Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESlMX/GMX 2% INSlXLLATlON & MAJNTENANCE14. A’ITENDANTS 14.1When the Attendants option is selected from the Applications Menu window, the menu expands to show the following choices: Attendants... Attendant’s Console Alias Programming DSWBLF Assignment 14.2Each of the options and the windows they access are described in detail in the following pages. Program planning sheets for attendant programming are inFigure5-27, be.ginning on page 5-228.A. A-ANT’S CONSOLE (CONS) 14.3The window shown below allows you to save the Attendant Computer Console database on a floppy disk that can then be loaded into the console PC. This proce- dure is not necessary if the console is equipped with a modem for database downloads. NOTE: The floppy disk must be formatted in the con- sole PC to ensure that the console PC will be able to read the data. If the programming PC and the console PC do not have compatible disk drives, the data must be copied onto the properly formatted disk using a third PC before it can be used in the console PC. The following instruc- tions assume that the console PC and programming PC have compatible drives.14.4 TOC~AD~DISK: (1)On the Attendant Computer Console press the Cl& SHlFlY, and X keys at the same time to display the C:\OPTERM prompt.NOTE: The console will not be able to place or receive calls during this procedure. Insert the floppy disk into the console PC disk drive. Type FORMAT A: and press RETURN. When disk formatting is complete, remove the floppy disk from the drive.Insert the floppy disk in the programming PC disk drive. Select the Attendant’s Console window (shown below).Set the database destination by selecting the Drive A:\ option button or selecting the Path op tion button. If Path is selected, a text box appearsthat allows you to type the destination path name. When you enter the path name, be sure it ends with a backslash 0). Select the “Create Database” command button.The database is automatically loaded onto the disk and the window shows “Percent complete” to indicate progress.When the database has been loaded onto the disk, select the Exit command button and re- move the disk from the floppy drive. Insert the disk in drive A: of the console PC. At the C:\OFTERM prompt, type NEWDB andpress RETURN. The PC automatically copies the data and restarts the Console. When the “Station is Idle” prompt appears, the console is ready for use. Remove the floppy disk from the drive.Actions &tup Exit r Database Dest 0l Drive A:\ Format Desk1 loDrive I&\ loBth(7) Page 5-132

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMx/GMx 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1. November 1994 &tions &tup Exit Qu-rent Aliases Enter the station to alias: I B.ALJAS PROGRAMMING (ALSS) 14.5The system intercom directory is stored in the 256 System database and transferred to the Attendant Computer Console during database download. Aliases can be assigned to extension numbers that have more than one user or purpose so that they appear in the con- sole directory more than once. For example, if two users share a station, one name can be programmed as theuser description for that station and the other name can be programmed as an alias. If these two users also have a special function, such as “customer service” that namecan also be programmed as an alias for that station. There can be a total of up to 100 aliases programmed in the system. NOTE: Aliases will not appear in the IC directory that is accessed by keysets. These aliases can only be viewed on Attendant Computer Console stations. 14.6ENTER THE STATION TO ALU!& Select the “Enter the station to alias” text box and enter the desired extension number. (Or press F2 to display a list of sta- tions then select the desired station.) 14.7AI&IS: For each alias to be programmed forthis station, select the Alias command button. The following window appears. Qescription: (ok) (cancel)l DESCRIPTION: Select the Description text box and enter an alias of up to 20 characters.l OK or CANCEL: Select the OK command button to exit to the Alias Programming window. The sta- tion appears in the Current Aliases list box. Or, selectthe Cancel command button to exit without pro- gramming an alias. Page 5-133

PROG-GIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 2!% INSTALLATION & MAJNTENANCE 14.8CURRENT ALIASES: To change or delete an existing alias, locate it in the Current Aliases list box and highlight it. Press the SPACE BAR. The following win- dow appears. &ws)\ ( Delete J (ok)l ALTASKS: Move the highlight bar in the Aliases listbox to the alias you wish to change or delete. To change the alias, press the SPACE BAR The follow- ing window appears. &scription:II I [T) [cancel] 1 - DESCRIPTION: Select the Description text box and edit or enter the alias (up to 20 charac- ters). - OK or CANCEL: Select the OK command but- ton to exit to the Deleting Aliases window. The alias appears in the Aliases list box. Or, select the Cancel command button to exit without chang- ing the alias.l DELETE: To delete the highlighted alias, select the Delete command button. The alias is removed from the list. 0OK: When all changes or deletions have beenmade, select the OK command button to return to the Alias Programming window. Page 5-134

