Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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INTER-TELPRACTICESTROUJ3LESHOOTINGIMx/GMx 256 INSTl4LLATION & MAINTENANCEIssue 1, November 1994 FIGURE 6-l.LIGHT-EMITTING DIODE (LED) INDICATIONS (CONT’D) LOCATlON Tl Card (con- tinued) LEDIndividual Cir- cuits (l-10) DESCRIPTION When the Red Alarm LED is flashing (see next page), one or more of the first ten Individual Circuit LEDs will also flash to indicate the following error condition(s): NOTE: Error conditions (1) and (2) below occur only when the T1_ Card is not equipped with the optional on-board CSU Module. Fxror conditions (3) and (4) occur only when the Tl Card is equipped with the on-board CSU module. (1) Alarm 0, Receiver Loss of Signal from Networks Thecard is not properly receiving the Tl signal from out- side the system. Check for improper connection. If the problem persists, contact the Tl provider. (2)Alarm 1, Transndter Loss of Sign& from Tl Card to Network The card is not properly transmitting the Tl 100 2 signal to outside the system. Check for improper con- nection. If the problem persists, replace the card and re- 2004turn it for repair.5005 (3)Alarm 2, ReceiverLoss ofSignaI@m CSU: The card is7005 not properly receiving the Tl signal from outside the system. Check for improper connection. If the problem ~0010persists, contact the Tl provider. 11 0 0 12(4)Alarm 3, Transmizter Loss of Signal from CSU to Net- 13 0 0 14work: The card is not properly transmitting the Tl sig- nal to outside the system. Check for improper connec-15 0 0 16tion. If the problem persists, replace the card and return 17 0 0 16it for repair. ‘@ 00 20(5)Alarm 4, Receiving YellowAlann: The card is receiving 21 0.0 22 a yellow alarm error condition from outside the system. Check for improper connection or wiring. If the prob-220024lem persists, contact the Tl provider. (6)Alarm 5, Receiving Blue Alann: The card is receiving a CIRCUIT LEDSblue alarm error condition (also called Alarm Indica- tion Signal [AIS]) from outside the system. Check for improper connection or wiring. Ifthe problem persists, contact the Tl provider. (7)Alann 6, Tl SignaI Our-of-Frame: There is a problem with the master/slave synchronization or the framing scheme. Check database programming. and check for improper connection or wiring. If the problem persists, contact the Tl provider, or replace the card and return it for repair. (8) Alann 7, Severely ErtvrrdSeconds: Indicates that one or more severe errors have been detected for at least one second. Check for improper connection or wiring. If the problem persists, contact the Tl provider, or re- place the card and return it for repair. (9)Alarm 8, Transmitting Blue Alarm: Jf error conditions (1) or (3) above are detected (loss of receive signal), the card sends out a blue alarm signal. (10) Alarm 9, Remote Loopback State: Currently reserved for engineering diagnostic purposes only. Page 6-5
‘l’ROUBLJBHOOTING Issue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 256 lNSTALLATION 8z MAINTENANCE FIGURE 6-l.LIGHT-EMITTING DIODE (LED) INDICATIONS (CONT’D)Y ) LOCATION Tl Card (con- thld) LED Red Alarm DESCRIPTION Flashes when the Tl Card has detected some type of red alarm error condition for at least two to three seconds (e.g., loss of the Tl signal), either internally or from outside the system. All calls on the card are dropped, all attendant stations display SYSTEM ALARM #29, and one or more of the first ten Indi- vidual Circuit LEDs on the card flash to indicate the exact er- ror condition(s) (see previous page). Check the alarm mes- sage and field service diagnostic output and attempt to correct the problem. When the card receives a clean signal for 10 to 20 seconds, the Red Alarm LED is unlit and normal call pro- cessing resumes. NOTE: If, while the Red Alarm LED is flashing, the Tl Card detects a receive signal, it transmits a yellow alarm to outside the system. If the card detects a loss of receive signal, it trans- mits a blue alarm to outside the system. Yellow Alarm Flashes when the Tl Card has detected (is receiving) a yellow alarm error condition (e.g., a red alarm error condition from outside the system or a loss of frame synchronization). If the yellow alarm condition occursfor less than two to three sec-onds, normal call processing continues and no calls are dropped. However, if the yellow alarm condition lasts more than two or three seconds, the card goes into a red alarm con- dition (see above). NOTE: Ifthis LED is the only one on the card that is flashing, it may