Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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INTER-TELPEACTICESWGMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEIssue 1. No”%=30. HOOKFLASH 30.1Single-line set users are required to hookflash to access some system resources. Or, a hookflash may be required for keyset and single-line users to access cer- tain telephone company features, such as call waiting. The duration of the hookflash can be changed by repro-gramming the CO Hookflash timer (default value is -1.30.2The Hookflash feature can be enabled or dis- abled on a trunk group-by-trunk group basis. NOTE: The ESLS and SLI FLASH key does not gener- ate a hooknash over trunks. You must use this proce- dure. Keys& Press the SPCL key and enter the Hook- flash feature code (330). Single-Line Set: Press the FLASH key (hook-flash) and enter the Hookflash feature code (330). 31. CANCEL MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS31.1 A station user can cancel Do-Not-Disturb, Handsfree Disable, Call Forward, Queue Request, Page Remove, Hunt Croup Remove, and Background Music features all at once by entering a single feature code. 31.2To cANcELbixscELL4NEous OPERAUONS: Keys& While on or off hook, press the SPCL key and enter the Cancel Miscellaneous Opera- tions featnre code (395). You hear a confirmationtone. Zf off hook hang up. Single-Line Set: Lift the handset, enter the Can-cel Miscellaneous Operations feature code (395). You hear dial tone. Hang up.Page 4-97
INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 32. REMINDER MESSAGES (KEYSETS ONLY) 32.1Reminder messages are set, like an alarm clock, to signal a keyset station at a specified time. The user can select the message and time up to 24 hours in ad- vance. %enty different reminder messages are avail- able. These messages can be reprogrammed by the in- staller or any attendant. Up to 120 reminder messages can be requested per system. To scroll through the messages: View the avail- able messages by pressing the pound (#I) key to scroll forward or pressing the asterisk (*) key to scroll backward. Each message displays for one second before another can be selected. While the desired message is displayed, enter the time that you wish to receive the message: a.Enter the hour and minutes (e.g., 900 for 9:oo). 32.2At the programmed time, the reminder message signals the station with eight short tones. A display key- set shows the message until it is cancelled; a non-display keyset receives tones only. If the station is busy, the user still hears the tones and the message displays for 10 se- conds during the call, then the display returns after the user hangs up. (Reminder displays interrupt, but do not affect, programming.) b.Press the asterisk (*) key for AM or press the pound (#) key for PM. You hear a progress tone when it is accepted. NOTE: If an invalid time is entered, you hear re- order tones and the message request is caruxlled.(Display keysets show ERROR! INWLID TIME ENTERED.) 32.3Messages can be changed by the installer or any attendant, if desired. They are limited to 16 characters. The default messages are:32.5 lVRECEItlEARlZbfWDER MlSSAGE: 01 MEETING11 CALLENGINEERING 02 SIAFFMEEI’ING12 CALL-G03 SALJSMEETING13 CAILACCOUNTING04 CANCELMEETING14 CANCELDNDosAPI?o-15 cxK!ELcAuFwD06 PIACECAIL16 TAKEhiEDICXION07cALLcLImT17 MAKEFESERVmON08 cAmcusroh.5R18 REVEW!XHEDULE09 CALLHOME19 LUNCH 10 cALLcORPORAIE2oREhmDER32.4 To REQUESTREbfIhDERbiESSAGES: NOTE: Lift and replace the handset to stop the process without selecting a message.At the selected time, you hear eight short tones and the message displays. (1) Ifvorcr station is idle, go to the next step. If you are on a call, the message will display for10 seconds. After you hang up, the reminder message returns and must be cleared.If you are programming your keyser, the pro- gramming function is interrnpted. The message will display for 10 seconds. After programming is completed, the reminder message will return and must be cleared. (1)While on hook, press the WCL key. (2)Enter the Reminder Message feature code (305).(Display keysets show PROGRAM REMIND- ER MESSAGE.)(2)To clear the message: Remain on hook and press the asterisk (*) key.32.6 TO CANCEL ALL OF YOURREMlhDER biESSAGE RE- QilTESlS:(3) To select a specific message: Enter the twodigitWhile on hook, press the SPCL key and enter themessage code (01-20). (Display keysets showCancel Reminder Message feature code (306). selected message.)You cannot view or cancel individual messages. Page 4-98