INTRR-TRLPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 Actions @tup &it QSS/BLF Keymap Associated Keyset Station Pick List -,,, ,.;.. ‘;:. . . . . . . . ..A. .i‘.....:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~~.:.:.:.:.:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::::::....: ; ; ; ; ; : : : ” : : :: : x ,:.:.:ok :=:‘,..: . . ..___ ~:.:~.:.~.:?b.:.,:~:?:‘:‘:..,: . . . . . . ..I..................................... :.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._._.___.................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1002 01.03 ‘Station UndefinedI 1003 01.04 ‘Station Undefined C.DSWRLF ASSIGNMENT (DSS) 14.9The window shown above can be accessed by se-lecting DWBLF Assignment from the Attendants menu or by entering the DSS command. To prepare to program the attendant stations, determine which cir- cuits will be connected to DSWBLF Units, the stations they will be associated with, and the stations that they will access. A program planning sheet is in Figure 5-27 on page 5-228.I14.10 There can be a maximum of 50 DSWLF- equipped keyset stations on the system.l Analog XMX and DVK DSWBLF Units are pro- grammed to be used with specific keysets, but are not physically attached to the keysets. Each unit re- quires separate cabling and a separate Keyset Card @SC) circuit. For each DSS/BLFUnit installed, one fewer keyset can be installed.I 0Digital DSWBLFUnits are comected to digital key-sets using a PC Data Port Module (PCDPM) at- tached to the keyset. Up to four Digital DSVBLF Units can be connected in series to one PCDPM. 14.11STATION PICK LIST: To assign a station cir- cuit for DSS/BLF use, scroll through the Station Pick list until the desired station is highlighted, and select it. The following window appears which warns you that any previous programming for the station (attendant, mes-sage center, etc.) will be erased. If you select OK, the window shown on the next page appears. If you select Cancel, the window shown above returns. WARNING: Any references to the keyset selected byother devices due to certain designations (e.g. atten- dant) will be eliminated. (-T-j (F)14.12 DSS/BLFz To change the key map and associated keyset for an existing DSS/BLF station, select the desired station in the DSWBLF stations list box. A window appears as shown on the next page. 14.13DELETE DSS: To delete an existing DWBLFstation, highlight the desired DSVBLF station in the DSS/BLF list box and select the Delete DSS/BLF com- mand button.14.14 EXIT When DSWBLP programming is finished, select the Exit command button. Awindow ap pears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To update the database and exit to the Applications Menu, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. Select Cancel to return to the DSWBLF As- signment window without updating the database. Page 5-135

PROGRAMMINGINTER-TELPRACTICESIssue 1, November 1994IMJ4GM.X 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Dgscription:.I DSS/BLF &sociated Keyset DSS/BLF Keymap 14.15DESCRlPTION: To assign a description of up to 20 characters (such as Primary Att DSSl), select the Description text box and enter the desired name.14.16 DSWBLF ASSOCIATED KEYSET: To assign or change the keyset that will be used in conjunc- tion with this DSWBLF, scroll to the desired station in the DSS/BLF Associated Keyset list box. The highlight bar indicates the selected station.14.17 DSS/BLF KEYMAPzTo assign or change the key map that will be used in conjunction with this DSS/ BLF, scroll to the desired map in the DSS/BLF Keymap list box. The highlight bar indicates the selected map. Key maps are constructed in the Key Assignments win- dow described on page 5-44. 14.18OK: When programming is complete for this DSS/BLF station, select the OK command button to re- turn to the DSS/BLF Assignment window. Page 5-136

