to one 
    keyset. Each unit requires a KSC or
    KSC-D circuit that is separate from the keyset’s circuit.
    If50 station circuits are used for analog 
    DSS/HLFUnits,50 fewer analog 
    keysets and/or Attendant Computer
    Consoles can be installed. Up to four analog units canbe
    installed on a single Keyset Card. (Refer to page 3-92
    IMK DSS/BLF Unit installation instructions.)
    4.48For illustrations of the 
    DSS/HLFUnits (and other
    station instruments), refer to the drawings 
    beginuing on
    page 2-33.
    DSS/BLF Unit dimensions are:
    Height 3.0 in. (7.6 cm.)
    Width 7.5 in. (19.1 cm.)
    Length 9.0 in. (22.9 cm.)
    Weight 1.7 lb. (0.8 kg.)
    4.50lMX DSS/HLF Unit dimensions are:Height 5.5 in. (14.0 cm.)
    Width 9.0 in. (22.9 cm.)
    Length 9.6 in. (24.1 cm.)
    Weight 2.0 lb. (0.9 kg.)
    4.51As stated earlier, each DSS/HLF Unit provides
    one-key access to up to 60 numbers. These numbers can
    be station extension numbers, hunt group pilot numbers,
    or system feature codes, or system speed-dial numbers.
    The layout of the keys and the 
    numbets they access are
    assigned using one of up to eight key maps in database
    progr-g.4.52 Together, the lamps in the keys create a busy
    lamp field that indicates the status of each station or hunt
    group assigned to the keys. The LED indicator in the key
    is solidly lit when the associated station is busy, flashes
    slowly when the station is in do-not-disturb, flashes fast
    when the station has a call ringing in, or flutters continu-
    ously if the station is causing a 
    system alarm. If assigned to a hunt group, the LED indi-
    cator is solidly lit when all stations in the hunt group are
    unavailable (busy, forwarded, in do-not-disturb, or re-
    from the hunt group) and it flashes fast when a
    call is camped on to a hunt group.
    Page 2-27 
    D.GMX-256 DSWBLF UNITS453There can be a maximum of 50 Direct Station
    Selection/Busy Lamp Field 
    @SS/BLP) Units installed
    on the GMX-256 System, including any of the follow-illg:
    Inter-Tel/DVK DSS/BLF Units -single or tandem
    0GMX DSS/BLP Units -single only
    0GX DSS/BLF Units - single or tandem
    NOTE: For more information on the GMX and GX sta-
    tion instruments, refer to appendixes A and B in the back
    of the manual.
    DSS/BLF Unit consists of either a single unit
    or two units connected together to form a tandem unit.
    Each single unit provides one-key access to 
    while tandem units provide access to 120 numbers. The
    numbers can be station extension numbers, hunt group
    pilot numbers, system feature codes, or system 
    50 single/tandem units can be distributed
    among several 
    keysets or, if desired, they can be as-
    signed to one keyset. (Refer to page 3-93 for DSS/BLF
    Unit installation instructions.)
    DSS/BLF Units are programmed to be used with
    keysets, but are not physically attached to the
    keysets. Each unit requires a KSC-D circuit that is sepa-
    from the keyset’s circuit. If 50 station circuits are
    used for 
    DSS/BLF Units, 50 fewer keysets and/or Atten-dant Computer Consoles can be installed. Up to four
    units can be installed on a single Keyset Card.457For an illustration of the 
    DSS/BLF Unit (and
    other Inter-TellDVK station instruments), refer to thedrawings beginning on page 2-33. 
    DSS/BLF Unit
    dimensions are:Height 3.8 in. (9.7 cm.)
    width7.0 in. (17.8 cm.)
    Length 9.5 in. (24.1 cm.)
    Weight 2.5 lb. (1.1 kg.)
    4.58As stated earlier, each single DSS/BLF Unit pro-
    vides one-key access to up to 60 
    numbers. These num-
    bers can be station extension numbers, hunt group pilot
    numbers, or system feature 
    codes, or system speed-dial
    numbers. The layout of the keys and the numbers they
    access are assigned using one of up to eight key maps(12 in expanded systems) in database programming.
