Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994INTER-TEL4PRAcTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Hunt GroupsH4 2003 H5 2004 H6 2005. H7 2006 H8 2007 n Voice Mail Hunt Groupcl Voice &muter Group o Altomated Attendant Hunt Group [Z](RecallDest.) (Announce](Ovemow][Z] Hunt Group Station List Pick Listi...,.,.,.,. i’ ,.~.;+:.~.~,. . . .:.~.~.~,..:.: ::... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~~~~~14..:.:.:.s ._,,._...._...__..__ z? .,._.,.,_.,’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._.............................. II..

INTER-TELPRACTICRSIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCYPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 10.32If you later remove the voice mail designation from the hunt group, the following window appears: li bl b: St e: 01 tlfi033 AUTOMATED A’lTENDh HUNT :ROUP: If the hunt group is flagged as a voice comput- r group, the Automated Attendant Hunt Croup checkDX is available. Check this box if the stations in the Dice computer hunt group will serve as automated at- ndants. 034DIAL RULES: When you select this command utton, the following window appears. Enter any com- ination of specific digits and/or preset dial rules, as de- xibed below. Separate the numbers with commas (for sample: 1,3,12). The Reference list box contains a list F all available dial rules. (Par complete definitions of ie dial rules, refer to page 4-21 in PEAWRES.) When nished, select the OK command button. Or, select the Card command button to exit without changing the dial rules.l Specific digits: If the system must dial specific dig- its, such as a control or command code, enter those digits surrounded by quotes (for example: “*l”). 8Preset dial rules: Enter one or more of the preset dial rule numbers, shown in the chart below, without us- ing quotes (for example: 1,2,3). pial Rules I Reference (71 Destination Extension Original Destination Extension Other IC/ControllingIC DIAL-___ -1 IC-TO-VOICE COMPUTER CALL1 CO-TO-VOICE COMPUTER CALLIRULE 1Originating station’s intercom number No code sent 2Originating station’s intercom number 3 Intercom number of last non-voice mail station to forward the call if a chain of stations is forwarded toNo code sentI Intercom number of last non-voice mail station to forward the call if a chain of stations is forwarded to1 voice mail or voice mail transfer mailbox numbervoice mail or voice mail transfer mailbox number Intercom number of the first non-voice mail stationIntercom number of the first non-voice mail station 6 E 7 8 9 in a chain of stations that is forwarded to voice mail Originating station’s intercom number Receiving hunt groups or voice mail group number Originating station’s tenant group number Originating station’s department numberin a chain of stations that is forwarded to voice mail No code sent Receiving hunt group or voice mail group number No code sent10 No code sent1 If system is in day mode = 1; If in night mode = 0I lf system is in day mode = 1; If in night mode = 0II111 No code sentI Account code, if enteredI 12Intercom call: code = 1 13No code sentOutside call: code = 2 Number of calls waiting ahead of this call 14 t 15 No code sentThe number of times this call has been sent through the hunt group Intercom number of the station that received a recal-No code sent ling transferred (even if the station is forwarded) Page 5-63

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALL4TION & MAINTENANCE1035 RECALL DJZSTINATION: When you select this command button, the following window appears. Enter the extension or circuit number of the station that will serve as the recall destination for this voice comput- er hunt group. When finished, select the OK command button. Or, select the Cancel command button to exit without changing the recall destination. Recall Destination:I- (ok) (Y=-)10.36 ANNOUNCE: To assign announcement stations to the hunt group, select the Announce com- mand button and refer to the window shown on page 5-65. 10.37OVERFLOW: To assign an overflow station to the hunt group, select the Overflow command button and refer to the window on page 5-66. 10.38‘FIMEXS: To program the timer for the hunt group, select the Timer command button and refer to the window on page 5-65. 10.39RXlTz When finished programming, select theExit command button. A window appears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To update the database and exit to the Applications Menu window, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. To re- turn to the Hunt Croups programming window, select the Cancel button. Hunt Group Extended Data Window10.40 When you select a hunt group from the Hunt Croup list box shown on the previous page, the follow- ing window appears. 10.41HUNT NAME: Select the Hunt Name text box and enter the name for the hunt group (up to seven char-acters) that will appear on keyset displays for calls associated with the hunt group. 10.42DESCRIPTION: To enter a descriptive name for the hunt group (such as Field Service, or Order Pro- cessing), select the Description text box and type the de- sired name with up to 20 characters. 10.43SUPERVISOR: A station can be assigned as the hunt group supervisor for monitoring purposes. To assign a supervisor to the hunt group, select the Supervi- sor text box and type the supervisor station’s circuit or extension number. 10.44HUNT GROUP SEARCH TYPE To deter- mine whether the hunt group will receive calls in linear, distributed, or all-ring order, select the desired option button. The selected button will have a dark circle in the center. (Voice mail/computer hunt groups are always linear and cannot be changed.)i0.45 OK: When finished, select the OK command button to return to the Hunt Croups programming win- dow. If you have changed the search type to or from “all ring” and there is currently a call ringing or camped on at the hunt group, a warning window will appear. If you select the OK button, those calls will be disconnected. If you select Cancel, the Extended Data screen reappears to allow you to change the type back or try again. Hunt Name:71 Dscription: 71 &qmvisor:El r Hunt Group Search ‘Qpe0 9 Linear Search 0al Ring 0 Qistributed Search Page 5-64

