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Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual

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    of 624
    DISA: To assign the trunk group for DISA ring in,
    select the DISA option button. A check box, text
    box, and list box appear as shown on the preceding
    page. Program the following:
    - Security Code: A day and/or night mode security
    code can be assigned by selecting the text box
    (Day or Night) and typing the desired code. In
    Extended software package, codes can be
    4-7 digits long (using any combination of digits
    O-9, *,and #). All other software packages use
    4digit security codes.
    - Security Code Required For IC Calls: If the se-
    curity code will be required before the caller can
    place an intercom call through DISA, select theRequired for IC Calls check box (by pressing the
    SPACE BAR) to place an X in it. (To remove the
    X, select the box and press SPACE BAR again.)
    -DISA Toll Restriction: (Available in Ex&nded
    software packages only.) To determine the tollrestrictions that will apply to outgoing calls
    made through DISA, use the Toll Restriction list
    box. To change a toll restriction’s status (Yes orNo), highlight the desired toll restriction and
    SPACE BAR. Changing the Remove All
    Restrictions line to “Yes,” automatically
    changes all others to “No.” When it is set to
    “Yes,” changing any other restriction to “Yes”will automatically change Remove All restric-
    tions to “No.”
    Page 5-112 
    pasubject to Toll Restrict
    0Exempt from LCR only
    - Assigned Call Cost -0l 
    IO-Digit Toll
    r Absorbed Digits Application -
    IO0 pBX Line
    -Local Central Office
    clAbsorbed Digits Repeatable
    Absorbed Strings
    13.33TOLL RESTRICTION: To program the toll
    restriction parameters for the trunk group (i.e., equal
    access, absorbed digits, etc.), select the Toll Restriction
    command button (shown on page S-109) and refer to the
    window shown above.
    group is not subject to toll restriction, station class of
    service (SCOS) is not checked when a trunk in the
    trunk group is used for placing a call. To enable toll
    restriction, select the Subject to Toll Restrict check
    box (by pressing the SPACE BAR) to place an X in it
    (selecting the check box again will remove the 
    X).ASSIGNED CALL COST: For trunk groups that
    are not subject to toll restriction, determine the call
    cost rate to be used for calls placed on the trunks.
    Program the appropriate call cost for the trunk group
    by selecting one of the following option buttons:
    - FREE: The call cost will be 000.
    - LOCAL: Local toll-call cost calculations will
    bc used for trunks in this trunk group.
    - lo-DIGIT TOLL: The lOdigit call cost cal-
    culations will be used.
    assisted/international call rates will be used for
    call cost.
    0 EXEMPT FROM LCR ONLY: To disable LCR
    Only restriction, select the Exempt from LCR only
    check box (by pressing the SPACE BAR) to place an
    X in it. (Selecting the check box again will remove
    the X.)
    0EQUAL ACCESS: If the trunk group is subject to
    toll restriction, determine whether the trunk groupwill be used for equal access 
    (10xXx and
    1OlXXXX). To enable equal access and provide
    accurate toll restriction when users dial equal access
    codes, select the Equal Access check box (by press-
    ing the SPACE BAR) to place an X in it. (Selecting
    the check box again will remove the X.)I
    0 ABSORBED DIGITS: Trunk groups that are
    subject to toll restriction can be programmed to ab-
    sorb digits for PBX network installations and instal-
    lations in areas where the first digit(s) of the office
    code are absorbed. To program the trunk group to
    absorb digits, select the Absorbed Digits check box
    (by pressing the SPACE BAR) to place an X in it.
    (Selecting the check box again will remove the X.)
    Refer to 
    FEMURES, page 4-26, for more informa-
    tion about absorbed digits.
    trunk group is programmed to absorb digits, select
    the appropriate option button (PBX Line or Local
    Central Office) to indicate whether it is due to PBX
    network installation or local office code absorption.