    The intercom number/key assignments are programmed
    in two lists, DSS 1 and DSS 2. Single 
    DSS/HLF Units
    can be assigned with either list. Tandem Inter-Tel/DVK
    units are assigned with the DSS 1 list, then an internal
    strap is set to identify the key arrangement each individ-
    ual unit will use.
    4.59Together, the lamps in the keys create a busy
    group assigned to the keys. The LFD indicator in the key
    is solidly lit when the associated station is busy, flashes
    slowly when the station is in do-not-disturb, flashes fast
    when the station has a call ringing in, or flutters continu-
    ously if the station is causing a STATION OFF-HOOK
    system alarm. If assigned to a hunt group, the LED indi-
    cator is solidly lit when all stations in the hunt group are
    unavailable (busy, forwarded, in do-not-disturb, or re-
    moved from the hunt group) and it flashes fast when a
    call is 
    camped on to a hunt group.E.
    4.60 The Attendant Computer Console is an 
    compatible personal computer that is connected to an
    available KSC or KSC-D circuit (they cannot be con-
    nected to DKSC circuits). The computer contains a pro-
    prietary circuit card and special software. It is primarily
    designed for use by attendants of larger 256 Systems 
    those systems with so many station users that it would
    make using 
    DSS/BLF Units somewhat awkward. How-
    ever, due to its enhanced functionality, including elec-tronic text messaging and directory dialing, the
    Attendant Computer Console is also an attractive option
    for smaller 256 Systems as well.
    4.61Attendant Computer Console design features in-
    IBM XT-, AT-, or 
    386-compatible processing unit
    EGA, or VGA monitor and Monitor Interface
    122-key custom keyboard
    Headset operation
    Specially-designed circuit card and interface soft-
    wareNOTE For additional information on the Attendant
    Computer Console, along with detailed installation and
    programming instructions, refer to the manual included
    with the console.
    Page 2-28 
    4.62Up to 240 single-line sets may be installed on the
    256 System. The models available are:
    8Enhanced Single-Line Sets (EEiLSs) -available on
    IMX 256 Systems only
    0 Single-Line Instruments (SLIs)
    0Industry-standard, single-line DTMF sets
    4.63For illustrations of the 
    ESLS and SLI (and other
    station instruments), refer to the drawings beginning on
    page 2-33. The feature keys shown in the drawings are
    as they appear when the system is in the default 
    4.64The dimensions of the 
    ESLS are:Height 45 in. (11.4 cm.)
    Width6.5 in. (16.5 cm.)Length 9.5 in. (24.1 cm.)
    Weight 2.2 lb. (1.0 kg.)
    4.65The dimensions of the SLI are:Height 3.5 in. ( 8.8 cm.)
    Width7.5 in. (18.8 cm.)
    Length 9.0 in. (22.5 cm.)
    Weight 2.0 lb. (0.9 kg.)
    4.66ESLS design features include:
    0 Nine user-programmable feature keys and a non-
    programmable timed hookflash (FLASH) key
    0A neon light for message waiting indicationl
    A ring volume thumbwheel control
    0 Hearing aid-compatible @AC) handset (may be
    equipped with a handset amplifier as described onpage 2-22)Reversible baseplate and cradle hook for wall
    A ringer that can be set for AC or DC by moving a
    jumper strap located on the control board
    Selectable ring pitch jumper strap 
    (HI or LO) on the
    control board
    4.67SLI design features include:
    0 Four user-programmable feature keys and a non-
    programmable timed hookflash (FLASH) key
    0A ring volume thumbwheel controll Hearing aid-compatible 
    (HAC) handset (may be
    equipped with a handset amplifier as described on
    page 2-22)l
    Reversible baseplate for wall mounting
    0 AringerthatcanbesetforACorDCbymovinga
    jumper strap located on the control board
    4.68Single-line set users access some station features
    simply by lifting the handset and pressing a feature key
    (or entering a feature code). Other features are accessed
    using a combination of a hookflash (FLASH key) and a
    feature key or code. Refer to the 
    FEMURES section of
    this manual for details.