FEATURESIssue 1, November 1994 33. OPTIONAL STATION EXCHANGE FEATURE 33.1This programmable station feature allows a sta- tion user to exchange the extension numbers of two sta-tion circuits. This swaps the database and user pro- grammed features of the extension numbers between two station circuits without the need for database pro- gramming. The circuit number of the station locations are unchanged, but the extension numbers are changed, as illustrated below.BEFORE STATION EXCHANGE 03.61is pro&nod as Extan&n Number 200. AFrlI STATION EXCHANGE CIRCUIT 01.02 EXIENSIONNUMBER a00- Circuit Number 01.02 hecomesExtendi Number 200. Circuit Number 03.01becomesExbnsiiNum~101. 33.2All database-programmed station features (suchas, DSS/BLF Unit assignment, trunk access, station flags, toll restriction, usemame, etc.) as well as all user programm& (speed-dial numbers, call forwarding, do- not-disturb, reminder messages, etc.) will stay with the extension number during an exchange.333 Any station that will be involved in a station ex- change must have the Station Exchange station flag en- abled and a programmed Station Exchange Password. If a station user attempts an exchange in which one or both extension numbers do not have the flag enabled, the ex- change will not be allowed. If the user does not enter a valid password after entering the Station Exchange fea- ture code, the exchange will not be allowed. Refer topages 5-28 and 5-31 in PROGRAMMING.NOTE: Programmers should use extension numbers and not station circuit numbers when programming sta- tions. Because the Station Exchange feature can be used to change the extension numbers of station circuits, cir- cuit numbers are not reliable references. 33.4Exchanges can be made only between similar stations. That is, digital keysets of any size can ex- change with other digital keysets of any size, analog keysets of any size can exchange with other analog key- sets of any size, and single-line stations can exchange with other single-line stations. Examples of allowed and disallowed station exchanges include the following: Allowed Exchanges: 0Standard Digital Keyset station with an ExecutiveDigital Keyset station l lMX 24-Line Keyset (or Inter-TelDVK 24-Line Keyset) station with an lMX &Line Keyset (or Inter- TelDVK g-Line Keyset) station 0 lb0 Single-Line stations Disallowed Exchanges: 0Any Digital Keyset station with any Analog Keyset station 0Any Keyset station with any Single-Line station33.5 DSS/BLF Units follow the same analog-to- analog and digital-to-digital exchange rule as keysets. If one station in the exchange is equipped with a DSS/BLFand the other is not the exchange is allowed and the DSS/BLF Unit will remain operational at its assigned station circuit. Any DSS/BLF Units involved in an ex- change will retain their key map assignments, but will be associated with their keyset’s new extension number. That is, the DSWBLF key maps will not be exchanged when the keyset extension numbers change.DSS UNITS BEFORE STATION EXCHANGE ASSOCIATEDASSOCIATED EXTENSION NUMBER 101NUMBER 200 AFIER STATION EXCHANGE DSS ClRCUlT 01.03ASSOCIATED ENSIONNUMBER 200 DSS MAP 1DSS ClRCUlT 03.04 Only assodded ASSOCIATED stationchanges wm-i aw EXlENSlONNUMBER 101DSS Maps do DSSMAP2 not change . I Page 4-99
Et~ember1994INTER-~PRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 33.6Examples of allowed and disallowed DSS/BLF Unit exchanges include the following: Allowed Exchanges:. Digital Keyset with Digital DWBLF Unit with another Digital Keyset with or without a Digital DSWBLF Unit l Analog Keyset with Analog DSS/BLF Unit with another Analog Keyset with or without an Analog DWBLF Unit Disallowed Exchanges: 0A user who changes offices periodically: If a work- er spends a portion of the day in one location and then moves to another location, he or she csn use the Station Exchange feature to take his or her station programming to the new location. The user can ei- ther move the extension in and out of a park location, or simply exchange the two locations each time he or - she changes. . ADigital Keyset with Digital DSS/BLFUnit with an Analog Keyset with or without an Analog DSS/BLF unit NOTE: If a database save/restore is performed on the system, stations that have been exchanged are not re-turned to their original programmed state. The ex- change remains in effect. 