Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTJZR-TELPRACTICES IMWGMX 256 INSllLLATION & MAINTENANCE C. SMDR 15.29The Station Message Detail Reporting (SMDR) produces a record of calls and their costs. Report format is discussed in the FEANRESsection, starting on page 4-123. Determine the port (serial port one or two) for theSMDR output, which stations and trunks will be in- cluded in the report, and which of the following options will be used:Record Aii Incoming Calls: Selecting this check box includes all incoming calls in the SMDR report. Record All Local Calls: Records all local, non-toll,valid calls. Record All Toli Calhx Records all valid toll calls. Toll calls include calls that begin with 1 or 0, are longer than seven digits, or contain a restricted of- fice code. Record AU DISA Calls: This includes all incoming and outgoing DISA calls in the SMDR report. Record Aii Conference Calls: All conference calls that involve a trunk are recorded, even conference calls involving stations not listed in the station list.Record AII DID CaIIs: This includes all calls received on DID trunks in the SMDR report. RecordAliRing-inDiagnostics: Aring-inmessageis recorded for every incoming call (whether an- swered or unanswered) to indicate how long it rang. All incoming calls are recorded, even those involv- ing stations not listed in the station list. Suppress Aii Absorbed Digits: Absorbed digits (onlocal or PBX lines) will not appear in the report if this option is selected.NOTE: If absorbed digits are repeatable on a local line, the absorbed digitswill not appear in the SMDR report even when repeated.Suppress Au But The First Toll Digit: When this option is selected, only the first digit of the toll field(s) will appear in the number dialed field (i.e., if “10xXx-l-...”was dialed, only “11” would appear).Suppress Aii Digits After End Of Dialing: This flag allows you to specify whether all dialed digits or just the digits that make up the valid call appear inthe SMDR report. If desired, the “extra” digits (dialed after the end of dialing the telephone num- ber) used for dialing banking machine, voice mail, automated attendants, or other purposes can be sup pressed so that only the the telephone number digits are recorded in the report. (This flag is not affected by the system-wide flag that suppresses digits for the keyset displays and redial buffer, described on page 5-69.) Display Elapsed Time in Seconds: To allow SMDRto give a more accurate representation of elapsed time, an option can be enabled that records the elapsed time of calls in seconds instead of minutes. For calls up to 999 seconds (about 16.67 minutes)long, the ELAPSED TIh4E field will show “S=XXY (XXXrepresents the number of seconds). For calls lasting longer than 999 seconds, ELAPSED TIME will show “IIHMM” (hours and minutes rounded up to the nearest minute). 15.30The SMDR programming window appears as shown on the next page when you select SMDR from the Station Message Detail menu or enter the SMDR com- mand. .1, ,J Page 5-142

INTKR-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 Actions &tup Exit wwRecord All Incoming Calls Record All Incoming Calls wwRecord All -Local Calls Record All -Local Calls ElElRecord All Toll Calls Record All Toll Calls lxlxRecord All QISA Calls Record All QISA Calls w wRecord AI1 conference Calls SMDR output ActivewRecord All DID Calls (7)8 Suppress All Absorbed Digits Suppress All but the &st Toll Digit Suppress All Digits After End-Of-Dialing 17Display Elapsed Time in Seconds for durat&s less than 999 seconds 15.31SMDR OUTPUT PORT: Select the desired output port for the SMDR by selecting the appropriate option button (serial port one or two). 15.32SMDR OUTPUT ACTIVE: To activate the SMDR feature, place an X in the SMDR Output Active check box by selecting it (by pressing the SPACE BAR). To disable the reports, remove the X by selecting the check box again.15.33 CHECK BOXES: The check boxes on the right side of the window determine the content of theoutput. To choose the desired options, select the ap propriate check boxes to place an X in them. To remove an option, select the check box again to remove the X from the check box.1534 STATION LIST: To assign the stations that will be included in the SMDR output, select the Stations crumnand button. The following window appears.Include 102 01.03 ‘Station Undefined 103 01.04 -station undefined I 1104 01.05 ‘Station Undefined Exclude 109 02.02‘StationUndefined 110 02.03-StationUndefined 11102.04-StationUndefined 112 02.05‘Station Undetined 0 INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: To include a station, locate the desired station on the Exclude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR; it will auto- matically move to the Include list. To remove a sta- tion from the list, select the station in the Include list to move it to the Exclude list. Page 5-143