    Page 5-113 
    central office absorbs 
    digita, determine if they are“repeatable” (that is, the digit string is absorbed
    when it is dialed more than once), or if the digit
    string is processed as part of the telephone number
    when dialed a second time. If the digits are repeat-
    able, select the Absorbed Digits Repeatable check
    box (by 
    pressing the SPACE BAR) to place an X in
    it. (Selecting the check box again will remove the
    ABSORBED STRINGS: If digits are absorbed be-
    cause of the local central office, only one digit string
    is programmed. For PBX installations, up to 
    20 ab-
    sorbed digit strings can be programmed. To program
    a digit string, scroll through the Absorbed Strings listbox until the desired line is highlighted. When the
    line is selected, a text box appears below the list box.
    Type the digit string, up to eight digits. An “X” may
    be used in the number to represent any digit O-9. For
    example, 8X allows 
    80239. IfLocal Central Office is
    chosen in the Absorbed Digit Applications box, only
    one digit string prompt will appear.l OK: When toll restriction Programming is
    completed for the trunk group, select the OK com-
    mand button to return to the Trunk Croup program-
    ming window.
    13.34TRUNK LIST: To program the trunks that willbe included in the trunk group, select the Trunk List
    command button (shown on page 5-109). The following
    window appears. (Note that a trunk can be assigned to
    only one trunk group.)
    0INCLUDE: To include a trunk, locate it on the Ex-
    clude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR;
    it will automatically move to the Include list. To re-
    move a trunk, locate it on the Include 
    list and select
    it. It is automatically moved to the “unused trunk”
    (or “unused E&M”) trunk group, 
    from which it can
    later be moved to another group. This is to ensure
    that each trunk is always part of a trunk group.
    0AI& To include all trunks in the list, select the All
    command button.
    0OK: When the trunk lists appear as desired, selectthe OK command button to return to the 
    Croup XX window on page 5-109.
    EXIT: (Shownonpage 5-109.)Whenprogram-ming is finished, select the Exit command button. A
    window appears that 
    asks “Perform Update to Data-
    base?” To update the database and exit to the Trunk
    Croups, DID Croups, and Ring-In Answer Patterns win-
    dow, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving anychanges. To return to the 
    TNII~ Group XX window
    without updating the database, select the Cancel button.
    Page 5-114 
    bcription:Tenant Group:
    - Music On Hold0
    Silence0l Music#l0
    Tick Tone0Music #2
    NumberDay Ring-in Night Ring-inName
    - st=fbpe -0
    0 Wink
    - DISACodes -
    N&ht: -1
    IJay SCOS1
    ( &htSCOS )DID Group Programming Window
    13.36 The window shown above appears when an
    item is selected from the DID Croups list box shown on
    5-10s. (DID group programming is also used for
    E&M trunks that require DID digit translation, as de-
    scribed on page 
    5-110.)13.37 DESCRIPTION: If desired, program a de-
    scription for the DID group (that will appear in the DID
    Croup list box) by selecting the Description text box and
    entering a description with up to 20 characters.
    13.38TENANT GROUP: To assign the DID group
    to a specific tenant group, select the Tenant Croup text
    box and 
    type the desired number (l-g).1339
    MUSIC ON HOLD: Select the desired music
    channel (one or two), silence, or tic-tones that DID trunk
    callers will hear when placed on hold.
    13.40START TYPE: Select the appropriate option
    button (immediate, wink, or delay) for the trunks
    ordered from the telephone company.13.41 DISA CODES: The following can be pro-
    grammed for DISA:
    0 Day/Night Codes: If desired, a separate security
    code can be assigned for day and night modes of op
    eration by selecting the text box (Day or Night) and
    typing the code. In the 
    Exrended software package,
    codes can be 4-7 digits long (using any combination
    of digits O-9, 
    *,and #). All other software packages
    use 4digit security codes.I
    0Codes For IC Calls: If the security codes will be re-
    quired before the caller can place an intercom call
    DISA, select the IC Calls check box to place
    an X in it. (If the codes are not required for IC and an
    X is in the box, select the box to remove the X.)NOTE: While DISA is designed to be reasonably
    secure against misuse by outside callers, there is no im-
    plied warranty that it is invulnerable to unauthorized in-
    trusions. The installer and owner of the system should
    ensure that proper security measures have been taken toprevent outside callers from accessing and misusing
    outgoing lines for unauthorized calls.