33.7Attendant Computer Console stations can be ex-changed with other Console stations or with Analog Kcyset stations. They cannot exchange with Digital %q’set stations or Single-Line stations. NOTE: Ex- changes between a console and keyset station will cause the keyset to lose station speed-dial locations l-3. This is because those locations are automatically modified by the system for use by the console. Speeddial loca- tions l-3 will remain functional at the console station. 33.aTo EXCHANGE .?imli’ONS: (1)To bring a new extension number to your present location, press SPCL and enter the Station Ex- change feature code (303). You hear a confirma- tion tone. The display shows STN EXCHANGE wlTHE2m 33.8One of the station circuits used in the station ex-change can be a “park” location (a circuit that is not equipped with a circuit card or phone). However, this isnot required; two fully equipped stations can be ex- changed as long as they meet the programming and sta- tion-type criteria discussed above. NOTE: Park loca- tions are included in the system port count even if they are not physically connected to a station circuit. Page 4-100 (2)Enter the extension number you wish to bring to the station you are using. You hear a confirma-tion tone. The display shows the number you dialed. 33.9 Neither station involved in the exchange can have a call in progress, ringing, or recalling when an ex- change is attempted. There can be calls on hold or hunt group calls can be camped on, recalling, or ringing. If the exchange is denied, the user hears reorder tones. 33.10Two possible applications for this feature in- clude the following:lMultiple users of one station location: When sev- eral people use the same phone, each person can have his or her own station programming. For exam- ple, if three workers on different shifts use the same office they can use their own extension numbers dur-ing their shifts. At the beginning of the shift, the worker would enter the Station Exchange feature code and password to swap the office’s default ex- tension number with his own, which is kept in a park position. During his shift, he can program and use his phone as desired. At the end of the shift, he would(3)Enter the Station Exchange Password for the ex- tension number entered in step 2. When the pass- word is accepted, you hear a confirmation tone. Thestationyouareusingisresettoreflecttheda- tabase and user programming of the extension number selected in step 2. If you enteml an invalidpassword, you hear re- order tones and must start over. exchange again to place his extension number back in the park position and return the default extension to the office. The next worker would then bring in his or her individual extension. If the station you are using imwtprogranmedfor Station Erchange, you hear reorder tones and the station returns to’ idle state. You will hear reorder tones and must start over if any of the following occur: - You entered an invalid extension number - The extension number that you entered is not programmed for Station Exchange - You entered an extension number of mis- matched station device type (digital vs. ana- log, or keyset vs. single-line) - You entered an extension number of a station that is not idle
INTER-TELPRACTIcEsIMX/GM.X 256 INS~TION & MAINTENANCEFEATUEESIssue 1. November 199434. OPTIONAL DATA DEVICE ATWCHMENTS (KEYSETS ONLY) 34.1Acustomer-provided, modem-equipped data de- vice (such as a data terminal or a personal computer) may be attached to any IMX 12/24&e keyset or any In- ter-Tel/DVK keyset that has an optional Data Port Mod- ule installed. A data device may also be attached to anydigital keyset with a PC Data Port Module (PCDPM) and a Modem Data Port module (MDPM) installed. (See SPECIPICATIONS, page 2-23, and INSTALLATION,pages 34, 3-70, and 3-78, for more information.) IMX 8-line keysets cannot have data device attach- ments because this feature requires a secondary voicepath which is only available on digital keysets, IMX 12./X-line keysets, and Inter-Tel/DVK keysets. NOTE: Because incoming calls must be transferred to the data path by pressing the DATAkey, the auto-answer feature on modems camtot be used to answer data calls to a keyset. 