Communications System
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256 Installation And Field Maintenance Manual
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INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSWLLATlON & MAINTENANCE FEATURFSIssue 1, November 1994 D. PROG RAMMING SPECIFIC STATION INFORMATlON 35.17Due to employee movement, change of status, turnover, etc., certain specific station information, suchas user name, tenant group, department number, and serving attendant may need to be changed. This can be done from any attendant station. When programming numbers, the attendant’s station is automatically in nu- meric mode; when programming the user name, the sta- tion is automatically in alphanumeric mode. Press the MSG key to switch back and forth between alphanumer- ic and numeric mode. 35.18In numeric mode, the keypad keys are used to enter numbers O-9, the pound (#) key is used for enter- ing a hyphen (-j, and the asterisk (*) key is used for en- tering a colon (:). For example, l*OO would enter “1:W’ in numeric mode. 35.19In alphanumeric mode, keypad keys are used to enter the desired letters, numbers, and punctuation. The number of times a key is pressed determines which char-acter is entered. For example, 533266 would enter “JEAN.” When adjoining characters are located under the same key, press the FWD key to advance to the next character. For example, 66FWD6667776 would enter “NORM.” Refer to the chart below to program informa-tion in alphanumeric mode. (Note that letters corre- spond to the letters printed on the keypad keys.)KEY 1 1I@ 35.20TO PROGRAM SPECIFIC SlXlTONINFORbUl7ON: (1) (2) -@I (4) 0 (6) While on hook, press the SPCL key and enter the Program Station Data feature code (922). (Dis- play keysets show PROGRAMMING EX’R.) Enter the extension number (do not use the DSS/BLF key) of the station that is to be repro- grammed and press SPCL. You will hear a con- tinnation tone and the display shows USERNAIvE% EX XXX (or the user name if it exists).To enter a new user name: Use one of the fol- lowing methods. a. b.Arphanumeric mode (MSG key lit): Press the keypad keys to enter the desired characters. (Refer to the chart.) You may press the FWD key once to advance or twice to leave a space. Press the MUTE key to backspace. Numeric mode (MSG kzy unlit): Press the keypad keys to enter the desired number. Use the pound key (#) for a hyphen (-) and the as- terisk key (*) for a colon (:). Press the FWD key once to leave a space, or press the MUTE key to backspace.To erase the current name: Repeatedly press the MUTE key until the lower portion of the dis- play shows NONE.To leave the information the same: Proceed to the next step. Ress the SPCL key to update the database and advance to the next prompt. You will hear a con- firmation tone and the display shows TENANTGROUP X (and, if programmed, the tenant group name will display on the second line).To enter a new tenant group number: Ress the pound (#) key to scroll forward through the list or the asterisk (*) key to scroll backward.To leave the information the same: Proceed to the next step. Press the SPCL key to update the database and advance to the next prompt. You will hear a con- firmation tone and the display shows DEPART- MENT XX (and, if programmed, the department name will display on the second line). Page 4- 107

Ete~emher 1994lNTER-TELPRAcTIcEsIMX/GMX 256 INST4LLATION & MAINTENANCE (7) (9)To enter a new department number: Press the pound (#) key to scroll forward through the list or the asterisk (*) key to scroll backward.To leave the information the same: Proceed to the next step. Press the SPCL key to update the database and advance to the next prompt. You will hear a con-firmation tone and the display shows ATI’ENDNT: EX XXX (or NONE). (10) NOTE: This display will not appear if the station being programmed is an attendant.cwTo enter a new serving attendant number: Enter the number using the keypad (it is automat- ically in the numeric mode).To erase the current attendant: Repeatedly press the MUTE key until the lower portion of the display shows NONE.To leave the information the same: Proceed to the next step. Press the SPCL key to update the database and advance to the next prompt. You will hear a con-firmation tone and the display shows PRO- GIUMMINGEXT:.To program another station: Repeat the pro- cess with another extension number.To terminate the programming sequence: Lift and replace the handset or allow the timer to ex- pire. The display will return to date and time. Page 4-108