    Page 5-115 
    3.42DAY/NIGHT SCOS @ISA Class of Service):
    fhis feature is available only intheE&ndedpackage.)
    HSA trunks can be given day and/or night mode toll re-
    trictions like those described on page 4-27 for individ-al stations (except 
    LCR-Only). When a DISA caller
    ials an outgoing call, the call is checked against the
    )ISA trunk’s toll restriction. If the call is disallowed,
    le DISA caller is sent to the primary attendant. When
    le Day SCOS or Night SCOS command button is se-
    :cted, the following window appears.
    Day Toll Restriction
    1(4) Eight Digit Access
    13.43TRUNK LIST: DID circuits are created in theSystem Configuration window on page S-170. To
    program the circuits that will be included in the DID
    group, select the Trunk List command button. The fol-
    lowing window appears.
    INCLUDE: To include a trunk, locate it on the Ex-
    clude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR,
    it will automatically move to the Include list. To re-
    move a trunk from the list, it must be included in an-
    other group. This is because each trunk must always
    be assigned to a group.l
    ALL: To include all trunks in the list, highlight a line
    in the Include list box and select the All command
    OK: When the trunk lists appear as desired, selectthe 
    OKcommand buttontoretumtothe DIDGroup
    programming window.
    13.44BASE NUMB= The base number is the part
    of the DID 
    number that will nor be dialed into the system
    by the central office. For example, if the numbers range
    from %l-1000 to 961-1100 and the central office will
    send four digits, then the base number will consist of the
    office code (961) of the DID numbers purchased. If the
    central office will send three digits, then the base num-ber will be the office code plus the 
    first address digit
    (9611). To program the base number of the DID group,
    select the Base Number Command button. The follow-
    ing window appears.
    BASE NUMB= Select the Base Number text box
    and enter the digits that make up the base of the DID
    0OK or CANCEL: When the base number appears
    as desired, select the OK command button. To exit
    from the window without saving changes, select the
    Cancel command button. NOTE: If you select OK
    after changing a previously programmed base 
    mnn-ber to a base number with a different amount of
    digits, a window will appear warning you that all
    previous DID numbers will be erased. If the new
    base number is the same length as the previous base
    number, the entries in the list box will be updated
    with the new base number.
    Page 5-116 
    13.45 ADD ENTRIES:To add a number (or block of
    numbers) to the DID group, select the Add Entries com-
    mand button. The following window appears.
    (ok) (-xz-)
    Start Digits:10201II
    Number of Entries:l-l1Ol
    START DIGITS: Enter the first address digit(s) that
    appear after the base number of the DID numbers in
    the Start Digits text box. 
    (In the example, the num-
    bers will begin with 
    Indicate the number of
    sequential numbers to be added to the DID group. (In
    the example shown in the window above, the num-
    bers will begin with 
    9611QQQ and continue through
    9611pQe-ten DID numbers.) Each DID group can
    contain as many DID entries as desired until the sys-
    tem total of 400 is reached. If you attempt to exceed
    the limit, a warning window appears that tells you
    how many additional entries are allowed. If the win-
    dow appears, pressRETURN to clear it and then
    change the number of entries to the allowed number
    or fewer before selecting the OK command button.
    0OK or CANCEL: When the new entries appear asdesired, select the OK command button. To exit
    from the window without saving changes, select the
    Cancel command button.
    13.46DELETE ENTRY: To delete an entry in the
    DID group number list, highlight the DID number to be
    deleted (in the Numbers list box shown on page 
    and select the Delete Entries command button. When
    the following window appears, select the Yes command
    button to delete the entry, or No to cancel without delet-
    ing it.Delete this DID entry?