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 199415. STXI’ION MESSAGE DETAIL 15.1When Station Message Detail is selectedfrom the Applications Menu window, the menu expands to show the following options: Station Message Detail...Call Cost SMDA SMDR 15.2Each of the options and the windows they access are described in detail in the following pages. Refer toFigure 5-29 on page S-230 for a program plamting sheet. A.CALL COST FACTORS (COST) 15.3 Determine the daytime rates (in dollars per min- ute) for the following types of calls. Use several tele- phone bills from months with typical usage to calculate the average cost per minute of each type of call. Record the charges in dollars and cents from 00.00 to 99.99. You may need to adjust the calculations later to more accu- rately estimate actual call costs. (This program is to be used as an estimate only; refer to page 4-114 in FEA- TURES for details.)l Local calls (defaults to .05)l Seven-digit toll calls (defaults to 20)l Ten-digit toll calls (defaults to SO) 0Operator-assisted and international calls (defaults to 1.00)l Incoming calls (defaults to 0)15.4 Then, determine the discount rates for night/ weekend and evening calls. Record these as decimal factors. For example: if the evening discount rate is 35%, the rate is 65% of the regular rate. So it would have a factor of 0.65 times the day rate. The allowed range is between 0.00 and 1.99. The defaults are .65 for evening and 40 for night/weekend.155 To access this window, select Call Cost from the Station Message Detail menu or enter the COST com- mand. The window appears as shown below.15.6 DAYTIME RATES IN DOLLARS PER MINUTIA Select the individual text boxes and enter the per-minute cost in dollars and cents for each of the call cost types. The range is 0.00 to MULTIPLICATIVE FACTORS: Select each of the text boxes and enter the number that, when multi-plied by the daytime rates, produces the evening and night rates for calls. The range is 0.00 to 1.99. 15.8EXIT: When call cost programming is Gnished, select the Exit command button. Awindow appears that ‘asks “Perform Update to Database?” To update the data- base and exit to the Applications Menu, select Yes. Or,select No to exit without saving any changes. Select Cancel to return to the Call Cost window without updat- ing the database.Actions setup Exit Daytime Rates in Dollars per Minute -Local call:I0.05Z-Digit Toll Call: I0.20IO-Digit Toll Call: I0.50 mratorhtemational Call: I1.00Incoming Call: I0.00Multiplicative Factors Evening: I0.65 Night and Weekend:I0.40 Page 5-137

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRAc!TIcES IMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE &tions setup Exit r Qutpllt Port-1 [ Review Format )/ @J Serial1 aria12im)Reporting Interval -Attendant Only Daily WeeklyMonthly (clear SMDA Data] Diy of Month: cl Time of Day: Day of Wgek~~B. SMDA 15.9The window shown above is available in Ex- tended software only and can be accessed by selecting SMDA from the Station Message Detail menu or by en- tering the SMDA command.15.10 Determine the following information for the station Message Detail Accounting (SMDA) reports:l Output Port: Select the desired output port for the SMDA reports (serial port one or two).l Reporting Interval: Determine how often the reports will print (daily, weekly, or monthly). If monthly, select a day of the month for the report to be printed. (Note that if you select the 31st, reports will not print in months that do not have 31 days; for end- of-the-month printing, 12:OlAM on the iirst may be a better choice.) Select the time of day that the re- ports are to be printed. Ifweekly, select the day of the week the report is to be printed. If desired, select “at- tendant only” to have SMDAreports generated only through the attendant’s station (using the Attendant SMDA Report feature code - 025). 0Format: The following types of reports are avail- able. Refer to page 4-115 in l%AWRl% for sam- ples of the reports. Account Code Reports Summary Reports System Wide Tenant Tenant/Department Detailed Reports All Users in TenaWDept. Groups Top System Users Top Users by Tenant Top Users by TenantDept. Group Rank by Total Cost Rank by Total Duration Rank by Total Number of Calls Select Device Reports Reports can be generated for selected trunks or stations that show total number, duration, andcost of calls15.11 OUTPUT PORT: Select the desired output port for the SMDA reports by selecting the appropriate option button (serial port one or two). Page 5-138

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 lNSTALLATIoN & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1. November 1994 15.12 REPORTING INTERVh Determine how often the reports will print by selecting the appropriate option button. Depending on the interval chosen, items to the right of the box will change from black to gray. 15.13DAY OF MONTHz If Monthly was selected in the Reporting Interval box, you must select a day of the month for the report to be printed. Note that if you select the 31st, the report will not print in months that do not have 31 days; for end-of-the-month printing, 12~01 on the first day may be a better choice. 15.14 TIME OF DAY If Daily, Weekly, or Monthly was selected in the Reporting Interval box, select the Time of Day text box and enter the time, in international 24hour time (i.e., 9PM is 21:00), that the reports are to be. printed. 15.15 DAY OF WE- If Weekly was chosen in the Reporting Interval box, select the day of the week there-portistobeprintedonbymovingthehighlightbartothe desired day. 15.16CLEAR SMDADATA: If you wish to have theSMDA data cleared from memory, select the Clear SMDA Data command button. 15.17PRINT REPORT: To print a report immedi-ately, select the Print Report command button. An SMDA report is sent to the output port.15.18 REVIEW FORMAT: To determine the in- formation that is included in the SMDA report, select the Review Format command button. The window on the following page appears. 15.19EXJX When SMDA programming is fhtished, select the Exit command button. Awindow appears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” Toupdate the data- base and exit to the Applications Menu, select Yes. Or,select No to exit without saving any changes. Select Cancel to return to the SMDAwindow without updating the database. Page 5-139

PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE El&count Code Reports qClear Account Code Data Following Report - Summary Reports- wSystem-xide Report wTenant Report wTenant/Qept. Report Selected Dexice Reports- All Users in Tenant/Dept. Groups Top System Users loTop Users by Tenant 0-Top Users by Tenant/Dept. Groupcl Rank b Total Cost n Rank by Total Duration [ 1[ Rank by Total Nuaber of Calls I- Top ‘N’ Users per Report:u Clear StationAhmk/Hunt Data Following Report 15.20 ACCOUNT CODE REPORTS: To activate SMDA reports that are sorted by account code, select theAccountCodeReportscheckboxtoplaceanXinthe box. To remove the X and disable the reports, select the box again.15.21 CLEAR ACCOUNT CODE DATA FOL- LOWING REPORT: (This prompt is gray unless Account Code Reports have been enabled.) If you wish to have the memory cleared each time an account code report is printed, select the Clear Account Code Data Following Report check box to place an X in the box. To allow data to accumulate from report to report, remove the X by selecting it again. 15.22DEBUIXD REPORTS: If you wish to acti- vate any of the detailed reports, select the appropriate check boxes to place Xs in those boxes. If you select any of the Top Users options, you must also select ranking option(s) for them and indicate in the Top ‘N’ Users Per Report text box, how many users you wish to track.I15.23 CLEAR STXI’ION/TRUNWHUNT DATA FOLLOWING REPORT: If you wish to have all sta- ,. . tion, trunk, and hunt group data cleared after each re-port, select the Clear Station/Tiunk Data Following Report check box to place an X in the box. To allow data to accumulate fiomreport to report, remove the X by se- lecting it again.I 15.24 SUMMARY REPORTS: Select the desired summary reports by marking the appropriate check box(es). System-wide reports give call information for the entire system. The tenant report prints information separately for each tenant group. And, the tenant/de-partment report provides call information for depart- ments within each tenant group. 15.25SELECT DEVICE REPORTS: To select the stations, hunt groups, and/or trunks that will be repre- sented in the Selected Device report(s), select the appro- priate command button. The resulting windows appear on the next page.I 15.26OK: When all SMDA formatting is complete, select the OK command button to return to the Sh4DA programming window. Page 5-140

INTER-TELPItAcTICEsIMxlGMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMINGIssue 1. November 1994Selected Device Reports Windows 5.27STATIONS or HUNT GROUP!& To assign he stations or hunt groups that will be included in theelected Stations report, select the Stations or Hunt iroups command button (shown on the preceding age). The following window appears.Include 1001 01.02 -station undefined [CJ 100201.03-StationUndetined100301.04‘StationUndefined 100401.05‘StationUndefined IExclude 1009 02.02 ‘Station Undefined 1010 02.03 ‘Station Undefined INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: To include a station or hunt group, locate the desired station on the Exclude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR, it will automatically move to the Include list. To remove a station from the list, select the station in the Include list to move it to the Exclude list.ALL or NONE: To include all stations or hunt groups in the list, select the All command button. To exclude all stations, select the None command but- ton. OK or CANCEL: When the lists appear as desired,select the OK command button. To exit from the window without saving changes, select the Cancel command button. The SMDA programming win- dow returns. SORT: To sort the stations or hunt groups and listthem numerically by extension number or circuit number, or alphabetically by name, select the Sort command button. The following window appears. Choose the desired sorting method by selecting thecorresponding option button. Then select the OK command button. When the list returns, the list box will show the stations or hunt groups in the selectedorder. To exit without changing the sorting method, select the Cancel command button.I - Ordering0 @ By Extension(710By Circuit 0By &me 15.28TRUNKS: To program the trunks that will be included in the Selected Trunk report, select the Trunks command button (shown on the previous page). The fol- lowing window appears. IncludeExclude(All) [-Xi--)l INCLUDE or EKCLUDE: To include a trunk, locate it on the Exclude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR; it will automatically move to the Include list. To remove a trunk from the list, select the it in the Include list to move it to the Exclude list. 0 ALL or NONE: To include all trunks in the list, select the All command button. To exclude all lines, select the NONE command button. 0OK: When the trunk lists appear as desired, select the OK command button to return to the SMDApro- gramming window. Page 5-141