lNTEx-TELPRACTIcESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEIssue 1, No”==E. PROGRAMMING SYSTEM REMINDER MESSAGES 35.21The stored system reminder messages can be changed from any attendant’s keyset. (See page 4-98 for information concerning their use.) When the system is in the default state, the 20 reminder messages listed be-low are programmed. Attendants can delete them or change them to any other value (up to 16 characters). 01 MEETING 11 CALLENGJNEERING02SlXFFMEEllNG12 CALL-G 03 SALE.SMEETING13 CAUACCOUNTING04 CANCELMEETING14 CANCELDND05APPoIImaNT15 cANcELcAu.FwD06 PucEcAIL16 TAKEMEDICXITON07cALLcLIENT17 MAKERESERVAl-lON08 cALLcLJsroMER 18 REVIEWSCHEDULE 09 CALLHOME19 LUNCH 10 CAUCORFO~2oREhfINDER 35.22When programming, the attendant’s station isautomatically in alphanumeric mode. Press the MSG key to switch back and forth between alphanumeric and numeric mode. 35.23In numeric mode, the keypad keys are used to enter numbers O-9, the Pound (#) key is used for enter- iug a hyphen (-), and the asterisk (*) key is used for en- tering a colon (:). For example, l*OO would enter “l:OO” in numeric mode. 35.24In alphanumeric mode, keypad keys are used to enter the desired letters, numbers, and punctuation. The number of times a key is pressed determines which char- acter is entered. For example, 33377744432999 wouldenter ‘FRIDAY.” When adjoining characters are lo- cated under the same key, press the FWD key once to ad- vance to the next character. For example, 6 FWD 666 FWD 6632999 would enter “MONDAY.” Refer to the following chart to Program information in alphanumer-ic mode. (Note that letters correspond to the letters Printed on the keypad keys.) *l,S( # # *> -35.25 TOPROGRAMAREbfINDER bfiLSSAGE: NOTE: Lift and replace the handset to stop the Process without selecting a message. 0) (2) (3) While on hook, Press the SPCL key and enter theProgram System Reminder Messages feature code (023). Display shows PROGRAM RE- MINDER MESSAGE. To select a specific message: Enter the two-digit message code (01-20). Display shows selected message.To scroll through the messages: press the pound (#) key to scroll forward or press the aster- isk (*) key to scroll backward. Each message dis-plays for one second before another can be selected. To enter a new message: Use one of the follow- ing methods. a. b. Alphummeti mo& (MSG key lit): Press the keypad keys to enter the desired characters. Refer to the chart. You may press the FWD key once to advance or twice to leave a space. Press the MUTE key to backspace.Numeric mode (MSG key unlit): Press the keypad keys to enter the desired number. Usethe pound key (#) for hyphen (-) and the asterisk key (*) for colon (:). Ress the FWD key once to leave a space, or press the MUTE key to backspace.To erase the current message: Ress the MUTE key repeatedly until the display shows NONE. To leave the message the same: Lift and replace the handset. (You will exit the programming se- quence and your display will return to date and time.) Ress the SPCL key to update the database. Youwill hear a confnmation tone and the display shows PROGRAMREMlNDER MESSAGE.To program another message: Repeat steps 2 through 4 for another message.To terminate the programming sequence: Lift and replace the handset, allow the timer to ex- pire, or press the SPKR key, IC key, or any trunk access key. (Display returns to date and time.)Page 4-109

