Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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wrER-TRLPRAcTfcESIMx/GMx 256 INS-TION % MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 FIGURE 5-2.CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMMING REPORT SAMPLES (Continued) SPECL4L PURPOSE FLAGS REPORTS:PROGRAMMING REPORTS - SPECIAL PURPOSE FLAGS REPORTPage 1 Auto Att/DISA DND Breakthrough EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTIONUSRNAME -I--__---__-------------------- 100 01.01 Station undefinedAutomatic Answer On CO Calls EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTIONUSRNAME---------1__--- 100 01.01 Station undefinedAutomatic Answer On IC Calls EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTIONUSRNAME--------------------a----- 100 01.01 Station Undefined . . .Redial Mode - Last Number Dialed EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTIONUSRNAME -1---------------1__---~--- 100 01.01 Station UndefinedRing Intercom Always Enabled EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTIONUSRNAME--------------__---------- Transparent LCR Enabled EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTIONUSRNAME----a------------- ----------- Page5163

PROGRAMMINGINTER-TELPRACTICES Issue 1, November 1994 IMX/GMX 256 INSTAUATION & MAINTENANCE FIGURE 5-2.CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMMING REPORT SAMPLES (Continued) SYSTEM SPEED DIAL NUMBERS:PROGRAMMING REPORTS - SYSTEM SPEED DIAL REPORTPage 1 Displayed Speed Dial Numbers:400 Programming Station:EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTIONUSRNAME 100 01.01 Station UndefinedNumber of Digits in Bin Number: 3# NAMENUMBERTNT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 . . . 3990 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page5164

INTER-TELPRACnCEsIMx/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1. November 1994 FIGURE 5-2.CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMMING REPORT SAMPLES (Continued) TIMER REPORTS:PROGRAMMING REPORTS - TIMER REPORT Page 1 DESCRIPTION VALUE UNITSRANGED-------P---a-----ma--------------------Abandoned Call Timer Camp-On Timer Camp-On Tone Timer CO Hookflash CO Re-Seize Timer CO-CO Timer Conference-Hold Timer Data Wait Timer Dial Tone Wait Timer Dial-Initiation Timer--Keyset . . .System Forwarding Initiate Tl Busy-Out Switch Time Out Transfer-Available Timer Transfer-Busy Timer Trunk Key Debounce Timer Trunk Preselect Timer Trunk Ring Detection Unsupervised-CO Timer Valid-Call Timer Voice Mail Dialing Delay 10Min. 3Sec. 15Sec. 60100th 3Sec. 35 100th 5Min. 30Sec. 2Sec. 15Sec. 15Sec. 60Sec. 20Sec. 24Sec. 3Sec. 5Sec. 510th 5Min. 15Sec. 510th l-255 O-2555- 2552- 250 l- 15 2- 250 l-255 l-255 l- 50 5- 30 2- 255 10-10000 10-255 10-255 l-7772- 255 l-777 l-2550- 60 l-250 Page 5-165

PROGRAMMJNGIssue 1, November 1994mTER-TELPRAcTIcEsIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE FIGURE 5-2.CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMMING REPORT SAMPLES (Continued)3IJ; TRUNK GROUP REPORTS:PROGRAMMING REPORTS - TRUNK GROUP REPORTPage 1Trunk Group l(Al1 Lines) Trunk Group Name: Enable Bookflash:Yes - One-Way Incoming Only:No Tenant Group: 1( ) Music-On-Hold:Music #lDay OutGoing Access EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTIONUSRNAME 10001.01StationUndefined 10101.02StationUndefined 10201.03StationUndefined Night OutGoing Access EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTION USRNAME -mm-- ------- -I__---- 100 01.01 StationUndefined 101 01.02 StationUndefined 102 01.03 Stationundefined Trunk List CKT# DESCRIPTION CKT# DESCRIPTIONCKT# DESCRIPTION 24.01G/L26.01G/L22.01G/L 24.02G/L26.02G/L22.02G/L 24.03G/L26.03G/L22.03 Toll Restrictions Subject to Toll Restrict:Yes Equal Access:Yes Absorbed Digits:No Exempt from LCR Only:No Day Ring-in Type:Single EXT# CKT# DESCRIPTIONUSRNAME -------__---------------100 01.01 Station Undefined Night Ring-in Type: Ring-in/Answer Pattern:Multiple Night RingG/L‘1-I ‘.i’ Page 5-166

