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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-9 Setting Up PC2AUDIX Interface in a New Work Area 3 8. If you have the op tional AUDIX Call Detail Rec ord ing (CDR) p ac kag e installed on the AUDIX system, you c an c ontinue with p ag e 3 of the PC2AUDIX setup Parameters. Refer to Estab lishing Setup Parameters for Call Detail Rec ord ing (Op tional) on the next p ag e. 9. Press (CHANGE/RUN) to save the c hang es you have mad e to the PC 2 A U D I X Se t u p Pa r a m e t e r s . You have now c omp leted estab lishing the PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters. 10. Press (ROOT FORM) to return to the PC2AUDIX Root Menu. 11. At the PC2AUDIX Root Menu, selec t 9) EXIT to MS-DOS. 12. At the DOS promp t, enter cd \ to return to the root d irec tory (C\> ) on your PC. NOTE: If you have more than one voic e mail system in an your network, rep eat this task for eac h system. Establishing Setup Parameters for Call Detail Recording (Optional) Perform the following step s if you have the op tional AUDIX Call Detail Rec ording (CDR) pac kag e installed on the AUDIX system. The Luc ent I NTUITY and DEFINITY AUDIX systems d o not sup port this p ac kag e. 1. At the DOS promp t C> , enter cd machine_name to c hang e to the sub d irec tory you c reated for your AUDIX system in the p revious task. 2. Enter pc2audix to c all the PC2AUDIX software. Cop yrig ht information ap p ears on the sc reen for ap p roximately five sec ond s. If you want to b yp ass this d elay, p ress . 3. In the PC2AUDIX Root Menu, selec t op tion 8 (Setup Parameters). 4. In p age 1 of the PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters sc reen, p ress (NEXT PG) to display page 2. 5. In p age 2 of the PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters sc reen, p ress (NEXT PG) again to display page 3. Pag e 3 of the PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters d efines the c onnec tion and login sp ec ific s for retrieving CDR d ata from the AUDIX system to the PC. Refer to AUDIX Call Detail Rec ord ing Pac kag e, 585-305-506, for instruc tions on c ompleting this p ag e of the form. F8 F9 RETU RN RETU RN F6 F6

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-10 Setting Up PC2AUDIX Interface in a New Work Area 3 6. To use the automatic mod em setup , enter an Initialization String of up to 40 c harac ters; the d efault is a null string . Sp ac es are leg al in Hayes initialization string s. You c annot use automatic mod em setup with the Luc ent Tec hnolog ies 7400B d ata mod ule. The get_cdr c ommand uses this initialization string when the -I op tion is sp ec ified . 7. When you have c orrec tly set all values for Call Detail Rec ord ing , p ress (CHANGE/RUN) to save your c hang es. 8. Press (ROOT FORM) to return to the PC2AUDIX Root Menu. 9. At the PC2AUDIX Root Menu, selec t op tion 9) EXIT to MS-DOS. 10. At the DOS promp t, enter cd \ to return to the root d irec tory (C:\> ) on your PC . If you have the Call Detail Rec ord ing op tion installed on more than one AUDIX system in an AUDIX network, rep eat this task for eac h AUDIX system with CDR. F8 F9

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-11 Modifying PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters 3 Modifying PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters Perform the following step s to c hang e the PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters. 1. At the DOS promp t C> , enter cd machine_name to c hang e to the sub d irec tory for this voic e mail system. 2. Enter pc2audix to c all the PC2AUDIX software. 3. In the PC2AUDIX Root Menu, selec t op tion 8 (Setup Parameters). 4. Enter any c hang es to the data field s on p ag e 1, p ag e 2, and /or p ag e 3. 5. Press (CHANGE/RUN) to save the c hang es. 6. Press (ROOT FORM) to return to the PC2AUDIX Root Menu. 7. Select 9) EXIT to MS-DOS. 8. At the DOS promp t, enter cd \ to return to the root d irec tory (C:\). If you need to make c hang es for other voic e mail systems in your network, rep eat this task for eac h system. Setting Up PC2AUDIX Interface in an Existing Work Area Follow the instruc tions in this sec tion eac h time you set up PC2AUDIX in an existing work area on your PC. If you are up grad ing from a p revious version of the ADAP software, you c an save any data that you had retrieved using the p revious version. 1. At the DOS promp t C> , enter cd machine_name to c hang e to the sub d irec tory where your d atab ase struc tures and text files resid e. These are the d atab ase struc tures and text files you want to up g rad e to the new version of the PC2AUDIX software. 2. Enter pc2audix to c all the PC2AUDIX software. The PC2AUDIX Root Menu ap p ears. 3. Selec t op tion 8 from the PC2AUDIX Root Menu to disp lay the PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters sc reen. 4. In the PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters sc reen, c hang e the AUDIX software version to D-r3.2. If this field is set inc orrec tly, the software d oes not func tion p rop erly. 5. Press (CHANGE/RUN) to save the c hang es. ADAP tries to log into the voic e mail system to verify the switc h c onnec tion type, then log s out ag ain. 6. Press (ROOT FORM) to return to the PC2AUDIX Root Menu. F8 F9 F8 F9

