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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Traffic Reports 5-45 Monthly System Attendant Traffic Report 5 To display the Monthly System Attendant Traffic Report: 1. At the AUDIX Traffic Rep orts menu, selec t 9) System Attendant Traffic for a Month. The following sc reen appears: Defaults are as follows: nRep ort Date is the c urrent month. You c an c hang e this d ate to any month for whic h traffic d ata still exists in the voic e mail d atab ase. n“ Send output to d evic e” is the p rinter d efined in the PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters. You c an d isp lay the rep ort on the PC sc reen by b lanking out the field, or c opy the rep ort to a file b y entering a file name. If you d id not d efine a p rinter in PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters, this field is blank by default and the rep ort ap pears on the PC sc reen. 2. Enter the extension of the automated attend ant to rep ort on 3. If you wish, c hang e any or all of the d efault rep ort d ata. Otherwise PC2AUDIX retrieves the d efault-sp ec ified information. 4. Press (CHANGE/RUN) to generate the rep ort. 5. If you have Stella Business Grap hic s installed on your PC, the p romp t “ Do you want to see the g rap hic al view of this d ata?” ap p ears. Enter y to inc lud e g rap hic al outp ut or n to d isp lay the rep ort in tab le format only. 6. The rep ort ap p ears as a tab le with rep ort field s shown horizontally ac ross the p ag e and attend ants listed vertic ally d own the p ag e. If you have g rap hic al outp ut c ap ab ility and entered y in the previous step , a c hart also is inc lud ed with the outp ut. If the system attend ant uses an extension whic h is rec og nized as a valid extension on the switc h b ut is not a voic e mail sub sc rib er, the messag e not an AUDIX subscriber is p rinted in p lac e of the traffic statistic s for that extension. F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Traffic Reports 5-46 Monthly System Attendant Traffic Report 5

PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 6-1 Overview 6 AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 6 PC2AUDIX Billing Reports Overview This chapter describes the following: nHow to use PC2AUDIX to prod uc e stand ard ized b illing rep orts for the voic e mail system using download ed subsc riber traffic d ata nHow to use the billing pac kage to see how your subscribers are using the voic e mail system The PC2AUDIX sub sc rib er b illing feature g enerates b illing rep orts for sub sc rib ers and org anizations b ased on ac tual monthly usag e of the voic e mail system. The billing proc ess consists of the following steps: 1.Define the b illing p ric e b reakd own — You c an sp ec ify the c ost of the voic e mail system servic es suc h as session leng th, numb er of ac c esses, filesystem space used, and individual feature usage. 2. Calc ulate the monthly b illing — This op tion c alc ulates the monthly b illing for any selec ted month whic h has d ata availab le on the PC. 3. Generate the b illing rep orts — A menu d isp lays report format selec tions for billing and bill summaries. Eac h of these step s is d esc rib ed in this c hapter. You may also use the PC2AUDIX b illing feature to find out how sub sc ribers use the voic e mail system. For examp le, to enc ourag e send ing voic e mail (and thus inc reasing p rod uc tivity), you c ould use the b illing p ac kag e to g enerate a rep ort showing who sent the most voic e mail messag es and who sent the fewest (or none). Another example is to use the b illing p ac kag e to find out who g ets the most c all answer c alls. This information c an help you determine who in your org anization mig ht need further training on using the voic e mail system to become more productive.