INTER-TELPRACTICESPROGRAMMING IMX/GMX 256 INS’lXLlATION 81 MAINTENANCEIssue 1, November 1994 No Answer Advance:p[ sec.Default 18: Range 3-255 _Apnouncement:I18 sec.Default 18: Range lo-255 OXerflOW: 72 sec.IDefault 72: Range lo-255Timer Programming Window 10.46 TIMERS: When you select the Timer com- mand button shown on page 5-62, the window above is displayed. To change the timer values, select the desired text boxes and type the new value. The timer functions are as follows: 0No Answer Advance Timer: This is the length of time a call can remain unanswered at a hunt group station before moving to the next station in the hunt group-l Announcement Timer: This determines how long a direct ring-in call will remain unanswered before be- ing automatically transferred to the hunt group’s an- nouncement station(s).l Overflow Timer: This determines how long a trans- ferred CO call will circulate through the hunt group(unanswered) before being automatically trans- ferred to the hunt group’s overflow station. 10.47DEFAULT: To set all three timers to default values, select the Default command button. 10.48OK: When the timers have been programmed as desired, select the OK command button.Announcement Station Data Window 10.49 ANNOUNCEMENT STATIONS: When you select the Amtounce command button shown on page 5-62, the window below is displayed. To assign up to three announcement stations for the hunt group, select the text box(es) and enter the desired intercom number or pilot number. (If a hunt group is assigned as the an- nouncement station, there can be only one amtounce- ment station. If individual stations circuits are assigned, there can be up to three announcement stations.) An- nouncement stations receive calls in numerical order. Therefore, enter the extension numbers in the order you wish to have the announcement stations accessed.10.50 ANNOUNCEMENT TYPE!% To determine whether the announcement stations are user stations (stations or a hunt group) or playback devices, select the desired option button. 1031OR: When programming is complete, select the OK command button to return to the Hunt Croup programming window.Announce 1:Announce 2: r Announcement I)rpes 70l station Devices 0Playback Devices IAnnounce 3: =(ok) Page 5-65

PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTAtLATION & MAINTENANCEOverflow Station: I - Overflow Count Overflow aunt:cl Overflow Station Data Window 10.52OVERFLOW DEVICE: Select the appropri- ate option button to determine whether the overflow sta- tion will be a station or a hunt group. 10.53OVERFLOW STATION: Select the Overflow Station text box and enter the circuit or extension num- ber of the desired overflow station or the pilot number of the desired hunt group. 10.54 OVERFLOW TYPE: If a station will be usedas the overflow device, determine whether it will be equipped with a station instrument or a playback device by selecting the appropriate option button. 10.55 OVERFLOW COUNT: If a playback device is used, determine if the call will be sent to the overflow station or immediately recall the primary attendant orthe transferring station. If it will circulate, determine how many times the call will be sent to the overflow sta- tion or if the count will be “unlimited.” Do one of the following:l Select the Overflow Count text box and enter the count number (l-127). 0If the count is unlimited, select the Unlimited (-1) command button.l If calls are to recall to the primary attendant or the transferring station immediately when the Overflow timer expires (rather than being sent to an overflow station), select the Immediate (0) button. 10.56OK: When programming is complete, select the OK command button to return to the Hunt Group programming window. Page S-66