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-12 Starting the PC2AUDIX Interface 3 Starting the PC2AUDIX Interface The following steps desc ribe how to start PC2AUDIX. 1. At the DOS C> p romp t, enter cd machine_name where machine_name is the name of the sub d irec tory you set up to rep resent the voic e mail system. You run PC2AUDIX from this sub direc tory. 2. Enter pc2audix at the DOS p romp t. The PC2AUDIX Root Menu ap p ears. 3. Selec t op tions from the PC2AUDIX Root Menu as d esc rib ed in the next sec tion.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-13 PC2AUDIX Root Menu Options 3 PC2AUDIX Root Menu Options The PC2AUDIX Root Menu p rovid es ac c ess to all PC2AUDIX func tions. These op tions are as follows: Menu Option Menu/Screen it Accesses For More Info. 0) Run Sc hed uled Eve n t s Sc hed ule Mod e sc reen, whic h must d isp lay b efore sc hed uled events b egin and d uring sc heduled event execution.Chap ter 8, Sc hed uling PC2AUDIX Data Retr i ev al 1) Data Retrieval Data Retrieval Menu, used to retrieve and verify the PC2AUDIX d ata needed b efore g enerating traffic and billing reports or p erforming d ata searc hes. Chap ter 4, PC2AUDIX Data Retr i ev al 2) Traffic Rep orts Traffic Rep orts Menu, used to g enerate rep orts from traffic and sub sc rib er information p reviously retrieved to the PC (exc lud ing system attend ant rep orts).Chap ter 5, PC 2 A U D I X Traffic Rep orts 3) Customer Billing Customer Billing Menu, used to d efine c ustomer billing c riteria and to generate billing reports from retrieved sub sc riber information.Chap ter 6, PC2AUDIX Billing Rep or ts 4 ) Sit e Sp e c i f i c DataNon-AUDIX Data Field Sp ec ific ation Menu, used to: 1) enter d ata into non-AUDIX field s in sub sc rib er rec ord s on the PC 2) searc h for sub sc rib ers with sp ecific data in sp ecified field s 3) list all sub sc rib ers; 4) list sub sc rib ers with specific data in specified fields 5) mod ify names and extensions d irec tly in the DEFINITY AUDIX or R1 AUDIX d atabase.Chap ter 9, PC 2 AU D I X Sit e Sp ec ific Data 5) Sc hed ule Ed itor Sc hed uling Menu, used to sc hed ule data retrieval and d atab ase verific ation, exec uted automatic ally from a q ueue at sp ec ified times.Chap ter 8, Sc hed uling PC2AUDIX Data Retr i ev al

