Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1. November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INS’lYALIATION & MAINTENANCE Actions setup Exit Auto Att/VM/DISA DND Breakthrough Automatic Answer On CO Calls Automatic Answer On IC Calls Barge Receive Enabled Barge Transmit Enabled CampOn Tones Disabled CO Reseize Enabled Dial Pulse Enabled DID Camp-on Tones Disabled Do-Not-Disturb Allowed Do-Not-Disturb Override Allowed DTMF Feedback EnabledC. STATION FEATURES (SFEA) 9.26The window shown above is used to assign a sta- tion feature to a group of stations. It is accessed by se- lecting Station Features from the Station Programminn menu or entering the SFEA command. Station features included in this program are the same as most of those in the Miscellaneous Flags window of Individual Stationprogramming as described on page 5-30. Determine which station will use each of the following features.Note that some are keyset only or single-line set only features. The program planning sheet is in Figure 5-7 on page 5-189.I 0Allow Private intercom Override 0 Auto Attendant/VM/DISA Do-Not-Disturb Break- throughl Auto Attendant/DISA Do-Not-Disturb Break- through 0Automatic Answer On CO Calls (keysets only)l Automatic Answer On IC Calls (keysets only)l Barge Receive Enabled 0Barge Transmit Enabled (keysets only) o Camp-on Tones Disabled l CO Reseize Enabled (keysets only)l Dial Pulse Enabled (single-line stations only)l DID Camp-on Tones Enabled 0 Do-Not-Disturb Allowed 0Do-Not-Disturb Override Allowed (keysets only) 0 MMF Feedback Enabled l E&M Camp-on Tones Enabledl Handsfree Enabled (keysets only) 0 Headset Enabled 0LCR Facility Croup Camp-on Allowed _’ I 0Message Lamp Enabled (single-line stations only) 0Music Channel One Enabled 0Off-Hook Voice Announce Receive Enabled (key- sets only)l Off-Hook Voice Announce Transmit Enabledl Page Remove Enabled (keysets only) 0 Redial Mode-Last Number Dialed (keysets only) 0Ring Intercom Always Enabled 0 Station Exchange Enabled I 0 Transparent LCR Enabled 9.27 STATION FEATURES: Highlight and select the station feature you wish to assign to a group of sta- tions. A station list box appears as shown on the next page. Page 5-52

INTER-TEJ.aPRAcTIcESPROGRAMMINGIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEIssue 1, November 1994 Include10201.03‘StationUndefined 10301.04-StationUndefined 10401.05-station Undetincd Exclude110 02.03 ‘Station Undefined 11102.04 -Station Undefined 112 OZ.05 -Station UndcEnedl INCLUDE or EKCLUDE: To add to the list of sta- tions with that feature, locate the desired station on the Exclude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR, the station will automatically move to the In- clude list. To remove a station from the list, select the station in the Include list to move it to the Ex- clude list.l ALL or NONE: To include all stations in the list of stations with that feature, select the All command button. To exclude all stations, select the None com- mand button.l OK or CANCEL: When the station lists appear asdesired, select the OK command button. To exit from the window without saving changes, select the Cancel command button. The station features win-dow (see previous page) reappears after either of these command buttons is selected. 0SORT: To sort the stations and list themnumerically by extension number or circuit number, or to list them alphabetically by name, select the Sort com-mand button. The following window appears. Choose the desired sorting method by selecting the corresponding option button. Then select the OK command button. When the list of stations returns, the list box will show the stations in the selected or- der. To exit without changing the sorting method, select the Cancel command button. 9.28 EXIT: When finished programming, select the Exit command button (shown on the preceding page). A window appears that asks “Perform Update to Data- base?” To update the database and exit to the Applica- tions Menu window, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. To return to the Station Features programming window, select the Cancel but- ton. Page 5-53