    13.47SET RJNGINr This command button is used
    for batch loading DID ring-in assignments. (Instructions
    for assigning ring-in to individual DID numbers is on thenext page.) To determine ring-in assignments for a
    group of DID numbers, do the following:
    In the Numbers list box (shown on the preceding
    page), place the highlight bar over the first DID
    number for which you wish to assign ring in. Us-
    ing the example on the previous page, assumethat there are ten DID numbers (961-1020 to
    961-1029), and you want to use the batch load-
    ing option to assign the ring-in assignments for
    the last eight 
    (961-1022to 961-1029). The high-
    light bar would be placed on 
    (2)Select the Set Ring-In command button. The fol-
    lowing window appears.Include
    (F]1010 02.03 ‘Station 
    Undefined101102.04 ‘Station 
    Undcfioed1012 02.05 ‘Station Undefined
    (3)Use the following commands to place the ring-in
    assignments into the Include list box in the de-
    sired order. In the example, you need eight 
    in assignments. First locate the ring-in extensionfor %l-1022 and select it to place it in the In-
    clude list box. Then locate the extension for
    961-1023 and place it in the Include list box.
    Continue until there are eight extensions in the
    list box that correspond to the DID numbers.
    INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: To include a station,
    locate the desired station on the Exclude list andselect it by pressing the SPACE BAR, it will
    automatically move to the Include list. To re-
    move a station from the list, select the station in
    the Include list to move it to the Exclude list.ALL or NONE: To include all stations in the
    list, select the All command button. To exclude
    all stations from the list, select the None com-
    SORT: To sort the stations and list them numeri-
    cally by extension number or circuit number, or
    Page 5-117 
    alphabetically by name, select the Sort 
    mand button. The following window appears.
    Choose the dc&cd sorting method by selecting
    the corresponding option button. Then 
    selict the
    OK command button. When the list of stations
    returns, the list box will show the stations in the
    selected order. To exit without changing the sort-
    ing method, select the Cancel command button.
    (4)When the list of extensions appears as desired,
    select the OK command button. (Or, to exit from
    the window without saving changes, select theCancel command button.) The ring-in 
    menta will appear in the Numbers list box
    (shown on the previous page).
    , .-.-
    -‘: 3Ordering
    l By &tensionI 10By Circuit
    Page 5-118 
    [ ok1
    - BJight Ring-in Type
    Hunt/LJCD0l Multiple
    Ring-In/Answer Pattern
    rDay Ring-in 
    01 DISA
    I Night Ring-in ‘Qpe-,
    13.48DID NUMBERS: The list box shown on page
    5-115 lists the DID numbers, their ring-in types, and
    name. When an item in the list is selected, the window
    shown above appears.I
    0USERNAME: Enter a name of up to 7 characters. If
    the Expanded DID Names feature is enabled for the
    Attendant Computer Consoles, the DID usernames
    must all be unique.
    0RING-IN TYPE: ping-in assignments can be pro-grammed for day and night modes of operation.
    Each mode has four option buttons from which to
    choose. The selected button is indicated by a black
    dot as shown above.
    - SINGLE: Select the Single button if the DID
    number will ring in to only one station. A Station
    text box appears, as shown above. Select the text
    box and type the circuit or extension number that
    will receive the ring in.
    -MULTIPLEz If the DID number will ring in toseveral stations, select the Multiple button. A
    Ring/Answer Pattern list box appears as shown
    above. Select and scroll through the ping-In/An-swer Pattern list box until the desired line is high-lighted. The highlighted line indicates the
    selected pattern. Pattern programming is ex-
    plained on page 5-120.
    - HUNT/UCD: Select the Hunt/UCD button if theDID number will ring in to a hunt group pilot
    number. A Hunt Group/UCD list box will appear
    as shown above. Select and scroll through the list
    box until the desired hunt group is highlighted.The highlighted line indicates the hunt group
    that will receive ring in for the DID number.
    Hunt group programming is explained on page
    - DISA: To assign the DID number for DISA ring
    in, select the DISA button. (Security codes can
    be assigned to the DID group in the window on
    page 5-115.)