indicate a database programming inconsistency (e.g., the card is jumpered for CSU mode, while the database is pro- grammed for DSX mode). Check the alarm message and field service diagnostic output for a programming conflict and cor- rect the problem.Blue Alarm Flashes when the Tl Card has detected (is receiving) a blue alarm error condition (i.e., a stream of continuous ones fromoutside the system). This “keep alive” signal, also called Alarm Indication Signal (MS), is sent from the remote site when it is in a yellow or red alarm condition. Ifthe blue alarm condition occurs for less than two to three seconds, normal call processing continues and no calls are dropped. However, if the blue alarm condition lasts more than two or three sec- onds, the card goes into a red alarm condition (see above). Page 6-6
pT#I&Lg~~CTICESSTALLATION 8z MAINTENANCETROUBLESHOOTINGIssue 1, November 1994 FIGURE 6-l.LIGHT-EMITTING DIODE (LED) INDICATIONS (CONT’D) LOCATION Tl Card (con- tinued) LED Secondary Pro- cxssor Active DESCRIPTION Lit green to show that the secondary processoronthecardis active and that the entire card is now on-line. If unlit after the card has been powered up over 30 seconds, check for improp er connection; if still unlit, return the card for repair.NOTE: After the Primary Processor Active LED is lit (see page 649, the Secondary Processor on the card performs a self test that takes approximately 30 seconds. After successful completion of the self test, the Secondary Processor Active LED is then lit. Secondary Ro- cessor Halted Lit red to show that the card has detected an unrecoverable er- ror and has halted the secondary processor. Although the card’s Primary Rocessor may still be active, the card will not function properly; return the card for repair. Page 6-7
TROUBLESHOOTJNGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 4.ALARM MESSAGES AND FIELD SERVICE DIAGNOSTICS 4.1Alarm messages can be programmed to appear on keyset displays, in the SMDR printout, or as a separate error printout. When listed in a printout, alarm messages are preceded by +++ and the time of day when the alarm occurred. 4.2Minor alarm messages can be programmed to ap pear on all attendant stations’ displays or on the primary attendant’s display only. Refer to PROGRAMMING, page 5-67, for designating which attendant(s) will re-ceive minor alarm messages. Major alarm messages will appear on all display keysets, regardless of pro- gramming.43 Possible alarm messages and the associated trou-bleshooting procedures are outlined in the following sections.A. MINORALARMS THAT ARE USER CORRECTABLE I (1) (2) #Ol EXT XXX - Station Off-Hook: The indi- cated station is off hook and the Inactivity Alarm timer, has expired. Q’he station’s display shows STKlTON OFF HOOK, and the station’s associated key on DSS/BLF Units and other key- set speed-dial keys flutters continuously.) Locatethe station and place the handset back in its cradle-the alarm clears automatically. #02 SMDR Print Timeout, #03 Error Print Timeout, and #04 SMDA Priut Timeout: The indicated printer is not working properly (the cable may be loose, or the printer may be out of paper or ribbon).B. MINOR ALARMSREQTJHUNG ATTENTION FROM SERVICE PERSONNEL NOTE: Before replacing the RCPU Card, use the save/ restore program to save the customer’s database (seepage 5-167 in PROGRAMMIN G).It can then be re- stored (loaded) into a new RCPU Card if necessary. Make sure the database back-up battery on the new RCPU Card has a charge of at least 2SVDC (see page3-45 in INsrALLArIoN).(1) #lO EXT XXX - Excessive Data Errors: Check the operation of the indicated keyset. The error may be caused by a defective keyset (per- form keyset self-test), defective wiring (check wiring), defective station cable, or a defective Keyset Card. (2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)#11 Write Protect Circuit Fail: The circuitry that prevents the software from accidentally writing to the database is no longer functioning. Replace the RCPU Card and return it for repair. #16 Background Detected ‘IFmer Fail: The in- terval timer is inoperative. Contact Technical Service and report the circumstances under which the alarm message occurred. #17 Watchdog Timeout in Minor Init: The watchdog function has timed out during an attempted initialization. Contact Technical Ser- vice and report the circumstances under which the alarm message occurred. #19 Real Time ClockNeeds Init: This messageusually appears when the AC power is first turned on. Check that the battery strap (BBU) on the RCPU Card is in the ON