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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Installation 2-7 Installation Procedures 2 4. Use the setup .exe p rog ram inc lud ed with the Stella Business Grap hic s p ac kag e to set up Stella to use either the Ep son d ot matrix p rinter or the Hewlett-Pac kard LaserJet printer. This entry must matc h the entry in the PC 2 A U D I X Se t u p Pa r a m e t e r s Pri n t e r Ty p e f i e ld . Check Config.sys and Autoexec.bat Files The installation automatic ally mod ifies d ata in the c onfig .sys and autoexec .b at files. Perform the following step s to ensure that these c hang es were mad e: 1. At the DOS promp t, enter type config.sys to d isp lay the c ontents of the c onfig .sys file. 2. Check for the rs232 device line: device=c:\pcifce\ex_rs232.bin This line id entifies the d evic e d river for c ommunic ating with the voic e mail system. If it is not p resent, use your text ed itor to ad d it to the file. (If you c hang ed the ADAP software sub d irec tory to a name other than PCIFCE or INT_ADAP , the name you c hanged it to should ap pear in the file.) 3. Chec k for the following d evic e line, whic h tells ADAP how to write thing s to the sc reen: device=c:\dos\ansi.sys 4. At the DOS prompt, enter type autoexec.bat to display the c ontents of the autoexec .bat file. 5. Chec k for the line that b eg ins with PATH= and valid ate the following : a. You should see the entry c:\pcifce or c:\int_adap on this line. If you installed ADAP to a d irec tory other than either of these, the name you c hang ed it to should ap p ear on this line. b . If you installed d BASE III PLUS, you should see: c:\dbase in the PATH= line. c . If you installed Stella Business Grap hic s, you should see: c:\sbg in the PATH= line. 6. If the above entries are not included in your autoexec.bat file, use your text ed itor to ad d them to the file. 7. If you mad e any c hang es in the p revious step s, reb oot your system. Now that you have c omp leted installation, you need to c reate a sep arate work area c orresp ond ing to eac h mac hine. To d o this, follow the instruc tions in Setting Up PC2AUDIX Interfac e in a New Work Area in Chap ter 3.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Installation 2-8 Installation Procedures 2

Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-1 3 AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 3 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs PC2AUDIX is a menu-d riven ap p lic ation that d ownload s selec ted voic e mail d ata to your PC, and works with d BASE III PLUS software to g enerate stand ard ized traffic and b illing rep orts. PC2AUDIX also p rovides tools for manag ing retrieved d ata on the PC. Using PC2AUDIX you c an: nRetrieve traffic and sub sc rib er d ata to the PC nRetrieve AUDIX system Call Detail Rec ord ing (CDR) d ata to the PC nGenerate standard ized traffic rep orts on the PC d isp layed in tab le format or in g rap hic al format with a c omp atib le g rap hic s p ac kag e nGenerate subscriber usage billing reports on the PC nGenerate rep orts that reveal how subsc ribers use the voic e mail system (suc h as who c reates voic e mail messag es and how many, who allows mailb oxes to reac h a c ertain p erc entag e, and who the heavy users are) nSc hedule d ata retrieval from loc al and network mac hines for on-hours or off-hours exec ution nDisp lay ind ivid ual loc al and remote subsc rib er rec ord s nUp d ate sp ec ific PC2AUDIX d ata field s in PC2AUDIX sub sc rib er rec ords (and Name and Ext field s in the sub sc rib er d atab ase) nBac k up , restore, and d elete retrieved voic e mail d atab ase files from your PC’s fixed disk NOTE: PC2AUDIX d oes not work with the INTUITY AUDIX system.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-2 Working in PC2AUDIX 3 Working in PC2AUDIX Before using PC2AUDIX, you must first install the ADAP and PC2AUDIX software onto your PC following the installation instruc tions in Chap ter 2 . You also must install d BASE III PLUS software, as d esc rib ed in Chap ter 2 , to use PC2AUDIX. While working in PC2AUDIX you use sc reens to enter rep ort p arameters and g enerate rep orts. The keys d esc rib ed b elow are your tools for moving around the sc reen and entering values in the d ata entry field s: Func tion keys ap p ear at the b ottom of eac h PC2AUDIX sc reen. Eac h d isp lay key c orresp onds to a func tion key on your keyb oard .The most typ ic ally used function keys are shown below: moves to the next field moves to the p revious field moves b ac k one c harac ter moves forward one c harac ter moves to the start of the next field erases to the end of the field tog g les insert mod e on or off erases the c harac ter und er the c ursor (NEXT PAGE) displays the next page of data for multiple-page sc reens (PRINT FORM) p rints the sc reen with three sc reens to a p rinted pag e (PREV REC) d isp lays the p revious rec ord on the same sc reen (PREV FORM returns to the p reviously-d isp layed sc reen (CHANGE/RUN) saves c hang es that were mad e or starts exec ution of the sc reen. Sc reens c ontaining mod ifiab le field s d o not start exec ution until you press (CHANGE/RUN). (ROOT MENU) returns to the PC2AUDIX Root Menu ( H EL P) d is p la ys PC 2 A U D I X o n - li n e h e l p f o r t h e s c r e e n RETU RN Ctrl-y INS DEL F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F8 F9 F1 0