PROGKAMbllNGIssue 1, November I!394INTER-TKLPKACTICKSlMX/GMX 256INSTALLQION & MAINTENANCEALL or NONE: To include all stations, select the All command button. To exclude all stations, select the None command button. OK or CANCEL: When the station lists appear asdesired, select the OK command button. To exit from the window without saving changes, select the Cancel command button. SORT: To sort the stations and list them numerically by extension number or circuit number, or alphabeti- cally by name, select the Sort command button. The following window appears. Choose the desired sort- ing method by selecting the corresponding option button. Then select the OK command button. When the list of stations returns, the list box will show the stations in the selected order. To exit without chang- ing the sorting method, select the Cancel command button. 15.35EXIT: When SMDR programming is finished, select the Exit command button (shown on the preccd- ing page). Awindow appears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To update the database and exit to the Ap-, plications Menu, select Yes. Or, select No to exit with- out saving any changes. Select Cancel to return to the SMDR window without updating the database.Page 5-144

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMXIGMX 256 INSTALCATION 81 MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 16. SERVICE 16.1When Service is selected from the Applications Menu window, the menu expands to show the following options: service... Error Message ProgrammingHybrid Balance Maintenance Programming Passwords Report Programming Report Programming (Customized) Save/Restore Serial Port Configuration System C.on@ration 16.2Each of the options and the windows they access are described in detail in the following pages.163 In addition to using these service applications, service personnel can use error messages that are logged by the system for troubleshooting purposes. These mes- sages can be viewed on the 256 screen and/or can be cc- pied to a floppy disk. There are three types of error logs: reset reccds, system error messages, and system freeze records. These files can be used by Customer Service personnel during troubleshooting. To copy the error file to disk, follow the procedures given on page 5-167. 16.4To view error messages on the PC screen, exit tothe Inter-Tel 256 logo screen. Then press ALTS to access the Setup pull-down menu. From that menu, select M to display the error messages. When you are finished viewing the messages, press ACT-S and thenM again to return to the logo screen. Page 5-145

PROGRAMMING Issue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256IlWMLLATlON & MAINTENANCE clError Message Output Active wReport All &mm [+++I wReport All Field Service Diagnostics [ * * *] clReport All l&ineering Diagnostics [---I qLog All SEND Messages to History Queue [ Exit ]A. ERROR MESSAGE PROGRAMMING CERR) 16.5Error messages are printed to give service per- sonnel and engineers information about system status.(Refer to m, page 4-125, and TROUBLE- SHOOTING, page 6-8, for more information about sys-tem alarm reporting.) The following types of error messages can be enabled. A program planning sheet is in Figure 5-32 on page 5-233.Report All Alarms [+++I: Au error message is re- corded for all minor and major system alarms. This option does not include the field service or engineer- ing diagnostics messages.Report AU Field Service Diagnostics [***I: An error message is recorded for all field service diag-nostics. Refer to TROUBLESHOOTlNG, page 6-10, for a listing of field service diagnostics.Report All Engineering Diagnostics [--I: An er- ror message is recorded when the software detects aninconsistent or illogical condition in the dynamic database, when the operating system detects an error in the non-operating system software on the same circuit card, and if the operating system detects aninconsistency or error condition in its own data structnres. These error messages are for engineering use only. Log All SEND Messages to History Queue: Thesemessages provide additional troubleshooting in- formation (cphist.bin files) that can be used by engi- neering personnel.16.6To reach the window shown above, select Error Message Progr amming from the Service menu or enter the ERR command. 16.7ERROR OUTPUT PORT: Select the desired output port for the error reports by selecting the appropriate option button (Serial 1 or Serial 2).. 16.8ERROR OUTPUT ACTIVEz To activate the error reporting feature, place an X in the Error Message Output Active check box by selecting it (by pressing the SPACE BAR). To disable the reports, remove the X by selecting the box again. If SMDR is active when activat- ing error message outpuf, error messages appear within the SMDR report and call information is buffered while the message prints.16.9 REPORT/LOG u The remaining check boxes determine the types of error messages to be in- cluded in the error report.NOTE: Do not enable error reports for engineering diagnostics or log SEND messages unless requested to do so by authorized service persomtel.16.10 EXIT: When error message programming is finished, select the Exit command button. A window a~)- pears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To update the database and exit to the Applications Menu, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. Select Cancel to return to the Error Message programming window without updating the database. ‘,.: : ; , Page 5-146