    4.69When single-line sets are connected to 
    Single-Line Cards 
    (SLCs), they must be equipped with AC
    (ESLSs and SLIs have internal jumper straps
    that can be moved to set the ringer for AC or UC). When
    connected to Inward Dialing Cards 
    (ID&), single-line
    sets may have AC ringers by setting the 
    lDC circuit for
    AC ringing, or they may have DC ringers by setting the
    circuit for DC ringing. (Refer to page 3-95 for 
    line set installation instructions.)
    IDCs do not support message waiting applica-
    tions. If single-line sets with message waiting lamps are
    installed on 
    IDCs, the lamps will not function.
    Page 2-29 
    4.70An OPX is an AC ringer-equipped BSLS, SLI, or
    M’MF set that is placed in a remote location
    and connected to the system through a telephone com-
    pany OPX circuit or a customer-provided circuit.
    4.71Off-premises stations are connected to Inward
    Dialing Cards (up to eight circuits on a card) or 
    Tl Cards
    (up to 24 circuits on a card). If necessary, the receive
    gain and/or the transmit gain for each circuit can be ad-
    justed in database programming (see page 5-30 for de-tails). 
    lf connecting OPXs, Inward Dialing Cards
    must be used. FCC regulations prohibit connecting
    OPXs to Single-Line Cards.4.72 The OPX circuits provided by the telephone
    company are identified with Facility Interface Codes
    (FE): Class A, OL13A; Class B, OL13B; or Class C,
    OL13C. The service order code is 9.OF (fully protected
    private circuit). 
    Ifthe impedance does not exceed a loop
    measurement of 800 ohms (loop of 15,600 feet using
    24AWG wire), a customer-provided circuit between the
    remote location and the system may be used.
    8OO-ohm loop limitation is usually suitable
    for accessing on-premises stations from off-premises
    stations. However, for applications where one off-pre-
    mises station will be calling another through the station
    card, the impedance between the two off-premises sta-
    tions (both circuits added together) must be less than
    800 ohms (loop measurement). 
    In this situation, a Class
    A or B FIC circuit is preferable.
    4.74When an 
    IDC circuit is designated for OPX use in
    database progr
    amming (see page 5-170), its voice vol-
    ume levels are increased approximately 3dB over nor-mal single-line set voice volume levels. This is an
    attempt to compensate for any loss in the external OPX
    circuit. However, in certain off-premises applications,
    the voice volume levels may still be unacceptable. This
    degradation in voice volume is due to the natural voice
    frequency range limitations of the telephone company
    or customer-provided circuit. To increase the frequencyrange, installation of a two-wire, negative impedance
    repeater unit is recommended. Such units typically pro-
    vide from O-15 decibels of voice volume gain and allow
    regulation of the gain in each direction when simulta-neous voice transmission 
    oczurs. The switching sensi-
    tivity on the unit should also be adjustable.
    4.75The repeater unit is installed at the 
    the station block and the cabling to the off-premises sta-
    tion. (Refer to page 3-30 for OPX installation instruc-
    tions.) When ordering a repeater unit, consult with thesupplier for ordering the proper mounting shelf and
    power supply for the unit. Additional information on op-
    erating and adjusting the repeater unit is generally in-
    cluded with the product.
    4.76A playback device is an answering machine that
    answers the call, plays a message, and then disconnects
    from the call. Playback devices are installed like 
    line sets, using three-pair twisted cable and six-conduc-
    tor modular jacks (or, if desired, one-pair twisted cable
    and four-conductor modular jacks). The device must be
    capable of the following functions: detect ringing, pro-
    vide ring trip, and automatically disconnect when the
    announcement is completed.
    4.77Because most playback devices respond to AC
    ring signals, they are attached to SLC circuits or 
    circuits that are set for AC ringing. If the playback de-vice responds to DC ring signals, an Inward Dialing
    ‘Card circuit that is set for DC ringing must be used. (Re-
    fer to page 3-95 for playback device installation instruc-
    NOTE: For optimal performance, it is recommended
    automated attendant playback devices be installed on
    IDC circuits rather than SLC circuits.
    4.78Hunt groups can have two special stations that
    help process calls: 
    announcement stations and overflow
    stations. These stations can be equipped with station in-struments or playback devices. Automated attendant
    stations can also be 
    equipped with playback devices.
    (See FEKNRES, page 4-17.)
    4.79The playback device is programmed as a regular
    single-line station and is assigned an extension number.