FEA-Issue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE F. PROGRAMMING SYSTEM DO-NOT-DISTURB MESSAGES 35.26The stored system do-not-disturb messages can be changed from any attendant station. (See page 4-95 for information concerning their use.) When the system is in the default state, the 20 do-notdisturb messages listed below are programmed. Attendants can delete or change messages 02-20 to any other desired value (up to 16 characters). Message 01 @ND) camtot be changed.01 DO-NOT-DISNRB02 INhiETlNGUNTlL03 INMEEllNG04 ON VACXTION ‘TIL OS ONVACM-ION06 CAILMEAr07 cAuMEAFl-m03 AWAYM09 ONBREAK10 OUTOFTOWN’TIL 11OUTOFOFFICE 12OUTUNTIL 13WITHAUJENT14WlTHAGLJEST 15WiTHAPM-JENT 16UNAVAILABLE 17 lNamFERFacE18 AWAY FROM DESK19 GONEHOME20 0uTToLuNcH 35.27When programming, the attendant’s keyset isautomatically in alphanumeric mode. Press the MSG key to switch back and forth between modes. 35.28In numeric mode, the keypad keys are used to enter numbers O-9, the pound (#) key is used for enter- ing a hyphen (-), and the asterisk (*) key is used for en- tering a colon (:). For example, l*OO would enter“l:OO” in numeric mode. 35.29In alphanumeric mode, keypad keys are used to enter the desired letters, numbers, and punctuation. The numbeI of times a key is pressed determines which char- acter is entered. For example, 33377744432999 wouldenter “FRIDAY.” When adjoining characters are lo- cated under the same key, press the FWD key once to ad- vance to the next character. For example, 6 FWD 666 FWD 6632999 would enter “MONDAY.” Refer to the following chart to program information in alphanumer- ic mode. (Note that letters correspond to the letters on the keys.) nuumffnyEsKEywpREssm KEY129453530 To PROGRAMA DO-NOT-DISTURB bfE!SAGE: NOTE. If you make a mistake while programming, lift and replace the handset to stop the process without se- lecting a message. Then, stsrt over. (1) (2) (3) (4) (9 While on hook, press the SFCL key and enter the Program System Do-Not-Disturb Messages fea-ture code (024). (Display keysets show PRO- GRAM DND MESSAGE.) To select a specific message: Enter the two-digit message code (02-20). Display shows selected message.To scroll through the messages: press the pound (#) key to scroll forward or press the aster- isk (*) key toscroll backward. Each message dis-plays for one second before another can be selected.NOTE: DND message number 01 (DO-NOT- DISTURR) cannot be changed. To enter a new message: Use one of the follow- ing methods.a. Alphunumericmode (MSG key lit): Press the keypad keys to enter the desired characters. Refer to the chart. You may press the FWD key once to advance or twice to leave a space. Press the MUTE key to backspace.b. Numeric me& (MSG key dir): Ress the keypad keys to enter the desired number. Usethe pound key (#) for hyphen (-) and the asterisk key (*) for colon (:). Press the FWD key once to leave a space, or press the MUTE key to backspace. To erase the current message: Press the MUTE! key repeatedly until the display shows NONE. To leave the message the same: Lift and replace the handset. (You will exit the programming se- quence and your display will return to date and time.) Ress the SPCL key to update the database. Youwill hear a confirmation tone and the display shows PROGRAM DND MESSAGE.To program another message: Repeat steps 2 through 4 for another message.To terminate the programming sequence: Lift and replace the handset, allow the timer to ex- pire, or press the SPKR key, IC key, or any trunk access key. (Display returns to date and time.) Page 4-110

INTER-TELPRACTICESWGMX 256 INS’JXLLATION & MAINTENANCE‘IG. SE’ITING TIME OF DAY AND DATE3531 Occasionally, the system time or date needs to be reset (for example, for daylight-saving time). Any attendant can change the date and time message that appears on all display keysets and in the SMDA and SMDR reports.35.32 T~SETTHE TME OFDAYAMI DATE: NOTE: If you make a mistake, lift and replace the hand- set, then start over. If an invalid date or time is entered, the keyset displays ERROR! INVALID TME/DTE HN- TERED; you must start over. (1) (2) (3) (4) While on hook, press the SPCL key and enter the Set Time Of Day feature code (021). (Display keysets show SET TIME OF DAY.) Use the keypad keys to enter the time in hours and minutes. Then press the asterisk (*) key for AM or the pound (#) key for PM. For example,enter 900* for 9:OOAM or 230# for 2:3OPM.