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INS’lALLATION 81 MAIlWENAbKXPROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 Actions setup Exit rrimary Attendant Station:1 10001 011 Termination Digits:I System Flags Audible message indication for SL sets Auto attendant - dial during recording Auto attendant - enable ringback tone BargeEnabled YeS Disabled Disabled IExitIE. MISCELLANE OUS SYSTEM-WIDE INFORMATION (MISC)10.57 Select Miscellaneous System-wide Informa- tion from the System-Wide Features menu or enter the MISC command to display the window shown above. (If desired, use the program planning sheet in Figure 5-12 on page 5-203.) 10.58PRIMARY ATTENDANT STATION: Select the Primary Attendant Station text box and enter the cir- cuit or extension number of the primary attendant for the system.I10.59 CALL TERMINATION DIGITS: (This cun be programmed only if Etiended DTMF Feedback Dig- its are enabled) Enter the desired call termination dig- its. This is the code used by a voice computer to indicate that the caller has hung up. You can use any combination of up to eight # and * digits. Default is ##I******. 10.60 SYSTEM FLAGS: To program a feature sys- tem-wide, scroll to the desired feature and select it. The status will change each time the SPACE BAR is pressed. The system nags include the following: 0Account Code Class-Of-Service: If this option is enabled, account codes can be programmed to be associated with station class of service (SCOS). This permits a user to place an outgoing call at any strrtion using the SCOS that is programmed for the user’s own station. When the user enters an account code,the system checks the SCOS programming for thestation that is associated with that account code. When the call is completed, the station’s normal SCOS goes back into effect. In the default state, this is disabled. 0 Allow Cross-Tenant ‘D-affic: Determine whether stations that are in different tenant groups will be al-lowed to place intercom calls, forward intercom calls, or transfer intercom or outside calls to one an- other. If disallowed, intercom calls placed to a hunt group are routed only to the hunt group stations that are in the same tenant group as the caller. Outside calls that are transferred to the hunt group are routed to all stations in the group. Recalls are not blocked, even if the attendant is not in the hunt group’s tenant group. In the default state, this is set to yes(allowed). 0Allow Cross-Tenant Voice Mail/Computer Traf- fic: Determine whether voice mail units and voice mail computers will be allowed to place intercom calls, forward intercom calls, or transfer intercom or outside calls to stations that are in different tenant groups. Ifdisallowed, intercom calls placed to a hunt group are routed only to the hunt group stations that are in the same tenant group as the voice mail/corn- puter. Outside calls that are transferred to the hunt group are routed to all stations in the group. Recalls are not blocked, even if the attendant is not in the hunt group’s tenant group. In the default state, this is set to yes (allowed). Page 5-67