position (over the top two pins). If the battery strap is correct, reset the system by pressing the reset button on the front of the RCPU Card. Then set the system time through the programming terminal or an at- tendant’s keyset. Ifthe message still appears, re- place the RCPU Card and return it for repair. #21 EXT XXX-Excessive Hardware Failures: Replace or repair the indicated station’s cabling and/or replace the station card or station instru- ment. #26 Power Supply Overheating: The power supply is generating abnormally high heat. Check the fans in the power supply chassis or re- place any defective modules. #29 Tl Lime In ‘IhJuble Or Off-Lime: A Tl Card has encountered a red alarm error conditionand all calls on the card have been dropped. Check the alarm message and field service diag- nostic output and attempt to correct the problem. #30 Toll Security Feature Expired: The Week- ly Toll Limit feature is no longer in effect. It can be reenabled only by Inter-Tel Services person- nel. #31 Toil Security Limit Exceeded: The weekly limit for one or both types of monitored calls is 100% depleted. The programmer can set the lim- it to a higher value or reset it to zero. (When this alarm is displayed, any further alarms will not overwrite the display.) #32 Toll Security Data Changed: The weekly toll limit information has been changed in the database. #33 DISA Security Liiit Exceeded: A DISA caller has entered an invalid password three con- Page 6-8
INTER-TELPRACTTCESIMX/GMX 256 INSTAUATION & MAINTENANCETROUBLESHOOTINGIssue 1, November 1994 secutive times. The incoming DISAtrunk is dis-connected and will not answer again for five minutes. (13) #34 Toll Security Limit At 80%: The weekly limit for one or both types of monitored calls is 80% depleted. The programmer can set the limit to a higher value or reset it to zero. (When thisalarm is displayed, any further alarms will not overwrite the display.)C. MAJOR ALARM STHATREQUIRE lMMEDIATEATTENTION 4.4If a major alarm is detected by the system, the redMAJOR ALARM LED on the RCPU Card will light. When a major alarm occurs, do the following: (1)Attempt to reset the system by using the reset switch on the RCPU Card or by using the pro- (2) (3) gramming PC (refer to PROGRAMMING, page S-167). If the system does not recover from the alarm, continue to the next step. Turn OFF the AC POWER for at least ten sec- onds and then turn it ON again.If the system still does not recover from the alarm, check the system voltages as outlined on page 6-2. Using the troubleshooting charts be- ginning on page 6-12, try to isolate the defective part(s). Ifit is determined that the RCPU Card (or any other part) is faulty, return it for repair and include any indicated error messages in the prob- lem description. NOTE: When returning a faulty card, indicate all appli- cable error messages on the material return authoriza- tion (MRA) tag. Page 6-9
TROUBLESHOOTINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESlMX/GMX 256 INS~TION & MAINTENANCE D. JTELD SERVICE DIAGNOSTICS 4.5Field service diagnostics can be programmed to appear in the SMDR printout or as a separate errorprint- out. When listed in a printout, field service diagnostics are preceded by *** and the time of day when the error messageoccurred. Possible field service diagnostics and the associated troubleshooting procedures are as follows: 0) c-9 (3) (4 HDLC Errors: ?? Xx: This indicates a hard- ware problem in error handling. ContactTechui- cal Service and report the error message and the circmnstanm under which it occurred. - card: Type Number -Inserted, Passed Init:This indicates successful detection and initial- ization of the card. No action is necessary.Card: Type Number - Removed: This indi- cates removal of the card. No action is necessary. STNAr X.Y ml]: The system has detected orreceived an error from a DKSC/KSC device (keyset, DSS/BLF Unit, or Attendant ComputerConsole). The possible accompanying error messages are: a.RlT Detected Transmission Ermr: The sys- tem has detected a transmission error from a keyset, DSWBLF Unit, or Attendant Com- puter Console. This message may occur when the line cord is removed from a keyset, DSWBLF Unit, or Attendant Computer Con- sole and when the 25pair cable is removed from a Keyset Card. In these cases, no action is required. However, if the error message oc- curs repeatedly for a DKSC/KSC circuit or a group of DKSC/KSC circuits for which the line cord(s) or the station cable is not beingremoved, all station cabling and wiring should be checked. If the problem persists,replace