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMWGMX 256 DJSlXLIATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 Actions &tup Exit circuits 13.03 G/L 13.04 G/L 13.05 G/L 13.06 G/L 14.OlLs 14.02LS 14.03 Ls 14.04Ls 14.05 Ls -Hybrid Balance-0 Ideal0 l Unloaded0 Loaded xj3st Line Break Dial-Tone Digit:cl5 The break dial-tone digit is dialed out the seized trunk to break dial-tone and silence the trunk. It is only used for G/L trunks. B.HYBRID BALANCE (HYBR) 16.11The 256 System allows the installer to match the impedance of the trunks installed in the system to the system hardware using one of three options: unloaded, loaded, or ideal. Hybrid balance can be set on a trunk-by-trunk basis (Tl circuits and 4-wire E&M circuits cannot be hybrid balanced). To access this program, select Hybrid Balance from the Service menu or enter the HYBR command. 16.12CIRCUIT& To begin prograrmning the hybrid balance for a specific trunk, scroll through the Trunks list box until the desired trunk is highlighted. All other activity will apply to that trunk. 16.13 HYBRID BALANCE: To set the hybrid balance at the desired level, select the appropriate op- tion button.l IDEAL: The ideal balance network simulates a 6OO-ohm transmission trunk to match trunks that are supplied by other equipment that is located withinthe same building using private, copper wire ter- mination. For example, an OPX supplied by another PBX that does not use the public network, or a Tl channel bank interface.l UNLOADED: The unloaded balance network simulates an 800 ohm transmission trunk which matches most CO trunks. NOTEr The present stan- dard for trunks from the central office is 900 ohms. However, AT&T studies indicate that an even better match can be obtained with 800 ohms for unloaded trunks and 1650 ohms for loaded trunks. 0LOADED: The loaded balance network simulates a 1650 ohm transmission trunk which more closely matches the qualities of a CO trunk that has a loading coil included in its circuitry because the central of- fice is very far from the installation. 16.14TEST LINE: To have internal diagnostics test the selected trunk, select the Test Line command button.The system will automatically set the hybrid balance based on the test results. To ensure consistent results, this testshouldbe run at least three timeson each trunk NOTE: If you attempt to test an incoming-only trunk, you will see a warning that states, “This circuit is incom-ing only, so the system cannot automatically place a call. Make sure circuit XX.XX is on an active call before proceeding.” This is because ground signal is not re- turned on Tip and the system cannot power up the trunk for testing. Establish a call on the trunk identified in the message (circuit XXXX) before continuing the test.16.15 BREAK DIAL-TONE DIGIT: This is the digit that is dialed by the system during the trunk test to break dial tone (defaults to 5). Select any digit that is not recognized as a special code by the central office (or PBX, if the 256 System is installed behind one). 16.16EXIT: When hybrid balance programming is finished, select the Exit command button. Awindow ap- pears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To up-date the database and exit to the Applications Menu, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. Select Cancel to return to the Hybrid Balance window without updating the database. Page 5-147

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION % MAINTENANCEActions &tup Exit Devices Ezit1 CO Trunks - Maintenance (-T-) 13.04CO Trunk 13.05 CO Trunk 13.06 CO Trunk C.MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMING (MAIN) 16.17This Program allows you to temporarily removea trunk from service for maintenance or repairs, and place it in service again later. While in maintenance, the trunk cannot be accessed by users and the system will not send ring signals to stations for that trunk. However, to outside callers and the central office, the trunk ap pears to be working and callers will hear ringing.NOTE: Each TlC is equipped with a “make busy” switch for removing all circuits on the card from service and placing them back in again. They do not require useof this window. Pressing the switch will light the Tl Card LED and begin the process of “busying out” each circuit not in use. The circuits that are in use are then busied out as soon as the users hangs up. 16.18The window shown above can be accessed byselecting the Maintenance Programming option from the Service menu or entering the MAIN command. 16.19DEVICES: Currently, only CO Trunks appear in the Devices list box. In future software updates, other system devices may be included. 16.20 CO TRUNKS- MAlNTENANCE/AVAIL- ABLE To remove a trunk from service, highright it inthe Available list box. When selected, it moves to the Maintenance list box. To return a trunk to the Available list box, select it in the Maintenance list box. Amessage is automatically Printed in the SMDR to show trunk sta- tus when a trunk is taken out of or returned to service. NOTE: Placing a trunk in maintenance prevents all out- going access and answering permission for the system users, however it does not make the trunk appear to be busy to outside callers. Any incoming calls will receive ringing instead of busy signal. If there is an ongoing call when the trunk is placed into maintenance, the system will wait for the call to be completed before disabling the trunk. 16.21ALL or NONE: To remove all trunks from ser- vice, select the All command button. To move all trunks to the Available list box, select the None command but- ton.16.22 EXLTr When maintenance Programming is complete, select the Exit command button. A window appears that asks “PerformUpdate to Database?” To update the database and exit to the Applications Menu, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. Select Cancel to return to the Maintenance Programming window without updating the database. Page 5-148