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 6-2 Organization Codes 6 Organization Codes A key element of the sub sc rib er b illing feature is the org anization c od e, whic h allows you to d efine a rep orting ord er for g roup s and dep artments in your org anization. The org anization c od e is assumed to b e hierarc hic al (for examp le, c od e 9901 rep orts to c od e 990, whic h rep orts to c od e 99). PC2AUDIX assumes that the relationship b etween organizations c an b e d etermined b y sc anning org anization c od es left to rig ht. If you ask for a rep ort for org anization 99, then all sub sc rib ers that have org anization c od es starting with 99 are inc lud ed . If you req uest a summary rep ort showing the c ost breakd own within an organization, then all org anization c od es d irec tly rep orting to the sp ec ified org anization c od e are inc lud ed . For example: an org anizational b reakd own for org anization c ode 99 might inc lud e org anization c od es 991, 992, and 993. Org anization c od es c an b e any c omb ination of letters or numb ers. Prerequisites To g enerate b illing reports, PC2AUDIX req uires monthly sub sc rib er traffic d ata for the month you are g enerating the rep ort. This p roc ess is d esc rib ed in Chapter 4, PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval , or Chap ter 8, Sc hed uling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval. If you use org anization c od es, you must assig n these cod es to ind ivid ual sub sc rib ers using either the PC2AUDIX site-sp ec ific Org . Cod e d ata field described in Chap ter 8, Sc heduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval , or the misc field in sub sc rib er rec ord s on the voic e mail system. If you use the misc field for this p urp ose, you must assig n it as suc h in PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters. Starting the Billing Process Perform the following step s to initiate the PC2AUDIX sub sc rib er b illing feature. Note that you must retrieve ap p rop riate d ata from the voic e mail d atab ase before reports can be produced. 1. At the DOS prompt C> , enter cd machine_name to c hang e to the d irec tory for the voic e mail system for whic h you wish to p rod uc e b illing rep orts. 2. Enter pc2audix to c all PC2AUDIX software.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 6-3 Define Price Breakdown 6 3. At the PC2AUDIX Root Menu, selec t 3) Customer Billing. The following sc reen appears: 4. Selec t the op tion for the b illing func tion you wish to p erform. These op tions are individually described on the next several pages. Define Price Breakdown This op tion sp ec ifies how the billing c alc ulations are mad e. The sc reen d isp lays c urrent d efaults; a zero in any c ateg ory ind ic ates that item is not c onsid ered for billing purposes. You c an modify any field . Mod ific ations are not p ermanent until after you p ress the (CHANGE/RUN) key. All inp ut field s are numeric . In ord er to see the c hang es mad e b y altering this form, you must rec alc ulate monthly b ills b y using the Do Monthly Bill Calc ulation op tion. F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 6-4 Define Price Breakdown 6 Perform the following step s to define b illing p ric e b reakd owns: 1. At the Customer Billing menu, selec t 2) Define Pric e Breakdown. The following sc reen appears: 2. Press (NEXT PG) to d isp lay p ag e 2 of the Billing Pric e Breakd own sc reen. The following sc reen appears: F6

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 6-5 Define Price Breakdown 6 3. Press (NEXT PG) to d isp lay p ag e 3 of the Billing Pric e Breakd own sc reen. The following sc reen ap pears: 4. Press (NEXT PG) ag ain to red isp lay pag e 1 of the Billing Pric e Breakd own sc reen. 5. Enter values as ap prop riate on p ag e 1, p ag e 2, or p age 3 of this sc reen. 6. Press (CHANGE/RUN) to define the b illing p ric e b reakdown. You are now ready to c alc ulate the monthly b illing as d esc rib ed later in this c hap ter. Billing Price Breakdown Data Fields Data field s on the three p ag es of the Billing Pric e Breakd own sc reen d etermine what typ es of voic e mail system usage to b ill for and the resp ec tive b illing rates. A zero in any field ind ic ates that field is not inc lud ed in b illing c riteria. Data field s are as follows: nThe Flat fee field estab lishes a flat monthly usag e fee for all subsc ribers on the voice mail system reg ard less of system usag e. nThe remaining field s are all d irec tly from the DEFINITY AUDIX List Measurements Sub sc riber Month sc reen or the R1 AUDIX traffic : sub sc rib er : month sc reen. Use these field s to establish billing values for the voic e mail system sub sc rib ers b ased on ac tual system usag e. Refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX List Measurements Sub sc rib er Month sc reen in the D EFI N I TY A U D I X Sys t e m — Fo rm s Re f e r e n c e, 585-300-207, or the AUDIX Traffic : Sub sc rib er : Month sc reen in the AUDIX Release 1 Version 8 Forms Referenc e , 585-306-204, for information ab out the typ es of d ata c ollec ted for eac h of these field s. Then assig n b illing rates for system usag e as ap p rop riate for your org anization. F6 F6 F8