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICB IMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Actions&tup Exit WARNING: Changing the Account Code Length Erases All Previously Defined Account Codes.Program Length Current Account Code Length: 4Station Lists 002 003 004 standard ~~,~~~~~I +: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i9, ..: ..,.....: . . . .:: . . . . . . . . ,...,...... . .:. 001I fFgced S-mdard LCR Toll Class-of-service Npne> 10.SYSTEM-WIDE FEATURES 10.1When System-wide Features is selected Corn the Applications Menu window, the menu expands to show the following options: System-Wide Features... Account Code Information DND and Reminder Messages Extensions, Usernames, and Feature Codes Hunt Groups Miscellaneous System-Wide Information Page ZonesRelay Programmiq System Forwarding System Speed Dial System Timers Tenants and Departments 10.2Each of these programs is explained in detail on the following pages. A.ACCOUNT CODE INFORMATION (ACCT)103 There can be up to 128 standard account codes (numbered 000-127) and up to 256 forced account codes (numbered 000255). Up to 256 stations can have class-of-service account codes. Account code length can be 4 to 8 digits; all codes have the same length. The program planning sheet is in Figure 5-8 on page 5-190. .10.4To program account codes, select Account Code Information from the System-Wide Features menu or enter the ACCT command. The programming window appears as shown above. 10.5PROGRAM LENGTH: To change the length of all account codes, select the Program Length command button. The following window appears. Enter the desired account code length (4-8) and select the OKcommand button. Note the warning that states that changing the account code length will erase all existing account codes. &cant Code Length:q (ok) ‘* :, Page 5-54

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INS~TION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMING Issue 1. November 199410.6 STANTWRD and FORCED LIST BOXES: The Standard and Forced list boxes are used for assign- ing the account codes. When the desired account code is selected, the following window appears. Enter the ac- count code in the text box and select the OK command button. &u3unt code: (nk] 10.7If you attempt to add an account code that has al- ready been assigned, the following error message ap pears. The system has selected a unique number. If you wish to use that number, select the Yes command button. If you wish to enter a different number, select the No command button to return to the Account Code window shown above. Every account code must be unique. “XXXX” is unique! Would you like to use this number? I*,,6I 10.8Ifthe account code is not the programmed length, an error message will display that reminds you to pro- gram the correct number of digits in the account code. If this message appears, press the RETURN key and then re-enter the correct account code. 10.9STATION LISTS: To determine which stationswill use forced, standard or neither type of account codes, select the desired command button as follows:. FORCED COMMANDBU’ITONz To assign forced account codes to multiple stations, select the Forced command button. A list of stations appears asshown below. Select the desired stations as de- scribed in paragraph 10.10.. sTANDARDcoMMANDBU’ITOON: To assign a standard account code to multiple stations, highlight the desired account code in the Standard list box. Then select the Standard conun~nd button The sta- tions that are selected for the station list will be as-signed only to the highlighted account code. To program other account codes, repeat this procedure.l LCRTOLL COMMAND BUTTOW To assign LCR toll account codes to multiple stations, selectthe LCR Toll command button. A list of stations appears as shown on this page. Select the desired sta- tions as described in paragraph 10.10.. VALIDATED COMMANDBUlTONz To pro- gram the system to validate the account codes of multiple stations, select the Validated command but- ton. A list of stations appears as shown on this page. Select the desired stations as described in paragraph 10.10.. NONECOMMAND BUTI’ON: To determine the stations that will not have account codes, select the None command button and use the list of stations as described in paragraph 10.10. NOTE: Each station can be assigned one of account code type (forced, standard, or LCR toll account code) in addition to being enabled for class-of- service account codes. If you select a station for standard, forced, or LCR toll account code that had a previously programmed account code, the previous account code is replaced by the new code (the pre-vious code is deleted if the station is selected for “None”). 10.10Assign stations to the account code batch lists using the list box as follows.102 01.03 -Station Undefined 103 01.04 ‘Station UndeEoed104 01.05 -Station Undefined 109 02.02 -Station Undefined 110 02.03 -Station Undefined l INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: To include a station in the selected list, locate that station on the Exclude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR, it will automatically move to the Include list. To remove a station from the list, select the station in the Include list to move it to the Exclude list. Page 5-55