INTER-TRLPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 lNSTALL.ATION % MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 &tlonsSetup Exit pasSwordsD. PASSWORDS (PASS) 16.23To set passwords, select Passwords from the service menu or enter the PASS command.The databaseand the On-Line Monitor feature each can have twopasswords assigned to them: Restricted and Unre- stricted. 0 Applications Restricted: When the Applications Restricted password is entered, the user can make changes in all programmiq areas except error mes-sage programming hybrid balance, maintenance progranuning, passwords, save/restore, serial port configuration, and system configuration. 0Applications Unrestricted: A user who enters the Applications Unrestricted password can make pro- gramming changes in any area. 0Monitor Restricted: When the Monitor Restricted password is entered, the user cannot perform a reset, post messages, send commands, reset cards, copy or initialize memory, modify data, or view the Applica- tions database records. 0 Monitor Unrestricted: When the Monitor Ume- stricted password is used, the user can make changes in any area.NOTE: Roth Monitor passwords allow access to Applications windows. 16.24 PASSWORDS: Choose the password to be pro- grammed by selecting the desired line in the Password list box. The following window will appear. pasSword: (ok) [-Tz-) PASSWORD: Enter the password of up to 8 charac- ters. The characters will not appear on the screen when typed. The system is not case sensitive; you may use upper or lower case characters. To remove and existing password, simply move the cursor to the text box and, without pressing any additional keys, press RETURN.OR: If the password is as desired, select the OK command button. The window heading will change to “Password Verification” and you must retype the password exactly as before. If the entered passwords match, you will return to the Password window, if not, you must reenter the new password and verify it again CANCEL: If you make a mistake while entering the password or wish to leave it unchanged, select the Cancel command button.16.25 EXlX When password programming is flu- ished, select the Exit command button. A window appears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” Toup-date the database and exit to the Applications Menu, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. Select Cancel to return to the Passwords win- dow without updating the database. Page 5-149

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Actions &tup Exit &ea/Offke Code Report Least Cost Routing Data Report E.REPORT PROGRAMMING (REP) 16.26Reports can be generated that show station con- figuration, area/office code programming, or least-cost routing data programming. 16.27To access the window shown above, select Re- port programming from the service menu or enter the REP command. 16.28SELECT OUTPUT PORT: Select the desired output port for the report by selecting the appropriate option button (serial port one or two).16.29 SELECT REPORT: Choose the report that you would like to have printed by selecting the corre-sponding option button. A black dot indicates the selected report.l STATION REPORT: To obtain a report that lists all stations, as shown on the next page, select the Sta- tion Report option button. F AREA/OFFICE CODE REPORT: Select this option for a report that lists all the allowed, restricted, and extended area codes and the allowed and restricted office codes for each of the toll restric- tion user groups. The report format is shown on the next page.l LEAST COST ROUTING DATA REPORT: This option activates a report that shows Least Cost Rout-ing information including route groups, facility groups, and dial rules. The report format is shown on the next page. 16.30EXECUTE: Select the Execute command but- ton to generate the selected report. The reports are pres- ented in the formats shown on the following page. 16.31EXITz When report programming is finished, select the Exit command button to return to the Applica- tions Programming window.Page 5-150

fNlERJgR44CTICESSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 STATION REPORT: STAI-IONREPO~ Sl-AExr 1.1El00 13El02 1.4El03.. 11.1El80 11.2El81 113 El82SUN-l-JAN-1989 I-lmmf USERNAME EQAl-r SANDYKEY+ lDss KEY 1.1 TOMKEY1.1 SL1.1SL1.1 PtSl-SL1.1 - mT/DITRELSTA1 1 1.11 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 NOTE: The plus (+) after the KEY abbreviation indicates that a headset is enabled on that station. The aster- isk (*) in the KIT column indicates that the station is an attendant. AREA/OF’FICE CODE REPORT:AREA/OFFICE CODE TABLE REPORT User Group X SUN-JAN-01-1992HH:MMList Of Allowed Area Codes ( ) List Of Restricted Area Codes ( ) List Of Extended Area Codes ( ) Office Code Table For Area Code XXX List Of Allowed Office Codes ( )List Of Restricted Office Codes( ) LCR REPORT:LCR REPOKl’ SUN-Ol-JAN-198912:M)Route Group X List Of Included Area Codes ( ) List Of Excluded Area Codes ( ) List Of Included Office Codes ( ) List Of Excluded Office Codes ( ) Facility Groups In Time Blocks Day List ( )Evening List ( ) Night List ( )Facility Group X List Of Trunk Groups ( ) Dialing Rules (numbers dialed and/or toll, area , or local indicators in order) Page 5-151