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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-145 getsys 12 Errors If you use this c ommand with an R1 AUDIX R1V2 System, an error messag e ap p ears. Otherwise, if no log entries exist that fit the sp ec ified searc h, no outp ut is written. hhmm Retrieves d ata from the hour ( hhmm) of the d ay (mmddyy) that you have sp ec ified alread y, to the time that you enter this c ommand . For examp le, if you enter 1500 at 6:00 p .m., the d ata from 3:00 p .m. to 6:00 p .m. is retrieved . Mid nig ht is rep resented b y 0000. -t Error typ e flag ; must b e followed with error typ e. error typeRetrieves log entries for the spec ified error typ e. See the ap prop riate voic e mail system ad ministration or maintenanc e manual for a list of error typ es. -n Numb er of log entries flag ; must b e followed b y nn. nn Retrieves the number ( nn) of log entries that you sp ec ify. If you d on’t sp ec ify this flag or you use the word all , all alarm entries that meet the sp ec ific ation c riteria are returned . -r Release flag ; must b e followed b y release. release Retrieves d ata for the sp ec ified release of the I NTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, or R1 AUDIX (R1V3 and beyond ) System software. The d efault for the DEFINITY AUDIX system is D-r3.2. The d efault for the I NTUITY AUDIX System is I-r5.0. -v Writes transfer statistic s to the sc reen at the end of the transfer. Pressing v while the c ommand is exec uting send s the up d ated transfer status to the sc reen. -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file, form_req.rc . -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens d ata. > ofile Sp ec ifies the name of the file to whic h d ata will b e written. The filename must b e p rec ed ed b y the symb ol > . If no outp ut file is sp ec ified , d ata is written to the sc reen.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-146 getsys 12 Output Format Outp ut for getsys is formatted as follows, with one rec ord for eac h log entry. Example The following c ommand retrieves the DEFINITY AUDIX Disp lay Ad ministra- tion-Log sc reen d ata from 12:25 p .m. on Novemb er 14, 1994, to the time that the c ommand was entered , writes a summary of the transfer statistic s to the sc reen, and writes outp ut to a file named errors. getsys -d 111494 -h 1225 -v > errors The following data is written to the file, one line for eac h log entry: 19941114,1225,clrd,ADMINISTRATION LOG RECREATED DURING INIT 19941114,1225,clrd,CHRONO LOG RECREATED DURING INIT 19941114,1225,clrd,RESOLVED ALARM LOG RECREATED DURING INIT 19941114,1411,time,Time synchronization with switch was successful The following c ommand retrieves the R1 AUDIX R1V8 system : log : d isp lay sc reen d ata from 8:05 a.m. on January 26, 1995, to the time that the c ommand was entered , writes a summary of the transfer statistic s to the sc reen, and writes output to a file named errors. getsys -r r1v8 -d 012695 -h 0805 -v > errors The following data is written to the file, one line for eac h log entry: 19950126,0805,nsua,Subscriber update audit requested FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 date D 8 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 2 time T 4 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 3 type/event id C 14 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 4 error/messag e/alarm C 118 r1v3+ D-r1.0+ I-r2.0+ 5 c ount C 3 I-r2.0+ 6 ap plic ation C 2 I-r2.0+ RETURN NEWLINE NEWLINE NEWLINE NEWLINE RETURN NEWLINE

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-147 getsysat 12 getsysat Get system attend ant d ata Syntax getsysat [-r release] [-v ] [-w ] [-V ] [-i ] [< ifile] [> ofile] Description This c ommand retrieves the following sc reens: nINTUITY AUDIX Disp lay Sub sc rib er nDEFINITY AUDIX Disp lay Sub sc rib er nR1 AUDIX (R1V3 and b eyond ) system : attend ant Use sub sc rib er extensions as inp ut. Retrieved d ata is written to stand ard outp ut. (The outp ut of the getatt c ommand is g ood inp ut for this c ommand .) -r Release flag ; must b e followed b y release. release Retrieves d ata for the sp ec ified release of the I NTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, or R1 AUDIX (R1V3 and beyond ) System software. The d efault for the DEFINITY AUDIX system is D-r3.2. The d efault for the I NTUITY AUDIX System is I-r5.0. -v Writes transfer statistic s to the sc reen at the end of the transfer.Unless -i is specified, pressing v while the c ommand is exec uting send s the up d ated transfer status to the sc reen. -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file, form_req.rc . -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens d ata. -i Turns off the searc h for p ossib le sub seq uent entry of the v and q (q uit) op tions. Otherwise, if you typ e ahead , you may lose c harac ters. If you d on’t sp ec ify -i , you must sp ec ify an inp ut file (< ifile) from whic h the extensions are read . < ifile Sp ec ifies the name of an input file you have c reated . The filename must b e p rec ed ed b y the symb ol < .

