Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMWGMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE SCOS Restrictions Day Night (3) International Access (4) Eight Digit Access (5) Area/Office Code qNight Follow Day Alternate Carriers f--x-l user GroupLCR Advance Limit\I Day Mode Night Mode J.TOLL RESTRICTION INFORMATION WINDOW 8.55Determine the following toll restriction informa- tion for each station. Refer to FEAWRES, page 4-27, for a full explanation of toll restrictions. The program planning sheet for this window is located in Figure 54 on page 5-174.lStation class of service (SCOS): Determine which SCOS designations the station will have during day and night modes.CAUTION REGARDING EMRRGENCY NUMBERS In areas where the emergency number is 1911, be sure that toll-restricted stations have SCOS 8 (Enable ALD) and that 911 is in the allowed long distance number list. Otherwise, toll-re- stricted users may not be able to find a station that is petitted to dial “l+” numbers. Note that 911 is allowed at every station regardless of toll restriction, but 1911 requires this special pIogra=WZ- 0Day/night mode toll restriction user group: Deter- mine which user group the station is assigned to in day and night modes. 0Day/night mode LCR advance limit: When a call is placed using LCR the most economical facility groups are accessed first. The LCR advance limit (O-22 or unlimited) sets the number of facility group levels the station will access. Determine the number of advances the station will be allowed during day and night modes. 836SCOS RESTRICTIONS: This list box containsall of the possible SCOS restrictions. Determine the SCOS restrictions that should be assigned to the station for day and night modes. To program the day and/ornight mode SCOS, use a combination of the Toggle command buttons, the Night Follow Day check box, and the list box as described below: 0To change only the day mu& SCOS: Highlight thedesired line in the list box and press the SPACE BAR. OR, highlight the desired line in the list box and then select the Toggle Day Mode command but-Page 542

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 ton. The day mode will toggle between Yes and No each time the SPACE BAR is pressed or the com- mand button is selected. To change only the night mude SCOS: Highlight the desired line in the list box and then select the Toggle Night Mode command button. The night mode will toggle between Yes and No each time the command button is selected. To match the day and night mode SCOS settings and change them simultaneously: Place an X in the Night Follow Day check box by highlighting it and press- ing the SPACE BAR (pressing SPACE BAR again will remove the X). Then highlight the desired linein the SCOS Restrictions list box and press the SPACE BAR. If the day and night modes were not the same, only the day mode status will change. If day and night modes match, each time you press the SPACE bar the status of both will toggle betweenYes and No. (The Toggle Night Mode command but- ton will not function, and selecting the Toggle Day Mode command button will change both day and night modes, when this option is enabled.)8.57 USER GROUP DAY/NIGECTt Determine the toll restriction user group for the station being pro- grammed. Then select the User Croup list box and high-light the desired user group number. The black line indicates the selected user group.858 LCR ADVANCE LIMIT DAY/NIGHT: To program how many levels of facility groups the station will be permitted to access when LCR is used, select the LCR Advance Limit list box and scroll to the desired number (Unlimited, No Advance, or l-30 Advances). The black line indicates the selected advance limit. 8.59OK: When finished, select the OK command button to return to the Station Programming window. Page 5-43