WTER-TELPRACTICES PROGRAMMINGWGMX 2!%INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEIssue 1. November 1994Actions Setup Exit - Function to Perform 0 l save Database0Save m Database 0 @py Error File0&store Database Perform Qperation0 l Path A:\0Path B:\0 path (Format Disk G. SAVE/RESTORE (SAVE) 16.39This program allows you to save and/or load the database, copy error logs to the disks, and reset the sys- tem.16.40 To access the window shown above, select Save/Restore from the Service menu or enter the SAVE command.16.41 DESTINATION/SOURCE: Select the des- tination drive to which you wish to send the database or error list, or the source of the database to be restored by selecting the desired option button. The options Path A:\,Path B.-l, or Path can be used to designate a drive and/or directory path. When “Path” is selected, the Set Path command button can be selected to produce a win- dow that explains destination path parameters and gives a text box for entering the destination. If you attempt to set a path that does not exist, you will see a wamingwin- dow that asks if you wish to have the path created (if val- id) or cancel the operation. 16.42FORMAT DISK: To format a disk for use in the save or error file list operation, your PC must use ei- ther a SJ&inch, 1.2MB or 3.5~inch, 1.44MB disk. Insert a blank disk into the selected PC floppy disk drive, then select the Format command button to start the format- ting process. The following window appears. The heads and tracks formatted are indicated as the operation prog- resses. The Cancel button is available throughout the process. However, the OKbutton appears only when the process is complete.Drive: A Heads: XXTrack: XX /pi-) (-) 16.43RJZSEZ This button is selected to force a sys- tem reset during a programming session. The following window appears. Select the OK command button to per- form the reset or the Cancel button to return to the Save/Restore window. The reset will drop all calls in progress, including one being used for a remote pro- gramming session.Resetting the system will drop Page 5-167

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INS~TION & MAINTENANCE 16.44 FUNCTION TO PERFORM: Select the option button associated with the desired operation.SAVE DATABASE: Information is sent from the system to the designated destination. Select the Per- form Operation command button. If you are using a floppy disk, a window appears that tells you to insert the disk in the appropriate drive. Insert the disk then select the OK command button to begin the transfer, or select the cancel button to stop. The percent com- plete will be indicated below the Perform Operation button while the save is in progress. When the save operation is completed, remove the floppy disk from the drive.RESTORE DA’IXBASE: Information is trans- ferred from the designated source to the system when the Perform Operation command button is selected. A window appears if you are using floppy disks that tells you to insert the disk that contains previously programmed database information into the appropriate drive. Insert the disk, then select the OK command button to begin the transfer, or select the Cancel button to stop. When the data has been read, another window appears to tell you that the sys- tem will reset to complete the restore operation. If you are using an on-site or modem connection, re- move the disk (if one is being used), then select the Yes button to perform the reset or No to cancel the restore. Areset takes several minutes. During the re- set, the 256 System clock will be reset to match the clock on the programming PC. NOTE: When the Database Restore feature is used during a remote programming session, all calls are disconnected except the modem connection. Before restoring the database, ensure that the circuit card being used for -the modem connection will not be reconfigured during the restoration (changed to a different type of card). SAVE CVH DATABASE: This option is available in mnote programming sessions only. The CVH (convert history) database can used by trained ser-vice personnel during system troubleshooting. When available, it will be used, like Database Save, to copy CVH database information to the PC.COPY ERROR FILE: There are three types of error files: -ERRORLOG.‘IXE This file contains up to 60k of reset history. When the allotted memory is de-pleted, the oldest reset records are deleted as newer messages are written to the file. - - CPERRXXBIN: These files contain system er- ror messages. TheXXin the file name represents the file number. There can be up to 19 CPERR files, numbered 00-18. CPFIISTXXBIN: These files contain system freeze records. The XX in the file name repre- sents the file number. There can be up to nine CPERR files, numbered 00-09. -\iP To copy error files onto the PC hard disk or floppy -disk, perform the following steps: To copy error files onto the PC hard disk or floppy disk, perform the following steps: (1) (2) (3) (4)Select the GET CP ERRORS command button to download the error files from the remote source to your PC. You will be prompted to enter a file name.In the Function to Perlorm area shown on the previous page, select the Copy Error File option. Check that the destination path is set as desired. Select the Perform Operation command button. Ascreen appears that contains a list of files. It in-cludes the file you created in step 1 and other files that have been logged due to past systemre- sets or call processing history freezes (each in- cludes a date and time of the reset). Customer Service personnel may request that these files becopied to a designated destination and sent to them for troubleshooting purposes. If j7oppy dish are being use the screen prompts you to insert a disk. Insert a blank, formatted disk into the appropriate drive. Then select the OK com- mand button to begin the transfer, or the Cancel button to stop. The percent complete will be indi- cated while the transfer of the error logs to the floppy disk is in progress. When the transfer iscompleted, remove the disk from the drive (if one is being used). Multiple error files can be saved on one disk. NOTE: The files will remain in the /syshist directory until you delete them. If your PC is low on disk space, you may wish to copy the files tofloppy disk for storage and delete them from your hard drive. 16.45EXIT: When finished, select the Exit command button to return to the Applications Programming win- dow. ‘1-.;~_ Page 5-168