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 IlwmLLA’l’ION & MAINTENANCE 0 Audible Message Indication For SL ‘Sets: If enabled, single-line sets will receive message wait- ing indications (six tones before dial tone) when a message is waiting. In the default state, this is en- abled. 0 Auto attendant-Dial During Recording: To al- low callers to dial extension numbers while the auto-mated attendant message is playing, enable this option by setting it to “yes.” In the default state, thisissettoyes. 0 Auto Attendant- Enable Rhgback Tone: If ringback tones are enabled, callers will hear ringing instead of music on hold when being transferred to a station through the automated attendant (or an E&M circuit or DISA). In the default state, this is set to&- abled.l Barge: This system option can be enabled so that stations may be given barge permission and/or receive or block barges. In the default state, barge is disabled. 0 Barge Confirmation Tone: If enabled, users will hear a tone when another user enters a call through the Barge or Privacy Release feature. In the default state, this is enabled. 0Broadcast Alarms To All Attendants: Determine whether system alarms display on all attendant sta- tions (set to “yes”). If not, they will display only at the primary attendant’s station (set to “no”). In the default state, this is set to yes. 0 Broadcast Station Off-Hook Alarms: Determine whether station off-hook alarms display on any attendant stations. If not, they will only be sent to the designated serial port. In the default state, this is set to no.l Drop Incomplete Outgoing Calls: Occasionally, a station user will seize a trunk at the exact time a call is coming in on that trunk and the user will be con-nected to the incoming call instead of dial tone. (This is called “glare.“) If the Drop Incomplete Out- going Calls option is enabled (set to yes), the result- ing call on that trunk will be dropped, just as it would be if the station user did not dial a valid telephone number. If the option is disabled (set to no), the call will remain connected regardless of the number of digits dialed, if any. In the default state, this is set to yes.l DSS Feature Key Lamp Status: If the system does not have any DSS keys programmed as feature keys, this flag can be set to “disabled” to prevent the sys-tern from processing the information that would be required to support the keys and speed up system performance. In the default state, this flag is set toenabled l Extended DTMF FeedbackDigits: If DTMF feed- back tones are enabled in station programming (see page 5-31), the “extended” set of feedback tones can also be enabled. These extended tones include codes for indicating when a station is forwarded to another station and when the calling party hangs up. In the default state, extended feedback digits are set to nc (disabled). 0 External Paging M&c Channel: This option selects the music-on-hold channel (one or two) thatwill he used by external paging speakers for background music. In the default state, this is set to channel one.l Hands&e Announce System Forward ‘D-ansfer: When a station user transfers a call to the principal station of a forwarding path, this option determines what the caller will hear. If enabled (yes), the callerwill place a handsfree call to the principal station and can announce the transfer (the call does not enter the forwarding path). If the option is disabled, the transferring station user will hear ringing and canan- nounce the call only if it is answered by the principal station or one of the forwarding points. This defaults to no.l Hot Dial Pad Keys: If this option is enabled, keyset users can dial trunk access codes and feature codes without lifting the handset or pressing the SPKR or SPCL key. This programmable feature is called “hot dial pad” to indicate that the dial pad keys are always activated. In the default state, this is set to yes (en- abled). 0Hunt Group ‘IYansferred Call ‘Qpe: When the da- tabase is in the default state, all unanswered direct ring-in outside calls to the hunt group go first to the announcement station and then to the overflow sta- tion. Unanswered calls that were transferred to the hunt group, by default, go only to the overflow sta- tion. However, if this system option is set for “Ann/ Overflow,” the system &I1 send &unanswered huntgroup calls first to the Bnnouncement station and then to the overflow station. This defaults to over- Pow. 0Keyset Identification Display: Determine whether the keyset identification display (user name and ex- tension number) should appear on display keysets always (enabled) or only on keyset power up (dis- abled). This defaults to enabled. Page 5-6S

INTRR-TELPRACIICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTRNANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 0 0 0 0Music-On-Hold For IC Calls: This option deter- mines whether a user hears music on hold when placed on hold by another station or camps on to a resource. In the default state, this is enabled.OIIVA DSS Immediate ‘Datumit: Determine if DSS-equipped keysets will have immediate off- hook voice announce capability enabled. In the de- fault state, this is disabled. OIIVA System-Wide: Determine whether the Off- Hook Voice Announce (OHVA) feature will be en-abled system-wide. In the default state, this is enabled. Privacy Release: Determine whether users will be allowed to join ongoing CO calls (privacy release is enabled) or if CO calls will be limited to one station unless the Conference feature is used (Privacy Re- lease is disabled). In the default state, Privacy Re- lease is disabled.Reverse’ ‘Dansfer Immediate Connection: Deter- mine whether reverse-transferred calls are con- nected to keysets automatically (set to “yes”). If not, the user must press the flashing trunk key or the IC key to be connected (set to “no”). In the default state, this is set to yes.Standard Tones For CO ‘Skunks, Keysets, And Single-Lime Sets: The busy tones and dial tones can be pure system tones (as described in FEATURES, page 4-54) or they can be changed to more closely match the telephone company’s standard tones. In the default state, this is set to no for trunks (allowing 256 System tones) and yes for keysets and single- line sets (allowing standard telephone company type tones).Station DTMF Digit Mute: Determine whether IYIMP tones will be heard (not muted) when num-bers are speed dialed (using redial, station speed dial, system speed dial, etc.), or if they will be muted. In the default state, this is set to nc (not muted).Station Monitoring Tone: If enabled, hunt group members will hear a tone whenever the hunt groupsupervisor uses the Station Monitoring feature to lis- ten to a call. In the default state, this is enabled. Suppress AU Displayed Digits After End-Of-Dial- ing: When this option is enabled, any digits dialed after the valid number has been dialed will not be displayed. This prevents digits, such as PINnumbers and other codes, from being displayed when they are dialed. If the digits are not displayed, they will also not be included if the number is redialed using the Redial feature. In the default state, this option is dir- abled (This flag is not affected by the SMDR digit suppression flag described on page 5-142.) System %kate” Type: Determine whether the sys- tem will place a call on hold when the user pressesanother trunk key or the IC key while on a call (skate-to-hold) or will drop the call when another trunk key or the IC key is pressed (skate-todiscon- nect). Skate-to-hold does not affect the procedure for reseizing a trunk. In the default state, this is set to skate-to-disconnect. System Speed-Dial Override SCOS: If this option is enabled, the system speed-dial numbers can be dialed at any station regardless of toll restrictions. If disabled, all system speed-dial numbers are subjectto toll restriction. In the default state, this is dis- abled Validate Voice Mailbox Numbers: This feature af- fects calls transferred to a voice mail unit. Ifall mail- box numbers match extension numbers, the option should be enabled to allow the system to check thatthe mailbox number entered by the transferring party is valid. If there are mailbox numbers that do not match an extension number, there is no need to validate and this option should be disabled. In the default state, this is set to no (disabled). 10.61EXIT: When finished programming, select theExit command button. A window appears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To update the database and exit to the Applications Menu window, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. To re- turn to the System Flags programming window, select the Cancel button. Page S-69