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-148 getsysat 12 Errors If you try to use this c ommand with an R1 AUDIX R1V2 System, an error messag e ap p ears. If the extension d oes not b elong to a valid voic e mail automated attend ant, an error message ap p ears g iving the rec ord numb er c ontaining the invalid extension. If more rec ord s exist, retrieval c ontinues. Input Format The Inp ut Format for the getsysat c ommand c onsists of one rec ord for eac h automated attend ant: Output Format Outp ut for the getsysat c ommand is formatted as follows, with one rec ord for eac h system attend ant.This file c ontains one or more extensions of the system attend ants. If you ran the getatt c ommand and red irec ted its outp ut to a file, you c ould use this file as inp ut to the getsysat c ommand . If you d on’t sp ec ify an inp ut file, you must sp ec ify the -i op tion, whic h allows you to typ e the ind ivid ual extensions d irec tly from your keyb oard after entering this c ommand . > ofile Sp ec ifies the name of the file to whic h d ata are written. The filename must b e p rec ed ed b y the symb ol > . If no outp ut file is sp ec ified , d ata is written to the sc reen. FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1extensionK10r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITY AUDIX System 1nameC29r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 2extensionK10r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 3allow c all transferL1r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 4button 1 extensionC10r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-149 getsysat 12 5button 1 c ommentC29r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 6button 2 extensionC10r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 7button 2 c ommentC29r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 8button 3 extensionC10r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 9button 3 c ommentC29r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 10button 4 extensionC10r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 11button 4 c ommentC29r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 12button 5 extensionC10r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 13button 5 c ommentC29r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 14button 6 extensionC10r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 15button 6 c ommentC29r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 16button 7 extensionC10r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 17button 7 c ommentC29r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 18button 8 extensionC10r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 19button 8 c ommentC29r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 20button 9 extensionC10r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 21button 9 c ommentC29r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 22button 0 extensionC10r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 23button 0 c ommentC29r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 24default timeout extensionK10r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 25length of timeout in sec ond sC1r1v3+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 26button 1 treatmentC14r1v5+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 27button 2 treatmentC14r1v5+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 28button 3 treatmentC14r1v5+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 29button 4 treatmentC14r1v5+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 30button 5 treatmentC14r1v5+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 31button 6 treatmentC14r1v5+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 32button 7 treatmentC14r1v5+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 33button 8 treatmentC14r1v5+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 34button 9 treatmentC14r1v5+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 35button 0 treatmentC14r1v5+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 36timeout treatmentC14r1v5+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ 37timeout c ommentC29r1v5+D-r1.0+I-r2.0+ FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITY AUDIX System

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-150 getsysat 12 Example The following c ommand retrieves the INTUITY or DEFINITY AUDIX Disp lay Sub - sc rib er sc reen d ata for one subsc riber from the inp ut file c alled attend , writes a summary of the transfer statistic s to the sc reen, and writes outp ut to a file named attfile . getsysat -v < attend > attfile The following data is written to the file: Main Attendant,60099,n,60001,Sales,60002, Personnel,60003,Purchasing,60004,Accounting, 60005,Engineering,,,,,,,,,,, 60010,5,call-answer,call-answer,call-answer, call-answer,call-answer,,,,,, call-answer, RETURN NEWLINE

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-151 getsyscd 12 getsyscd Get system Call Detail Rec ord ing d ata Syntax getsyscd [-r release] [-v ] [-w ] [-V ] [> ofile] Description This c ommand retrieves the R1 AUDIX (R1V5 and b eyond ) system: c d r sc reen data. NOTE: You must have the sep arately-p urc hased Call Detail Rec ord ing (CDR) software to rec eive and use this c ommand . No inp ut is required . Retrieved data is written to stand ard outp ut. Errors If you use this c ommand with the INTUITY AUDIX, DEFINITY AUDIX, or R1 AUDIX Systems software p rior to R1V5, an error messag e app ears on the sc reen. -r Release flag ; must b e followed b y release. release Retrieves d ata for the sp ec ified release of the R1 AUDIX software (R1V5 and b eyond ). The d efault is D-r3.2. -v Writes transfer statistic s to the sc reen at the end of the transfer. Pressing v while the c ommand is exec uting send s the up d ated transfer status to the sc reen. -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file, form_req.rc . -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens d ata. > ofileSp ec ifies the name of the file to whic h d ata is written. The filename must b e p rec ed ed b y the symb ol > . If no output file is sp ec ified, d ata is written to the sc reen

