Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 5.HOW TO USE THE PROGRAMMING WINDOWS 5.1The database is divided up into %indows” that permit the programmer to view and change the systemprogramming one section at a time. Each of the pro- grammin~ windows contains boxes and/or buttons for selecting and entering specific information. These in- clude: Text Boxes, List Boxes, Command Buttons, Option Buttons, and Check Boxes. Samples of each are shown in the following paragraphs. 53To move among items in a window, you may use the TAB or ALT key, as follows: Using the ‘MB key: Press the TAB key repeatedlyuntil the desired area is highlighted by a gray box and a dark outline or filler. To move in reverse, press the SHIFT and TAB keys at the same time. Using the ALT key: Pressing a combination of the ALT key and the underlined character allows you to move directly to the desired area. (For example, inthe following sample Text Box, you would use ALT-D because the “D” in Description is under- lined). 53 When using a stand-alone PC, a mouse can be used for selecting items. To select an item, simply point the mouse cursor at the desired item and click the left but- ton.A. TEXTBOX 5.4A text box is used when the requested information requires typing. The vertical line is the cursor that indi- cates where text will be inserted. As you type, the line moves to the right, pushing any existing text to the right. The line can be moved right or left using the arrow keys on the keyboard or by pointing the mouse cursor at the desired place and clicking the left button once.5.5 To move the cursor to a text box, follow the instructions in paragraph 5.2. When the cursor appears in the box, you can begin typing. 5.6The system recognizes both upper- and lower-case characters. When typing, you may use either case or a combination.5.7To correct mistakes made while entering informa- tion or to erase existing information, back up using the backspace or delete key and retype the entry. 5.8To delete the entire contents of a text box, high- light the box. Then, press the backspace or delete key.B. LISTBOX ExAMPm Least-Cost Routing Trunk Programming...5.9 The list box is used for several purposes, as follows:Main Menu selections: In the main menu list box shown above, selecting a listed item that is followed by an ellipsis (...) causes other selections to appear below it. For example, selecting Station Program- ming will expand the list to show additional items. However, Least-Cost Routing does not have an el- lipsis and selecting it will lead directly to a program- ming window. ‘Qped information: When programming items such as do-not-disturb and reminder messages, the list box shows the current values. Selecting one line of the list box causes a smaller window with a text box (like the one shown above paragraph 5.4) to ap pear. After the information is entered in the text boxand you exit from the small window, the list box shows the new information. Enable/Disable and Yes/No listsz Items such assys- tern features have only two states: enabled or dis- abled. When these appear in a list box, selecting the item changes the state of that item. For example, if the station feature “CO Reseize” is enabled and you wish to disable it, you would select the line contain-ing “CO Reseize” to change the status to “DIS- ABLED” by pressing the SPACE BAR (see page 5-30 for an illustration). Include/Exclude lists: Some programs require you to list the stations or trunks that are on “iuclude” or “exclude” lists. To move an item from one list to theother, select the desired item. It is automatically moved to the other list. Page 5-12

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMXIGMX 256 INS~TION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994 5.10There are several methods for selecting a line in a list box. They are as follows:l Arrow keys: Use the up or down arrow key to move the highlight bar. Press the SPACE BAR to select an item while it is highlighted.l HOME, END, PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys: You can use the HOME key to move directly to the top of the list, or the END key to move directly to the bottom. The PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys move up or down the list one screen at a time.l First letter or digit of desired item: When a list ispresented in alphabetical or numerical order, you can quickly move to the first item begimting with a specific letter or number by entering that character. For example, when in a list of stations by name, you can move to names that begin with “C” by pressing the C key.l Scroll bar: Along the right edge of the list box is a band with an arrow at each end and a white box (as shown in the List Box sample on the previous page). This is a scroll bar and it is used, with the mouse cur- sor, to move through the list. Point the cursor at ei- ther of the arrows and click the left button to move one line at a time, or point the cursor at the white box and hold down the left button. Moving the mouse “drags” the box up or down and scrolls through the list. When the desired item is highlighted, press the SPACE BAR or click the left mouse button to select it.5.12Frequently, a command button is highlighted by a dark border while you are programming in a window. If so, pressing the RE$TURN key will execute that com- mand automatically. You do not need to TAB to the but- ton first.D. OPTION BUTTON 0 0 Serial 10 Serial 2. 5.13Option buttons are used when there are two or more options for a feature and you must choose only one. The options are listed in a box and the buttons arelocated along the left. Selecting the desired button places a dot in it to show which option was chosen. 5.14Option buttons can be selected using one of the following methods: 0TAB by: Use the TAB key to advance to the box surrounding the buttons, and the- up or down arrow key to move the dot to the desired button. 0ALT key: Press the ALT key plus the underlined character (in the sample above, you would use &T-l or ALT-2).E. CHECKBOX EXAMPLE2 lxl&ea and Offke Cc&s Overlap C. COMMAND BUTTON EXAMPLE4 /, 1 Exit 1\I 5.11 Selecting a commandbutton executes a single command. To select a command button, do one of thefollowing: l TAB key: Use the TAB key to advance to the com-mand button and to highlight it. Then press the SPACE BAR to select it. 0 AIJT key: Press the ACT key plus the underlined character. (In the sample above, you would use ALT-X to execute the Exit command). 5.15Check boxes are used when a single option is available that has only two states (on/off, enabled/dis-abled, or yes/no). When the box is selected, an X is placed inside it to indicate an affirmative state (on, en- abled, or yes). Selecting a box that already contains an X, removes the X (off, disabled, or no). 5.16Check boxes can be selected using one of the fol- lowing methods: 0TAB key: Use the TAB key to advance to the check box to highright it. Then press the SPACE BAR to select it. 0 ALT key: Press the ALT key plus the underlined character. (In the sample above, you would use ALT-A). Page 5-13