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-3 Setting Up PC2AUDIX Interface in a New Work Area 3 NOTE: If you enter an invalid date in a d ate field , suc h as 99/99/99, dBASE III PLUS d oes not allow you to leave that field , and func tion keys (inc lud ing HELP) d o not func tion p rop erly. You c an either enter a valid d ate, or p ress the key to restore the d ate field to its initial value. Make c autious use of the key, or you may unintentionally halt a PC2AUDIX op eration. Setting Up PC2AUDIX Interface in a New Work Area To set up PC2AUDIX in a new work area on your PC, you must p erform three tasks: 1. Create PC2AUDIX sub direc tories. 2 . Est a b li sh PC 2 A U D I X Se t u p Pa r a m e t e r s . 3. Estab lish Setup Parameters for Call Detail Rec ord ing (CDR). Eac h of these tasks is d esc rib ed in this sec tion. Creating PC2AUDIX Subdirectories PC2AUDIX works only in a sub d irec tory. Before using the interfac e, you must c reate a sub d irec tory on your PC to serve as a work area for storing retrieved data. If you want to retrieve d ata from more than one voic e mail system, you must first c reate a sep arate sub d irec tory on your PC c orresp ond ing to eac h system. To d o this, p erform the following step s: 1. Use the MS-DOS Date and Time c ommand s to verify that the d ate and time are c orrec t on your PC. 2. At the DOS promp t, enter cd \ to ensure that you are in your PC’s root d irec tory (d rive C:). You should see the C> promp t displayed . (If you are using an alternate d rive, suc h as d rive D, you should see that d rive letter d isp layed .) 3. Enter mkdir machine_name (where machine_name is the name of your voic e mail system) to c reate a PC2AUDIX sub direc tory for your system. If you have more than one voic e mail system in an your network, rep eat step 3 for eac h system. ESC ESC

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-4 Setting Up PC2AUDIX Interface in a New Work Area 3 Establishing PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters Setup p arameters d efine the link b etween your PC and the voic e mail system from whic h your PC retrieves d ata. If you c reated subd irec tories for more than one system in the p revious task, you must also estab lish sep arate setup p arameters for eac h system. 1. At the DOS p romp t C> , enter cd machine_name to c hang e to the AUDIX system sub direc tory you c reated in the p revious task. (If you are using an alternate disk d rive, suc h as drive D:, that d rive letter should b e d isp layed .) 2. Enter pc2audix to c all the PC2AUDIX software. Cop yrig ht information ap p ears on the sc reen for ap proximately five sec ond s. If you want to bypass this delay, press . The PC2AUDIX software c hec ks to see that you are c urrently in a sub d irec tory, that no d atab ase struc tures are missing , and that the d atab ase struc tures are a version p rior to ADAP R1V8. 3. If sub sc rib er d ata exists, a (re)ind exing messag e ap p ears Th e PC 2 A U D I X Se t u p Pa r a m e t e r s s c re e n a p p e a r s. 4. Position the c ursor (using either or the d own arrow key) at eac h of the field s that are emp ty or that have inc orrec t d efault values, and enter the c orrec t values. Field d esc rip tions and valid entries are shown b elow. RETU RN RETU RN

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-5 Setting Up PC2AUDIX Interface in a New Work Area 3 Field Name Description Valid Entries Ty p e o f c onnec tionConnec tion typ e. Default: d irec tatt4000 (ATT4000 mod em) d irec t (hard wired c onnec tion using NULL modem) hayes (Hayes-c omp atible mod em) pdm (Modular Proc essor Data Module (MPDM) in c onjunc tion with your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies switc h) Initialization String Initialization string for automatic mod em setup Default: a null string .< 40 c harac ters. Sp ac es are leg al in Hayes initialization string s. You c annot use automatic modem setup with the Luc ent Tec hnolog ies 7400B d ata mod ule. Baud Rate Sets the c ommunic ations b aud rate, measured in bits per second (bps), if the c onnec tion type is set to anything other than direct. Default: 96001200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 (for D-r3.2 thru D-r1.0.) 1200, 4800 (for R1 AUDIX software version) NOTE: Your mod em must b e ab le to transmit at the selec ted b its p er sec ond . Port Numb er Port that c onnec ts your PC to the voic e mail system. Default: COM11 (COM1) 2 (COM2) Should sp ec ify numb er of the p ort to whic h the null mod em, mod em, or PDM is c onnec ted . Ac c ess Phone # Phone numb er for your Loc al Ad ministration Te r m i n a l .The PC used to ac c ess the DEFINITY AUDIX system must b e c onnec ted to Port A on the DEFINITY AUDIX MFB. The PC used to ac c ess the AUDIX system must b e c onnec ted to the LAT (Loc al Ad ministration Terminal) port on the AUDIX eq uipment c ab inet. You must enter the p hone numb er if the c onnec tion typ e is set to anything other than d irec t. NOTE: When using a Hayes Comp atib le modem, you may inp ut a “t ” in front of the ac c ess p hone numb er to ac c ess the system more q uic kly using touc h-tone d ialing .