    If the device is sensitive to camp-on tones and discon-
    nects calls, the programmer can disallow the camp-on
    tone for that station circuit (refer to 
    page 5-30).Page 2-30 
    5.1The device used for on-site or stand-alone/remote
    programming must be an IBM 
    AT+ompatible PC with aminimum: 
    5MB available memory on the hard disk
    drive, Sy4-inch (1.2MB) or 3%~inch (1.44MB) double
    sided/high density floppy disk drive, 
    640k RAM (withminimum 
    512k available), MS-DOS 3.3, and an EGA
    graphics monitor. A grogramming mouse is optional (if
    used, install on au unassigned COM port). For remote
    maintenance, a 
    3CKLbaud or 1200-baud modem is alsoneeded. (See PRCGRAMMIN
    G, page 5-3, for addi-
    tional information on remote system maintenance.) To
    connect the PC to the RCPU Card for on-site program-
    ming, refer to the following information.
    5.2The on-site programming PC and the optional out-
    put device(s) for the Station Message Detail Recording(SMDR) and Station Message Detail Accounting
    (SMDA) features must have the characteristics de-
    scribed in the following paragraphs.
    5.3To connect a PC or an output device to one of the
    DB9 serial ports (PGRT A or PORT B) on the RCPU
    Card, one end of the cable between the two must have an
    RS-232-G-compatible, female g-pin subminiature “D”
    connector. The other end of the cable must be compat-
    ible with the output device. Consult the owner’s guidefor the device to verify that the pin functions are the
    same as those shown in the following chart. Ifnecessary,
    rewire the connector on the device to match the require-
    DataCarrierDetect(DCD)Re&ve Data (RXD)Transmit Dab (J-XD)
    Data Terminal Ready (M-R)Signal 
    GroundData Set Ready (DSR)Requti To Send (RIB)
    Clear To Send 
    (Cl-S)Ring hiicatorSignal to 256
    Darato256Data hm 256Signal 6vm 256@ways me*)Reference GroundSignal to 256SigmaI from 256(always true*)Signal to 256
    Signal to 256
    True = steady signal >+SV
    5.4The following cable can be created to connect one
    of the 
    DB9 ports on the RCPU Card to the DB25 port
    found on some PCs and output devices.
    JO=DBpJO pc/olJlPuT QE2s2
    53The following cable can be created to connect oneof the 
    DB9 ports on the RCPU Card to the DB9 port
    found on some PCs and output devices.
    5.6When the system is in the default conf@uration,
    the 256 output device ports 
    (PGRT A and PORT B) are
    enabled for “software” handshaking. Most output de-
    vices are designed for software handshaking, which is
    the use of 
    “X-ON” and “X-OFF” characters to indicate
    readiness to send or receive data. Refer to the device’s
    operating manual to determine if it uses 
    5.7If the device does not support 
    X-GN/X-OFP char-acters, hardware handshaking may be enabled (see
    PRGGRAMMING, page 5-169). When enabled for
    hardware handshaking, signals are sent over the comrec-
    tor pins to indicate readiness to send or receive data. The256 
    DB9 port will send a logic true (>+!5V) on pin 4
    (Data Terminal Ready) and pin 7 (Request To Send)
    when it is ready to receive data. In addition, the 256 DB9
    port will monitor pin 6 (Data Set Ready), pin 8 (Clear To
    Send), or both (depending on how the 256 System is pro-
    grammed) and will only send data if it receives a logic
    (>+5V) over the programmed pin(s). Ifthe 256 DB9port receives a logic false 
    (c-5V) to indicate that the
    buffer on the attached device is full, it will not send data.
    5.8To meet Part 15 of FCC Regulations, all RS-232-C
    cables must be equipped with ferrite beads. Two ferrite
    “split” beads (two half beads) are installed on each cable
    just below where the cable connects to the system. The
    Page 2-31 
    							SPECIFICATIONSIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICE-SIMX/GMX 256 INSWTlON & MAINTENANCEbeads help to reduce electromagnetic interference
    (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI).
    NOTE: Each ferrite split bead, which is actually half ofa full bead, is ordered individually (see REPLACE-
    MENT PARTS for the part number). Two split beads are
    required to form one complete bead.