PROGRAMMINGINTER-TELPRACTICESIssue 1, November 1994IMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATlON & MAINTENANCE 9.S’IXI’ION PROGRAMMING - BATCH PROGRAMMING OPTIONS 9.1When Station Progmmmhg is selected from the Applications Menu window, the menu expands to show the following options: station Programming... Individual Station Information Key Assignments Ring Zone Rogramming Station Features 9.2The Individual Station Information option is de- scribed beginning on page S-25. The remaining options apply to batch programming of key assignments, ring zones, and station features. They are described in the following pages.A. KEYAMIGNMENTS(KEY) 9.3The window shown below is a sample from the IMX System. The Key Assignments window can be reached by selecting Key Assignments from the StationProgramming menu or entering the KEY command. The program planning sheets are in Figure 5-5 on page 5-177. The window is used for performing the follow- ingprwamming tasks for keysets, DSWBLP Units, and single-line sets: 0 Naming the key maps. 0Determining the layout of the keys for the station instrument(s) that will use each key map. Note that when a key is designated on one type of keyset or single-line set, it will appear on the corresponding key on all stations in that key map. 0Assigning the station that will use each map. 0 Determining the default values for the uscr- programmable keys and, if desired, updates selected stations. 9.4There can be up to 20 keyset map groups and 8 DSWBLP map groups in the system. Actions setup Exit - Byset Map GroupsKeyset Map New T)pe DSS Map Groups-- uDigital DSS Map View ., . [ DSS 1&Z List 1 ( DSS s&4 List. 1 [ DSSDesq. j rSingle Line Map Programming - Default Sets Page 5-44

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMJUGMX 256 INSTALLATON & MAINTENANCE PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 9.5Refer to the proper page for the type of station instrument you wish to program:l Keyset programming begins on the next page. 0DSS/BLF programming begins on page 5-47.l Single-line set programming begins on page 5-48. NOTE: For more information on the GX and GMX sta- tion instruments, see appendixes A and B in the back of this manual.To Program Keyset Key Assignments 9.6 The keyset programming procedures are de- scribed in the following paragraphs. 9.7 KEYSET DESCR: To enter a keyset map group ’name (or change a previously programmed name), high- light the desired line in the Keyset Map Groups list box and then select the Keyset Descr command button. The following window appears. Type the name in the text box and select the OK command button to accept the change. Select the Cancel command button to exit with- out saving any changes. I,1 I&scription: (OkJ (z&z-) 9.8KEYSET MAP GROUPS and KEYSET MAP VIEW TYPE: To assign the common keys for the instruments in the map group perform the following steps. The default values of the keysets are represented in the illustrations at the end of SPECIFICATIONS andin the program planning sheets that begin on page 5-177. (1)Select the Keyset Map View ‘ljpe box and scroll the highlight bar to the desired keyset type. (2)Select the Keyset Map Group box and choose themap group by highlighting it and pressing the SPACE BAR. A map of the selected keyset type appears. (3)Locate the key(s) to be programmed. The keys are grouped together according to location on the keyset. To move from group to group, use the TAB key. To move within the group, use the arrow keys. To viav a key, highlight it. Its current value ap pears in the box at the bottom of the map. To program a key, select it. The Key Program- ming window shown on page 5-49 appears. NOTE: Key assignments within a key map are common to all keyset types in that map. Modifying a key changes that key assignment for ALL keysets assigned to that map, regardless of keyset type. For example, if the top left key is changed to a user-programmable key for IMX 24-line keysets in Keyset Map Group 1, the top left keywill also be user-programmable on IMX 1Zline and S-line keysets in Keyset Map Group 1. 9.9 SlXI’ION LIST: To assign the stations to a keymap, highlight the desired map in the Keyset Map Groups list box and then select the Station List command button. A window with Include and Exclude station list boxes appears (as shown below) to allow you to select the stations that will use the keyset map that you have programmed. bclude103 01.04 -Station UndetinedI [F]109 02.02 ‘Station Undefined 110 02.03 -Station Undetined11102.04 -Station Undefined 112 02.05 -Station Undefined lINCLUDE or EXCLUDE: To include a station in the keyset map group, locate that station on the Ex- clude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR; it will automatically move to the Include list. To re- move a station from the keyset map group, you must exit and select another keyset map group and include the station there. This procedure ensures that a key- set is always assigned to a map group.l ALLr To include all stations in the keyset map group, select the All command button. (The None button camtot be used in this window.)l OK or CANCEL: When the station lists appear as desired, select the OK command button to accept the change. To exit from the window without saving changes, select the Cancel command button. Page 5-45