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-14 PC2AUDIX Root Menu Options 3 6) Searc hes Searc hes Menu, used to searc h for and list: 1) sub sc rib ers with system usag e over or und er a sp ec ified amount 2) sub sc rib ers with b ills over a sp ec ified amount 3) sub scrib ers with mailb ox sp ac e over a sp ec ified threshold .Chap ter 7, PC 2 A U D I X Datab ase Searc hes 7) Data Manag ementData Manag ement Op tions Menu, used to p erform the following on the fixed d isk of your PC: 1) b ac k up selec ted traffic and sub sc rib er d ata to a d iskette 2) d elete selec ted d ata 3) restore selec ted d ata from a d iskette.Chap ter 10, PC 2 A U D I X Datab ase Manag ement Tools 8) Setup ParametersPC 2 A U D I X Se t u p Pa r a m e t e r s Menu, used to: 1) d efine the c onnec tion b etween the PC and the voic e mail system 2) enab le the g rap hic al outp ut op tion 3) d efine the c onnec tion to the R1 AUDIX system for the optional Call Detail Rec ord ing (CDR) feature.Described p reviously in this c hap ter. 9 ) EXI T t o M S-D O S Exi t s yo u f r o m PC 2 A U D I X t o D O S and terminates the DEFINITY AU D I X o r A U D I X s ys t e m c onnec tion, if any. Use this selec tion to end a PC2AUDIX interfac e session. N/A NOTE: To exec ute a DOS c ommand from the PC2AUDIX Root Menu without q uitting the PC2AUDIX interfac e, p ress , p ress for susp end , and typ e the exc lamation mark c harac ter (!) followed b y a c ommand . To return to PC 2 A U D I X, t y p e resume , and press the desired key from the PC2AUDIX Root Menu. Menu Option Menu/Screen it Accesses For More Info. ESCs

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-15 Using On-line Help Files 3 Using On-line Help Files The PC2AUDIX help files p rovid e d etailed information ab out PC2AUDIX sc reens, field d efinitions, func tion key d efinitions, and error messag es. To d isp lay this information at any time, p ress (HELP). Information ab out the c urrent sc reen ap p ears. The help sc reens have several func tion keys that let you p rint the sc reen, p ag e forward or b ac kward , ac c ess general information on op erating help , and exiting help . You can print a copy of the complete on-line help files to retain as a reference: 1. At the C> p romp t, enter audhelp printdoc > myfile where myfile is a file name of your c hoosing that d oes not resid e alread y on your fixed d isk. This c op ies a formatted ASCII version of the PC2AUDIX help information to a file named myfile on your fixed d isk. 2. Print the file myfile as you would any text file. You can also print the help files from PC2AUDIX by pressing (HELP) and then pressing (PRINT ALL). The printed help files are quite long. Directing PC2AUDIX Output All sc reens that g enerate outp ut c ontain a “ Send outp ut” line that sp ec ifies an output d estination. The d efault d estination is set in the Setup Parameters sc reen. If you d efine a p rinter typ e and p ort, the d efault d estination is the sp ec ified p rinter. If you don’t d efine a p rinter, the outp ut is d isp layed on the sc reen b y d efault. Redirecting Output to the Screen To d isp lay outp ut on the sc reen, p ress while the c ursor is in the destination field , or b lank out the p rinter variable. The outp ut d isp lays on your PC sc reen. By send ing rep orts to the PC sc reen, you c an p review them and op tionally send a c op y to the p rinter. You c an p rint from the PC sc reen if a p rinter is d efined on the Setup Parameters sc reen and you overrid e the d efault manually for ind ivid ual reports you produce. When you d isp lay a rep ort on the sc reen, you c an sc roll throug h the d isplayed rep ort using func tion keys d efined at the b ottom of the sc reen. You c an also use func tion keys to p rint all or p art of the d ata you are viewing. F1 0 F1 0 F6 Ctrl-y