    5.9The on-site programming PC and 
    SMDR/SMDAoutput devices must communicate at 110, 300, 600,
    1290,2400,4800,9600, or 19200 baud. (NOTE: The
    19200 baud rate is for outgoing data only. The maxi-mum programming baud rate is 9600.) System baud
    rates are set independently in database programming.
    other specitications include:
    0The data format must be 8 bit standard ASCII.
    0Parity is off (ignored).
    0Communication is full duplex.
    0There is one start bit and one stop bit.
    5.10The output devices, whether used for SMDR or
    SMDA, must be able to print reports with a width of 80characters. The devices must not have cables longer
    than 50 feet (15 meters).
    5.11To provide back-up power in the event of an AC
    power failure or brownout condition, the 256 System
    power supply can have optional battery back-up using a
    uninterruptable power supply (UPS)
    unit or standby power supply (SPS) unit.
    5.12It is recommended 
    that a power supply unit with
    the following characteristics be installed:
    Sine wave output
    Transfer time of less than 20 milliseconds
    Output rating of 700 Watts (minimum needed for a
    fully populated system; for smaller system require-
    ments, contact Customer Support)External or internal batteries
    Low voltage cutoff circuit of 105VAC (minimum)
    NOTE: Even if the power supply unit has the specifica-tions listed above, it 
    camrot be guaranteed that it will
    work properly with the 256 System. Contact Customer
    Support for a listing of approved 
    IIPS/SPS power sup
    plies and installation instructions.
    5.13Batteries comrected in series form a “string.“The
    voltage of the string is equal to the sum of the individualbattery voltages. For example, five 6V batteries con-
    nected in series form a 30V battery pack. If desired, con-nect two strings in parallel to double the amp/hour
    rating, which results in longer discharge rates; the volt-
    age level remains the same as a single string.
    5.14Batteries must be fully charged when installed.
    Charge each individually using a constant-voltage, cur-
    rent-limited charger with less than three percent ripple.
    The charge voltage per cell must be set according to the
    manufacturer’s specifications. Be careful not to damage
    the batteries by overcharging them. For example, new
    Globe brand batteries require 25 days of float voltage or
    25-30 discharge cycles to attain full capacity. Initial ca-
    pacity might only be 
    80 percent of rated capacity.
    All batteries should be of the same age and AH
    rating. Some manufacturers date batteries by stamping
    them with a date code. For example, Globe stamps their
    batteries with a code such as 
    410-B, where 4 = the last
    digit of year, 10 = the month, and B = the type of electro-
    lyte. If a battery in a string needs to be replaced, the age
    of the string will determine if a fresh battery can be add-
    ed. If the string is two to three years old, adding a fresh
    battery will reduce the life of the entire string. This is be-
    cause a fresh battery will be overcharged, while the old-
    er batteries are undercharged.
    5.16Batteries may give off explosive and/or corrosive
    gases. To reduce the effects of this gas, place the batter-
    ies (or battery compartment) in a well-ventilated roomand coat the terminals with an anti-corrosive agent.
    Avoid storing batteries; they will self-discharge and
    their capacity decreases with age. If you must store bat-
    teries, recharge them every six months. Recharge time
    may vary depending on the charger’s current limit and
    the battery’s state of charge.D. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
    5.17If necessary, contact Inter-Tel Customer Supportfor additional information on the optional equipment
    listed below:
    OPX Repeaters
    LRAs and External Signaling Devices
    Standby Power (system battery back-up)
    Multi-Port Voice Mail
    Facsimile Machine
    Lightning and AC Surge ProtectionMultiple External Paging Zones and 
    Playback Devices
    Failuxe Transfer
    Page 2-32 
    2-3.EXECUTIVE DIGITAL KEYSET (also called Executive Digital Terminal)
    14 FEATURE
    (underneath edge)
    NOTE: The keys are shown as they appear in the default key map configuration.
    Page 2-33 
    FIGURE 2-4. STANDARD DIGITAL KEYSET (also called Standard Digital Terminal)
    14 FEATURE
    (underneath edge)
    NOTE: The keys are shown as they appear in the default key map configuration.
    Page 2-34
    rL KEYS
    EY PUSH-
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