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELaPRACTICES IMX/GMX 256 INSTAUATION & MAINTENANCE oALL or NONE: To include all stations in the list, select the All command button. To exclude all sta- tions, select the None command button. 0OK or CANCEL: When the station lists appear asdesired, select the OK command button. To exit from the window without saving changes, select the Cancel command button.l SORT: To sort the stations and list them numericallyby extension number or circuit number, or to list them alphabetically by name, select the Sort com-mand button. The following window appears. Choose the desired sorting method by selecting the corresponding option button. Then select the OK command button. When the list of stations returns, the list box will show the stations in the selected or- der. To exit without changing the sorting method, select the Cancel command button. - Ordering 0 l By Extension0By Circuit 0By &me10.11 CLASS-OF-SERVICE: This option can be used only if the class-of-service account codes option is enabled in System Information. To determine the sta- tions that will have class-of-service account codes, se-lect the Class-of-Service command button. A window containing a list box appears. 0 CLASS-OF-SERVICE ACCOUNT CODE: The list box contains a list of all stations. To assign a class-of-service account code to a station, locate that station in the list and press the SPACEBAR. The fol-lowing window appears. Enter the account code (000455) in the text box and select the Ok corn- mand button. (If the account code is entered incor- rectly, the error messages described on the previous page may appear.)&count Code: 0 OK: When class-of-service account codes have been assigned as desired, select the Ok command button to return to the Account Code Information Programming window. 10.12EXIT: When finished programming, select theExit command button. A window appears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To update the database and exit to the Applications Menu window, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. To re-turn to the Account Code Information programming window, select the Cancel button. Page 5-56

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMXIGMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 Actions Setup &it Reminder Messages 02STAFF MEETING 03SALES MEETING 04CANCEL MEETING 05APPOINTMENT 06PLACE CALL 107CALL CLIENT 08CALL CUSTOMER 09CALL HOME 110 CALL CORPORATE _~ QND Messages 02 IN MEETING UNTILn 03 IN MEETINGH 04 ON VACATION ‘TIL 05ON VACATION 06 CALL ME AI’ 07 CALL ME AFTER 08AWAY AT 09ON BREAKB. DNDAND REMINDER MESSAGES10.14When you select DND and Reminder Messages (MESG)from the System-wide Features menu or enter the 10.13You can reprogr& any or all of the 20 reminderMESG command, the programming window appears as shown above. messages and/or do-not-disturb messages 02-20 with a new message of up to 16 characters. (Do-notdisturb 01message cannot be changed). The program planning sheet is in Figure 5-9 on page 5-195. The default mes-10.15 REMINDER MESSAGES or DND MES-SAGES: Scroll through the desired list box until the message to be re-programmed is highlighted. When the sages are as follows: REMIND~MESSAGES: 01 Meeting02 staffh4ee.ting03 SalesMeeting04 cancelMeeting OS Appointment 06Placecall07 CallClient 08 CallCustomer09 CallHome10 callcolporate 11CallEngineering 12 CallMarketing 13call Accomlting 14 CancelDND1s cancclcallFwD 16TakeMedication 17 Make Reservation 18Review Schedule 19Lunch 20Reminder DO-NO’GDISI’URBMESSAGES: 01 Do-Not-Disturb 11OutofOfsce 02 InMedng Until12Out Until03 InMeeting13WithaClient 04 On Vacation Til14WithaGue& OS On Vacation 15 With a Patient06 CallMeAt16Unavailable07 CaUMeAfter17InConference 08 Away At18Away From Desk09 OnBreak19GoneHome 10 Out Of Town ‘Til20 Out To Lamchmessage is sclcc~&-a smaller window appears in the middle of the screen as shown below. Type any 16-char- acter message in the text box and select the OK com- mand button. Or select the Cancel command button to leave the message unchanged. &.ssage: [-x-j (pii-] 10.16EXIT: When finished programming, select theExit command button. A window appears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To update the database and exit to the Applications Menu window, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. To re- turn to the DND and Reminder Messages programming window, select the Cancel button. Page 5-57

