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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Introduction 1-5 Screens Supported by ADAP 1 d isp lay system-p arameters limitssystem limits Total system limits, such as max. numb er of messag es allowed across all sub sc rib er mailb oxes, max. number of errors allowed in the error log, and total numb er of lists and list memb ers allowed ac ross all subscriber logins list attend ants list attend ant List of automated attend ants list extensions list extension loc alList of loc al sub sc rib ers’ names by their extensions list mac hines list mac hine Alp hab etic al list of names and assoc iated voic e IDs of all network mac hines (inc lud ing local machine) list measurements community daytraffic c ommunity d ay Information ab out d aily usag e of the send ing restric tions feature list measurements c ommunity hourtraffic c ommunity hour Information ab out hourly usag e of the send ing restric tions feature list measurements feature d aytraffic feature d ay Traffic information for any g iven d ay or for as many as 8 d ays list measurements feature hourtraffic feature hour Traffic information for any g iven hour or for as many as 192 hours list measurements load daytraffic load d ay Port traffic information for any g iven d ay or for as many as 32 days list measurements load hourtraffic load hour Port traffic information for any g iven hour or for as many as 192 hours list measurements remote-messag es d aytraffic remote messages dayInformation ab out messag e traffic b etween the loc al voic e mail system and eac h remote system for any g iven d ay or for as many as eig ht days Table 1-1. Screens Supported by ADAP — Continued DEFINITY/INTUITY AUDIX Screen NameR1 AUDIX Screen Name Screen Description Continued on next page

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Introduction 1-6 Screens Supported by ADAP 1 list measurements remote-messag es monthtraffic remote messages monthInformation ab out messag e traffic b etween the loc al voic e mail system and eac h remote system for any g iven month or for as many as 13 months list measurements sp ec ial-features d aytraffic spec ial features d ay Stand alone and Outc alling traffic for any g iven d ay or for as many as eig ht days list measurements sp ec ial-features hourtraffic special features hourStand alone and Outc alling traffic for any g iven hour or for as many as 192 hours list measurements subscriber daytraffic sub sc rib er d ay Sub sc rib er traffic information differentiated between call answer c alls and voic e mail c alls, and b etween p rime time and nonp rime time within these c ateg ories for any given d ay or for as many as eig ht d ays list measurements sub sc rib er monthtraffic sub sc rib er month Sub sc rib er traffic information differentiated between call answer c alls and voic e mail c alls, and b etween p rime time and nonp rime time within these c ateg ories for any given month or for as many as 13 months list remote-extensions list extension remoteList of remote sub sc rib ers’ names b y their extensions list remote-text-ad d resses (I NTUITY AUDIX only)none List of names and text ad d resses for a given trusted server list sub sc rib ers list sub sc rib er Alp hab etic al list of loc al sub sc rib ers b y name list trusted -servers (I NTUITY AUDIX only)none List of trusted servers assoc iated with this AUDIX system none system c d r Call d etail record ing (CDR) information Table 1-1. Screens Supported by ADAP — Continued DEFINITY/INTUITY AUDIX Screen NameR1 AUDIX Screen Name Screen Description Continued on next page

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Introduction 1-7 Data Retention Considerations 1 For a c omp lete d esc rip tion of these sc reens, refer to D EFI N I TY AU D I X Sys t e m — Sc reens Referenc e , 585-300-207, or the AUDIX Release 1 Version 8 Forms Re f e re n c e , 585-306-204. For a tab le d esc rib ing the relationship s b etween sc reen names, c ommand s, and the voic e mail versions, see Chap ter 11, Using the ADAP Command Line Lang uag e. Data Retention Considerations To retain traffic d ata, you must ac tivate traffic c ollec tion using the DEFINITY AUDIX System-Parameters Feature sc reen, or the AUDIX System: Ap p earanc e sc reen). This initiates traffic d ata c ollec tion on the voic e mail system. You must ac tivate the traffic c ollec tion feature for at least as many d ays in the past as you want to retrieve traffic d ata. The voic e mail systems d o not retain c ollec ted traffic d ata for an ind efinite p eriod . You must retrieve c ollec ted traffic d ata from the voic e mail system in a timely fashion b efore it is d eleted from the system by internal audits. system translation mac hine ad junc tMac hines ad ministered for use as a CDR PC or text servic e machine list measurements network load d aytraffic network load d ay Information ab out the numb er and d uration of c alls on the ACC data ports for any given d ay or for as many as 32 days list measurements network load hourtraffic network load hour Information ab out the numb er and d uration of c alls on the ACC data ports for any given hour or for as many as 192 hours Table 1-1. Screens Supported by ADAP — Continued DEFINITY/INTUITY AUDIX Screen NameR1 AUDIX Screen Name Screen Description Continued on next page