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Actions setup Exit Page ones pissigned Ports/Relays0 0 Relays(pi&Z-)0 &&ma1 Ports(S) F.PAGE ZONES (PAGE) 10.62To prepare for page zone programming, make a list of the keysets and/or the external paging network(s) that are included in up to 10 paging zones. Keysets and the external paging network(s) can be in more than one page zone. (Refer to the program planning sheet in Fig- ure 5-13, page 5-204, when making the list.) In the de- fault state, all keysets are assigned to page zone 1. 10.63To define the page zones, select from the Sys- tem-wide Features menu or enter the PAGE command to display the window shown above. Programming is described below. 10.64PAGE ZONES: Begin programming by high- lightingthe desired page zone in the Page Zones list box. When the highlight bar is on a specific page zone, all other programming applies to that zone. When the page zone is selected, the following window appears. Enter a description of the page zone in the text box and select the OK command button (or select the-Cancel command button to leave the description unchanged).10.65 RELAYS and EXTERNAL PORTS: To pro- gram relays or external ports for the selected page zone, select the desired option button. The list boxes at the bottom of the window will show the ports/relays that have been assigned to the page zone, and the ports/re- lays that are available. To move a port/relay from the available list to the assigned list, select the desired port/ relay in the available box. It will move automatically. To move a port/relay out of the assigned list, selecting it will move it back to the available list. To erase the As- signed list, select the Clear command button. NOTE: External firts must be converted in the windowshown on page 5-72 before they will appear in the Available list. External page relays must first be equipped in the Relay Programming window (on page 5-73) before they will appear in the Available list. Page 5-70

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 10.66 KJZYSE’IS: To assign the keysets that will be in the page zone, select the Keysets command button. A station list window appears as shown below. ltlc:lude on undefinedon Undefined 103 01.04 -Station Undefined104 01.05 -Station UndefinedII .J Exclude 108 02.01 -Station Undefined 109 02.02 -Station Undefined 110 02.03 -Station Undetincd11102.04 ‘Station Undefined 0INCLUDE or MCLUDE: To include a station in that page zone, locate the station on the Exclude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR; it will au- tomatically move to the Include list. To remove a station from the list, select the station in the Include list to move it to the Exclude list. 0ALL or NONE: To include all stations in the page zone, select the All command button. To exclude all stations, select the None command button. 0SORT: To sort the stations and list them numericallyby extension number or circuit number, or to list them alphabetically by name, select the Sort com-mand button. The following window appears. Choose the desired sorting method by selecting the corresponding option button. Then select the OK command button. When the list of stations returns, the list box will show the stations in the selected or- der. To exit without changing the sorting method, select the Cancel command button.0By CircuitBy &me [cancel)0 0OK or CANCEL: When the station lists appear asdesired, select the OK command button. To exit from the window without saving changes, select the Cancel command button. The Page Zones window (see previous page) reappears after either of these command buttons is selected. Page 5-71