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994TINTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GM.X 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE l SORT: To sort the stations and list them numericallyby extension number or circuit number, or to list them alphabetically by name, select the Sort com-mand button. The following window appears. Choose the desired sorting method by selecting thecorresponding option button. Then select the OK command button. When the list of stations returns, the list box will show the stations in the selected or- der. To exit without changing the sorting method, select the Cancel command button.0By C&uit(X=-)0 By &me 9.10USERPRG KEYS: (Command button shown in the window on page 544.) Select this command buttonto assign the default value of the user-programmable keys in each keyset map; the following window appears. When the desired key is selected, the procedure for as- signing the key value is the same as described for keyset map keys on page 549, except that the options include only: Feature key, Trunk Group key, or Undefined key. The new values will be assigned to the keys when the user enters the Feature Key Default feature code (325)or the programmer selects the Default Set command button shown on page 544 and described in the next paragraph.User Programmable Key 4 User Rogrammable Key 5User Programmable Key 6 User Programmable Key 7 9.11DEFAULT SETS: (Command button shown in the window on page 544.) When user-programmable key values have been changed, you can allow the users to update their own stations by entering the Feature Key Default feature code (325), or you can use the Default Sets command button to update stations in selected keymaps. When the Default Sets command button is selected, the following window appears. Select the de- sired map groups as described below. The stations in the selected maps will be updated with the new default val- ues when you exit from the Key Assignments window and perform the database update. Map Group &k List Map Group &k Listyset hfapyset hfapGroup Group07 07 &OUDwate List [p%J (p--j (None). MAP GROUPS PICK L&ST and MAP GROUPUPDATE LIST: Select the map groups to be updated in the pick list. They automatically move tothe update list. The pick list includes all 20 keyset maps and the single-line map. 0ALL or NONE: To include all key map groups in the update list, select the All command button. To exclude all key map groups, select the None com- mand button. 0OK: When all of the desired map groups are in the update list, select the OK command button. This listwill remain as programmed until an update to the database is performed. The Key Assignments win- dow returns.Page 546

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 TO Program DSS/RLF Unit Key Assiienti - DSS Map Groups 0 Digital DSS Map View DSS l&2 List DSS 3824 List\/ \I,. 9.12The DSS/BLF programming portion of the Key Assignments window (from page 5-44) is shown above. The programming procedures are as follows. 9.13 DSS MAP GROUPS: While the DSS mapgroupis highlights all other programming pertains to that map group. When a map is selected from the DSS MapGroups list, an illustration of the DSS key layout ap pears. Select the key for which you wish to assign a new value, and refer to the Key Programming window on page 5-49. 9.14DIGITAL DSS MAP VIEW Placing an X in this box changes the DSS Map display to the Digital DSS layout (6 rows, 10 columns) instead of the Analog DSS layout (10 rows, 6 columns). To place an X in thecheck box, highlight it and press the SPACE BAR (pressing SPACE BARagain will remove the X). 9.15 DSS DESCR: Select the DSS Descr button to en- ter a name for the DSS map group. The following win- dow appears. Type the name in the text box and selectthe OK button. To exit without saving any changes, select the Cancel button. I. I1 Qescription: 1I II1’ I 9.16DSS LISTS: When the DSS l&2 List or DSS 3&4 List command button is selected, the following list boxes appear which allow you to select the DSS sta- tion(s) that will use the map. The list box contains onlythose circuits that have been designated as DSWBLF stations in Attendant Programming (see page 5-132 ). Exclude I02.01pJ 0INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: To include a DSS sta- tion in the DSS map group, locate the circuit numberon the Exclude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR; it will automatically move to the In- clude list. To remove a station from the DSS map group, you must exit and select another map group and include it there. This procedure ensures that a DSS is always assigned to a map group. 0ALL: To include all DSS circuits in the DSS map group, select the All command button. (The None command button cannot be used in this window.) 0OK or CANCEL: When the DSS lists appear as de- sired, select the OK command button. To exit with- out saving changes, select the Cancel button. 0SORT: To sort the stations and list them numericallyby extension number or circuit number, or to list them alphabetically by name, select the Sort com-mand button. The following window appears. Choose the desired sorting method by selecting thecorresponding option button. Then select the OK command button. When the list of stations returns, the list box will show the stations in the selected or- der. To exit without changing the sorting method,. Ordering 0 l By Extension0By Circuit 0By &me r-G=l Page 5-47