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Introduction 1-8 Data Retention Considerations 1 Information for the following sc reens is stored for 192 hours (eig ht d ays): Information for the following sc reens is stored for 32 d ays: Information for the following sc reens is stored for eig ht d ays: Information for the following sc reens is stored for 13 months: DEFINITY/INTUITY AUDIX SystemsR1 AUDIX System list measurements feature hourtraffic feature hour list measurements load hourtraffic load hour list measurements c ommunity hourtraffic c ommunity hour list measurements special-features hourtraffic sp ec ial features hour list measurements network-load hourtraffic network load hour DEFINITY/INTUITY AUDIX SystemsR1 AUDIX System list measurements feature d aytraffic feature d ay list measurements load daytraffic load d ay list measurements community daytraffic c ommunity d ay list measurements special-features daytraffic sp ec ial features d ay list measurements network-load daytraffic network load d ay DEFINITY/INTUITY AUDIX SystemR1 AUDIX System list measurements remote-messages daytraffic remote messag es d ay list measurements subscriber daytraffic sub sc rib er d ay DEFINITY/INTUITY AUDIX SystemsR1 AUDIX System list measurements remote-messages monthtraffic remote messag es month list measurements subscriber monthtraffic subscriber month

Installation 2-1 Installation Requirements 2 AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 2 Installation This c hapter tells you how to install ADAP software on your PC. This c onsists of the following three tasks, d esc rib ed in d etail later in this c hap ter. 1. Determine that req uired hard ware is in p lac e and c onfig ured p roperly. 2. Und erstand how the ADAP d irec tories are org anized on your PC. 3. Perform the installation. Installation p roc ed ures are the same whether you install ADAP for the first time or up g rade from an earlier version of ADAP. Installation Requirements Before you install the ADAP software, c hec k that your PC system c onsists of the following : nAn IBM-c omp atib le PC with: — A minimum of 640 KB of RAM — A 3.5” 1.44 MB or 5.25” 1.2 MB flop py disk d rive (DEFINITY AUDIX and R1 AUDIX systems) — A 3.5” 1.44 MB flop p y d isk drive (I NTUITY AUDIX systems) — One fixed d isk (hard d rive) with a minimum of 40 MB of storag e — MS-DOS 3.1 or newer NOTE: If you have AUDIX Call Detail Rec ord ing (CDR), refer to AUDIX Call Detail Recording Package , 585-305-506, for the CDR hard ware req uirements. The D EFIN I TY AUDIX and INTUITY AUDIX systems d o not support CDR.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Installation 2-2 ADAP Directory Structure 2 The following, op tional items enhanc e and exp and your use of the ADAP software; they are availab le only for DEFINITY AUDIX and R1 AUDIX systems: nd BASE III PLUS, Version 1.1, supp lied b y you, the c ustomer, is need ed to run the PC2AUDIX p ortion of ADAP. You c an also use d BASE III PLUS with application programs you develop. nStella Business Grap hic s p ac kag e or other g rap hic s software, also provided by the c ustomer, which generates charts and graphs using data from PC2AUDIX. This is op tional. The d BASE utilities d o not work with Stella Business Grap hic s II. NOTE: The Stella Business Grap hic s p ac kag e is no long er availab le, b ut you may have p urc hased it with a p revious version of the ADAP software. nA PC–c omp atib le, p arallel p ort p rinter for p rinting text files. Recommended Hardware Configurations Your PC must b e c onnec ted to the voic e mail system throug h one of the following configurations: nDirec tly, with a Group 311 RS-232 c able c onnec ted from your PC to a Group 350 null mod em c ab le, whic h in turn is c onnec ted to: — Port A on the DEFINITY AUDIX or I NTUITY AUDIX system or — The loc al ad ministration terminal (LAT) c onnec tor on the b ac k of the R1 AUDIX system The leng th of the RS-232 c ab le should not exc eed 50 feet. nThroug h a switc h using a Hayes-c omp atib le mod em nThroug h a switc h using Mod ular Proc essor Data Mod ule (MPDM) ADAP Directory Structure When you install the ADAP software for DEFINITY AUDIX/R1 AUDIX, the d efault d irec tory used b y the ADAP setup software is PCIFCE unless the ADAPROOT environment variab le is set otherwise. Likewise, when you install the ADAP software for I NTUITY AUDIX, the default d irec tory used b y the ADAP setup software is INT_ADAP , unless the ADAPROOT environment variab le is set otherwise. After installation is c omp lete, these d irec tories c ontain the ap p rop riate ADAP software. (See the following d iag ram.) Sinc e b oth d irec tories c ontain p rog rams with the same names, the PAT H environment variab le ind ic ates whic h of the two d irec tories are to b e used when you exec ute the ADAP software. You must create the machine direc tories ( , , etc.) according