PROGRAMMINGINTER-TELPRACTICES Issue 1, November 1994IMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION 81 MAINTENANCEActions setup Exit Extension Programming mpe Selected Name/Number of Item [-xG-) (Z) (TJ C.EXTENSIONS, USERNAMES, AND FEATURE CODES (EXT) 10.17 To reprogram station extension numbers, hunt group pilot numbers, trunk group access codes, or fea- ture codes, select Extensions, Usernames, and Feature Codes from the System-wide Features menu or enter the EXT command. The programming window appears as shown above. 10.18Make a list of feature codes, extension num- bers, hunt group pilot numbers, and trunk group access codes, as well as names and descriptions for the users, hunt groups, modems, and trunks. The program plan- ning sheet in Figure 5-10 on page 5-197 lists the default values of all the extensions, hunt group numbers, tnmk group access codes, feature codes, and modems. 10.19To “unequip” a station or trunk group, remove the extension number/access code using the Extensions,Usernames, and Feature Codes window. Without an access code, the trunk group or station cannot be ac- cessed by the station users by entering a feature code. However, the trunk group can still be assigned to an indi- vidual trunk group key.10.20 EXTENSION PROGRAMMING TYPE: This list box allows you to choose one of the followingprogramming areas. When you select the desired op tion, the bottom list box shows the available stations, hunt groups, trunk groups, or feature codes. Highlight- ing one of the items in the lower list box, causes the cur- rent value of that item to appear below the list box. (Forexample, if the first station is highlighted, the circuit number, description, and extension number appear.) When the item is selectd the following window ap P-= Extension:IPress F2 for Listof Extensions IJescription: user Name: 0 Stations: Enter the extension number, user’s full name (description), and abbreviated user name. If you wish to see a list of available extension numbers, press IQ. When finished, select the OK command button. Note that “dual” keyset circuits will not have a default extension number assigned to the “B” sta-tion. (For example, l.lA would be extension 100, but l.lB would not have a default extension num- ber.) Dual keysets circuits are programmed in the SystemConfigurationwindowshownonpage5-170. If an Attendant Computer Console will be used on the system, enter the user name with the last name first, followed by a comma and the first name (e.g., Smith, John). This will allow the Attendant Comput- er Console directory to sort the names alphabetically by last name. Page 5-58

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 0Hunt Groups: Enter the pilot number (extension), the hunt group name (description), and abbreviated user name. If you wish to see a list of available num- bers, press F2. When finished, select the OK com- mand button. 0‘hunk Groups: Enter the access code (extension),the description of the trunk group, and an abbre- viated trunk name (user name). If you wish to see alist of available codes, press F2. When finished, select the OK command button.l Features: Enter the feature code (extension). If you wish to see a list of available codes, press F2. When finished, select the OK command button. 0Modems: Enter the desired extension number, de- scription, and user name. If you wish to see a list of available extension numbers, press F2. When fin- ished, select the OK command button. 10.21The feature codes and extension numbers are preset to carefully selected default values. Changing the codes or numbers can cause existing assignments to be erased. For example, if 300,305, and 306 are assigned as feature codes and you attempt to assign 30 as another feature code, 30 would not be accepted, because 3 and 0 make up part of existing codes. Instead, a warning will appear, as shown below. You can then choose to make the change and erase the conflicting codes (override), or cancel the change and select another code. WARNING The requested extension conflicts with the following extensions: 300 FE Date and Time Display 305 FE Reminder Message 306 FE Cancel Reminder 1 Qverride 1 1 @me1 1-I\ 10.22The abbreviation FE in the example above indi- cates that the number is a feature code. Additional ab- breviations that may appear include ST for stations, HG for hunt groups, MD for modems, and TG for trunk PUPS. 10.23SET EXTENSIONS: To batch load extension numbers, hunt group pilot numbers, or trunk group num-bers, highlight the desired line in the Extension Pro-gramming Type list box and then select the Set Ext command button. The following window appears. Eaension List Bck List02.01 ‘Station Undefined 02.02 -station undefined 02.03 ‘Station Undefined 02.04 -Station Undefined &eginnii Extension:clPress F2 for List of Extensions.BEGINNING EXTENSION: Begin progriunmiq by entering the Begiuning Extension number in the text box at the bottom of the window. This will be the extension number assigned to the first station, hunt group, or trunk group in the Extension list. (If you wish to select from a list of available extension num- bers, press F2. When the list box appears, scroll to the desired number and select the OK command but- ton. Or, select the Cancel command button to return to the Set Extensions window.)l EXTENSION LIST/PICK LIST: The Pick List box contains a list of stations, hunt groups, or trunk groups that do not have assigned numbers. Scrollthrough the Pick List box to find the entries for which you wish to assign numbers. Locate and select the entries (by pressing the SPACE BAR) in the de- sired order to move them to the Extension List box. The first entry will be assigned the BeginningExten- sion number shown in the text box. All others will be assigned numbers in consecutive order as they ap- pear in the Extension list box. For example, if the be-ginning extension is 100, and three stations are selected, the first station will be extension 100, the second will be 101. and the third will be 102. 0CLEAR LIST: To clear the Extension List, select the Clear List command button.l 0KlCANCEI.z To leave the window without saving any changes, select the Cancel command button. When all programming appears as desired, select the OK command button. Page 5-59