(Display keysets show SET DATE MM-DD- =I Use the keypad keys to enter the month, day, andyear. For example, press 01011990 for 01-01-1990. You may backspace to correct en- tries by pressing the MUTE key. (When finished, display shows SET DAY OF WEEK SUN.) Select the day of week by scrolling through the selections. Press the pound (#) key to go forward or the asterisk (*) key to go backward. When the desired day is displayed, press the SPKR key orlift and replace the handset to terminate pro- gramming. Check the date and time of day on the display. H.REMOTE HUNT GROUP REMOVE/REPLACE 35.33An attendant can temporarily halt (or restore) hunt group calls for any or all stations that have dial-zero access to that attendant’s station. The at&dam uses the Remote Hunt Group Remove/Replace feature codes as described below.3534 CAZLS: (1) (2) To REMOK OR REPLXE A SZKZION’S HUNT GROUP While on hook, press the SPCL key. Enter one of the following feature codes: a.Remote Hunt Group Replace (032) to restore hunt group calls.b. Remote Hunt Group Remove (033) to halt hunt group calls.(3)Dial the extension number or press the DWBLF key of the desired station. I.REMOTE STATION FEATURE CANCEL 35.35An attendant can cancel Call Forward and/or Do-Not-Disturb for any or all stations that have dial- xero access to that attendant’s station. 3536 locANcELFE4TuREs: (1)While on hook, press the SPCL key. -(2)Enter one of the following feature codes:a. Cancel all station do-not-disturb requests (012) b.Cancel all station forward requests (013) c.Cancel all station DND/FWD requests (014) d.Cancel station do-not-disturb request (015) e.Cancel station forward request (016) f.Cancel station DND/FWD request (017) (3)If clearing an individual station (using code 015, 016, or 017), dial the extension number or press the DSS/BLF key after entering the feature code. J.GENERATING AN SMDAREPORT 3537 Aprogr ammingoption can be enabled that al- lows the attendant to generate an SMDA report on de- mand. The content of the report is determined by the programmed SMDAformat as described on page 4-115. Printing reports using this method does not clear the ac- cumulated data.35.38 TOG EhWbilZANSMDAREmRT: While on hook, press SPCL and enter the Atten- dant SMDA feature code (025). The report be- reprinting via the port designated in the data- .K.PAGING SPEAKER BACKGROUND MUSIC (PRIMARY A’ITENDANT ONLY) 35.39The primary attendant can turn background mu- sic on and/or off for the external paging speakers. Music is interrupted by pages. The music channel for the exter- nal paging speakers is set in database programming (re- fer to page 5-67 in PROGRAMMING). 35.40TO TURNRACKGROUND MUSIC ON OR OFF: While on hook, press the SPCL key and enter the Paging Speaker Background Music feature code(018). Enter the desired external port number (l-9) to toggle the music on or ofE, or enter 0 to turn off all ports.page 4-111

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE L. SYSTEMALARMREPORTING 35.41 The system’s alarm reporting feature detects equipment failures, determines the impact, and classi-fies the problem as a major or minor alarm. Minor alarms are indicated on the primary attendant’s station display and can be programmed to appear on all atten- dants’ keysets. Roth major and minor alarms are printed in the error report printout. Major alarm messages ap- pear on all display keysets. Attendants using Attendant Computer Consoles will receive an ALARM STXTUS DISPLAY (refer to the manual supplied with the unit). 35.42The first four minor alarms indicate problems that can be corrected without calling service personnel. AR other minor alarms require attention from service personnel. Refer to page 6-8 in TROUBLRSHOOTING for a listing of the possible alarms and their meanings.35.43 lORESFOND TOAbfINORSYSTEMALARMFROMANY AUltbfDISPUYSZ4lTON: (1) (2) (3) (4) IWhen a minor alarm indication appears (WARNING! SYSTEM ALARM #XX), write down the alarm number, alarm message, date, and time. While on hook, clear the message displayed bypressing the SPCL key and entering the Clear System Alarm feature code (019). If the alam message is #OS or #IO or highec con- tact service personnel. If the alarm message is #KU -04, comet thepmb- hl: a.#01 SZXI7ON Xxy OFF-HOOK: The indi- cated station remained off hook and inactive until the Inactivity Alarm timer expired. TheSMDR also indicates which station is off hook. The station’s key on DSS/BLP Unitsand on other stations’ SD keypads flutters continuously. Have the station user replace the handset in the cradle. The alarm will au- tomatically clear when the station user hangs UP. NOTE: Calls being transmitted over the sec- ondary voice path are not affected or inter- rupted by an off-hook alarm condition. b.