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIlkWGMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE F.ITEM!3 THAT CANNOT BE SELECTED - GRAY JTEMS 5.17Ifan item in a window appears in a light gray col-or, it camtot be selected unless an associated item is highlighted. For example, in the System Configuration window, the command button for Configuration cannotbe selected unless a line in the list box with “KSC Board,” “TlC,” or “lDC Board” is highlighted, because only these cards require special configuration program- ming. But, when the proper line is highlighted, the com- mand button appears in black and selecting it displays the configuration window. G.HOURGLASS SYMBOL CURSOR 5.18 Occasionally, the system will change the cursor to an “hourglass” shape. This indicates that the system is performing an internal operation and cannot respond to input. Wait for the cursor to return to normal before en- tering more information.H. UPDAm TO DATABASE -EXIT SCREEN‘.- >\i. 5.19The following screen appears when an Exit corn- mand button is selected. It offers the options of saying the changes that were made in the associated window and exiting to the Applications Menu (select Yes), exit-ing to the Applications Menu without saving the changes (select No), or returning to the programming window.to continue making changes (select Cancel). ,i’ Perform Update to Database?Page 5-14

INTER-TELPRACTICESlMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 &tions setup Exit System-wide Features... Toll Restriction... Least Cost Routing Trunk Prograniming... Attendants... Station Message Detail... service... command: (xi-)6. APPLICATIONS MENU 6.1The first window that is shown when you start aprogramming session contains a list box with the Applications menu which introduces the eight major programming sections: Station Programming, System-wide Features, Toll Restriction, Least Cost Routing, Trunk Programming, Attendants, Station Message De- tail, and Service The window appears as shown above. NOTE: The header in this window indicates that the ac- tive session is remote (direct connection or modem) as shown above. If the active session is a stand-alone, the word “Remote” does not appear in the header. Note that during a stand-alone session, data is written to a data- base in the PC and not directly to the 256 System. The stand-alone database must be transferred to the 256 Sys- tem using the Save/Restore function. Direct and modem connections will write information dire&y to the 256 System database. 6.2When programming a KF-rated system, LCR willstill appear in the Applications Menu, but when se- lected, an error message is presented to remind the pro- grammer that it is not available. 6.3LIST BOX: Each item in the list box, except Least-Cost Routing, is followed by an ellipsis (...) to in-dicate that it contains submenus. These submenus ap pear when the main menu line is selected. Selecting a submenu line leads to a programrniq window. 6.4COMMAND: Each of the options listed on the following pages can be accessed directly by entering a three- or four-letter command in the Command text box. Select the text box using the mouse, the TAB key, orALT-C, type the desired command, and press RE- TURN. Then refer to the appropriate page in this section for instructions on using the selected window. 6.5 EXIT: When programming is completed, selectthe Exit command button. The following window appears. Select the OK wmmand button to end the pro- gramming session, or select the Cancel command but- ton to return to the Applications menu. AThis will end your programming session (7-j (-xq Page 5-15