the station instrument and/or the Keyset Card and return for repair. b.?? Xx: The system has detected an invaliddata byte from a keyset, DSWBLF Unit, or Attendant Computer Console. This messagemay occur when the line cord is removed from a keyset, DSS/BLF Unit, or Attendant Computer Console and when the 25paircable is removed from a Keyset Card. In these cases, no action is required. However,if the error occurs repeatedly for a DKSC/ KSC circuit or a group of DKWKSC cir- cuits for which the line cord or the station cable is not being removed, all station cab-ling and wiring should be checked. If the Page 6-10C. d. e. f. h. problem persists, replace the station instru- ment and/or the Keyset Card and return for repair. RIT Detected No-Response Emr: The sys- tem has detected a lack of response from a keyset, DSS/BLF Unit, or Attendant Com- puter Console. This message generally indi- cates a hardware problem. Check all station cabling and wiring. If the problem persists,replace the station instrument and/or the Keyset Card and return for repair. Reconfigure Request: The system has de-tected a temporary transmission problem from a keyset, DSWBLF Unit, or Attendant Computer Console. If this error message oc- curs only intermittently, no action is neces- sary. However, if the error occursrepeatedly for a DKWKSC circuit or a group of DKSCI KSC circuits, check all station cabling and wiring. If the problem persists, replace thestation instrument and/or the Keyset Card and return for repair. Spurious Intermpt: The indicated device has undergone a reset. The reset may have been caused by electrostatic shock or electromag- netic interference in the vicinity of the station instrument. If this error message occurs only intermittently, no action is necessary. How-ever, if the error occurs repeatedly for a DKSC/KSC circuit or a group of DKSC/KSC circuits, check all station cabling and wiring. If the problem persists, replace the station in- strument and/or the Keyset Card and return for repair. RIT Detected OMSCI Hardware Envr: The system has detected a faulty DKSC/KSC cir- cuit. Replace the faulty Keyset Card and re- turn it for repair.Inconsistency Ermr: The system has de- tected inconsistent communication with a keyset, DSS/BLF Unit, or Attendant Com- puter Console. If this error message occurs only intermittently, no action is necessary. However, if the error occurs repeatedly for a DKWKSC circuit or a group of DKSC/KSC circuits, check all station cabling and wiring. If the problem persists, replace the station in- strument and/or the Keyset Card and return for repair. Peripheral Detected Xmit Enor: A keyset, DSSBLF Unit, or Attendant Computer Con- sole has detected a transmission error from the system. If this error message occurs only
JNrER-TELPRACTKES~GMX256INS’HLLATION % MAINTENANCETROUBLESHOOTINGIssue 1, November 1994 intermittently, no action is necessary. How-ever, if the error occurs repeatedly for a DKSCLKSC circuit or a group of DEQKSC circuits, check all station cabling and wiring. If the problem persists, replace the station in- strument and/or the Keyset Card and return for repair.i. Peripheral Output Queue Overflow: This in-dicates that the station user is pushing the keys on the station instrument at an unrea- sonably fast rate. If this error message occursonly intermittently, no action is necessary. However, if the error occurs repeatedly, thestation user should be instructed to avoid pushing the station instrument keys so rapid- ly-j. Lamp Sofiwate Ernx This message indi- cates a problem with the software. Freeze the CP history queue and notify Technical Ser- vice of the error message. Reset the identi- fied station instrument to attempt to clear the problem.k. Error Message Lost: This indicates that DKWKSC error messages might have been lost. No action is necessary. 1.State Ermr: This message indicates that the peripheral processor’s RAM code has been corrupted. The indicated card should be reset (unplugged, then re-inserted). Notify Tech- nical Service of this error message along with any prior error messages. m. The following errors indicate a problem with a keyset, DSWBLF Unit, or Attendant Com- puter Console. When these errors occur, re- place the faulty device and return it for repair. Peripheral Watchdog TiicontPeripheral Trap ErrorPeripheralTiiaErrorPeripheral SWf Error Peripheral TDRE Enor n. IZ- This message may appear when a DKSC/KSC device is connected to a Keyset Card and when the system is powered up. The (5) (6) Q C-9 (9) message indicates the station version number sent to the