34.2Data calls can be placed to an intercom or outside number using the keyset or a keyboard attached to the data device. Ifusing a keyboard, the voice channel is au- tomatically connected to the data device when it comes off hook. Ifusing the keyset to place the call, the keyset user presses the DATA key to comrect the trunk or inter- com voice channel to the data device. By entering a fea-ture code, data calls may be monitored through the handset without interfering with the data transmission (the microphone is muted).343 Data calls are transmitted over the keyset’s sec- ondary voice path (the MDPM voice path on digital key- sets). This leaves the primary voice path available for normal keyset operation. Receiving off-hook voice an- nounce (OHVA) calls during a data call is not possible since the data call is using the secondary voice path. 34.4The modem-equipped data device is connectedto the keyset by plugging the data device’s line cord (normally intended for connection to a standard trunk) into the modular jack on the keyset’s optional Data Port Module or PCDPM. (1)To use the handset: Lift the handset. To use the speakerphone: While on hook, press the SPKR key. (2)Select an outside trunk and dial the telephone number of the data device to be accessed. The call or individual trunk key flashes and the dis- (3) (4 (5)34.6 COM: (1) (2) (3) (4) 0 (6) play shows the call cost and elapsed time of the call.When you hear modem tone, press the DATA key. The call key is unlit or the individual trunkkey is lit. If using the speakmpho~ the SPKR key goes off, the DATA key flutters, and the dis- play returns to date and time. If using the hand- set, the DATA key flashes slowly.If using the ham&et, hang up. The call key remains unlit or the individual trunk key remains lit, the DATA key flutters, and the display returns to date and time.Operate the data device according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If you wish to return the data call to the primary voicepath, press the DATA key. The call or indi-vidual trunk key is lit and the call cost and elapsed time are displayed. TOACCESSAREMOllZDAZ4DEKtCEUSlNGlHEINlER- To use the handset: Lift the handset. To use the speakerphone: While on hook, press the SPKR key. Dial the extension number of the data device to be accessed. Notify the receiving party that you wish to con- nect the data device. When the called party acti-vates the remote data device by pressing the DAIA key, you hear modem tone. Or, if the ex- tension number you dialed accesses an auto-an- swer modem connected to a single-line circuit, you will hear modem tone immediately. NOTE: If the receiving party wishes to transferthe call to another party, the transfer must be completed before the caller completes the next step. Press your DATA key. If using the speakerphone, the SPKR key goes off and the DATA key flut- ters. If using the handset, the DATA key flashes slowly.If using the handset, hang up. The DNA key flutters.Operate the data device according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Page 4-101
INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE34.7 (1) (2)(3) 34.8When you hear modem tone, press the DmA key. (If on an outside call, the call key is unlit ortheindividualtrunkkeyissolidly lit).Ifusingthe speakerphone, the SPKR key goes off and the DKPA ke y flutters (and, if on an outside call, thedisplay returns to date and time). If using the handset, the DATA key flashes slowly. Ifusing the ha& hang up. (If on an outside call, the call key is unlit or the individual trunk key is solidly lit). The DATAkey flutters (and, if on an outside call, the display returns to date and time).Operate the data device according to the manufacturer’s instructions. To ACCESS A REbfOlE DAlX DEVICE USING AN Al’ZXHW MODEM-EQUIPPW DA324 DEVICE: (1)Following the procedures of your data device’s cmnmunications software, instruct the device to dial an extension number, or a trunk access code and a telephone number, of the data device to be accessed. The call will be processed as though dialed from the keyset and will be automatically connected when answered. The DmA key is lit until dialing is completed, then it flutters. If the resources are busy, the data device will not camp on, but will receive continuous busy tones.(2) Operate the data device according to the manufacturer’s instructions.NOTE: You cannot access system features (oth- er than intercom and trunk access) by entering feature codes through the data device keyboard.34.9 TOMONll0RADATACALLINPROGRESS: (1)While a data transmission is active, lift the hand- set, press SPCL, and enter the Data Port Monitor feature code (341). The DAPA key flashes slow- ly. (If connected to a trunk, the call key remains unlit or the individual trunk key remains lit and the display shows the call cost and elapsed time of the call.)(2) You may listen to the data call without interfer-ing with the data trausmission (the handset microphone is muted). Hang up to discontinue monitoring the data transmission; the data call is still in progress and the DAfA key flutters.34.10 lolERMlhtAlE DAZ4 DEVICE CONA?EmON:To have the data device disconnect the talk Using the appropriate commands for the data de- vice, instruct it to discommct from the call.To use the keyset before discomectiug the call: While on or off hook: a.Press the lit DKfA key. The DMA key goes off. If aksireci, speak to the party at the site of the remote data device. This can onl y be done if the modem at the site of the remote data de- vice can be tuned off without disconnecting the trunk. b.To disconnect: If off hook hang up. If on hook, press the SPKR key.Page 4-102