PROGRAMMING Issue 1. November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICES IMXIGMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE 6.6The f’ull list of available menus, with the‘abbreviated access commands and a brief description of their purposes are as follows: MAIN MENU ITEMFUBMENU ndividual Station Information (SIN) Continued on nextpage) Page 5-16 PROGRAMMING OPTIONS Copy to Another StationStation Review Window: Full Name And Usemame Secondary Stations Misceilaneous Fiags Window: Allow Private Intercom Override Auto Att/VM/DISA Do-Not-Disturb Breakthrough Automatic Answer CO or IC Barge Initiate or Receive Camp-On Tones CO Reseize Dial Pulse DID Camp-On Tones Do-Not-Disturb Allowed Do-Not-Disturb Override DTMF Feedback Enabled E&M Camp-On Tones HandsfieeHeadset LCR Facility Group Camp-OnMessage Lamp Music Channel Onemo Off-Premises ExtensionOHVA Receiveflransmit Page Remove/ReplaceRedial Mode Ring Cadence Ring Intercom Always Ring Type for Off-Premises Extension Transparent LCRMiscellaneous Information Window: Attendant Message Center Alternate Message Source (single-line station only) Tenant Group And Department Account Code Type/Index/Validate Account Code Class-Of-Service Account Code Ring Zones (single-line station only) Receive/rransmit Gain (OPX only) Day/N&&t Outgoing Access Programmable Key Programming Window: GY MapStation Programmable KeysSecondary Call Key Window: Secondary Call Keys Primary Station Enable Ring CadenceSpecial Purpose Station Window: Attendant/Stations Served Automated Attendant/Recall Dest. & Digit Translation FAX Station/FAX Message Center House Phone/Day & Night Numbers Message Center/Stations Served Voice Mail Station

INTER-TRLPRACTICRSlMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMJNGIssue 1, November 1994 WIN MENU ITEM MiOll ?rogramming... ‘CoPlrid) SUBMENU Individual Station Information (Conlid) PROGRAMMING OPTIONSSystem Forwarding Window: Forwarding Paths Forward Call Types Station Conditions System Conditions Ring Principal Once Key Assignments (KEY)Toll Restriction Information Widow: Day/Night Station Class Of Service (SCOS) Day/Night Mode Toll Restriction User Croup Day/Night Mode LCR Advance Limit Keyset Key Assiientsz Keyset Map View Types Keyset Map Groups Station List User Programmable Keys Default Sets DSS/BLF Unit Key Assiients: DSS Map Descriptions DSS Map Croups DSS Station List Digital DSS Map View Ring Zone Programming (ZONE) Station Features (SFEA)Single-Line Set Key Maps Key Type Rogramminn Station Lists Allow Private Intercom Override Auto AttendanWISA Do-Not-Disturb Breakthrough Automatic Answer On CO Calls (keysets) Automatic Answer On IC Calls (keysets) Barge Receive Enabled Barge Transmit Enabled (keysets) Camp-On Tones Disabled CO Reseize Enabled (keysets) Dial Pulse Enabled (single-line stations) DID Camp-On Tones Disabled Do-Not-Disturb Allowed Do-Not-Disturb Override Allowed (keysets) DTMF Feedback Enabled (single-line stations) E & M Camp-On Tones Disabled Handsfree Enabled (keysets) Headset Enabled (keysets) LCR Facility Croup Camp-On Allowed Message Lamp Enabled (single-line stations) Music Channel One Enabled Off-Hook Voice Announce Receive Enabled (keysets) Off-Hook Voice Announce Transmit Enabled Off-Premises Extension (single-line stations) Page Remove Enabled (keysets) Redial Mode - Last Number Dialed (keysets) Ring Cadence Extended (single-line stations) Ring Intercom Always Enabled Ring Type For OPX --DC (single-line stations) Transparent LCR Enabled Page 5-17

PROGRAMMINGlNTER-TELPRACTIcESIssue 1. November 1994I.MX/GMX 256 INS’J.ALL4’l’ION & MAINTENANCE BAIN MENU ITEM ; ystem-Wide ;eatures UBMENU iccount Code Information (ACCT) IND and Reminder Messages MESG) ktensions, Usernames, and ‘eature Codes @XT) Gmt Groups (HUNT) ‘ROGRAMMING OPTIONS 4ccount Code Length standard, Forced, LCR Toll, & None Station Lists-. 3atch Station Lists (Forced, Standard, LCR Toll, Validated) ~lass-Of-Service Account Codes jtati0nS 3unt Groups rnmk Groups ?eature Codes Set Extensions/Clear Extensions (Batch Load) Station Lists Voice Mail Hunt Group Voice Computer Group btomated Attendant Hunt Group Dial Rules Recall DestinationBunt Group Extended Data Window: Hunt Group Name Description Supervisor Hunt Group Search Type Timer Programming Window: No Answer Advance Timer Announcement Timer Overflow Timer Default TimersAnnouncement Station Data Window: Announcement Stations Announcement TypesOverflow Station Data Window: Overflow Device Overflow Station Overflow Qpe Overflow Count Page 5-18