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Installation 2-3 ADAP Directory Structure 2 to instruc tions in Chap ter 3; they will c ontain the d ata that you retrieve from eac h voic e mail mac hine using ADAP. If you are working with more than one voic e mail mac hine, you need to c reate a d irec tory c orresp onding to eac h mac hine. Installing PC2AUDIX, DBASEIII, and Stella Business Grap hic s c reates the ad d itional direc tories and sub d irec tories shown in the figure b elow. The DBASE d irec tory c ontains the d BASEIII software, and the DB3_PROG.DIR and DB3_ STRU.DIR sub d irec tories to c ontain related d BASEIII p rog ram files and d atab ase struc tures. The SBG direc tory c ontains the Stella Business Grap hic s, software and the KEYFILES sub d irec tory c ontains links b etween PC2AUDIX and Stella Business Grap hic s for running g rap hic rep orts. ADAP Diskette Contents Eac h d iskette c ontains a readme file that lists the ADAP files and d irec tories c ontained on that d iskette. To d isp lay the c ontents of the readme file, insert the diskette in drive A and enter type a:readme at the DOS p romp t. (If you use a d rive other than A, enter it instead .) The ADAP software is c ontained on either 5-1/4-inc h or 3-1/2-inc h d iskettes. Use the d iskettes that fit your PC. Root Directory (optional) (optional) (optional)PCIFCEINT_ADAP DBASESBG (optional)PCIFCE DB3_PROG.DIR DB3_STRU.DIR KEYFILES AUDIX DEFAUDIX INT_ADAP Root Directory (optional) (optional) (optional)

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Installation 2-4 Installation Procedures 2 Installation Procedures Installation procedures are the same whether you are installing ADAP for the first time or up g rading from an earlier version of the ADAP software. To install ADAP, you will p erform the five following p roc ed ures, in the following ord er (note that the sec ond , third , and fourth tasks are op tional and p ertain only to DEFINITY AUDIX and R1 AUDIX systems): 1. Install the ADAP software. 2. Install the PC2AUDIX software, which also sets up database file struc tures on your PC (DEFINITY AUDIX and R1 AUDIX systems only). You must install the ADAP software b efore installing PC2AUDIX software. NOTE: PC2AUDIX d oes not op erate with INTUITY AUDIX systems. 3. Install the c ustomer-p rovid ed d BASE III PLUS d atab ase manag ement software p ac kag e (DEFINITY AUDIX and R1 AUDIX systems only). 4. Install g rap hic s software (op tional). 5. Verify that the c onfig .sys and autoexec .b at files are set up p roperly for ADAP. Install ADAP Software Perform the following steps to install the ADAP software. Installation automatic ally b uild s the req uired sub d irec tories if they d o not exist alread y. 1. ADAP software is installed b y d efault to C:\PCIFCE or C:\INT_ADAP . If you want to install to a d ifferent sub direc tory or d rive, insert the following environment variab le d efinition in your autoexec .b at file, and reboot your PC : SET ADAPROOT= :\ (where is the d rive letter and is the d irec tory p ath name) 2. Insert AUDIX Ad ministration and Data Ac q uisition Software, Disk 1 into your floppy disk drive. 3. At the DOS promp t, enter a: to c hang e to d rive A. (If you use a d iskette drive other than d rive A, enter that d rive letter instead .) 4. Enter setup . You are prompted for your floppy disk drive. 5. Enter your flop p y d isk d rive letter name, or p ress Enter to d efault to d rive a: . Th e Se t u p Fo r A U D I X PC So f t w a re m e n u a p p e a r s . RETU RN