#/02, ##03, or #O4 PRINTER TlMEOU’X: The indicated printer is not functioning properly. Check that the cable and the power cord are connected and that it has paper and ribbon.c. #30 TOLL SECURITY FEATURE EX- PIRED: This alarm indicates that the Weekly Toll Limit feature is no longer in effect. It can be re-enabled only by Inter-Tel Services per- sonnel. d. #31 TOLL SECURITY LIMlT EXCEEDED and #34 TOLL SECURITY LIMIT AT 80%:The weekly limit for one or both types of monitored calls is 80% or 100% depleted. The programmer can set the limit to a higher value or reset it to zero. (When either of these alarms is displayed, any further alarms will not overwrite the display.)e. #32 TOLL SECURITY DAZd CHANGED: This indicates that the weekly toll limit in- formation has been changed in the database. f.#33 DISA SECVRITY LMlT EXCEEDEDED: This indicates that a DISA caller has entered an invalid password three consecutive times. DISAwill not answer that trunk for five min- utes after the third invalid password has been entered. 35.44A major alarm message, WARNING! MAJOR ALARM, appears on all display keysets in the event of a major system reset. If the major alarm appears on on a group of keysets, the associated KSC board has failed. (Or dual-circuit 8-line AIM keysets have been installd on KSC-D circuits that are not programmed as “dual”circuits.) The warning might also appear on a single keyset if the keyset is defective. Major alarms require immediate attention from sedce personnel. Page 4-112

INTER-TELPRACTICESWGMX 256 INSTACLATION & MAINTENANCEFEATURESIssue 1, November 1994M. PLACING A TRUNK OUT OF SERVICEFOR MAINTENANCE 35.45Ifrequested to do so by service personnel, atten- dants can place individual trunks out of service by enter- ing a feature code. This temporarily unequips the trunk in database programming, but does not affect incomiug signals on the trunk. To outside callers, the trunk will appear to be functioning and callers will hear ringing. However, users cannot access the trunk for receiving or placing calls until the attendant places the trunk back into service by entering another feature code. 35.46The advantage of using this feature instead of removing the trunk in the database, is that all program- ming for the trunk is preserved and the trunk returns to complete functionality as soon as it is returned to service and no additional programming is required.NOTE: Each TIC is equipped with a “make busy” switch for removing all circuits on the card from service and placing them back in again. Pressing the switch willlight its LED and begin the process of “busying out” each circuit not in use. The circuits that are in use are then busied out as soon as the users hangs up. 35.47If the attendant has an individual trunk key for the trunk, the CO Trunk Maintenance feature code can be used to place the trunk out of and into service. Iftheattendant does not have an individual trunk key, the trunk can only be placed out of service while the atten- dant is connected to that trunk and a call key is used. The call key camtot be used to place the trunk back in ser- vice. All trunks that were placed out of service can be returned to service at once by entering the Remove All TN& From Maintenance feature code. 35.48lV PLACE A lRUhX OUT OF SERWCE FOR bMh?lE- NMCE USLNGGANIhllMDUAL lRUUKKEY~ONHO0~: (1)While on hook, press SPCL and enter the CO Trunk Maintenance feature code (027). The dis- play shows SPECIFY TRUNK FOR MAINTE- NANCE. (2)Press the individual trunk key associated with the circuit you wish to remove from service. (Ifthe programmiq~ mode times out before you press a key, the display shows TRUNK IMPROPERLY SPECIFIED and you must start over.) 35.49To PLiCE A ZWNKLVSERWCE AGAIN USCNG ANLU- DMDUAL WUh!KKEY(lKWLE ONHOOK): (1)While on hook, press SPCL and enter the CO Trunk Maintenance feature code (027). The dis- play shows SPECIFY TRUNK FOR MAINTE- NANCE. (2)Press the associated individual trunk key for the trunk to be returned to service. 35.50l0 PLACE A lRUNK OUT OF SERWCE FOR bfk%lE- NANCE USING A CALL KEy(lYHlLE ONA CALL): (1)While on a call, press SPCL and enter the CO Trunk Maintenance feature code (027). (2)Hang up. The trunk is placed out of service. 35.51To PIACEALL liXJN?SINSERWCE:While on hook, press SPCL and enter the Re- move All Trunks From Maintenance feature code (028).Page 4-113