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994lNTRR-TRLPItA~cES IMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 10.24CLEAR EXTENSION: To erase several ex- tension numbers, hunt group pilot numbers, or trunk group numbers, highlight the desired line in the Exten-sion Programming ‘Qpe list box and then select the Clear Ext command button. The following window ap pea=- Egtension List 02.03 ‘Station Undefined 02.04 -Station Undefined 02.05 ‘Station Undctined tick List 0SORT: To sort the entries and list them numericallyby extension number or circuit number, or to list them alphabetically by name, select the Sort com-mand button. The following window appears. Choose the desired sorting method by selecting thecorresponding option button. Then select the OK command button. When the list returns, the list box will show the entries in the selected order. To exitwithout changing the sorting method, select the Cancel command button. - Ordering 0 l By &tension[-T-j0By Circuit By &me [-GZ--)0 l EXTENSION LIST/PICK LIST: The Pick List box contains a list of stations, hunt groups, or trunk groups that have assigned numbers. Scroll through the Pick List box to find the entries for which youwish to erase numbers. Scroll to the entries and select them (by pressing the SPACE BAR) to move them to the Extension List box.l ALL or NONE: To include all entries in the Exten-sion List box, select the All command button. To clear the Extension List, select the None command button. 0OK/CANCEL: To leave the window without saving any changes, select the Cancel command button. When all programming appears as desired, select the OK command button. 10.25EMT: When finished programming, select theExit command button. A window appears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To update the database and exit to the Applications Menu window, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. To re- turn to the Extensions, Usernames, and Feature Codes programming window, select the Cancel button. Page 5-60

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCYPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 D.HUNT GROUPS (HUNT) 10.26 Several items must be determined before pro-gramming hunt groups, as follows. Refer to Figure 5-11, page 5-202, for a program planning sheet that lists hunt groups. Refer to page 4-16 in FEAPURB for more details.l Stations: Prepare a list of up to 20 hunt groups and the stations to be included in them (each hunt group can have as many stations as desired, providing the system-wide total does not exceed 480 stations as- signed to hunt groups). If desired, a station can ap pear more than once in a hunt group list. A station can also be in more than one hunt group.lHunt group descriptions and names: Descriptions can contain up to 20 characters and hunt group names can contain up to seven characters.l Riug order: Determine whether the calls are sent to the stations in all-ring, linear, or distributed order. AR-ring order means that the call rings at all stationsin the hunt group simultaneously. Linear order means that the call is sent to the first station on the list and moves down the list until it reaches an avail- able station. With distributed order, the call is sent to the station that appears on the list after the last sta-tion to receive a call (even if the call was not an- swered).lVoice mail hunt group: Indicate if the hunt group contains all single-line circuits that have been desig nated as voice mail ports.I 0 Voice computer group/Automated attendant hunt group: Indicate if the hunt group contains only single-line circuits connected to a voice mail com-puter. Voice computer groups can also be pro- grammed as automated attendant hunt groups. - voice Computer Hunt Group: The single-linestation circuits in this group are connected to voice mail computers. - Voice Computer Automated Attendant Hunt Group: The single-line circuits in this group are connected to a voice computer that uses them as automated attendants.I Overflow and announcement stations: A hunt group can have an overflow station and/or up to three announcement stations. If a call rings in direct- ly to the hunt group and is not answered before the hunt group Announcement timer expires, the call automatically transfers to the announcement sta- tion(s). If a call is transferred to the hunt group and is not answered before the hunt group Overflow timer expires, the call automatically transfers to the over- flow station. Do not include these stations in the hunt group distribution list. - Ovefflow and announcement stations can be user-operated stations, or they can be playback devices that answer calls and automatically re- turn the calls to the hunt group. - If an overflow station is a playback device, you can determine the number of times calls will be permitted to return to the overflow station (over- flow count). The overflow count can be 1-127, unlimited (-l), or 0 (to bypass the overflow sta- tion). Hunt group supervisor: Each group can have one display keyset assigned as a hunt group supervisor. The assigned supervisor has the option of using the Station Monitor feature code to monitor an active outside call of any station in the hunt group. 10.27Select Hunt Groups in the System-Wide Fea- tures menu or enter the HUNT command to program up to 20 hunt groups. The window appears as shown on the next page. Page 5-61