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-152 getsyscd 12 Output Format Outp ut for the getsyscd c ommand is formatted as follows. Example The following c ommand retrieves the R1 AUDIX R1V8 system : c d r sc reen d ata, writes a summary of the transfer statistic s to the sc reen, and writes outp ut to a file named sysc d r. getsyscd -r r1v8 -v > syscdr The following data is written to the file: y,50000,y,y,n FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1c all d etail rec ord ing ac tiveL1r1v5+ 2max number of c all detail rec ord sN6r1v5+ 3voic e session rec ord c ollec tionL1r1v5+ 4outg oing c all rec ord c ollec tionL1r1v5+ 5network session rec ord c ollec tionL1r1v5+ RETURN NEWLINE

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-153 getsysfe 12 getsysfe Get system p arameters features d ata Syntax getsysfe [-r release] [-v ] [-w ] [-V ] [> ofile] Description This c ommand retrieves the following sc reens: nINTUITY AUDIX Disp lay System-Parameters Features nDEFINITY AUDIX Disp lay System-Parameters Features No inp ut is required . Retrieved data is written to stand ard outp ut. Errors If you try to use this c ommand with an R1 AUDIX System, an error messag e ap p ears on the sc reen. -r Release flag ; must b e followed b y release. release Retrieves d ata for the sp ec ified release of the I NTUITY AUDIX or the DEFINITY AUDIX System software. The d efault for the DEFINITY AUDIX system is D-r3.2. The d efault for the I NTUITY A U D I X Sy st e m is I-r5.0. -v Writes transfer statistic s to the sc reen at the end of the transfer. Pressing v while the c ommand is exec uting send s the up d ated transfer status to the sc reen. -w Writes a one-line summary of the exit status of this c ommand into the file, form_req.rc . -V Writes the ADAP version numb er for this c ommand and exits without transferring any sc reens d ata. > ofile Sp ec ifies the name of the file to whic h d ata is written. The filename must b e p rec ed ed b y the symb ol > . If no output file is sp ec ified, d ata is written to the sc reen.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Command Line Database Retrieval Commands 12-154 getsysfe 12 Output Format Outp ut for the getsysfe c ommand when c ommunic ating with a DEFINITY AUDIX system is formatted as follows: FIELD VOICE MAIL VERSIONS Seq. No. Field Name TypeMax. WidthR1 AUDIX System DEFINITY AUDIX SystemI NTUITYAUDIX System 1 switc h c onnec tion typ e C 11 D-r1.0+ 2login retries N 1D-r1.0+ 3 c onsec utive invalid log in attemp ts N 3D-r1.0+ 4 system g uest p assword K 15D-r1.0+ 5 minimum p assword leng th N 2D-r1.0+ 6 input time limit, normal N 2D-r1.0+ 7 input time limit, full mailb ox timeout N 1D-r1.0+ 8 input time limit, wait N 3D-r1.0+ 9 broadc ast mailb ox extension K 10D-r1.0+ 10 system p rime time, start hour N 2D-r1.0+ 11 system p rime time, start minute N 2D-r1.0+ 12 system p rime time, end hour N 2D-r1.0+ 13 system p rime time, end minute N 2D-r1.0+ 14 traffic c ollec tion ac tivation L 1D-r1.0+ 15 name rec ord ing b y sub sc rib er ac tivation L 1D-r1.0+ 16 multip le personal g reetings ac tivation L 1D-r1.0+ 17 c all transfer out of AUDIX ac tivation L 1D-r1.0+ 18 enhanc ed c all transfer ac tivation L 1D-r1.0+ 19 c overing ext for c all transfer out of AUDIX K 10D-r1.0+ 20 c all transfer restric tion out of AUDIX C 11D-r1.0+ 21 end of messag e warning feature ac tivation L 1D-r1.0+ 22 end of messag e warning time N 2D-r1.0+ 23 weekly b ac kup enab led L 1D-r1.0+ 24 ac tive announc ement set C 14D-r1.0+ 25 ad ministrative announc ement set C 14D-r1.0+ 26 resc hed uling inc rement 1, d ays N 2D-r1.0+ 27 resc hed uling inc rement 1, hours N 2D-r1.0+ 28 resc hed uling inc rement 1, minutes N 2D-r1.0+ 29 resc hed uling inc rement 2, d ays N 2D-r1.0+ 30 resc hed uling inc rement 2, hour N 2D-r1.0+ 31 resc hed uling inc rement 2, minutes N 2D-r1.0+ 32 resc hed uling inc rement 3, d ays N 2D-r1.0+ 33 resc hed uling inc rement 3, hours N 2D-r1.0+ 34 resc hed uling inc rement 3, minutes N 2D-r1.0+ 35 resc hed uling inc rement 4, d ays N 2D-r1.0+ 36 resc hed uling inc rement 4, hours N 2D-r1.0+