system. If the message reads WO”, no action is necessary. If the message readsanything other than ‘VO”, the DKSCXSC device is not functioning properly and must be replaced. The following messages indicate minor software errors. Although they detect inconsistent opexa- tion, they generally do not warrant a system re- set. If any of these messages should occur, notethe circnmstances under which they occurred and contact Technical Service.Invalid Input%eyser: XX State: XXX Input: XX Invalid InpubKcysctz XX State: XXX Tier No.: XX Invalid InputLine: XX State: XXX Input: XX Invalid In+tGne: XX State: XXX Tier No.: XX Cancel Tier Not Found = SXX De-vice = SXXXXInvalid Emor Message: Task Singie User Abort: Device ‘I& = TITITDe-vice Number =$XKr This message indicates that a minor software reset has occurred concern- ing the indicated device. Note the circumstances under which the message occurred and contact Technical Service.Last CP/CO History Freeze and Last CP/CO History Un-Freeze: By themselves, these mes- sages donot indicate any errors.They arePrinted to indicate when the last freeze and unfreeze of the CP and CO history queues took place. They should be reported along with the accompanying error messages.XX Requests For A DTMF Receiver Failed In The Last Sii Hours Due To All DTMF Receiv- ers Being Used: Ifthis message occurs fiequent-ly, additional DTMF decoders should be installed on the RCPU Card. (See page 2-11 for additional information.)Any other error messrrges: Note the circum- stances under which the message(s) occurred and contact Technical Service. NOTE: When returning a faulty card or station instru- ment, indicate all applicable error messages on the ma- terial return authorization @IRA) tag. Page 6-11
TROUBLESHOOTINGIssue 1. November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 5. TROUBLESHOOTING CHARTS NOTE: For additional troubleshooting procedures andimportant diagnostic information, refer to the new 2.56/832 Troub~hooting~Diagrwstics Manual, which will be published at a later date. Iu the interim, certified technicians may contact Technical Service for any nec- essary troubleshooting assistance. 5.1The simplified troubleshooting charts located on the following pages list symptoms, possible causes, and corrective actions for problems. Look up the problem in the appropriate chart and perform the corrective actions in the order given. The troubleshooting procedures for correcting equipment failures have been divided into six categories:A. System B. COTruuksC. Features D. KeysetsE. Single-Line Sets F. DSWBLF Units NOTE: Throughout the troubleshooting section of the manual, there are numerous references to replacing the defective part and returning it for repair. However, be- fore returning any part, proper troubleshooting proce- dures should be used to verify that the part is actually defective. For example, if a Keyset Card (DKSC, KSC,or KSC-D) appears to be defective, swap it with a “known good” card presently installed in the system. If the problem follows the suspect card, it can be consid- ered defective. For more information on returning de- fective equipment, refer to page 6-41.A. SYSTEM 5.2If the problem involves one of the following sys- tem features, refer to Figure 6-2 on pages 6-14 through6-17. Repeatedoccurrence of all calls in progress drop Ping-All keysets are inoperative. DISA is inoperative. Unable to interface with a computer call-up device. No music-on-hold/background music. RFI/EMI present over conversations. Faulty DID numbers displayed at attendant stations.B. COTRUNK!3-lj 5.3If the problem involves one of the following COtrunk symptoms, refer to Figure 6-3 on pages 6-18 through 6-23. CO trunk inoperative throughout the system. Cannot obtain CO dial tone. Low volume on all CO trunks. Cannot break CO dial tone. Cannot place an outgoing call. Other station conversations can be heard on the CO trunk. Calls are dropped during conversation or when an- swered. CO trunk cannot be reseized. Noise on CO trunk at all stations. . CO trunk remains seized after the call is ended. Ground start trunks not functioning properly.I V.FEATURES 5.4For problems involving the following features, re- fer to Figure 6-4 on pages 6-24 to 6-29. Feature does not appear to work properly. Cannot transfer CO or intercom calls to other sta- tiOIlS. Cannot transfer calls to outside numbers. Cannot transfer incoming CO calls or place them on hold. Cannot initiate a conference. Redial feature is inoperative. Cannot initiate an internal page. Cannot initiate an external page. House phone is inoperative. Cannot initiate a call forward. Calls do not follow requested forward. Station is not receiving hunt group calls. Station is not receiving pages. Call privacy release inoperative. Station cannot be placed in do-not-disturb. Automated attendant inoperative. SMDA reports not generated automatically and/orcannot be generated using the attendant feature code.:1 Page 6-12