    EXIX (Shown on page 5-115.) Whenprogram-ming is finished, select the Exit command button. A
    window appears that asks “Perform Update to Data-base?” To update the database and exit to the Trunk
    Groups, DID Groups, and Ring-In Answer Patterns win-
    dow, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any
    Page 5-119 
    changes. To return to the DID Croup X window without
    updating the database, select the Cancel button.Ring-In/Answer Patterns Window
    13.50The following window appears when an item isselected from the 
    Ring-luhswer list box shown on
    pattern Title:II
    The Answer pattern will always contain
    every station in the Ring-in pattern.
    13.51PATFERN TlTLEz To assign a name of up to
    20 characters for the ring-in/answer pattern, select the
    Pattern Title text box and enter the desired name.1352
    RING-IN LIST: To assign the stations that,will
    receive ring-in and can answer calls when the selected
    pattern is used, select the Ring-In List command button.
    The following window appears. 
    Iucluding a station in
    the ring-m list, automatically includes it in the answerlist.
    1353ANSWER LIST: To assign the stations that
    will be allowed to answer (but will not receive ringing
    incoming calls when the selected pattern is used,
    select the Answer List command button. A window ap
    pears as follows. Note that this list will always include
    the stations in the ring-in list. If a station that also has
    ring-in is removed 
    from the answer list, it is automati-
    cally removed 
    from the ring-in list as well.
    Include1001 01.02 ‘Station undefined
    1002 01.03 -Station Undefined
    1003 01.04 ‘Station UndefinedI1004 01.05 ‘Station Undetined
    r-7 -Exclude1 
    lCKI8 02.01 ‘Station Undefinedt!!?!l
    Undefined101102.04 ‘Station Undetined
    101202.05-StationUndefinedl INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: To include a station,
    locate the desired station on the Exclude list and
    it by pressing the SPACE BAR, it will auto-
    matically move to the Include list. To remove a sta-
    tion from the list, select it in the Include list to move
    it to the Exclude list.
    :--.-J,/jlALL or NONE: To include all stations in the list,
    select the All command button. To exclude all sta-
    tions, select the None command button.
    0OK or CANCEL: When the station lists appear as
    desired, select the OK command button. To exit
    from the window without saving changes, select the
    Cancel command button.
    0SORT: To sort the stations and list them numerically
    by extension number or circuit number, or alphabeti-
    cally by name, select the Sort command button. The
    following window appears. Choose the desired sort-
    ing method by selecting the corresponding option
    button. Then select the OK command button. When
    the list of stations returns, the list box will show the
    stations in the selected order. To exit without chang-
    ing the sorting method, select the Cancel command
    Ir Ordering0
    l By Extension0By Circuit
    &mePage 5-120
    PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994
    13.54RELAY LIST: If the RCPU Card relay has
    been programmed as signal device relay, assign it to the
    selected ring-in/answer pattern by selecting the Relay
    List command button. The following window appears.
    (nkll INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: To include a relay,
    locate the desired relay on the Exclude list and select
    it by Pressing the SPACE BAR, it will automaticallymove to the Include list. To remove a relay from the
    list, select it in the Include list to move it to the 
    elude list.
    0 ALL or NONE: To include all relays in the list,
    highlight a line in the Include list box and select the
    All command button. To delete all relays from the
    list, select the None command button while the line
    is highlighted.
    0OK or CANCEL: When the relay lists appear as de-
    sired, select the OK command button. To exit 
    the window without saving changes, select the Can-
    cel command button.
    EXI’D (Shown on page 5-10s.) Whenprogram-ming is finished, select the Exit command button. A
    window appears that asks “Perform Update to Data-base?” To update the database and exit to the Trunk
    Croups, DID Croups, and Ring-In Answer Patterns win-
    dow, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any
    changes. To return to the Ring-In/Answer Pattern win-
    dow without updating the database, select the Cancel
    Page 5-121 
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