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-16 Interrupting the PC2AUDIX Interface 3 Redirecting Output to a File For eac h sc reen rep ort you g enerate, you c an overrid e the d efault and send the output to a file on your PC b y entering a file name; the output is stored in a file with that name. The file c ontains all the c ontrol c harac ters need ed for printing , so that you c an later generate a p rintout b y send ing the file to the p rinter. Using Graphical Output You can graphic ally format for PC2AUDIX traffic reports (such as bar charts and line c harts) if you have the Stella Business Grap hic s p ac kag e on your PC and you so id entified it in the PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters sc reen. If the g rap hic s software is not p resent, the d ata is presented in tab le format. When g rap hic al output is availab le, sc reens with g rap hic outp ut c ap ab ility promp t you to sp ec ify if you want outp ut d isp layed g rap hic ally for the rep ort. Interrupting the PC2AUDIX Interface Dep end ing on the state of PC2AUDIX, there are two ways to interrup t PC2AUDIX. Only use these tec hniq ues if you must gain c ontrol q uic kly. It is safer to allow normal p rog ram op eration. nIf PC2AUDIX is retrieving d ata from the voic e mail system, halt the d ata retrieval b y typ ing (hold down the key and the key at the same time). nIf PC2AUDIX is not retrieving data, press the key to return to the PC2AUDIX Root Menu, then typ e A . At the Root Menu, you c an selec t op tion 9 to terminate PC2AUDIX. You can select exit PC2AUDIX temp orarily from the Root Menu without breaking the c onnec tion to the voic e mail system b y p ressing the exc lamation p oint (! ) key. To exec ute a DOS c ommand from the PC2AUDIX Root Menu p ress , p ress for susp end , and typ e the exc lamation mark c harac ter (! ) followed b y a c ommand . To return to PC2AUDIX, typ e resume , and press the d esired key from the PC2AUDIX Root Menu. If you ac c id entally p ress the key, typ e I to ig nore the esc ap e c ommand and return to the p roc ed ure that was exec uting . While the field ed it mod e is ac tive on any of the forms, the key has no effec t. (Field ed it mod e is ac tive when the c ursor is insid e an inverse vid eo field on the sc reen.) Use one of the sc reen exit choic es — (ROOT FORM) or (PREV FORM) — to exit while the field ed it mode is ac tive. Do not use the key ind isc riminately, b ec ause it usually leaves temp orary files in the work area. Ctrl-cCONTROLC ESC ESC s ESC ESC F9F7 ESC

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-17 Managing PC2AUDIX Data 3 Managing PC2AUDIX Data Now that you have PC2AUDIX up and running and are familiar with its basic op eration and c ap ab ilities, let’s d isc uss how you mig ht use this tool in your org anization. In time, your PC2AUDIX ac tivities should b e fairly c yc lic al in nature. First you retrieve the d ata, then you g enerate rep orts, then you d elete old d ata or arc hive it on a d iskette. For b est results, these tasks should b ec ome p art of your reg ular system ad ministration routine that you p erform at the same time eac h week and month, dep end ing on the ac tivity. Scheduling PC2AUDIX Processes After some trial and error, you c an estab lish a sc hed ule for p erforming PC2AUDIX tasks. For examp le, if you p lan to use the b illing rep orts, you need to estab lish a sc hed ule for reg ularly retrieving b illing d ata from the voic e mail d atab ase and then running the b illing rep orts at the same time eac h month. The same is true for traffic rep orts, where you need the same typ es of d ata eac h week or month to g enerate rep orts for meaning ful and ac c urate c omp arisons from one reporting period to another. NOTE: The voic e mail system d oes not store traffic and sub sc rib er d ata ind efinitely. You must retrieve d ata from the voic e mail d atabase in a timely fashion, b efore it is d eleted b y aud its that are run weekly b y the voic e mail system. Chap ter 4, PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval , tells you how long the voice mail system retains the d ifferent typ es of retrievab le data. Sinc e retrieving d ata c an b e a leng thy p roc ess that ties up your PC, you c an use the PC2AUDIX sc hed uling op tion to p erform d ata retrieval d uring off-hours. This frees up your PC for other duties during the workd ay, and automates essential rec urring ac tivities. Refer to Chap ter 8, Sc hed uling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval , for information ab out the sc hed uling op tion. Deleting PC2AUDIX Data Rememb er that your PC d oes not have infinite storag e sp ac e. You must p eriodic ally d elete retrieved d ata that you no long er need . Chap ter 10, PC2AUDIX Datab ase Manag ement Tools, describes how to manage data on your PC, suc h as b ac king up , d eleting, and restoring d ata.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-18 Managing PC2AUDIX Data 3 Generating PC2AUDIX Reports The next seven c hap ters d esc rib e eac h of PC2AUDIX func tions in d etail and p rovid e tip s on how you mig ht use them in your org anization. These c hap ters are org anized ac c ord ing to the PC2AUDIX Root Menu. nChapter 4, PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval nChapter 5, PC2AUDIX Traffic Rep orts nChapter 6, PC2AUDIX Billing Rep orts nChapter 7, PC2AUDIX Datab ase Searc hes nChapter 8, Sc hed uling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval nC h a p t e r 9 , PC 2 AU D I X Sit e Sp e c i f ic D a t a nChapter 10, PC2AUDIX Datab ase Manag ement Tools