INTER-TELPRACTIcESlMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE TROUBLESHOOTINGIssue 1, November 1994 D. KEYSETS5.5 If problems involve keysets or their optional equipment, refer to Figure 6-5 on pages 6-30 through6-35. Keyset is inoperative. A group of eight keysets is inoperative. LCD is inoperative. Headset is inoperative. Keyset squeals when placing and/or receiving calls. Cannot break CO dial tone. Data device not operating properly. Data noise when the keyset is off hook. Camtot obtain intercom dial tone. Cannot break intercom dial tone. Cannot place an intercom call. Cannot place a call using the speakerphone on a digi-tal keyset. LRA not operating properly. Cannot receive off-hook voice announce calls. Cannot place off-hook voice announce calls. Erratic keyset operation.E. SINGLELINE SETS 5.6The following problems are discussed in Figure 6-6 on pages 6-36 through 6-38. 0 0 0 0 0 0l -0 0 0 F. Single-line set is inoperative. Agroup of eight or 16 single-line sets is inoperative. Single-line set will not ring. Ring trip is not provided to a group of eight or 16 single-line sets. AC ringer-equipped single-line sets will not ring. Camtot obtain intercom dial tone. Cannot place an intercom call. Cannot break CO dial tone. Camtot place off-hook voice announce calls. Single-line sets not receiving message waiting in- dications and/or message lamps not functioning properly. DSS/BLF UNITS 5.7For DSS/BLF Unit problems, refer to Figure 6-7 on pages 6-39 and 6-40. 8DSS/BLP Unit is inoperative. 0 lncarect mD indications. l Calls are transferred to the wrong station. l Cannot place immediate off-hook voice announce calls. Page 6-13
TROUBLESHOOTING Issue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICES lMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE FIGURE 6-2.SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING CHART~--S 3 1Xepeated occurrence of all (xills in progress droppingSYMPTOM IPROBABLE CAUSE I AC line is not isolated and dedicated Defective power supply module(s) Equipment cabinet located - near a strong magnetic field or other potential source of interference (copy machines, power transformer, etc.) IC-CWCO-CG Disconnect timer(s) need(s) adjustment Inter-Ring Silence timer val- ue is set too short Defective RCPU CardCORRECTIVE ACTION Have isolated, dedicated line installed. Refer to page 3-3 in lNSTALLKI’ION for details. Refer to INSTALLAIION, page 3-42, to perform the power supply electrical test. Replace the power supply module(s) if faulty. Relocate the equipment cabinet a minimum of 20 feet from any equipment that is a potential source of interference.See dialed digits field in SMDR, page 4-124 in PEAWRES. Set timer(s) to a higher value. Refer to PRGGRAMMING, page 5-77. Ensure timer value is set longer than the central office ringing is “off.” See PROGRAMMING, page 5-77. Refer to pages 6-l and 6-2 to test the system voltages. Replace the card if faulty. NOTE: The central office must provide a minimum of 20mA loop current.SYMPTOM All keysets in the system are noperative; no LED indica- ion when a trunk or call key s pressed; +30.5 fo.9VDC neasurement (as described nr page 3-61) is not present :+3OVDC LED on the XCPU Card is off)PROBABLE CAUSE Open or loose connection in the cable between the power supply and the Telecom Motherboard, or a defective cable Defective power supply module or connector Defective DKSCKSC Defective Telecom Mother- boardCORRECTIVE ACTION Turn off the AC power. Check to see that the Tele- corn Motherboard power cable is properly con- nected. Repair or replace the power supply, the cable, and/or the Telecom Motherboard if the con- nection is faulty. Use a voltmeter to check the +3OVDC voltage at the power supply terminals. If the voltage is not +30.5 fO.9VDC, replace the 30V Module, the power supply chassis, and/or the cable. Remove all DKSC/KSCs from the equipment cabi- net. Replace the DKSC/K!Xs one at a time and check the system voltages on the RCPU Card (re- fer to pages 6-l and 6-2), until the defective card is isolated. Replace the faulty card. Check the system voltages on the RCPU Card (re- fer to pages 6-l and 6-2). Replace the Telecom Motherboard if necessary. Page 6-14