lNTER-TELPRAcTIcEsIMWGMX 256 lNSTALLAT.ION & MAINTENANCE 36. RECORD KEEPING AND MAINTENANCEFEATURES A.CALL COST ACCOUNTING 36.1The Call Cost Accounting feature estimates the cost of outgoing and incoming calls, displays it on the keysets, and prints it in the SMDR reports. The cost is based on the type of call, telephone number dialed, the elapsed time of the call, the day of the week, and the time ofday. Atable in the database supplies the rates forall types of calls, including multiplicative factors for evening and weekend rate changes on outgoing calls. The equation for calculating call cost is: Daytime Rate X Multiplicative FactorX Connect Time.36.2 The multiplicative factor adjusts the daytime per-minute call cost for evening and weekend rates of outgoing calls. For example, the evening call cost multi-plier is 0.65 if calls are 35% less expensive after 5:OOPM. The daytime rate (II), evening Q multiplica-tive factor, and night/weekend (N/W) multiplicative factors are used on the following schedule: NOTE: The 256 System’s Call Cost Accounting feature is intended to provide a cost estimate that is applied to the various classes of calls. Due to the wide variation in charges among network carriers, the system’s call costcalculation cannot be used as a prediction of actual charges. This feature can only be used as a management tool to estimate call cost.363 If call cost is set to zero, call cost will not displayduring the call and the SMDR printout will show $00.00. 36.4All outgoing calls using a trunk that is not s&jfzct to toll restriction are classified as one of the followingcall types for call cost calculation (call cost type is pro- grammed in the database). 0 Free . Local . Toll Local . Toll Long Distance 0 Operator/Jntemational 36.5When a trunk that is subject to toll restriction is used, call cost type is determined according to the digits dialed, as follows: Free: Any call within a PBX (a trunk access code is not dialed) is a free call.Local: The following calls are classified as local Calls: -Calls to Nil or lN11 (where N is 2-9), except 411 or 1411 - Any call to area code 800 - All 7digit or lOdigit calls within a home area code to office codes that are allowed in User Group 1 -Any call that does not begins with 1, and does not fall into any of the other call cost categories TollLocal: The following calls are classified as toll local calls: - Any calls to 411 or 1411 - All 7digit or 10-d@ calls within a home area code to office codes that are restricted in User Group 1 -Any call that begins with 1, that does not fall into any of the other call cost categories Toll Long Disrauce: Any call to an ares code other than a home area code is classified as a toll long dis- tance call. Operator/International: Any call starting with 0 orcontaining only 0 is classified as operatorlintcma- tional (0, 0+, Ol+, Oil+). Page 4-114

INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 256 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCEIssue 1, No”%= B.STATION ME!%AGE DETAIL ACCOUNTING (SMDA)NOTE: This feature is available only in the Extended and Extend&plus Tl and E&M software packages.36.6 Station Message Detail Accounting (SMDA) is a system feature that provides management and account-ing records for estimating the telephone company’s charges. This information can be used to analyze system traffic and employee productivity. 36.7This data can be recorded on a customer-pro- vided printer or alternate device, such as a magnetic tape or floppy disk. The device is connected to the peripheral connector panel on the back of the equipment cabinet and must be placed within 50 feet (15 meters) of the equipment cabinet. It can be the same device used for the SMDR report. If so, the SMDR information is buff- ered (up to 427 records) while the SMDA report prints. Refer to SPEClFICKTIONS, page 2-31, for details. 