INTER-TELPRACTICE!slMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE FEATURESIssue 1, November 1994 35. ATTENDANTFEATURES35.1 This section describes the attendant-only features including the functions of the Direct StationSelection/Busy Lamp Field @SS/BLF) Unit. (Atten- dant Computer Console instructions are located in the manual that is provided with the unit.)35.2 All attendant stations must be equipped with keysets and should have displays in order to identify ring-in and recall sources. Also, for increased call-pro-cessing capabilities, attendant stations are generally equipped with optional DSS/BLF Units or Attendant Computer Consoles. DSS/BLF Units are described be- low, for Attendant Computer Console intormation, re- fer to the manual provided with the unit.35.3 See page 4-50 for a complete description of I DSS/BLF Units. For DSS/BLF Units with speed-dial keys, see page 4-87 for operating instructions. NOTE: Keyset stations do not have to be assigned as attendant stations in order to use a DSS/BLF Unit. How- ever, all keysets with DSS/BLF Units need to be identi- fied in database progmmmmg (see PROGRAMMING,page 5-132 ).A.USING THE DSWBLF UNlT 35.4 (1) (2) (3) (4) PUCIIfGANINlERCOMCXLL USINGA DSSREF UMT: Lift the handset or press the SPKR key.If you wish to place a private call to a keyset, press the pound (#) key. Press the desired DSS/BLF key. If calling a kzyset with handsjke answering enabled, you are immediately connected. Ifpiking aprivate call, calling a hunt group, calling a single-line set, or calling a keyset with the hanakfke feature disabled, you hearrepeating double tones until the call is an- swered. Ifthe system is enabled for immediate DSS/BLFUnit off-hook voice announce, do not hang up when calling a busy keyset. Press the DSS/BLF key again. If the keyset’s secondary voice path is available, you are immediately connected for anoff-hook voice announce call and may speak. (For more information concerning the Off-Hook Voice Announce feature, refer to page 4-61.)35.5 IlltANS-GG: (1)If on an outside call, press the desired DSSIBLF key (or press the XFR key and dial a station or voice mail extension number, a hunt group pilot number, or a transfer-to-Park location number). The call is placed on transfer hold. If on an intenzom call, press the SFCL key andenter the Transfer Intercom Call feature code (346). Then press the desired DSS/BLF key (or dial a station or voice mail extension number, a hunt group pilot number, or a transfer-to-park location number). a. b.lkansfer to a station that is forwarded to voice mail. If transfkning to a station that is forwarded to voice mail, you hear repeatingdouble tones and the display shows DEST FORWARDED To VOICE MAIL. You can then hang up to complete the transfer, or re-turn to the caller on transfer hold by doing one of the following:For an outside or in&corn call, press the XFR key twice (or press the SPCL key once and enter the Transfer Call feature code [345] tWiCe). For an outside call, press the call key or indi- vidual trunk key. mfer to voice mail: If transferring to the voice mail unit, you hear a single tone and thesystem waits for you to enter the mailbox number (display shows ENTER VOICE MAILBOX #). Enter the desired mailbox number. If you do not enter a mailbox number before you hang up, the caller will bc connected to the voice mail unit and must enter the mail- box number after listening to the introducto- ry voice prompts. If the system is checking for a valid mailbox number and you enter a valid mailbox num- k the transfer is completed to voice mail (display shows CALL TRANSFERRED ToVOICE h&IL). If the system is checking for a valid mailboxnumber and the number you entd is invalti you hear reorder tones (display shows INVALIDMAlLBOXNUhJBEREN- TERED) and you must enter the correct num- ber. If the system is not checking for a valid mail- box uruubq hang up to complete the transfer. Psge 4-103
