Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994lNTJzR-TELPRAcTIcESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATlON & MAINTENANCE F.CUSTOMIZED REPORT PROGRAMMING (CREP)1632 Customized reports are created by selecting the programming area to be reported and then selecting theinformation that will be included. When stations are listed in a report, they can be sorted by name, extension number, or circuit number. Reports can also be titled. The report types and their options include the following. Sample reports (with all options enabled) begin on on page 5-156. Area/Office Code Report: You select the user groups that are listed in the report which can include any combination of the following items. - Allowed Area Codes - Allowed Office Codes - Day User Group Stations - Extended Area Codes - Night User Group Stations - Restricted Area Codes - Restricted Office CodesDetailed Station Report: You select the stations that are listed in the report which can include any combination of the following items. - Miscellaneous Flags - Miscellaneous Information - Outgoing Access - Day - Outgoing Access - Night - Programmable Keys - Secondary Call Key Assignments - Special Purpose Station - System Forwarding - Toll Restriction DID Report: You select the DID groups that are listed in the report which can include any combina- tion of the following items. - DID Entries - DISA Codes - Trunk List General Station Report: You select the stations that are listed in the report which can include any combination of the following items. - Attendant - Equipment - Special Purpose Stations - Tenant/Department - Toll RestrictionHunt Group Report: You select the hunt groups that are listed in the report which can include any combination of the following items. - Announcement Stations - Hunt Group Stations - Overflow Information - TimersKey Map Report: You select the keyset, single- line, and DSS map groups and the map diagrams that are listed in the report which can include any combi- nation of the following items. - Key Assignments - Station List Least Cost Routing Data Report: You select the route groups and facility groups that are listed in the report which can include any combination of the fol- lowing items. - Facility Group Dial Rules - Facility Groups in Time Blocks - Local Area Code - Route Group Excluded Area Codes - Route Group Excluded Office Codes - Route Group Included Area Codes - Route Group Included Office Codes - Trunk Groups Accessed by Facility Groups Phone List: You select the stations, hunt groups, and page zones that are listed in the report which can in- clude any combination of the following. - Hunt Groups - Page ZonesSpecial Purpose Flags Report: The report lists all special purpose stations. System Speed Dial Report: The report lists the sys- tem speed-dial numbers. Timer Report: The report lists all system timers. ‘Ihmk Group Report: You select the trunk groups that are listed in the report which can include any combination of the following items. - Day Outgoing Access - Night Outgoing Access - Ring-In - Toll Restriction - Trunk List1633 Reports can be sent to files on the PC or to a printer port. To print the reports, the necessary printer drivers must be installed on the PC. For information on installing a printer driver, refer to page 5-g. Page 5-152

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 03 04 0506 07[ Exit ) 16.34To reach this window, select Report Program- ming (Customized) from the Service menu or enter the CREP command. 16.35REPORTS: Scroll through the list box until thedesired report number is highlighted. The window shown on the following page appears for programming the report parameters.16.36 PORT/FILE Select the Port/Pile command button to designate the destination printer port or PC file for the report. The following window appears. Place a dot in the desired port or file option button by selecting it. If FILE is selected, a text box appears; select that text box and enter the destination file pathname (e.g., C:RE- PORT). When the destination is programmed, select the OK command button. To exit without changing the des- tination, select the Cancel command button. Ir Destination *-I 16.37EXECUTEz Select the Execute command but- ton to generate the selected report. A W~ZL&WV.~ screen appears which reminds you that a printer driver is neces- sary; pressRETURN to clear the window. The reportsare presented in the formats shown on the following page. While the report is being printed, a window appears that contains a Cancel button. Press SPACE BAR if you wish to select the Cancel button. 16.38EXIT: When report programming is finished, select the Exit command button to return to the Applica- tions Programming window. Page 5-153

.PROGRNKMINGINTER-TELPRACTICESIssme l, November 1994lMX/GMX2!%lN~ON&~CE DetailedStation Report DID Report General Station Report Hunt Group Report Key Map Report Least Cost Routing Data Report Phone List Special Purpose Flags Report q PageBreaks Between Group6 fQtions\ Report Qrder 1 IkJ=-iption1 bclude Exclude ml REPORTTYPESZ Bcginprogqanlmiqbyselcct- ingthereporttype.scrollthroughtllelistboxuntil thed&edrqorttypeishighliited.Allotherpro- pamming will apply to @at report type. Below the list box, one or more command buttons will appear (in the example above, the User Groups command button is shown for Ares/Offioe Code Report pro- grammi@. Select the command buttons to access list box windows (like the one shown below) that al- low you to determine what elements arc included in the report (user groups, stations, hunt groups, etc.). - INCLUDE or EXCLXJDEz To include an item,?\. l~tethedesiredit~ontbeExcludelistandse- ,’ 1st it by pressing the SPACE BAR; it will auto- matically move to the Include list. To remove it &om the list, select the item in the Include list to move it to the Exclude list - ALL or NONE: To include all items, select the All command button. To exclude all items, select the None command button. -0KorCANCXLWltenthelistsappearas desired, select the OK command button. To exit hm the window without saving chsnges, select the Cancel command button. - SORT: (This option is fndabk only when sekctingstationsorhru~~grorqrs)Tosortthelist numerically by extension number or circuit number, or alphsbetically by name, select the Sort command button. The followiug window appears. Choose the desired sorting method by selecting the coxresponding option button. Then sekct the OK command button. When the list of stations returns, the list box will show the sta- tions inthe selected order. To exit without chang- ing the sorting method, select the Cancel command button. ‘i ;’ Page S-154