36.8Each of the 16 SMDA reports divides incoming and outgoing calls and can be automatically generated daily, weekly, or monthly. They can also be generated on demand through the attendant station using the atten- dant SMDA feature code or through database program- ming (refer to page 5-138 in PROGRAMMING). Re-ports can include the information outlined in the following sections.Account Code Reports 36.9Call information can be printed for up to 255 ac- count codes. Each time a standard, forced, or optional account code is used, the system opens a “record” for that code. Every time a call is placed that uses that code, the call data is added to the record for that account code. If more than 255 codes are used, the last record (number 256) is used for the overflow record. That is, if 262 dif- ferent codes are used, call data for the last six will becombined in record 256. For each account code, in- formation includes the total number of calls handled, to- tal and average duration of calls, and the total and aver- age cost of calls.Summary Reports 36.10Call information can be selected for the system units listed below. Information includes the total num- ber of calls handled, number of incoming and outgoing calls, total and average duration of incoming and outgo- ing calls, total and average cost of incoming and outgo- ing calls, and number of users. System: SMDAprinta call information for the entire system, including: - Number of transfers and recalls - Average answer time - Number of unanswered calls - Average ring time (unanswered) - Number of equipped trunks - DISA callsHunt groups: Total number of calls, total ringing call duration, and average ringing duration are shown for calls to each hunt group. The ringing dura- tion is the amount of time the call spent circulating (unanswered) through the hunt group. If a call re- calls and then is transferred back to the hunt group, it is not counted as an additional call, but it will add to the ringing duration figure. A call sent to the hunt group by any station other than a recall destination will add to the call count.Tenant pups: Call information is printed sepa- rately for each tenant group.Tenants and departments: Call information for each tenant group is divided into departments.Detailed Reports 36.11These reports can show call information for all users, listed by system, tenant group, or tenant/depart- ment. Separate reports are also available by tenant/de- partment, individual stations, or trunks. The following call information can be requested:System, tenant, or tenant/department by call cost: Total and average cost of calls for users in the selected group of stations, including: - Station circuit numbers - Extension numbers - User namesSystem, tenant, or tenant/department by call duration: Total and average duration of calls for the selected group of stations, including: - Station circuit numbers - Extension numbers - User namesPage 4-115

FEATURESIssue 1, November 1994INTER-TELPRACTICESIMX/GMX 2545 INSmTlON & MAINTENANCE System, tenant, or tenant/department by number of calls: Total number of calls for the selected group of stations, including: - station circuit mmlbers - Extension mrmbers - User namesTenant/department listed by station number: In- cludes the following for all stations in each depart- ment of each tenant group. - Number of calls - Incoming and outgoing call duration - Incoming and outgoing call cost - Number of users - Station circuit numbers - Extension numbers - User namesListed by selected station: Includes the following for selected stations: - Number of calls - Inccming and outgoing call duration - Incoming and outgoing call cost - Number of users -Station circuit numbers - Extension numbers - User names 0Listed by selected trunk: Includes the following for selected tnmks: - Trunk circuit number - Number of incoming and outgoing calls - Average answer time - Number of unanswered calls -Average ring time for unanswered calls - Total cost and duration of incoming and outgo-ing calls -Average duration and cost of incoming and out- going calls 36.12When progre the output, the installer can choose to clear the SMDA information after each report or let it remain in the memory to be accumulated and in- cluded in all later reports. This gives the customer the option of having limited or comprehensive reports. 36.13The SMDA output reports are printed in the for- mat shown in the following figures. Figure 4-2 on the next page shows the account code report format, Figure 4-3onpage4-118showsthesummaryreportformat, and Figure 4-4 on page 4-120 shows the detailed report. All reports are 80 characters wide. The number of days in- cluded in each report is set during programming. :’ Page 4-116