EeEember1994lNTER-TELPRACTIcEsIMX/GMX 256 INST4LLATION & MAINTENANCE (2) c.Wansfer-to-park: If transferring to a trans- fer-to-park location, hang up to complete thetransfer, or transfer the call to hold as de- scribed in the second part of step 4. Then page the desired party and announce the call. The party must reverse transfer the call. Note that if the call is not answered, it will recall your station if transferred directly or will re-call the called transfer-to-park location’s attendant if transferred to hold. d.lkansfer to a hunt group: Iftransferringthe call to a hunt group, the transfer is automati- cally completed when you dial the pilot num- ber. Hang up. If d&r& wait for an answer and announce the call. One of the following occurs: a. b. If the call is accept& continue to step 3.If the call is refuseri, the station is busy or there is no answer: Skip to step 4 or do one of the following.To return to the caller: Do one of the fol- lowing. For an outside or intercom call, press the XFR key twice (or press the SPCLkey once and enter the Transfer Call feature code [345] twice). For an outside call, press the call key or individual trunk key.To try another station: Rcss the XFS key (or press the SPCL key and enter the Transfer CO feature code -345, or the Transfer Inter- com feature code - 346) and dial another extension number. (3)If it becomes necessary to split between the calledparty and the caller waiting to be trans- fizr& you may use the Ke.yset Call Splitting feature code as follows: a.Press the SPCL key and enter the Keyset CallSplitting feature code (338). The station waiting to receive the transfer is placed on hold and you are connected to the party wait- ing to be transferred.b. Press the SPCL key and enter 338 again to speak to the station user waiting to receive the transfer and place the party to be trans- ferred on hold. c.Hang up to complete the transfer. (4)To complete the transfer: Hang up, press an- other call key, or press the IC key to complete the transfer. The call will ring at the station. (Receiv- ing station’s display shows XXK TRANSPER PROM XXX or GRP #XX TRANSFER PROM XXX.) If the station is busy, the call camps on and sends call waiting signals.To transfer the call to hold: Press the HOLD key (or press the SPCL key and enter the Individ- ual Hold feature code - 336) to place the call on hold at the called station. The call will not ring or send call waiting signals until the Hold timer ex- p&S.To complete the transfer and then make a page: Press the PAGE key. The call will auto- matically be transferred to hold at the called sta- tion and you will be connected to the paging net- work. Enter the desired paging zone code andmake your announcement before the Paging timer expires.35.6 TOREVERSEllUhWER(PICKUP)ACALLRLNGINGOR HOLLWGATANOlHERSlM7ON: (1)Lift the handset or press the SPKR key. (2)EITHER, Press the DSS/BLP key of the stationwhere the call is ringing or holding and then press the XFR key. OR, Enter the Reverse Transfer feature code (4) and then press the DSS/BLP key of the station where the call is ringing. (3) Ifthe system is not programmed to automatically connect reverse transfers, press the call or indi- vidual trunk key or IC key. The key is fluttering if the call was on hold or flashing if the call was ringing. :‘32_ .;:.’Page 4-104
INTEIt-TELPBACTIcE!3IMX/GMX 256lN~TION & MAINTENANCEFEATUBESIssue 1, November 1994B. ATl’ENBANTBFCALL 35.7When a call is placed on hold .or is transferred from one station to another, certain system timers limitthe amount of time the call may remain unattended. After that time, the call recalls the station that trans- ferred.it or placed it on hold. If the call remains unan- swered at the station until the Recall timer expires, it re- calls the station’s attendant If the attendant station is busy, the call camps on and the display shows the source of the recall. Ifthe call is not answered before the Aban- doned Call timer expires, the system disconnects thecall. 35.8If a station user transfers or forwards an outsidecall to an outside telephone number and a loop start trunk is involved (this does not apply to ground starttrunks), the call is limited by the Unsupervised CO timer. When the timer expires, one of the outside parties can reset the timer by pressing any M’MF key. If the timer is not reset, the call recalls the primary attendant station and causes the CNF key to flash. (Display key-sets show UNSUPERVISED CO RECALL.) This serves two purposes:l It allows the attendant to monitor the length of CO-to-CO calls. When a CO-to-CO call recalls, the attendant can disconnect the call or allow it to con- tinue.l If the callers hang up before the attendant re.