INTER-TELPRACTICESIM.X/GMX 256 INS-TION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 Actions setup Exit Serial Port. ‘.‘.‘.‘...‘.:.:.:.:.:.:i~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::::~~~:.:.:..., . . .. . . . . . . . . ..A. :.::::::.:.:.:.: -4:$y..:‘:.:.:.:.:.~w :(“’z... :x :,::‘.‘.‘C .““‘:““......““‘::::.... ,.,.,.,.,....~~..“‘,.,.,‘.,.,~x.:.:.: .,.,. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .....,.,.“.,.,.~~E . ..A. A.......:‘.‘. .: ‘:: ” “:.:.:‘i.‘.:.~.:.:...; A.. . . ..A.... . . . . . . . . _, . ,,~,., ,,,,. _, _, _,1.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........Y........................~...~.~ .:.,:, ~~::.. ..A‘:.:.:.::.~:.:.:.:.:.:.~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ,.,..... ~.~.~~.~.:.:.:.~.:,:,:,:,:,., ;,. E ,... w,.z. . . . . . ..__._____..... Serial Port 2* cl Enable QSR Handshakingcl Enable _cCrS Handshaking &set Ports I(pi-] Baud Rate v H.SERIAL PORT CONFIGURATION (PORT) 16.46This window is used to configure the two sys- tem serial ports to match the configuration of external devices to which they will be attached (such as printers, PC, etc.). 16.47This window is used to set the baud rate and/orhandshaking capabilities of the serial ports. It is ac- cessed by selecting Serial Port Configuration from the Service menu or entering the POKf command.16.48 SERIAL PORT: Begin programming by selecting the desired serial port in the list box. When thePort is highlighted, all other programming applies to that port.16.49 ENABLE DSR HANDSHAKING: If the device that is connected to the selected port supports handshaking on the DSRpin of the RS-232-C connector, select the Enable DSR Handshaking check box to place an X in it. To remove the X and disable the handshaking, select the check box again. Refer to SPECWICKIIONS, page 2-31, for information about handshaking.16.50 ENABLE CTS HANDSHAKING If the device that is connected to the selected port supports handshaking on the CIS pin of the RS-232-C connector, select the Enable Cl5 Handshaking check box to placean X in it. To remove the X and disable the handshaking, select the check box again. Refer to SPECIFICKfIONS, page 2-31, for more information. 16.51BAUD RATE: To set the baud rate of the serial port (llo-19200),scroll the highlight bar to the desired setting in the Baud Rate list box. (The 19200 baud rate isfor outgoing data only. The maximum progranmiing baud rate is 9600.)I NOTE: If you change the baud rate of the serial port that is connected to the PC, a display tells you that the baud rate of your PC is being changed to match the baud rate you just selected. This also changes the default baud rate shown in the window on page 5-9. 16.52RESET PORTS: On occasion, the serial port and the device that is attached to it will “lock up” while each is waiting for a “ready” command from the other. To reset the ports and clear this condition, select the Re- set Ports command button.16.53 EXITt When serial port programming is finished, select the Exit command button. A window ap pears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To update the database and exit to the Applications Menu, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. Select Cancel to return to the Serial Port Con- figuration window without updating the database. Page 5-169