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMWGMX 256 INSTALLATION 8z MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMJNGIssue 1, November 19940 By Circuit0 By &me I Il OPTIONS: Select the Options command button toaccess a list box window (as shown below) that shows the available options for each report type. (A completeiistofreportoptionsbeginsonpage5-152.) Include Day User Group Stations Extended Area Codes Night User Group Stations I Exclude- [E&i) I-Z-) - INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: To include an option, locate the desired option on the Exclude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR; it will automatically move to the Include list. To remove an option from the list, select the option in the Include list to move it to the Exclude list. - ALL or NONE: To include all options, select the All command button. To exclude all options, select the None command button. - OK or CANCEL: When the option lists appear as desired, select the OK command button. To exit from the window without saving changes, select the C+ncel command button.. PAGE BREAKS BETWEJZNGROUPS: Select this check box to place an X in it if you wish to have each group (circuit board, map group, hunt group, etc.) on a separate page of the report.l REPORT ORDER: Detailed, General Station, Hunt Group, and Phone List reports can be sorted by extension number, circuit number, or name. Select the Report Order command button to access the fol- lowing window. Place a dot in the desired sorting method by selecting it. Then select the OK button to return to the Report window. Or, to exit without -changingthe sortingmethod, selectthe Cancel com- mand button. (ok) (T)l DESCRIPTION: If you wish to name the report, se-lect the description command button. A text box window appears as shown below. Enter the desired report name in the text box and then select the OK command button. Or, select the Cancel command button to leave the name unchanged. The descrip- tion will appear in the Reports list box shown in the window on the previous page. Descr:11 (ok) (-T=-)l EXIT: When the report is programmed as desired, select the Exit command button to return to the win- dow shown on the previous page. Page S-155

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRAcrrCEsIMX/GMX 256 lNSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE FIGURE 5-2.CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMMING REPORT SAMPLES AREA/OJ?FICE CODE RJZPOR’IS:PROGRAMMING REPORTS - AREA/OFFICE CODE REPORTPage 1User Group l( ) Allowed Area Codes 2xx- 200-219 3xx -300-319 4xx -400-419 5xx -500-519 6xx -600-6197xX- 700-719 8xx -800-8199xX -900-919Restricted Area Codes Extended Area Codes Day User Group Stations EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTION USRNAME I-----__-------------~-100 01.01 Station Undefined 101 01.02 Station Undefined 102 01.03 Station Undefined Night User Group Stations EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTIONUSRNAME-------I-------------------- 100 01.01 Station Undefined 101 01.02 Station Undefined 102 01.03 Station Undefined Page5-156

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMx/GMx 256 lNSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 FIGURE 5-2.CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMMING REPORT SAMPLES (Continued) DETAILRD STATION REPORTS:PROGRAMMING REPORTS - DETAILEDSTATION REPORTPage 1Extension: 100 Description: Circuit: Name :Miscellaneous Information Message Center:Station Undefined01.01 - BXT# CKT# DESCRIPTIONUSRNAME Tenant/Department: 1( l/1( 1 Account Code Type:Neither Class-of-Service Code:Miscellaneous Flags Auto Att/DISA DND Breakthru: Enabled Automatic Answer CO:Enabled Automatic Answer IC:Enabled Barge Initiate: Disabled Barge Receive: Disabled . . . OEVATransmit:Enabled Page:Replace Redial Mode:Dialed Ring Intercom Always: Disabled Transparent LCR: DisabledToll Restriction Day User Group 1( ) Night User Group 1( ) Day LCR Advance Limit:Unlimited Night LCR Advance Limit:Unlimited SCOS RestrictionsDay Yes NoNight Yes No (1) Operator Access (2) Toll Access (3) International Access (4) Eight Digit Access (5) Area/Office Codes (6) LCR Only (7) Alternate Carriers (8) Allowed Long DistanceOutgoing Access - Day TG DESCRIPTION CODE TG NAME --------------------------- 1 All Lines801XX XX X X X XX XX XXX X XTG DESCRIPTION CODE TG NAME 2802 Page5-157

PROGRAMMJNGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICE!s IMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE FIGURE 5-2.CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMMING REPORT SAMPLES (Continued) DID REPORTS:PROGRAMMING REPORTS - DID REPORTPage 1DID Group 1( ) Tenant Group:1( ) Base Number: Music-On-Hold:Silence Start Type:Wink -DISA Codes Day: Night: IC Calls:NoTrunk List CKT# DESCRIPTION DID Entries NUMBER DAY RING-IN NIGHT RING-IN NAME --------------------~~----~~---~-~ GENERAL STATION REPORTS:PROGRAMMING REPORTS - GENERAL STATION REPORTPage 1 EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTION USRNABE EQP ATT T/DT ATXHMV DAY SCOS NGT SCOS 100 01.01 Station Undefined KEY *11 TM 101 01.02 Station UndefinedKEY 01.01 1 1 102 01.03 Station UndefinedKEY 01.01 1 1 EQP-Equipment Type ATT - Stations Attendant T/DT -Tenant/Department A - Automated Attendant T- Attendant X - Fax Phone H- House Phone M- Message Center V - Voice Mail Station 1- Operator Access 2- Toll Access 3- International Access 4- Eight Digit Access 5- Area/Office Code 6- LCR Only 7- Alternate Carriers 8- Allowed Long Distance Page5158

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMXGMX256INS’IXLLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 FIGURE 5-2.CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMMING REPORT SAMPLES (Continued)HUNT GROUP REPORTS: PROGRAMMING REPORTS - HUNT GROUP REPORTPage 1 Pilot Number: 200 Hunt Group: 1 Description: Name: Search Type:Linear Search Voice Rail Hunt Group:No Supervisor EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTIONUSRNAME -___----------------l___l___ Hunt Group StationsEXT# CKT# DESCRIPTION USRNAm-------------------------- Hunt Group Announcement Stations Announcement Type:Station EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTIONUSRNAMEi----------------------------- OverFlow Station OverFlow Type:Station EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTIONUSRNAME ----__--------__-------- Timers No Answer Advance Timer: Announcement Timer: Overflow Timer:18 18 72 Page%159

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTIcEsIMX/GMX 256 IIWMLLATlON & MAINTENANCE FIGURE 5-2.CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMMING REPORT SAMPLES (Continued)KEY MAPREPORTS:PROGRAMMING REPORTS - KEY MAP REPORTPage 1Map Group l(Typica1 Map) 1 Call Key 01 2 Call Key 02 3 Call Key 03 4 Call Key 04 5 Station Programmable Key 01 .e...49 User Programmable Key 07 - Data 50 Do-Not-Disturb Mode On/Off 51 IC Key 52 Message Station List EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTIONUSRNAME -__------------1-------------- 100 01.01 Station Undefined 101 01.02 Station Undefined 102 01.03 Station UndefinedDSS Map Group l(Default DSS Map 1) 1 DSS/BLF Key -1000 01.01 Station Undefined 2 DSS/BLF Key -1001 01.02 Station Undefined 3 DSS/BLF Key -1002 01.03 Station Undefined 4 DSS/BLF Key -1003 01.04 Station Undefined 5 DSS/BLF Key -1004 01.05 Station Undefined . . .116 DSS/BLF Key -1115 15.04 Station Undefined 117 DSS/BLF Key -1116 15.05 Station Undefined 118 DSS/BLF Key -1117 15.06 Station Undefined 119 DSS/BLF Key -1118 15.07 Station Undefined 120 DSS/BLF Key - 1119 15.08 Station Undefined Station List CKT# DESCRIPTION ---m-------------m ESLWSLI(This will appear in IiWSystems only)1 Station Speed Dial 2Redial 3Least-Cost Routing 4Hold -- Individual 5 System Speed Dial 6 Station Speed Dial Programming 7Queue Request 8Conference 9Message Page5-160

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATlON & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 FIGURE 5-2.CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMMING REPORT SAMPLES (Continued) LEAST COST ROTJTING DATA REPORTS:PROGRAMMING REPORTS - LEAST COST ROUTING DATA REPORTPage 1 Local Area Code: 602Route Group l(Everything)Route Group Included Area Codes 2xX-200-219 3xX-300-319 4xX-400-419 5xX-500-519 6xx-600-619 7xX-700-719 8xx-800-819 9xX -900-919Route Group Excluded Area Codes Route Group Included Office Codes 2xX-200-299 3xX-300-399 4xX-400-499 5xX-500-599 6xx-600-699 7xX-700-799 8xx-800-899 9xX -900-999Route Group Excluded Office Codes Facility Groups in Time Blocks FG DAY DESCRIPTION FG EVENING DESCRIPTION FG NIGHT DESCRIPTION ---------m-------m-----emem--a--..----------mm-----1 All Lines 1 All Lines 1 All Lines Facility Group 1 (All Lines)Trunk Groups Accessed by Facility Group TG DESCRIPTION CODE TG NAME--------------a.-----------m----mm- 1 All Lines 801Facility Group Dial Rules DR DIGITS DR DIGITS --I---------a------------- 1 Echo Toll Field 2 Echo Area Code 4 Echo Ext NumberDR DIGITS--1---------3 Echo Lot Address Pages-161