&ves the recall, the system may not have disconnected the trunks because a disconnect was not received from the central office. The attendant must disconnect thecall. 35.9Arecall signals the attendant’s station with a dis- play message, a recall ring signal (a repeating signal of four tones and a pause), and a call or individual trunk key flashing at the medium rate. If there is no attendant, or if the system is in night mode, the call recalls the sta- tion that transferred the call or placed it on hold until the Abandoned Call timer expires; then the call is discon- nected.35.10 If the attendant has calls forwarded, recalls from stations follow internal call forward requests. Re- calls do not forward to outside telephone numbers, but recall the attendant’s station until they are answered orthe Abandoned Call timer expires. Placing the atten- dant’s station in do-not-disturb does not block recalls or direct ring-in calls.When you see a hold or transfer recall display (HOLD RECALL FROM GRP #XX [or group name] RECALL FROM EX XXX [or user namel) and hear a recall ring signal (a repeating signal of four tones and a pause): (1)Lift the handset or press the SPKR key. (2)press the medium-flashing call key or individual trunk key or press the ANSWER key. If morethan one trunk is recalling, pressing the ANSWER key accesses the outside call indi- cated on the display.35.12 TOANSWERAHOLVRECAU~OM~ INlERcobf CALL:When you see a hold recall display (HOLD RECALL FROM XXX) and hear a recall ring signal (a repeating signal of four tones and a pause): EIlHER, Lift the handset or press the SPKR key, then press the IC key. OR, For quick handsfree operation, simply press the IC key. NOTE: If you are busy when the intercom call recalls, it will camp on. The IC key flashes at the medium rate, but you do not hear recall ring sig- nals.35.13 ToANSWER AN UNSUFERVl~ OVlWDE GILL RE- CALL When you see the unsupervised recall display (UNSU- PERVISED CO RECALL), hear a recall ring signal (a repeating signal of four tones and a pause), and see the CNF key flashing at the medium rate: (1)Lift the handset and press the CNF key to con- nect with both trunks. (If you have automatic CGcall access, you do not need to press the CNF key.) The CNF key flashes slowly and the display shows CONFERENCE WITH GRP #xX GRP #XX. (2)Check to see if the trunk is still beii used. (3)If the parties am still talking, press the CNF key again and hang up to return the parties to their conversation. The CNF key flutters. You can en- ter the conference at any time by pressing the fluttering CNF key. When the Conference-Hold timer expires, the conference recalls your station again. If the parties have hung up, hang up to discon- nect the call.Page 4-105
INTER-TEL4PRAcTICJsSIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE C.PLACING THE SYSTEM IN NIGHT MODE 35.14Each attendant can place the associated tenant group in night mode to change the allowed-answer and ring-in assignments to the night lists. The primary atten- dant can place the entire system (all tenant groups) in day or night mode. There is no hold or transfer attendant recall during night mode. Hold and transfer recalls ring at the station that transferred them or placed them on hold. If a recall is not answered before the Abandoned Call timer expires, the call is disconnected. Unsuper- vised call recalls and unassigned DIDtrunks will contin-ue to ring at the primary attendant’s station in night mode. 35.15The night switch relay, if programmed, is acti-vated when the system is placed in night mode and turned off when the system is placed in day mode. Thenight relay is programmed in the database (see page 5-73 in PROGRAMMING,and page 2-10 in SPECIFI- CKI’IONS for more infomation). 35.16lV TUWNIGHTMODE ON OR Ol?F: While on hook, press the SPCL key and enter the Night Ring On/Off feature code (010). You hear a single confirmation tone. Ifplacing the system in night mode, the display shows SYSTEM IS NOW IN NIGHT RING until the night mode is canceled (this appears on all attendant’s displaysif the primary attendant placed the system in night mode). If placing the system in day mode, your display shows SYSTEM IS NOW IN DAY RING for five seconds (if the primary attendant placed the system in day mode the night mode display is cleared at all other attendant stations). Page 4-106