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPBACTIcESIMX/GMX 256 B’WIMLATION & MAINTENANCE &tions setup Exit astern Configuration clNon-blocking for voice channels fQ&iguration D@tal -KeysetInterface Keyset Interface Single-Line Interface DIDTrunk Interface CO-Trunk Interface Loop Start Interface Upper +30VDC Modules = 1 Lower +30VDC Modules = 1 Move Board 1 I.!3YSTEM CONF’IGURATION (CONI?) 16.54This window is used to set the system time, date, and local area code of the system location. It is also used to set up the circuit card configuration of the equipment cabinet cardfile and dedicate voice channels to specific cards. To access it, select System Configuration from the Service menu or enter the CONF command. 16.55TIME and DATE: To set the system time or date that will appear on all keyset displays and in the SMDR/SMDA reports, select the Time text box and type the hour (in 24-hour format), a colon, and the min- utes, then select the Date text box and enter two digits for the month, a slash, two digits for the date, another slash, and two digits for the year m. 16.56SYSTEM CONFIGURATION and BOARD TYPE: Because the cardfile has universal slots - anytype of card (except the RCPU) can be installed in any slot - this program is needed to “tell” the database which type of card is in each slot. To configure a card slot for a particular type of card, first locate the desired card position in the System Configuration list box and highlight it. Then, press the SPACE BAR to select it. The highlight bar will move to the Board Type list box automatically. Locate and select the desired card typeThe card type description will appear in the System Configuration box. NOTE: You cannot change the board type of a KSC slot if any of the circuits have associated DSWBLF circuits. First, you must remove the DSWBLF association from those circuits.I 1657 +3OVDC MODULES: This number indicates the number of +SOVDC modules that must be installed to support the configuration as programmed. The mrm- ber is automatically calculated and changes as you as- sign cards to their cardfile slots. Page 5-170

_’INTER-TELPRACTICESPROGRAMMING MX/GMX 256 INS-mON & MAINTRNANCEIssue 1, November 1994 16.58MOVE BOARD: This option is avaihble only in stand-alone programming sessions. If you wish to move a board from its assigned location in the cardfile to an available slot, select the Move Board command but- ton. The following window appears. The list box shows all available slots. Move the highlight bar to the desiredslot and then select the OK command button. Or, to leave the slot assignment unchanged, select the Cancel command button. L Choose New Slot n303132 33 34 J1659HOME AREA CODES: In many areas, the telephone company has created call-cost arrangements that refer to “home” and “local” area codes. The home area code is the area code within which the system re-sides. The local area codes are additional area codes that, when called, use the local or toll local call-cost rate instead of the long distance rate. Up to three local area codes can be programmed and then extended within toll restriction programming to provide proper call costing. The Home Area Codes window, below, appears when the Home Area Codes command button is selected. Pro- gram the area codes as follows: Home Area Code:I III Local Area Code #2: Local Area Code #2: Local Area Code #4:III (7)(-xql HOME/LOCAL AREA CODE: To program the area code(s) for the system location, select the de- sired text box(es) and enter the code(s). 0OK/CANCEL: When finished, select OK to save your changes. Gr to leave the codes unchanged, se- lect the Cancel command button.I 16.60 CONFIGURSIION: Keyset Interface and DID Trunk Interface cards require additional program- ming to configllre them. 0KSC @&IX Only): IMX dual-circuit version Keyset Interface cards (INIDs)can have “single” circuits that support one keyset or “dual” circuits that cansupport two &line lh4X AIM keysets. (Older ver- -sions of the keyset interface card -standard KSCS -do not support dual circuits. lf you attempt to con- figure a KSC, you will receive an error message.)Highlight the desired Keyset Interface card in the System Configuration list box, then select the Con- figuration command button. A window appears as shown below. The list box shows the configuration of each of the eight circuits on the card. Selecting acircuit changes the configuration between Single and Dual. Assign the proper configuration to each circuit, then select the OK command button to return to the System Configuration window. Dual circuits have “A” and “B” stations, represented by the circuit number and a letter (for example, l.lA and l.lB). The “A” station will automatically be assigned the default extension number (for example, l.lA would be extension 100). The “B” station does not have a default extension number or any individual station programming defaults such as page zone, outgoing access,toll restriction, etc. 01.03 SINGLE 01.04 SINGLE 01.05 SINGLE 01.06 SINGLE 01.07 SINGLE [-z-jl DID: DID Trunk Interface cards can contain DID (direct inward dialing) or OPX (off-premises exten- sion) lines. Highlight the DID Trunk Interface card in the System Configuration list box, then select the Configuration command button. A window appears as shown below. The list box shows the configura- tion of each of the eight circuits on the card. Select- ing a circuit changes the configuration between DID and OPX. Assign the proper con&uration to each Page 5-171