INTRR-TETAPRACTICESIMX,‘GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 system Wide Teatures... ‘Conti~) Miscellaneous System-WideInformation (MISC)Primary Attendant Station Call Termination DigitsSystem Flags: Allow Cross-Tenant IC Traffic Allow Cross-Tenant Voice Mail/Computer Traffic Account Code Class-Of-Service Audible Message Indication for SL Sets Auto Attendant - Dial During Recording Auto Attendant - Enable Ringback ToneBarge Barge Confirmation Tone Broadcast Alarms to All Attendants Broadcast Station Off-Hook Alarms Drop Incomplete Outgoing Call Extended DTMF Feedback Digits External Paging Music Channel Handsfiee Announce System Forward Transfer Hot Dial Pad Keys Hunt Group Transferred Call Type Keyset Identification Display Music-On-Hold for IC Calls OHVA DSS Immediate Transmit OWA System-Wide Privacy Release Reverse Transfer Immediate Connection Standard Tones (CO Trunks, Keysets, and Single-Lines) Station DTMF Digit Mute Station Monitoring Tone Suppress All Displayed Digits After End Of Dialing System “Skate” Type System Speed-Dial Override SCOS Validate Voice Mailbox Numbers Page Zones (PAGE) Page Zones Relays And External Ports Keysets Convert Ports Relay Progre 0 System Forwarding (SFWD) System Speed Dial (SSPD) System Timers (I7M.R)Forwarding Paths Path Description Forwarding Point(s) Name Tenant Number Number Of Displayed Speed-Dial Numbers Speed Dial Number Programming Station Number Of Digits in Bin NumberValue Default Raw Page 5-19

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1. November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICES IMXIGMX 256INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE WIN MENU ITEM ;ystem Wide ‘eatures... Conlinued) roll Restriction... kast-Cost Routing FR)SUBMENU Tenants and -Departments (TNT) Alternate Carriers/Allowed Long Distance (ALT) Area/Office Codes Allowed/Restricted (AREA) SCOS Information (SCOS) Toll SecurityPROGRAMMING OPTIONS Tenant Groups Description Departments Ihnk Group For Auto Feature StAiOIlS rmnk Groups DID Groups Alternate Carrier Numbers Allowed Long Distance Numbers Area And 05ce codes Overlap User Croups Day/Night Station Lists Area Codes (Allowed, Restricted, or Extended) 05ce Codes (Allowed or Restricted) Station Class-Of-Service Programming Day/Night Lists Day/Night LCR Advances 7110 Digit Enabled Operator/International Enabled Weekly Toll Limit Clear Accumulated Total Remaining Days Dial Rules Route Groups: Descliption Area Code Table 05ce Code Table Day, Evening, & Night Time Blocks (Facility Groups) Facility Groups: Description Dial Rules Trunk Groups 3 I Page 5-20

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 Individual Trunk (INDT) Trunk Groups, DID Groups, And Ring-In/Answer Patterns (TRNK)Group Number Receive Gain Transmit GainHybrid Balance E&M Interface Start Type Current DT Detect Relaxed Ring Detect DTMF Signaling Ignore Answer Supervision Trunk Group Programming Wmdow Trunk Group Description & Name Tenant Group E & M Trunk Group: Call Routing (Auto Ring-In/Dial Repeating) Reorder Tone (Continuous or Burst) Handshaking (Immediate, Delayed, Gr Wink) Return Dial Tone DID Digit Translation Enable Hookflash One-Way Incoming only Music-On-Hold Day/Night Gutgoing Access Station List Day/Night Ring-In (Single, Hum, Multiple, or DISA - DISA can have toll restriction) Trunk List Toll Restriction: Subject To Toll Restrict Exempt From LCR only Call Cost (Free, Local, 10-D@& Operator) Equal Access Absorbed Digits Absorbed Digits Applications (PBX or Local) Absorbed Digits Repeatable Absorbed Strings DID Group Programming Window: Description Tenant Group Base Number Trunk List Music On Hold Start Type (Immediate, Wink, Delay) Add/Delete Entry Day/Night Ring-In (Single, Hunt, Multiple, or DISA)~ DISA Codes~ Set Ring-in (Batch Load) Ring-In/Answer Patterns Window: Pattern Title Ring-In Station List Answer Station List Relay Lists Page 5-21