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-6 Setting Up PC2AUDIX Interface in a New Work Area 3 5. Press (CHANGE/RUN) to save the c hang es you have mad e to pag e 1 of the PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters. (You c an also wait until you have mad e all c hanges to p ag e 1 and p ag e 2 of this sc reen b efore saving .) ADAP log s into the voic e mail system to verify the switc h c onnec tion typ e and log s out ag ain. If you sp ec ified D-r3.2, D-r3.1, D-r3.0, D-r2.0, or D-r1.0 as the AUDIX software version, PC2AUDIX d isp lays a messag e stating that you c annot revert to an R1 environment for the PC2AUDIX. 6. Press (NEXT PG) to d isp lay p ag e 2 of this sc reen. 7. Enter the d esired information. Field desc rip tions and valid entries are shown b elow the sc reen examp le. AUDIX Log in Name Ad ministrator’s login ID. AU D I X Pa s sw o rd Pa s sw o rd f o r AUDIX Log in Name.For sec urity p urp oses, the p assword d oes not ap p ear on the sc reen after you p ress (CHANGE/RUN). To make an entry you must c lear out remaining p ound sig ns b efore pressing . AU D I X Sys t e m Pa s sw o rd Password of the DEFINITY AUDIX system you want to ac c ess. Pa s sw o rd is required when the AUDIX log in name is c ust. For sec urity p urp oses, the p assword never appears (hidden by pound [#] signs) on the sc reen after you p ress (CHANGE/RUN). If the DEFINITY AUDIX system d oes not have a system p assword , p lac e a set of d oub le q uotes (“ “ ) in the field . To make an entry you must clear out remaining pound signs before pressing . AUDIX software versionVersion of the voic e mail system software used on this system. Default: D-r3.2 NOTE: This field must b e set c orrec tly in ord er for PC2AUDIX to func tion p rop erly. Field Name Description Valid Entries F8 F8 F8 F8 F8 F6

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-7 Setting Up PC2AUDIX Interface in a New Work Area 3 Field Name Description Valid Entries Printer Port The p ort on the PC whic h c onnec ts the local p rinter. Default: lp t1lp t1, lp t2, lp t3, c om2 none (no p rinter c onnec ted ; outp ut is d isp layed automatically on the PC screen). You may red irec t the p rinted outp ut from lp t1 to a serial p ort, COM n, using the DOS mode c ommand . If you use the mode command, enter lp t1 in the Printer p ort field . Printer Typ e Ind ic ates that there is a printer c onnec ted .dotmatrix (formats outp ut for a 100-p erc ent Ep son c omp atib le dot matrix p rinter) laser (formats outp ut p rinting for a Hewlett-Pac kard LaserJet II or p rinter c ap ab le of 100 p erc ent emulation of a Hewlett-Pac kard LaserJet II b lank (no p rinter c onnec ted ) If the p revious field is none, enter a b lank.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Using PC2AUDIX Application Programs 3-8 Setting Up PC2AUDIX Interface in a New Work Area 3 AUDIX name for this siteName of the voic e mail system, your c omp any, or other id entifier whic h ap p ears in the head er information of rep orts generated by PC 2 A U D I X. d isp lay-only field Sw it c h c onnec tion typ eId entifies the type of c onnec tion b etween the switc h and the voic e mail system. A d efault (d c iu-sc i) initially d isp lays; this is verified and changed (if ap p rop riate) when the PC c onnec ts to the system.d isp lay-only field d c iu-sc i, smsi, b ri-ap i, sl1, sail, or stand -alone For a DEFINITY AUDIX system, the c onnec tion typ e in this field c omes from the System-Parameters Features form, and the value is embedded. For the AUDIX system, the c onnec tion typ e in this field c omes from the System : Translation : Switc h Connec tion sc reen. Delete d elimited d ata files after merg ed b y PC 2 A U D I X?Determines if intermed iate d ata files rec eived from the voice mail system are d eleted from the PC. Default: yy (avoid s unnec essary sp ac e usag e on the PC ) n (you must manually d elete these files when they are no longer needed) AUDIX misc field = org anization #?:Interp rets org anization c od es Default: ny ( PC2AUDIX interp rets org . c od es from the Misc ellaneous field on the DEFINITY AUDIX Sub sc rib er sc reen or from the Misc field on the AUDIX Subscriber : Local screen). n (org . c od es are interp reted from PC2AUDIX site sp ec ific d ata fields). Graph Option Installed ?:Defines whether op tional g rap hic s software is installed . Default: ny (Stella Business Grap hic s p ac kag e is installed on this PC) n (Stella not installed ) Loc ation of Graphic s Work Area Grap hic s work area loc ation.Direc tory p ath for the d irec tory in whic h the Stella Business Graphic s Package was installed . Field Name Description Valid Entries