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 6-6 Define Price Breakdown 6 Examples The following examp les illustrate how you c an set b illing p ric e b reakd own d ata field s to provid e sp ec ific typ es of information. Example #1: Charge for 800-numb er ac c ess. 1. If there are remote subsc rib ers who use an 800 number either to rec eive messag es or to p ic k up messag es, you can acc ess the c harg es for that c ost b y entering a value in the Session usag e field s und er PRIME SHIFT U SAG E a n d N O N - PRI M E SH I FT U SA GE. 2. If the 800 numb er c osts 11 c ents a minute (.183 p er sec ond ), enter .183 und er b oth the USER ACCESS and CALL ANSWER c olumns. 3. Run the monthly b ill c alc ulation. 4. Either sep arately p rint out those sub sc rib ers who use the 800 numb er, or use an org anization c od e to g et b ills for all sub sc rib ers who use the 800 numb er. Example #2: Reward for voic e mail usag e. 1. To g et a list (ordered from most to least) of who uses voic e mail and who d oes not, fill in the Messag es c reated , total messag es field s und er PRIME SH I FT U SA GE a n d N O N - PRI M E SH I FT U SA G E. Yo u c a n u s e a n y va lu e , suc h as 1.0. 2. Run the monthly b ill c alc ulation. 3. Use the List Sub sc rib ers With Bills Over Sp ec ified Amount op tion (desc rib ed in Chap ter 7, PC2AUDIX Datab ase Searc hes ) to list voic e mail users in d esc end ing ord er based on volume. Example #3: Find your heaviest users. 1. Enter a value in the Session usag e field s und er the USER ACCESS c olumn f o r b o t h PRI M E SH I FT U SA G E a n d N ON - PRI M E SH I FT U SAG E, s u c h a s 0001. 2. Run the monthly b ill c alc ulation. 3. Use the List Sub sc rib ers With Bills Over Sp ec ified Amount op tion (desc rib ed in Chap ter 7, PC2AUDIX Datab ase Searc hes ) to find the heaviest users.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 6-7 Monthly Bill Calculation 6 Monthly Bill Calculation This op tion p erforms monthly b ill c alc ulations using values that were p reviously d efined on the Billing Pric e Breakd own form. Bill c alc ulation is d one for eac h sub sc rib er b ased on monthly sub sc rib er traffic d ata c ollec ted from the voic e mail system. NOTE: Monthly b ill c alc ulation c an take from one to five sec onds p er sub sc rib er, d ep end ing on how many non-zero entries you have in the Bill Pric e Breakd own form. In other word s, at worst c ase this p roc ed ure c an take five sec ond s for eac h of 4000 sub sc rib ers, whic h is 5-1/2 hours. You may remove b illing d ata the Delete Data From Fixed Disk menu option described in Chap ter 10, PC2AUDIX Datab ase Manag ement Tools . Perform the following step s to c alc ulate monthly b illing: 1. At the Customer Billing menu, selec t 3) Do Monthly Bill Calc ulation. The following sc reen appears: The old est and most c urrent d ates of monthly sub sc riber traffic data on the PC d isp lay. Ad d itionally, dates for b illing data left over from p revious billing calculations display. You must sp ec ify the month for whic h you wish to c alc ulate bills. The d efault provid ed b y this sc reen is the most c urrent d ate of monthly sub sc rib er traffic d ata on this PC.

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Billing Reports 6-8 Generate Billing Reports 6 2. Choose from the following : nPress (CHANGE/RUN) to c alc ulate monthly b ills for the displayed default billing period. nEnter a d ifferent month to c alc ulate b ills for (from within the d isp layed rang e of c urrent monthly sub sc rib er traffic d ata), and p ress (CHANGE/RUN). Billing c alc ulations are mad e for the sp ec ified month and the numb er of sub sc rib ers p roc essed app ears on the STATUS line. You are now read y to generate billing reports as described next in this chapter. Generate Billing Reports This op tion g enerates monthly b illing rep orts. Note that you must c omp lete Monthly Billing Calc ulation for the selec ted month b efore you c an generate rep orts. Perform the following step s to prod uc e monthly b illing rep orts: 1. At the Customer Billing menu, selec t 1) Generate Rep orts. The following sc reen appears: 2. Selec t the ap prop riate op tion for the b illing rep ort you wish to g enerate. These op tions are ind ivid ually d esc rib ed on the next several p ag es. F8 F8