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Installation 2-5 Installation Procedures 2 6. Press a to selec t Install ADAP Command Line Software. The Install ADAP Command Line Software sc reen app ears. 7. Press i to selec t Install. Messag es d esc rib ing installation p rog ress ap p ear. When installation of the d isk is finished, if there are more d isks to install you are p romp ted to insert the next disk. Eac h d isk takes ab out a minute to install. 8. Insert the next d isk and p ress any key to c ontinue. 9. Rep eat Step 8 for eac h d iskette req uested b y the Setup p rog ram. When installation is finished, an Installation Comp lete messag e ap p ears. 10. Press any key to c ontinue. The Setup for AUDIX PC Software menu app ears. If you p lan to use the PC2AUDX rep orting p ac kag e, install PC2AUDIX, ac c ord ing to the following sec tion. Otherwise, p ress q to q uit the setup p rog ram and g o to the Chec k Config .sys and Autoexec .b at Files later in this c hap ter. NOTE: If you q uit, and this is an initial installation, you must reb oot the PC. Install PC2AUDIX Software (Optional) If you are up g rad ing from a p revious version, PC2AUDIX p reserves any p reviously-retrieved d ata. If you are mig rating from an R1 AUDIX to DEFINITY AUDIX mac hine, PC2AUDIX automatic ally c onverts the d ata to the DEFINITY AUDIX format. However, PC2AUDIX c annot c onvert DEFINITY AUDIX d ata to R1 AUDIX format. To install the PC2AUDIX software, p erform the following step s: 1. In the Setup for AUDIX PC Software sc reen, p ress p to selec t Install PC2AUDIX Ap plic ation Software. The Install PC2AUDIX Ap p lic ation Software sc reen app ears. 2. Insert the first PC2AUDIX d isk 3. Press i to install the PC2AUDIX p rog ram software. Messag es d escrib ing installation p rog ress ap p ear. This takes ab out five minutes to install. When the PC2AUDIX installation is finished , an Installation Comp lete messag e ap p ears. 4. Press any key to d isp lay the Setup menu. 5. In the Setup menu, enter q for q uit the setup p rog ram.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Installation 2-6 Installation Procedures 2 The PC2AUDIX installation is c omp leted suc c essfully and the DOS p romp t ap p ears. NOTE: Installation c op ies all PC2AUDIX d atab ase struc tures to your PC, exc ep t those c ontained in the TEMPLATE sub d irec tory. These are useful if you are d evelop ing your own ap p lic ation prog rams. If you wish, look at the c ontents of the TEMPLATE sub direc tory on the flop p y d isks and c op y them to your PC if you want to use them. Now that PC2AUDIX is installed , p roc eed to the next p roc ed ure to install d BASE III, whic h is req uired to run PC2AUDIX. NOTE: PC2AUDIX, d BASE III, and g rap hic s software only op erate with DEFINITY AUDIX and R1 AUDIX systems. Install dBASE III Plus Software (Optional) You must install the d BASE III PLUS d atab ase manag ement p ac kage in ord er to you use PC2AUDIX. If dBASE III PLUS is not installed alread y, p erform the following steps: 1. At the DOS promp t, enter mkdir dbase to c reate a sub d irec tory named dbase . This d irec tory is where the d BASE III PLUS p rog rams will resid e on your PC. 2. Enter cd dbase to ac c ess the sub d irec tory that you just c reated . 3. Install the d BASE III PLUS software as instruc ted in the d BASE III PLUS installation d oc ument, Getting Started , d BASE III PLUS, 10060-0214. Now that d BASE III is installed , you c an p roc eed with the next p roc ed ure to install the g rap hic s software, or skip to the last p roc ed ure to c hec k the c onfig .sys and autoexec .bat files. Install Graphics Software (Optional) If you p urc hased the Stella Business Grap hic s Pac kag e when it was availab le, you may need to install or re-install the p ac kag e. To d o so, p erform the following step s: 1. At the DOS promp t, enter mkdir sbg to c reate the d irec tory where the Stella Business Grap hic s p rog rams will resid e. 2. Enter cd sbg to ac c ess the sbg sub d irec tory that you just c reated . 3. Install the Stella Business Grap hic s p ac kag e as instruc ted in St e ll a Business Graphic s Twelve Formats for Powerful Charts and Grap hs .