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE To Program Single-Line Set Key Assignmeids 9.17The single-line set programming portion of the Ke.y Assiguments window (from page 5-44) is shown below. c-----------------------------II1 Single Line programming ;~~~~~~~~~~::.“““‘:“p . . . . . .._..,... :j::j:::: ..__ ..::::.. %. ..%..A%..~ .,,,. . .~ I9.18 SINGLE-LINE MAP PROGRAMMINGz Select the SLI or ESLS key map from the Single-Line Programming list box. A map of the station type youhave selected appears. When you select the key you wish to program from the map, the key programming window shown on the next page appears. The new val- ues will be assigned to the keys when the user enters the Feature Key Default feature code (325) or the program- mer selects the Default Set command button shown on page 5-44 and described in the paragraph 9.11. . Page 5-48

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994 Key Pqramming Screen 9.19KEY TYPE Key type options are described be- low. Different options are available for keysets, single- line sets, and DWBLF Units. 0Keysets: The available options for keyset keys are as follows. All keysets must have a SPCL key, an IC key, and a SPKR key. - Call key for call access - DWBLF key for one-key dialing of an exten- sion or pilot number and, if the key has a lamp, provides a busy lamp field status of the station or hunt group - Feature key for one-key dialing of feature codes (cannot be programmed by the user and is the same for all stations in the key map) - Forward key that can be programmed by the user to access any of the Call Forward feature codes - Hunt Group key for one-key dialing of a hunt group pilot number and, if the key has a lamp, shows the status of the hunt group -IC/CO Speed-Dial (SD) key for one-key dialing of one extensionnumber and one outside number and, if the key has a lamp, shows the status of the extension programmed in the intercom portion of the key - Individual Trunk key for direct access to a single - Intercom (IC) key for intercom channel access -Secondary Call key that is associated with a pri- mary station (see page 5-37) - SPCL key for signaling the system before a fea- ture code is entered - Station Programmable key for feature code dial-ing (individually programmed in the database for each keyset, but cannot be changed by user) - Trunk Croup key for one-key dialing of a trunk group access code and, if the key has a lamp, it will light if all trunks in the group are busy - Undefined key for unused key - User Programmable key for feature code access (individually programmed for each keyset and cau bc changed by user) 0Single-Line Sets: The available options for single- line sets are as follows. All keys are programmed the same for all single-line sets in the map and can be changed by the users. - Feature key for feature code auxss - Trunk Croup key for one-key dialing of a trunk group access code - Undefined key for unused key Page 5-49

PROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRAClTcES IMX/GMX 256 INS’EtLLATION & MAINTENANCE 0DSS: For DSS/BLF keys, the choices are: - DSS/HLF key for one-key dialing of an exten- sion or pilot number and provides a busy iamp field status of the stationI - Feature key for one-key dialing of feature codes (cannot be programmed by the user and is the same for all DSS/BLF Units in the key map) - System Speed Dial key for one-key dialing of system speed-dial numbers. - Hunt Croup key for one-key dialing of a hunt group pilot number and shows the status of the hunt group - Undefined key 9.20To determine the key assignment: 0 0 0 0If Call key is selected, the next available call key number (l-10) is assigned to that key. If DSWHLF key is selected, the following text box and message appear. Enter the circuit or extensionnumber of the station that will appear under the selected DSWBLF key or press F2 to select the sta- tion from a list.Extension: 1Press F2 for a list of available extensions. If a Feature, Individual Trunk, or Trunk Croup key is selected, a list box appears (as shown on the previous page) that gives the options for that key. Select the feature, trunk, or trunk group as desired. If a Hunt Croup key is selected, the following text box and message appear. Enter the pilot number of the desired hunt group or press F2 to select the de- sired hunt group from a list.Extension: Press F2 for a list of available extensions. IfForward, IC, or SPCL key is selected, the function is assigned to the key.‘--b PIf IC/CO Speed-Dial key is selected, the list box shows the available keys. Select the desired IC/CO speed-dial key number (O-9) to assign to that key. If Secondary Call key is selected, the next available secondary call key (1-16) is assigned to that key. If Station Programmable key is selected, the list box shows the available keys. Select the desired stationprogrammable key number (l-g) to assign to that key.If System Speed Dial key is selected, the list box shows the available keys. Select the desired system speed dial location number (000499) to assign to that key.I If User Programmable key is selected, the list boxshows the available keys. Select the desired user programmable key number (l-9) to assign to that key. If the key will not be used, highlight the Undefined key line in the list box. .’ NOTE: Be careful not to assign the same key in two dif- ferent locations, such as the SPKR, IC, or feature key, unless the users have a specific application that requires it. 9.21OK or CANCEL: When the key has been pro- grammed as desired, select the OK command button. Or, to leave the key unchanged, select the Cancel com- mand button. 9.22EXIT (Shown in the window on page 5-44.)When finished with all key map programming, select the Exit command button. A window appears that asks “Perform Update to Database?” To update the database and exit to the Applications Menu window, select the Yes button. Or select the No command button to exit without saving any changes. To return to the window on page 5-44, select the Cancel button. Page 5-50

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 JNS’MLIATION & MAINTENANCEPROGRAMMINGIssue 1, November 1994Actions setup Exit Ring ZoneGroup Three B.RING ZONE PROGRAMMlNG (ZONE) 9.23 The power supply’s ring generator can provide power to ring up to 20 AC-ringer equipped single-line stations simultaneously without any noticeable change in the ring tone. If there are more than 20 AC-ringer equipped single-line sets that would ring at the same time, they should be removed from the immediate xone and divided up among zones l-3 so that no more than 20 sets ring at once. This window can be reached by select-ing Ring Zone programming in the Station Progmm- ming menu or entering the ZONE command. The program planning sheet is in Figure 5-6 on page 5-188. For more information regarding the ring zones, refer topage 4-25 in FEHURES. 9.24RING ZONES: Select the ring xone you wish to program. A list box appears as shown below that con- tains only single-line stations. hclude Exclude179 10.1 ‘Station Undefined180 10.2-StationUndefined 18110.3‘StationUndefined 182 10.4 -StationUndefined 183 10.5‘StationUndefined 0INCLUDE or EXCLUDE: To include a station in the ring xone group, locate that station on the Ex- clude list and select it by pressing the SPACE BAR, it will automatically move to the Include list. To re-move a station from the ring zone group, you must exit and select another ring xone group and include the station there. This procedure ensures that a sta- tion is always assigned to a ring zone group. 0ALL: To include all stations in the ring zone group, select the All command button. (The None com- mand button cannot be used in this window.)l OK or CANCEL: When the station lists appear asdesired, select the OK command button. To exit from the window without saving changes, select the Cancel command button. 0SORT: To sort the stations and list them numerically by extension or circuit number, or to list them alpha- betically by name, select the Sort command button. The window appears as shown on the next page. Choose the desired sorting method by selecting the corresponding option button. Then select the OK command button. When the list of stations returns, the list box shows the stations in the selected order. To exit without changing the order, select the Cancel command button. - Ordering 00 By Extension 0By Circuit 0 By Name 9.25EXIT: When finished programming, select the Exit command button shown in the window on the pre- vious page. A window appears that asks “Perform Up date to Database?“To update the database and exit to the Applications Menu window, select Yes. Or, select No to exit without saving any changes. To return to the Ring Zones programming window, select the Cancel button. Page 5-51